I SOKE PRINT OBSCURED DISCOLORATION ON ORIGINAL '5 Jti DAILY RECORD.' ( corns u ati or or ran nxnoia dailx mjcoord.) Btaaw aSBtnBB. K liiimuiii mhiiii.1 a 1 VOL II NO. 102. THE PETROLEUM CENTRE DAILY RECORD. PUBLISHED EVERT EVENING, (Sunday! excepted. ) W. H. LONGWELL, Proprietar. Pit tear payable ra advance, M0 It I V nnn, rsicR-Lirr of aovektbTCNA (Tea line ef aeaparell make mm tener ) So. Ititertioni. I ml. II so, Unit, i eul. nc day, Twsdava, Ihree iJ Fear Says Five days, O. mIi, Two Weeks, 1 bra !, Om m,ntb. Two month. Three months, Six months, Nine months, Uts year, II u too I so' I on i w 4 I0 T SO 10 00 II 00 1110 H 01) 0 00, 45 00 00 HO 14 Ml I 50 I HI 7 U0 00 I SO 14 00 14 00 U 00 W 00 40 00 44 00 ft) UU loo no Spatial eotlcee M enn per Una. tack InMrtiM. Advertisements payable quarter. in advance BUSINESS CARDS. Ja . ELLIOTT,, ITTOBMBY'AT.HW, AND NOT ART PUBLIC, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. BuslsesslatheCoartaet Franklin promptly at- "orrlCE-Iii Bleeall OVs Brisk Bank BoHd atg. fu ttsirel, V shingta-Bt. 'f- ALBERT S. HATER, ATTORNEY COCNSELOR-AT-LAW, OFFICE ! the Brick Bank Building, esratr ef U'..Lt...M - - .1 U.- UlUI. PETROLEUM CBNTRE, PBHN'A. May II. -f- BONHAM SMITH, ATTORNEYS ACOUNSELORS-AT LAW, OBee nigh MiW, Freaklla, eai Petrelensa Cen tre, TS. jsayie-u. T. HtALPnE, RESIDENT 8URCEON DENTIST. SFFICE-Berry's low BeUdlng. MM of Wssb- isgioa ami momo on., rviruiewa wi maylttf. T. tt. CHRISTIE, HI. Dm PETBIOIAN AND BURGEON I Odre nnpoalte thaMcElnmy Houm, Pieaaantvilla, Pa. Pereon Irum a diatante will aenerallv And him at hla Office en ttaturday from lb a. at., to I pat. eil4tr Cal. I, R. HBOIfK tc S. J. HcCABEIN, Dialarala OIL LANDS, LEASES, ENGINES, ., PLEA9ANTTILLE, PA. a. I. wiuok. a a vak vnaea WILSON aV VAN VELSOK, 6AUGER3 AND INSPECTORS OF CRUDE PETROLEUM, PICR, Mercantile Bulldlnr Oil City Pa., aad with Owaton A Boweras Peurolenm Centre. Pa. JulySMh, 1M tf. H. O. Jarvis. Sealer la CABINET FURNITURE I A LARGE ASSORTMENT ALWAYS ON HAND. loOKINO GLASSES In erea variety. Looking uiaai ntM replaced In old Frame. Pletmre Fraaies made to order Carpets, Oil Cloths Wall I'ltper, Window Shades, A FINK STOCK. UNDERTAKIlVn. COFFINS of all licei on hand aad trimmed to order on abort notice. UII. BU2S AND .DOBS. ta Aleo, Pnltv, Vamlt h, Btaln, Ac Paawj ? Xm WASHINOTONST, renoieam eeatra. II., July 14, lMM-tf. I 7n II on 1 1 til 1 Mi t U t 00 CI ts 8 no 1 SU Ml 4IM M W IH 1 On loan 10 IS Vi so It I 16 001 It OA n on V7 01 M 001 H4 ( 4H 1W A. J. CHRISTY, U. S, DRUG STORE Oor, First V Ilorsadea SM., WraotsB cttt, fa. rr" PETROLEUM CENTRE. PA.. FRIDAY EVENING. MARCH 26,. 1869. HOTELS. JHX HOTEL, PBEU. C. HYDE, Proprietor, PLKASARTVlLLB, PA., Opposite the Preebyteriea Church. Fehltf. QHASE MOUSE,) . DRAPER, Proprietory PLEASANTVILLE, DuclS m. 1ENN'A CI.inTOCK HOUSE. PETKOLEOI CKNTRR, PA. Tbli poomloi lot), ttmtol Comer ! Main 4k Waohlu(ln!(U., Henrtho Dio h been relltled nrnl fiimlshod thronuhonl, and the prorietor will j)r no palao lo mako ll a FIRST-CLASS HOt'SE. oetf ' W. H. SABLE, Proprietor. QENTRAL HOUSE, MTIIOLIOM CITTR1, PA, !laar OH QrMk a Allafhta; KItoi RallwaT Depot. sayll-tr. . J. CriOSS, Proprietor. JOCHEaTKK HOI78E, WaablDgtna atreat, Petreteaia Coatro, Pa. COLE A GRIPFRV, . . Proprietor. Thla Ilmiae la eontrally located, and the general hearifraarte ra f oil men. Petroleum Centre. Pa.. May 19. 1841 tf AMERICAN HOTEI PETROLKOSC CENTRE, PA. J. R. BARNES, . Proprietor. Thla novae la In a pleaeant tncality, and Vint a ahoit walk from the Depot Tbernnrna are large and eomriirtai le, and the labia aupplied with the deltcarlre of th aaaaon. J tf. J. R. BAIIXRS.. PETROLEUM HOUSE, OIL CITY, PA. nattat recently taken poaaeMion of the altera Nnaae, wewnald moat reaptctiully inform the trar eling pabllc that we propoaa lo "kei'p a note)," and to convince thant of tba fact, we invite all who with the comforta at a heme, to call npon na. It will be bund The Hotel of the Oil Regions. Onr Sample Room la aupplied with the cholceat Wlnca, tlqiioraand Cigars, aud nur table IU be fouud laden with the very beat the market ennrl. There la connected wtthth Houm four nratclana RUllard Table. Alan, Barbi-r Shop and Bth Hooma Oio u a cll, and conrtnee yonraelrea of the truth minimi of onr aaaetluu. CHARLES W. ST A ATS, JAMES i. WHtTe:. eetltf pHANKLIN HOUSE. MILLER FARM STATION, On Oil Crock Hailrnad.l THE HOUSE AND FURNITURE NEW. C. W. TWIST. Proprietor. Jnaef-tf. INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, MILLER FARM, PA. JOHN E. ROWB, Propr. Good accommodatlona for tranalmt cnatomera Day Hoard and Board with rooma on returnable terma. The pniprietor will apare no paln to make hla liotiae atirtctive in guema. " I .NION HOTEL. PLEA8ANTVILLE, PA hli. wa i t i.Anit .nltftnl and ro I ni1 rinniHT IH..UIU iiwiii, fiirtiiahHl, 1 am now prepared to accommodate two Staiica Iihto thl honae ihree tlmea a day for Tl tnavlim Thereiaali"aliiicortit..'io Wthola. Jiii-tf TIKIS. McKlNNKV, 1'P.p'r. F. J. H W W & CO., MACHINES BOILER SHOP WASHINGTON ST., PE TROIiEl'M CENTRE, Pa. BOilEM AND KJGIJtES REPAIRED AT SHORT NOTICE. Ati MrSe of afachlnn Wortl lona .romptlf tod Petroleum Centre Daily Record. Feu Centre, Friday, march SO. RED KIV1FE; on KIT K ARSON'S LAST TRAIL. BT LKHN LEWIS, Author of "The Wagon Train." "Tkt Witch Finder" ''JAe Wafer Wolf," tte., etc. CHAPTER I. A t-TI oi,niocLi itikeiv Towarrla the cloie of a beautiful day la June. 1867, a man nnd woman, fnotinted up on fleet huraei. came galloping 'over one of the great plaint ot the Went, and drew rein In the ahadc of a clump of cotton-woeda up on the hank of a beautiful liver. They had ridden far and rapidly. Their ateeda were panting, and covered with iweat and foam. 'Y muat give the lioraee a breathing pell,'' eaid the former, slipping lo the ground; aud hie companion nodded a grace till a seen t. an ahe followed hie eiample. The couple were evidently fatlicr add daughter. The man wan in prime of life, bate aad hearty, with a large frame, which wai line, wy and athletic, without eeaaing to here fined, and prepoaaeaalng. He bad the keen, shrewd look peculiar lo the advance gnards nf civilization, and there waa an honest, frank expraion on bin inn-browned face that proclaimed Ilia Integrity and lonrage. In her way, bin daitghtttr waa equally pie tureaque and attractive. In the early flues of womanhood, with a pure, sweet, and tender faee, with eyes darRlv glowloc. with eorat-tintod Hps. and chveh aofll Buabed -With 1 hn trf--ttr rote, wun imwr curia avaiinz oeoinu ner, she waa as graceful as a gazelle, as light, hearted as a bird, as lovely as a flower, and as epirited as an untamed antelope. The atream by which the couple hnd halt ed was Wood river, a branch of the Platte, in Nebraska, at a point fifty mites sortb west or Kert Kearny. "Are joit tired, Miriam?" asked tbe hun ter, George Dane, with fatherly solicitude -Tired, falser?" rejoined the maiden, with a happy laugh. "Oh. no. How could I lie tired after a day like this? Every minute has been filled with pleasure and exoiti'tnent. I fel as fresh as yonder bird." Tbe lather smiled unileraiandingly, with a look full nfl lie fendest affection. "I can guesa the rnuae of your lightness of ueurt," stld lie, smilingly. "Tbe return now daily expected, of a certain Hubert Karle. from tne mines or inano. may ao count, I suspect, lor your prison! gladness." A heightened color appeared on Miriam s face, for tbe name raeniioned was that of her lover. Shu answered the glanees of her father, however, with a frankness that at. teated bis entite sympathy with her, aud said: "True, father, mv heart has been untisii ally light for sereral days past. How co'd it be otherwise, sinee I know thitt Hubert is coming? Mr. D'tmc ilnl not reply. Ho was looking with kindling e via. over tiic tun llower dot ted plain; and his next remark showed bow widely hia thoughts uail strayed. '-I wonder what mother bas been doing without na all day, Miriam. She must be lonely, with no one to speak to or share her aieals. 1 shouldn't wonder if we could see our home Irom Ibis point." and his face lighted up with x soulful glow. "Our Cot. tags is not more tban seven miles distant; Irl me see 7 lie drew from bis coat a poeket-glasa, ad justed H to bis sight, pointing it in a north erly direction, nnd gazed through it long and earnestly, towards bis raocbeupen Car rey's Fork. "Ye, I see it. be said, at last, with a long, deep, and joyful inspiration, as if the sight relreshed bint in every aerve. "There Is our cottage, u plain as day. I can even see the vins you planted before the win dows. Miriam. And there, on tbe grape vine bench, under tbe big elm, sits your mother, busy at her sewing. Bless her! She does not imagine we are looking at her Look Miriam." He yielded the instrument te bis daugh ter, who obeyed bis injunction, ber lovely face glowing with smiles as she regarded the distant h"m'eene. "Dear mother!,' she mnrmmed. "It Is a treat to her lo be able to sit out tinder the the trees without tear of molestation. Tbero are no bnatiles Indians hereabouts n,,w are there, falhor?" UV'No, Red Knife, as you bave already heard, was killed yesterday by a settler, and bis band bas retreated towards the moun tains. I will confess, Miriam, that during all tbe lime w have been in Ibo West, 1 have not felt so light-hearted and care.free as since we received news of Red Knife's death. Yon have just seen how this joy bubbles over in tne. Hd Knife was a do- tnnn, rather than a savage.' Miriam ehudilered, and her fealnres even puled at the luemery of tbe Iodlun men tioned. He nerer ipsrd a ps'e face," she salrl. striving to speak calmly. "Desolation and cruelty marked his path. For more tban three years he bts raged to and fro upon tbe plains like a ravening wolf, tie waa the terrer of tbe herder." "You have named bim appropriately Mi riam," said tbe hunter. "He had a fiendish hatred of the wbite race, and his victims bave been many." Mr. vane neld out bis band for tbe glass. and Miriam was In the act nf restoring it, when a strange, gasping, panting sound quickly startled them both, and lent them quickly lo Ibeir saddles. Tbe hunter wheeled his borse and looked down upon tbe river-bank, from which di rection the sound bed come, bis manner self-possessed, but bis countenance indica tive or alarm. Tba maiden followed bis ex ample. Her eyei were tbe first lo discover tbe cause of tbe sound that bad startled them, detecting a man's figure creeping along through tbe undergrowth or bushes lining tbe shore. At tha lame moment, their presence tn turn was detected, for the man-dropped sud denly among tbe protecting bushes, as if be oaa oeen shot. "An Indian ?" whispered Miriam, draw ing Irom her bosom a revolver. Tbe hunter shook bis bead, continuing lo watch the spot at which tbe man bad fallen bis band on bis rille, bis manner that of ene ready for action. Suddenly, as the man showed a haggard face peering cutitiouely from his conceal ment, Mr. Dane s anxious countenance broke into a smile, and he cried out: "Hallo! Is that you, Thompson? Do you take us lor Indians, that yon skulk tbere in the bushes?" The individual addressed was silent a full minute, as it seemed, from sheer amazement; then be sprang out from bis hiding-place with a cry af relief, and ad aoced swiftly towards tba father and daugh ter. . He was a man of middle age, or tba ordi nary type of backwoudamea, atrong and brown and stalwart, af the rude, rough type that seems to belong to tbe border. His face was haggard and white, although cov. ered with perspiration. Bis breath came through bis parted lips in quick, uneven gasps He bad run lar ana swirtiy, anu looked as if about to drop from fatigue. "What happened, Thompson ?" asked Dane, with keen anxiety, the man's singn lar appearance giving hia a sudden shock of alarm. ' The Indians!" gasped Thompson, scarce ly able to command bis voice. "They are coming! Red Knife and his band divided my wife my children! Help me! Help me!" "What is this?" cried Dane, agitated In spile of bis efforts at self-control. "Red Ko'fe was killed yesterday" "He was only wonnded," Inlerttipted Thompson. "H is coming le take his ven geance on us settlers. He bas divided his band into two. They were lip at the Deer Fork this morning, and are now coming this way. The points to be atruek are your bouse and mine.'1 "My God !'' ejaculated Dane, as bic Infor mant paused in bis excited breathless narra tion. . "A horse! a borse!" cried Thompson, reeling with fatigue. "I cm go pn further on foot. My wife, my children God pily and save them!" He looked from tbe bnnter to his daugh ter In agonized and mule supplication. Dane snatched the glass Irom Miriam's bands snd plaoed it to his aye. Ho looked to the northward-saw his pret ty cuttago, bis wile busy at her needle, un der the trees and glanced at the dim line of the horizon stretching away eastward and westward from bis liame. Suddenly tbe glass dropped from his bands his face blanched lo tbe hue of snow From the west, seeming te advance from the olouds nfaoarlat and cold be had heboid a band of mounted Indiana riding towards that unprotected borne, towards the uncon scious and helpless woman. With a frenzied cry, he put spurs tn bis horse, and dashed away like a madman. shunting te his daughter lo follow him; at the aim Instant Thompson staggered and fell in the maiden's path, holding up bis bands in anguish. "Mv wile! mv children"' be groaned Ther was no besitstion In tbe soul of the brave Miriam. Mine is but a single life: he baa seven denendira- on blm." she said, aloud. As she spoke, she leaped from her saddle, and. with a gesture, commanded bim to lake her place. "But your danger!" faltered Toompeon "The Indians" Miriam asin pointed to the saddle. "Go," she commanded. ".Think only of vonr famllv. and be goner Si I I Thompson hesitattd. sweeping the horimn With esgr glances, to assure him self that no immediate danger threatened. A change camn over bis race at he looked, and he uttered a wild cry, catching up the glass Mr. Daue bad lot fall and looked tbre' it. The sight he beheld eonvulsed bim with terror. Not a nrile away to the west, be ssw eom- f .fivTr.vrsp ov gcin rr,r.. 25 CTS. WEEKLY RAILROADS. Erie Rnd Plttsbargh H, H o N AND AFTER SrTNDAT, NOV. M, ills, trains will ran oa thla road ss follows: . leavs sms souTHWjian. -10.S5 a. m., Ptttaburch Express, atopa at all st Nona, snd arrives at A All. W. R. K.Traae fer at 1 83 n m., at New Cattle at 1,11 av. and at Plttalmrgh at 8 oo p. tn. 4. SO a. m.. Accommodation from Jamestown, ar rives at A. A O. W. K. R. Traaasw at 61 . is., at New Cattle at 7 so I u, sal al Plttammrh at 10.no a. m. (.10 p. nt. Mixed Train leaves Erie for Share stopping at sll Intermediate stattaas aad ar riving al 1.0 a. m. ..onrawsiui. T.l S Erie Expreaa las- as New Cattle st 1,411 a av, w vv. . a ATanaitirai il,lo a. -wod arrlvee at Erie at S.S0 p m , makiac clone connection for Bur, and Niag. Kelte. 4,39 p m. Erie Accommouat ton loaves N. Castle al 7, p m , A A O. W. R. R. Transfer at l,M p m., Jameatown at 1.40 p. m. 8.SO p. tn- jllx-d Train leaves Sharon for Iris, ar rtvlng at 11, to p m. Plttalmrgh Kunnna tonth connect tl Jaraeatnwaj atll,A0 pm. will t, A K. Eaprees. for FranV lln and (HI t'ltt. Connects at Transler at I BS p m. with A. 4 0.W. Accommodation weal, for War. rcn, Kavenna and Cleveland. Erie Expniaa north connecta at A. A G. Tf Trans. erat 11,1a a m., with Mail east for Meadvlllei Franklin, and Oil City, and atJamestewS with J. A K. Express Tor Franklin. Trains connect at llocbeater with trains tar Wlwllns aneVall points In Wat Virginia, and al Piltabiirv'h connection for Philadelphia, Harris bun. Haltlmnr. and Waahineian. Vim Wnttavlvaala Central Railroad. Erie Kxpruw North, emnscts at Ulrard with Lake chore trail a Westward for Cleveland. Chirani and all points 1nthewetj at Erie with Philadelphia A Kilo llailrnad foremtv, Warren. Irvlnetoa, Tbllonte, Ac, and with B'.itfale A Erie PaUnavl for Hnffalo, Dunkirk, Niagara Vails ssaf New York City. F. N. F'N-NEt, Aas't Hiiperintetidanl BUrFALO AND ERIE RAILROAD. On and after Mondav. Nov. iilrd, I Sen. Passenger Trains will rnn on this road as sallows t lsaVi ems aroma east. 1.4(1 A. M. NIOIII' KXPREMS. stopping sS t-t" Riplry, Weatneld, Dnnklrk and Hlver crevk, arriving at Pntfalo at 4.41 A. sL ttK A. M., NKwxORK EXPHIOavSKatan IU.JJ Ftng at WestSeld, Broeton. Dunkirk, Bue'Jf iili mi uopVSf '-"avjagle mLjLi" 5,ve P. M, CINCINNATI EXPRESS, stef a-ev ping at rtonneaar, westneio, e met on Dunkirk and wllvercroek, and arrives aa llnlralo at lu.46 1. M. O.Aft A. M., MAIL AND ACCOM MOD A I If TION, stopping at all atationa, arriving aa fliiA'alo al l.4n A. M. OtIX P. M., DAT KXPIIESS, atonplng a K-bVJ Northeast. Ripley, WaatAeld, Dunkirk, Sllvercreek and Ar-gola, arriving al But falo at rtn P. M. lieavb nnrrain aotso west. IfftOK P. M-, DAT KXPItESS stopping st Aav mtim'J (oia, MUvcrcntk, Dnnklrk, Un.etoB, Vc-l field and Northeast, antvlngatErle St 8,44 P. M. 4, Ak P. M., MAIL AND ACCOMMODA UWTION.a topping at sll stMlons, arriving at Kris at KSo P.M. 0.A A. M., TOI.KDO KXPRES. stepelng a Ml all stations, and arriving al Erie a' lokf A. M. O.Aft, P M., STEAMBOAT EXPRESS, atee W pnR M Angoln. hilvercreek, Dunkirk Broeton. Waatficld frod Northeast, arrive Ins at Erin at I.9n A. M. - fn A. M., Nltllir EXPRESS, stopprng s4 ww tilvercrec, Dunkirk snd WettSold, atv riving at Kr'e at 4.4o A. M. Railroad lime ia to minutea rarer than Site time' R N BROWN, Gao l Supl. JJUt rALO, COIIHV PITTSOUal KA1UKUA1I TIME lAllhBl Takes sffoot Monda", November fid. UU, aORVnWARD. Accommodation leavea Corry 1.10 f. at. f Clytsat 4. I ; Panama 4.15; Sherman 4.25; Summit !,eat r. a ; Mayvllle t.So arriving at Broeton 1,eo p. m Expreaa train lenvet Corry 9.8b a. at. i Clymer t.m P,.6 i a lo4 : Sherman 1(1.14: Stimuli 10,aO;llasv vlllell.to, and arrive at Brecton 1. 0 Mail leavoa Corry 1,1ft r. sr., alopplng al all sat tlont, arriving at Broeton 4JS0 p. St. anuTHWAirt. Mall train leavea Broeton at v.nn t at , ttopptag at' All atatinna, strive at Corry at VI, i e. at. Exniea leaves Broeton at X,S4 r. a. : MayvIlM' 1,15 : btimmit S.45; Hrermen 4,oor Panama 4.SH Clymer 4.38. end arriving at Corry at a.ol r. a. Aceom-nodatUm leavea Broeton Too P. a., Msv. villa aid. Snmnrlt 8.4o, Sherman R.K, Panama t,3( Clymer 1,45, arriving at Corry at lo,4o T. St. ecxMEcrrotts. Paaaercers leave lloffilo on the Tolerin Eau'ea or Hay Expra, enn,reilng at Bmctrm with tralna for Mawlla. Sherman, Panama, Clvaaer snd Ourrvs eonnecrleg at Currv witn tralna on the Oil Creek R. R. for lltutii. Mi'lnr, Pioneer and Pet. Osntrv; Oil City and Ptttabtjign. Alao, eonnwting at ivntv with tralpa on the Part. adelphia Brlu rload, for Philadelphia anl Harrie. burg; an on the Atlantic and Gre.it Western ItalN way for fnlon, Mradvlll, Greenville, Pa., end Warren, Ohio, and Ismestownapd Riud, lph.N.Y 1alns leaving oil City at 411 a m., ikirr af 9, So a. ni., nrntiecticg at Rroctm with train oa B E. K. K . arriving In BnlTln at I. In p at, Trains leaving Of) City at 0,11 a m wilt eeaaaetl with Mail Train laavlng Cnrrv at. 1,11 p. ai., cosv neettug with Expraaa Sat on R. A E H H , arriV. Irnj In Buffalo at KM p. m. Lasrii'g Bnthlo at 4,sv p. m , srrlvlni." at Corry at 1o,W p. m. Alto, ennaet-at Mayvllle wlih Sleambista w Chamano.ua Ikaidunng saaaoa of aavlgatlou, w Jamattown ted Uimeolph. A. n. TtlUXf . Snp.. Janl. Msvrllle. V. I. 1,4 XV UlESiiiYlA.', T A. I Xj O R! AND CLOTHE CL EASES ! At Legsett'sold Ilitrrrea ShOOf Malir Street y PBTROLIUlf CENTRE, F.t. DVSiIN'G di ne tn order, Week dotre wrt! sayl aailtfactlna gnaranweS liH msi will u vr. xtm.ymir r-svivrja?iww 1