CLOTHING AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. NEW CLOTHING- ! JAMESTOWN CLOTHING STORE, (Formerly J. A. LOSES,) We have just received and are now opening to the admiriiv-rnzu of the cltiroiu ol Petroleum Cintrc rd vicinity the Ian-oat sto-k of SPRING CLOTHING! Ever brought to Petroleum Centre. Clothing Mado to Order at the Shortest Notice. Hats and Caps of Every Style. In Gents' Furnishing Goods Our Stock ii Complete. Iuipection of our stock Is respectfully solicited. " One Price, and all Goods Pe'roleum Centre, March 1, lRt;9. If. DRUGS AND DRUGS ! MEDICINES ! J. H. CHRISTIE, DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES. OSbS, PaintsVarnishes, G-lass, Patty Soaps, Dye Sftifl's Fancy and Toilet -articles. All, KINDS OF PATEHT' MEDICINES. PURE WINES & LIQUOF1S ! SELECTED EXPRESSLY FOR MEDICAL PURPOSE?. R Prescriptions carefully Ao. i:l Wasli.ngtii-st.. filve me a 011 h-Mrp purchMinn e!twlir. United States LIFE nsu ranee I OF NEW YORK, Estdblblud March 5, 1S50. CMpMal Ac Asaela, $3,000,000 E. J.ROSS, Agent Petroleum Centre, V. This C(mpanv, Ji'lnKoueof Uieolitwt nd mint reliable In th. Sidled But... aff.ird ample aacur ty, not orty by w auaota, which on Ju wry 1st, JS8S, were al '"'yM percent ov.rlta llubllitt-, but also by . 'EKSONAL LIABILITY OF TUB .STOCKHOLDERS TO MAKE GOOD i ANY DEFICIENCY, seqrlty not afford. i by any other Cai-h Company. fiioidends ara Declared Annti I i ally . M may be nscd to mAA lu pa., tag Premiums, to jn IddlilittMi Inmirana , or to stcura paid up ja. wwtu in iuixu mi u nun, par UJJWiw, u npijinej ) r pamphlet, or they nifty fWi'inliurl1 comlKmnd lnto0t o luermue th. . rVEHY FATHER 4 nr. a Policy aa early aa po"lb!a. as nwe CV '.MI,-9tsoiiawn be Insured, and It Is In, r11 "uty, to provide In tho snfortway for h! toni j "UMi he cannot do belter, than by a Life In- - nonoy memed In buainess may bring . m miuu, tint u niiiy an u. n-ai, ana ' 7 1, lima left d..!ktc. N. warranted as represented, jgrj LAMMEftS & ALDUS. MEDICINES. compounded nt -'all Imm-a Petroleum Centre, 5a fMyJD if.) Jf. II. CllltlXTIF. S. 8. G-riswold, IW Orders by th Cnr or Ton promptlv l.'illu.l ' " Aluo, Ageut fur lha celebrated KEEL 112 DOES. CiMLL! OFFICE oa Second Street, Bear 15. It. T.nck. PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. .Musi tr. ISIIAU &. CO., WaTCIUIAKESW & jWF.LEBS. IN OPERA HOUSE BUILDING, WASH INGTON STREET, I'Kl'ISOI.ri n CENTIIE, PA., Keep .un'tantly on hand a largo anorlnii nt of WATCMKS. JKtVEl.RY, i'lSl'OI.S, KEVOLVKItS. ri-'MI.Mi JA1.1VI.15, wsrrrMues, Ac sad will mil al iiai.rn prices. All .....m nuii, i.inij iu jjiio niiibmcUOU fiood plnct to thn voith of vonr tnonov Ia at the NEW FUHU AND KKKD fYtlt AN! I,fM- CilM wnvrt) tittro i alwrtVi MAN rndv to show their nimtnmorA tlmJr larpe of t'i a rri ii a ' ...j ..ii i. Ti.ii.-.. .... , their cuatninora tlinir 1 '. mid nil kinda of PI rj may )e i iiai. im mi iv ; nun uj ui!tl lli4j A hrpd SAinrtment or flivl-clasi ROl'ail AD 111 l?.C li'll I I A 'I'll i HTM... ...i .... .. .'i, .Jill. I'M, aV", aVV .i at tlio vw lowest ei-ii priced. Tiio Who sre nul DEA.D To tln-ir own iritcre-!, ftiul wirtli lo drjil with mon who dn htifinoss oil the ifiuni-a, will find it o ilicir lijtHttt to rlvei lWcail bwloro pmcliiiilug whyrc, mid nee what wu uiq da fur you I1ST our of liif-infit. A'.l Order vd tft.iminij nrfMiijitly nt endul t. I" imr fotvvt the ijIr . M I'osrrK THE noCHilSTUt hoUSK WASH- Petroleum Centre, Pa. TELEGRAPH REPORTED FOR TUB DALY RKCOKD, Aftenioou INstutches GKANT'S CABNET. WaBhiniiou, March 5. 1'ieiidunt Grunt mut the rollowing notni nations to the SwUo Io-Jmj: Sucretory uf State E. B. Wasliburne, i f Illiunit. Secretary of the Navy-AJolphns E Berry. Secretary of the Treasury A. T. Stew art, of New York. Secretary of the Interior J. D. Cox, of Oblo. Postmaster General A. J. Ciesmll, of Maryland. Attorney General E. B. Hoane. No Secretary of War nameil. New York. March 5 Thn ITpPbIiI 11ar1nn. k nl I.I be imiiefl In r.llimklt anil Fnitnhi !M.i . a . . '1 II 111 UIUII..II efforts were made by the friends of both o Mi.Ln ....... n.l .1... Tl : I .. i I. I . .irr. iiicu, .mi tun i. ruifiueni nanny eoo son ted to isnne nnrflonn. it is stated Mrs. Johnson, wile of the President, is quite unwell. The National finnnll or n. tl,.n Ijiineno oi Amerien. whtih hna i.aAn t m pii'ii ill iv UHnniQion ivn nnvi art iii..n.i ! . nr .Li . . . yr.irriiny. .luiin iv. ueary, or 1'eniiayvn ma wu 1'ii'cieu rresiueni, nnd Thomas C Baker, of New York Secretary. Tbe Nntinnil KxccutiveCommilteeCotin en meets in iew lot It in December next. A wreKtlinir mrktph far ; I nnn nesdny was won by Homer Lane against wniiii-F ui'llllUII. Tbe ciLisienH uf A nbnrn Imvn vntA ia ' .u.i. t, Kill' G..- I - ... .!.!! .... I I B " ".iu o piiunu wt'juume nomc. Ricbmond, March 6. Holl. Stnn'm.n haa Inetpiinf.. rnl ... . -....vir.,, inur to notily cit.zens that unless Ku Kluz out t'lfres ceanc . ilMfuntinn.nt tt a..llii.ia u,i n i.n mi" iub loiecien )oruon ot tbe State, win) nm profrrve oruer and subsist on liiClil. Augusln, Me., March a. The Huuse rel'nsed by 30 to 25 to pass a resoliiliop lnttriictinc Senators and Repre pvuuiiivi'H in voir ror mo re-esiabllsnmnu oi me j;ec:procliy treaty. Ilavana.Mareh 5. Mr. Utley ond ten other prisoner, claim AtiH't-iniin nitlvnniihin hnrn Iruaeil. ThM Hnff.liin C.nntnr.,r la I.m n.l Admiral Huff Is rnakinjs aeiire .repmatiutis iwi mo iuuu'ciiuii oi Americans. Reinforcements are beiug sent to the in teiior bv railroad The alealm.r Mnpllannnu a.itlu.l rn. ri.,.AI - ... .. ........ ,t tcigii and other ports, takinu ?5,0(J0 to pay tbe i'""!" uu piuuii" niiiniiiona oi wan A bip hud been elmrlered to take tbreo i uiiuiirij ri'uviB 10 urevaui. Tho bank annoiinci-s it will hereaflor lin it ixolianes of notes Tor gold lo tho sunn, ten dollars. Gnveinment is udvertisiDg for horses and iiimi'H mr nie Biiny. The Uii-hop of Hnvinu has ndVrfd a eixt if his incl ine fur Ihrir mnnilia n.u u .. I ort of vuliiuteer, and tbe clergy have fol IllUflll 111. liv.mnlt Advices frntn I.nnui. i.nm I II.. l..i. . , , 1" .'"' ' iww.r sallirdtiv lu.t. tnre tin tlm city, slopped a train el curs, mutilated the ciikiiii-buu inaue prisiinera oi tbe flivmun nun uiitiiM'er ana ranronu employee!'. Th Cuban ivbels at NhsIhis aro very ao iv m reporieu mere mat a Htenn:e with n earun nf .rm. .nH ...i..iuri .. i.i " ..I... ,.if,v-U 1111 lller, arrived nt r!:i.vel I. n n... i.:n. ou their way to Cuba. Nervous Prosirutiou can can be enrej bv using Hie Great Ynsemite Bitters. If. RICH MARRIAGE GIFTS. Tlt lllr-nvam fit - .1. . . -e . vi-a mhiiii i uhii; Ain can pre- sent to hi Hridt ie a Htmnd con.-titutftiiiHiin pure I.Mf1rt Irslainvai iif ttiiun ai..l.t....a.. ...I.i. . i. . a. . tVICWrlOl hcnnvuli'i.' rtiiaiiMfiiw I,. ......... i. tor envelope. I're of eliarL't!. Addn-. fifiw Awn rt.T-uwrt. i nn, v., rminueiftbm, Ph. juil Hm LWERY & FEED STABLES, Val.iiigtm Street, opposite (no Opera llouso, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PEXN'A. I have put In n pool stock of Riiliii(. and lliviu, vuifn 1 will 1H Oil I'l'DRonublu terms. . Also, CHtlem, Wasinis, Sprinj; HOMKKS hnnvitpd nnd fpil and lira .,r a...n an i mi). J-9 tr A. SMAVlRV. f. j. nx & oh, ' I MACHINE & BOILER SHOP WASHIXGTO.V ST., ,PK. TJtOIjIil'.U CKATHL', 'n. BUiLiERS AND EXGINE3 REPJRKD AT SHORT NOTICE. i All L-lnfla ,.f Uonhln. U'.i.L- .Inn. .... nIuua ... ..w... uu..v iiv.uiit .no warranteit lo :'ve 'J-fr.c;l"ii. THE Oil. JlAHKGTs). fiVPira na Tbr Pkt'm Cbxtbk Daily Rurnnn nno, l ktkoi.sum UKNTitK, March o The market continues dull. Buyers are offering $6.15 and holders are aklng $C30 (WG.40. Shipments of oil from this point, March 4, per O. C. A A. R. Ruilroad, 1,492 barrels. KU ItOliKIIin 11 A H K Fl'Saall x I tX. M.ItAPII. Mpcciul Diapnicbea tu tbe Lily Jiivord Pn rsiirKnit. March 3. Spot HtJ for 15 gravity. 7 ft. . Kirst watei lfi fur 45 e. 47 p. . B. O. first six uienths, 19(iJ.O for 45 gr. ; for 47 gr. S. O. first six months, 15'i for 45 er. : for 47 gr. Buyers' option all this year, 20 for 45 gr. i (or 47 gr. Sellers' option all this year, 15 for 45 gr. Market Firm, with slight improvement over yesterday. Puiladki.puia, March 5. Spot, -31' March 35,34'g3G. 36?,,'. Mr, . June, J-aly . April to June . Crude Bbls., 25!(S2(3. Crude bulk, 20i,21. Market Much lirnier; Exporters appear to be In market buying for shipment. New York, March 5. Receipts Refined. 1,629 barrels. Crude, 595 bb!s. Naptha, 349 bbls. Crude, 2U. Refined. 35tj spot. Last of Maroh, 36. Market Steady. London-. March 5.-2. p; m. Refined, 21'd. Spirits. "Ud. - Antwerp, March 5.-3 p. m. 685Si francs. Liverpool, March 5, ,2 f . m. Refined 22 d. Spirits, 13. ' ' Antwerp, March, 5. fi p. m. Crude 5858. Western Union Cine market Report. New York. Mar h 5. Crude, hulk, 201(821. Refined P. L S. lo W., 3t j S. W. Market Firm. Philadelphia, March 5. Crude 21, Refined P. I.. St. t W rt .a w 34(335. ." Market Firm. Pittsburgh, March 5. Markel Sales of Spot at 17.T4'. C'loalue New York n.irhel. New York, 3:10, p. m., Much I. Demand (air; prices hove advanced. Refined, 35.. Crude. 20i.;2l. tiiH.lf IN M.1V l llltK. New Yoiik, Marsh 5. Gold 1.11'. Petroleum Exchange HOTEL. ; ON TliE EUROPEAN PLAN. FRESn ALL THE LUXU R1E3 ! OK Tim SEASON! OYSTERS ! Received DAILY! Wusiiiiicton Street. Petroleum Cuatre, Pn., i:xi aimr to Islmm Co'i jwuiiy Diuitr T. W. 8A,'li, Proprietor. iiirnia x.'iw-u HI AM IK til I rs. (KllKia ui ,1 A . No utioi will ho iprtrfd to nceommodato lhw: who Jut, or us wiiu their imtronitge. i ciruiuiim lenir?, wan. 'i. itii.--if. A. T. LEGGEiT, Manufacturer and Dealer in Seed Bags, Valve Cups, &c. Kxnerlnr.eiirf aAii-in ..i . Ui order ke't cul"'JI'"y uu hJ,1J d n"le I. C. IlelRK'i Iat. flecdn:i For St'iiie. I'epaii'ing Done at all Times t'all and txtmine ur atccl; ami pricna, JIaiu-.Sl., below .ha McClin lock Ilonae. Cntre I'.., Jan "lb, 1W0 If. SOL! ! Hold Wrr, L-'li..' Cel.. F.r hhi s, Hit Hnnune. &e.. at Ihhav c.t,' A. D. MILLER CO.'S COLUMN. A. D, MILLER & CO. Wbofctale and Hctail Dealers ha DRUGS, MEDICINES, &C. Washington Street, PETHOIiKU.TI CEVrttE, PA. Tboir Stock eonsistH of everything la tie line of Drugs & Medicines ! LIQTJOR3, FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSE", Wholesale and Retail Agenu for Y08BMITK STOMACH BITTslRS, JOnN ROOT'S BITTERS, CONSTITUTION BITTERS, ALISMA FOR THE HAIR, SEWARD A KENTLEY'S COUGn SYRUP MAGIC MACEDONIAN OIL, DUl'ONOO'S GULDEN PILLS, WALKER &. RAZES CIGARS, JAYNKS' MEDICINES, ANDERSON'S DERMADOR. SPENCER'S MIXTURE. SPENCER'S OINTMENT, At. Cephiir, Moflm's, Wlaharta'i, iiemcKB, Aiott'H, Wrijfh'tJa, H(Hiptr:sj, Pndwtiy' R. It. Jayno't, Hf)tia('k'. .lnfiJnf'al. MnhAnflr'av Cl aril's Female, ('herocmnn'ti Diiponco i, do. Tolfiftu iado, tc, e Perfumery, Toilet Ar ticles, boaps, Ilruhcs, &c. COIGHS, COIiDS, ton. -i Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, juyne s l.xpectoroBt, Murnden's Balm, Schpnck'a Syrup, Univernal Syrup, Excelsior Syrup, Ransum's Hive Syruy, Seller's Syrup, Coe's Syrup, Hall's Balsam, Denton's linlsnm, Brvaii'a Wiifeii. Olire Tar, ilrowu's Troches. Wishnrl's Pino Tree Tar, Seward's Cough Cure, Ualeinan's Syrup, Cough Candy, te Cigars and Tobaccos ! The Best Kvor nronglit to tlie Oil ISrsrlou. HAIR KESTORATIVES. ALISMA, MRS. J. A. ALLEN'S, RING'S. CHEVAT.irn-s HALL'S, MARTHA WASHINGTON. BAUKETT'3, l!OSSETTER, LYONS, STERLING'S, BARRY'S, Ac, Arc. UITTKItS. rtoor", roNKTrrrnov, Rnnncif'H. MIS1U.KH ". IKiSl'lllTK'fS, ' fu'liKl'."), H0OF;.ANlrH. ( .MitHYiltMA, ATTWOOU't. J'KOI'JilDK IKON, JtU Ciu tnin nnd It list ic Slpudvu. PAINTS, OILS, VAIl.VISHKs.', ;i,ASss, I'lTIV, oi.r, Tinpentlue, t.pone-i, My- StnSit, JJryr, RKFIAEISS' ML'PPIilKH, lanl Oil, Kerosene Oil, &c. LAMPS, LAMP FIXTURES, &t. ScofCai Ale, lieitnelt Ale, Cono'i ess WiUer, PRESCRIPTION: COM Cr2 POUNDED AT All HOURS OF THE raEa NH.'HT ANU ItiSkSi SUNDAYS. STATICNERY, ENVELOPIS ?.C. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. TRUSfcilH Tome alnni, r,me on., nnme nil, It ifmiMmiit but. lid; c tn luok at good., and wo will n y to Inat U.IU-, I., m srHBNurno, II 11. WAKNEH. PcWS If. all V If r. ) I1ANNA (0 J . , . 11 J'.''.Ei: t CO retveVnin C.i ir, Spi , IniK- h