The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, March 05, 1869, Image 4
T.B. McNair&Co, 23 WiVSlSIXGTX-ST., Would refmeetfnlly annotim tost they m mw now opening lull assortment of DRUGS! PATENT MEDICINES ! Paints, Oils, Soaps, Brushes, &o. Ia the room formerly occupied t by Mr. Uoodman.. ZT Particular attention will be paid to. the preparation of Prescriptions, and no pains spar ed to make this Department as complete as any m the country. "Wines, and Liquors! FORMKDiMWOTOSES ",'Onr prices will compare favorably, ami we do not doubt being able to suit all who rany favor us with their patronaga T. II. McNAIIl tie CO. P-itroltnm Centre, '., Out Hi (K-tf James A. SherrifF, list), In iruMition to (be Inrgc stock ot OIL WELL SUPPL MRDWAKE, STOVES TiNVARE &C, Hut he keeps at his Old Stan:, in this Place, JUST O IP 33 IN" E ZD A FINE STOCK IN III3 LINE. At the Southwest Cor ner of Woods Farm, IVIIERE HE IIOPE3, Tho use of New and Latest Im proved Machinery and Im- plomeiits in tho Mechanical Bepauthevt, THE PURCHASE OF THE BE N MATERIAL, SELLING AT FAIR PRICES AND To mwrii and receive liberal en ourae'.nnt froai opei'ators in that localitr. I'LEAIE CrJVC A CALL. 153 A. RECORD OFFICE. DAILY RECORD NEWSPAPER. AND OFFICE, WASHING TO ST It E I.T, orroeira tub opeua house, PETROLEUM .CEJUTBE. LOMVTCLL PLU.TITIErt, Prapr'. NEWS WEPABTJIBSiTi We reeelvo telegraphic despatehea np to 4 p. m., nd present them K onr readers every evening, em bracing news of great Interest from all sections of the country. Wc havo made epecial arrangements, whereby we receive regular Petroleum. Stock and Produce Alnrket roports every evening by telegraph. from Now York, Plulndclphlaand Pittsburgh, which, outlier with Editorials and Local matter, make it one of the moat desirable newapapere puhwhed Id the mi Kcgions. as an Advcctlsinjr Medium, The RECORD hu no nporior, aa It circulates warr ever an vll operator or dealer can ba found JOBBING DGPAllTiUEXT, We have a larce and well aelected aanortment ct new Jobbing material, emorudng the very latest atylea. We are therefore, enabled to execute Job Work of every variety In intiafiictory mannor When -lairel, join will bj neitlyprlatjl 1 1 J Co lob Shipping Kit!. Posters Ilitlftol l ave. Ii:ibcls. - A.SV-. (iiwluent nt1 Visitins Cards LETTER-nEADS, BILL-DEADS, ... BILLS OF L:Dl.Nd. Etc , Etc tuo -BALL fltJNTENO, Piain or Fancy Ktvle, neatly and promptly execu ted, eiiitiiiielui; INVITATION CtacULAK PKOGSAMMUS CAUDS, TICKETS, Etc In fat!, every vsriuty arc atylo of work iu letter, proj ;il utlng Merchants, Lawytra, Jaattcm of the Fww.8, Land Aient..CH leaer ar.d Aganta, Iiwnraneo Au'jntj Etprniurn tui etlier parties in want, are Informed we arc pri.;,nrel to execute too. -derail k(d.of EViMit, hHn'ni'si or lcal, rieuire.l lu tt.U aom - nninltv. JohHn; iittra:iu reaimtfuUy spirited. UNOVi-F.-L PLryviH'3 UAUDWAUf-O CITY. E,OB$03Sr'S ihh Creek ?ipe works. ciiAur.EH linsow Co., Corner of "teneca Centre Eart side Oil Crcet, Oil CH) ra., Dcolcrt In Moris, Tasker Co' OIL WELL Tt'BJJG AND oamimu, JLfO, WORKING TUHHEL? AND VALVES, CLAMW,Tki R0D9 Ac Machinery for Oil Wells & Refineries BORINO TOOLS, OIL PUMPS, DRIVING PIPE. COLD WATSH POMPS Every description of SUPPLIES FOR OIL WELLS AND RE FINERIES, .' Also, STOVES, TINWARE, BRASS GOODS, TEAMS AXD OAS F!TTIXnX. Bi.LTl.SO, hACKIXO, and ITOSB ; HARDWARE, noUSR TK1MMING3, Carpenters' Tool". Rope, Onktim, - Nails, Axe, ColToe Mills. Tal.le A Pocket Cutlery; Full AjJWrttoeDt of Everything In the HARD WARE LINE. Snwe Fur ifehlng Oooil, LaiAiie Cliimneva. No. 1 Witter i'tnlneil Uird Oil, No. 1 Uetlned OH, 1aSle am) Door Mats; Ctaimpion Clothes Wrluffirs Jlannfacturere of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Wase, liopalrunr ef all klndv done with neatneaa and 4ipatcu. lpcciai aiti-u'iuu hijvu vj STEAM AND GAS KITTING. Wohnvo eiideavorrd to merit the ratronnfie of the public, and hali une every exertion to insure ita continuance. Our Cicllltlea for fnrn!hin!! eorythlns In onr line, hnvt-ig tMn creatly increased, in the erection of our New Hnilibll- are now MJPKHIOU TO ANY oriltSK ESTADUSHMENT imril-Sm. IN THE OIL KK JION. AUG S MERCHANT la cxt a aui jf utm lllsspirs 2lck, OH City, naa Just received ajwso anortmenf of NEW FILL & WINTER GOODS Of the Latest Pnri., London, and New Yd;U Fasb Ion, comprlriiiic in pvl CLOTHS. BEAVERS. DOESKINS, TRICOTS. . VELVETS. CASSIMERE3, Ac, and all nrticV kept in a First-ClaN Tailoring Estub Hkliuieitt. Ua'., rpriu, FI110 White Slilvta, Paper Colluro, lliini', S;iteiiier. NeclLtlck, uiirt Gents' Farnishins: W:!s, Ineenenl. All d -erl;iion of rioibin nia.le tip by experienced worknr.1111 in tha latest styles, ut reasonable priee. ' SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. AUG. SIMON. CilCity. Pa . Sep. 11 IStiS-lf. J. Fit Jill so. 3T CEXTKE-ST, Oil CITY, VA. Thii. l the l't eetlbllKhment of the kind in the Oil Kejon. Flour au I Voed eold at whuli anie and naan. aac-ff CRAM! tc TiIACIiKIJ, 134 irialilcn I.nne, N. Ya C05i3!SS!ON HE8CII1XTS, art now'l to rr:fIv on ('ommij-Ion and l;uttH.'ru(le and liriluttl Oil. OIL VITK.IOL. C!SAiE, Ttl.lCKEil & Co., PEIUO'.F.IW! CKNTItU, PA , Keen on liiirnl oil vrrninr. & white paint, CAUSTU. SODA am) GLUE. Are nrepured to nuke llivral discount to Peflneu lor tASIl. mid wll not bo undenold in nnv of thr ab'ive nrttcU'd. . junelS tl C-.ANE, TnAClyEK & CO. xaBstwwiw;a T. T. MA PES, iienlas In DAL.. Do!iveid nr the Yard by the ear or ton. HillS tf JS1 SOLID Gold awelrv, Ladiea' e. Ear Kintis Pin,, Flee, niiHona. e at. IHII.U! CO ( eJA,,, T1K(VI'N Zit np taSTVI.K .1 ! I (lie Hk.roi ui'v itv t aawawaawMwwaafaiiKf, I a jpy t F.. nnaid Amevicnu V.'slch. the btnl ) n.. ofHAy Co. MISCELLANEOUS OIL CITY. Agent for Gcorgl 3V 13 & Brown, Jamestown, N. SHIAAEH, Dealer in HANDS, ORGANS. MEIDBEONS, AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of every description. PIANO STOOLS, SPREADS Ac ic. Centre-fit., Oil. Oil City, Sept. U. I8i.8.-tf. CITY, Pa. NEW HARDWARE STORE nSATINO AND COOKINS STSSS! In large variety. TABLE AND TOCKET Cut 1 o r y! SHELF. HARDWARE. HOUSE rURNISHISS 0"03S. . LAMP?.LAXTERN?. AND FANCY ARTICLES. emails AriD mom mm Ware, I'or tale CHEAP I At the store formeHv occupied by nnrehfiod and Uaeleil ne, oil. citi, JJ71KS it. iw., tr Oil City, .Ian. 4 Tire CO AIi CO In now irrpm-eil fo fil Oc-J.or for any uttioitut ct 1 ilDealors will consult their interents by oidorlug. , c.fc.ii:, Oil Cltv, Pa.. Feb 13, IsA-r-tr. John C. Welch, Seneca-Sit., Oil Cily, Pa., Dealer lu and Fishhig TodIs, Innis' Sucker Reds, Driving Pipe, Well EJa, Agent f tr llto MEA2VIILE E?.5LS ?il?XB3Y. t Order taken fir all kind, rf C V TINOS. t.ivu uie a call h.fure piirchainir e'aenhere. JOIIX C. WELCH. Oil City, Feb. 17, IS.'.H tf. CSIAV ISOEISON & CO., Corner or Renern nml Centre St, i'iit aiili a Oil C'roeli. Oil City, Pa. flavin? added a iiowei fnl Steam llnrlr.e and threi larce L ,TIIKS, tiKnir already i.xim!ve Miinulue tHrinil Etablhiiteiit, an now pr..'pari-.l t.i doal1 tlio iwaniwrjr wyrk, iu tttlu,; up, ami repairliu ENGINES. BOILERS, IKON TANKS. REFINING MACHINERY, COri'ER WORMS AND STILLS, OIL WELL TOOLS AND FITTINGS In fact doll Maehinerv Job Work cntriKted to nv wllii naatnes nml d'.piten am. .;iroiyi "" aeel ..w.ia.,.,1. lnM. JOHN M. DAVIES 4 CO., DRUGGISTS! LISSLLL'S LLOCK. CENTUE-ST., OIL CI TV, FA. - Wlieleniln mt fir Dr. I.i-on'a Eleclrle lla.. llt.'aere: ai.d Ir. life's In'itit lCn.d-. tf. Y Cranberry RAILROADS. Oil Creei & Alleaheny Biver R B.; W HHKN FHANKLIN, V KMEKS A Nil OIL OHKEK HAlLnuAUs CONSOLIDATE. NEW AND MOST DIKECT ROUTE TO THL OIL RKGION. 1SH. WINTER AIIRA.NDKMEN T. 1808. TIME I'AIILK. o AND MONKAY, NOV. HUTU, lrS, train will mu a follows : C.OlNt) NOHTII TO OIL CITY PRTlloi.Kt'M CKN'I'HK Tl IT KV1LI.K Arl t.'OlillY. A. M., Kpivi,ai r(vea l idioute at 7 Au a ,U ., oieopnlln at U lo a. m., (comiectinn there nilll trniln for Pilhnle). Oil t'ily . fl4n m., Pi'lrolenm Centre M.iii a. in., llovd Purm lu.26 a. m , M.l'er Kami In -15 it m., Timtviile II UO a, in , arming at 'orry at l2. lo p in. t ' M . Mail, nrrrlvei TldlnutoJo p. m I MCOTion t 'M II. iu wiiu train for I Itlmlo City), Oil City 4 3"'. p. ., IV-t-. l' iiiu Ci'iitrt 5.1s p. in . l!od Farm b '.'I p in., Milli r r'urui 5 4M p m , Titiu. vilW t' tl, 1. Hi., arriving at Curry at T.tiDp. m. , A M , Ai-ei.mmiMlatlon from Oil CUvar- live at Petroleum Centre 7 ol a m .Doyil l-'iirm " tHJ a. in, TitMrtv.llii 7.40 a in., arriving at t'orrv at 9 a. in. UOINO Sot'TIl VHI'M COHKY, TI1T8VILII, PKTKni.KllM t l.SI ' B OIL, LI TY. ,.Jt A. nrrlvrt ' Tittwvllle H.M a. m. i.' .Miller Harm t.t.'i a 111, Poyd Pann !i 03 a. m. Petroleum Centre 0u7 am, oil 1 iit t.4'i a. 10., o;eoM,m to a a. m. -Ji,U mle 11 ts a ni ,111111 imnemn m P. M., arrive nt Tiluaiille 1 5 j, in.. Miller Kami V.lo p 111, B ivil Kaita 12:20 2 61 pin. Petlo.emn Venire j, ni 1 Oil Cir 3 :i i i. ill , leave Oil Clt,- S r, 1:1. anlvea dooiMli 4.U7 r tn, fcouueci Willi iiuin for I'liliuieJ, Tidiuuia A ei f. r.i . nnu Irvine'im ii.4Ji p. in K ttft P. 1 , ccomm'diion Corn- ar. tn' ri'o 1 iiuvl.".i( 7.0" p m, iili,r harm 1 o" p. ni. riyo Farm 7 e.r p 111, !Vr Ir tun I ruiro ..' p in, arriving ut oil Cliy HiiOli in. (ttXNECTlOXS.. Train North eonnvi-t at -urr. elth Phlla'lelpH, .t Erie K. I! . mid All llitic A Great Wi'Hlrra Hull wav. 1'ai.T iVn:, and iiln-i with Iiutlalu, Corry and PittiOinr-h ra'lmaii I r Hun.ilo rnln) eoniieei at 1 'il City with Fiai.klin Pranth fir Fninl.'lin. Mt-idvipe, and toe et, aud at lr Yliietnn uilh l'1i:l. ,v V.ri If. It ism ae Vt. St i:,'lKrd Mine iwty nrnutoH fimir tl:au Frai k till tn.r!l nfrt ,. ,t H W. I! It. time. P.I-HCPICI it wlil tliiil ihl Mud a a ne plt-aiaut and the oiorleet rolliutij and fiom tiie i.U ri:uiou. all traia W-Hi from Ii-itiaon leaveurur arrival of trains on P. 1 )i. 11. U. Ue -ure :in'l it-k I'or 'l-hroil'i Ti'ten via Oil Crrtk .t (lieL'hi.tiv lilver Ihtliwitv, the Oieat Siiori Itiiuie to the oil Hf.rinn. II. P. WKir.T7,rit. Gm-I Snperlnter.i'ent. C. J. UXITIUUN, A't Siiperiiiiei.denl. mn. rmbut ira, J'os t V:iyii atiJ 4 lis ii; ll:i:Uv;iy. TI.ii;.taum;. . T. SATES. till Cliv, 8.10 p in. Franklin, . 8,53 p. in. Ja iiegti.wn, D.aor. m ,S1 a. 1,1". a. n 1.411 p. m. :i,oa ii. in 3.57 p ni 4,1 H p. in 4,3 i. nr A.mO p. ni .MiAinine. m. ClniUvillo. , n.lia it. in. Newcastle, 7, 20 u. tit. llnmeiyoml, N.lil a. in. New Hi I .''u i..o, h,'i!i n. ni. Ki'theiter, Is, I.', a. in. Alleichiiiy, 10,'Jll a. m. I .tiiii:i h ar i,UU p. til . li-einrnni Imtci Pit:liuigU at t,00 a. anU . . V ,11. HAINs rnlnj ffwt un Pittilnniih. Pint H'.rn anil Ciiirauo Unilway pn II niewnoil at lJ.OO aril t(,4'j !t,Hl a. m., and :i,57 p m ; Pn, tnn. field k, D,.l a. in. and 10,1 i fi DO ami 1(1.(1.', !,. m : Pai-acrnat'ltu-at 10,1'J a in , utid 10,05. 5,30 ami 'l, !5p. in., mi l airii. ni ( b'cvn, 7, OO aud 11, tO p. in , mid u.H .m l I l,:il a. lu r. K .M E..S. Olu Tl ie.i.el tReiit. larrh. ls.w-if. p-,vi,...i. p. A C.YUD TO 'I'Ul; LAUil M. Dwi.i.V. mim'ik v. n.TtKN fi:i;i ihcal fr KeiiiaV. li'tiiiUlu Iu e. ri-"li Kmo. iii4 el!.true un. ol' llie in : Hi v iritirunnt luri.. frum Mlnlever eilue n. d n'wuy mu c- n-'ui in II pre-etllive One pit. It a iinie "l-Yl:i:ile e-i-ulia:Iv itun'11. or tno?.- .iipih'i jej t,ietn..e;veii h., aruciiitt 1ie-l aaii.l H5i"B tl,i. I'i.ln, wl. I in thut c. nd.ton le-'t tiioy iiiviie iiilnrarriaire al'-r wliirh ndniotiili ii trie pr.i rielur rkisiiinri no u sp.n.sili.l tv. a!tiiiui2ii liieir ini'dne-s wu.d p rvnt any ml cl.let'in heaitli, i theriiie the lilit ao i ciiiiiiii nded ns a mnt in1 ti.ti.ib n ri'innlv for e a", leviaiiun ol tin, e .tifl'erii-a; any ineeiil.-lr'lli wlintever. aii wei) hp t i prvert nn iiirirnnio of fa:ui ly when health will not permit lr; cini.-ttn-; me uerv, a and bi iiejinv hack -ri-sy color of l.e.'t:tti" to the eheek i.f ti e uut i el. ease. Full ai d explicit i1!nclirf aecompauy each bx Priee $ I ht lmx li liozea. th. Kola iu eiroli nm Centre, by A P. Mil t.EE CO . - Ko'o AL-cnt'' for Peii-oli nm ( i-utr. Pa. Ladle I ISy arndinit I'.i-m il to tile I '-in ileum t.Va tre P. O. cni lime ti e Pills .ct rconft ieiitiilii) by mail to any pan , r t- e cuutiy. dee ,.r h irce t-ol.l a!..ii by II C K, i. 8 Carls Tiin-lllv. P. ; A It Gni'ith. fiil Ciiy: Fl.imnv .v. .Mr- t ime, Frank iu: lr J L. Amnio, lid 'l; E. T. lias. 'lion. Vair.n: nnd by mie lirnrsiit" in every town iu IheD ll-nl stitpa, ned by Jul S I). Hurt K, I rop'r. New Ycik. ' nil,, ,i , w .in iihiumim in e SEWARD'S A Sal- and Speady Cure fur Coushs.CoIds, Asthma Bronchitis, Honrsencis, Croup, Influenza, Whooping Cough, Incipient, Consumption, and all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. Don't nejjlcct levere Cough, or throw away money on worthless medicine, PRICE FIPTY CENTS PER BOTTLE rrepared by SEW AltO- BENTLEY, DruatWa, SuSale, H. Y, Sold by all DriiEiflsta. A. D. AilLLEll & CO.. WholeanlH nml Itetnl) UriijLlta, Amenta for Pttroleuin Ceinre and vicinity. .Inll-lv Sowin?: Machine LVMI of both (ItlteKoe. ginger's ITiv ramily S'wini: i'alXSlilUKS ! ' Andibo Auioricati Ort'r-iiiniHS nnJ IttltaOlflluleuckiuk I FOR aLW AT NO. m UAIN ST., AT NO, MS li.Tliil,EU"St 'CSIItk, I1,, k- ' li.tULU, TliA Sw