The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, March 05, 1869, Image 2

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Petroleum Centre Daily Record.
Pel. Centre, sTrltiar. March S.
. Thne ot Closing malls.
P. O., Pimiicra Citmut, Pa., I
Jui.t STav, KM. j
Bb1 further notloe the mail will arrive at and
apart from tbta affloe m follows :
Koilh aa Rut, via. Irviaaton, 19. A. M.
South and Watt, Meadvllle, 8.18 P. M.
North tad Cast, Carry, S 56
Month end Weet, l.ii A. M.
Kmtl BiiKand West, J 30 F. M.
North, fall and West, lO.OO- A. M.
UlTlne Services.
Preaching at 11 o'clock A.M., and 7
o'clock P. M.
Ret. J. T. Oxtobt, Pastor.
Services every Salihath nt 11 A. M. and
7 1. M. Sabbath School at twelve o'clock
If. Seits Free. A sordial Invitation
extended to all.
Rsv. C. M. Hbasd. Tastor.
Mass at 10J a. m.
Vespers ami Benediction of the Blessed
Sacrament at 4 p. m.
Gatiiiiliism at 2 p. m.
Tus Dirirs Ship Cavii.. Tbe building
of thii canal will be no holiday work. There
will be difficulty in procuring laborer. The
malaria will deter Americans. It la also
urged tbat even when tbe canal la fin
isbed it will be available for teamers only
mat under ordinary ciroumstancoa sailing
vessel) could go around tbe horn more safely
and profitably. In ibort,tbe opinion of many
competent business engineers is tbat tbe
canal dees not promiso favorably as a bust
" Tiuwuon, UIMI inui u win not pay
ur any company of j.rivate individuals or
any single government to attempt it. It
has been plausibly suggested tbat it would
be better for all tbe m .rltime' nations of the
world to attempt tbe wnrk and bold it as a
Joint properly, to be free In the trade of all,
eitt only such tolls charged ss may be nec
essary to meet tbe expense of maintaining
and repairing the works.
T.AtT evening ibe Columbia Comet Band
r-tme up to our place, and discoursed some
excellent mu'sio te tbe great delight of all
who beard it. This band has made marked
improvement during the past lew months,
end is now equal to any organization of
the kind outside of our largo cities. Our
citizens as well as nil oiheM along tbe
creek should take a lively interest in it.
Tun members lake especial pains to become
proScient in their respective part?, and
this pains-taking is made evident by the
proficiency which the band bus attained
within a short time. Success) to it and its
An Ingenious improvement on the velori
pede ha heun invented in Brooklyn, by
means of which the rider can turn bis vehi
cle to practical use. Tbo wheels are so ar
ranged that riding is unattended with the
j ilting annoyance, now inevitable exaept on
a smoother surface. Tbe elasticity given
in the wheels Is such as not to Impedd but
rather help the motion of the velocipede
in its progress on the streol, whilo the rider
is enabled to make crossings nnd run over
eeonble stone pavemenU with impunity and
without jarring.
Roi-lisrouT!) bostility to Napuleon. and
Jiapulouu's hostility to Rocbcfurt.aro highly
remunerative to the editor or Lti Lanttrm.
II. live, in a magnificent bene,, for which
ii pays twenty inousanil Irsncs a year,
keeps bis carriage, gives lino dinners, and
bids fair to rival the Sybarite life of that
oilier champion of the people, Eugene Sue.
Tuk ship Harry lJluir,fiom Cadiz for Bos
ton, fuiiaderro at sea on Friday night. In
leaving Ibe ship two or the crew were
drowned. Tho remainder entered along
bunt and two ! them froze to death and the
otbeis were much frost billeu when picked
up by a pussing vesiol.
Ws call the attention of our readers to
tbe advertisement ol Messrs. Ormstim fc
Hosey, Buokscllets and .Stationers, Oil City.
They have a larje and increasing trade.
anil u slocK ol gouls second to untie in tlte
mI region iir their line. Up creek people
will do well to give them u call.
AUxv ot our prominent citizens are in
wr -i ..... i t
u.aii'iifSiuu, uaring gone mere to wiluess
the Inauguration ceremonies.
;KP advertisement headed, "Puildinst
iiroale. Here U a rare ohano to in-
bnvin Oulier In Indianapolis is said tn
be I 'tiei v. The fannera euoiose rocks In
tho lonip'. and wJien one purchaaes he
ha to guj now tuncb graiiiio ili"ra Is
T Calumet (Wis. ) Reflector says: An
enterprising young man lately took unto
himself a wife at Green Bay, and wishing
to keep up with tbe customs of tbe day, and
as he boasted cot of a large amount of Oltby
lucre, ooncluded to take a bridal trip on
bis own hook, and accordingly fitted up
bandsfed, and placed thereon bis fair bride
and bis worldly goods, and started on tbe
excursion. lie first went to Menasba, then
crossed the lake to Stockbridge, made
voyage to Lblltoa aud thence back to
Stockbridge again, drawing bis fair burden
all the time, up bill and down, over roads
both good and bad, with a commendable
spirit or energy and prrseveraBce, living
upon what they eould pick up, and lodging
wberobest they could. When last heard
from they bad started for Minnesota, where
tbey propose to settle on a homestead. We
sincerely hope tbey will reach tboir desti
nation in safety, and tbat their bridal trip
may prove a nappy and prosperous one.
Tub beat Tonic preparation in use is the
Great Yosemite Stomach Bitters, prepared
by J. W. Downer & Co. feb20-tf.
A eountry landlord, wishing to give an
elegant entertainment at bis house, sent to
a neighboring city for two dozen boxes of
sardines, which be was informed were tbe
chlel delicacy in the market. His chirotr-
rapby. however, was so bad as to make tbe
order read, "two dozen boxes syringes."
Tbe oight of tbe party came, and as supper
time drew near, the landlord looked anxious
ly down tbe street for tbe sppearanoe of the
tags which was to bring tbe principal dish
on tbe bill. At last it arrived, and with
a package for tbe expectant landlord. Di
rectly there was a great outcry, and a. sound
of cursing in tbe bar room. The entire
party rushed In to see what was the matter,
and there stood Beniface puffing and blow
ing with rage. "See here t I sent to Du
buque for two dozen boxes of sardine for
supper to-night, and the cuesol fools sent
twenty-three boxes of them pewter squirt-
guns, and says that's all there wero in tbe
market." -t
A mermaid.
A curiosity in a shop window in Washing
ton is attracting attention, it being n mer
maid sent from Japan. It Is about 15 Inches
in length, tbe body bearing a close resem
blance to the yellow perch, excepting that
a row of bones appear down tbe back At
tbe point where tbe glila of tbe fish should
appear two arms grow out, about two and a
half or three inches in length, at tbe end or
which are well defined hands with long
fined talons. The "jrltter" bus a bend
at out the aize or a walnut, very similar to
the human head, and attached to tbe body
by an exceedingly small neck.
Child Muhbeb. Dr. Charles Earl, for
many years a practicing physician in Chi
cago, was arrested on Thursday last on a
charge of child murder, The prosecuting
witness in the pending cases (there are two
distinct charges against bim ) was bis for
mer wife, Jeanette Earl. The Tribune says
that if but a titbe of tbe developments
made are proven true, tbey will rank among
the most horrible tbat have ever come to
light in tbat city. Several ether physicians
aro suspected or officiating In such cases,
and there Is great excitement on the subject.
Ik Fever and Ague or Intermittent Fe
ver trouble you, uaetae Great Tosemite
Bitters. TtlZO.
Hauaamann, the great rolmilder of Paris,
is believed to bava amassed an enormous
fortune by illegitimate and corrupt specula
tion. His operations, for a considerable
number of years past, have been exceedingly
simple. Whenever new street was to be
oponed, he selected the houses which were
til ha Inrn ilawn fun k..t . . .
them , " , " J ' '.Z!
which the city
was to pay him lor their
A man in Des Moines, Iowa, bas erected
a dwelling house for himself mostly of pa
per. The weather boarding, Inside walls,
and shingling are of that material known in
tbe Wtet as the "Roek River Company's
Building Paper." Tbe cost is about two-
birds that of the ordinary materials, and
hn house, It is (aid, is much warmer than
where plaster and wood are used.
Hit. Fki.i., ot Pittsburgh tbe great In
dian Herb Doctor who bas caused so much
excitement whero be has been operating,
by the wonderful cures he is dally perform
ing, will opera to lor a few days at Petrole
um Centre. He can bo consulted at the
McCllntock Homo, free of charge, on Mon
day and Tuesday, March 8th and 9tb. Tbo
aftiicted should give him a call. St
The untiuibered surf ico of the plains be.
tweeu ibe Mississippi and the Pacific
amounts to fourteen hundred thousand
squaw miles, and It is ass-rted Hint, by a
liule eitilicial elfirl. fore.Ui mny b grad
ually emended over ibis large area, hx
piimenis tinner made have proved sue-
v-r...... iiwi io tne nuoiijcr or
minions nave lieeu iiruduced
from the semi
ot almost ever, forest apeciesJiy the uniided
etl'jrts of a single association- in Noi-raska.
The Cinoimti Tiroes tells the following
affecting story "We have-recently been
made acquaint with the sad Jest and at
the same tiimone or the most singular
cases tbat it us ever been our duly to
chronicle. Win the war commenced there
lived on Vine ireet an honest, industrious
German family who supported themselves
by keeping a ntion store. When Sumter
was fired on (b husband at once enlisted
in the army n-ajt private, and by his dis
tinguished abijty and bravery was soon
promoted to tb command ol his company.
At last he wroe to his wife tbat be bad re
ceived a leaveof alsence, end would cer
tainly be bomcon tbe following Thursday,
and be wanted her to meet him at tbe train.
The next day. instead of starting for home,
tho buttle of Cittysburg was fought, and be
wns among Hit slain Tho news of bis
death came, snd since that time his devoted
wife has been crazy, and still expects ber
husband on tin train, and by day and night
in all kisils of weather stands in tbe
middle of the crossing in front of her bou.iei
looking la every direction for tbe approach
of bim wbe will never tome again. Often
abe will call upon tbe Mayor aud other city
authorities to have officers detailed to go
and watch 'that train,' to see if her busband
is not coming. This strange conduct has
lasted for almost six years, and tbe grief
and troubles of the poor woman bavo been
so great, tbat she has turned prematurely
gray, and although under thirty years of
ago, bas tbe appearance of a rery old per
Ir you have tbe Liver Complaint, use J
W. Downer fc Co.'s Great Yosemite. Bit
ters. feb20-tf.
Voi.TAim's Death Bed. Tho United
States Consul at, Moscow, Mr. Bugene
Schuyler, it is announced, has discovered
among the Russian archives, a cotemporary
account of the occurrences at the death of
Voltaire. The paper was written by Prinoe
Ivnn Baiiantinsky. the Russian Ambassador
at Paris, and transmitted to tbe Empress
Catharine II. Tbe writer says tbat knowiog
the great interest that the Empress took In
Voltaire, bo had tbe account prepared by a
person who was well acquainted with the
details. This person from internal evidence,
appears te have been tbe physician in at
tendance. The account is very long, filling
three columns of tho Debats newspaper.
Voltaire, it appears, rejected religious con
solation, nnd repulsed the clergyman, ex
claiming, '-Let medio in peace." His lost
words wero, "Take care of Maria." mean
ing hia niece, Madame Denys. The body,
after being embalmed, was carried to the
Abbey of Celliere, and when la'd in the
gravi was covered, with two feet ofqnick
lime. The full accnunt was published under
tho supervision of Henry Talne, tbo well
known author of tho History of English
Literature, to whom the document was
transmitted by Mr. Schuyler.
Ip General Debility is ''what's the mat
ter," use tho Great Tosemite Bitters. If.
George D. Prentice and James Guthrie
are both dangerously ill at Louisville.
At Hudson, Massachusetts, a colored hoy
aged seven has boen commissioned to
Furty-flve American artists and sculptors
are now reeidiog nt Rome.
rtorlh Carolina down to 180C had
duced $9,600,000 in goid.
Tbo Tribune speaks of tbe late oivil war
ss the "very agony of our bloody sweat."
One and a quarter miles in five minutes
was recently ruude by a velocopedist in
ip you are troubled Willi Dyspepsia, use
the Great Yosooiite Bitters. fel20-tf.
There are twelve troupes of ''Original
Christy Miiiftrela" In England.
Many of tho ex-rebcl g nerals are new
railroad Presidents.
There ore nine American students r,t he
Surgical College at Wurzburg.
The Georgia Legislature is di buliiiir a
bill to encourage iuimlgntion.
In a town in Ilantock county, Maine,
the ladies have forir.ed a ' Sidewalk So-
A tombstone in Malm; erected to the
memory of a wife, bears the inscription:
"Teaia cannot restore her, therefore 1
weep. J
Foil " Every Dny Comftfl," use the Groat
Vosemile Bitters." I feb20-tf.
A Malnejpa! cr says th the revolution
in Cuba seriously alleets tt hoop-pole busi
ness ot the farmers ot Fraklin county in
that State. - j
' Po-ind parties" ar theaiest Boston no
ti.iii Those Invited are Kneeled to con
tribute one pouud at least f somelhln" la
The owner 'of the yacht SapphofejdaT ,"m ,0 gnt 11 'ulr r'f Boo
objects to the arrangement),! th uroitnaAi-l I - . . U "toclf, that will vrmr wttl, and
laleriiniional rac, aud it i -off" fu the
l-resent. iuc
liocnl Notices.
Jnit recelvad alarca tock of Sprint patterns, at
Citizens of Petroleum Ventre !
la the way at ' 1
Blank nook,
Fancy Good,
Dird CGe,
Srliool Books,
c, 4c, nt
Trrifvii.LH, pa.
JanH -Sin.
BRP8HESK a InrKS stock Ju-t neet'ed at A. 1).
MILLEU CO. '8. .
CANAKY BIRDS, mule and femalu, new a:ock
Just received, at A. D. MIM.KR A CO.'S.
Lost !
On Thursday, Ftl. 20th, ISTO, a smeoili lirtitt rat
and tan pop. with red cnl'ar. Whoever shall return
tlieaania lo the sulwctibcr will he liberally re
warded. febSO-tf. N. II. I'AYXB.
I offer for sale my entire business interest in the
Liquor and Clear Store, atti-.nled few doora nbova
McKalr1 Drug Store, Wa.liinjtoa atnet. The
stock coiiflata of a Inrse aaoitmint of eholea
Wiuca, LIqaors aLd Ciifa.a. For teiitis ev.qulra on
tbe premise? .
l'ctroleun- Centra, Feb. S3ih, 1W It.
Tarpeta, of every quality and dc aeriptinn, at
RltYNOLD:, MKODIISAD A CO'S, No. 11 Centra
Btraal, opposite the P. f) Oil City, P.u
8WEBTSII l.KECill.8, hole,,ile mi l reail, at
A. 1). Mlf.LEU k C0 3 DltUG STtKE.
-Music LicsMonx.
MRS). St. II. CARMAN, havine ret-irnrj to town
after a brief absence Is now prepared to Eive lea
sons on the Plana to those wlahlnu tho anma For
terms and further parUcula'a eninlre at the Oil Ex
change Hotel.
Petroleum C'ontre, Feb. M, H'll In,.
DON'T CHEW, an antidote tor Tobacco, nnd nit
POUND, for sale at V I). MIM.ER A CO-3.
"Aus." It In not rflcn that we have the timo
to apiiro, or Die iocllnaii m to nitice nty of tbe
thousand and one prenaratlnns snlAJlhroitghont the
cannlry, aneh, as li la claimed, fccins a rovera'gn
cure for one or more of ihc Ills that flush l- heir to
Indeed, we nave frequently wnndcred Hi.u people
ever died afall, oprew old even, when, bv a emnlt
outr-ttiay eould AiriiLsh thamselre wlih some
thing which would keep dljonatat bir.and il'-ry the
aseaults of time I Concern'rig the effleacy of one of
thcae reined-al'atlon-and one wMchhas ba
" celebrated of laie we enn apeak fron-. ner
sonal ex;..rie-e, nd eniu-ehmiiuniW eav ii i.Roo.1.
e rer.T to Ali'ina." nu artiele fur reaturluir and
preervln the hair, iieinnrncmred by Meaara Kew
5. ,.""" 'biinl.n and TriiL'elt, No. nm
Mam Htreer, lliimilo Hiitralo I'nmineiv al dv No
slow walra fAr ee-ni-ii' ('.ti2h Car", a D VII-
fer Petroleum 'anlri!, fa.
f.r.iv w. i -., nl-INlie V Uetall llrll"..ldl.. A --,,,-
fluTee bet CHIARS In llie m ara the Bilf
filo Kav'irltea. maiinfsctuieU by ffaiker & liae.
Seld at tba D. ui; t.;ro of
vrr i.ooim. a Inruc afck ot RKTN'Ot.DS
mfoniiKAO i ro-s.No. u Centre ft. opposite
iuo i o-. wuce, iu t lev, ra.
St, CO
Xew Flour, Feed and Grocery
J. . I'ltATIIKIl,
n.lMi HUI1.I.INO. ()V UUII.vT
.,.H,m... ,., iiimx llouw, hna ou hand a
Uwand mat class tck of riour, feed and
1 t, 7 ' "'" lu'v
'?. uiep-iicuwnere A, D. Cotton
u,,,j uroKe up. Jani tf.
.ii.. k ' h 14 L"tre otreet, opuo.
He the Post Offlcn, Oi I City, p..
s-p- a. n. MILLER & CO.
- . -...... mi. ii. (.icuri, ' nrnn.i
.KMI. KIT 1I1H P ..l.rtlfa.l HIT t. r
faotured by the American Whip Ca Tr, the.,
h.f,k e rAJ',r,f0fl,9""n"!n fwW is
m .1)1 pf0'l " r0jUMd 81 KKYNOLDX,
ii, 1 C0's' No- t-enfo B., Cppo.u,
tha Poet omee Oil City, P. , eppoalte
HatH,CapK. Boots an.Uh....
ftinrtnini at lcaiTr .. . -p
No n r. . "KdDllEAD k CO S,
Mt'v P pi""lte '"'t OMce, Oil
I T.?! 6'' " at S' A' "ano" ' h.
ItnablcBoot Huop, Woahlngtoa Strett,
i-"iP. Give Mm a Irlat. aopiu-tf.
BulldingR for Sale.
OXR UiiPBK AND BAHN. eltnated on o.a
Farm. Jnat al the end of the Hiidne A hntta
1' (t Just aonth of the Ainnlean lloaea. Alio
eral Dwelling llimaas near the Lake shore llonil'
I ha above buildh.ira will be eold on vary raaaon.'
bla tetm. For fuither ptirtieiilara enquire of
H. A RltAtW), Bovd Farm.
I'etrolaum Centre, Pa , March fitb, lHf.u. j w
At Low
station ekv.
school hooks,
15lank books,
Fiue C 3R0MC S, Foreign & American,,
As reasonable ns can h purchased at any
place iu the Oil Kegiun.
m.MSTOX, 1I0SEY vS. to.,
Bipsell's Bank Block.
0)1 City, Pa., Oct. 6, 1SiS tf
His Large Block ol
Intf) the Kim... fonuprly
Oeeupicl by S. tucilmini
He Las added
to his Stock
tion ol
a large (el-
Wliirh be Invites the tallies of Paaioleum Crnlre
, and vicinity to eall ao.l examina Ilka also
n 'od iu tliuii of
Hats & Caps,
it., c, all of which he lias ma.kcd doan
to the
Lowest Cash Prices.
I desire to thank my n tinier
ous customers for their liberal
patronage at my old stand, and
hope by keeping a large selec
tion of Goods, nt Low Trices, to
continue to supply their wants
Petroleum Centre, Mareh S. 18 U tf.
French Boot Maker
Wnkhincton Street,
uiti uu. a UKUG STORE,
Is mauiifacturios to order FIH8T CLASS FINS
ua, ucu aa
Patent L hiUhv Hoots,
i-nmp sole Boots,
French Cork ole Boots,
cote Welt Boots.
Callaadaeamiaes. '
Petroleum Ctre, IV, JujJ t Km' TE -