The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, March 11, 1869, Image 2

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Petroleum Centre Daily Record.
Tet. Onlro, Thursday, March 11.
Time of Cloning IKnlln.
P. 0., Pxnoi.n'M Cksthi!, P , )
JlMY S7T, ISoS. j
Until (Sirther notlro the mails will nrrivo at and
depart from this office u follows :
Hmith Mil East, via. Irvhiotnn, 10. "S A. M.
' South nnd Vt'ost, " Mnnrtvill, 5.1S P. M.
NorUi Bud But, " Corry, 3 16 "
Houth mid Went, S 45 A. M.
Snntl , East and West, ! 30 P. M.
ortli, Hast and Went, 10.0.1 A. M
Divine Servicea.
Preaching tit H o'clock A. M., and 7
o'clock P. M.
Het. J. TV Oxtobt, Pastor.
Services every Sahbath at 11 A. M. and
7)4 r. M. Sabbath School nt twelve o'clock
M. ' Setta Free. A eonlinl invitation
extended to all.
Rev. C. M. Heard. Pastor.
.Alan at lOJ a. id.
Vespers and Benediction of tlie Blescd
Sacrament at 4 p. in.
Catechism at 2 p. m.
JAMES T)UNX, Pastor.
Sikcb the Newsboys' Lodging House was
established In New York City, more than a
quarter of a million of lodgings have beeu
furnished, and It is estimated that at least
25,000 boys bave been been benefited by it.
The expense of the Houso, says a corres
pendent of the Cincinnati Gazette, is about
$10,000 ayear, of which a little over $3,000
jl contributed by the hoys. Many ol them
Lave made subscriptions to the general fund
apart from what they pay for food nod
lodgings, and the diiectorg think that when
they hiive n houso ol their own they can
make it sell-sustaining, or nearly so. In
oiuinoclion with this ofcarily Is tho one of
sending boys to the country, and finding
houit j I'ui them, wbore they will be removed
fpm the pernicious Influence of city life.
Eiuiermtiou was instituted very early in the
history of tbu establishment, and ptorcd to
be an excellent feature. The lodgers are
tent West from time to time, in small com.
' pinie, under the charge of a superintendent
ai.d put out with tanners and others in the
rural dlstrlo's, wbero they can make their
living and bo properly cared for. About
15,000 boys bave been sent West siuce the
founding of the establishment, and in the
past year 1.381 buys emigrated at the ex
pense of the bouse. The companies vary in
number from twenty to 150, and the inten
tion is to send off a ccaipouy every two
Br an extra issued from the office of the
Nuuda, N. Y., News, March 8th, wo learn
thut the boiler in the Steam Floming and
Saw Mill r Van Uiper, Ainswortlt & Gil
bert, at Nunda Station, exploded with tei
rilio force, instantly ktlliug throe meu, aud
severely wounding several others. The
News says: "Aiming tho killed was Mr.
John B. Paine, who lives at Petroleum Cen
tre, und was on his wny there. His body
wuB thrown upwards of thirty feet in the
air; the clothing all lorn from it; both legB
broken, and altogether presented a terrible
Mr. Paine was quite woll known In this
vicinity, having been engaged lit running
eniiino for Mr. David Yatiuey for some time
euro one of an appetite lor liquor are con
stantly going the rounds of the papers. A
friend who has tried it gives us the follow
ing receipt: Have steady employment, and
give it attention ten hours each day,-except
Sundays, and then attend chuich service
regularly. When your day's works is com
pleted, go home to spend yous leisure hours.
If your home is not pleasant, set yourself
ubuut tbe agreeable task of making It so.
When you go out to public amusements
take some person ol pure mind and Bleady
habits with you.
The above receipo is more effectual than
a dozen temperance pledges.
Tint total production of tho Picrwo
Farm op to March 1st has been 5,l12 bbls,'
Of this amount tho Vera .t Blake well
alona has yielded W,99 bbls. Tho balance,
'.'::,2 1.1 bbls., has been produced by all tho
other wells together. Tim Vera .t Biake
well wan struck, wu holievo, on tho 22 I ol
Sept. Inst, and the sales ft oil from it have
mnnilliteil to $08. .MM. The nbure figures
urn r"!inhli, n t!i.y nrs gathered from the
llind interest.
A i.aoy In Detroit lately Icik nrseaio to
maka her cmuplexien wl)ite t-ho succeeded
a.iil now V.i; in a n"iil.ttt inner of a
fiM )" J-
Death or an Eccentric Woman.
Celeste I.euolr, an old French woman,
died recently at her residence near the
Uarracks. For a lung time she bus lived in
a hovel, not far distant from the river, with
no other companion than a colored woman
almost as old as herself. Tho two women
have subsisted partly by charity and partly
by the sale of a little drift wood which they
could occasionally collect from the river
bank, ''OM Ccely" had a history, though
few who had noticed the old womantotterlng
along tbo water's edge under her load of
fuel, suspected it. She was bom in the
southern part of France, and when a young
girl setred as a bar maid in a country tav
crn. While there, she betrothed herself to
a young blacksmith. Before their marriage,
however, bcr lover was drafted into the
Republican army, of which the great Napo
leon had but recently assumed command.
Determined not to bo sep'uratod from ber
husband, she entered the same Regiment si
a vivandier. In the second action ber lover
was killed. The girl, however, remained in
tho regiment, determined to avencc his
death. She participated in the campaign
in Africa, and in the beat ol one of tho en
gagements fell Into the ranks and fough'
like a soldier, She olten boasted that at tho
close of tho battle the Emperor, who bad
noticed ber, rode up, ond patting her on
the head, Bald, "Ah, my pretty girl,,if you
were not a woman I would make a Colonel
of yon."
She remained wilh ber regiment until
Napoleon was exiled to Elba; but she took
no part in tho eventful scenes of the "hun
dred days." Why she would never tell the
reason of her coming to this country, ami
her after-life until she appeared, in this lo
cality, will ever remain a sealed book, ns
the knowledge of it died with bcr. New
Orleans Republican.
Peter's Musical Moxtui.y. The March
number' of Peters' Musical Monthly is at
hand, and contains some twenty-four pages
of olioiee new music, giving selections trom
the intist papular writeis, and variety
enough to suit the most fastidious. Among
tbe ballads is one entitled "Coraline," by
the nntion's song writer, Will S. Hays, tho
chorus of which runs as follows:
01) I she was fair and gentle as a child bad
ever been,
And tbe fairest of tbe angels is our darling
Tbero are also "Left all Alone," by J. S.
Cox; "Tho Young Widow," by T. Brigliam
Bishop; '-The Lord will Provide," by Geo.
Leach, and several instrumental pieces. In
addition to tbe above, Mr. Poiers gives fif
teen pages of choice family reading, and ail
for the moderate sum of 30 cents, or 3 per
year over $3 worth of New Music appear
ing in each number. It is undoubtedly the
best musical monthly published, and our
musical friends should subscribe for it by all
means. Issued by J. L. Peters, Music
Publisher, P. O. Box 5121, New Yoik
Shinple copies, 30 cents.
Late East Indian papers jjlvo accounts of
the violent earthquake which shook various
parts of Bengal between Jan. 10th und
Uth. It was must severely felt in Cnchar
and Assam. Tho eatthquako was felt as
far AVest of Calcutta as Dinapore. Cehar,
where tt was most severe, is on tho line of
volcanic action, which strelcbing from tho
Eastern Himalayas, runs down the coast of
Ilurinab, where tbero are several extlnet
volcanoes, tolbe pastern Archipelago, where
volcanio phenomena on a large scalo are of
frequent occurrence. At tbo latter place
tbe earth seemed agitated by a great wave,
rising In t swell twei.iy feet high, tossing
trees and buildings ubuut. und making the
hills reel as tho convulsion passed. The
rivor changed Its course und ran upwards
i for an hour, tossing tho water 50 feet Into
the nil; and forming numerous water arnnls.
Tho earth opened in hundreds of places,
vomiting up volumes of Miie sand and water
and engulfing houses , call In and men, in
some cases closing oror what It bad swal
lowed, and in others remaining in yawning
abysses, showing the roofs of bouses twenty
feet below the surface, Tho convulsion was
felt over all of Lower Bengal nt the same
time, and contiuued with slight shocks for
several days.
Tiia experiment of providing u restaiiraut
for tho working girls ol Boston has proved a
success. Tho best meats nro furnished at
from ton to fitieen penis n nioalja met.1 of
bread, crackers, fried cakes, oto.. is furnish
ed fur eight cents, hnd other articles of food
in proportion. Tho lodging house system
has not proved so successlul, und docs noj
meet wilh Reneiil favor.
Tub oiection for towiuhip officers, in
Cherrytreo Township, takes place on the
3d Friday of this nionth. Several tickets
aio alreailf in tho field.
Tim in xt celesliul censatiou will In in
June, when V,"iueok' cumol is announced to
show its narrative.
Tusc wuather is (jiiHo ohoetiejs to-day.
f 'a HE NEWS.
Tho Reeijlmpeachment farco cost the
Stale of Florin $23,000.
General heridan telegraphed that be
would bnlst. Louis yesterday.
Transfrof real esiale in St. Lonis, Inst
week, abrogated $469,30.
Greaprepnraliona are making in Detroit
for tlifiolcbration ol St. Patrick's day.
Thvandalla Railroad bus been complet
ed eitt, from St. Louis to Vandaliu, a dis
tant of sixty-five miles.
cloncl Realty, for tbe past six years sec
retsry of the Chicago Board of Trade has
resigned that position.
5JA woman named Dempsey, alias Turler,
ains Jones, committed suicido in Warsaw,
luiiana, Sunday night.
A large and enthusiastic Fenian meeting
was held at Detroit on Monday, und was
addressed by General O'Neill.
There hud been olgbty-threa days of un
interrupted sleighing in Concord, New
Hampshire, up to the first day of March.
Almost nine feet of snow bave fallen at
Woodstock, Vermont, during the past sea
son, mid at piescnt there is over four fuet on
a level.
The Chicago City Railway Company have
determined to abandon the present style or
cars used on their routes, tod adopt tbo one
horse car system.
Tbo nirongements nro completed for open
ing the new Dotroit Opera Houso on the
20th. It will be opened with a standard
comedy by a first-class company.
The difficulty botween tbe Northern Cen
tral and Krie Railways has been adjusted,
and c um of the former company make regu
lar trips over the Erie l!ne.
On the first of March there wero in tho
Boston elevators 101.208 bushels of corn,
124.44S of oats, 2.012 of rye, 2,601 of barley
3,558 of wheat, 4,723 of peas, and 16,100
of shorts. .
The Traveller thinks the valuation if
Boston may go up this year to $550,008,000.
The appropriations for city expenses are
about $3,000,000, or per cent on tho
John C. Baldwin of New York .City has
recently added $10,000 to his previous gift
of $12,500 to Middlebitrg College, making a
loial of If 25,500 fur tho endowment of a pro-
At Centralia, Illinois, Xlonday.Jolm Hop
kins, independent candidate for Mayor, was
elected by one hunilrd and lilty-lhree ma.
jonty. over tbe temperance and bolter can
Negotiations are pending in St. Louis for
a new. railroad passenger route eust Tie.
tho St. Louis ii nd Indiunapoiis Railroad
and tho Illinois Central, by which two bouts'
time is saved.
Tbe North Minnesota and other railroad
lines leading into St. Louis nro making .ur-
rangen.cuU to have their track extended
along the levee, lor tho pui pose ol faoiliat
ing the transportation of freight.
The perpetrator of I he horrible murder
of Mr. and Mrs. T.ald, near Lebanon, has
been arrested. Tho motive for the crime
was. to come into possession of some proper
ty as an heir of the deceased.
' At IV-lroit Monday, Conrad Bogel was
released from military courtninrtial sentence
by order of Jndjje WilkinB, ou a writ oj
habeas corpus, on the ground that the of
fense of which I.J was convicted was not
triable by a court martial.
An nxla on the tender of an express train
on the Northern Railroad broke down near
Andover, New Hampshire, on Tuesday
night, and the Iraln was dragged with it on
tho ground for forty rods. Nothing but tho
snow and ice prevented a serious accident.
Tho proposed fight between MeCboleand
Allen has fizzled. Allen's backers received
a telegram from Gallagher, expressing
anxiety to take the juo off Allen's hands,
whereupon MeCoulo expressed intonto dis
gust at tho who?! crowd, und threatened to
club uo y and every man who broached tbe
subject to him again. , "
Gold wa9 discovered n short time since on
tho land of the Lulleld Shi'.kers, in New
Hampshire, nnd specimens sont to New-
York to ba tested proved lo bo worth $179
to Him ton. . Lnht week workmen cotmuena'
ed blasting tho rocte and found it ruu on'y
four feet one way by threo the other, conse
quently woik has been suspended.
For Sai.h. The new building opposite
the Americau Hotel, is o.Torod for sale at a
low nguro for cash. Tho building is in a
desitahlo business location. For particulars
enquire of Mr. P. Dunuigiin, on tho prem
ises. 3,,
It is staled that over two million pounds
steilinsr are contribntod and distributed
yearly lo the poor of London, and beside
this fully four million a yenris collected out
of chMitatilo societies, und is cast' in this
slou;:li of despond only to make it broader
and deeper.
Lornl Notice.
A large assortment, nil sizes, at A. D.
Miller & Co.'s. ' -
Enquire at the Jamestown Clothing Store.
.Jiitt waived a larpe stock of Pprlnsr patterns,
n. c. j.irvis' FrnsiTURE stokr. ms
Citizens of Petroleum Centre !
Ill the way at
Blank Rooki,
Fancy C3oot!,
Ilird C:is" 5
School nooks,
Jkc, Jtc, at
nnt'SIIKM, a largo stock ju-t! received at A. 1)
MILLED & t'O.'S.
CANARY IHHnrt, mule and roiralc, new :or.t
just received, nt A. P. MtLLKR & CO.'S.
Lost !
On Thursday, Feb, Sftth, TSW. n smooth ballt rat
and tin pun, with red cellar. Whoever shall return
the sama to the siihRcrilier will ba llui'ral.y ve
fibiM-tf. X. H. PAYNE .
fok saIjE..
I offer for sale my outlre bnsiness intorct la the
Liquor and Cicar Store, situated a few duors ahevo
AtcNair's Trug htnro, Wal;ln-toa street. The
stock consist, of a biro a'rtrn"nt uf choice
Wines, LWiners and Cla-fr. Fwr terms enquire on
tin inomie. 1
' Petri leun' Centre, Feb. 23:1,, tf.
Cf'arpolr', of every quality snd deseriptlrm, at
UKYNOLUi, IlitUDlIliAD A CO S, Ho. It Centra
Strovt, (ippo.lte tho P. ()., Oil City, Pa.
8WKUISH I.E?.',iIKS, wl,o!oiale and iola.1, at
a. v. JUU.RK & errs uuva sroi:i;.
Music IjC'HOiin.
JIIt. M. II. CARMAX, bavinir ret ".rued
after a hrief ahseiica Is nnw prepared to evu les
s"ons on t.c Piaro to tlioae wisliiriK the saino. For
twins and fiirthcr particulars nciuira at tlio Oil lJx
chaiii Il-ito'.
Ve'.roleinn Centre. Feb. lfl, 15,-lm.
rynniTon-B tjbacco antidoti'.;
bP.N'T ;iIErt-. bu antldule for Tnbueeo, mid llU
POUND, for !:ii at A. D. MILLKU & Cl"s.
1 Amm ."-It is nnl cf.-en that wa liuvu tho Inn's
to spare, or the InrKniHien. to n dire, any or the
thou-aud and one preparations sold Ihrou-hotit ihe
couulry, eneh, as it is ciiiimed, beln:; a sovere'fni
cure for ovc or more of the Win that lln.h i htir lo
Indeed, wo have frequently wondered ihav people
over died At'all, or,prx old fcven, when, by a sinnil
outlay they eonid furriah tbenisolvti with stunc.
tiling whie.h would l;cep disease at lny,and defy tiie
aaiilr of lltne I Concern ng ttte eilcacy ofer.e of
t!ice reuieilhil preparations and or.o wldeh lias be
rout, eeleb'ated of iafo we en span'; frnn. ier
senal uxtierieur.e. snd ronriontioiHly say it ihgniH.
We refer to AlUma,'1 an article for resiorint' and
piessrviiii! liie hslr, iiiutuil'iieliirfd by Memrs Stew
ard A tieutley. Cheml.H'a and PrTiiri'tsts. No. In
Main Sii-eet, Ifuflillo. UaCalot'ieauiei-c al 'dv. N i
slow sales for Nswnnrs CoitL'h Cure. a. T). Slll-
i:n i;u.. i ii-jnuain je Jtetall Drnirtrislt. Aernls
for lVtroiouin i'.utre, Ia.
& CO '8.
TVeiv Flour, Feed and Rrocory
HUire !
J. S. PISATlffKIt,
opp,sito tho McCliatocI House, ba on hand a
laruoHiid first class slock of Flour, feed and
Groceries, which bo is ullinj at a love fiiu-a.
!. Don't furiret the piuc j where A, I), cutton
& Company broke up. JnuMr.
C'rocUory For ail kinds go to ItF.YXOLDS
ItltODIIEAl) & O.VS.No.uC.ntroiiireet, oppo
site tbo Post Otlleo, Oil City, Pa.
triA- 1). WILLKIt .6 CO., Piugirl.ts, are
agents for the celebrated "II. U. Cijtars,'' nmnu
faetured by the American vt hip Co. Try thorn.
Ilardnnro A lnru-e assortment of which Is
hciiig closed oat at reduced rales at KUYNOLDS,
BIWDIIKAD & C()', No. 11 Coutro St., epposllo
tho Postorae.0. Oil City, pa.
IJatK, jnt. Hoot und kIiooh. A litre
a'sortniejit at IliYNOLUS. IiHOD 1 ICAD A CO S,
No. II Centra Siraot, opposite tbo, Post OUlce. Oil
City. Pa.
TUG host place la lown to got a pair of Boots
made of th beet Stock, that will weju well, and
warranted to (it, ii at J. A. Flunto'a
ionabla Pool Shop, Wa.hmRton Street, Petroleum
rpllR en partnership borotolbro exlstiiui betwesn
I W. 11. txiaewi'll and Warren C Mummer. U '
IlltS U'tV tllMtHVUU njr nuiMiMi vunrrii., .,ir I'llimilKir
retlriui?. 'I he lin-biess ill he eaTid on lir W. H.
I.oie'welt. who will collert all bills due tho late llrra
and Vav all the uebts of snl'l llrm
1 v W II Trvvnwu-1.
, W.' C. 1 LVJMMin.'
Dated Fell rt, INK!). aw
BSuildmfrg for Male. v
ONE IIOITSF. AND IIAHN, sltualed on Cvd
Farm, lust at the cud of tho Hil Iro A halid
I. e lusi math of the Amciiean lloiipe. . Alio. hv.
eial liwellliu llousm near the l ake rhore IIoiih.
1 tie alvo Iui'uitte4i win ne semi on very rsiuuu.
ble icruia. For ruitlier.-'artlrnt-ir enquire of
It. A. IIHAOG, Itnvd Purm.
Potrolouin Centra, Pn , March 6Ui, lSt-9 lw.
Xcw Styles for Spring !
At Low Prices.
Fine C HR0MLS, Foreign & American,
As reasonnble ns can lie purc!ia?ed at any
place in the Oil Kegiutt.
oajj.sT, mr.vt & Co.,
Bipsell's Bank Block.
(Mfi CKTY,
o i citv, t , cct. t. is
Ills I.arm Stock ul
En to Wvi JSooiti foritii'i ly
Ccmpkvi Ijj S. An pi ha tiki,
He I as nilded
to his Stuck
lion of
a larire seiic-
fr fri (CI
a o n:
i IX' '
Which hf Invite tlm Lnili4 nrrpsulcnin f'rn re
Ul!(i Viuiliit v tfi t'jll IHUt HXHiuiiift. U:!b -
Hats., Bl Caps,
Ac. Ac, nil of which he ln.s ma Uod
. to iliu
Lowest Cash Prices.
I desire to thank my numer
ous customers for their liberal
patronage at my old stand, and
hope by kiKiping a large selec
tion of Goods, at Low i'ricts, to
continue to supply their wants as
Petroleum Centre, .March 2, 18 It. tf.
r. .3. iV tu,
WAsiin-fiTos st., pr-
All kinds nf Machine Work dun utouiptly soil
warniDtou to ivu
ag Olf. . I. J riA.'O'A C )
Contra, Pa. Givs hint a trial. sepl j if.