The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, February 12, 1869, Image 2

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    Petroleum Centro Daily Record.
Pet. Centre, Friday, sTeb. 12.
Time of Closlnn ltlntla.
P. ., PiTBiiLFt'K Cusnir. Ta , )
July !Ait, IS'. J
Until further nottso tbe mails will arrive at aud
depart friim this ot'.loe m follows:
' nth and FVist, via. lrrlneon, 10. .8 A. M
South ud West, " Meadtllle, 6 )8 V. M.
North ud Bait, CeTy, : '
Booth and Wait, 8 45 A. M.
!. I , K.-MI and Wast, 3 30 P. V.
Tforia, liust and Wtn, 10.03 A. M.
Divine Service.
Preacliine ul It o'clock A.M., nnd
o'clock P. JR.
Rut. J. T. OxTonr, Pastnr.
M. K. ciiuitcn.
Services every Sabbath nt 11 A. M. ana
7) P. M. Snbbatlt School nt twelve o'clock
M. Setts Free. A cordial invitation
extended to all.
Rkv. C. M. Heard. Pastor.
Mass ut 10'; n. m.
Vespers and Denerllctlon of tho Blessed
Sacrament at 4 p. m.
Catcehis:n ut 2 p. ni.
r JAMES DUNN, Pastor.
A IIosiei.ks3 Doo. A moro mlscrubie
. object thnn a dog without any home, we
cannot liua'lne. Tbo homeless d0 not
the dnj lost but tho (Iok always homeless,
is of uncertain, origin, n sort ol combination
of all breeds. Ho Is always lean, lame, ujly
and hungry. Hia life is made up of bits and
kicks. He is kicked by the man ho follows
in the hope of ut last obtaining a home, and
is battered over the head by the butcher
from whom he attempts to steal his dinner,
it is said that every dog has bis day, but
iue u.iy oi iiih uuineiess cur must i.uve upon
an unusually bad on", or else it has not yet
come. Wo olteu meet him covered with
au.ii'd. Instead ct hair, sneaking, whining,
. and perfectly uwure of his wortblessnees.
liv. Ho is the special abhorrence of dogs
that hare homes. He is taken by the dog
cutcben becnise there Is no one lo muzzle
him, and be a lust ends his unhappy life by
City oidiiiunce.
A terrible accident occurred to a brakes
man nu the A. V. Hy. on last Friday night.
The unfortunate man was George Adams,
living no ir Johnson Station, a few miles
nhovu Pittsburgh. He had been employed
as brakesman ou the freight train and was
on the night train going south, it being his
second trip. When a few miles below Rob
ert's Run, be guru his lamp to the fireman
ii ii J wcut buck on the train to fix the bell
rope, which had become deranged in some
way. It appears that in climbing from one
car to another his foot slipped, and lulling
between thu cars with one leg on the track,
1 he remainder of the train, consisting oj
about twenty cars, rau over his leg near the
thigh, cutting It almost off. Strange as it
uiny seem, his absence from the train was
not discovered till it was many miles below.
Tho passenger train was Diet and its conduc
tor notified of the occutience nnd a sburp
look-out was kept by the engineer, who
seeing him stopped thu truin and took bim
up. It was found that be had crawled
about a ball a mile, dragging his mangled
limb aud when seen was on one side ot thu
track endeavoring to break a stick to use as
u caim to walk n lib. Ho was brought to
this city and given every care that medical
akiU and humanity could I'urnlsb, Lilt the
shock was toe great and he died on Saturday
afternoon. From the occurrence of Hie acci
dent lo tbo time ho was taken up by the
passenger train was about four hours, and
tbe agony that be was compelled to endure
' in that tlrun is beyond conception. Nol-
witbstandiug this, tbn uiilortnnate man ex
hibited arfeadurunco and oven uu approach
to cheerfulness that was astonishing, und
gave hopes that he might survive. We
learn the above facts from the Yeuanu,o Cit
izen. This lirui of Reynold, Hump & Co.. Coal
Dealeiw, is doing a rushing business. Mr.
M. K. Ilewlns., ,it most competent book
keeper, und I'aithlul clerk, is now in the
euisloy ol Ibis hrm. .Mr. is well
nnd favorably kuown in. this community,
and Messis. Reynolds, Rump Jt Co., weie
fortunate m securing his service.
' Thb Brown, well, on iho Red ptonprty
Cberrytroe Run, which hmlieendoingabuut
tw.dve b irruh, whs tui'pedne.l day before
yesterday, and in now claimed lo to doiu
over 1 (( barrels.
The Siier.d" o...tat u !,(., Ev.'ollaud,
haitjdi.iitu ll,..i . i i h'uiii.'y sweeps
noi b im in lb' ii workin i cloth s can
1 1... in i.. in. c.i.v.1 ( .iuj. njeis
in puMio
On. Citt, Feb. 12.
The open weather the Inst few days has
resulted in the melting of nearly all the ice
In the river and creek. Hitherto the Ice
business in Oil City has been overdone, but
this season no one appears to be putting tip
ice, and hence in the summer all who uso it
may expect to pay handsomely lor tho luxu
ry. We should not be surprised to see it
brought down from Moadville on the cars.
Capt. J. B. Geggie has a fine stock or
hardware in the store lately occupied by
Burchtield and Casterline. Some of hia
furnishing goods are just what is needed for
Ibis market and nil who trade with liim find
him polite and accommodating. Apropos of
the Captain, bis friends are urging bim to
present himself as the Republican candid Ala
for Legislature at the ensuing election, li'tt
personal popularity and financial interests
will make him a very strong card.
Capt. W. H. tolling, late of the U. 8. A.
and formerly ass't. Musical Director of the
Venango county .Mimical Association has
commenced giving lessons on the Violin and
Violincello and in the French language.
He is a gentleman nnd a scholar aud all
who place themselves under his instruction
will Hud him n thoroughly competent and
practisal instructor.
The election of officers for thit O. C.
and A. U. Ry. held atCorryon Wednesday
resulted in the appointment of II. F. Swoet
zer, Esq. as Vice President nnd General Su
perintendent. The stockholders buvc judic
iously consulted their own interests In this
selection, as Mr. Sweetner Is without a peer
in tho business of railroading.
The Library Association held thpir Ue-
hato lust evening, an adjourned one, on the
Prohibitory liqijor Inw.
The oil market is unchanged.
J l' AN.
riyliigr lUeut
A Providence, R. I., paper speaks of an in
vention by an oSicer of the Indian army, of
an apparatus, wbioh,whcn 11 tied on a strong
man, enables bim to rise from the earth and
fly like a bird. U is stated that the appar
atus is, in every respect, a biiccoss.
According to the account it consists of
Iwo immense wings made of isinglass, wliicii
are fitted lo the nrms and are moved rupidly,
by two ropes secured to tho heels. The inun
who wishes to avail himself of the apparatus
and fly, sets out on a run on level ground,
but before be has gone twenty steps he finds
biinselt lilted from the earth, and constantly
ascunding. It is only necessary, according to
the formula, that he should keep his legs
moving and beat time with ii:a wings. The
originator ef this discovery in science, con
vinced of the vulue of bis invention made a
wnger that he would fly over u river, near
tho fortifications of his regiment in Alexan
dria; supported entirely by his philosophy
and his wings.
His wager was accepted, and he mada the
uttempt. At first, as the account says, ev
erything worked to perfect satisfaction. The
pbilsosopher ran toward ,the river's bank
und spreading his wings scared upward
beating tbe air in majestic waves by his isin
glass vans. And so he floated nlong, up
ward and downward,
lul inflections. After
from some tangling of
weariness of tbe heels,
in easy and grace
a while; however,
the ropes or some
the motion of the
wings CKino to a sudden pause. Tbero was
a sort of a coliapse in tho wonderful mecli
auism, and the ambitions flyer fell upon the
liver's bed with a broken leg and a broken
arm. Ttis acoident laid him up in the hos
pital, and woak-ned the faith or tho people
in tho practical value of bis invention. At
tlie last accounts, bor.-evor, he was slowly
but surely recovering from his wounds, and
consoling Dimsell in the bolief that hia nil
I fortune was owing to some snarl in his
working cords, and not to
any fault in his
A conductor on the Dayton and Michigan
railroad, on the 1st iust., attempted to col-
leot fare from a passenger who appeared to
lie sleeping. Upon examination, however,
he was found lo.he dead, having been shot
through the head by a pistol lying at his
side III the Bent. Passengers remembered
having heard the report of a pistol or gun
but supposed it was outside of tjie car, and
paid no attention to it. 11 Hud no papers
or letters upon bis person by which ho could
ha idonlifUd.
Tun township election is, progressing
ery quietly. Up to the hour of going to
press the vote cast in this district was un
usually small. The voio will probably bo
veiy light all over the township, as but
little interest is mnnilested in the election
The piesent month derives its name from
I'Vbriialin, the name given by ancient Ue
inat:s lo t expiatory sacritices which
they were sceii&tomoil to olt'sr ut this sea
son. Two employee on a iivigiit train on JLO
YiMlcrd sy,in an aciiiient l.y a brokeu
Wnuiil I iiiik lliilwuvot Cunadi were
Mardl Gras pawed off very pleasantly in
New Orleans on Tuesday, the city being
given up to the gaiety.
The Germans aro said to be the coming
power in New York, as tbey outnumber tho
A Havana letter of the 3d inst, states
that an early compromise between the bel
ligerents is looked for, and that tho Captain
General had already sent to Spain tbo basis
of an amicable agreement. Qnesada op
poses a compromise.
Intense excitement prevails in Jackson
ville, Illinois, respiting tbe mysterious
murder or ex-Sennlor McConnell, His Bon
offers one thousand dollars reward lor tbe
apprehension of tbe assassin, although at
ten o'clock yesterday no olno had been had.
No ono was seen to enter or leave the de
ceased's office, whictt is on one of main
streets of tho city.
Two brothers named John and Frank
Rockwell, living near Plattsburg, Missouri,
pot into a dispute about a bouse on Mondny
last, which resulted in tbe loriner killing
the latter.
The buildings on tbo corner of Pike street
and R tilroad avenue, Pork Jervis, N. J.,
owned by John Dutton and Win. R. Fns
sard, were destroyed by fire Tuesday even
ing. They were oocupied by John Green,
coufectioner, E. A. Clark shoe denier, Ger
sheimur, lager beer saloon, and Mr. J. M.
Allentou, lawyer. Los $15,000. Insured.
An Omaha dispatch says: Ex-Governor
Stewart, of Missouri, is at Lincoln, in the
interest of the Nebraska Trunk Railroad, in
eonneetion with the Missouri Pacific Rail
road. A strong combination is said to have
been formed at Lincoln to improve the
land grants In favor ot the Trunk line and
Sioux City and Columbus route, nnd to de
feat the Omaha and Southwestern Railroad,
which proposes lo lap tbe Union Pacific
Railroad, eastern division, at Fort Riley,
James G. Carney, President of tho
National Bank of Mutual Redemption at
Boston, died Wednesday.
Gen. Sloneman has issued an order direcl
ing that all civil officers, corporations, com
panies and associations in Virginia, requir
ed by law to make reports and returns to
the Legislature at its annual session, to
make tbe same to bis headquarters without
delay. In addition lo annual or ether re
ports, supplemental reports are to be made
to include Jaur7.
The oity government of Ba'timore has
tendered its hospitalities to President John-
eon after the 4th of March.
A meeting of citizens of tho suburbs of
Cincinnati was held Wednesday evening, to
appoint a vigilance conranii'.tee, lo check
highwoy robberies.
A young man mimed John Steigle com
mitted suicide in Cincinnati Tuesday night,
by shooting himself with a pistol.
It is now bulieved that the minder of ex
Senator McConnell,, at Jacksonville, III.,
was tho result of an old grudge entertained
by a nun to whom be had sold land.
The legislative guets Iron) Minnesota
were entertained at Madison by the WUcou
sln Legislature. Tbe cursts number one
hundred and sixty. At tho banquet lust
evening covers wero laid for four hundred.
The bursting of a coal nil lamp in Mem.
phiB lust night caused the destruction or
$10,000 worth of property.
Robert Goode bus been appointed Inspec
tor ol Hulls at Memphis, vire Duval!, de
Tbo woman Suffiago Convention eotnmen.
ed its session in Chicago yesterday. Mrs.
Susan B. Anthony and George Francis
Train have also slguilled their intention to
be on hand. liov. Robert Collyer, Rev. K.
J. Goodspeed, und other prominent citizons
are to address the Convention.
John Tremble und Morris Leonard have
been arrested in New York, suspected of
being the diamond rubbers of Benedict's
show window uu .Monday.
August Belmor.t has Hied a bill of com
pluiut in the L ulled t lulu Circuit Court
against the Uriu lUilt"d CompRny and II.
1'. U lieliicv, ix-'pimng detendnuts to
answer ii.l -noiiit'm. us to the issue and
(lis, osul ol mocx and couvoi tililu bouds.
B. W. Clicker comtuii'ed snialdo at Kun
sas City, Missouri, Wednesday. He leuveB
n wife iu Baltimore.
The American Porno lo 'ical Society is in
Mission ut New York.
A Germuu nurned Gunthner, who robbed
n Gorman IWoflice of $10,000 was arrested
ed on steamer Ausiralasiun, on her urrival
at Portland, aud, half the money recovered.
John Reul is to bo hung in New Yoik on
the 2d of April for the murder of policeman
Tlie Lord Chief Justice of England de
cidej that Sunday evon'u.g conceits and
scientific leeturraj'ire not ;n vtolulioii ot tl e
S'liiday laws.
' " - a'ai-- 1 "-"JK-USlt. K aCTgtVVg.lMCj; aaaisiaiaui
Tub military nnd naval offlcess of Burn
side's North Carnllna expedition met in
New York yesterday and organized perma
nently, calling it tbe Society of the Burn
side Expedition and tbe Niuth Army Corps.
General Burnside was chosen Presidont;
Gen. G. J. Parke, Vice President; Gen.
Louis Richmond, Secretary; Gen. D. R.
Lnrned, Treasurer. Ou motion of General
Burnside, all honorably discharged seldicrs
and sailors el tbe expedition were admitted
to membership. Tbo first annual dinner
of tbe society took place at the Fifth Avcnuo
Hotel last night.
Oxk of the coolest and most unprovoked
murders of the season took place a few days
ago in Cambridge, Missouri. A fellow
named John Carlisle shot a German shoe
maker named Charles Christal, with the
utmost recklesiness,and then very consider
ately picked up tho body and carried It
home. lie then concluded to make tracks,
but a mob got after him, and in a short
time ho was grinning horribly with a hand
kerchicfnroiind his ueck and his toes touch
ing nothing.
Tho small pox is prevailing to an alarm
ing extent in New Yoik city.
The fo lonling letter will explain Itse'.f:
f-HAUox, Pa., Jan. ISO'.).
S. S. Giiiswoi.ii:
l'elrn!'""n Centre, Pa. :
Pkaii Sm:--We write to suy that we
hae concluded to kivu you the exclusive
snle of our 'KeelRidgo" Coal in your sec
tion. Yours truly,
KuinKni.Y, Forkkr & Co.
The rbovewill show that those, other
than myself, vft.n claim to sell '-Keel Ridgo'
nre fi lling a ppurhntse article.
4 S. S. Gmswoi.o.
The subscriber announces that he is an
independent candidate lor Constable of
Chrnphnter township.
51 Feb S. Iait of tlia !ocialic
Will lie held at the Opera Ilunae, Wnshinntoii St.,
on SIONDAV EVENING. Thu manager aro do
tng everything in their power for the eomfort of
tbose who attend. The sIitc will he fitted upnaa
ruora for the convenioure of rue La J!e. Itef. el
mints will be served. Competput pei-ton will have
ohargo of the door and none but those holding tick
eta will he admitted. f,-Ml
Citizen of Petroleum Centre
In tho way of
Blank Rook,
Fanry (Joncln,
Ilird (lagns,
School 12ookt,
c, Ao, at
Tires vis. mi,
jnii.ii -lin
CANARY niKDS, bost G.rman Imported,!
aiouu l reull, nt A. D- S1ILLKH Jfc CO.'.H.
Cnriet, of erery rpiality and description, at
IMiYNOLDf., B'ltOilllli.VD & CO'S, Centre
Strevt, opposite tlie P . O., Oil City, I'.l.
Aluha. This is a newly ilUcoTerf d article to be
used for a hair, which Is sail to h-i
or to nnyilitng of tho kind yut placed brforo the pnli
1'c. ft rentiers the h.ilr sufi and liUisuv. nnd will, it
is said, online the hair lo crow oti (.ciln.s whlcii tiuve
long lacked sucii s ciivi-rin. It not ovoriHrly a
hair dve, and vet II w ii so operate on the rtiots of
iiie satno wiieii inii,!ti i:m ut resi.ire u to us nre'iu-
al eo!i and liixnriance. in a very brii'f period of-
tune, u is D':yomi ipicsiion. a very s.iprrior nrtty,
and will moro thnn nil the exprct'einns of tinv one
who may ntir-naso ft. Svriic.n-o rant r. 't'rv S,iw.
ard'a Coinrli I'll e. It Is the bust . I). JTII.I'.liU
On., Wholesale airl llotail UrituTtsia, Airenla lor
1 etroieum Centra, Pa. novli-lm.
' f:nlnr SlriiiM. A Isive
Gniltr Strings tbe market affurds,
lot of the bert
just reenived at
JanSI If
DIARIES for 1809 at . I). MII.LEIt OG'S.
Dry (iootls, a Intfo Heck nt HKYNOLI1S
nitODHEAO t CO S, No. tl Contro Ht, oiipocitc
the 1-ost Oflie, Oil City, Pa.
& CO 'S.
Til 12 btxst place town to get a pair of llont.
made of the bi'st Stnr!;, tluit will wear well, and
warranted lo lit, is at J, A. t'lanto'H Knl
iouable ll.iot hlrip, Was'linutoll Pir.vl. Petriilnini
Cen're, 1M. titve nl-n 'rial. seplo tf.
I'roekery For all klnd,i(o to REYNOLDS
BRUDIIEAD CO'H, No. 11 Centre trt, opw'.
site tbe Post Office, OU City, Pa.
A larce anartmsnt, both plain and fancy, Jutt ra.
eelved at A. D. MIU.EIt A CO 'H. Call In tDj
examine them.
Xew Flonr, Feed and Grocery
Mtore !
J. S.' Pit AT II EK,
opposite the McCllntock Uousr, baa oa hand a
large and first clnsa stock of Flour Feed and
Urocorlee, which ha la selling at a low Atiro.
!). Don't forget the plttoo whero A, I), t'otlun
A Company broU up. Jan'i tf.
ExcelNior JJilliwrd Purlori.
To enlov a dellirhtrnl and quiet pnme ol rtillliifK
po te A. O. Pnrnhanrs raahiotmliln HUHa'd Par
lors, on Wahitii!ton Stract, next rim,r to tlm Itorti.
pslor House. Tliec l'arlora are within a ihnit dis
tance of most of the principal hotels in IVtrolnim
leniru, inay.u-tl.
ft.Teo best C1QAH8 In the market aro tho I5,if.
fulo r'av.irltes, manufactured by Walker & Kau
Keld at tho Drag Store of
A. D. Mir.I.Ell A CO.
t"$r A. P. MILLER CO., Druggists, aie
ageuts for the celebrated "II- II. Cigars," immu.
factuml by the American Whip Co. Try theni.
Hardware A large assortment of which la
l.fing eloped out at reduced rates at,
IlItODIIKAD COS, No. 11 Cantro St., oppotiie
the Po-itOfflce. Oil City, Va.
Revolvers -
splendid. assortment
1,500 rolls WALL I'APiiit reunited this Juj at
IlatH, Car Hoots nnd Slioca. A Isrce
nii'tmiiii at kkysuld!, hiiudiikau a CO.
Ni'. !I C'eulre Uiroot, opposite the. Post ODlco, Oil
Citv. I'n.
CH I S I havo Kanchos or Farms for snip, throimli-
: CALIFORNIA, in tracts of One Ilr.ndrfd
Acres up to Twenty TiKxirand. Terme to suit pur-
elusjrs. These landswill grow Thlrtv 9ve lo Fifty
Bushels of Wheat to the Acre, with orJinary farm
ing, r.nd a'Vol'.iutoer Crop of Twenty Five biwheli
pa Aire.
CJ-Corre'ponden';c Solicl e l. Address IIEN'RV
i:ci:l"NTV, lie.iUr tu Real Estate, OMec 30i
Mtont.rooii ry Street. Sun FrftTicisiM, Csl.
ACKNTLEMAN and wife wnnl two er tiiret
rooiita convenient ftr house keiTiu.
lii'iliri nl Ulism't .lewvlry Siire. fthlt
French Boot Maker
Watthlnglou Street,
P UT K O , K V C E. T IX E , In . ,
Is nisniracturluR to order FIKST CLA -S8 FINE
WORK, such as
Patent lira I Iter IJoot,
lninplc Btiots,
French Cork Sole Boot-,
Scotc Welt Boot.
Call and see sairplfs.
J. 4. I'LAXTE.
Petroletlio Centre, Ta., July 2 5m.
Jlauu act'.irer and Dealer in
Seed Bags,
Valve Cups1, &c. wnikmeu sro emp'ovel, and II"
;-s f all Kinds keid coiis:ant1v uu hand und ni.iaii
lo order.
V. V. Ucinz's Iat. iSeod-U.'S
For Sale.
Repairing Done at all Times !
Call and exinilna uur stock and prices,
J3:un-St., bcloiv'jho Blct'liit
tock Hoiits.
Fetrolsum Centre. I"a Jan. 7th, 1 If.
RoWs Oil Creek Hps o
Coiner or Seneca nnd Centre Sts, east si'"
or Oil Creek, Oil City, Ta.
Hnvlnu added a powerfnf Blnain Kniilne and th
largo L TII HH, to our already ux'eii'W"
liii-iiiir Estuhlishment, ar now prepared to 'ie
the UHcianary wyik, iu llutag upnd ic,mii'iua
In f,r-l iln'itll Unrlilnnrv .l.ih rk elllnl.O'd I"
wnh nnitiicas and ilisintca "U