CLOTHING AND GENTS' NEW. CLOTHING- ! JAMESTOWN CLOTHING STOKE, (Formerly J. X. LOSER,) t We have just received ami are liov opening to tlioadmiiW.wlwfA f the cltlztma ill l'otiuli urn Centre nut vicinity tha larS,,-.t stock of j i.,f ai-tui. ' Ever brought to Petroleum Centre. Clothing Mada to Order at '.hi ShortcM Noti:c. Hats and Gaps of Every Style. In Gents' Our Stock is Complete. Inspection One Price, and all Goods Petroleum Ontre, March 1, 1R!"9 tf. DRUGS AND DRUG: r. H. CHEISTIE, DEALER IN . Paints.Varnishes, Glass. Putty Bll,s Dye Staffs Panojgj&nd Toilet Articles, AV"3tyB3 OF PATENT .MEDICINES.. ' 5 PURS WINES & Li SELECTED EXPRESSLY FOR MEDICAL PURPOSE. B. Prescriptions carefully Ko. 13 Washington-st.. diva in a call b.-toro purchasing elsewhere. United States nsurance Oh' KKW YORIC, . Esiablhhpd Slarcli 5, 1S50. E. J.ROSS, Agent, Pctrolcusu Centre, S.a. This Companv, Itelng one or th olilt-ft and mint rllablo In the Vuiud atuto,fl'.irdi'aiiii)!o incur ty, not only hj lis iaiv aaneu, which on .Tim ary lift, 1H0.S, were al ready 5SJ per cent over its tlaliilitioJ, hut aluo by tho PERSONAL LIABILITY 0!'' THE STOCKHOLDERS TO MAKE GOOD ANY DEFICIENCY, a MCurlty not ntrordod by any other Cah Company. ... , - ))'- n.o ni'.t l).'i'iJ)''il Jl IIH II' ally !. And may lie nwd to tnAA In pa Ins Pre inlums. tc afford lddlltomtl liisitraiic , or to scenru paid up olio after they havo been In force foi a uanili ir of years, as explained la our pamphlet, or they may nci'iimulatn at compound Interest to li.crounc the uin lUKured, TiTT'Pnv tiarn'T'nn i'VllIlI Sltou'd FCiitro a Policy as early as possible, ft mi'c tat health, pwn. can be InsaJt. and it la his moral duty, to provide In the safest way for his fnm- I'y, which he cannot do bettor, than by a Life In- urano. Money Inyested in business may brine mors interest for a while, but It may all In Jest, and ' family Is thin left d-.-siimte J.ii.7 il. FUItNfiHlNG GOODS. 0 of our Block is respectfully solicited. warranted as represented. & ALU SIX. MEDICINES. (Sao compounded at jU liouia Petroleum Centre, Pa J. II. CSIKtSTIF, S. 8. G riswold, COAL US" Oldi is bv t! e Cor or Toll proinj.llv ". 1'MMea AlK'i, Aenut for Hie ceYlimli-d RKKL HiSMxI'l OFFIC'B 01 ScotiiJ Street, near It. ;. T;ni;k, PETKOLEI'M CENTUT3. 1'A. JuiSS if, iw wiwimwi iii bi 1 1. MiMi 'iim ii Kjmtnataua IIAM c CO., IK OPERA HOUSE EUILDIXG, WASH INGTON STKEET, I'KTIIOS.KI'M tiEST.H', PA., Keep ciHUtiMiiyon hand a hi.-sju BJaortiuiLl of WATCtlKS. lfliVOl.VFIIS. KlAlil.N'O TAVKI.H. vartrM'ri". tte , and will null tit ea;pin prices. All Catch w'ul lt va Vluled to yivo wuisfrtctltill. finnd nines to t llll worth of your money l. nt ttm SKW H.-l)!i AM) mKI) TOI.W AN It l.i;.M Ui:tt YaKii of I M. f;'iri;BM15il;lS A Ct., wlntrti tltcro U slwuvM a M.A.TST lliefv eiiPtom'T llieir h mid h1 UinJs ol' i I' ve uiiiy ho tpailv In jitKiw tliefv eitptomer their lnr1.'!. stnrV of l'Mil'H, It AY. anil nil UuiJs of tUliU, ami the place alio where uiiiy ho PO'UXD A ItllLH Riirtirttnent of iiivt-clnii H'H'OII AND ItHHSKKl) l.l'.MIHOR, I.AI'll, MlTVwI.ns. &( : t tho vei-luwort ea-li micm. Thou who am m.t DEAD To tlioir own inf'TPrit, anil wish Ic deal with nin who tin tm-ius(4 on thoa-nmre, will tinJ it 10 their ititornut lo kIvb n ti cull lielcrtt purclmBtus vls witiwv, und si'o what we ean di (or ym lisr our Uneof li'i'dnom. fT?" All i ,1 r and teaming ' pniminlv afeiulwt to. lo not Voivai the phi y. 01 j, 'y'"11'" '' ' "AS" "' " ' -y- i "1 f i-ti Tin xGtTOiOlIIll UCliClOi 1 Cls 1 . M. : , I, i nil, t I 1,-l.iatf II II- AI..NKK. rELEGRAPH l'LT'ORl-RU (OH Till! TUII.Y TtTIOOlIO, Toronto. V;i:r'i ! !. A violent snow storm set in yosieriinv I innnitn.' iiiirj (;..i;il:iui!" Ihruts'i tl:o day Monitor,!, M.iivl, II. A lufivy snow slo.-in has boon l'.i;:'n:r i.i re finoe y, !( tdny in 'n ii i n l'. No mails line' mr vol lii.iUy and mads lor t!ie Uuiied i ft'atrs were dispatched to St. Johns in sleigh?. Spiiuedlcld, JJurih 11. first triiin through from Montreal fir Hie week urrivtd yesterday and t;m r, nil is uow opeu. lniuti!inoli, Miirch 11. Silas Harttnan. Hut yoiins murderer who mi df a hocus conl'ePiiion Tuesday, commit ted eiiieido in jiiil yesterday. Ruitiuiore, March 11. Andrew Johnson will have, un ejcionsive receji ii.ii lu re to dn y. Conecnl, Miiroh 11. Ono hundred unJ forty-one. towns gives Kicnveni 4.7!H msjurily lor Govurnur. Nine of llio trt eh d Smi Uuis t;ro Uipu cuti Auj;nsla. Me.. March 1 1. The Semite ycsleiday refused In pa.cS (hp Cuiietoliiilniy Act 12 naninsl U. Cievflnnd. March 11. A ?iife in the Custom House waa rolled n'itlil 'I.i ii ro ln-t. Only tl.reo luindied iluil.u.i ru taken. No attest. Haivn i. Murch II. Th" cltnleru t.ns entirely 0:f:ip;uied ill lh"ju i);uii!'i ii niit dl Saiileiao. Nivrnis hititi teuileied iheir He rv ices to Cee. llnliii at Tallin l'ii fia. The iiinnenln ire linning !aut:'.lions I.i Hie v;ei;a.y o! Mausille ami Snta Critz. iJoftOll, iittlCll 11.; A b niifelii prize fiti, Becordinj; lo the. rnlisottlie i in;, except thot hair pnlliinr and biting weio Rllmvril.tin.k lilac Letnten two women i'l Somi-iville. Muss., at ail early tour on Monday morning. Tliu con testants in tlmir npppar.mcA in lb rim; were eliul in the conventinnal eofetumo of Uaitern Htockinga mid drawers, wearing Dothidit elge to speak f be; on tl water lulls and ciuis. At tli very lit round ono of I hem. n imod . Sarah Chapman, became ri h en rl nnd jump-d hi: of ileiiic, but her backers divw her in oeain nnrl she eventually won tho tlaht. At the 21st round her opponent. Slollie Jon.n, Imib of them Having ijeen severely puiiisln'il, begged hr 'ceonafl in unn'a nme to tiik her "a sn tho liyhtand ui ioey ('ui)) ws awaru- ''4 to Swnh. : jf. !k'y r;ooU, a lnrgo Mock m REVNObDS lll01.1.vTl A rvvj ' n'r.inlrj St. (KVJOflltC tlu Poi-t,lc9i on City, Pa. M.Ter, hcjjnKiu ,, nuirKvt nro llio Buf t Fav.wlt.t. lS,.ub..lurcj uj. vra'.kM Hz- Srld a, tl.u III Stu.0 ol- A. T). '.IlI.T.Ktl CO. rNrwiJT ' CAJLiSKOuSIA. WHEAT VISLDS A.VD SJXOCC RAN-C-'A ti' have Kauiho or Taring for;', tlirotih rut PAHI'OltNIA, in trueis of Omi llniidred Aei-t'fi up to Tw.-nty T iiuiwitttil Tornis to suit pur elinseis. Tiisso lauds will growTfcirty-flvo to Fifty Iiis!i.'Ij of Whetit to tiiQ Aeiti, with ordinary f:trni 1115. and a Volanlo-ir Cr.'p of Twe;it, -i'ive builiels prAcre. Ci)im pnni,:ti".c Solicitc i. AtMrose USX15T McKK.NTY Dealer la Ileal Eataia,' (IK 301 M.intKnmry Street. San Francisco, Cnl. C-ai' 6 "a v XVsisiS:ingtH Stt'ent, pioi(c tilt) Oycrii Jlotine, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PEN.VA. I bovn put in n good stick of Hid in a und Driving Horses, which I will let on muiitillablc 1 1. nils. Also, Ctilfi'r. Wngoiit, Sprtng i Wtigwji, kc. IIOUSBS boarded and fed and l.jrt of caro ennr aiiioeit. jiui'.llf A, SMAV.'LTCY. J. A. PLANTS. I French Boot Make YVsts&iugtoi Sii'ecS, THREE DOORS WEST OK A. I). MIL- LV.It CO. S Vlll C, STOIil'., I Zi O K I;: C 11X T 11 K , Pa . U iratiafiiclurlu-t to ortler KIHHT-CI.ASH FINK Wulih, ueb as l;tlt'ift JitatliiT rmjti;) Sole IJniMls, t-'rctiIi Cork Sictto t5oS, fit: W'cU tJools. iikavvoi: innr work dontj in I'lIIIXCH rTVLK. Call a; .1 .-eo aa pli-s. .5. A. IM.AVrii. 1 I'elrnlcutn i "in re. i a . -null - vni 'i iir, in us nKi:i. Okkicr (IP ) Try. !RT'M f'KXTMB Paii.t Bkcord, l'l.i iioi.iji-m Ukxtrk, March 11. S There has licoa-'muro animation In the r ailcet t -i"b" thim i'or Severn! ilavs pist.b't prie lm not advanced any. .l!;iyets arc f;eiy .IitTiiij $(1.(10. , One Ruli! was madcof " o at S'3.05. Sullera aie generally ;0.10 a ffi.20. ;.!.,,,,. 0ii rr.,m n,s point. March 10. "' . C. .t A. 1?.. l.'ailr ie''. 1. I"rre!s. t" ,-in, 1 Ii i l'iit wetei in;.-,' p.r 43 g. 47 K- 11. f. us niuntlia, lfj for 1,1 gr. ; lor 47 gr. S. (). first six month, 16,' t' fur logr. ; fur -17 gr. Ruyer.V option all this year, 29 ankcd for 4.1 u,r. ; lor 47 pr. S"!!iT..' option all this year, lGj for 10 gr. ii.uket Cuiet. Pun.AiiiiU'iiM., Murch 11. ?pot. March .'Uij. Artril-.35f.f38i . May to July. May, to f ept., June,- , J ily ' April lo Jtilyri.Vi '. Crude lllik. z;,i'. - Crude Imlk, 2H( Jo1..'. iinrket y.iiei; pra-Ja s!-udv. ii;V IIH1C. ilarcu 11. RcpolpU Rffflncl. 1.317 banv'.n. Crude, 125 blilii. Naptho, lihts. ('rude, 16.; (it. 19. Reaiicd. spin 3.J , Market Dul'. I.dxoo.v. .March 11. 2 Refined. 2'Hl. Spirits. 7 d. Antwerp, March 11. 3 p.m. francs. I.lvKiii'ooi., March 11, 2 p. in. Renned SO,',,.!. Spirits. 7 d. A.vrwEiii'. March II. 5 p. m. Crude .17' Vcs2cni I'lilon JL.I110 raarlcnt ltpor:. New York. Mar, h 11. Crude, bulk, 19';. Relined I'. L. i VV., 32' ; S. W. Alaiket Firmer. l'liiladeljtliiii, March 11. Crude 20 lMtied P. L. S. to Y,, 3S 31 S. IV Alurkot Firmer. l'ittbwri;!i, March 11. Markpl Quid j 1(1 bid for sidiera to July. C'l isili? Hew York Jt.trliet. New York, 3:10, p. m., March 11. ' Quiet but firm., dull; prices nomica! nt 3 '. Cir-do. 10(1719'.,'. litllHiDV.' VtMiti. . , Nr.w V'oiiK, Murth 11. Cold lSl'i'. . RICH MARRIAGK gifts. Tun Kieu' sT Girt wkWi Yonni' V. in can pi"- siMu to his l'.i i-le, is a sonnet con-uitutio'i aiid a pure I :-ni s n iheoe 111 P-ets. with ta lein.ane tvlewsor lKiievnWn: Vhisielans, sent in sralBd 'n tor env, -looes, Iron of el'mr".'. Ail-ilu.-s I10WAH.1) ASmdjIaTK'N, Box P., t'hiladeiplva, I'a- i-i Sat- Petroleum Exchange HOTEL. .; ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. FRESH if. ALL THE LUXU RIE3 mm . I'. 'Jl Pieceive.1 7 01-' THE n A ILY! aV.V S E A S O N ! Wiisliiitsion Sr'J, Petroleum Cutitre. I'a., next rtoor lo laiiaiu & (Vs J jwelry Sunt. '!'. W. SAXIS, Prmprlclor. Ti iv I'oiudars a.-coninii'il ii"l. Mmi bei veM si all hours. Oysters, and every description ol ciuuu furnished irnesui, , , ... No pains will h spared In nccoiium) tho.-o w'.d fnyor uo with their pilrmwyo. ,....a Petroleum Centr , Jan . isiv.i.--lf. A. T. LEGGEiX Muuu'Um- mid Dt-airr in Seed Bags, Valve Cups, &c. !"-;pt riie,rei! wivhnnil are elnpli'Veil, aud ITur-no-s of all kind- l'pl eoliMautly oil hand ai d made lo oruer. I'. C ileiisz' Vitt. 8t!OtZIi;j3 I'ot' Sale. Piepairin Done at all Times ! t ali .mil c'iiuiiia our stork and piiei -i, .train-!!., tX'Jow 'Je SIcl'Kn tix'L Itotivp. IV-r. Uiini fi He P.. ''n Till, t'l -If I . . -.ifi ;v-y;-: , :plSaf:-t YOSBMITE Stomach TTERS ! A aarv, oortAla auj pletiaut KuitOj fur all DIjeuscitarlilDg from a DISORDERED STOMACH. A wiue glaisful ikcu three lwf.s n Any n ill be fouml cITuctlre in all CilitM tit nVSlT.PSIA, LlVElt COSIPLA1XT, A'A' K.UA.L lKItJT.ITY, Acrvoua l'rotifvulioii and ivery ftrrm of Indigestion, Intermittent fever, J-'iver and Ague, and a mild Invigorating TOXIC for delicate fcmalra and invalids. PREPARED BY J. W. DOWNER &. CO., Branch Manufactory at Petroleum Centre, l'n. Mom Dy all DrnggiMa. 5?i5ni:ns of ljM'ricrsepj! Drujt; "Ms. Kearl the following opinions o. peiieneed dinggists and tinvltts h'ul tretttcut calls for tin era, and from "iir o n exntnliiati lieve them to be much better In t,'l0AVt other Hitlers i'i the mruhet. and "t' lrj that tliey will answer your most saiifi' ' lions, mid fully meet (lie demands of inn i U'o would rernmmeiid Iheni In the pilhlie fur Iria especially to invalids sull'eiiiijj Inuii weuUnei-s ninl a Uirotdcivd sionineii. Itespecifulle Yoiiis, A. IX 'MILLER it CO., Druggists. This ceriint"-' thr.! we have used the Great, Vose miie Hitters pri'paied l y J, W llowin'i it ;.. of Ibis place, nod believe thai, they ore, 'what lliey are represented to he a pure an'fl whrilesMme Sloiu uc'l Hitters, and ft plenaant tonic bevtimpo lor the tiso of invalids sullerina! from .weakness of tho Ptomac'.t, Dyspej sia. .vc, &f. We lliiuk Ihem to bo a Rend, ii I'ot belter, than any Hitters now in Hie maikvt, and tl.ceilully l, oa,iiieud Ihem to llio public. Rirprcir.illv. T. Ii. '.MiNAIR, A', CO., Diug-isls. I have used, and oWrred UkcucoU of Hie Greiil, Viiieniile Stomach Pitiers,' p repared by J. V. Dciwner & Co., Pelrnleiiin Cenlte. and think them l ivl'erable tu any now in use, for the relief ofthusit difficulties lor which 1'iev nre teconnuenileil. j: M HAKDI.n'C, m. d. Oil City. IV, Dec. 2lith, 1S6. Hiivina carefully e:;aniini i) Hi" 'Yo.-emilo Hit tors.'' uiaiiulacliired and sold by Messrs. J. W. Downer & t.'o.. I am conviuee.l that tle-y are eheni ie.iliy piiru. nii.l haviuc a knowied.:.' of their enm leniie'nt pans, I fell safe in reooiiiuiendiii;; their uso to the iil'.litleil. ,1. A. LOUAUGH, M. D. Oil City, March, l-''i':i. J. W. Downer & Co., Petroleum Centre, Pa., Pranch Manu iaetory, and hold y ail Druggists. TheGreatYcsemiteBitters ARE WA1MI WTED . TO Ci'U-: ALL DH KASL.J AUISl.NO I ROM A iDISOBDSIiED STOMACH. OUR GINGER C'jaDIAL WINES Ac, ajr t.ajiciior to arty in ' t. TJCV TrtWJI ! .1. W. DOWNtl; lenra. ( enti". M.uch (nth. Ui.',' I'Vr vet.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers