f CLOTHING AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. NEW CLOTHING- ! TELEGRAPH UEPOHTKD FOR THE DAW RECORD, JAMESTOWN CLOTHING STORE, (Formorly J. A. LOBEE,) We have just received and are now opening to the admiring gaze of the cltlzeu. oi Petroleum Centre and vicinity the largest stock of SPRING CLOTHING ! Ever brought to Petroleum Centre. Clothing Mods to Order at the Shortest Notice. Hats and Caps of Every Style. In Gents' Furnishing Goods Our Stock it Complete, Inspection of our stock l respectfully solicited. flST" One Price, and all Goods warranted as represented, jgj I A WHIRS & ALU EX. Petroleum Cent, March 1, 1ST. tf. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. ono, 17. S DRUGS ! MEDICINES ! r. H. CHRISTIE, DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, OILS, T?aints,Varnishes, Grlass, IJutty 3 Soaps, Djc Stufts, Fancy and Toilet Articles. ALL HINDS OF PATENT MEDICINES. PURE WINES LIQUORS ! ' SELECTED EXPRESSLY FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES. N. B. Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours. Xo. U Washington-fit.,. Petroleum Centre, Pa f (ilv. me a call tiefnre purcha.hu cl.awh.re. "gmli1"'.'!.1'. 'l!.i:'2gM8AK;.!J- !LLJ!ii- United States LIFE Insurance OF NEW YORK, Etablisli?d March 5, 1S50. Afternoon IMsiRtclics Concord, N. 1., March 17. Full ri.fnrn. frnttl all liMt tlrpp Small town dive Stevens, for Governor, 13,700; Bedell, Jl. Villi. Lnndm, Mnrch 17. A l!..1.t .I....U .if n.tthiii,lu Wflfl tflt in me easicrn part m i.nnouiuiro yen-may nioruiBB', No da magi!. Pun Franciico, March 15. Q.v.n., n1 Cimiih. wKn murdered Lien. tenant Commander Mitchell, IT. S. N., in ficteber lat. wero to-dnv tenieneed to ten yeara respectively in me niaioa prmuu. lnrfti.n nn r..M ara rttnnrrpu 111 lllllll bolt county. California. One man while nlmiirhln.. l.to flulil una oh.lt and killed bV the navaitcs. Ilia house plundered and fired, and bia family barely estsping by flight. iintncuiate pursuit was inauo u. " In dians escaped to the moun.ains. Late Arizona advices say: intelligence oi Indian depredations and nurderers are nu merous. The people are Becoming exaaper ated and war and extermination are sug gested, commencing with Indians en tbe reservations. St. Louis, Marsh 1G. Th steamer Puth, which was burned on Moodiiy In tbe lower Mississippi river, was one of the largest and finest vessels on the western waters. A.v addition will shortly be made to the floet of Anv-rlcan merchant steamers now running on the rivers of Cbina.two steamers intended for inland navigation in that enuntrv havini left New York for Sbenfihal, proceeding thither by way of the Cape de Verde Islands and the Cape ot trood Hope. THE Oil. MARKETS. Trie Prt'm Ckxtkb Daily Uttcono PETRUI.aTM CKNTI'.K, March The market remains quiet and dull to-day 0 cars were sold at $5.80. We quote at 5.75$5.80. Sbimnentsof oil from this point, Maroh It, per O. C. A. R. Railroad, 759 barrels. A. D. MILLER & CO.'S COLUMN. )jcouil Dlapatcbca Vu Uie Dally Kfenrd. I'lTTSiirROH. March 17. Spot 15. Firat water 15. O. firat six months, 1 for 45 gr. for 47 gr. 8. O. first six months, 15 fr45gr. for 47 gr. Buyers' option all this ycar( 10 for 45 gr. ; lor 47 pr. Kellers' option all this year, IV for 45 gr. Iuarn.fi yuiei Puu.A0Ki.ruu, jlarcli 17. Spot, 31 X Mnroh 'Al. April 33),, May to July, nom. May, to Sept., Juu-, 34i4. July. April to July asked. Crude Bble., . Crude bulk, . Market Quiet but firm. A, D, MILLER &, GO. Wholesale and ltetall Dealers in DRUGS, MEDICINES, &C. Washington fclrecf, ri'TItOl.l:J.1I CENTRE, PA. Petroleum Exchange HOTEL. ON TllE EUROPEAN TLAN. FRESH OYSTERS I Received DAILY! ALL TIIE LUXU RIE3 ! OF TIIE SEASON ! My1 tf.l jf. II. OHtllSTIF. S. S. Grriswold, Denier in Washington Street, r.trolenm Centre, Pa., next door to Isusm Co's r w. Proorictor. .i i i - .... ... , ..I.. . ...1 M.nln iu.rvt.il At INlj iRiur"mw"uiu"u""u ........ - aU hours. ivsicrs, and every desenption ol same furnished riiC'ds. No pains will he .pared to accommodate those who fuvor us with their iiitronHge. 8jjr)t Petroleum Centre, Jan . C. JS69. If. New York, March 17. Receipts Refined, 1,909 barrels. Crude, 300 bb!s. Naptba, bbls. " Crude, 17 Refined, spot 31. Market Quiet and steady. London, March 17. 1. p. ra. Refined, 20;4d. Spirits, 7'd. Their Sloek oonsistfl of everylhing.In lie lino of Drugs & Medicines ! PUKE LIQUOR8, FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSE?, ll-hoicaale and Retail Agent, far VriSEMtTR STOMACH BITTERS. JOIIN ROOT'S BITTERS, CONSTITUTION BITTERS, at tsui vnn THE HAIR. SEWARD t BENTLEY'S COUGn SYRUP' MAGIC MACEDONIAN OIL, DVPONCO'3 GOLDEN PILLS, WA.T.KKR UAZES CIGARS, JAYNKS' MEDICINES, ANDERSON 8 DEUMADOll. SPENCER S MIatLKK, SPENCER'S OINTMENT, A. 56 francs. Antwerp, March 17. 3 p. m. LivkkI'OOL, March 17, 2 p. m. Refined 20,d. Spirits, 7)d. Aktwkki, March 17. 6 p. m. Crude 56. Western L'ulou Line market Report. New York. Manh17. rrn.le hnllr 20. num. Refined P. L. 8. to W., 80 ; S. W. SI. Market Quiet. . nrnndeth'.. Cephalic, HerncK'., Hooper ., Hobaek's, PILIiS. Maraden's, Mel-ane'e, Slnllat'a, Mutt'., Hariway' R. K. tellert. "1 WlUno's, Vlshart.'i, Wrigh'U, Clark'i Female t'lieenemnn'!! Oaponco'B, d veltftu , do. tKC., ca Perfomery, Toilet Ar ticles, Soaps, Brashes, &c. CnpUal & Asct, 3,000,000 E. J.ROSS, Agent, Petroleum Centre, Pa. ALL pAPER I JScw Styles for Spring ! 13' Orders by the Car or Ton promptly r meu. Aim, Agi-nl for the celebrated KEEL ESIE COAL! HFFICU on Second Street, near It. It. Track. PETROLEUM CENTRE, TA. J-in if. ICIA.U &. CO., WATCH3IAUEUS & jFAViXCKS, IN OPERA HOUSE BUILDING, WASri INGTOX STREET, PETROLEUM rETiTIiE, PA., Keep eon.lantly on hnd a la:;o assor'.taeat of WATCH FS. JEWKI.RY. . i-isrot.s. HHVOI.VF.KM, nsiiivn TACKI.K. wartrid?e. Ac . and will sell til ets'etii prices. All Catcn WOfK wair.-tineu iu shi?iu..uu. This Oompanv, Being one of tb. oldest Slid mo.t reliable In the rnitcd States, "sITorib ample sacur ty, not ouly by Its iotr. asseU, which on Jaaary let, 1SIW, were al ready 88$ per cent ov.r it. llabilllle., but also by the PERSONAL LIABILITY OF TUB STOCKHOLDERS TO MAKE GOOD ANY DEFICIENCY, ..curity net ttQW.od by any other CaA Company. Dividend are Declared Annu ally !. And may be u.cd to aasUt In pni log Premiums, to afford iddlllonat Insuraiw.. or to .ectir. pnld up Voile e. after they have been (n rare. lot a uuiimer of years, as explained In our pamphlet, r they may accumulate at comjionud Inurcut to luerea.0 the sum Insured, EVERY FATHER Should secure a Policy as early as poaaible, ss none but healthy persons can be Insured, aud It Is his moral duty, to provide In the safest way for hi. lam , I'y, which be cannot do belter, than by a Life In surant. Money invested in business may bring more Interest for a while, but it nay all b. lost, and the family I. thus left d '.iltuln JstiT 1L A. f!i nd elnoe to !"'t tit" wnrtb of your money is at the NEW KUHIK AM) VKKlt Ttlw Co., where there i nlwaja a MAN ready to show tbe'r rattomer their 'rjre stneV .if I' l. llT l' 1 1 A , . ftnU .11 KlllUS OI n::u hid plitce also wuito luity no FOUND K Inire iisHorliiint of fr-t-cls-;. Itoroil AN'D 1)H1'M:) l.l Mlli;it, I.AIU, r.ii.ii,i.r.-. al tile vel7 lowest eftj-u prieea o.w n miw w. DEA.D To their own Interest, and wish to deal with men who do lmineson iiie.iiiinre. in puu u m.n Interest to give n. a can m iore iMntu.it iUS n whore, and ace what we can do for you IN our line of buslne... fjT All fWers and teamine nronmllv sfended to. In not lomel the pla e, HI KlTlfiTIIK KOfnKHTEtt UOCSE, WASH INQ'I'UN b'l'KEKT, Petroleum Centre, Pa. r.. m PTF.rtNnrno, FtbUtf. H WAltNKII Philadelphia, March 17. Crude 18 nom. Refined P. L. S. to Vt., SO; S. T. I. Market Quiet. mm mm At Loiu Price 9. STATIONERY. SC11UUL. l'.UUK.X. BLANK BOOKS, Fine C IIROIH 'S, Toreign & American, SHEET MUSIC, TOYS. FANCY GOODS, 4c, IN OHF.AT VAIUETV, As reason nlile na can lie purchased at nny piiice in me uii iirgiuii. URHSTOX, HUSKY & Co., Biraeirs Bank Block. OIL CITY, PA. Oil City, Pa , Oct. 5, lfiiW.tr Pittsbargb, Marcb 17. Market Quiet, about 15). Closing Now York Market. Nw York. 3:10, p. m., Mareh 17. Market Quiet and weak. Refimd, 31.j. Crude. 17. GOJ.U I. Nf.V.' tdl'K. New Yoiik, March 17. Gold 131 HJiianHnKHMfHW COl'OIIS, COIjDS, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Jatno's Expectorant, ymrsden s uaim, Schenck's Syrup, Universal Syrup, . Excelsior Svrup, Ransom's" Hive tyrap, Seller's Syrup, Coe's Syrup, Hall's Balsam. . Denton's Balsam, Bryan's Wafers, Olive Tar, Ilrown's Troches,- Wishart's Pino Tree Tr, , fiewanl's Cough Cure, Batcmnn's Syrup, RICH MARRIAGE GIFTS. a.. i;,.!,. f'tufi u-M. h Vnimrf Mm rnti nrn. shuc to lilpi Hrtdrt, in n somid rntiftitutlnnnndii pure llt'lln. r-S.-HJH "II I Ill"i hurj"'i;is, vitii hic iMiiimw tviowiiof bi'iievolcu: riivniclan?, tmt in alM ' tor envclniMH, frof of pliarjm. Address HOW ARD ASMJCIA TION, Box P., l-hilfldolpbiii. !. j-2 3m. Oisrars and Tobaccos ! . The Bcsl Ever BrnnsJit to the on scegiou. LSVERY e FEED Washinston :sircct, opposite IlittOperii. Uoue, PETROLEUM CENTRE. PEXN'A. I liiWH put In a ood stock of Ridlns and Driving Horses, which I will let on reasunuble terms. Also, Cnr, Vn;on,SpriHS WuiiUim, A.C IIOMSE8 br:ai-dcd aud fed and bret of earo (iiinr ,njTr A. MIAWLEV. 0" French Boot Maker WitfclisnstOH Street, THREE DOORS WEST OF A. D. MIL LEU CO.'S DRUG STOKE, PETROIiEUM CEXTKE, Pa.. Is maniifactiuin? to order FIKST-CLASR FINE WOKK, uc:li a. Patent allier Iioot, Pump Sole Boots, French Cork Solc llootn, note Welt Uoots. HEAVY OR LIGHT WORK DONE IN FRENCH STYLE. CUnd.e samples. j fc ,JL .I.I. Pelroleiim Centre, ra .Jiily . Sin- CAl-IKOJiWIA. WHEAT FIELDS AND STOCK RAN- Cil S I htiTO Kiochos or Farms fors.ile, through i,ut CALIFORNIA, in tracts of One' Iliindied Acres ui to Twenty Thousand. Term, to suit pur chasers. T'jos. lands'will frow Thirty flv. to Fifty ;iishels of Wheat lo th. Acre, with ordinary farm ing, and a Volunteer Crop of Twenty FiTS bn.h.!. nit. Air. 00. Correspondence Solicited. Address I1EN KT McKF.NTY, Healer In Real EsUla, Ofn;e 304 Moatjomrry Street, San Frucico, Cal. HAIIt KESTOUATIVE. ALISMA, MRS. .T. A. ALLEN'S, RING'S. CHEVALIERS. II ALL'S. MARTHA WASHINGTON, BARRETT'S, ROSSETT E R'S, LYONS, hruu.LMiS, ijakux e, ivc, o:c. IlITTEltS. rONStlTUIION, lMBACw'S. DUUI.KY'S MISlll.KICI", IIIISTKTTKH'S, SI'KF.It'S, UOOFI.ANl'f, I'AI.H-'OHMA, ATTWOOD'8,' I'liimixiuic uu.,u iinnT IIHSKK'S. NIAOAKA HI'AK, WALL PAPEBS, Ctirtnins nnil Rustic Shades. PAIXTS, OILS, VAUXISIIES, OliASS, PUTT V, Turpentine, Iy.i Stuff, GLIB. A. T. LEG G KIT, Manu'acturer and Dealer In Seed Bags, Valve Cups, &c. Experierreil workmen aro I'mplnyed, and TIar ne.e nfiill kinds kept couatautly on baud and made lo order. P. C. Heinz' Pat. Seed Bag For Sale. Repairing Done at all Times ! Call and .x iniiue ur .tuck and prices, Main-St., below 'he McC'lIn tork Ifouoe. retrolrsni Centre, ra Jan Tth, 1W -tf. Sponges, lryeri, SIIPLIES, Litnl Oil, KcroNCiic Oil, tVc LAMPS, LAMP FIXTURES, tt. Hvuich Ale, hciinctt Ale, Congress Water, PRESCRIPTIONS . COM POUNDED AT ALL HOURS OF THE NIGHT AND SUNDAYS. STATIONERY, ENVELOPES C. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, TRUSSES. Come along, eome one. rome all. It don't ost sa Ihirij to look at goods, and wa will try lo treat jrA A V JUILER CO P.lrel.nm Centre, ept,18U8tt iniv?i jetJAZ-n V-TAjOT A..rJtr, TV'sfaf-jA?lTfja.trrg ' 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers