The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, March 26, 1869, Image 2

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    CUKTIM'RD rniii riKHT page
tun i'Tit a ridge In the iliiln, unci npproact:
linT lupldly, u coi.sideruble lotly of mount
ed savniies.
"They're renting a hand of red-skin
directly' toward usl" hegaspid. "I'm lost!
Fly. Miriam, wlillc you have tho lime!''
Tbe oiaWen took lie g'assand gazed tbr'
It ii n Ins'snt at the approaching fo A
strange light sppeartd in her eyes a Melil
possessed only by those upon whom Cud
bua beatowed a Wciouoimt'gor Hit great
protection Ihe Jlgbtf a JieroiiOi whiqh
death its) cannot, inastr, , n-
Sure enough fho.hurqwro'L-v Tiny
io coming! Ttia leader is 1141 Knle. (io,
ueilinnfir i tinmponn theirYMnntr "
We cn rldit together!" cr'ed Thompson
"Nl Tbo borse in tired. We. have been
lo Willow l ind. We should be overtaken
before wo hud gene two mile!"
' Thro we'll ii together!"
"Vol Hot Ton tnnat'inonntr " ' - -
Willi o grasp to Hidden and firm that It
statuoa .mm. the. maiden pushed blm to
wards the horse, and in an other instant be
fued himself, more by Inaliuct limn by
thoiichl, seated in tbe saddle.
Away, Sulim!" ciiod Milium to her
steed, '-with 1 an - imperative gesture.
.a way i" . . i
Tbe horse broke furiously over the plain,
giving Thompson only time enough to flash
it look "of gratitude toward the' maiden, a
l)ii dashed away to the northeast, tuwarda
his menaced how.
n moment -later, Mr. Dan looked inter
his elinulder- look at a glanc- lha aitnation
of affairs, recognizing the peril aa well aa
t be horoiain of hie child Lowed hla hend
solemnly, aa one submits to Ibe inevitable,
In approbation of her conduct, and then h
awepl on l the rescue of his wife, his anul
torn by auch emotioua aa aruaeldom bionglit
to" battle together.
I And Miriam, throwing hersMr flit upon
the around, remained niene upon the plain,
In lie very pith of a score of nionnleil Indl
nii; who wore "sallnpln towards bur with
tbe swiltness of I he wind!
'Skirllug the Black Hills, forty mil; won
of Fur( Liratnie, .a party of horsemen were
tiding rust ward.1 ,
Ttey bud tort Fort BritUer eighty days
before, taking Ibe route of the .V-irlli Plalie,
and wi-ro now following the Oregon emi
grant io:d, among those longrldges.dry beds
if rivers, and sieri.'n piping, by which the
region elf tho Hlack Hill is distinguished.
th cnn' ortne party consisted of ten
cavalrymen, nrider a liiK-nant. wt,o were
returning ,to 'Fort Lntnniie, their post of
duly. They were well in moled, and bad
Teral led horses In their train, .-loaded
wltn provisions and sppttrlenaos of travel.
.. Tbe balance of the party. comprised three
civilians, who had seised the onjioi'tuniry
I en lni Hio uiuuuutn -nirt-r iiitniuiy
earip I, Two of then) were eniigranls who
bud tired of (be enml solllude, ur'lieen
frijtbteoed by the luilinns, nnd were now re
turning ealwurd In aenrciiof homes nouier
lie oiiui 0 It'll l! iil;or.
Tile Ihlril uiviillan was Hubert Enrle, the
ioto ot Miriam Dnnv, Illi'Sellli'i Ulliivblel'
hrniv jii e buye just left In inch deadly
He a pleudid specimen of Ameilaan
mannorirl, majntlicently formed , broad-
eaootm red. ilei-p-cui stcd, aa viuorona as un
atnifte, iii.ij roiio Ms bors', llery Mexican
Slei d, with tile grace b id ease ol a Conlmir.
i mi' uio-nrm or nil iniroiiuciinn lo the
tender, be w rntin in Ihe rear of .Ihn lit-ll-train,
busy wlih bia own r.-J.-ciiops.
which were evldmilly as lirieht us the mom
WK itself I he forenoon ireteclfiij; iheereiiis
wt- mice ivt'oriii'ii. k
.... in.tljoiijrhiai wero wrapt in the sweet
hVniouy of Miriam, who ha-l wept go biiter-
iv hi nia oepm tore, anil who. be -X)ec!t'd,
.'would untie tu) joyously al hit Mum. ,
The' dear llltle suul!" he tnuraiup'd
clottd.' Where la ah now" .. ...
"His eyes darkened wilh tend'-r sweetness.
his lipa quivered with tho intflabli! love
thutJIooile-l bis being with a bappiiiesa
akiutopaln. He pictured their ' iijeetlng,
. the pretty 'home lh-y woof I share together,
.thu.yenra tbi'-y would spend in encb other's
oclely Ihe tender inutiuil lorn sni c.ire
-that would hles all tliHir cotniug dnjs, .
. . , Ue had left her a ooor ' Iviiitoi-er, lo
s-k his lorltiue among tlio-mities of Jduhu.
t He wa reim-ii'px io be- a morn Ihan moil.
Wnli-ly rich man, with bills of exchange la
. bk olininola money belt of stifflelent value lo
- tupport Iheiu bolb in luxury as lung as (her
uiighi Mve. ...
j ." live not lo ho wondered at that hla
thoiigiU iv.-re pleasant.
. Suddenly be wsa aroused from his trance-
- like sileaee, by cries of delight from his oom
liunlons, .and by tbe Uct ibal they bud
' o leaked their speed. '
Looking around him beheld
theeitmo of tbo unusual excitement. To
. the.southwsrd, at no grout diat-moe. a amuil
herd, of Uuffalo-wa? gracing lazily, eenilng-.
ly not ut all alutnieil by the near presence
- V' 'orona un e enemy.
.." ' The wind was blowing "from them, the
h'oiaea were fresh, and, aa he looked at - th
' re. n pi in J gatnt llohert lelt the spirit of the
. , ll.rro'er grutv .slrong -within him.
.. 'Xiivltla rein to.Wshnife. he uaDotied a Ions
llui lino iopeik lu tue lleuteqaut, but was
ine- nan way -iiriMai oitieer, moose sparx
' ling uvea And eager ilcmeevior atteated to
ktnilliiig u Ntniroil-ltke zeal.
"'MVhni lo yon say to ho hour's snort, Mr.
" F1i'.'ermniil Ibe.lieulenaut, aa aI.O bole
ijon o. upon liia li ieno, hit lluiert was n do
cideil luiurilo wi(U eiviy uieniber of the
' P'lrt- "
--1 ibniklt Would be a downright alutni
lOiititfn-Mr eplniii giune,"
was the iiiiick response. -Whrfcoulil eat" n sail pock, w lib those tut luiltiloca
aii near nsT". . . '. f r , .
The livutenaiit-stntloil, flnnred up nnl
down I' e I lie, n-ad n I easer 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 u m the
tm-ea uf Lie (u-'n, and r aolvod lu-icuny mil
b s o.Tn mkI the ueneral de.-iro.
j .W Joitiaf'4; iiual Hid liom 'illlj I'w p ir
tv wi not at oibk gallnpor the sceq'uf
nr.. ion.' '
rhoiitVi!ieM si'nved -'he
JVimo'i 'i'.""!- ti-ar, l tie wind f vontig the I
huntvri; but ut h-nglh bonn lo fnulT the
air iini-aiiy, lu aimke their lu-ails, and to
look fur the cause ol their apprehension.
A moment laleailhey had beheld Ibe ene
my, and. with Iriiiblful bellowing , tid
mighty tramp, bad degnti their wild, mad
lligiit to the aoiiihwiii.l.
The chase was a Ur-R one; anil it was
Dot till Ibe hunters had run the buiT.tlorsupon
a spur of the Black Hills that they, got u
good chance at them. They then brought
down several plump young biuXilom., and
liiner Speedily became Me watchword.
i "It is noon,, uml we'll bavo dinner," sajd
tho lieutenant,'' observing that ,thu bagonuo
animals with tbeir drivers wera approaching.
"Kirull a BrVjbiys. and we U.bave aleak
anil Tousls in ulninJance."
While this order was being cairled into
effect,' Hubert and several .others wera en
gaged la surveying Iheseene.
"A lonely nnd deiolate apot." snH Hu
bert, Ibougblt'ully. "It looks as If man had
never before visited It."
- "And do '-wonder,'1 retitroed Brydges,
"tlnee It' AVe miles off tbe route. . What
conld any man want here, unless b might
be In pursuit of biiffsloea!"
There being no answer to this question,
Hubert proceeded to find an excellent graz
ing spot for his horse, tethered biui, and
flung himself on tbe ground in tho ahadow
of ibo bill. Tho lieutenant and a portion of
tbe men followed bia example.
Fieoty of low hushes were found dry
enough to hum. nnd several fires Were sooo
kindled. Tbe choiecat portion of tho buffa
loes wero readily nrenared for cookinir. and
it was not long before tbe oder of buriiing
flesh was diffused on tho nit ; four or live
bongry soldier serving aa vooks.
It was a v. Ht picnte scene on those lonely
wilds, and every man there enjoyed it with
true gipsy r at.
SuiMeniy a shout from one of the mea who
were strolling around, ai rested tbo atten
tion of the others.
'Hallo, boys!" he cried. I'm blest ifbere
isn't n cave in tho bill! Come, gee ibe hole
under these bushes Von never saw any
thing hidden neater In your lives."
-Jones thinks nobody ever saw a ore he-i
fore,'" siid one of the loungers, "for my
part, I think more of something to eat. tbau
of a hulo in the ground.'' .
tula sentiment wa echoed by the others,
but tbe Inquisitive cave discaverer, nothiug
daunted, approach the lire, took from il a
toii-h, rethrned to tho butto, patted tbe
bnahes, revealing a d-irk aperture in Ihe face
of tbe rock, and disappeared within it, hi
t'gnt civing oacx a yellow glare tor a sic
vud alter he h id censed to lm seen.
Tbe camp teverly went on, the cookinir
progressou, me minute passed, and Jouea
did not reapper.
' -If that fellow had found a gold mine in
tbere ho wouldn't call one of us," prowled
til lounger who had be lot e sunken. !
wonder wlinl Jones Aas found. Fit jest lake
a look, ft dinner isu't leudy."
fie nmsn lazily, abstract! a stick of burn
ing wood ror a torch, pruceded lo Ibe tav
ern entrance, and disappeared nun view.
"Probably," Said Hubert, "there's large
cavern under lhat bill.-. It we bud time, it
might pay to explore it. Under the liU'iienl
circumstance, .1 am like Jirown, ami prefer
my dinner to scieniitl exploration."
' Th meal seemed lo be nearly ready, -far
tbe rattling of tiu cups, ami dishes begun to
be heard; the lieieiiaut's small canip-oliesi
was unpacked, and the cook'shouted hi loo
strolk-ra to come lo dinner.
"Hove Jones and l'rowii como back f" ask
ed the lieutenant, as he rose to a sitting po
sition, and glanced Ion arils the e ivero.
The uiMil replied in the negative. .
Go after them then. King, and burr?
them up," said 1 lm ofiioer. '-Wu must re
sume the march after dinner, and csnituf al
lord to waste time here." ..
King, a fine yoiiilx soldier, took up a torch,
and entered the cave-.
The dinner wa dealt nut hot saverv
steak and roast the coff-a inonsurd. and
the meal cooiin-nce.!, loit none of the men
who had nnlered Ibo cure made their an.
pearance! - -
How singular! ' eiaculnted Brtdnes. les.
lily and impatiently. "What cull keen
thusnmen? Kinz hnsbeen cone ten minute.
H-re, Serjeant Haleey, hurry thoto men
The t irxeanl. n brown, slrona man of
mlddlu age, hetitated, and ventured lo stam
heir vnur pardon. Lieutenant, hut I
thii;k t hero's Botiielhing wrong inaido the
cure. There's three men In Ibeic all hun
gry and knowing lb it-dinner's ready. Sure
ly they'd some back If tn-y could. Perhaps
there's wild beasts, or some strange kiud of
gas that smothers 'etn, i r "
"Nonsense, Sergeant!" Interrupted the
lieutenant, frowning. "I give you llvo min
utes to bring those men back. Go!"
; The sergeant's face paled, but, without
anoth r word, be took up a torch nnd enter
ed the cave, disappearing from tbe gnzi ol
his friends.'
The. minutes passed, Ilia lieutenant and
Ibo men ale their dinner mechanically,
awaiting anxiously Ibe expected return; y"t
none of i be four came back.
Tbe words ol the sergeant had mudo a
deep impression on the minds of his hearers.
A general gloom tell upon tho camp, and
the uien oaal Ireqiient and feail'ul lancea iu
Ihe direoiion of Hie cavern Even tho lieu.
tenant and Hubert foil a strange depression
orecping over ibetn, which neither could re
iat. "What can lm tbo matter?'' at length de
mantled the officer. "The sergeant's in
lion hie, I should judge, by hi long absence
'there can't he gas in the oave, or if so, he
would probably hav had time to cry mil.
There can't be wild . boasts, for those four
men were all well armed, and would at
least bavo tired, . 'Which of all you men
will go 4UIO (die cave and leurn. what tbe
un tier isV" . a ' , .
'Tbero wo a general shrinking hack
livery soldier was brave in an' imlian light,
hill not one dared to face it mysterious ua 1
ur k no A ll danger, Not one wished to rirk
Ihe complete und totiil diarlearunci from
eat'Ut and human koolcdgo,tlia( bail be
fallen tils cotiu'. idea. '
. I'lVhrever ill vsutii-e in enrch ' of Ibe
ni.iiii men eimll receive Ii.mii ni mm hun-
"lion loil.iis in gold:" exclaimed H ibett,
hls, tinging voice.' Vtbd fif t
lor tho innnev!"
The offer wa4 tempting, Tmt t,wat6t o-.
cepted. Not a word of reply was oiauo to
It. - '. - '- t
Hubert hesltated.'glvlng a brla-f; Iboligtlt
lo Miriam, his loved and waltinjf' Miriam!
Ilia fnce then glowed wilh a berolfl light,
and he said in tones that dd not fuller:
"I will go in search of the men. Lleuton-'
ant Brydges. Only, your party is now.
small, and If I do not return lu twenty min
atet you mav resume j our journey."
:e-But, Earle," expostulated tho lieuten
ant, "this is positive madness. You must
ant risk your life. We will wait a while,
and if tbe mea do hot return, we will move
on!"' -- u-
They may need help," replied Hubert,
steadily. "They have encountered well,
God knows what, I can't imagine. U I fire
my rifle, come to n,e. If I fail to return
within the time appointed, move on!"
' He went to Ihe nearest lire, picked up , a
blazing stick, arranged hit rifltt for instant
use, approached the mouth of Ihe cave, peer
ed iulo it cautiously, and listened intently
for some sound of life within.
No sound came. All was (till as death
within the cavern.
The next lulnt .Hubert had vauisbed
therein. -.--
All was now breathless dispense.
The" lieutenant and hi men gathered
arouod lo listen for the report of the rille.
Tho minutes parsed, but it came not. Five
minutes dragged by ten fifteen, and atill
no sound reached their ears. They euuld
see a brief spaco iuto the cavern, by the
liht of their own torches, hut nothing but
rocky walls nnd floor met their gaze.
Twenty minutes were thus passed. The
time was up. and Iluburt bad not returned.
The men looked at one another wilh pal
lad laces. As if turned to stone, they stood
an awe-stricken grcup about the cavern's
mouth, until the minutes had njaro than
made up an hour and still they lingered.
Diti'inu' this tiino they In J cleared away
the boshes fro-n the mortb of tho cave.
They hail tried again nd again tu peer into
tbe dark depth ol the opening, but could
not.. The lieutenant had called repeatedly
to Hubert, bat received no unBwer. At
length he proposed to tlo a mpe around hit
waist and dtcend into the sinister abyss, but
b's men o' jected unanimously.
- Wbsi, the use?" asked one. "There'
oKietliing here, that un mor'.ul man cun
Wo cati't rl'k your life, lli-ntenani."
said another. "Just tnitik how few tbero
are ol ua."
The time con inned to drag on. when two lull hi urs hud passed.
Lieut. Brydgca staggered to hla feel, and
"This is horrible terriblo beyond ex
pression! .. Wo have lost fojir uf our cnmradi
aad this noble young airaneer, whom I 'V-
od as a brother. This fearful cave must
bold the s.cSet of Ibeir fate, belt wbul It
inv. Let n gV'
' Without wuid, but with white laces
in a sort of niulo terror, the men mounted
their boracs and resumed liieir journey.
Tlte.a'iore is all ol Ibis story that will be
published in o r Cilumns, The continua
tion of it from where it leuves off here can
he found only tu tho Ne-y York Ledjcr.
wnkhisfor sale at all the booksto ea' and
news, depots. Ask. fyr. the number dau-d
April in. ISGH, and in it y. or will Jinil the
continuation of this bentutllul tale. The
Ledger is umili'l Jo subscribers at three
dollars a ye ir. Tke publicatjon of Rev. Dr.
Tyua's groat slory. which has been written
cxpreiidr for the Lodger, is just comiuenced
in tbe l edger, so t bat our readois will vt t
the whole of tiiese two stories lu It. Tie
Ledger ha tbo beat stories of arry . papei in
the would; and Hnry Ward heeeb'-r.
J iuiea l'.irion nn.l Fanny Fern, have arli
clas is pvery numtwr.
Ton lailies graduated from tbe New York
Medical College for Women on. Tuesday.
An Israelite ' named H-tscIi, committed
suicide Wednesday morning by banning
himself in a Hebrow Synaoy-ia in Balti
more, r
An Irish National Convention is to be
called Lit New York, for tho purpose of form-
log a Uentrul Bureau Emigration Society.
A Buenos Ayres letter states that it is re
ported Lopez bus ceded Paraguay to tbe
St. Nicholas Hall. Saratoga, N. Y , was
burned Wednesday morninz. The luss is
estimated at $20,000. insured. Van Due-
sen's dry goods store was damaged In tbe
amautit of $10,000, and . was fully insured.
Oregon papers report smoke Issuing from
Mounts Hood, Jefferson and Three SiMcia.
It is apprehended that earthquakes will fol
An affray took place iu Mrs. Allin's hoard.
ing bouse, at Jacksonville, III,, Tuesday
night, In which, a mua named Harm shot
another named Onstoad. latullv it.iurinc
bWu. Harm ia in cualodv.
Sixty-six vessels ore now en ronto to Great
Britain, fruin San Erunciseo, with cargoes
aggregating 1,700,000 sacks of wheat. Also
eight vessels lor domestic Atlantic ports
with IR(l;000 sacks of wheal, and ten vessels
for Janeiro with 01,000 thousand
barrels of flour. California wheat and
flour now afloat for China and other con ti
ll ies aggregates 2.300,000 sacks. The wheal
is valued ut $4,000,000.
Tbe patks created In Chicago by the rd
ceut vote will embrace 2,000 acres.
Hill & Hubbard's lumber yard at Norwnlk,
Conn., was burned Monday morning, with
a loss of between $ iu.Otll) and $00,000, on
which th ro '.vim mi iannrmicu of abuiil j'JO,
fetro leurn Centre Daily Record.
f-.ll. rrnttr, I'rldar March 20.
' " . ' rf - Tlwo or rlaalnii mallet i
P. O., l'KTinj.rt B rKirrhs, P , I
July 7t, 1808. J
Hani ftmhsr aotlca tbe malls will arriva at aud
depart from this otflce as follows :
South and Rust, via. Irviiieton, 10. ft A. M.
Sontll and Wast, " Mcadvllle, S IS If. M.
North and Bast, - Corry. 3 St ,i" '
nxrinf. if
' South and Wast, t.b A. M. .
, Soatt. East an West, SO P. M. "
Mortli, East and West, 10.0) A. M.
lit vino itorvlcea ...
trksbyterian ciirRCH." :
Preaching nt II o'clock A.' M.,"aiiil 7'
o'clock P. M.
Rev.' J. T. Oxtobt, Fastor. "
Services every Shbhsth at 11 A) H. and
P. M. Sabbath School nt twelve o'clock
M. Scts Free. A eordial invitation
extended to all.
' RtT-. C. M. Hkard. Tastor.'.
Mass at-lQ-a. imi . ,.. -Vespers
nnd Benediction of the Blesed
Sacrament at 4 p. m.
Cateobis'ti t5-p. m. n , .(
J.Mi:s iH'VN. Pastor.-
TllK Fi'tttihlin .c ji'Tintor s ii :. 't ne ties
Well of (iot'etiheim .V t. n.iw lr!'nt I
Owing to the great volume ol water to ,
tbautted. Ibe yield of oil, sr. far. 1k only a
barrel po'r day." WM-a the v,'i ia rl (ilouitv
tv.ii -. i,
is overcome, t hn r.l will proi-uoly yield
two barrels.
The new .well bteil i.t H nr and'F.-rt-ea!
opposite Vena'r.o Mills, Kins six r.evk
ago,, is leadily'ielu;iig about I.MxUtJ
rets per week of t!,o. best luliriciiirisj toil,
The same parties sr- sinking another weil"
on Ihe sum lerrliory. ,Tbe laud belonja to
Mr. J. A. Dewar. wjo ia also sinking a w.-ll
on the lock s-etioa. near lils Mills.' He
has a good show of oil nor, and wiil
complete the well in a fev. dys.
Franklin oil sells readily, fir a Jarre, ad.
vanco over the light oils l thv region, nbd
it is the best-naturil lubricator fir the
world. . . ". -.'. a ,
A i.iruk nnd apjireci alive audience wit
nessed the pertoVnmn'ce or the ,;Rag I'ick'T
of Paris," l ist evi-nlng.ln" Ihii chararctrt
or Father J--n !n t'bis drami'Mr. Eidy has
few if any equal,' and Ibe acting ol U;s
Henrietta Ifi'ui.', who took the 'character of
Marie in the sum drama, was exaillent
In the ufterplecf, entHlud th '-Irish Lion,"
Mr. F.ddy us Tom Moore, and Mi.-,a Jiving
aa Cerate u' Filzgip kept thehrfilienpe in"a
perfect 'convulsion of luughtrnJ To pUfci
Mr Eddy .anpenis at King Jlicliar l. and
Miss Irving u 0,ueon El Saht'lfi. in thi
Shakspeariau drama of Richard .HL .Mr.
Eddy tiiu?ica a speciality of this cbnlacter,
bavinu played it in all Ihe leudiug theatre
ol the United Stales, everywhere meeting
...l.l. ..' . .' . . .! " ' t .
tiiiuii.o uiguosi encoiniuiiia o tne press
and pttblio. Our citixens should uot fail to
be pr-sent. To-moriow evening will luj
posltivi-ly the last dppeurance ol' Ibo com
pany' on which oreision a lieju-fil has been
tendered lo Mr. Eddy, who will nppour in
six dioorent charscters In tbe great dramas
of -Xick of the Woods" and "BUtk-Eve.1
Kmsns has a population of ahoin 40O.Oftfi.
II lots six hundred miles of railroad) in
active operation, and tbe brat . system ol
roads projected aad iinder const ruction en
joyed by any Suite in the Union. There
ate published in tbo Stale ten daily and
flrty weekly newspapers. The Slnle lias a
debt of one million dollars, and under the
Constitution, this debt cannot bo Increased
beyond that amount without a direct vole
of tbe peoplo.
W were favored with a call yesterday
from Mr. H. W. Mayiiard. tho gentlemanly
business manager of the McKenn Buchanan,
Diamatio Troupe, who are to open in (his
place for a three night engagement, April
5th, (lib and 7th. The company Is a first
clus one, and will no doubt draw crewded
bouses during their stay hero.
Tuiaa Is to bo a grsnd rnlHu for a watch
at the New Bowling Alley to-morrow nlgbi:
Chances, $2,00 each. "No. of chances, 40.
Holdeas-of cbanse aio retiuesti d to bo la
atU-ndance. jj;
3 A Max named Alexuiider Coxttln, al
woik on the well on Lease No. 24, Tallmun
Farm, Upper Cherry Run. was fatally suf-focatt-d
by gas arising from a tank partly
Oiled with oil, ou Thursday. 1 .' -'
1 j j i ------
Tuk streets ol our town are in a fearM
condition. They are mud, muddy, mud-,
dier, nutddieat, c, its.
QtlTB a ii a iu her ol new wella art) going
down on the 13 ill linn teiritory al pic"t)'.
Gen. Slocum, in bis lecture on tbe 'Mill
Inty lessons ol the War," tells tbe following
atory in reference to the battle of Bull Run-
'The Influence of o ir officers over their
men, and the state of discipline, is best Il
lustrated by an Incident which occurred on
the Held in tbe heat or Ihe batllu. An ofll
cer. who ha since besom very prominet i
and well known throughout tbe country,
was then In command of a brigade on thn
right of eur linn. While riding over the
Beld, he fllHcovorod anoldicr conecaled In a
koto in the pround which was of just suffic
ient dimensions tffkffnrd bim shelter.' Tbo
General lode up to biminquiiwd as to his
regiment, and ordered bitn to join it at
once. -Tbe nan, looking him lull is the
face, placed his thumb upon bis nose, sad
replied: '-No you don't, old fellow, jou
want this bole yowysjelt,-u",- - -
Judging from tbe evidenced those who
assisted lo tbe capture and lulling of tl;e
convicts wbs escaped from Sing ing risen
an escaped convict is regarded as fair gan-.e
for the best shot in that Stnlp. ' It Is staled
that O'Niel bad surrrnflered blmself into the
bunds' of some citizen, when one ol the pur
suers, a keeper, coimnatided him to ap.
proach him. The convict .walked toward
his keeper, when tbe latter coolly s'aot him
down, uttering an oath as, he lired Would
It not bcdviilile to instilule target exer
cise in Sing Slnj, In order lo enable keep
ers lo "wing" a man instead of killing him
outrllii? '' " ; ' ' :
In Lo.-li Li nio id, Scollniid, ;bero is rn
irlaril whK'h f-r many yenrs was used al a
retreat for peixuia' of bolh 'Xe9 of the high..'
''"" I middle c',, w,. Vp.tu-d lo it
'! olitnliily or i-..m.i-!led by their rt-I itiv.n, io. i i or to avo'd the tempts-
t'ons to dr;til;:iip, which Ibey founj iiiesir-ti!i.-in
sd'elv.' sir-on elber prelexl.'.
''bi..s?jejle Jo.fgeJ 'i.t (be cottages of the .
y re-:i r, fl-id I ved lo-jether on the p!n (if'
a I'OirJjuh mM-. Wives were frequently
S"il thilh'-r by lln-ir Imsl.niide. The island
was used f.r this purpose up to'tiiv'yea'r U
in. ' It Jersjw knjVa nt Deer Wand..
A negto mail, eg-d alanit' eighty vein
recently urrived. In ?sn I'ranciteu from N'etr
Ywik, . visiting the former city lor the pu -pose
ol rec'aiuiiug nud Inking possessii 0 u"
eight lihndreil ' uert'S thereor. whi.'li he
ctiitmirTo1r his own, He say that lie lived
where !slrl FraoVlsco flow elands row tbir-ty-tyyia
yepis apo, at wbirh time be received
a liranttiViin the Mexican Ooverr.ment ftr
eight ho nil red ncn-a of Ibe peninsula, but lie
haTea clurt. r of ti e nil was auch that he
did no) value, it very highly.,
-..3 projirU-t.-r. of the plain itluss worUi
in a Mu?mcIiiis.-iis towa'ai" ,t'xeilmeiitbj
for use in table lops, mai.iels. &e.. with a
new article Kiseiiililin poiveluin, made lr.-m
cryolil'c, a tyineral fetched froiu Greetilsm!.
, hose name the uiatiur.icliiri-d article ii)
take. T.hcy nM turning gln-s in the
noasel.uae orioouW Jiorja jojiloiijjhr. f r
certain western pr it to lull J ,wio soil is
Very destructive to Iron.
C1. Tolfeii linad.elded. hftera 'eerie, ef
tidal flisi-rvnttnn, lakeuat I'anauiii si:d As
pinwatl bsyaiid counu'ied l.y pcfutale let
ids along the lino of railroad, (bat Ibe mean
bi lit o Ike Atlunflifiiiiil ruclffj o-etins i
exo,ctiy the same. Owing In Ihe ilillVr
ence in Ihe ristf of tide c-f both pltces, liter
are, e'f couraet time when one ocean it high
er or lower thnn theolhir; hut their tuesn
le'vei." tar is ,tbeir" heigbf t bair tide, ia
now proved lo lm identical.
.The latest in velocipede ia a single irll'i'l
ed inn nocvel-'. In follow analog
il is Invented by a irian iii Pprlnglli-hl, su-l
fl'iwtfr peoerss of eooslr iutio.iii vt Ii''-
suiy iflli' city. Tbo wheel is twelve
In diameter, nnd witfi ii 'double set of sp-lo
mid two tires, propelled by. I h rider, h'
bungs below ibe center of graviiy and worli
as lu a Itrart-oiiH. ..... , .
...THN?? ,"' a grand concert (liven i:1
the M. li.'Cuurch'ut thf place, on Monday
evening, April, t l.y.l'iof. Niikein sial
bis singing class., The Prof, has worked
hUvl.tu leurn his ptijiila ibo srt of uuisifi
anil pur itlxcns s'tieuld we to it' .that .the
church Is crowded ,011 th ut evening,' n
rare mualcnl treat iIu suite for thrm.
Adi6pineli froni Denver reports Ihst near
11 fix .buudii'd potituU ' or, silver
shipped by tbe Brown Silver Mining Com
pany, of Georgetown, being the ' result f
Iwenly-nlue tons of oar,-.' i.
On occowiit of tu-day bejng Good I'ridsy,
there has been no foreign market reported
over the wlresr-.j . . ',, '
.Tub lumber trade ii, ouite brisk t P''1'
ent, larieqttantitiea being told to par'11,1
wto intend putting' down . well, for lr-
rieks, eugiue kousos, Jtc. .
A mun was struck by' a' locomotive
lCnoexviHu1( Tiun. Ihe. other 0.ay, Jo""1
fifteen feel In the air. and neaUy cauglit 00
top pf th j engine, with only a sprain of