Stomach RS ! A Mfa, certAlii .ii.l rltMtnl Ri-nieilT fur DIacimi trt.l.f from a DISORDERED STOMACrf. fcf)aK4ia 1 ( :;:;i'''.r A wlnt gli.rul tatifln tbrM tiriM n .lay will be found Qnilr Id all eim-i of nYRVEisTA, j.irm couvzaist, oex- TJJtAL 2JJ:JlIZjlTYt Nervoutt 1'rimtratlnn and rwrti furm of Ini!ntlon. Julmiiillrnt 7Vrer. ; rr nrirj vftftie, mint n tnifi ItirlffnraHiiff riellcattt femuh-n and invalid. PREPARED BY j. vv. Dowrjca & co., Branch manufactory nt Petroleum Centre, l'a. Knltt by all IrucKl. Opinions of Exporlrnccd Urns- Read the following opinions of ex perienced druggists aad physicians : MESSRS. J. W. DOWNER 4 CO. : Having your Yoaainlte Bitter for noma tiinn paat. unit Imriiiir bad frequent calla for them by our custom. vn, Bml Irnra our own examination o'l them, wo be lieve thern to bo much hetiar in quality than an? ruber Hitlers in the market, and aro eonfident that they will an.wer your most Mngnino experta. 'on. ntnl fully meet the cIimmidH of the pnllio. AV would recommend thorn to th public for trial, enpeoiully to invnliila lufleriitg from weakness aud a d iuruVreil alomarh. llnspfoifullv Youm. A. D. "MILLER 4 CO., Druggisti. Tliii ecrtifiM tlint we huve m"1 th Grpat To mtie l!itii-r pr'pnrtl hy J. W. I)ownr i Co., of ti)i pl:i, ami liHlluvo "tin t thoy an1, what they nru ri'pr''scnti'd to Ik a pur.' awl whMoH'itUH Stom neh Bittfr. and n pli-munt tonic bcyi-rtmo for the mo of invalid nuBVrlm from wnkntta of (hp Plomncb. Dyspopsiii. e., 4c. V Ihinlt thi-m to hn a K'"d, it not hotter, thun any Tlitttra now in tliw tnnikvt, and cUueriully rcsouimtud tbvm to the public. RfapclfollT. T. B. McXAIB CO., I)iuWiH. I hav mod, and oWmd tlieflcU of the Grpat Tixpinitp Slomli llittor". prepared by J. W. Downer 4 Co., l'ctrolenm CpnltP. and think thpin jirHfrabl to anv now in ui. for tli "tiff of those difficulties far which tliny aro rPCommMnded. J. M HAUU1.NG, M. D. Oil City, Pa., Dec. 26ih, 18UH. lliiving carefidly examinpd tho Yoismltn Blt tPi." inuniilue'nrHd and aold by Mi-nra. J. W. Downnr A Co., I am convinced that they arrf chem ically pure, und linvins n knowledge of 'their com poiient pn, X feel aufe in recommending their ue to the ullliffted. . J. A. LOBAVGH, M. D. Oil City, iliirch Oth, 18li. PRSPABEDB'Y J. W. Downer & Co., 1'otrolnuin Centre, Pa, Branch Manu factory, and sold by nil Druggist. TheG-rGatTossmitoBittors auk v.-Aiiu wrrn to cvnv, all dh- SQisonssasa stomach. OUR GINSER CU30IAL, WINES siro'rior t jiny In llic SItU!t. TJ6Y TllMM t .1. W. DOWNKR 4 t f). I'-'tiulfum ('nlr, Meicn HUh, lufiil. T. B. McNair & Co, 23 WASHIXtiTO.Y-ST., Would resoctfitlly nnnonnci' that Ihi y are oro now op.-uMc a lull aEsoilrueut DKTJG-S ! PATENT MEDICINES ! Faints, Oils, In the room formerly occupied by Air. Goodman. 2f" Particular attention will lie paid to the preparation of I'rawnptions, and no pduis spar ed to make this Department as complete as any iu thu country. Wines, and Hiiquors I EgTJOur price? will compare fevoraHy, and we do not doubt being able to suit all who may favor us with their patronage. , T. B. IfleNAIR 4c CO. retroitnra Centre, a., Oct ; O.-'Mf United States LIFE nsurance OF KKW YORK, Established 3Sarc!i 5, 1S50. CnpUul s AKaeta, $3, 000,000 E. J.ROSS, Agent, Petroleum Centre, la. This Company, Being one of the oMwt and moat rollnMo in the United StAteH, atroid amjiie aecur ty, not only by Ita iarr avacta, which on Jaa mry int. IMS, were al ready MX per cent orer lt liabilities, Lut also by the PERSONAL LIABILITY OP TUB STOCKHOLDERS TO MAKE GOOD ANY DEFICIENCY, a leenrity nut Horded by any other Caeh CoinpHiiy. Dividend are Declared Anna- ally !. And nany b nol to aiit in paving to allord Idllttoniil .nmmt)e. or to bfc iro paid up j1Ic after they have been in farce fin a nuiubtT of yenr, hi rxplniiicd in our pamphlot, or they nmy AccunMilntf Ht compound iLtvnvt to im-ieaso tlie tuia iUruiAXi, 'Hoo'd rornr. a Policy a. early aa poasili'o. n nne hut livilthy peisoiH can bo insured,, ami it U In. mor duty, to provide In the naftwt wny for hi rum i'y, which lie cannot do belter, tlmn by a Lira In mmioa. Vunny Invented in hmir.os nay hilnft nioro intent for a while, but II may nil be loat. nod the family U thin left dfntiiutn. JanT-ll. Lf 11AM f l., li.vo tle ltrzet .-I i!t of UtVdL Ktl in Voa iute eoimif. HARnWARK OIL CITY. KOBSOM'S Cseek I'n'i- Works. Vil IIOIJO.V A; Co., Corner or Sriiecn A ''outre t., Kant ido Oil reek, Vit ( lift Dealcrf in Morrb, Tjker" Co'a OIL WELL TUBING AND CASING, ALSO, WORKPCO BWHFT, AND VAI.VSS, bTWINll BOXKS. CLAMPS, TONf i. sicker nons, C Macliiiior7 ftr Oil Wells & Kfinsries HOUINO T01.H, Oil, l'UMi'8, EltlVIN'; J'll'K, COLD WATKlt HUJIPd Brcry description of SLTPLTE3 FOR OIL WKLLS AND RE FINBKIES, Also, STOVES, TINWARE, h:?as ooons, TEA US AXP Oil FITTTXIl.t. UEI.TLa, lAVKlXa, tad BOSS; IIAF.mVAKB, IlOl'SB TKIHMINU8, Carpentprg' Tools. Hope, Uakunu Nuils, As. CoT-e Mill?, Table 4 Pocket Cutlery; V Fa!i Aortaien. of Everything In tho HARD WARE LIXK 5?tle Fiirilnhtn? Door, Ijiups, Ctiini)Hs. o. 1 Winter HtralMPrl T,nrd Oil, 'J'aKlo ami DoorMafs; i'Jsa:r:;23n Clothes VriiJrs ?lanr.rctarcr of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Wars. TTpptinne of nil k!"l d"-r vitti ncarnefia nd diiipntcb. i.pct tal aitrntinn gin-n ta STEAM AND GAS FITTIXG. Wbnve pirlpr.vftrrd to mH tlio pntronnr of . public, and tiall nro evry ejeoniun to injure C'Hitimwnt'tf. ''ur fti'itio .for rrn'hin "trvtbin2 in our II ne. K-wfsg U'-vm :rr(tly iiicrfed. tuc" orvcfiou of our New BmUIiiur. ore nv sUPBKlOU TO ANY OTUKIl KSTAHLISHMEVT n.l -'Iirt. IN TUB OIL KK-;ll. AUG. S!EIOft9 MERCHANT T AIIiO'S, Rissell's Block, Oil City, Ua joat received a large awortment or KKW FILL & WINTER GMBS. Of the Latent Purls. London, and Vow York Fnih ioiti, compririiii in p.irt CLOTnS. 1 BEAVERS. DOESKINS. TRICOTS. VELVETS. CAS.SIMERES, 4c, anil nil article- kept in a Fi!'it-C9u THiliii:g Eatab- Ht.llIIK'llt. Hata, Cnpa, rino Wtittn siiirta, Paper Cullarn, If nan. MiiHeiidcrs. Meuktion. uud KieHts' Fursiishlns In ireneral. all dncrlo'iorH of Clothing niad" tin by ex u-r enrrd workmen, in ilia latent stiles, at ren.Joiiahle price.. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. CU City. ra. Sep. 10 lSM-tf. AUl3' SIM0J'- FLOl'R 1D FEED STORE, MO. 37 CE.VTR.E-3T., Oil. CITV, I'A. Tlikta Hie bl . eatnhl'.hmmt or the kind In Mie Oil ilesjlen. flenr and Velxl eid at whnbanlc an-i rei aie22tf CR..R Sc TIIACKKIJ, J 31 naldon t,ane, N. Y., are row prepared to reicli'e on Commlnion aud make MIiitiiI Adrnnceatn belluera and Delera in bolti Crude and Mef.ued Oil. OIL VITRIOL. CBAXE, TlIAClSnit Jb Co., rElitOI.F.fM fTNTKE, I'A , Ken on hand OIL VITRIOL. ItLl'K 4 WHITE PAINT CAUSTIC. SODA ann! OLUE. Are prepared to m-'.ke disronat to Itr-nnea tor t'Atll. and will not be undersold in anv 01 tti uhove article.. juiieMIt C'BAXE, TflACKER & CU. OallirmW.TO'. "uamr; Ialers iu &r C O A. Tj . JZ2 Delivered or m the Y nil by tho ear or tie. inn 15 K SOI.tflOnM ,tirpirv, Ladle.' Kate, Kar bill"". Sli.ev, HnMone. Ac. at. 1SHA Jl .v CuV. AI.L K'ltHaj'I'.H ijit no tn hT VmTTT r. Mtft lfK...Vll 1 1 J.' I ' 1 K 'I' ni"' "' "HAM A. ( O MISCELLANEOU.S-OIL CITY. NEW HARDWAKE STORE nKATINQ AND COOKINU In largo rarlety. TABLE AND POCKET Outlery! SHELF IIAROWARE.- HCUSS FURNISHOB G:OES LAMrS.LANTEKN.-5. AND FANCY ARTICLES. Ware, ttr. For al At the .tore formrrlv orennhd bv t'.nrchne'd an'l Cilaterline, OIL f! 1"V, I'A. J fa en i; Oil City, .T.n. t. 1SHH if The 1 anoerry COAL CO, Is now prnpa??';3 to till Orders for auy uciauitt of 8 133 S"I)aIer9 will consult their inlei-etts by orden'UKV , . Oeueiol Aitent Oil C'ty. r. Feb IS, 1RT.9 tr. EoH Gil CM Tips Works I'HA. KOBSON & CO., Corner of Seneca, nnrl Centre St, enat si do or Oil Creek, Oil City, l'a. Ilnvlne htid a wwcr'nl fleam Kncin. and three lav I. TI! t-'S, to nt:r aireadv e.!-liive Mnnnrac nrlnj OiablMment, ar no prutnred to do all Ihe iiooceary wyrk, i;i diliri up, and repairing. ENGINES. . BOILERS, IRON TANKS. REFINING MACniNERY, COPPER WORMS AND STILLS. OIL WELL TOOLS AND FITTINGS'1 In fact iio"all Mn-hinorv .lob W'.rk rnuiiitrd to nt Willi tientnc-4 and ditniilrn ane -Hint ALL pAPER JVcw Styles for Si)im ! :! D, 0 0 o mm At Low Price. STATIONERY. SCHOOL BOOKS. BLANK BOOKS, Piac C E &0M J S, Foreign & American, SHEET MUSIC, TOYS, FANCY GOODS, 4c, IX CHEAT VAKIBTY, As reusoniililf n? cnti lx jinroimsed at any place in thu Oil Region. EW2STO., & Co., BipselTs Bank Block. OITi CITV, Od City. l'a , Oct. .1, ts'is-if JOHN M. DAVIZS & CO , DRUGGISTS ! BIoiELL'S BLOCK. CENTRE-ST., Oil. ITV, I'A. Wlilea,tn Am-a'a tcr Tir. Leon's V.loctrlc !Ia Huneir.T and Ur. Uon't Humody. in8 if. UrftK H!l't'! CSU.I.S primed at l,. uhi.-.. n,.tC. ill Him Ifpr.ird lllln-rt ill r I ii. II ii 1 u . i ii j j 'liHi: JIAH.V HKCoKfi, if U,u UetHdrerilffini; t u(Htitim in 'hftolln-uioti. I Cfl'S. hi tiiieia lloiiu. M,,ii,ii,... ' UM RAILROADS. Oil Crsek & Allegheny River R R NEW AND MOST DlHECT ROUTE To TUK OIL REGION. 10 1803. WINTER AltKANOEMKNT. 180 TIME TAIJLB. f N AND AFTER MONDAY. NOV. Sum flOIVU NORTH TO OH, CITY PFTItot n, CKN'I'liE Tl I TSVILLE ANII )llKY. there nitli train. r..r I'ltl.oli'), ,j " in" 9 4o a. in., Pelroleimi Centre M.aj a in B..yd arni 11. in , Miller f arm "'. tea m.. Hiu-vill.. H.usa. in., arrlvta, at i orry nt la ta p m. ' r"ul! 1:50 i!i M ,V"'''iin'rlv,',itos4o p. an " Ohpo ia4o; p. m. (connwi. will, ruin for Hlholo City), Oif City 4.3" p a p. trolciim Centri B.IH p. in , i,,vd i'.,' B;2I p in., .Miller Farm S. p m" TUiu 7 6 b'ni P' '"'' arrlvlllg ' Corry i 6tyy A j., A.'commodatlon from Oil cittu. Hveaat l'eirolenin t entre 7.ol a tn il5 Farm T ml a. in., '1'liinv.llu 7.4.1 i "2 an ivin ai v orry ai o vn a in GOINY! HOI Til PhiM I'OltitY, Tli'rtvill hktkdi.kl-m centi e on, city ' It n' i oiiniiie ti,io . m M..U1 Mi,.r K.lriI1 s 45 1ny(J F(nna ( m. m, I't'iroloimi t'enirf H oT a ia, oil nt. .4il a. ni., Oieoiiolin to 2a a. m Tml oiiteH.SJa m , and Irvineton H U 0 . A I'. St., arrive, at 'nm.viile a 1 1 .S m., Miller Cviu p in, B.,vd Kuril 2Mpni, Pl mien : ven rn . r, n mi Oil l itv 3.3 1 p. in.. We Oil city 31, L ni, arrive oieopo i. 4,oT p ni, rcnimea wllh train for I ith.ilej, Tldiom t it d In , and Irvine:. ,n p. m ' ,''' '" cconun ulilion f.i-m ( orrr n. "" rlve TiUKviile 7.o7 p m, ,llll,.r (." 1 8."' p. to. Ib.yl Farm 7 p ni, I'ein.l. nra Coiiira ".M p in, arriving ut Oil Cilr b cf p in. ' CONNECTIONS. Train North connici at Copy iih Philadelphia ....v ... ... .,,i,i ltiiiiu meal western and Hitt.biirirh ra'lroadf r ' .i.tiiii' i in ,( v.ny n i'ii r . .i i a nil umncli Tor, M i ..Ui ill", and tun o'evt, anl at lr. in.'pin Willi Pliil. .tKi ii. II. I l' ui ...... o-.... Stan'ii'.rd lime 'ivit-.ty nrniiii-a f ti.-r I'an Fia- k lin I'rinirh and A. .v. 't tV. It. K. tim-. Pai!C'ii.'r. n i!! fin.! thi rimd a - i!" plcannnt an! tlie !.i.rtet rume to ntal f orn tlim il re:ion. Ml ir:iiaJtV- fi-o-n Irvin t.,n liaieaiier arrival of irion. on ;. .t I!, i:. R 'iA ask Tor viiroMih Tlc'.e'a via o txut A AlioL.,..,iv Hivur liaiiwav," t.'.uUieat Short I.'i.u;. to l!ie Oil lie 'ion. II. I'. .-Wl TErt.Orn-l Hliperll.Jender.t. C. J. HEI'I'.UltN, A'i 6iiiel1lllendepl. nr.:. a'iitaibiir!, I'ort Vaj:c uiid CIJ(c;ttrv Itiiilivay. a.u.-. a.aa.a.1-.. tea Tea. "11 Ciiv. I'ntliklin. Ja ae't.iwn, Mevrlviile, I iuikhViMn, New Ca.iie, IToiiH.w.ind. Neiv llri ililun. Ifi'i'liiNrcr, A Jciiiieny, I'll !,'Hir'h nf 8,10 p. m. b65 p. m. 2,4, a. ra. a. m. 7, 'JO a. in. S.Hi a. m. h2't a. la. N-li a. m. 10,UU a. in. .20 a ra 0,01 a nt. I,1!. a. ra 1.41) p. la. Sl.O.i p. ni 3,7 p n l 4,1 8 p. mj 4,.5 p. mi A,. I) p. ni ttetiirniiijf-lMTin Pitiimrteh at U,00 a. in." and l,tl ji. r.i. I'HAl.'.S Ki'Oi" ,roit on Pittbnrsh, Fort V'avna "!"!""'."''" ,'l,il"y llinettood at ll.'Olt p. ni fl 'Id ai w,.ij a. ni. and 1 0, 1 4 6,00 and 1 0,05 p. ii .' i . - ' a iu, aim ill.:.., 7,00 and 9, SO p. tn . and (i,0 an I ll.SoS at a, . . ' MVElAUcu'll'teketAiient. March. 1;.H.-tf. p;t..i.ii.-'i. o. A f'.inu 'cm vtti: i,Atiit DR !)fl lM'l' IJjI.KIA l';( lilCAL PILLS fr Kcma'ea. Infdilila ip cirre"ritn IvreiritlarltiiH. ti'moiiinc i.bitrie inn. of Hie rarailli j liin.a. fi'.m '.Oiiilevi.r cuae and ahvavl ii(cea,fu w a precnliAe in..j.inia a dce 'Fimalea . rnba'-l.v itnaul. or t' eiippoe'iithr-noielVH. ..i, nrec. nii tied a iainat naiee liieee Pi'la. whilo in that condition lit tii.v' invtio ni:.carriaj;e atlar ubi. h admonili'in the pro rlelnr aa.nmeA no re epolnnlii! ry. a llinnu't iheir mrit'.p-i wmt'd p'e-.'.nt any in! chinf n, Inailh; ether a ite the I'll', are r. cinniti. ndi-d aa a nnut inaltube rcintdv for the al k'viatioii ortiioieM.tTarn.'s fr.nn any irreciilan'tie. wliait.ver. an well an to nivverl an in -rean of fanil. ly when health will not permit lr; qmrllnp the noma and hrtn-'lng back the To.y color of health" to the cheek of the lnet delicalo. Knl! nvd explicit oirrctiiiii. accoirpany each boa Price $1 per box: 0 Ikx .s. Sold in i i iroh nni Centre, by A n. MILLER A CO . So'e Ai.-onte'' for Peirol-'iun f enrre, Pa. Ladle.! Ily aendinn tlleni I totlw P.irolcum tn tro I'. O. ca.i have t e Pill. ent conhnentiilivl hy mail to any part ..ft! e country, trej of eh irea' .Sold alao hv U C t l .'l C nrk Tllu.vll!., Pa. ; A. H Cirlflitb, Oil rl'y; FUmintr Vo-Cim-, KranV in; Dr. .1 L. Aconib. Tidi' ino: K. T. Uii7.i.toii, tt'arri'n : and hv "one Dnirgtal" iu va. town in tho U lioil st.,ie.; ard by " Jul D. lliiWK. I rop-r. New York. A PERFECT CURE For Dyspepsia, Fever nnj Ap;ue, Aci dity of the, Loss of Appeti'.e, Nausea, Ileiirt-burn, Jaundice, and all diseases nriin;; from a disordered BttiU of the Stomach, Liver or Intestines. Prepared by Seward & Bentlet, Drurjo-ists, Buftalo, N. Y. Sold by U druggist. A. I). MILLER & CO.. Wholesalo and Retail ruirjlata, Aiienta for J'etroleiini Cenire and vicinity. " .Inl Ily fVNl U'lWaT'llolriTTVnnCIM Isfl.i.U Sc CO., Uatciimakess & Jf.wfi.eiis IN Ol'Kll.V HOUSE nuiLDING, WASU ' INGTON STliEET, rETKUI.F.IT.TI TENTItP, I'A., Keep constantly on hanj a lavjo ansortrnf nt of WATCH RS. JiiMlil.IiY, PISTOLS, KEVOLVFHS. FISIIINO TACKLE, v-artr d;:ii5, Ac. and will f.i.11 nt ciieein prices. All atcli wik wa i in'uci pi j;i e fatirficlioj.