ARE 5 YOBBMITB Stomach BITTERS ! A fife, certain owl pleasant HVaicdjr for all DlttaKiariilng from a DISORDERED STOMACH. vrsi'Ei'siA, i.irint coarrzAisr, gex- ERA.L UhliJT,ITT, Ncrrou 1'rostralion and trrru form of JndtyvitUoni Intrrmllirnl JFrvert rerrr and Ayu, and a mild Inriiortttiny TOXIC fur del irate female and invalids. PREPARED BY J. W. DOWNER & CO., Branch Manufactory nt Petroleum Centre, Fa. Holtl by all OruKftl''- Oplnhwjs of Experienced ftiStS. Read the following opinions of ex perienced druggists and physicians : MESSRS. J. W. DOWNER Jfc CO. : linvlna useil your Yosoinite Biltura for noma time past, anil haviim hnil frecment eulli fur Uiem hv our cimtnm- era, hihI from our own examination ot thein, wo be lieve them to bo milch bettor in quality than any other Bittern In the markut, nn'l h are. confident that they will answer your moot panguine. e.vpenln. tions, anil fully meet Ihi demands of the public. We would retomtnend thorn to the public fur tiki. specially to invalid! fiifTering froui wuukuom and a disordered stomnrh. Respectfully Yours. A. D. MILLER Jt CO., Druggist.. This certiRei that wo have mil the Great Yoie mile liittora prepared by J. W. Downer & Co., of thin plate, -and believe that they are, what they are represented to lie a pure and wbelet iiae Stom ach Hitters, and a pleasant tonic beverane for the e of invalid uttering from weaknesi of the Stomach. Dv-sueusia. &c. Ac. We think them to be a gnm, il not better, than any Ritlera now In the mallet, aud cheerfully rmouimund tbein to tho public. Respectfully, T. Jl. Mi;NIR Jk CO., Druggists. I have used, and observed the effects, of the Great Yoemile Stomach Hitler', prepared by ,1. W. Downer & Co., Petroleum Centre, and think them preferable to any now in one, for the relief of Hume difficulties lor which they ere recommended. J. M HARDING, M. D. Oil City, Pa., Dec. L'litli. lSliS. ll'ivina carefully examined the '-Yosemlte Bit ters," munuliietiiA'd and mid by Mesara. J. W. Downer i Co.. I am coiivlnoo.l that thry are cliom Icilly pure, and having a knowledge of their com ponent part", I feel safe lu recommending thair line to the adliated. J. A. I.OiJAUGH, M. D. Oil City, Mtirch 6th, lStiV. PREPARED 33"T J. W. Downer & Co.; Petroleum Centre, Pa., Branch Manu factory, and sold by all DruggisU. Tho GreatYosemiteBitters WARRANTED TO CURE KASES ARISING FROM ALU A DI3- DISORDERED STOMACH. GUR GINGER CURDIAL, WINES &c. aro aiiueriar to any in Hie Market. TiJV THHS1 ! J. W. DOWNER & ("0. lVUokum Ceutro, Moicl) lOtti, 1809. T. B. McNair & Co, S3 WASHIHn-ST., Would respectfully nnnnnntB that they are are now opening a lull assortment of DKU G-S ! PATENT MEDICINES ! Paints, Oils, Soaps, Brashes, &c. In the room formerly occupied by Mr. uoouman. Particular attention will be paid to the preparation of rrescnptions, and no pams spar ed to make this Department as omplete as any in the country. Wines, and Liquors ! FOR SIEDICISALTPritPOSES E27!Our prices will compare favorably, and we do not doubt being able to suit all who may favor us with their patronage. B. IflcNAIR CO. 'a., Oct 11; 'd-.-tf Patrolemn Centre, James A. SherrifF, Has, la addition to the largt stock ot OIL WELL SUPPLIES! HARDWARE, STOVES TINWARE &C, That tic keeps at his Old Stand in this iIacc, JUST OPENED A FINE STOCK IN HIS LINE, At the Southwest Cor ner of Woods Farm, WHERE HE HOPES, tta all of C'lpa Assistants, The use of New and Latest Im proved Machinery and Im plements in the JlFCIIAMCAL DePAKTHEST, THE PURCHASE OF THE BEST MATERIAL, AE) CiiODDS, SELLING AT FAIR PRICES AND LIEEUAL DFAIilXti GEX- To merit and receive liberal en couragement from operators in that locality. PLI3AWE CIVI1 H1K A AI.I,. .1 uiEs A. SmiiiRirr. l'tlrok'iini Ui..ti, Sent. 2, if. HARDWARE OIL CITY. ROBSON'3 Uil Vnmi Pipe Wouks. on vitiiHn jeoasow V Co., Curlier of senefa A; 'entre r., f lint niilo oil Crk, HI tJUi't Dealers In Mori li.Ta.'kcr Go's OIL WELL TUNING AND CASING, SVORKTNn PAHItfl,' AND VAbTBS, tLA.MJ'b, TON'!. ' sfCKER HODS, c iUachinery for Oil 7ells & Refineries BOKING TOOLS, OIL, PUMPS, DR1VINH P1PR. CULD VATU TUMI'S Every description of SUPPLIES FOR OIL WELLS AND RE FINERIES, Also, STOVES, TINWARE, Btt.tsa OOODS, rSAMS AXD OA H FITTISIS, BELTIXU, hALKlSQ, and HOSE; HARDWAUK, HOCSS TKIMM1SGS, Carpentera' Tools, Rope, Oakum, Nails, Axes. Coffee Mills, Table A Tocket Cutlery; Full Assortment of Everything In th HARD WARE LINK imiF Pur linhlnst Onodj, Laups ('tilniocys. No. 1 Wiatcr Strained Iird Oil, No. 1 I'Hllinl Oil, Stair HikK Table and Door Mai s ; Champion Clothes Wringm Vanufacturcn of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. P.opnlnnc of all kind done with neatness and ilUpaU-b. l;pectal atteu'lon glveu to STEAM AND GAS FITTING. We have enienvored to merit tho patronac of the pnlilic. and tlull uie evry exertion to inaure its Ciintintiance. Our faciliHea for fnrnl'lnu? e'cryttiln!; In our line, having hntn rptlr Iticreaged, in the erection of mir New HiiMini?. are now SUrEKlOK TO ANY O! IIKK KTABL1SUJ11ST siiirll-am. IN THE Oil. RISi)U)N. AUG, SIMON, ' MERCHANT TAILOR BisselPs Block, Oil City, Haa Just received a large assortment of NEW" FILL & WINTER GOODS. Of the I-ltot I'nrK Londnn, and Kew Tork Faah lom, couipriring In part CLOTHS. BEAVERS. DOESKINS. TRICOTS. VELVETS, CASS1MERES, 4e., and all nrtleli kept In a First-Clan Tailoring Estab lishment. flata, On pa, riim White Khtrta, Paper Collar. Hone, NiiNpendera. Mevkliea, aud Gents' Furnishing (iooils, In general, all deirr'tiMon of tMothing made nj by exoerienrrd workmeu, in the iMom tt)l'ja, at reaouahle priccei. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. AUQ SIMLiN. Oil City. Ta.. Hep. 10 lSilS-if. J. Or. OGDE3ST, FLOiR m FEED STORE, XO. ST CESTBE-ST., OIL. CITY, PA. Thiu l ttie best establishment nt tho kind In the Oil lle-tou. riour aad Foul eold at wholranle aud ma. aMBiJ-lf. CRANIO Ac TIIACKEH, 134 maiden Lanr, N. Y., Klinilll) MERCHANTS, are now prepared to receive on Commimion iwl maki Lilicral Ar)vnncr to l.efinoi and Dealers iu both Crude aud HeAucd Oil. OIL VITBIOL. CUAXG, TlIACIiEIl & Co., PiilTloLEDM CliNTKK, PA , Ki'ep on haiitl OIL, VITRIOL. lU,t'E & WHITE PAINT, t.ui.Miu, st ida and (iLlili. Are nrepnred to nwse liberal discount to Reflnewi tor CASH, ana will not be undersold In any of the alieve articles, juueia tf CRANK, THACKEIl 4 CO. T. T. NAPES, Sealers la C O A. li . JS3 Dellven it or at tho Yard by Hie ear or o. lanlRtf JOI.IHC.old Jewelrr, Indies' Sets. Ear Uln'-s, J Pins, Weave Bnttnus, r., at WHAM A CD'S. At.l, llt KDIK got i .TVt. M the Hr;iiki eiH'CJCK Bl-T the R llmvnrd Aincrlean Watri. thu best nude, of 1SUAM ik CO. MISCELLANEOUS OIL CITY. 4 :i A(i't for tlcorl 7i. 13-1 A Hmwn, .Tanie,town, N. V ski.i i: i: , oiisAiKioiirGirSi AND Ml'SICAL INSTRl'MENTS ' of every description. PIANO STOOLS, sriikABS cntrc-St.. OIL CITY, Pa. Oil City, S.'pt. 14, isi.-tt. NEW HARDWARE STORE BGATINO AND CUOKINQ STOVES ! In largo variety. TABLE AND TOCKET Cutlery! SHELF HARDWARE. EOUSS FURNISEIS& D"DI3S. LAMr?,LANTERNS. AND FANCY ARTICLES. NMLS AiUD .RON Wooden Ware, &Pe For laU CHEAP I At the itor former! v cmpird hy BurclifiVd and Custerline, Oll CITY, PA. Oil City, Jn. 4, 18tttf-tf The Cranberry COAL CO Is now prepared to fill Orders for any amount of Cheap Coal ?"Doaler3 will consult their intereitd by ordering. JAMES B. RGIE, Geueral Agent. Oil City, Pa. Feb IS, iar.n. tr. John C. "Welch, Seneca-St., Oil City, Pa., Dealer in ibls. Kusscil & Co's Itnriu? and rishhi5 Tools, Innis' Sucker Rods, Driving Pipe, Well &c. Agent for tho SKAEVILLE EAGLE FaU:.I!RY. Writers takn fir all klml nf CASTINflS Olvo uie a call beiort p trchaieiift elsewhere. .IOUX C. WELCH. Oil City. Feb. 17. IRiM tr. Rslin's Oil M Pips Worts C1IAS. KUIISON CO., Corner of Seneea and Centre Sta, oat siile ol Oil Croek, Oil Cily, Pa. Having added a powerful Steam Engine and three larire L vTHKS. to our all'oadv extensive M:muftir.. tuiinc hstiibll-liiMi'h!, ai now pnai lied to do all uie uecusMiry wjia, la nitmij ap, auu repairing, ENGINES. BOILERS, IKON TANKS. KKF1NISO MACHINERT, COPPER WORMS AND STILLS, OIL WELL TOOLS AND FITTINGS? Iu fart do'utl Marhlnerv Job Work entrusted to us wtiu neatue and ntsiiatcn aii7 vtmna . JOHN M. DAVIES &. CO , DRUGGISTS ! BISSELL'S BLOCK, CENTRE-ST., Oil. CITY, PA. Whdesile Au'inls fir. Dr. Leon's Hecrrle fla.. Kenewisr and lr. U'oii luftiut Ui.aiiAdy. ma tf. RAILROADS. Oil Greet & Alldtay River R. R WAUKKN Jt I'HANKI.IN, V KMRK8 ANDOIL OKDKK KAIl.ltnAD.S CtlNMJLlDATKl). NEW AND MOST DTkECT ROUTE TO TIIK OIL UKUIUIL 18BH. W1NTEK AiiRANOF.MKNT. lgog. TIMK I . MILK ON AM) AKI'KH MONDAY, NOV. ITU 11 8, trnloB will run a fiilluwa: (ltINil N"U I'll TO oil. CITY ft. PrtTKm.urM CKVi'i.K TirlWIM.K.VN'li COi HY i,"i'l M , Kxtirs,eirive I I'lii.ulr hi 7 4n a a.' U ,., ((U:i.i),.:i al lo a. di . (oniiiKrtiug :li.-re witli traiim I'or I'itlioloi. Oil t'ltv 6 4 ia III., I'el 'illeuin Centre M.llJa. In.. Pnd Farm 1 '-'' a. m , Millci l',m lo 45 fi m.. Tuii-'vIHe ti (Jj a. m , arrivui). at t'orry nt 12 4 p m. 1". M . St till. ariThee I'ldliinte -J 4o p. ml lliipollA 4 Oi p. m (C'tlllHHMe with liain for I lihole City), ('II City 4 3a p. m , IV tr.ili'ilin rentre ft.lg p. m , llnvd Farm M 21 p in., Miller Farm 6.44 p. m , Titu. vlllu U lll, p. lu., aniviug at t'orry at 7.6:1 p. in. A M., Ai commodatlon from Oil Cltvar ttm rive at Petroleum Centre 7.o4 a m.,Boyd Filial 1.IK1 a. in., Titusv.llo 7.15 a m, arrlTiiii; nt Carry at v.iHi a. m. GOINO fiHITII FIIOM COKKY, 'IT1TSV1LI.B. PKTIIOI.KUM t IfiN rl'f. ft OIL CITY. 0:5 A. M., arrives at TltiiHvllln 8.16 a. m Miller Farm 8 45 a in, Boyil Farm o3 . m, Petroleum Centre 9. o7 am, Oil ct 9.411 a. in., tlleojioliii lo 23 a. m , Tiui oute ll.&3a m , aud Irvinelon 12. 4o n m en P. M , arriree at Tilnevllle i,S o. Boyd Kara 2.61 n in. Petroleum Ce Oil City 3.S) p. in., leave Oil Cit 8 35 1 '11 UV ii.lto ra, arrfvt'ft (ileojKtlis 4 07p m, counsel TiiU train for Fltlio'eJ, Titituute p. m . And Irvinelon H iW n. m. P. M , Accorniuodttioo fiora frrr m. rivos TiluMiiU' 7.o7 p m, itillrr Furtm 7 'V p. m, llttyd tiirin 7-W. p m, PcnHs. um Centre 7.58 p in, arriviua at Oil City 8.0S d m. I'ONNKCTIONB. Train!! North mnnant at Carry Ith riillaflelphit & Kvio K. K , and Atlantic k Oreat Western KhiI wav. Eatnnd ami nino with Uuflalu, t'orry and fittnbumh ml road f. r HutTalu TrnitiA mtiiicrt ut il City with Franklin ftraneli for Fruiiklin, M cidvillr, and the Vt, aud nt lr vin.'ton with riiil. Krio U K Eul a':u U, Stnnditrd time twkstt minuter filter than Frank lin Hnuieii anr) A. & U W. K. K. ttm. 'a-'Mi'tiiEcri will 11 nil thin road a i!c. Llrafiant auA the !ik tet '-miio to and tYntii the il rt'L'ion. All train ot from irviuuton leave aftar arrival of trains on K A E It. If. B iure ani ak lor Through TIcVetB via Oil Crttk Allcvhfnv Hiver liailway,' the Ureat Short Koute to the Oil l!ii-D. U. F. SWEFTZEB.O-n'l Knnerintandent C. IIUI'UUHN, Afln't Miiiitiriutuidcut. nrT. PiUnburgii, l'urt Wayne utid .iiu iigo icaiiwuy. aa.uc lanLfci IX1TU. oi: citv. p. m. K,55 p. m. f,30 a U,&1 a. i tnnklin. Ja neitoWTi, i,4Sa. m. 1,4Sa. n 6.35 a. n. 1,40 p. ai- t.ll) a. m. 8,05 p. in S.KIa a. 3,o? p n. MHa, 4,18 p. ml M.4o a. m. 4,35 p. in! 10,00 a.m. C.fiOp. in! 6.UO d. mi (iarkivillf!. Now Cadtla. HomewofMl, New liriiuon, ltochciei', Alh'KheitYt ruiitureu ar Ketiiriiini' learss Plt:aburfh at (I.0O a. m.. n4 4,20 p. in. TKAINS eolne West on Pittsburgh, Fort Warn and Cuicao Kallwav pass II niewood at 11,00 and 8,4 i 3,31 a, m., and 1,57 p m ; I'm- Vsna- neia a: u,4u a. in. ana i is, l -e e.uu and 1 D. m : Pass Crestline at 10,10 a ni , and lo ;. 5.30 and 4,45 a ni.. mid arriie ai i lite ua ak 1,00 aud 8,40 p. nv, and M.tfO ami 11,21) u m r . K iUKHS, Oiai l Ticket Ai-etit. JIareh. lH6S.-tf. Plu.lmr .i.. Ca A :AIID ! Till': I.ADII S. DR DC Pll.l.s Iirt ONCtes OJLURN t'Eltl DICIL S for Kema'es. le.f.lllilu In eorre-'lina irregularities leinnviiuc obstructions of the nonth y turns, fi. tu whatever cause and always Sllc-cess'al u a prevenilio due pill is a dose Females ps culiatly situated, or tiiose upiosutheiuselvos au, are ctiuii neo aeainai usinK inese rills, wniie in thst oondition let they Invite miscarriage, after wliii h lidnioiiition ttie pro rietor assumes no re sponsibility, althouirti their mildness would p'evsnt any ml chief to health: otherwise the Pills are rs ciiDimi nded as a most Invaluali.e remedy fur I he al leriniion ofthoie htiflerlnf fmm any irragHlartiet whatever, as well as to prevent au iucrense of fauii ly when health will not permit lr; quieting the iiem s and liriiuini; liack tee ry color of tiealtU'r to the cheek nf the most ftelicate. Full anc exoiieit dirtctloiis accomoaov each box Price $1 tier box; fl boxes. $5. Sold in i vtrol- mn l enlre. br A D. MII.I.KR CO , So'e AtfoMts'' for Pulroirnni Centre, Pa. Ladiel Ity Msndiui: thra $1 to the Pi inileum Cea- tre P. O. cm have tiie Pills vent cunft'leuiinliyl by mini io Buy pan oi it e cuiintrr. iree or en-true Soid also bv K. C C.'g C ark. Titusvlllt. Pa.; A Orifllth, Oil Cllv; Flsinlnif Jfc Me- ('line, FranR In; Dr. .1 L. Acomb, Tidioute; E. T. HazuUon. Warren: and by "one Druggist" in even town iu thell tiled states', mid by Jii4 ta. 1), 1HIWK. I'rop'r. Wew York. Frit Dyspepsia, Fever and Ague, Aci dity of 'ihc Momacli, Loss of Appeti'C Niiu-en, Heiirt -burn, JaunJice, itnd nil dUc:tcK r.ri'in (rem a disordered nUite of'ihs Sruniticli, Liver or Intestines. I'lq-arcJ 1)V Suwarii & BentLEV, !)r.:j;;ists, Buii'alo, N. V. Sold by U Jrujjaiits. A. 1). MILLER & CO.. 'Wholesale and Retail Dni'v.isls, Aiienta for Petroleum Centre aad vicinity. .liill-Iy Sewing Machines. OBOVKU Ac B4KER SEW ic iniciiiNs: of both Otitekea. 9iii(er's Hew ramlly Sowing JMaetaissas ! And the American Ovor-ScayuiinK and Iliilton-lltilu Maekinoi I FOR SALT! AT NO. 109 MAIN ST., PRI ROLLTM CCXTKE, Pa., ttf .Unlliw. n UAIiGR, AS1'