The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, March 17, 1869, Image 2
Petroleum Centre Daily Record. acU Cenl;n, Wediiesitai, Iflarrh 17. Time or Cloning null. P. O., Pethiilkik Ckjitiii. Vk, Jolt S7st, litos. CTaHl IVirttwir notice the mailt will srrlve at and depart from thin afllcc h follows: ARRIVE. South awl But, via. Irvlaeton, lo.'l A. M. South and Want, Mcadvllle, 5.18 P. M. North and Bant,. Carry, SS DEPART. Potith and Wait, Hi A. M. Sosll , East and West, t 30 P. M. North, Coat and Wat, 10.00 A. M. n. T.. fiLACKMOV, P. M. THE 8TAUND1KG TOPIC WITH THE LAMES. The kitchen Is n I ways one of Ihe most fertile hunting grounds for tho chatter and gossip of women; and ao far from servants hnlno ltha npo.tu.t tJnrvnn nf Ufa klf' 4 . . ' 8 inn.Ko.i.r v V .ML entering- aehnrch at lo knelaud would bo '-blue r " ' ' ' " . THE NEW. The overland mall, with California dates to February 23J, arrived in New York Men day. An Immense quantity of mail matter bai been received. Allison 3nitin was klllel on Sunday In Divine Services. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Preaohtnirat 11 o'clock A. M., and 7,'f does I . Jl. Rtv. J. T. Oitoiit, Pastor. M. K. CHURCH. c , n t . ... crvici-a every sarioiin at II A. M. and T P. M. Sabbath School at twelve o'clock II. Seati Free. A cordial Invitation extended lo all. Riv. C. M. Heard. Paator. 8TB. PETER AND PA 171, 'S (CATHOLIC ) CHURCH. ' Mass at 10' a. m. Vesper and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament at 4 p. m. Cateablsm at 2 p. m. JAMES DUNN, Pastor. St. Patrick's Bay. To-day is the anniversary of the birthday of Ireland'e patron Saint. Much of bin lire Is obicur.'d by tradition; even his birth place and the year or bia birth are matters - o dispute, tho details of which would be scarcely interesting te tho majority of our readers. The preponderance of testimony favors the mouth of the Clyde, in Scotland, In 372, whilst others maintain that Gaul la entitled te tho honor. Amongst the popu 1 ir legends of miracu'ous events connected wim nia ministry, theso which relate to the banishment or venomous reptiles are the most familiar; and the ci osier or staff, l-y means or which (his was achieved, was preserved with great veneiation in Dublin, nniil near tbo beaimiing of tho fifteenth century.' Such no active lire at tie is te" ported to have passed must have been pro lific in Int-jrestitin eventa, many ol which are recorded by bia historians. He began bis missionary Inborn in Ireland in the j-iirt.ij, preaching the Gospel wlllitnur-l VJ.lliti.. ufl'.... .... .. .... ....... . ,r awrl) lU!ln tjly jwfj .... ui-.ui occurred at Down, in lister nl,lA' While preaching to the irl'b, be used the Shamrnck or Ihe elover. u.I a u a u .' . i . . ' 'eaves on the atom, lo illustrate the Trinity, which is the origin of its adojn turn by tbe Irish ns its notional emblem. To tbe missionary efforts of St. Patrick may le traced the devetinn to religion, their love or home and those domestic virtues which characterize this people, and tbe re aped and veneration for his teaching and ex ample are presarvet to this day. Sin'kiku is a great -'.'institution." It o"i the w heels of com, Hipplles the place ef sun sMn. A man who sings hin a good bear, under bis shirt front Such a nran not only works more willingly, but be works moro constantly. Avaricious men never Bing. The mm who attacks singing throws a stone 1 the lieud of hilarity, and would, if be eiiild, rob June of its roses and August ol its meudow larks. Sinking promotes health, strengthens the voico, tbo organs of the throat and lungs, prevents or cures consump. lion. Sinping is an excellent agent for promoting mental hygiene. "Tommy don't go," well sung.isa sure cure for tho "blues " Try it. the women moulded" for want of tbem as the pieces to do resistance In tbe contre of their frothy talk. Tbe shortcomings of their domestics are tbeir darling grievancse; and what would tbe world be without feminine grievances! A legend says there was once alienee in heaven for an hour; there would be silence then in English drawing rooms for many hours I Their maids are "shop" with women, and they talk "shop" as men never do. No officer chatters about bis men, no merchant of bis clerks, as womea ebatter about their servants; and ao ordinary master always excepting tbe miserable little fellows before mention ed, whe are just so many (ussy, bearded woman would dream of giving the tame attention to the sayings and doings of his domestics at even strong minded women gtre to theirs. Fancy a man peeping and prying behind the blinds to tee whether John ogled the pretty milk woman, or squeezed the hand of the comely laundressl Yet bow many women are there not who can tell you Jane stands and talks wltb that bold butcher boy; and bow Jane blushed when she saw the baker's man at tbe gate yesterday; and how that artful little hussy, Sarah, always pott en her molt becoming cap when gen tlemen are dining at tho bouse; and, "Did yon see tbe way in which she looked at Mr. Blank when she baaded him the bread? Yon did not! Ah! yen nre not as well acquainted with Miss Sarah's ways as I ami You should live with ber.end then, perhaps. you would understand her artfulness." Coi.. Gowa.v, tbe American who recover ed tbe English mai-of-war sunk by the Russians before Sabastopol, aftot all the English engineers fulled, baa connected himself with a new and premising enterprise. Tbit It neither more uor less than tbe re covery r the eleven or twelve Spanish gal leons sunk In action in Vigo Bay in tbe reign of Queen Anne, during tbe war be tween Britain and Holland on one side, and Franco and Spain on the other. The sunk- ed galloons contained six million dollars. England and Spain furnish tbe necessary material, and tbare the pro6tt niter paying the engineers handsomelv. '"Ti ACYi'jing io i no results ol late recent ""P e soundings. It Is announced that (lie bottom of tbo sea, at great depths, is cover cu r,y a continuous mass, extending over miles in extent, of what may be considered as one single animal. It is thought to form me lowest stage or animal lite on tbe globe, and is supposed to derive its nourishment ditectly from tbe mineral world, as in the cnseofplauts. The new animal has been baptised by tbe euphonious name of Batby biust Thk older wu grow tow short tbo time seems. The days, weeks and months roll a rapidly round, and looking back over the past it appears like a beautilul dream, or like "ihosnow rails In the river, a moment wbite. then lost fiirevor." Since time flies so rat away, we should endeavor to do all the goud we can while permitted to stay, for every good deed, no in Iter ir it be but the "giving of a enpoi: cold wator," creven a word in kindness spoken, hnih Ha reward. Somb of tho hoys bad evidently been "down lo bshkosh having a litlie rnn," last evening, judging from tho unearthly uoises beard ul a line hour. ever Tub Farewell Hop, at the Opera House, last evening, waa a pleasant uir. Every Iwdy aeetaed to enjoy themselves, and the dauving waa kept up to a late hour. A velocipede school is about being slnh. litiJ iu this place. e suull probably bear of sundry bruised loa, anus, etc., iu voiia.-.jlciiei Ihereol. The Xnw Orleans papeie complain that the rales ol iliMir.illce i.i.,i ,y iie i;ull,j , I'nii.rwiiteis lot lUd River aie mormons enough to -cover uavigulloo on the river ::i.i an. I V.yi.. lo Hades anj' t uuikil." The Memphis Avalanche's Little Reok special or .Monday night says: Tbe House to-day unanimously passed tbe Senate jolut resolution ratifying the loth, amendment. There was a terrible ball storm last niffht. doing great damage. There is scarcely a pane ol glass left in the city. The shrub- bery and fences were demolished. A aeio man was found diad ibis morning. Ho had been caught in the storm while drunk, and killed l.y the hail slones, which were as large as hen egjs. New York is Urrifled at the discovery that the number of marriages In that citv is decreasing, and asks, "What's up!" Were It Chicago, now we should not wander, but im.ral New York, it Is, indued, astounding uy-ioo-ny, ol uiilcajo, there is a new story. One of the journals or that city remarked io a notice or a marriage that tho couple were "united for life," whereupon a news paper In auearclty says that it was the ursi time any thing of tbe kind bad occurred in Chicago. The Meichanis' and Comuieiciul Travel ers Associations of .Chicago have- seamed the repeul of Ihe city ordinuuee which re. quires commercial travelers to pay a license lor the privilege of soliciting trade or sell ing goods by sample. A New Yoik colemporary thiols -it re- markable that the authorities there caanut arrest for gambling any one of more mature ago than boys ten to twelve yean of age. Two thousand citi.oaa uf lnUi.insi.olis "iiintd Ihe pledge at tho beginning of the year, and eleven of tbeiu are believed to have kopt it thus The new well on llio Widow Pieranu Farm, struck a day or two since, Is doing ubout forty Uriels jier day. Onr or two new advertisements are nec essarily crewd-d out to-day.. Tory will Hp pear lo morrow. Aihutue in Ihe liivomi. tbe head of a funeral procession, by a trap ddor which was blown down by wind Irem the belfry, crushing till skull. Tbe Congregational Church at Welton, Me., was crushed flat Motday morning, by tbe weight or snow on tbe roof. Only tbe library was laved. Tbe Spanish Legation, it Is said, have represented to oar government that tbe Cu ban insurrection bai been kept alive by ex peditions sent from New Orleans, New York and Boston, and request our government not to recognize the revolutionists till after having heard Iroin Mr. Roberts, the special envoy, now en route to Washington, to con. fer with our government. A St. Thomas letter of a late date states that nearly all tbe parties laying claim io Alta Vela have reliirnrd from, there satis fied with the wortblessness of the place, The stockholders of the St. Louis Bridge Company, held a meeting on Saturday, and voted lo Increase the capital stock of I be Company to $4,000,000. Work on tbe bridge wilt be energetically and rapidly pushed forward. The Cashier of the First National Bank of Roekford. Illinois, Is reported te have ab sconded with the funds or tbe depositors. Tho bank will probably rail. The people or Roekford and vicinity are much excited by this unexpected development. The cash has hitherto been regarded as an honorable man. At a meeting of the stockholders of the Dubuque and bioux City Railroad Company held at Dubuque last Monday, the lease uf said road to tbe Illinois Central Railroad Company was unanimously confirmed, The N. Y. Post lays: The New York Central Railroad having neglected to. pay the government tax of five per cent, on Its net earnings, the questions will come up be fore tbe internal revenue department. Tbe amount Involved is $1,200,000. It is pre sumed that the road will have to pay it if the case goes to the courts. On Saterday night a difficulty occurred at Delmonlco's. New York, between Jas. Gor don Bennett, Jr., and a Mr. S.okes, over yaloMng matters. From words they camo to blos. .: The fight was adjourned to the street. ' Both parties were covered with bloodberore they writ, .Li ,t, ,,n. lice. Tho Louisville Democrat hasdiscantinued its morning Issue, and will hereafter be pub lished as an evening paper. The funeral of Hon. James Guthrie, at Louisville, wus atteded l.y the Masonic fra ternity and a largo coneourae of citizens. There was a heavy thunderstorm at .Mem phis, Sunday night, succeeded by snow and sleet. Tennessee planters complain of tbe grenl scarcity or labor. They ure offering twenty ty-live per cent, belter wages than I ist year nut the negroes seem unwilling to make contracts. J amei N. Dunham, who recently nnived In C f ..t- r . . ... uuiiij iium uen. unzen I camp, near Wachlta Mountains, reports that ioujo three thousand Indians, comprising all or portions ol llio '.omancbes. Kiowas. W.iehii. rtauuoes, iowocomes, ivcies, Wacoes. and Arrapahoes, are selling on the reservations. Gen. JIazeu is d hiding them lulu bands ur colonies, with a view io learning them the arts of busliandry. To this end I e bus al ready appointed a larmer lo each band to instruct them In farming. Implements and seeds will be furnished by the government. 1 he Indians have great coiilidensH in G.;n. Hnzen, and enter into his pbns f..r their mprovement ns r.ipi.lly and with us good u gfaoe as could be expected. There was a lire at No, -New l0rk, lust ulghl sored. Loral Notices. POMEROYS REMOCRAT. M. M. w " Brick" PouiuoT't new paper already exceeds In circulation every other olltlenl paper In the world. It Is "rid hot." and of nnusiml Interest. &'nd tor anniplt copies. Printing Houte Square, A'e York City. eiehH. A GREAT SUCCESS. " Brick" Pomh rot's new Dally la New York City Is one of the greatest and most successful nswspiper enterprises of th-. country, Ills new weekly "Pomnoy'i Dm ocrat" is Increasing in circulation a Uiousand cop ies Dar day. Send for sample copies to il M Pom troy. Printing JIuuk Square, JVto York City. mctalil. POMEROYS DEMOCRAT. This new papsr has a wonderful circulation. In nearly every town in ths ennntry the democrats and working mon are getting up cluhs for it. It Is the boldest, shsrpest paper publish- d, and walks Into Congress and the Bondholders regardless of results. The paper has ever fl.ty tlionsand subscribers ht tile State of New York alone, ocud for sample cop ies, which are sent free, and sec it for yourselves. Addrets M. M. Pomeroy, Printing Houte Square. A'ew York City. mclilV. WINDOW GLASS! A large assortment, all, at A.' D. Miller A Co. 'a. BUILDING FOR SALE 'NRAR THE LAKE SHORE HOUSK. Enquire, st the Jamestown Clothing Wore: felkSu. WALL! Jnst received a large stocK of Spring patterns, at n. C. JA KVIS' Fi'liNITURE HTOKB. m!. GREAT BARGAINS ! OFf EKED TO THE Citizens of Petroleum Centre In the way of Blank Books, Stationer, Fancy Gortda, Worsteds, Bird Cagna, School Booka. Ac, Jte, at ESLEH'S VARIETY Store, 35 SPRING STREET, . . TITPSriLI.K, fA .isni -Kin. HATER AND KNVKLOPESat A B & CO 'S. 1U PAINT. WALL. WIIITU WASH r.KITSnEW. a lanje stock ju received MILLED A f'O. S. CAXAKY IIIKDS, male mid remain, in just received, at A. I). MIM.I'.i: .t CO.'S. SHOE at A. 1. B:ock n 1 1'itrs.lxy, fob. Uib, IS'".?, a smooth bnilt rn and tan imp. with rod col nr. Whoever limit return tlicsaino to Ihe -u' scr'ber will be liborally re- wnr'iea. M2ti-tr. X. II. I'AYNB. 47 Mumy street. Luss $15,000; In- t'n Tuosday mornliiv. Match!, 1Kb!), nscd tlirea mont',,, N..,.v; Eft.V. dauslner of i Zm B and Aiuu.t.-l E. I'.-iklm, oU'etiu.eum Centre, ,0'" from llttiven tp0nk j aed lis who said, 'MUKar the little chilJieii to ceme imto me, and 'r'oid them not. fur of ruch is ihe kined..,,. r God," calls another angel cheinb to His a ms. As tlie nioiniiig tio.vor or the earlv dow. It ,.,..., . wu looked, w,i loved, we lookad again but, 0 ! '.H-n.jone Yet, seen no longer here, lu lleavcii al.ove, 't win fr , . Weep not then, strick.ii oum, yonr uahe alinll bo yaura asln, herond the river, to dwell lorever oil Ihe shining ,hoic, yuu mi uievi, to part uo more. " -Tla haid to give le v tip. This lltt'e one vi as v-rv di n,- H, yi, ; y0 )vtll h),r mi llmt iiw -Us haM io N1y, -ili.d' nill be done Aud how wltli patience to the ciu.hiug htovv. "S!ib , a darling lialia ; her chernh fnce. Her lirt-bt and laual.b.g eyes I cull to ihlml And wuutkr not thai all tula l.uaiit eracs, ilad round -year lovinyhoarta so ciosuiy twined. " Kin now your babe Is sn'e; she rat. acnrs b rtttn sal t..l.i,.t..t!.. . " No .1...... I... . '"OW . ....... ii-uoiiuui. auo t rstrpel-, nf every nunlity and d.-serlptlon, at Kisrauian, ii'((J!);ikd CO'M, No.ll Ceiitro street, opposite the P.O., Oil City, I'l. SWEmsiI LESCIIFS. who'OT.ile aiel retail, A. I). MI!,I.EIt A rO'S DliUQ STDHE. silts. M. II. CARMAX, having returned to lowr. oaera hncfalueuce is now prepared to give les eons mi i:ie r:i a to riiose wlahliis the same. For rerms ami rurthcr particulars tniptire at tho Oil Ex- cninj! ti.itel. I'otrolenm Contre, Feb. 10. lsia im. l-T- IIDIITIIN'S T.IHACCO ANl'IDOTR; i v nr.n , nu anti.inie 'or Tobacco, nMd D'l JOriXSOX-S AltOMATIC ANTI-TrtllACCO COM POUND, for sale at V D. i!LLP. A CD'S. !rofitory F.,r all kinds co to REYNOLDS HlionriEAD A O'M, Ko. u Centre Ulmet, opuo silo tho Post Office, OM City, Pa. trr A. Tl xtrr r pi p. rrx . . ..a, iinist, ac ..gem. ,..r wie ceiihrated -n. II. Clean." ,ann faelnred l.y the Aniericm Whip Co. Try them. cw Flour, Feed nndOroc.,, JUtorn! ' J. S. I'KATHKR. At the OLD HANK BUILDING, ON J., opposite the McCllntock House, hM , J"T' larae and Biat pIsm bI.m.1. nt . us" ft . v. n .uur. r eed bmj firoecrlea, which he is selling , , !ow , K V Don't forjet the place-where A. D elln. A Company broke up. JanJ tf. lata, Car. Hoots and Shoes-A asortment at REYNOLDS, 1IRODHEAD cm CUy'Va""" 0I,,'"" B,-10' Osw, i rjr OonrlM, a laiics stoc'f at KKIXn'rw BftonitEAD t CO S, No. 11 Centre St, iJZ the Post Olllce, Oil City, Pa. " w-'1' 1'i'sl ClOAItS lii iho market .r.lhtBrf falo ravnrltes, inanufsclurod liy Walker t s.,. Held at the 111 ug .Store of An. MII.t.EU CO. NEW ADVERTISEMKNTS. I'OUSAIiE. rjilIK ATi:ltlCAN 1IOTF.I. AT pp X Iroleanl ( enlre. " I his well known hone. eontalnli, 3r, with liirniinre is n..w oird tnrriieara liar us If not sold ly Ihe 1st of April, it i 1 be for re, t Inipiire on the premises, of Petroleum Centre, March 1(i. B-MtSB. AMERICAN 4s 2 !. Iiwl aud died; aud Ullre uo harm ouu r-a'th lif no r.l!olciiin.( eiii,. Pi , WarcU?, Vi(l,!,"M!''' THE b.Nt place Is town to est a iei!r ,,f mida of the boat Ktiick, that will wear wn wsnanied to fit. Is st J. A. ll..,.,,. loaahle Root Sh.i, Wa,hlnton Sirtct, Pe'lroleum Contre, Pa. Olvo a trial. ...,.in. AiHax." -It la not nfion thai we h iv Hi t.m to sparu, or tho lacl'iiaHon. to notice any of the thousand and'oiic preparations aoliUthroiiioot II.. country, eaeh, as il Is claimed, luins a sovereign cure for one or more of iho ills that (Insh in heir to iimeea, we nave ftainentlv wnndernl r.,.,.i ever died at all, orjrrow old eveii, when, hy a small outlay they eo!d furnish themselves with some thins wliich would keep dlsinseat bay, and defy the aw-aulrs or tlino I Concerning the etMcncy of one of thiMo remedial P'cpaiailonsaiid one which has lis come celebrated of mewe can speak finrr. per We ''?, '"'l.miiousV say it i.'g ,,. mil aft IU; l'W- atviiiistn niiu iirn.xnaiid w.:. i o. Ma.a Street. Huffiilo.-HiiTiiloCo.iiinerCBl'ertr No !lo-v sales tor i-.iHunl's Co, -si, Cure. i) air il .KB tU, Whol.sal. A Ketail DrtlgJl'sU A i For Pemiienm leuire. fa. ""k'is. a.'jnu for fehlT Ilard.waro-A larno tusoriinimt of which Is heing closed out at rodnred rates at REYNOLDS imODHEAD A.OO'.S, N. Ccntre St., the Poll Offlco, Oil fit r. Ta W AND Sewing Machine! Tills Mnch'ne Is wVTsiile.1 to tvecnte In 4 CTea-et decree of perunion, a'l kind- arid TarM'.a of Si win..'. ilminiliiK, Kelltnjr, ConliiK, Turkirj, Rmiilinc, GUhmln'j mid Sawina on, (J.nlilsit. it. that is or rail l.c done by any other uiacliiuu not before the piiti'.ie. Tills Marlili e s'ans tojny without a rival, h lt nl-brnte! OvrrseiminK Milch, Kl.,liriilpno(. the Kdce, and It.illim Hole and Kyclvt Hu s mu.n iu all kinds of buries. S Oee of thve Machines enn be seca at room ortr A. D. Miller Jr I'o.'s l)i nir lore J. V. COFtlX, mclitr,. READ! READ! SOBEL ! " HAS REMOVED ! His Ilrc 5-"toe! ol DRY GOODS lllUt tliC RIU1I flUJMITiV UccupfeJ I13 N. AotThafai, ffillDOQata&OPERALW Uo has ndded to his Stuck lion uf a lur-e self C -M A fl m - -ST .XI I M i a ST . M Wlitol. It.... ,t... t ..t, . r...... ' nu 'II'P l.ll- I,"fIMW I I rTTllJ'-ll'll It'll. Uliti Vll'llill; HU., l!XHtl,i(1(.. Jug :Uu g-iud HU ui' Hats & Caps, Heady-Kadc Ciothi.ijr, 'n., Ac, ull of wbieli he has ma ke.1 dot" D ll. Lowest Cash Prices1 I desire to tliiink my muni' ous customei-a for their Jiijerai patronage at my old stand, and hone by keepinfr a hxrere selec tion of (joods, at Low Trices, to continue to supply their wants as ificwnore. S. SOBEL. Petroleum Centre, March 18 tf. T UiaaUlulioil. lilEco-partneisldu exIatli'B W! V. 11. 1 nuiiu.ll .....I v- il mmt-r. 1 Ihlday dissolved I., muiual consent. Mr Miuyf I reiini.K. 'I tie hn-innss will i,P earrlad "n h ""ill Looewull, who w'll oollian ull hliu .in. ihe WJelu" j nuu paj an me oebta of said Hi iu , , W. II. I.ONtlwri.i - - vy c. I LCM-Wlf' - Bated Feb fvh, iasja.t;. e-1 'UUU.JJSS