The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, March 16, 1869, Image 2

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    Petroleum Centra Daily Record.
Pel. Ceuli'dt Tues.laj, nnrch 10
Trine of Closing Halls.
P. O., PHTKOI.SfK CltJITItt, Pa , )
Juli S7st, una. J
WnH 1 farther notice the malls will arrive at and
depart from this eftics m follows:
Month md East, via. IrvinetoD, 10..' A. M.
Month and West, " Moadville, 5 18 P. M.
North and Cult, Carry, IN
Month d West, 8 45 A. M.
Sonll ; Kiim. nml West, 8 80 P. M. . .
Nurth.JBesi and West, 10.0'J A. M.
, P. M.
Divine Scrrleoa.
rreavhin? nt 11 o'clock A. M., anil "i
o'clock T. M.
Rev. J. T. Oxioht, rastor.
M. K. CHL'RCn.
Service every Sabbath at 11 A. M. nnd
7 P. M. Sabbath School at twelve o'clock
M. Se'iti Free. A Cordial invitation
extended to at I,
Rkv. C. M. HKAitn. Pastor.
Muss at 0 n. m.
Vespers' anil Benediction of tlie Blessed
Sacrament at 4 p. m.
Cateehism at 2 p. m.
We paid a Tisft to Pleaiiantvlllo on St
tinlay last, and wero quite favorably Im
pressed with the business prospects of the
place, besides having the pleasure of meet
ing a large Dumber of olJ-limo friends and
acquaintances, the mooting of whom recall,
id many pleasant memeries of days pone by
when Pilholewns in itsplory. The '-Den" Is
In rn II Mast, and the smiling faco ef Capt.
Sbeaitlrjr may be seen at ull JlinT s, as It
used lo was"' in Fitbole. The "Dive,''
over which our old friend Westervelt, alias
Dennis," holds coiuiuand, is also in good
running order, the members thereof giving
beed to the wise counsels of ''Dennis." The
oil business of Pleasantvllle promises lo be
H'l'te lively the coming spring and summer.
F.'iinJ Bro. Colgrove. of the Evening News,
bard ut work ' getting out copy fur to-mor-row's
paper." The News represents the nil !
internals of Pleasaotvillu in an impartial
maimer, and should receive, as it no doubt
does, a libe.rul support. At somo future
I. me wt. hop lo make another visit to Pleas
aiwvil'e and again renew the "friendships
of olber days." ' i
V : : 1
Tho report of military operations in Arl-
zona in 1858, junt published, show til Li
diuu.i killed, SI wounded, and 23 captured,
'i.'lie ntport indicates that lite war carried on
vigorously, but the nuniher of troops was
so small the results are unsatisfactory. Re
ferring to the constant appeal of the people
and press of Arizona lor more troeps, Gen.
Penin says if the skeleton cavalry compa
nies now iu the territory were filled up to
the maximum, they would hold the Indian
completely in check. lie also says tho dis.
churgea are in excess cf recruits, and after
Maroli 1st throe conipatiiea of the First Cuv-
ulry will only number 14S mu in the ai-g
By reference lo our advertising oolurans
it will bo seen thai the American IToti I
properly is offered for saleand if not sold
by April 1st will he lor rent. This is a val
uable piece of property,- and a rare chance
ia ollcred to parlies wiahiou to enter in!o
the hotel bnsinees. Fer particulars enquire
of J. It. Hurtles, on I he premisi s.
Joiix Smith of Weicsiieichtun, Prussia, Is
dead, lie left a fortune of ten million
t unlets, and strange to relate lids no rela
tive in Europe. Ji by any possibility there
should any person be lound iu this locality
bearing the uaum uf f-'niHb, and bo bus "a
frieud that loves him-' lot that friend hand
1) im this notire.
Auvkktixixii is merely making an exten
sion of your shop front in the newspaper.
Vou dUpl.iy your arliules iu the window
whet it t lew hundred will sue them, and in
n newspaper you enumerate what you have
for tain mid thousands aro thereby attracted
to your store.
Do not forget the Faruwelf Hop" to be
irivun at the Opera House by Mr. Dan. E.
Croolter, this evening. Good music will be
in attendance; an excellent supper will be
furnished at the Sli"ttum House, and a
jolly irond time may be expected. Givo
' Dau."' a rotifer.
Thh exiensivet.innery of John Witlling
& 3 hi, (ogetbor with an adjoining dwelling
bouse, in tho liiiroug'.i i f f.mleiitot!, this
cO'inty, was ilesuoyed by ll it few morn
iuha siiice. 1 no nie is suppose) lo Have
been tlie nork ol an inc "lutiai v.
'lit IlilMi hi leinte.y b-i ut . gpioaenl
f M- ' 1...-...I- pi. .nil , ,
f.xn nrnn j lUUiik Um '.w;u J J t. J I Ju W4teS
Is rotlut 'u t.!u S) i j
l,er day
The Canadian newspapers are complain
iig that no methed hus yet been discovered
whereby Canadian petroleum tan bo refined
so as to equal that of Pennsylvania for Illu
minating purposes The Canadian petro
leum emits disagreeable odor, and Injures
the tea, sugar, and oilier goods, near wbith
it may be stored. The duty of fifteen per
cent, imposed upon Pennsylvania petroleum
prevents its consumption by the Canadians,
and a demand bas been extensively made
for the repeal of this heavy tax upon-an ar
ticle which Is essential to the comfort of ev
ery family. In New Brusswiok, the coal
oil work works bavo been closed, and the
bad-smelling petroleum from the Province
of Ontario is the only substitute. Hence
the newspapers insist that a more adective
plan for refining the oil should be attempted
or that the duty of fifteen per cent, upon the
foreign article should be removed.
Tue Hwaogho one of the largest rivers ia
China, bas recently changed, or is changing
Its outlet, anil now enters the sea at a point
Ore hundred miles north of lis recent meutb.
The Rev. Dr. M.irliu, oue of the Professors
in the new University at Pekin, recently
walked dry footed orei the spot where
Lord Amherst's junks lay, while the oatives
burnod incense to insure a favorable pas
sage. There appears to Le a reason to be
lieve that in thin deviation th river is only
returning to a bed oa the north side of the
highlands of Shantung, through which it
formerly flowed; and according to Chinese
records, It has repeatedly shifted its chan
nel, sometimes divided by a delta, some
times entering the sea at a single mouth.
Sheep multiply so prodigiously iu Aus
tralia, that the boiling down ol the animals
merely for tho extraction of the tallow hus
grown into a business of huge proportions.
Four hundred sheep are cut to pieces and
thrown into a big boiler, steam from another
boiler is turned on, and the carcasses are re
duced to pulp; the tallow rises to the top, and
is drawn eff through large tups into barrels
for export The gravy and other juices, the
remains of the meat, aad the bones, which
are so softened as to crutubto easily in the
bauds, are given to pigs. Four thousand
sheep are boiled down a day.
A stuff etiiuer uf the French army in Al
giers has discovered twe subterranean
tombs, probably dating from the period
wtieu the Romans settled in Nuniidia.
Tliey evidently belonged to thu natives of
the country, and tho architecture is not
wanting in elegance and grandeur. Similar
to the Roman burying places, they contain
funeral ums de posited in niches. A skull
U'af found which tecils to prove the fuel
that tue Numidiuns decapitated their dead,
burying their head uid burning the rest of
the body.
A KrNprtKD years ago fast men used to
drink bumpers to the health ol a lady out of
hei shoe. Tho custom has fullea into dis
use; but n correspondent of a London pa.
per says that lens than twenty years ago ho
was present at a dioner ef Irish squires,
when the health vt a beautiful girl, whose
Tcet was as piotty as her face, was drank iu
champagne from one of her satin shoes,
which an admirer of the lady bad oontrived
to u jiaiu possession ot.
A correspondent tf the Bustou Journal of
Chemistry says that water-spouts and sink
spouts frezou up may be speedily thawed
out in the following manner: Procure a
piece of lea l pipe of siiitit'olo length and
size; place ono end against the ico to bo
thawed, then, through a fimntl in the
upper end, pour bailing water. Keep the pipe
constantly tho ice, and you can
penetrate one foot or more per minuto.
Singapore bus a boa constrictor that bwuI-
iowed a young lady, who wore at the time
$15,000 diamond nccklaoo The
young lady is of no value now, but the neck
lace is so nbout 30,000 natives are dilli
gently searching tor tho snake.
The Board uf Engineers baring accepted
Mr. Roebling's plan for the great bridge be
twueii New York and Brooklyn, the work
will be prosecuted without unuecoj-iury do-
We notice that a uew rig fur a welt has
been put up on the Boyd Farm, near the
Oil Exchange Hotel. The territory iu that
vicinity bas uever been thoroughly tested,
we believe.
Tub weather lo-tlay is quito cool, but yet
Ailuli be praised, the suti shines out blight
and pleasant.
Tub Wriygleawortu tiuct uear Plumer,
unit also the National Oil Co.'s tract iu the
same viciuity, it is said will bo tested the
coming summer.
Sk.vbrii, uf the old Hells on the Egbert
Farm lute lou.ojlly buvu stalled up, and
are gutting sum" oil.
Robert Uuudin, the famous Freuch uiaji
, "n IK. nillllP IIM.Ulin IIIO 1 HUB
I'M his whole liiriutirf at tue L'urn
Uc uuiu-sa living now by literary
Louisville has a velocipeJo military com
pany. ';
Ehai are selling at from tbirty-seven to
fifty cnts a piece at Wilmington, North
Icefiom Alaska sells for eve cents a
pound In San Francisco.
A 'velocipede Restaurant-' bas been
started at Columbus, Ga.
"Dramalet" has been invented ai the
name for a one cent drama.
A colored gymnast bas opened a school
for ladies in San Francisco.
The case of Judge Fullertoa will be tried
in April.
The Arkansas Senate passed the Constitu
tional Amendment by 19 to 3.
Mrs. Lydia Beecher, mother of Henry
Ward Beecher, died in Brouklyn Saturday
moruiBg, aged eighty.
The peach buds in Somerset county, New
Jeisey, were killed by the cold snap last
week, and ihe crop is likely lo prove u fail
ure. Dr. G. W. Darden, who killed Chas. Wal
lace, editor of the Clipper, was taken from
a Warrenton, Georgia, Friday night,' by a
party of disguised men who took him some
distance from town, where they shot and
killed him.
Camp Hamilton, near Hampton, Virginia
has been broken up.
A ptoject is on foot In Canada for bridg.
Ing er tunnelling Detroit river.
The buildings Nos. fill and 63 Lake street.
Chicago, were damaged by lire and water
.Sutiird.iy evening lo the extent of $25,000
Bill Ryan, a well-known pugilist, d.od of
typhoid fever in St. Louis, Saturday.
Petitions nre to be circulated in Missouri,
asking the Legislature to submit au amend
ment lo the conslitu.iou striking out the
word -male."
The steamships Herman, Erin and city of
Baltimore have arrived from Europe.
The ice on the Iludsou river bas again
broken up.
The jury in Ibo case of Dan Noble, on tri
al at Eloiiru, N. V. fur complicity is the
Koy.,1 Company bond robbery,
were unable lo agree after fourteen hour:'
Consultation, and were discharged.
Four and a bait miles of track on the
Central Pacific Railioad were laid en the
lth ol February. It was anticipated that 5
uiili s were to be laid the next duy.
Wm. Graham, a native cf Cincinnati!.
und lately uu able seamen on board iho
American bark John Bright, was before U
S. Couiinieiiiuner Ilallott, at Boston, eu Sat
urday, on a charge cf murdering Tboina"
Denson third mate ot the same vessel, on
the high seas on tho 6th ol February lust.
The bark Harvest Queen, from Humboldt
Bay fir San Francisco February 10, Is sup
posed to have foundeied at sea and ull on
board lost. Nothing bas been heard !rem
hersiuce sailing.
Nevada has a million and a quarter mill
berry trees food for worms. (
In Paris, by a two cent tax on eah opera
and theatre ticket, 7.820 charity hospital
beds are supported.
Petroleum has I een discovered in Mexico
at Fort Augel, ICO miles from Acapulco.
The scriptures have been translated into
more than three hundred different langua
A San Francisco leather store exhibits a
drjssed ox bidu having a siu-lacu of loo
squaro lVct.
A musical congress of all nations Is to be
held at Florence, Italy, on September 20
Sail Francinco bas had a mile race between
a railroad tiuin and a velocipede. The for
mer won by a minute.
A man, in Michigan, has been lined J5
and costs for calling his neigh 'our a "liar.
Thi "costs" amounted to $30,
A bill has passed the Georgia Legislature
permitting alt uiaimod soldiers to peddle
without license in that State.
Burliugton has a new paper called tho
New Idea, which is printed Inalteruate col
umns ot French and Euglish.
Ttu South has soma money If It to t,end
in luxuries. Two terrier pups were lately
sold in Lynchburg for $58 cash.
Gov. Hotfmun, of New York, continues
to please the people by vetoing bills paired
for "special le.'isiatiou."
A New Bedford whalo ship, ou her way
home from the whuling grounds, recently,
cu-lit $IOU,01)0 worth of whalebone.
The San Francisco papers still talk of vi
gilance committees. Burglaries an I rob
beiiea of all kinds are very abuudaut.
Madame Vauget, the leading buckstorwo
man of the Pari.-rtun market halls. La Reino
des llalleo, as alio is sailed, is worth hall a
milliwu francs, bin is to lis found all day at.
hot stalls telling turnips and cabVage heads.
Local Notice.
" Brlrk" PnmnoY's new paper slreadf excods In
Circulation 'every other political paper In Itie world.
It la "rta hot," and of nansttal Interest. Bi nd lor
snmpl copies, i'rinrini; ifeun Square, Atw lorx
City . sacuia
A GREAT SUCCESS. " Brick" Pomk
nov's now Daily in Now York City is ono of tho
greatest and most uccesnfiil newspaper enterprises
of th'. country. His new weeklv 'Tomtmy't I'rm
ocrat" Is Increasing In circulation a thousand top
los per day. Send for sample copies to ,V .V. Pom
troy, Printing Bouu Square, New York City.
paper has a wonderful circulation. In nearly overy
town in tho country the democrats and working
men are getting up clubs for it. . Jt Is the boldcat,
sharpeetjwper pahliah d.ani walks Into .Congress
aud the Boudlwldur rttiardUa of ttMitUk,. The
paper has over tt ty thousand subscribers In the
State of Now York alone. 3end for sample cop
ies, which Srs sent free. Und" see It for jrdnrsclvsS.
Addre-is M. M- Pomeroy, Printing Houte Square,
jVcto York City. suclilS.
A large assortment, all sizes, at A. D.
Miller & Co.'s. .
Enquire at the Jamestown Clothing Store.
WAI.r, PsPEItl
Jtt received a lare stock of Spring patterns, at
Citizen-s of Petroleum Centre !
In the way ef
ftlank Books,
Fancy OoN,
Bird Cages,
School Books
Ac, Ac, at
JanSl -m.
BtinsilKS.a larce stock just! received at A. IV
CANARY mitnn, male and female, new s:ock
just received, at A. D. MILLER CO.'S.
Lost J!
On Thursday, Feb. ?5th, 16110, a smooth built rat
and tsn 1 tin. with red col'ar. Whoever shall n turn
tho same to the subscriber will bo liutrally re
fiWU-tf. .If. II. PAYNE.
Carpel's of every quality and description, at
RRYNOI.DK, BKODliKAI) A CO'S, No. 11 Centre, opposite the P. O., Oil City, Pa.
SWRCISH LEECH F S, wboloule and retail,
A. D. MfLLL'il CO'S DllUQ STORK.,,
MRS. M. II. CARVAX, havlnis returned to
after a brief absence is now prepared to give los
sons on the Plane to those wIsMng tho same- For
terms aud further p:uticuln!s enquire at the Oil Ex
change Hotul.
Pu'.iolettni Cenlre, Feb 19, ISI'9 lm.
DPN'T CltHW, au antidote lor Tobacco, and Dti
PO0N1), for sale at . D. MILLER & CO'S.
Crockery For all kinds m to KF.YNOLDP,
IlI(OI)lir.AI) CI'S, No, 11 Centre sitreot, oppo
site tlm Po.t OnVo, Oil City, P,i.
-F"A. I. MILLER 3s CO., DrnpsUts,
agents r.irine celebrated "II. II. cigars," manu
fueturod by the Americnu Whip Co. Try thorn
TlllCbnatplaee ia town to get a ualr of Boots
made of the best rtoe't, tint will wear wU, am
warranted lo fit, Is at J. A. (Mnute's l'ah
l"o ib.j Hoot Sh'jp, W.nh'mitou Stri-ot, IVtroleum
rnlie,Pa. Ci.e Mai a nial. seplO-lf.
' 'Alduia.'' -It l not ofteu that we nave tho tune
to spare, or (he inclinniiun, to notice ny of Ihe
thousand and"one preparations soldjlhrotighout Hi
eeuniry, eiien, as n is rialnud, nein? a sovere'gu
cure fur ooe or more of Ihe Ills that Bosh is heir lo
haloed, wo have frequently wondered th l people
ever died at all, or.srow old even, when, by a small
onl ay th. could furnish thomsolves with some
thinj which would keep disease at buy, and defy the
s.aults of lime I Concerning the efiiuiicy of oue
these ntmadtnl preiia:atlon-nnd ono widen has be
COIlltl Clllobl'uted Of Into we fan NimliT I'liiir. ivr
sonal exiK-rienee, and eonsrleniioiisly say it Is gout.
.. .. .., ,,f ni,.iiM, .in uriirio ,t,r n-!ioriiiK aiu
prei rvinn thu li.di-, iitaiutl.ietii.-erl bv Messrs Sew
aid i Bsntler. CKuinista aud Dingists, No. IR9
mum street, iiuitnio. iiuimioCmiiinerciilAiW. N
slow s ties for sonant's t'ouuh Cikc. a. Ii. Mil
I.KK & ci'., Whol. wile & Ketail Druggists, As-euta
for Pcluiieilin Centre, Pa. Ilo17.
II nrd ware A large assortment of whieh
hems closed out at reduced rates at REYNOLDS
oiiuuunAU no. it teutro St., upponite
t ;c Post, Vil City, Pa.
CO '3.
fi'tv Flour, Feed and Grocery
Nlnra !
J. S. I K AT1IP.II .
opposite the NcCllntock Itonse, has on luad i
Urge and Hist class stock of Clour, Feed and
Uroccrlea. which he Is soiling at a lew iurt.
Don't rorgct mo place-wncre A, D t'ottoj
Company uruKo tip. Janl-tf.
lints. Cup. Hoots and Nboes a .....
a'sortacut at KKYNOUIS, IMUDIIKAD (;0
C'4ty, la.
Dry Goods, a large stock at Reynolds
BttoDllKAD A CO'H, No. 11 Centre tt, oppuiiie
tho Tost Ofllce, Oll'Clty, Pa.
9. Tee best ClOAKSin Uio market are the But-
falo favorites, manufactured by Walker & l!a
SeldattheDrnirBtoreof -
A. U. Slll.LKK A CO.
X Iroleinii Centre.
ihis wen Known nonse, conTaintfic :n roon s
Ith furniture Is now nlfuml for a ileal a lour orir-
II' not sold by the 1st ot AprM, It wl.l lie fur rei t
Inquire on the premises, r
J. U- BAltNK?.
Petroleum Centre. March 10.
Sewing Machine!
This tneh'ne Is warranted to execute In Ibo
prcaest decree of periei-tion, all kinds and varietiei
of Hewing. Ilwnminn. Felling, Corninjr, Tucking,
ltrauiiit', uaineiuitt ana newina nn, niiiai;, sc..
i at is or t an ee gone dv any otner u.acuma cow
letore tlie public.
eTSOne of these Machines can be seen at the
room over A. 1). Miller Sc (on linn; sues
If. J. tlUFt I.SJ,
nichlii. Aseat fur Venanfo i'otibty.
UU Lurtto Stock ol
into t!ie Itooui fitriiicrly
(5cnii;.,l by S. Am-rliaim,
lie has udded to his Stock a lar-'e EeltC-
lion of
fi 0 O'DS
Which h hiviien tlie I .die ef IViuMnn rnilra
Uiiu v ici Lit tn cull i. mi (txHinino. JiusaUo
v gud m euiiou ut'
Hats & Caps,
ioaily-!tladv Cloth!!.
is., Ac, all of which he has ma ked down
, lo ihe
Lowest Cash Prices.
I dosiro to thank my numer
ous customers for their liberal
iiatronage at my old stand, and
hojio ly keeping a .large selec
tion of Goods, at Low Trices, to
continue to supply tneir warns no
l. A. - 1".
Petroleum Centie, March 4 ig 'fl. If.
'IMIR eo narttifiehip herotof.ire existing betwen
1 W. II. lx)uuwll .,nd Warren C i-luione-r, is
llui dsy diksolved l.y niiiloal euiieeut, Mr I'luiuuirr
ictirieg. The bnshiesa will l raTied on bv w-"'
Lonwell, ho w'll collect all bills oue Ihe lata mat
uud nay all tneduhuof said dun
V. 11. UN(1WS"U,
Ba'.od fell Clh, lftf.t. Sw.