DRUGS AMD DRUGS 1 MEDICINES ! J. H. CHEISTIE, DEALER IN drugs, nsBDzoiNss. oils, Paints, Varnishes, G-lass, Putty. Soaps Dye Stuffs, Fancy and Toilet Articles. All KINDS OF PATEflT MBD101ME8. PURE WINES UQUOm I SELECTED EXPRESSLY FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES. N. B. Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours'. No. 13 Wasliington-st., Petroleum Centre, Pa. 0y QT, mt a call before parchasliig elsewhere, Mylt tf 1 J. II. CHRIST P. United States -r -i rn-m I J P I"1 XJ I rlCI I f VI 111. r tjysi BJ fj COMPANY, OF NEW YORK, stoblbh?d Harcli 5, 1S50. Capital 4c Assets, 03,000,000 E. J.ROSS, Agent, Petroleum Centre, Pa. This Companv, Ticlnfoneof the oldest tnd nt'i.t r.liablo In tin TJullr.dSiates, anTi ds ample .ecur'ty, not only by tta inree met., which on .Tan mry lt, were el vsady 61 p.r cent uterus Ilabllltf.., but alio by tho PERSONAL LIABILITY OF THE STOCKHOLDERS TO MAKE GOOD ANY DEFICIENCY, ..rarity not afford.d by any other Ca-h Cempai.y. Dividend are Da-tared Anna alhj And mar lie mm! to aasbt In paving Premiums, to afford Id'llilonal Insuranc.. or to secure paid U Polle m after they have In n In force foi a number of yearn, as explained In our pamphlet, or they may accumulate at compound Interest to inei'aa the urn insured, EVERY FATHER tthoald secure a Policy as early as poatible. as anno but h.slthy persons can be Injured, and It Is his moral duty, to prnt iJe In the unfe.-l way for hi. film 1'y, which he cannot do bolter, than by a Life In surance. Money invested In bnslncs may brine snore Intere.t for a while, but It may all b. lost, and the family 1. Ihita left destitute. Jun7-rf. Pianos ! Pianos ! GEOKGS & BltOWtf, Manufacturers, JAMEbTYtWJJ. N. T. Also, ex clusive Agents for the ESTEY COTTAGE ORGAN AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Shet Music, Strings 17 Send for Illustrated Catalogue and price GAOltiil A BIWWN. Warercoms 41 Mala Stieot. Faetery Itronkiya Hloek, foot of M.in-SL nwvr-tf. S. S. G-riswold, Dealer In CO AIi. W Orders by the Car or Ton promptly Killed. Alse, Aflat for the celebrated KEEL Rf DUE COAL! OmCK oa Btcond Street, aeaf K. H. Track, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. Jain tf, MEDICINES. IR2EW CLOTHBftSC Xcw Cioth.nz ! H" here Jivt received find are now opening to the UIIlirMl gilKC OI IMS CIUZCUI UI and vicinity, the mot complete tnck, mid the very i.ieab ii j tea oi n HiiiT CCCCCCCC L L L L L I, L L O ) O O t) O O () ,p ij T T T T T T It H II H H II II II II I I I I II N N N N N N N N GGGGGGGG That was imr before brnn rl.t to tlii pla-e or on Oil Creek, which we are&utiiug at the lowest pod. ible rates. Clotiihtg KWiIa ti Order! t the tliorlest nut Ice. Hats and Caps OF EVERY S1TLE. IN GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS ! onr stock li-complete. Ons price, and all goods warranted as repvtwnlrd I'h.'inkinir our irlemls Tor their liberal patrrnnc. heretofore, we ho,ie :'r-n rtmtiiiTMnce of the prone. l.A.H ll::tM 4c Al.DE!. P'-trot-rtm Outre Ilee VI. 1 i;k tf I33IA.1I V CO., Watciihakers & Jfufxers, IN OrERA HOUSE BUILDING, WASH INGTON STREET, PETOOS-EUM (TNTilE, PA., Eerp sonttsuiljron band a !a-g. nssorrrai nt of WATCHES. JErttLRY. l'lsroi.9. HEVOT.VIMI3. KISIIINO TAOKLK, wartr'djres. ,V . and will sf"!l at morn prices. All tuien work wi r.iuieu to uwa satielhetiuii. LSVERY & FEED STABLES, Washing; on.' Street , opposite lla Opera House, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PENWA. I have, put In a cnoil slic' nf Riding and Driving Horse, which I will let on lusiitul)le terms. Also', Citlicn, Wssuoiiji, Sprlnff Wa.'iwn, tVc. HOUSES boarded and fed and best of care punr ante'tl. jiiuKtf A. SMAWI.EY. J. A. PLAAITE, French Boot Maker lVaihinstoii Street, THREE DOORS WEST OK A. D. MIL . LEU CO. '3 DRUG STORE, PETROIiKUM!E:VTIil3,Pa., Is ni.nuficturiiiR to order FIIIST-CLASS FINK Willi:;, such as Pit tent Lra I her Root, Pump$ole Boots, French Cork Solo RootR, Scotc Welt Boots. . HEAVY OR LIGHT WORK DONE IN FRENCH STYLE. Call and see sample. J. A. PLANTE. retroleum Centre, Pa , July 3 2m. T. T. MAPES, Dealers In tsrc O A. Tii Dellverwl nr at the YerdJby the far or tor. finlS tf TELEGRAPH ItEPOHTEl) FOK THE DAILY REC0I1D, '.U ifJUJi.igaiHUJ 1. '! Al'teruaoii IHsputtht's. New York, Fob. 2.1. Tho Herald's Washington ilispaich siiys: Grant bus become conimniik-atlvu. and ex piewed liiinsulf on SHturdiiy lo a Iriend very freely In regard lo ibn cenpoMlllon of his Cabinet, says: "1 shall iiivi; ciliz-ns lo fill all th Cabinet positions. If my releulions shall not prove judicious in the II I'M instance, I shnll fuel justified in Cor recting tbo mistake by making u eecoad or third selection If iiecejsary." Tho letter book r Gen. nnlleck has bcrn found, containing all the correspondence oil the snbjeet of the removal of Grant when at Vicltsljiirg, Including tho order lor the re moval of Grant, Tbe order wan signed by Hnlleck, but wan inspired by Stanton, who nt that time directed ail tho correspondence of llalleclt, Gen. Batiks friends urge hira to give nil tho papers in bis possession on the tiif juet to tbu public, but he still refuses to do so. Richmond, Va., Feb. 23. Sunday nijiht in the adjoining town of .liancnesier, joun Knugera, aaMespectahiv citizens, was shot dead by Tliomua Willis, whom he had ordered from bis lot a lew hours bcfjie. Willis was arrested. Springfield, Feb. 23. A Bifin named Bell trying lo escape from officer Blon, of Weslfleltl. .Mass., was shot and killed by him, in Southwick, Saturday. Bell was a member f tbe Ciar Makers' Union, and Tyler was trying to arrest bim for assault. Constantinople, Fob. 23. The decree, and orders recently issued hy tho Sublime Porle acainxt tho Greeks, have been revolied and tho Turkish -ports throw open sgtin to Greek shipping. Boston, Feb. 23. It is reported that Wm. G. Balch.Trensur r of James' steam mill, of Newbury port, is delimiter to tho amount, of $30,o'(K). Tbo directors have accepted Baku's resignation. After work now in proress is lini.ledthe. mills will be stopped and a thorough inves ligation made. St. Louis, Feb. 23. Beiij'iimin B. Wiley and daiiuhter, 19 years old. passed through here Saturday en route to M"tnphls. Scntlund county, to stand trial en the charge of murdering an infant, two yeats of ago, the child being the fntitjof incestenius Intcicoursti between the father and daughter, i Troy. Feb. 23. A young roan named Edward Flvnti was murdered by roughs on the ion while cross ing the river Insi night. Three of the mur derers, Thos. Nent. Michael Meikel and " hiiroi Uooertsm.nll youths, were arrested. The principal asiailnnt, Robert Piekelt, has not yet been secured. Fortress Monroe, Feb. 23. A few shnntiei. oeennTerl b ,n...t. lers, on the farr of Mr. St. Clair, on the outskirts of Ilnuntnn. linvi. h..n ... r. .... 1 by the Sherifl'. aided by the military, after uiii-o peacimoiu ittempts were made to dis- Harrisbiirg. Feb. 23. At the St.ile Arsennl Inst evening, while a mime was oeiny llred, a ptcinature dis charee of a ft.annn lilaw nr tLu rlht hn.il of George Clmreh and the left hand of a man uiinieu .iiarsiun yuay. 1'llH IfnllSe Ve.-ler(liltf DVAnlnn mnitn..n. It passed a bill aivlng eucli a gratuity if uu uunuren noiiais. Ik Fever ami Ariio or Intermittent Fe ver trouble you, use the Great Yosomite Bittern. feb20. Dispatches from JruVrson City, Missouri, say tho invesilgalion of the affairs of the Southwest Pacilie Railroad is decidedly in favor of tho Company. Tho report of Dig committee will bo presented to-day. It almws that nearly half u niillin las been expended in construction; that tbo Com pany have drawn en tho Slato Treasurer Tor $150,001) less than they are ontitled to; ttat contracts have boon niado for ties eiiT- licient to carry them fifty miles west of Springfield, and for rolling slock to the amount of $181, 000, t bo delivered before July next. Over three thousand tons of railt aru new en route lo St. Louis, and ar tangemenla have been made, for two thous and live hundred tons more. It was ulfo sliown as an evidence of tho good f.iilh of tho eompany that lliey bava paid off old Fremont claims atuniintinif to $105,000 while the law only required them to pny $60,000. Tun best Tonio pr-iparaticn in uso is the Great Yo.-cm'to Stomach Hitlers, prepared by J. v . Downer (Jo. feb2(l-tf One Heirman, el Hailford. has been ar- r-eled because thero were two contempma neoui Mrs. Hoffmans. RICH MARRIAGE GIFTS. T-i. IrmiKte rii,w i,vii. - v .( . i - i. 1 1 V iwio'i; ..inn ean pre. sew to Iih llride, la a sound eonutllutiun ami a jmro ..,. .. . " - ,5 "."J"'im, Willi tne lillluai a tvkwj. of In nuveleai Pli.we.iaui', sent in . niJ le SOLID Celd Jewelry, Ladles' Set.. Kr Uliias. Pirn, Meer. Bnuona, tit., at IMIIAM A CO'S 1CY the E Howard Anioricao Watoh, IhTToTl X) made, of lull AM to ixi. HMU'PJMO llll.l.M prmui tie jhor"it nolle, at is, I;,coid OiBcs. TUB Oil. ItlARKETsJ. Office of Tnn Pbt'm Ckntke Daily Rrcokd, Petroluch Ckxtuii, Feb. 23, There Is a little more inquiry In the mark et to-day, at yesterday's prices. 600 bbls. wore sold last evening at SG.30; 6 cars to day ut $0.30. Shipments of oil from this point, Feb. 22, per O. C. A. R. Railroad, 1.103 barrels. irruoi.Etnr irtAitKimsir tgl Special Dispatches to the Dally Rmrt. I'lTTSBUimil. Fek 23. Spot 16! for 45 pruvity. 47 gr.. First water 1CU for 45 g. 47 g. . B. (). first six months, for 45 gr. ; for 47 gr. S. O. first six months, 1(1' for45gr. ; for 4" gr. Buyers' option all this year, for 4o gr. ; for 47 gr. SoIIuh' option all this year, 15 for i.i nr. Sales None. Market Quiet and dull. PuiLAnELPuiA, Feb. 23. Spot, 37. Feb'y March 37. March or April'to Jan'y, . April-37. April to June . March to J ine . April to Dec Crude Bbls., iCK. . Crude bulk, 21. Market Quiet; nothing doing. New York. Feb. 23. Receipts Refined. 10,053 barrels. Crude, 255 bb's. Naptha, 236 bbls. Crude. Unsettled at 21 K0:22. Refined, Dull; about 36 for balance of fenrnary. Market London-. Feb. 23.-2. pm. Rcnned, 22 d. Spirits. 7I. Antwerp, Feb. 23.-3 p.m. S"!1.' francs. Liverpool, Feb. 23, 2 p. in. Refined 22 d. Spirits, 7,'RJ. Antwerp, Feb, 23. S p. m. Crude 57','. Western Union Line market Report. New York. Feb. 23. Crnde, bulk, 22a'. Refined P. L. S. to W., 35 ; 8. W. Market Quiet. Philadelphia, Feb. 23. Crude 22' RefiQod-P. L. 3. W., 36 i 8. W. S7i..'. ' Market Quiet and not so firm. Pittsburgh, Feb. 23. Market Quiet; Sales seller's option to August, Closing Tiew York market. New York, 3:10, p. in., Feb. 23. Dull and prices lower. Refined, 3535,tj. Crude. 21J. bOE.U fX NEW KIIIK, New York, Feb. 23. Gold 132 J. Petroleum Exchange HOTEL. OS THE EUROPEAN PLAN, . FRESH OYSTEBS ! Received ALL THE LUXU RIE5 ! OF THE SEASON! , DAILY! ti) Vali!ncton Street, Petroleum Centre, i'a., next door to fshain & Co's J iwelry Htore- F.1V & SA.I), Proprs. Day Koaidprs aecoinmod-ited. Meal eorvod at all hom-s. tlx, u-rs, nnd every deserijitiou ut ame fu-iilHiied guet. No pains will he spared to arcomniodato thoe who favor us with their patronaga. I?IIDY a RAN US Petroleum C'onlr?, Jan. II, Sii'.l. If. GROCERIES! GROCERIES! Crock ry ! Crockery ! Crookery ! Glass Ware, Stone Wait, CHINA WARE, nt all Uiuds and desrriplions. Aln, PROVISION I of all kind. COFFER of fht tc?t nimlliv. TKAS oini.ii t.ni'"-i i"i ei"l"'rrri4 ri."t' II, I. TKIf, ( HKKSK, AIM'LKH, I.KMONS UlfANUK-. uinl in fart uvcrylhiiifi lor. t Hilling to a woll-condactctj GROCERY & rnOVISIQN STOHE. GERMAN -SILVER WARE, KNIVES, HOURS, KPOOXS, Ac Vy frlrndu mid the cllizen, of Pitroleivn r...o,. snd vicinity, will always Uri.l any and evu vihini: In I Diy line ill Ilia GROCEItY STORE ON MAIV-ST Ol t O.SITE THE BANK lil lU.IXfJ. . , ,. V- ""f VIA'Kn A: SO.. mm HJSLV. 1 ibe KhXiOiiU Oft l. v ' j A. D. MILLER & OO.'S COLUMN. A, D, MILLER & CO, Whsfesale and Retail Dealer In DRUGS, MEDICINES, &C. Washington Street, PETROLF.17.1I CENTRE, PA. Their Slock consists of everythinjlln the line of Drugs & Medicines ! PURE J-IQTJOIIS. FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES, Wholesale and Retail Agents lor Y08KMITK STOMACH BITTCtU, JOHN ROOT'S BITTERS, CONSTITUTION BITTERS. ALISMA FOR THE HAIR, SEWARD 4 BENTLEY'S COUGn SYRTJP MAGIC MACEDONIAN OIL, DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS, WALKER S; RAZE'S CIGARS, JAYNRS' MEDICINES, ANDERSON'S DERMADOR. SPENCER'S MIXTURE. SPENCER'S OINTMENT, Ac. PILLS. Aycr'e, Marsden's fellera. i Itnitirintlr.. I,l nur,'. U'li...H Oephalle, IWoflat's, Wi.harl.'a, iierrick-., Moll'., vvripirit, Hiinper'., Ilnilway It. It Jarne's, Clara's Female. heencman'. Daponcw's, de. vuipu 1,00, a a., a. Perfumery, Toilet Ar ticles Soaps, Rrushes, &c. COUGHS, COL.D8, elMta Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral, Jayne's Expectorant, Mnrsden's Balm, Bchenck's Syrup, Universal Syrup, Excelnlot Syrup, Ransom's' Hive Syrnu, Seller's Syrup, Coe's Syrup, Hall's Balsam, Denton's Balsam, Bryan's Wafers, Olive Tar, Brown's Trochee, Wishnrl's Pine Tree Tar, Seward's Couch Cure. Bateman's Syrup, Couj;b Caudy, &t Cigars and Tobaccos ! 'I lie Best Fvcr nronrrlit to the Oil lSeglon. IIAIH RESTORATIVES. AT.TPMA, MRS. J. A. ALLEN'S RING'S. CHEVALIER'S, HALL'S. MARTHA WASHINGTON, BARRETT'S, ROSSETTERS, LYON'S, STERLING'S, BARRY'S, &c, Ac. HITTERS. I!OOT. CONST! rUTION, ROBAPIi'S, OKAKK'S. MAOMIA KTAIt, Ilt HLKVtl MIIIl.Klr, IKlsrKITRH'S, HIT.EH'S. UOOHLANIVS. t'ALH-'OKMA, ATTWOOU'fl, l'KOTOXIDK IHO.V, &C WALL. PAPERS, CiirtnlJis and Rustic ShniltuH. PAIXTS, OIL, YAR.ISIIES, CLASS, PUTTY, C.LLE, Turpentine, Spouses, . tiituffe, Dryers, Uxnl IvcrtJM iK! (Hi, &e, LAMPS, LAMP FIXTURES, Ac Scotch Ale, licusectt Ale, Congress utcr. pr esci! i pt 1 0 ns co m . poundeu at a i.i. hoi ks of the nk;ht .and SI' MIA VS. Is STATIONERY, ENVriCPES M. sriUMCAL IXftTRUMENTsS. TIU FSKS. Conip Hln"ir, pome nnc. rouic all. It Hmii'i t'trt titjn tlih t lotn. nt fjud. uatl wh wilt try tu tnti vrA til Well. rn (.inn t 'i t c i ,;, lHt.s i