The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, March 17, 1869, Image 4
Stomach BITTERS ! A ufe, certain and plMiut RrmidT for at) Dlictmarlalng from DISORDEKED STOMACH. A wine gUaiftU Ukfn vbra tlram dj win be found (follft la ill DTSPBP.1ZA, T.Tmi COMVLA.IST, GElf- h It A It DKRILITY, Servant l'rottrnllnn and Tory form of lndlgmtion, IntrrmUlrnt J rvtr, rtvrr and Agur, and a mild Invigorating JU.nxuor aelitaf fematet and InvalHt. PREPARED BY J. W. DOWNER & CO., Branch Mnnnfactory nt Petroleum Centre, Pa, ""I ny nil llrngKHtsl. 0,iir.ijhs of Experienced Draz glsts. Read the following opinions of ex perienced druggists and physicians : MrT-SPS. J. W. DOWNER. A CO. : Hiivlnit rii Tour Yoenmite Hitter for some time past, ami raving hm r"()iiHnt ealls T"T tlnm ly nur custom ers, ami fmm our own examination nl them, we he liere them to ho much better in quality limn nny other Hitlfi-H in the market, nnii e are ponfiil.-til that they will answer your most sanguine expecta tions, nml fully meet the ricruninls of t". t.uMie. Wa would recuintneml Ihnin to th- puhlla fur tral. especially tn invalids auGering Iroin weakners nml a disordered sinnincb. Respectful! Yours, A. 1). "MILLER A CO., D.-itajists. Thl rer'.ifirl Hint we have used the Great Yue n; Millets irenrrt Iry J. V. Downer A I'o.. nl tnie plus;., anil In-Hove thx t they are. what t'.ipy ere repr"("iteil to lie p. pure nmi wlinlea-mia Stom ach i'liters, ami u pleiiftnnt tonic berrriign fur the e or InvalnU aiiir.rini from wenknoa nf the Ptoniaeh, Dyapepaia, Ac, Ac. 'Vo think tlieni to bn e hhI. il not better, than any flitters now In the marki t, and cheerfully reanulmend tlieni to the punlic. Uippi'Clf"'lr. T U. McXAIR A CO., DnicjisiB. I hre iie l, anil ohrv(i tlieeff.w ta of the Groat Yoemite Stomich Bitier. preparer) by J V. Downer A Co.. Petroleum Cenlie. and think thern preferable to miv now in UP", for the reli 'f of those (liO.cultii'8 icr which they are r(ommeiirleil. J. M H.UUMA'C, M. D. Oil Cily. Pec. 2iii:i. 13(18. Tlnvlni! carefully r etnipeil the -Yowmlle Bit tern," manniattiirinl and nild by Me-nra. J. W. Downer A Co.. I am eonvlnaed that thi-y arn chem ioilly pure, and having h knowl"de of their com ponent nnrt, I feel aufu i:i rrinninendln thir uac to the iii:i:tfil. J. A. I.OBAt'Gri. M. D. Oil City, ilarcb 6l!i, 1SC9. J. W. Downer & Co., retroleum Centre, Pa., Branch Manu factory, and sold by all Druggist. The GreatYosemite Bitters ARE WARTt WTED TO CtTRF! ALL DI3- JSASES ARISING FROM ,A DISORDERED STOMACH. CUR GINGER CORDIAL, WINES Are., arc aiiiM-rlor to any In tUo Motkel. TUY TilllEl! , .T w rorvrn s co. , - . "..J, .-. T. B. McNair & Co, 2J WASIIINGmY-ST., WottM respectfully announce that they are are Dow opemoK a lull assortment DEUG-S! PATENT MEDICINES ! aints, Oils, Soaps, Brushes, &o. In the room formerly occupied by Mr. (ioodman. Particular attention will be juul to, tho preparation of lYescuiutioiis, and no pains spar ed to make this Department as complete a? any in the country. and Liquors ! FOR UlIOISlLTlTBrSSES " F,'Our prices will compare farorablv. and we do not doubt being able to suit all who may tavor us with their patronage. T. n. NcXACtt Ac CO. ritn)llrai Centre, a., Oct ft; ft-.-tf James A. SherriiT, In ndlition to the large atnok ol OIL WELL SUPPLIES! HARDWARE, STQVES TINWARE &C, Umt he keeps at his Old Mdn l in this ft'Jacc, JUST OPE UED A FINE STOCK IN HIS LINE, At the Southwest Cor ner of Woods Farm, WIl-r.E HE H0PE3, By tiig aid of Compatsat Assistants, The use of New and Latest Im proved Machinery and Im plements in the SCCIIAXICAL DEPABTXEVr. TIIE runCOASE OF THE BEST MATERIAL, SELLING AT FAIR PRICES AND To merit and receive liberal en eourasrement from operators iu that locality. PLEAttE GIVE J1E A CALL. .Jaiies a. SiiF.ssRTrr. retr-ileiHii Vntr, Unpt 2. f OIL CITV. UlL.farEI TlPE tYBKft. C'HAKIilX ilOiTSOXeV Co., Corner nl Seiee-i & "eitre Ms., Kunt aide Oil treok, Oil U'li . Dealers ii Morris, Taski Co's OIL WELL TUBING AXD CASING, iuo, WORMN'it HAKRELS AND VALVBS, erTDFFINtt 1IOXKS. CLAMPS, T'Xf.S, SUUKEK RODS, Ac Machinery for Oil Wells & Refineries BOHtNl TOOLS, OIL PUMPS, ruiviND pipe, COLD WATKH PCMP9 Every (lencrlptlon of STjrrLIES FOR OIL WELLS AND RE FINERIES, Al?e, STOVES, TINWARE, muss goods, TEAMS AXD OAS FITriXMt, BELTlXa, tACCiyO, and BOSS; 1IARDWAHS, 110CSB TRIMMI.S, Carpentere' Tools, hope, Uakum, Nails, Axes, Coffee M II W. Table A Pocket Cutlery; K Vnn AfortmcDt of Everything In the HARD WARE LINE. Smwi Fnftinhlnff OooiJn, Lmias ClitmtiCMi, . Ho 1 WfHriirPtrniD'! tnrd Oil, No. 1 Keilned Oil, Stai- KihIs, M'ftbUtind DoorMaU; Chant Clthes 'rhsarrs Manitfctarers of Tin. Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. NcTninnit of 1I klml- dno with nitnep and Jlsprticti. Ecpeobil aitcnMun ffirto to STEAM AND GAS FITTING. We hue OTidrnviwd tomnrUthw patronftire of the pnbt'.c. and thuli we eviy excrtiuu to insure iu cuiitinnanrff. Our fitcIHtie for PprnWhms e prj'tliin In onr line, hvMtt h''i primly incn asoj, in the erection sWPKitlOK TO ANY O'l IIKR ESTABLISIIMENT tii29t-m. IN TH K OIL RKGION. AUG SSSVflOBM MERCHANT T & Elissv'irs Block, Oil City, IIa Jaat recaired a Urge assortment of NEflf FILL & Wm GOODS, Of the iMott Parla. Lomlon, and New York Fah ioua, cumprirliiig iu part CLOTHS. ' BEAVERS. DORSKIN3. TRICOTS. VELVETS. CASSfMERES, Ac, and all nrtick kept In a I'irat-Clasa Tailoring Etul l!iimeut. Ilata, Cap, Flno White Shtrla, Paper Collara. !(, Kiiiidor. Mecktlen, and Gents' Fiiritishins GomlK. Inip-nenl. All dwltvion of t'loihini? mnile no lv ex 'ernei-d woriuncu, In th laient atjlea, at rea.-onahle prices. SATISK ACTIO N G CAR A NT DEP. ACQ. SIMON. Oil City, Pa. Pep. 11 l'VUf. FLOiiR 1KB FEED STORE, NO. 37 CE.TE-ST., eu. crrv, PA. T'i'j t the het eatiihllahpimt nf Hie ltln.t In fie en l(es,aay. Fnr anil Pawl aotd at whnlraale mid anc2-2ir. CltA.E & Tiff ACKEIS, 134 IHnldcii Lnne, N. '. mmm merchants, are now jirenared to reee've on rominli.lnn anil make Liberal Adraneea in I'.eflnura Dealora in both Crndo and llelined Oil. OIL VITBIOL. CltAXE, THACKEK & C.., rui uoLur m ckntkb, r , K'-en on hanJ oil itriou iu.ri: a wiiitk taint. CAUSTIC. SOIU an.l OI.UE. Are prei -'.ied to m: liberal fllarn-iut to linfln.. tor t.At-SI. niiij mil not b uniterauld in any nf tlit above nrttetet. ' jiinelS tt CK R, TUACKEK CO. T. T. MAPES, Iitalirj In Dellvernl or at Ua Yard by tho aar or ton. nl5 rf OOI.tO (51,1 Jeiretrv, Ladle' Set., Far l'ln.. Pint. Meata Bnltonii. tie., at IHI1AM Co"' I rv h E llnwaril Ameriean Wairh. tha boat HARD' MISCELLANEOUS OIL CITT. J rT.r w Agent for fleornl A Brown, Ja-nentnun, N. Y JV . M 5 S It I !V X E it , Dealer In riAWDS. ORGANS, MF10SEGN5, AND JIUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of cverv deicrlptlnn. PIANO 8T0t)LS, srHHABS e., .c. i'entre-St., nil, CITY, Pa. Oil City, Sept. 14, ISIi8.-tt. NEW HARDWAHE STORE BKATINO AND COOKING STOVES ! In hrge varloty. TABLE AND POCKET Cutlery! SHELF HARDWARE. HGTJSE FTIKNI5HIS3 G OBS. LAMPS,LANTERN3. AND FANCY ARTICLES. SNAILS M4D IRON Wooden Ware, &c. For aala CHEAP 1 At the itore fnrmerl v oeenpled hv nnrchlla'd and Cn.lorline, Oil. I'lTl', I'A. . JltlKS D. GEGGIE. Oil Citjr, ,Iap. 4. 18ti!t tf The Cranberry COAL CO, Is now prepared to fill Orders for any amount of heap Coal ! LSgTDsalers will cousult their intervttd by ordering. J A ties n. ;rn;n:, on city. pa. fa nuMB-tr. ti",")"" At'nt John C. Welch, Scneca-St., Oil City, Pa., Dealer In (iibbs, Russell & tVs Boring a::i Fishing Tools, Iniiis1 Sucker Reds, Orivitig Iipa, V.'tll ?IIga, &c. Ascnt for tha. HSALT1TL3 ZtilZ KUS33Y. v)-,f)rdi.r tlkeri firal! kilulJ nf CASTINGS. five we a call bufjre purchaninK eleev. hern. JOI1M C. WELCH. Oil ritv, Feti. n, 18C!Vtr. RoiM's Gil M Pips Works citak. iiomov sc co., r Currier of Feneea anil Centre Sla, prjI ciilc of Oil Creek. Oil Cily, l'a. navinp ailrled a powei fnl Steam Knelne and three turtle; I -HMWiinent. an n.iw iiii()'.'f. to , an tlx nwesMiry wyrk, in luting hp, and repiirla ENGINES. liOII.KRS. IRON' TANKS. REK1XINO MACHINERY, COPI'ER WORMS AND STILLS, OIL WELL TOOLS AND FITTINGS; Inf-uMiin-nnMiehinervJobWork entrusted ton. lih iiPHIniMa and riimiaten eni; -.'In ion JOHN M. DAVIE5 L CO , DRUGGISTS ! IIISSELL'S BLOCK. CENTRE-ST., Oil. CITV, PA. WhaleMto Azeata tlir .Pr. Inn' Electric I7a, Kaaawor and Dr. Uon'e lalant Kenedy. na tf. ' r.?VW I r 1 RAILROADS. Oil M 4 Megtay Ever B. R WARt'KN KHANKUN. F liMEIIH ANIton . OKKKK HAlLRoADM CONaoiJUATKI). NEW AND MOST DiuKCT ROUTE TO THE OIL REGION. 1861. WIXTEK AltiuNilUMENT. isog. TiMK TA 111.11. ON AN1 A FT Ell .MDMt.XY, NOV. anu tHes. train will run a. followe: ' flOIMI N'HTII TO OIL CITY . PFTROI r t'KVi I K Tl I THVILI.H AN It C()l;nv 0."iib A- M-' K'l'i'rrlveaTIUhiulaaiT.toa in., oliimolli at B In a. m , (cnnn.rtiiK tlierewttu train for Plthnlet, oil Cily 9 4 a in.. Petroleum Centre a, m ' Ilnyd Kami lo.26 a. tn . Miller Kami lo! 45 a. in., Tllitavtlla 11.04 a. in., arrlvhia at 'ori-- at liI.4o p m. V. M , Mull, arrrlvea Tldlonte J4o p. ail liv Olnipiill.. 4 ol p. m. (conneeta with train for I'ithole City), Oil City 4 3a p. M., l' trnlenni Centre R.I8 p. m , Boyd Farm 6 til p. in., .Miller Farm .'. 49 p m , Tltaj. Tille ti 01, p. m., arriving at torrv at 7.6:1 p. in. .7 A 'A., Arcommodatlon from (Ml (Itvaii .w4 nvrjiit retnili'iim Centre T.ol a m.,fiovd I nrm 1 1H1 a. in , Tltuav.llo 7.4.) a m arrivow at C'orrv at a 1 a. in. "' GOING solITII 1'rtOM COHHY, TlifsyiLIK PKTHOLEt'M CENTtlK OIL CITY. 0..t A. M., arrivn at Tituoille b.15 a m J suiter Farm I 4S a m, Ikiyd Farm 0 oS a m. I'etroleutn Centre .o7 a ih, mi ciiv H.4U a. in., Oleniiolia in S3 a. ni , Tidl .Mite H.O.J i. m , aim irvineion ill 4o n tu 12:20 P. M., arrltei at Titneville Si.i p m.. Mliler Kami tt.'lo in. Ri.wt v....' 2 61 p ui, Petroleum Centre 2.66 n ai Oil City 3 'VJ p. m.,l"ave Oil Cltv s 'r, t in, arrives oirojiolls 4.07 1 m, eonnei t wiih train for 1'ithole), Tldioutu 6 87 p. m , and irvineion fi-Vil p. m. t.'J't ' M . aeeoinmodttion fiom Cnnr ar vtm't rlvoaTllullle 7.o7 p at, illllcr f arm 7 a p. m, Buyd Farm 7.r. p m, Peirule iin Centra 7.58 p m, arriving at Oil City 8 ;jf. ii in. CONNECTIONS. Trains North ennnaet at Corry lth Ililladelnlil & Kiie 11 Ii , and AHantic Oreat We.ti rn K'lil w.iv. Ensi and We.t, and also with Ituffalu, Corry and e'illahurKh ra'lrnad f r Itufl.ilo Trains eounoct at Oil City with Franklin Ilranck for r'riinklin. Meadville, and tne tt eat, ai.d nt Ir vineion with Phil. Erie It. K Eatt ana U'eit. StiuuiHi-d time twinty minutes f i.ter ti:an Frank lin Priineh and A 1 W. Ii. It. time. Pn-jet'Krri will And thin road a aife pleasant and tho shomvt mine to and from the II region. All train" Wesi from I nine ton leave alter arrival of tiaiiin on I'. A E. K. II. Be ure and u-k Tor Throiigh Tickets via Oil Creek A Allcthi-ny itlver liailway, the Oreat Short Koiut to the dil KeRlnn. U. F. sWEETZEIl.Oon'l Superintendent. C. J. IIEPBUHN, Aaa't jnpeiiatcudenl. mr. I'lttttbursli, Fort Wayne mid iCliTcafo lailwuv. 4 ... W A a. a a a a a. . iaTia, on en 8,10 p. m. 8,5fl p. m. l,4Sa. m. 6,35 a. m. 7,30 a. in. 8,111a. at. . a,a!5 a. a. H,4S a. m. 10,00 a. iu. 9,2(1 a. la V,51 a. iu. 1,15 a. m 1,40 p. ni. S,t5 p. ra 8,57 p. n.1 4,18 p. in 4,35 p. in 6,50 p. ni) Franklin, Ja neetown, Mej'J.iile, (larke villa. New Cattle, llomewoed, New lirlflilon. Hi k-healer, Allegheny, t-msbiiru'li ar k..l,i.n...n v,vv p. hi -leavee Pittsburgh at 0,00 a. in., aua u,vv p. iu 4,20 p. in. TKAlNrt fi ...'..... i'iiis nmon i iiisnnrrii, ron navna fltlrt Clllr....... lfall.u II t a J u ... n.J I'" ll 'nioawi HI 1,UII and ,4 J,J1 a. m., and 3,57 p m : Pans Vnia Beld ai 0,4O a. m. and 10,14 5,00 and 10,05 p. 21 4"".'.K";I1" ' 1M0 a ni., and lu.ri. 5, to and 4,45 p. m, and a-rha at chin co at 7,00 and B.'i0 p. m , and ti.'iO and 1 1,20 " m F. R. JlvKltrt.Ocn lTiikel Auent. March. 1S4s.-tf. Pitt.hnr .i,. I's A OAUD T T1IU LADll.s. DRIri'l)NCifS OH.DEN PKItl DICAL PILLS for Females. Infilihlo In cowtina Irrcmi'artt ar, rimoi Iik ob'trneiioni of the month Inrin. from whatever came and always aucccaVUI aa a pruvenlivc One pill is a dose Femniea pe culiarly situated, or tuose snpnoaiac thuinaelvee o, arn c iiitl ned SLminst uslnc these Pills, wh le iu that ciindltion let they invite mierarritge. aflar whi-.di admonition Pie pro rtetor assume, no r spiinetbility. alihou?ii I heir mildness would i event nny nilehlef to health; other .vise the Plln aro re comiiK nded as a most, invalnah e remedy fur i he al leviatlou or tho.e Millering from any Ineulariiioe whniev.'r, as well as tn prevent an lucre mo of fainl. ly when health will not permit lr; nnietlng the nervi sand hiinving hack the 'rosy color of health" to the cheek of the most ilelicaia. Full urn: explicit dlrrctiom accompany each box Price $1 per box: S lioxca. $6. Sold in I'etnili-iini ( entre, hy A T). MILLER A CO , So'n Ai-ents'' for Petroh nm Centre, l'a. Lndle.l By aendlnrtlirm tl to the Pi-tmlenm Cen tra P. O. can have me Pille t-exi fconMiiiti.liyi by mail to any part uftt e eomiti v. Ii-eeof elurga Mold also by It (J A t.. 8 c ark. Titusvllls, Pa. ; A. H. (iritl'th. Oil Cily; Fleeninir Vc- un-, Frank Iu ; lr. J L. Acouih, Tidiome; E. T. II:i dtou, M nr'i n.' nnd by "one Drucaist" In avais; town tn tho 0 iltcd Swtes, and by J"4 S l. IlUWK, I'ron r. New York. A PERFECT CURE For Dyspepsia., Fever and Apic, Aci dity of the Stomach, Loss of Appctiie, Nausea, Ilcnrt-burn, Jaundice, and all diseases ar'iMng from n disordered state of the Stoniiich, Liver or Intestines. Prepared by Seward & Bentley, Druggist, Bufiklo, N. Y. Sold by all drujrgisU. A. i). MILLER A CO.. Wholesale and Retail Dnicyl.ta, Agents Sir Petroleum Centre snd Yc'"r- ' Jnllly Sewing Machines. GISOVEK RtKRIt SEW' MACHINES ! of both Stitebes. flnser'a Hew ramlly Swlnp Macblnea ! And i he American Orer-eamlag nnd Hut ton-Mole .Ytvakinei ! FOR SALE AT NO. ins MAIN ST.. nda. of IHHAU a. co. PKTKlH.Kt t'W riESTHH, Ps.. hr .Tsi.t llw. n BAKKK, A 6 1- t eaWillilattetl