DISCOLORATION ON ORIGINAL CiKtIIINO AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. NEW CLOTHING ! JAMESTOWN CLOTHING STORE, , (Formerly J. A. I.OSKE,) Ve liavc just received and arc now peiiinq1 to the ad miring gaze of the citiioui ul ratrutcnin Ccnlic and ldnity tins' largest etock of SPR.NG CLOTHING! Ever brought to Petroleum Centre. t Clothing Mads to Onhr at the Shortest Notice. Hats and Caps of Every Style. Sri Gents' Furnishing Goods Our Slock is Complete. Inspection of our stock Is respectfully solicited. 3T One Price, and all Goods warranted as represented: jgj Petroleum Centra MJirch 1. 1"9.-tf. ' ELE HKf.iKTEl) fO'l 1III3 DAILY REl'OUO, DRUGS AND MEDICINES. S ! jyiEDICINES J. H. CHRISTIE, DEALER IN N 'nmras. jsmDicnmB. oils, Paint s, Varnishes, G-lass, Putty . .. Sua,!, Dye stuff. TPrtvf rmd Toilet UOJieS. '. '-J; flUV ' " ALL OF PATEJ3T G9EB1G1SES; .Afti'inmm Disp.ikhi's. New' York, M uch 27. Th Tribune's llavjin special says: Tl:e Spaniards nrv secretly uniing the home, gov- t-i n iuun t to anil me u.acas. Chicaco, March 211. The Slate of Iowa U In an excellent tinun. ci-.il condition. 11 does not owe a cent, and has a surplus of $C3I',000 on hand. PoitKhkeopjie, N. Y March 27. Montague Denu, a convict In Smsr S.li);z iir'an ,li.-,l oeatetflnv fnim CnlflilV l8-'eived nt llie'unndt of one of the keepers named Bnckinnlinm. The Utter hut been remov ed, but not arrested. An Omaha dispatch says: Advices from (tin !. m t tunnnrl llniei-vntititl slate thai great di-satislaction exists anion;; t;ie Indi ans at the manner in which I ho treaties are Mn-jt carried out. It is said that vn Spotted Tail was complaining. An early outhreuk is feared. .Tames Middleton and John Mahr.pey foiiBht half n dozen rounds in a prizu liriht nenr Bunker Hill, Charleston. yesterday niornini. in the. rcsenee of two hundred roughs. The nprje irance of Iho police stop ped (be fljht. lint in arresta wera made. I 'iTe like to record a pood) action by ons who is regarded as a bud man, and'in ilo'n't it wo aw led lo infinite if it is probable that liio average r,f pood men, n'ier nil, uo net- ler. The case in mint is lh,f: A Renin nun walking down or up Rioadwsy, a short t'iiii" sir.ee, was sc;o-l.'d ly a women. ag'U about 3.) yeais. '. s '' itu 'ra, traces cm I'miner beau'y, w'.mA-Ue l for sssislance for heveir. ha-"i- id I'lt-i children. N 't tinning a deal 'ear ut !. 'm- pn. osed lo ai company the appFciiu ( h r home, awl If her story was trie !"'.!.! relief. HiorJiuIi lr assent -d, ami t!i y s i t v.T.;hed a mlr. uMo leiiem-'it U"y. Ti.s sick husband and three ciiih'.i'- n. MM-fe'y covered by tli'ir rajs, weio ot'diilei together in a corner, try- ' i in to keep I'.ci.i rre.r.h.;,- by c..'iibinii,g the THE OIL JIAUttrTS, Ofmck or ) TrtK Ti-.T'it Ckstkb Daii.v liuconu, V l'Kruoi.BLit Cbxtrk, March Z7. As utual on Siturday the market U quiet and dull, nothing doing. Shipmenlsof oil from this point, March 2(i, per O. C. & A. 11. Knilroad, S3H barrels. A. D. MILLER CO.'S COLUMN. I l lWIIXl Il MAUIkKTSl KV 'i'KI,. ts aii t. S.u.;ial Ulipatchr xa the IWI Hml. I'li'Tsiii Huit. March 27. rpol UV ! ii:,t water ii U. O. first six uiomlm, fur j gr. lor IT i:r. S. (). lii-dt six monlliif, It fur4ogr. lor 4 1 jir. Uuvers' option all this year, for 45 ki; lor 47 e.r. Sellers' opllou uli this year, 14J for 45 gr. Market Dull. A. D, MILLER & CO, '."bo!(!a'e ami Ketnt! Dealers in DRUGS, MEDICINES, && Wnslti5i:tn St it' ft, PKTitn;t. ;i:.ritE, pa. ruu.AOELfiiiA, March 27. Spot. March 31. April .?4' May to July. 35. May, lo Sept., June, . J-lly 36i. April to July nsked. Crude Hols., 22' j. Crude bull;, lit Market Weas; very little enquiry. - New York. March 27. Receipts Hcfincd. 2.300 barrels. Crude. bb!s. Naptha, bills. Crude, 19 R'.'llned. spot SV'.. MiirUet Weak ai d irregular. Loxuox. March 27.-2 p. ni. U-.nned. 2d. Sidiiis. il. Their Stock consists of everylaing.lu tho Hue of Dross & Medicines ! FOIl MEDICINAL rURI'OSES, Wholesale and Ketall Agenla tor YISKMirB STOMACH KITTEK, JOHN ROOT'S HITTER?, CONSTITUTION HITTURS. at tom vol' THE HAIR. SEWAUI)' JtBKNTL KY'S COUGH SYRUP MGIG MACEDONIAN OIL, DUVONCO'S GULDEN 1'ILLS, WAf KUI! A- HAZE'S CIGARS, jAYNhS' MEDICINES. ANDIMJSON'S DERMA DOR. Sl'ENCKR'S MIXTI.RE. .Sl'i-.NCKR'S OINTMENT, &e. pueEWisHS t: LIQUORS ! tlS.SL SELECTED EXPRESSLY I-'Oli MEDICAL PURPO.?E I. - Preseriptioiis enrefully componnded at all boars. CO'in;etiare h ni.iiuly s .i.wed that CM wa nn! the oniy t'uiiiit they n,:Vov.l rritn. 1 he " nileinan promi'il s, nilora phjs'.ciun. and tlion cava i!m won -a a ro'.l of bllis, which on o; e:i:ti; ihe Ijun.l to amount to the sum ot ' lifiy l"l!ari. He waited uatil ii:e physician arrived, when hv ordered lira t, attend In Iho suTer'In family anil sr.d his bill to him. The hum.irrtrii.n relused ta ulvo tho wnin in his name, lint the raiF- hind rccoijiii?-'.! in their visitor no oilier J. II. CUM I vr J It. than John Morr!"ey. M-mT of Cotigres 'Uut ha limy J Ok! JUST OPSWSE A FINK STOCK IN liiS LINE. At theoutiiw8st Cor ner of Woods Farm, ;" WtlERE HE H0FE3. mirt ontu Tho usfi of New and Latest Ira- proved Machinery and Ira , t , plcments in the MlCilAMCAL EPPAST3ICVr. THE PURCHASE OF THE BEST MATERIAL, SELLING AT FAIR PRICES AND ' UUEIMBi ESEAIiSMii GEX- To merit and receive liberal en WHirnfjeiTHjnt from operators in that locality. I'l.iJASE kivi: .hi: A CAM,. IlMES A. SilERRlFF. Mroloim O.iitro. Hept 2, HOT tf James A. SherriH; M) ! READ ! J i . Has, in addition to the lai -e sb cii ol OIL WELL ISOBJZJIIi I SUPPLIES ! HAS REM0YED ! HAEBWABE, ! STOVES THWA3E.&0.,iDRl GOODS En to Hit Slowia fiJnJJrrly He I ns added to his Stuck fi lar;;o selec tion of MSB WDM Which ho invtlcf the T.ndio r-f reliob-um Ccn'rc una vicinity t vv tma pxtiniirn. jim uisu Bats'& C?aps, ttLe.. Ac, all of which l' Ims mi 1;"I down to II. i) ; Lowest Cash Prices. The era tit! child ot ihe E;n;)e;ei' Alexander of Russia r.oei::!y rec.-'ved Christmas cifts w..rlh r.OO.iK'O iu..ie. The I. Hi- follow vrry HR'.-ly. puny ch-ld. i- 1.1.1 year o!d, :!l!il will h'.rd'- f i.)-. -up. Antwerp, March 27.-3 p. a. 60 francs. LiVKiil-ool.. Marc'i 27, 2 p. Ul. Keanefl 20'd. Spirits. '.Id. AxTivKlti', March II. 3 p. in. Crude fG. Western l uioii Lino 'larlirt IScimrl. Philadelphia, March -i. Crude IS'.j nom iirtliued-i'. L. S. to X, 3J; B. W. il'j'. Market Weak. . vor', l'.l:iui.). ih' (;ba'oe, Hirr.oV'-, 1 1, inn- v'. lleb'ul lar.ilen, Mrl.Mil'.', JtoOai's, Mntt'. lia.lway' U. R. .In J or 'h. Pe'lsr's, M'ilHim'1, Wifhiua'i, V.'l!M''l, Ihvih'V. M- iiencU s. Ciaia'srciaale. In em-nari's rapoaco s, H, Vilpnu .i, tlo, Arc.. to New York. Mar. h 27. fiude. bulk. 19. Relined 1. L. si. to W, 32 ; . W. Market Vi'oak. Perfumery, Toilet Ar- .k'li'!, Soap Bralii's, &t Pittsburgh, Match 27. Market Dull and decllnini! al 15. CloBiuat New York M'rrket. New Yrk, 3:10, p. ifi.. Much 17. Market Dull and prices lu-.vcr. Reliuni. SO'iiOTOI. Crude ISal.s'j. iji'irM..!,,,..,:,!!, l, . i"1!m.' linlwi.n V. It I (. hi 1 V:.i;vr. (' I I tioner, is ilitCivil.Wiv.l l I ii.i i-.i i - nt. Ml rtiimm-r .r'r! '- 'I Li' 'i : i t - Ii i." ' i -i."! tm l.v V. !l Ml:. i v l; roilih-t I ; i - oi.etl.c hue Ileal aiu :-:i. a.i t .:- u.-l.t.- u. . ,. , v. !. .. O.flWM.I, . I l.LMMK' . Tr.-l 'Mi fi,.'-t'-:iv O. K.J .".II.M vit-lj '-JT Ori'usbv t''' Cnrir Ton prouiptlv rii!"d Also, Apral for the re!!..n!e, OFFICE on 8c:v.T.l fln-M, I'-'-ar II. 11. Tr-ack. PETROLEUM CENTRE, TA. JauSS ti. G'JI.U 2N MKiV Vi:.5iC. Nir.v Ymiit, Maruh RICH MARItl.f;H CIFTS. em tn los llriile. is ,1 sittm.l eim-li.uii'n. n hi pure itive-t. K-:i8 m then hh' j'els, wil lj fi.j hmnat e iv ewiioi IHln'i ul II. I n nil. iri.fc ii, ...... . - ...... mi'r .tin t-r i"ivi-:ii;ie, ire" in re-a:.;.'. .iuun'-- iv.. i.i. ,s-oviAl'i!X, ii.iv !'., rniliiloi.ilii.i, I'.i. j4-J 8m. CUCQI1S, COL.US, &ci Ayei's Cherry Pectoral, Jayne's Expectorant; Marstleu liiiim, tc'ienck's Syrup, Universal Syrup, Exeel.dor'Syiiip, Rnnsom's Hivo Pynip; iStdlcr's Syrup, Coo's Svrnp, Kail's lialsam, Denton's Rnlsmn, Hrynn's Wafers, Olive Ta. Drowns Irocuen, Wishnrt s Tine Tree Uar, Seward's Cough Cure, Ualemon's Syrup, Cough Candy, is Cigars and Tobaccos ! The IJosl Ever Brotiglil to lh tt FEED STABLES, V:tsiSsIr!;loii Strcftt, i;poito PETl!OLi:UM CENTRE. PENN'A. I hr.ve put in a ci od R'nc'c of Hirilnji and Ilriviiijr Horsis, which I wiilkt on reti.-iuiulile terms. IT(i'!SF.'; lr'ardcd aiiJ f d and Imst of ca"0 ginr """ui'tr SMAWbKY. T d.ii'o to thank mv m'.uier- oiK iMistniiicrs for their liberal ili stfiiu . and hope by keeping a br'e selco j u? u, Twmjr t.k j.:.. ot- l mv I 'l il'CS. t() i chafers. Tliwio lanus will 4. c n,Oi- tlii.il- Vint IS ' Ttuslirls of Wheat V, Hn Ane, with enlnmry ln'in continue to uppl) then x.anuas Vou-;ucf f Twc,ltj ivu ,., Imivihlfril'e. . WHEAT ril-.LOS AND STOCK RAN (iji s 1 havj ItnO' liiH i.r Fauns fti"s.de, ihron'li out ('AI.tl''r)li;:I., in 1 niets nf One' liiiudreJ if-ainl. 'lrm (o i:iit mr- yruw Tllii-l-ftv lo l'ltty S. SO BEL. r,-:r.ilriin"ftni:e, March - ','' '' " S-Oiirro-poin;.'tico Sol'.cilcil. AuJrc-s I1UNKV jyiiKSTV, liraler I" Rtai". Ol'Je .1;1 I v,ont?.m r.- .'irefi. f-r-a FiattclsC". fat 9 A Pa fjt , A -V a IT u; J II iiJ French Boot Maker VYmnMs5j,m Sitrect, THREE DOORS WEST OF A. D. Mil. LEU CO.'S DRUG STORE, l KT Si O Ii K U Jl C! 3-: X T ICKj I'll., Is inannr.uttirin;i to rrJer FIKST-CI.AS8 FINE HUD, bli;il IWt JMtn4 ritnllu-r Iiot, i'uuip lc Uto(s, rr?ncli C k Solo 5Jot, Srolc Well Boot. HEAVY OR L1GII V WORK DONE IN FRENCH STVLE. CalU,,i scenanip-.es. PUWE( l'etriilriiin Coiilre, 1 . .!ui S -int A. E LEG (i KIT. Mtoiu'neturer a"J Dialer In Hj&R JEWESS, Seed Bags, V alvo Cups, &c. r rt. ,j irniL-im nn ,.iitlnvi..l. mifl Tlnr- i,ej's of all kiii'lm kept contitaiitly uu hand ui.d uiauc i in i.riii'i'. I. C. r:cSn.' Vnt, S!c"cdEii5 For y;I. Kejiairing Done at all Times ! Cull and i-xim'ue our utock and juices, .llaiu-SlM elov iho Slct'list lork Motive. !Vt."lniu Ovtie. I'a., .l.iu 7t'i, - tf I1AII1 iiESTOIIATIVKS. A LIS MA, XVA J. A. ALT.E.N'.S. lilNti'S. 'H'f. A i.i Imv '. ml I'-! MART HA WASlIlMiTU-N, BARRETT'S, KOSSKTTFR'S, LYON'S, STERLING':?, ilAlilii , ao.) vc. lidOT" C'ONSTTTTI'iV. noltACV, 111! VKK'Sl. MAt. lllA STMI, M'll.t'-'R MlSliLKH'. 11'tSrBri'K'tA SI'KKIl'. llUOl'IANI', CAI.H 'iitNIA. ATTWOOii'8, I'llulcxiDE liio.i', &t: W-A-XiXi .PAPEBS, Cui t;iiits msrt IlustEc SEjujIi;. IMIaTS, OILS, I'liT'iV, t;i,vi:, Turpentine, 0!is, Ilyn IS In Ifi, Irycra, Lard SH, KwiM'KB fl, &". LAMPS, LAMP FIXTURE?, Ac. (orch Ale, Ciirjirrtss j'iat(T; ,y PKF.Sl'R'1'TION'S.. COM trf FOUNDED AT ALL nouns ok the NICHT AND ,-i NDA VS. STATISU2ST,- C- SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, TIIUS.iF.3. Cnnie iihn'i:. coine fine, rr me i.P. ir ilun't cot any tl.h i: tn liio'.. ;.l U'u(l, alio we will ti y lo treat vu lil well. A. n MlM.Kit CO roi'.i-:uni Cm tr, fr , Uiif.- 11