NEW CLOTHING- ! JAMESTOWN CLOTHING STORE, (Formerly J. A. I.OSER,) . i 1 i i . . ; We have just received ami are now opening to the auminn guzw uf the clllm l rtruleam IVntif :md vlolnllj llit lnrgjntok of ' i SPRING GLQTHIN H,ver brought to 1 Clothing Mads to Order Hats and Caps In Gents' Famishing Gocds Our Stock in Complete. Inspection of our utock is respectfully solicited. frgf One Price, and all Goods warranted as represented. yjg LASHERS & ALDKX. retrolRiim Centrn, March 1, W9 -tf. DRUGS AND DRUGS ! MEDICINES I ,1. H. CHEISTIE, DEALER. IX mJ6S, OILS, Paints.Varnishes, Glass, Putty Soaps, S)v tit tsil's, Fancy and ToUgI ikr&ioles. AMj KINDS OF PATENT G3ED3S1MES. rggji PURE tk LIQUORS h SELECTED EXPKE&3LY VOJt MEDICAL PURPOSED B. Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours. Xo. 13 Washington-st.. ftN'trnlmsa Centre, I'a - CIvii urn a call b!ro imrctuultut cl(v!i re. James A. SlierritY, lias, ill addition to tho lar' stuck ol OIL WELL SUPPLIES! HARDWARE, , STOVES T'NWARE &C, That he kcpja at liif Old Stanil in this Place, JUST OPENED A FIXE STOCK IX HIS LINE. At the Southwest Cor ner of Woods Farm, WHERE HE HOPES. By the aiiofCiat MM, The use of New and Latest Im proved Machinery and Im plements in the ftlECIIAMCAL DrPlUTMEYr, THE PURCHASE OV THE BEST MATERIAL, SELLING AT FAIR PRICES AND MKERAL IWAMXC CI'- To merit 'and receive liberal en couragement from operators in that locality. I I MIS A. SlIEUKUT. l'ciroleinii Criitro, i-upl S, VKi tf I 9; i H elroleum ventre. at the Shortest Notice. of Every Style. MEDICINES. I Vv'O If.l J. 81. CIlttZKTIFl. READ ! BEAD ! ! SOBEL I HAS REMOVED ! Ills Lnrno trtock ol 3nt. the EJo:in foruiprly Jct'u;iie 1 by S. Atu i li.ihsi,' MXTMt3lli6 0PERiHE lie has added to u largo seiec I ion of MSB 8 Whirli h imitrsj I!' I-'.li" nf PoioIi'Uin ntre Hats Zk Cas, licaily-.ISad.' ( Io!ilnr, &t.. tic, all of h ich he has ma kod down to Iha Lowest Cash Prices. I desire to tliiink my. numer ous customer for their liberal patronage at my old stand,, and hope by keeping a large selec tion of (roods, at Low l'rices, to continue to supply their wants as heretofi re. 5. SOBEL. J':rolciim Centre, MaroU li 0 if. TELEGRAPH UKiNinrun for tub daily record, Havana. Murcb 10. Tliviiinit frim th City of Mexico of M ire i HUi uii- received by steamer from t Cn;z. Tin" r"lMl t ti n. ejjretlo Ims t:t een h-nrd .,t sine hi? titit. Tin emu is in I'otuSi ti al conceded peli- linil I G'iT. IlllS'ilUH lit. A ctuiroli in Seaeiia C. m struck by lini.tiiliig mi tlm .1th inat., and win duairny- i. WII" Illll.Uieu jivinuus ntiu uiiiic" hi li!0 rinnt. Aure!l:iiig Revera was ' lililed in a duel Willi (inv. Garica. Cnavez has been assassinated by f'f.n ton. Ces; nda, Governor of Yuea lan, died nt Meriil4. The reported appointment of a minister to Washington prores not. tnu. Mai'irro, Mexiciiu.Ciiii."nl at New York, will net ns one ol the Coiatnosioners under the liea'y with the United Stall's. St. Long, March 17. A rntintcrfmler's den, aliont four niilrs I'rnin the city, was discovered yesterday end some liftmen thousand dollar" in bo'iia city lreamy warrants and a lot of llfly cent United St'ilt'3 fractinmil currency, tools, I ren, itc, found. A woman living at the place was arrested, but no man baa yet been ciiitgh t. The ri'xrt of an aailysisof a now hair lo tion described by its vernier as "'perfectly innneitoim." shows that Ibis jirecions mix- inr" is CTinposeil of roso-wnler. sulphur and euar o! Irad, tlie laltir in biifiicirnt quanti ty ta chilli) para'ys'.s, or painter's colic. directions wer that a "'dessert spoon fill should bn dnily brushed into the roots of tl"e hair, until tiio whole herd was nioisl- eno.i." Whon men love in earnest, they inalte a businus of it. In inch cases it is not busi ni'ss lifore plensure, but with It. Tor thrilling particulars inqnir of those who have bin theru. ttio"OlliliO)l. 'plTF cn-'iaiinriip htr-'i.tforo eststin lietwwn 1 W. II. TiTicwcll tint W'nrren (' li.mintcr. H tlil (1 y U;ifi!v,' liv imminl i-niiwi nt. Mr I'luihincr vi-t.rii'C 'I t'it liuiir will tut ''nrrici on liv w, II tin;-wH. nhn w il collt-rt all bill uu tiie late firm ami w -all llic dc-ttU) or wi'l nun W. 11. IlNOWI-M,, VV. ('. I IXAlMKi.. ta'ert fd' Cth. r,w Petroleum Exohans;e HOTEL. OX THE EUROPEAN PLAN. ALL" THE LUXURIES ts.-: OYSTERS ! Rece OK TUB I) A I L Y ! SEASON W' ' i a i l s V:ihiiiglon SI reel, rt-troien'ii C'entri', 1n.. nexi rtnnr to ihnnt & Co't J fwrlry btiiru ll iy l!o:u,.-rt ncc'jiniiiiiu oi'il. Me.iN Ki'rvi-'i nt h' li .ill.-. (;cis. iiiiu evt-'iv cesniuiou ol un1 fitllii.-t., ,J rlTIN. No litiu-will b uptinil to arcommoduto lUofe iu.i u.vur u.i wun t :tu- piiivou ii;!.'. T- W. SANDS I't-trolrmn untr-, .Ton. t".. lSfid. if. S. hJ. G riswolcl, I)a!r ia XW Ordeis by the Car or Ton promptly Filled. Ainu, Ai'Dl for the eclubnitnl REFJi i:iDB mh Ol TICIJ iu Keiond Struct, near It. K. Track, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. Juiiia if. LIVERY FESO STABLES, WUiSiisildii !8ror"l, cppnuitc (lie (ui':i ICoiiRtt, PETROLEUM CENTRE. PENN'A. I have put hi a po"d stock of RMinz and Privinj; Holies, w hich I will let on rousonahle lerntii. Also, CnPer, XVuffoili, Sjrlng tlot'SUS hoarded ami fi-d and lt;t of fare cunr mi'ifl. jantilf A. MIAWtKV. CAK.U'OtiM.t. WHRAT FIELDS AND STOCK RAN (;il ,s 1 Imve K:iu!-1hh ur t'armi f.ii p throup'll Mit rAI.IV'OllXlA, in tmcls of Ono llillldrcd Ac -e u;i tn Twenty TIiomhimiI. Ti ruii to suit pnr-clri-jrs. T.ioso lauds'will jiow Tlihty.flve to Fifty Dm-hrls of Whoat to tho Aero, with ordinary f irm Iiir, and a Vo'.uu;o;i Crop ef Twouty-Fint binhe per Acie. 4)S-Cnrre?pmideii; Solfcitod Address HEXIiV SI.-SK.NTT, I'Cilnr in Hid lliite, (m:e 301 Maatannvy ree. an Kandsen, C. THE Oil. MARKETS. Orvirt or Tnts Pst'h Cevtkk D.wi.t Rsxoxd Pktri)lkl-u Ckntrk. March 18, The markets remains about the same, ns reported yesterday. 10 cars wera sold at $5.80. Wo quote at $3. 75 5. 80. Sbipmcntsof oil from this point. March 17, per 0. C. A A. R. Railroad, 731) barrels. ii' M.tut;rxut:v vt:tj ..:. Sj.Pcial Uisiml"!-. lojultiii'y l:c-ul. I'lrrsKt-itiiH. Maivh 18. Spol 15. Kirst water 16 II. O. tir."t six months, 19 far 4j gr. for 47 ix S. O. lirst six months, 15 for45rr. for 47 gr. liuyers optioti all this year, Ki1, for 45 i;r. ; lor 47 pr. .Mellon optiou all this year, 15 for45gr. Mariiel Sick. run.AUKi.euiA, Match IS. Siiut, 3;i,' i'llurch April :;2', May to July, uoin. May, to Sept., J mil , 34 '4. Jily . April to July atVed. Crude Ulils., . ('rude bulk, . Market Inactive. New York. March 18. Receipts Refined, 2,224 barrels. Crude. bois. Naptna. bbls. Crude, 17 ltelini'd. spot 3J,'. Market (juiet uud steady. London, March 18. 2. p. m. Refined, 2!d. Spirits, 7,'id. Antwerp, March IS. 3 p. m. 55,' J franca. Livr.Ki'oui., .Maic.'i IS, 3 p. m. Refined 20,'jd. Spirits, TJjd. ANTWiir.i", March 18 5 p. m. C.-ude UesM.rn 1'itiou Line J ?larkel Report, Now York. March 18. Crude, bulk, 18. nom. Re.'inrd P. L. S. to W., 30 ; S. IT. Market Quiet. Philadelphia, March 13. Crude 19 nom. . Ueliued-P. L. S. U, W., 30; S. W, 50'a. Market Quiet. Pittslmrgh, March 18. Marktt Very Dull about 15. rloaliiB New York market. New Y'eik, 3:10, p. ta., March 18. Market Quiet ami weak. Refind, 30 1 j. Crude. 17. oi.utMNi-r; voictt. Nev York, Mareb 17. Gold 131','. RICH MARRlAfjE GIFTS. Tub l.'ICllKT to?r whii-li yoni'i" Van ciin iii-b- tcv.l to I'iii I 'vide, in it sound eonlililtlon tun) u pure lieiirt. l-;tvi en Iiii- 'e -ul j-'-t. with the hinnaia iviewsof in uev.ihrut I'liCiiieiria., ielit in triile.i le ler t nvelo;,'.-'. Iree of charee. Addiw IIDWAUD ASOt'IAI IUX. M ix P., I'hilildel,bi:l. l'a. 2i 3rn. J. A. PLANTE, French Boot Maker Waiiiigfoii I'trt-t't, THRE" POOHS WEST OF A. P. MIL LER CO.'S DRUG SI ORE, I" ETB li I ; lT SI C E X T It 11 , Pa . . Is nianuf.icturiii!! to order I-'I US ft LASS FIN'B U OUk, 4ui li aa I'sttt'iit lit'itilicr IloM, I la til p Sole ItoolM, l'rt-ncli Cork Jo1c IIooIn, rule AV'It Iloolti. HEAVY OR LIGHT WORK DONE IX FRENCH STYLE. Cull and see snir.fiics. ' J. 4. PI.ANTK. retrolelim Centre, l'a . July 2 Sin A. T. LEG(;i2'LT, Himu'nrtitrpr and IValw in Seed Bags, Valve Cups, &c. Kxin-r'"!.ee. wwli-Tim sro rntoleyeil, and Ilnr-Tie.- il all kinds l,ut coiiHtiuitly ou hand ai.d aiauc to order. 1 i. IIcin.' tait. f !! IS rag 1'or W:llc. Repairing Done at all Times ! Call and t-zmiiuu eur stork and prices, 3l!if'i-SIM kiilow'ihe McC'Hii lock HoiikC. retrelsam Ctre. l'a., Jan 7th, tf. A. D. MILLER &, CO. 13 COLUMN. A. D. MILLER & CO, rhlc94l and Holail Dealers in DRUGS, MEDICINES, &C, Washington Streets PtLTRUl.tlll.TI CENTUC, PA. Their Stock consists of everything.In the line of Druffs & Medicines ! FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES, Wholesale and Iletnll Agent for YOSEMII'B fTOIACII BITTiKS, JOIIX ROOT'S BITTERS, CONSTITUTION HITTERS. ALISMA FOR THE HAIR. SEWARD i IiENTLEY'S COUGH SYRUP MAfilO MACEDONIAN OIL, , PUPONtJO'S COLPEX PILLS, WALKER & RAZES CIGARS, JAYXKS' MEPIC1XHS. ANDERSON'S PERMAPOR, iH'ENCEK'S MIXTURE. Sl'ENCER'.S OINTMENT, Ao. Tnr'. Mars1en'a, Pr-llot'ii. Hi;iml'!tll, Wrl.illifi's, 'iliin'9, Coiilmili-, Moliiu's, i.lm'ti', Hcrr'.ci.V, Mtili'n, Vriiih'ti, Hu'ir'ii, rnUwiiy R. R. .THyne'n, Kohaik1, .Iml-or'n, K -hi-nrli's, Clai m's Female. rhciMiMnan's Dupoiu-o'i, do, Telpaira, ilo, d:c., e Perfumery, Toilet Af- tltls, Koaps, finishes. &e. COi:IIS, CWIjUSI, Ace. Aver'a Cherry Pectoral, J u y lie's Expentnrautj Marsden's Dal in, Schenck's Syrup, Universal Syrup, Excclior Syrusi, Ransom's Hivo Syrup,' Seller's Syrup, Coe's Syrup, Hall's lialsnm. Dentin's Balsam, Bryan's Warers, Olire Tar, Ri-otvn's Troches, Wishurt's Pinn Treo Tar. Si-ward's Cough Cure, Uatcmiiu's Syrup, Cough Candy, ic Cigars and Tobaccos ! Tlie Hvst 'Ever Uronglit to tl; Oil ISouioti. IIAIIi ISESTOU.VTIVES. ALTSMA, MRS. .1. A. ALLEN'S, RING'S, CIIEVALH-.RS, II ALL'S. MARTHA WASHINGTON, HAKRETT'S, ROSSETTFR'S, LYON'S, STERLING'S, BARRY'S, Ac, ic. r.oo'ri. cnscTirrTtoN, iwback's. DKKK'S. MAOAttA STAIi, M'HI.K.V'8 MtSlU.F.H ', linSTKTTKH'S, PI'FKICH, UOOFLANP't". CAI IfiiltN'tA. ATTWOOD'S,' l'ltOTC'XIDK IliON, &U WALL PAPEBS, C'urtnint and Itimtic Sliadoa. PAI.T4, oirs, VAU.MSIIES, IiAS"y, PITTY, OlilE, Tnrpcntiitc, Spoittft'ti, I)y- Stufft, Ilryers, Lard Oil, Evcimrae Oil, &.t. LAMPS, LAMP FIXTURES, Hit. Scot ill Ah Ivcnsiett Ale, Congress Water, PRESfUIl'TIONS COM POUNDED AT ALL HOI liS OF THE nk;iit AND SUNDAYS. STATIONERY, ENVELOPES 43. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. TRUSSES. Come llloTig. come one. t-niiio al it don't eo.t sr.y thifitr to look at r;uod, ani ue will tiy to treat oa' 111 Mull. a. p nir.i.ER 4 e'i I'eti'ulsaa Cwitro, fepl H, Is. It m