CLOTHING AND GENTS' NEW CLOTHING- ! JAMESTOWN CLOTHING STORE, (Formerly J. A. LOSKK.) We have just received ami nre now opening to t ho admiring .;azc of the citizens ol lVlr.'Kum Ci nt:r and vluiully the iurgctt stock of SPRING CLOT HIM Ever brought to Petroleum Centre. Clothing Mads to Order at ths Shortest Notice. Hats arid Caps of Every Style. In Gents' Furnishing Our Stock is Complete. Inspection One Price, and all Goods retrulmtm Centre, March 1, 1R!!9 tf. DRUGS AND DRUGS MMEDICINES J. H. CHRISTIE, DEALER IN" Paints,", Grlass, Putty. Soaps, Dye Stu.ft, Fancy and Toilet j&rLiclcs. Alb KINDS OF PATEH? fiED3G3ES. PURE WINES LIQUORS ! SELECTED EXPRESSLY FOK MEDICAL PURPOSE?. N. R. Prescriptions carefully compounded at , all hours. Xo. W Washington-st.. I'etrolPKin trr.tre, Ea. y (live niu a cull before purchasing elsewhere. United States LIFE Insurance COSVaPAftSY, OF NEW YORK, Established March 5, 1S50. CapHal Ac Aict, 88,000,000 E.J.ROSS, Agent, Petroleum Centre, ia. This Compaiiv, Hern one of the oldest and most reliable in the T!iitcdHiite;iiirnriliiiip!oiir ty. not only by Its iarce ir.vU, which on January 1st, lSfiS, worn al ready M $ per cunt over In liabilities, hut also by Uio PERSONAL LIABILITY OF THE STOCKHOLDERS TO MAKE GOOD -ANY DEFICIENCY, seatrity not affurdcj by ry ntl'.or t'ach Company. Dividend? are Declared Anna- ally!. And may be used to assist In paving Premiums, to anurd ldditional insuranoe. or tu ervtiro paid up J'ollo.u tiler they have been in force fin 1 number ot yours, a explained In nur pamphlet, or thcymny seciituulnte at compound lutctint to Incieaso the every fates i Should secure l Volley as early as posslhlo, as nono but hetlihy persons can be Insured, aud it Is h.s moral duty, to provide In tho safest way for bis fain f y, which he cannot do belter, than by a Lira In surance. Money infested in business may bring m ire Intermit for a whllo, but it may all be lost, and the family la thiu left destitute FURNISHING GOODS. of our stock is rcjpoetlully solicited. warranted as represented, gr; MEDICINES. lty:tf.) JF. M. CHISISTir. S. S- G riswold, l)ei.ior lit C A Sr. rJT" Ordcts lv the Car or Ton ;ioui.rt!v ' Fill, a Also, Ag.ut for the ecU'ernled lilXL K13)!E CiMU Ol'FICK on Second struct, near il. It. T ack, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. .1 misi if. WATCI1H1KEBS & .iMVl-LGR, IN OPERA HOUSE BUILDING, WASH INGTON STSEET, PETUOLrrn KT::r, pa., Krpp oonttnut!;,' on hand a laro adiorttnt tit of WATCMKS. JliVVK!.!;T. fi.sTm, KUVOLVI'KS. H-iJUNU TACK1.F. wartrhl. Ac, and will sell ut eitstcrn prices. All t'tuch work ua.r.tulud to ie sutiptiieliot:. Ci .vt pine to rt t lh( wovllt of vour morer i? at tbe NKW Fl.nUlt AM) K .!; s'l'OHB ANI I, ('.'! I'.KU VAItn of I.. St. M'lUMtfUU & Ci., w here there i." alw.ijn u MAN lepdv to thow thoir eu.itoe'.ei' their IniL'e sloclr of thoir eu-itoettvi' their h ', nnd all kinds of H :re neiy be r'LOirH. HAY, nnd all kinds of rXr.i', and the pluee nUo here neiy he FOUND A lure (HBrriment of fr-tds' ItufOlI All DKKSSHI UIMitlilt, I.AI'H, .i.e., 41 the velj lowe.-t la.h prints Tuuae wl-o iiro l;ut XIIA.D To tht'ironn iulfrt, find wi-h t dnl viih meii who do ImciiH'ss on Ktjtiiiif, will thi-i it lu tlnir Interest to give im n tiilt lit lirn iiin:l;8!iig d.-.u wliutc, and svo wbut wo tan d.t ir u.i IN our line sf business, fW" All Order ai.d te.irnine promptly nfemled t.. l)n not furcet Ihe pin e, Oi' I'lisiTK T1IK UOCUESTKlt UiiUSli, WASH INGTON bl'iiKEi', Petroleum Centre, P f.. V STKflVIH'RO, U. It. V AlO'JSI!- Fell3 tf. TELEGRAPH irr.'oitTKD for run daily kkcokd, Afternoon IHsptciie:. Chicago, March 111. Wm. l'lutuTi, a respoctaho man livinir at Madison, liliiuiis, shot himself t liiou'li Ihu j head wild u revolver on Saturday, killing him-olf iristunily. No caii.-o is known fur U art. A licsltitclivM fire occulted at Anokn. Minn., on Saliinii.y night. It consumed rijrht buildings on Front street, involving a Imsol fiu.Olili.witli un insurance id' Sli.b'OD. The lire was probably Ilia work of an in cendiary. Lontlao March Hi. The Duke of Montpensior declares that lie dors not seek tho Spanish throne; tbnt sliuuld he bo chosen King he will necept tho crown, lint he wishes that the question ol his ehctioii may not be made the pretext !or civil war. A deputation with the Mayor ol' Dublin at it9 limii, proceeded to Windsor Castle yes teulay anil presente't to the Queen ft peti tion pmying Tor the dis-estublishmeut of the Irisu Cijuieli. Detroit, March 1G. The Buanl of Tratia yosterdity Hiloptcd ft meinnriiil to the Lcgi.-;l.itiuo. reconimeniluw the trentjlorof the baulte SI. Alario bliip Canal from the State to the Federal Govern ment, if ho doing will procure an enlarge ment of the Cunui. MiKvaukco, March 1G. Capt. W. L. Leiiard, citizen ol Sparta. Wis., wns v.nvlaid nJ rohlied Saturdav ni?ht. alter Ijeir.;; shot tineo t!ui"S, and lelt lor dead. liis condition is very critical. uid very old man: ''S.iuie folks always Cuniplaiii hIioiii the weatlu r, but I am wry thntiklul when 1 wake up In the morning to !ind any weather at all." Petroleum Exchange HOTEL. ON THE EUROPEAN TLAN. FREi-'II ALL THE OYSTERS ! S:A LUXC RIES ! U-ceived '"H&yf OF THE I) A I L V ! fcOrCf'1 8EJ A S O N ! Vt'tnliingtou Struct, IWoIemn Centre, I'a., nxt door to UhAia & Co' Jjwelry Biore- T. XV. SAXU$) Proprietor., l);iv Bonrilers aceouiniod iitd, Meult erved nt !1 hours. Oysters, aud every description of yiuue fuiiihil stietH. No p-tiuA will be itnred to Rccouimod&te tbotc who faror us with their patronage. 'J'. W. SASDS Ptrolenm Centre, Jan. II. ISO?. tf. LL pAPER S i-Q, o o o mm At Low Prices. stationery. school books, iSLANIC BOOKS, line C SlEOIflC S, loreiga & American, SHEET Mt'HIC, TOYS, FANOY OOOD:S, ic, IN lil'.F.AT VAIUETV, As roasonnl.lM ns c;ni be purchased at uny pl.ico in Ihu Oil Region. 55213ISTX, KtJSEY & Co., BipseiTs Bank Slock. Oils CITV, PA. 0 1 City, Pa., Ocl C, 18 18-tf L9VSR Y FEED STABLES, Va:-liiiigion Slfcel, opposite lltoOporii IIuunc, PETROLEUM CENTRE. PENN'A. I hiivo put in a good slock of Riding and Driving Horses, which I will let on rcusoD.ljlo terms. A2xo, t'tiilMs. Wasim, Sprlns HOUSES boarded and f. d and bel of care gner ant eel. julimr A. SMAWLKV. t.)AA'.ni Mill W .l"Jse M ttvvsM (t-uriei r . wt V CAlitFOlIMA. WHEAT FIELDS AND STOCK RAN .s l have llnn?hoi or Fatm.4 for mde, throviIi out t'AI.ll'ORMA, In tracts of (lite Hundred Auto" up to Twenty Th.niNU.d. Terms to st-it pur ohascra. Tlime lands'will jrow Thitty fivo to Fi.'ty DuAhelsof U'heat to the Acre, with ordinary farm ing, aud fi Volunteer Cr ip of Twe-ti -P Ivo Ulshe s per Arte. JXi-Corrf-iiondciijo Soltciled. Addrens HENRY McKRSTY, Dealer !u Roil E-nst. Office-34-1 Mrntjoai ry .-Jtr-r -t . ran SVTvtscn, Cal. . the on. itcakki:ts. Opficr OP ) TnK Fet'm Ckntiik Daily Ukcord, 1'ktkoi.ei m Cbntku, March 10. ) The market remains in about the same condition as reported yeslsriluy. No sales. Phipmcntsof oil from this point, March 15, per t). C. A. R. Railroad, 793 barrels. n roLi;t ri yi ic r kts b v ti.i,. VMM A vit. ,ec:al DipatciM' tl; Ually Hrnru. rii rsn. iu:!!.'j ID. Spr.t 15'J. 1-'irstwatei 15'.. 11. O. first six uiuiilhs, ni.m. for 45 gr. for 47 sr. S. O. first six months, U. for4."gr. for 47 gr. Ruyeii" option all this year, for 45 yr. ; lor 47 pr, SellcM option nil this year, 15 for 15 gr. Market Dull aiul nothing duint;. . l'liii.iCKLi'iiiA, M.irch IC. Spot, .ll' M arch Hi. April 33 14' May to July, . . May, to Sot't., J llll.', . , July . April to July asked. Crude I5bls., 2. Urude bulk, 19. Market Quiet but firui. New York, March Hi. Receipt Uelined. 2,20U barrels. Crude, bhls. Naptha. bhls. Crude, 17 Uelined. spot SU.j. Markot Quiet, siiles nt tho abovo llsurui. London, March 10. 2. p. m. Reiined. 2d. Spirits. 7' jd. Au twerp, March 16. 3 p. m. 50,' i francs. Lin.iii'tioi., Match 16, 2 p. m. Refined 20Jd. . Spirits, 7.1. ANTWKitr, March 10 5 p. a. Crude 6Gj. Western 1'uion I.luo Market Report. New York. Mar.hlG. Crude, bulk. . Refilled 1 L. S. to X., 30 J 8. W. 30'. Market Quiet. Philadelphia, March 16. Cnidt 20 nrm. Refilled -P. L. S. tu V,'., 30'2": S. W Si4-. Murket Quiet. l'ittsburgh, March 10. Mnrkel Dull and declining, 15 best oiler for March. t'Io:iic New York lUarliel. New Yerk, 3:10, p. m., March 16. Deniasd moderate; prices linn. Refini d, 31,1,;. Crude. 17. New Vcii:i;, Maruh IC. Cold 131,'.;. RICH MARRIAGE GIFTS. Tin Kiciik.-t Gtt whhh Votittr M.m can pro acm to hirt Ib-ide, tit a sound ronlilutl.ui and 11 pure heart, Ks-:iys on lUwe suiij'H'tA, witli the hiiiuaie tviews of beuev dent riivsieiau:, eir. in sailed 'e ter enveloni), free of .-lia'e. Address HOWARD ASSOUIAl'ION, Box P.. I'hikldelpbia, i'a. jij 3lll. J. A. PLANTS French Boot Maker THREE DOORS WEST OF A. D. MIL LER CO.'S DRUG STORE, CETHOiiEU.UCEXTK:, P.. Is manufactarlne to order KIltST-CbASS TINS WOld;, tKb as Patent Iii allmr ilooU, Piimp Sole H00H, Frcncli Cork .o!o I5oo1m, Scote Welt Uooti. HEAVY OR LIGHT WORK BONE IN FRENCH STYLE. Call and see sarr.plt s. J. A. PLANTS. Petroleum Centre, fa., July i tm. A. T. LEGGEnT" Vanu'ncturQr ai.d DyAHjr In Seed Bags, Valve Cups, &c. KxperMr.ctnl wtukmen nre employed, and Hor-i.e-H . f all kind? kept coniuutiy on hand at.d mane to order. P. C. Ilcinz'i Pat. Siod.I5ag l"or 8atv. fii-'pah-ing Done at all Times ! Cull aud ex'imlne our slock and price, .llain-S.r l"liw ilie McCliii tnrk ICniiaii. rctroUaai Outre, fa,. Jan 7th, 1.0 -If. A. D. MILLER A CO.'S COLUMN. A. D, MILLER & CO, Wholesale and Hetall DealtTK in DRUGS, MEDICINES, &C. U.ishin?ton Stri't't Pr.THUI.I.Vll CK'JTKF, 1A. Their Stock consists of the line of Drugs & Medicines ! FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSE?, Wlioiealo and Rotnll Agontm far YOSEMITB STOMACH BtTTEItS, JOHN ROOT'S HITTERS, CONSTITUTION BITTERS, ALISMA FOR THE HAIR, SEWARD it RENTLEY'S COUGn SYRUP MAGIC MACEDONIAN OIL, DUPONCO'S GOLDEN FILLS, WALKER .V HAZE'S CIGARS, J AY NFS' MEDICINES. ANDERSON'S DKRMADOR. SPENCER'S MIXTURE. SPENCER'S OINTMENT, Ao. Aver's, Vnrlen-s, Seller's, "t Kraudeth's, Milnne's, WHaon's, t!i!m;ie. )'s, WlehsMs's, IlHrncli's, Mnti's, WrluhV, ItonntT's, Undwnv' It- R- Jayne's, HobiK-k'n, Judor's, S-henli , ClurK's i'Vinivle. Cheraeman's Doponco's, do, Velpnu'e, ilo, &c, c Perfumery, Toilet Ar- COL'GKS, COIiWS, Ac. Ayet's Cherry Pectoral, Juyne's Expectorant, Mnrsden's Balm, Kchenck's Syrup. Universal Syrup, Exeeliior Syrup, Random V Hive Syrup, Sdler's Syrup, Coe's Syrup, Hall's Balsom, Denton's Balsam, Brynn's Wafers, Olive Tar, Browu'a Trouhos, Wiahnrl's Tinn Tree Tar, Sew ard's Cottph Cum, Buteman's Syrup, Cough Cnniy, ie Cigars and Tobaccos ! Tlio Rest r.vor Itroutilit trt tlio Oil Kculon. II .11 it KESTOKATIVE. A L ISM A, MRS. ,T. A. ALLEN'3, RING'S. CIIEVALIKR'S, HALL'S. MARTHA WASHINGTON, BARRETT'S, EOSSETTERS, LYON'S, STERLING'S, BARRY'S, ic, Ac. IIITTEKS. root". covsTirrTiox, H'n.rK'R, lHAKK't. MAI! A KA S I'A It, llf'IH.KVS JIISHLKK'!", lUISTBITKH'S, RI'KEH'S. HOOt'LANll'S ('Al.lK'MKNIA. ATrWOOU'S, j'uoToxiiin ii:on,u Curtains aud Rustic Sliadcsi. PAITS, oaii, VAUAtaHIES, CJJiASS, I'l'Ti V JI,LE, Turpentine. Uy.- WHiU'j, If 'por.ues, Irycrj KHI1LIS, Lard Oi!, Eioroi'iic (HI, &c LAMPS, LAMP FIXTURES, ie. Scoti'h Alp, C2B'i'i;iiS Water, PRESCRIPTIONS COM FOUNDED AT ALL HOURS OF THE MGIIT AND SUNDAYS. STATiamY, EMVEMPES C. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. TRUSSES. Ti.tmp ftlong, come on.. romp all. H d( n't rort n? tbii ? tu look ai youdi, nnd we will tiy w trcut ydft UW,U- A. P. VUMtRftCU rci.oletim Cel. tie. Vpt S, lS'iS vl.