..... SOME PRINT OBSCURED DISCOLORATION ON ORIGINAL - -"J V; v.- 'V .. 'V' r" ... .1 ' fur (.Mil. Uri. . . , i ii " 'I mini a 1 . . .rrwrAT!i7rm. TtTY. I James A. Sherriff, Hayln ddlUott to Mm lrg stoek of OIL WELL . HARDWARE, SI STOVES TINWARE &C That lift kAtHM at MS Stand in this Place, 4 f JUST OPE aIonb stock in ms line SUPPLIES Sitflie Southwest Or- ' A nf WnnWa Vol -."!' WHERE HE HOPES, s " : '". " V - Hie use of New and Latt Im- ' crovad Machinery an,lni- ' ' V .... - . pieaieuis in mi f I'UBUUASJS Vtraa BEST MA.TEIAL v; CCl 11 kin t riiAmnf-n ft ' '' --- io merit and reoeireliberal en Y- k ' warament fiW oieratort in i tr " . ; .thatlocality. ,f , ' v- rtBAJiB oite me a call. JaMESAI' SlIEBBlFP. ?. : . . Veliolmm Castro, tfcpt , 1868 tr. .oil .lourneynien OWlS(Jiith''.uTsiM of an hnslnass I am CMipyiud to hit more help to keep up with too doihii for uijr labor. STEADY KMUiiOYMENT WILL BE ,' GIVE,. TO TlM ABOYE-Vswojsk w5VOaKMEN. t of t ' y. FIRST-CLASS LUMBER ! s,tiin.is eoiuAintt ,c -Yard, anf will' -it . on bind at n" '"old ot.. . US KPlBrtuiii J I - -" ya-uULi A T E S v Tir. fit f k Kn a -1 H' 'anm Ceiitr,, Ooti n '(Nf. y jm.jt it . AND CLt)lE CLEANER l Al Lcgfcrt'KOld Ilarneia SUp, ... Main Street,"""; : PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA J'E,'"5" to order. Work dor.o well and DscUf.' '. . UW.DIE8LMAN. JOHN M. DAVIES CO , DRUGGISTSi . flI3ELL'S ; BLOCK, CENTRE-ST., ' "ir o:l ckty, pa. X t - .'' Whales ilo Awn is fur nr. lunn Ilectrln n. Jl.mewcr.ud Dr. Leon's lufaulH "u.dy! iCg-u?' t . of lajth Stltol.'; higcr Fitnuiy Swlni; And iho ' ' ; V ' Acm-lnan Ov.(. Soa:nias smd c Jiitti,u-JIl(i Macliiiiixi ! 3nR SALK.. AT KVi rn r .tvr c 1 -Fivo DAILY RECORD NEWSPAPER, AND WASHMOTON STBEiT, OFPOBITB THE OPEKA nOUSB, PETROLEUM CENTRE. LO SWELL PLVniOBB, Prpr'i. If,liTV DEPARTMENT'; Ayr neelra telegraphic deapstehu np to 4 p. m., nd pretent tbom to our readers ever; ereninu;, em bracing tews of great Interest from sll section? o( the conntiy. We liuve mado specinl armngcmculs, whereby m receive regular Petroleum, Stock and Produce ?Ji"cot reports every ovenln! by telegraph, from Now Voflt, PlnladelpHinand ilttaburgh, which, ogcther wllU Uil'itnrinls nd Local matter, nmkc li one of the iwMt denirabls newspapers published in the Oil Utflon. As an AdvrllsLH Medium, The RECOI h no unporlor, a, It clrcnlntss ner evr an tfiuerator or ueulor can be found XBBWO DEPAHT.11EiT. i . tihavsa large and well selected assortment ot J,w"JObh," Material, emoracing the verj (itest atyles. We are tlieiefore, enabled to ooi;utc '00 WotK of overy Tw'lety satisfactory miuiner When desired, job . bs will be no uly p.'lutdl tu Ci)ia J Shipping Bills. Posters Hand-Bills, Fiograinoies, BUI of rare. t i , ..Liabcla. .- A.VD Business and Visiting Cards LETTER-HEADS, BILL-HEADS, BILLS OP LADING. Etc, Etc BALL yislNTIxA, Piain or Panoj Btylos, nently and promptly execu ted, einbt.tc!o INVITATION CTllCOLAKS PROGRAMMES CARDS, TIUKEra, Etc. ' In fact, every variety a;c style of work ia tvttsr, press i.r.ntlrijj. Morchsnts, Lawyers, Jasilcea of ths Poaco, Land A-entj, Cil Detfen and Agents, Insnnnoo Agents, Mpre smeo Ind ether partlos in want, are Informed ii.ti'"J,n'pnrol 10 oxH,t' ,0 0 "dM k,,,a or liuANKb, bn.lni!ss o.- logal, required in ti.is coin, inuov v. ( JuiiU.iR paiionac resr-ctfnlly Hnliclted. . LtiNOWELL &. PMTarMKK ROBSON'S Oil Criek 1ipe wobks. cji vniiES nonsiox Ac Co., Corner of Scneon & '"",.re s'?, Kamt Dealers In Morris, Taskcr A Co's OIL WELL TUBING AND CASING, ALSO, WORKING BAUHKLS AND VALVB9, bTHFflNO BOXKS, "''Sei. hods. c; Machinery for Oil Wells & Refineries BORING TOOLS, I"" PIPB. OIL PUMFS, COLD AAltKrUMfS Btoiy description of SUPPLIES FOR OIL WELLS AND RE FINERIES, Also, STOVES, TINWARE, BRASS GOODS, TEAMS AND OAS FTTIXQS. . BELIIS1, tACIClNa, and HOSE ; HARDWARE, HOUSB TRIMMINGS, Carpenters' Toolii, Roue, Oaktim, Nulls, Ates, CofTco Mills, Tble& Pocket Cutlery ; K Fnll Assortment of Ewrything In the HARDWARE LINK iiUJO Fnr'ttshlnR Goods, Lamps. Cliimtievs, Ho. 1 Winter Strained Lard Oil, No. 1 Holloed Oil, KtAir Kod. Table and Door Mats ; Champion Clothes Wringers Manufacturers of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. Repairing of all klnd done with neatness and STEAM AND GAS FITTING. Wchftve endravornd to mrit the pntronntM of ho p'lViuc. and sluiU uo cvgiy exertion to injure 11 ".tinnnnpti. MERCHANT "IP t& Hit (T& its sa.ras sw axM sj Kisscll's 5!ck, !1 Clty, lias Just received a lare a&ortraont of NEW ' FILL & mm G00DS4 Of the Latest Pnris, London, and Now Turk Fash ions, compriring in pint CLOTHS. BEATRRS, DOESKINS. TRICOTS, VELVETS. CASSIMERES, &c, and all nrtli-lo kopt In a First-C'laos TsUloi'iiig Estab liftiiinuat. Slats, rapa. Fine Whtfo Rlilrtu, Paprr t'olibri.. IIkhc, Siispmitlurv. Necklieu, untl Jneoner.il. All descrl.vfoiH of I l,nh!n made nn by ex'wr eiiecd workmen, in the laiest etiles, at rvaouable prices. SATISFACTION GUAR. VT F. RD. 011C.ty,Pa..S,p.lo L-tf ACQ B,MUN- 0KMSI0f UiiSEY & CO., Stationers I Keep a full line of STATIONERY. SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, AlXE'3 GOLD PEM, SHEET MUSIC, TOYS TRAVELING BAGS, 4c. ' WALL PAPER! 1.00 I.OLLS ! Xew and clcirant Designs. Paper Hangis. As reasonnl.lB as cun be purchased at any pluoo in tho Oil Region. Kfsell's Bank Block. OIL CITY, PA. on city, pa., Oct. a, nm-tt C3-, OQDEN, FLOUR ffl FEED STORE, NO. 3T CEXTKE-ST., oil, OITV, PA. O JwUlr' ?' ",'!"--it "f the kind In the retan t 4 " timt ttu,J ld w holisale ."d : a-.gUS-tt ,, fitiilitles ror ItirnMnma e'erytninj in nitr line, .jtyS been grefitly incroaaed, in tlto eviction 2l,;'.'i'i.,' nillMiuv'. ara now J, TO AN Y OTTIKR RSTADUSUMKNT T. B. McNair & Co, 2!) WAS21LfiT0X-ST., Would rc.'vectriilly nnnounco Hint tiny are nig uuw opening a lull msoitoicut of DEUGS ! PATENT MEDICINES I Faints, Oils, Soaps, Brushes, &o. In the room formerly 'occupied by Mr. (ioouman. IW Particular atteutiori will be paid to the preparation of Proscriptions, and no pains spar ed to make this Department as complete as any iu the country. "Wines, and FORMRDIGINAL PURPOSES SSF"JOur prices will compare favorably, and we do not doubt l)ein2f able to suit all who may iavor us mm tneir patronage. 1T. HI ?IcN.HH A; CO. Petroleum Centre, -'a., Oct. 0; 'U--.-tf Erie lisid i.'ittKSiii-gli 14. li. ON AND APTKR SflNDAY, NOV. 2M, 18H8 trains will run on luia mud n follows: LKAVR EHIE SOCTtlWAai). 10.25 a. ui., Pittwbuivh llxpiv.si, tiips nt n'l pta t'.onjmind ai-Hves ai. A. II. W. li it.'il:aii! for at 1 ,T, o m ur N.,w Cait'i' at 3.15 n m. and ut Pittsburgh at 0 no p. m. 4.30 n, in., AccunuiUMl:ition from J:ini!Mown. n r- rlvcs at A. i a. W. It. K. Truininr m f.,i tl n. ' in., nt New 'niln at 7oo a in., uud al rittf.liiin.di at lU.'K) a. m (.10 p.m.. Jlix-i'd Tiuin icnviM Elic fur Fhirnn ! stopping at nil iiiteiaii iiiatc ntuuoiis uud ar- i nvirgtiii.U'.'i. m KnnrHWAim. ti5 Erie Express leaves Now Oiille at 9,15 a m., i A. tu W. It. It. Ti'iinsfriit ll.l.i n rn., , and arrives at Erie ot a.:ni p m., makiny A close coniiecllnn for Rtif, and Nln. Kails 's p. in. Erie AcconiniOiltilion lravi' N. f'aslieat T,-Hp m , A O. V'. K. It. Tmuslerat B,0.: p m., .lamo.JTown at 0.40 r. in. 3.3ii. m. Mix'Hl Trnln loaves SUui;m for Erie, ar 5 livliiK at 11,60 p iu. PiUbiirli Expr,.s wonlh connects at .Taniestnwn atia.3,),,,. ivith J. & P. Kxpio.a. fur Prank lln annul ('- v- t'onnccts at Trimmer at l..V p in with AVt O W. Aecn::iiuol.wtloii west, fur War rein Ilvcalia an'J Lh-veland. r.rle Itpross north on i at. A. & O. W Trans erut lljo a ni., with Mail c!HI fur Meadvillo. "raiiklliinnd till Oily, and at Jumestowa with J I', r.iinrts for Frankllu. Iimni ctunect at Kochestor with trains foi U hocliit.M,lall points in V est Vhuhila, and al I Ittsbiirjh i Kiimoctlons fur I'tllndelnlila. Harris bin-K, Hn,tiinr ad vVasldutiin, via Pcniisyivanis Cenrral 'tailrid. Erie K;cpr, North, ein wts at Ulrard will' Ullie ftlOrO ,-.i,ra ',.ai.,.,....l f.,,. . :. nl....yl m'oT, "nrti'1l points Inthi'wo.f, nt. i:.h'wn) lilladi-lpiiia Vie Rnilnmil lor Cmrv, Wairon. . a.':., iniu wnn minim, a: r;ru Fai.sral for Huffiif Duukirl:, Niagara t ails uuc New l ork City. ' V. N. FINNEY, Ass't iiix-rintendpnt lm IS'1. nf,V,', Moiiiiav. Muv. varrl, lhrts, I usseuser Irains will i ,, ,1,1 r( M ,0:1(JWa. , ' PAH i f1' .'.,f!i HXPIIEW. stopDinu at Ripley, WiNtilid, l),,nki,k and Silver . .. croiik, arnving.t Hrftalnat 4.415 A. M. 10:)5 A M-i Jt".11", "K expkkss. stop. PlngatWestneluHrort,,,, Dunkirk, (Sil nt2 'io" P '"I ar,'iv1" lB 7l'l Ji-.i'FTI KXPUE., stop Id r at Northeast. W Icld, llrocloii. CSOO Trnv ", M',V"' A AOCOMMtiDA. ffitoWf, rj- -"ivlns a, 3:45 J7J?'S hmercruek and Arga s.aiTivin- ut l!in falo at 7.00 P. M. ",u"iB ui inn. lkavk r.rK?ALii noivn wkht. ftlm.uln al A now. Biiviircreok, II,, .l.i.i. w c ' irt..,j , t '.. .'."'uiiv, IJrui:nin, , e'lltrld unit N.,rl ,.. . ...... 1.. . . . ,,. , nt.4S P l ...... ussviil if ' HON, stopping at all staUous, a.rlvlii al Prle nt i,Hn P. M. ' """'" 6:'.J0 n ;7 ;,TOI'K,)0 KXPREMS. stepping at 9:00 P, M-'. STEAMBOAT EXPRESS, ,t. V pint; at Atiuola. Kllrereroek, Dunkirk Jrocton, Wesifii-ld and Northeast, Lrriv Inf! at Erie at I, So A. M. ! A. M., NIGHT EXPKHSS, stonnlno .1 lU Wlywore., Dunkirk and wZESS? 11 11 rlviuff at Erie at 4,4o A. M. . ltallroad tlino is lo miimtes faster thin E1I0 time 11 N BROWN, Ueu-1 Bupt the i.hont uoliou, at the Kscoitl OUlii QO TOWIIAMTeo'li J"y OarWd;.,. ' "" Oil Graft 4 Alleitay EiverBi Mi."i.rr uiii . iv.j ....... ANhf, NEW AND MOST D1KE0T UOCTP ,V TU10 OIL REGION. t 18GS. WINTER AKIl ANQEMENT. TIME TABLE. ON AND AFTEll MONDAT, NOV , 1868, trains will run as follows: ?4oa. 111., PetriiloiimCenlr,.ln.' 11 Itovd Kami ' 4Tn. 111.. Tinisviilo II 03 a. 'arji 1, at 1 orry at t. 10 p m. rrivk. 1:50 1. M.. . hill, am ive, l ldlnnte 9d0 . J 01wipolts 4 o7 p. m (conniTH wiil ,'J? for Pit 10 e u tvl. mi .1 "'""n-. troli-inn Centre n.lH 11. in ,' pj i" 6.21 p. m., Miller Farm S.42 , H I'l!?," "1- !' '. "living ,t'dH Otify A. M., Accommodation from Oil ci. rives nt Petroleum (V11trcj.il is ma ParmTlKI a. m , Tltnsv.llo arrlyiiis at Oorry at 0 i a m.1 GOINO HOliTU l'UOM COItHY, Tlirsvtti. I'P.THOLKL'M CKNTi H A 6lL cm Ul 6:25 A. W., arrives at. tittisvllle s.16 ,. MillT Farm 8.45 a in, Boyd Kurmo.s m. Petroleum Centre 9 oj a is (iinV P.4H a. m., Oieopolis lo 23 a m ft uiiif ii.njia 11, .,,1.1 i-.i "' !"'. K I P- M arrives at Tltnsville , f? m., Miller Farm .toum, Bovd & 2M p m, I'ctroleiim Ccuirs ia , Oil t;ity a.ai p. m., leave on c A'. to. arrives Ole.s,l Is 4.07 p m, feuni with train for Pitholej, id.o'at. S m , and Irvineion H.20 p. 111 f SiX '' J1 r econiniud illon fiom Corn .. rives litusville J.7 ra, MuuJT 7 ST. p. in, Jt .y-1 Parin 7 0:, p m pi? " euire 1.68 p m, arriving at Oil jjj CONNECTIONS. Train, Vnrth & Erie li. II . nod Atlantic A Urat W,., g ., ,.,..,.- ,,,. nno niso Willi Huttlllu, Coin and Pittsburgh ra lroart fur UnrT.ilo ' Trains connect at (HI city with Franklin Braact for tianklin, Moidvlllc, and tne West, suil 111, vlnetun with Phil. Krio II. II Easl anii Wat. istuinlard time twenty minutes f ist.r than Pnri tin Hr.lii, l nn.l A .t- II u- l II .!... ' Vn.niivi'1'. ulll Hnrl H.Ib .,r ..i . . . tho shortest route to and from tbe oil r-'lon All trains West from Irvinetou leave after srriiil of trains on I'. A K. li. It. Be sure and ask ,'or Through Tickets via OIICwi Allegheny lilver Kalhvuy, the Ureal Short Km to tile Oil Kilim. II. K. 5 WEET7.ER.Ocnn Superintsntot C. J. llfcPItlliN, Ass't Dtipcriutcudeiit. b. Pittabursli, Fort Wayne and 43.. .... 1, ll.'IJi XAllLU. (11! Cltv 8,1 II p. m. b55 p. ia. 2.-1 5 a.m. fi:l.r, a. in. 7. Kit a. 111. 8, 1 n a. in. V,.1 a in. , 13 11. 111. 10,00 a. ni. n.in . . Franklin, nestuwn. MiwMile, Clarksville, ".' jw Cast's, IloinewMisI, N,.i. llrii:utun. It"(.i(,ii. Ail-t'li.-i'v, fl.tslni'Lh ar Pi'turni'i'' .1 .'J(l 1, 1.4.1. 1.40 p. a 8,115 p. B 3,J p 4.a.-, r A. AO f. nj V,UV p. B leaves PlUshui-xh at 6,0(1 a. ui., ui I'ltAlNS colnif West on I'ittvluirgh, Fort Wstn , L !- i'joway pass ll aaewuuil nt 11,(11 5:'!1,H 'A'31 " Kl"1 P i PnwViin. It,, il it, ,1. .1, 1 n ... I t , r. it . ' j . . ... ,, u,u Sllll lll.MOD. r Afi - "!' in-, anu iu,ua o,, in and l,..t p. iu., nnd S''rle at Clifcs.M S 7,0'J and 'J,iU p. in., nnd ti.liO ind 1 1.20 1 . F. II . JU Eilf, Ocu l Ticket aesnt. March, 1MH-lf. Plt'shn-fh. ft A I.l!U TO THE LA 111 I S. nt i)::io.c(i's ojldp.n i'eki niMi PII.Lfnr Females. Infillhlu in cnrriin( irrcpilariiies, i nno iiu: ubsti ucions of Iho month 7 ninis, friiin Mh.uever ciiiue and always snitm'il as a prevcniive Cue pll: ia a dose. FemalH pi ctlliai'lv iitimtcil, or tluisi: nipi.slnL't'iiiisi.lvsi, are c titi md acninst uslna these ITIs. white li tifit oundil'O'i lest Ihey invite miicartini. after which adniuuitl'm rtie pro. ilotor usunionii s;iuitHittl.iy. aitliitiien iht-ir mildness wuu.d p-.viut any mi chief to health: othi-rtvlse litu I'iln sro i c imuii ndi'd as a must invutii.th.e reuivdy for itsal leriailou ur those M'tlerhiK Irom any irrctrilai'litt wiic.tovur. as woil 11. to prevent an liirra.ne' of liml ly when hcilth will not permit tr; quietim; th nei'vis and lit int Iul' back tho 'rosy color uflisjltn" to the check of the must delicnto. Full and explicit ilirtcMutis accompany each boi Prli $ 1 per bnx: buxes, $5. Sold in i ctroliiim Centre, by A D. VIM.Iili CO , Co'o Agents'' fr Petroleum Centre, i's. Ijullo -! Ily si-ndln:' thcin $ to tile Petroleum On ire P. O. ea.i have the Pills sent cnnhdeiitiilir bj mall to any p.irt of ire country, tree of clrirce . fcold also by It C C. 9 C ark, Tituivill. Pa. 1 A. It ftrltllth, Oil City: Fleinint; V ' line. Prank In; Dr. J L. Aconib, Tidioiiic; K. T. Il;i lion. Warren; and by "one DriiLgtal" in T ti'wn in the D tiled States, and by Jul 8. I). IluWK, I'rop'r, Nsw York. 1 WARD A Sail: and Speady Cure for Coughs.Colas, Asthma Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Croupi Influenza, Whooping Cough, Incipient, Consumption, and nil Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. Don't neglect 1 severe Cough, or throw away money os 1 worthless medicine. PRICE FIFTY CENTS PER BOTTLl Prepared by SEWARD fc BENTLIT, IxraflMI Baffiilo, H. Y. Sold by all Druf ytsts. A. I). MTLLER & CO.. Wholesale tm'l n,.ll ll.,r.,,lsts A.rst.ts f... PntrolAlltn CeOtrC SUQ vicini vT ' " JuiMy lllHsoliitinn. y rpntten-narlnersliln heretofore exlstlnfc etw I W l Kliiwiosmlth. H Kllnslnsinith sua N D Hofford, iB ibis day dissolved by mutual coo N II Hoffurd retires Irom the firm and W BKMW inxmith and II Kliinriiisinilh coutinue In the mi.i ness, and assume all bills -or or .analnst m ; flru?. WHKLlNGINrlVI Ui J II KLINOINSMITU, V B IIOFFOHD. rotrolenm Centre, Jan. U, itefl. ljNOI,I3Il and KW1IS8 WATOHKM of the Fj inuko, in Uold and Wlver Cases, t loaA & OO'b, In Opera House Bnildii,a. 1 Mil AM Cu,, have ths lareest ltosl(f HBVOfc VEU3 in Veutinco tonnsf . OOINO NDHTII TO OIL CITY A PRTkni CKNTItE TI I'lWVILLB AND Co 1 kv in., ifluun 11 v 111 n. m.,(conii.. iiHTuv.1111 irtinis nir I'fth.ii.,, 1 V