The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, February 05, 1869, Image 2

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    Petroleum Centre Daily Record.
Pet. Centre, FrMav, reb. S.
Tim of Cloaliiaj Italia.
P. O., hrwuni Cmrnra, Tk.,
Jolt flat, MM. i
t"fl farther annV th uUi will arrive at and
depart trooi this efflj M fnllowl :
8th an But. via. trvuwton, 19. 'J A. 11.
South aad Wt, MeadVtlle, 5.11 P. X
Honk and but, - Coery, lei "
eth and West, tit A. M.
Sons , W and Watt, 1 as P. M.
Xorth, Saat and Wot, 10.01 A. M.
Ttlvlae Berrlces.
Preathtntrat 11 e'elotk A. If., and 7
'loek P. M.
Kit. J. T. Oxtost, Faitor.
Servloss every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and
114 P. V. Sabbath School at twelve o'clock
M. ItnU Frte. A cordial laTltatlon
i tended to alt.
Kir. C. M. Heakd. Paator.
Maat at 10)4 a. m.
Vesper and BenodUtlon of th Blessed
Sacrament at 4. p. m.
CataabUm at 2 p. m.
At an annual meeting of tbe Philadelphia
Board of Trada, a report was read relative
to three great tteplrs of (be State of Perm
rlvania coal, Iron and petroleum. The
paat year wa a productive one. From the
three great aothraalte coal fields 13,674,257
tona were sent to market a considerable In
crease over 1867. notwithstanding tlrikea.
In tbe bituminous coal Hoe the total pro
duction or the State was not less than 18,.
000,000 tons. Forty-five millions of dollar!
were distributed amongst tbe producer.
Tbe petroleum estimates are almost start'
ling. At least 100,000,000 gallons were ex
ported. Tallied at tbe port of shipment at In currency, Too report ays:
The domestic consumption added to tbl
export would show that tbe world has taken
for consumption not less than 140,000,601
gallons of this remarkable product, and a
lueofover $37,000,000 in our currency."
To tx.tet statistics of non-production for
1SS8 are uol attempted, lint an approximate
esiimaie is made as follows: Pig-iron of all
kluds 883.82 tons; from forges and bloomer
let, 32,164 tons; rail, 253,280 tons; manu
factured iron in tbe various forms. rod,seet
plate, hoop, nails, ate, 265,821 tona
"The amounts would Indicate a value of
n il less than $68,000,000 at the average of
Vtlcet current for tbe year." Aggregating
t'.e values we have a total of $105,000,000.
To furnish an idea of the real magnitude
of eur wealth, thu report compute the
value or cotton tbe almost exclusive staple
or eight Slate 2,200,000 bales at $80 per
Imle, $176,000,000.
JrooiixxT Kotks. The commissioner
of internal revenuo bis recently decided
that a judgment note should he stamped at
the usual rate of promissory pates, being
five oente for every $100, or fractional part
thereof, with Are cents additional, on ao
ciiuot ol tbe clause "without defalcation."
This decision it made under tbe clauses of
the internal revenue law, which provides
that no stamp duty shall be charged upon
any warrnntof attorney accompanying a
bond or note duly stamped.
Orange bluasoms are loosing prestige for
bridal flowers. Biidal runs am or silk and
aatin, under lace, and with pearl stick.
Bridal handkerchiefs are trimmed with the
same quality of lace used In the dress
Bridal gloves are of the sof.ett kid. and the
hoot are of tbe same material at the dress,
buttoned with Roman pearl and trimmed
with blonde lace.
Dubino an altercation aver a game of
cards, at the saloon under CueOp.r Hniiaa,
last evening, between twomeo named Acton
ana ituauer, a Qtfht ensued in which Acton
bad a portion afhis lip bit completely fr by
Knaher. The latter immedi-tely fled, al
though no warrant has as yet been issued
lor bis arrest. The wound was dressed bv
Dr. Christie.
Wi kie requested to state that Mrs n.
M. Carman, the organist or the M. t.
church, alter an absenco of five gabiiatha!
uaa returnee ana will he at her accustomed
post next Sabbath
Tux -lUiuiu'' punt ot nkich so much is
being said, is a native of Suiuo of tbe India
Mauds, and can be grown successfully n
th..p..ulu-ruS!al.s. ItUa fll,iol p8,
aud lis lexiil nut. we B,ak. s it available lor
"1""l"po fr which cellnn It, used:
- sw ium coin supeiior'to cotton elotb
cau u. aud. ft iti ,UJ al Um tuil
Am affair of a very pleasant and Interest
ing character came off at Story Farm, last
eveniag. During the day a committee of
the employee! of tbe Columbia Oil Compa
ny waited npoo the officers Messrs. J. P.
Barcroft, Geo. Bonlton and Rev. R. W.
Hawkins and requested them to be present
at tbe School House In the evening. About
7 1-1 o'clock p. m. tbe Columbia Cornet
Band played several One pieces of music,
which was tbe signal for the employee and
their families to gather. Th meeting was
organised by electing Mr. Harvey Guthrie
President, Mr. John Jones, Viee President,
and A. M. Moreland, Secretary. After call
ing th meeting to order, tbe President la a
few remarks stated ita object, which was to
show the esteem and respect in which tbo
gentlemanly officers, Messrs. Boulton, Bar
croft and Hawkins, are held by tbeir em
ployee! concluding by introducing Mr. Jas.
Imel, master carpenter of the Company, who
after a short review of th discovery of oil
acd the part taken therein by the Columbia
Oil Co. ; receunting tbe pleasant and friend
ly relation which bad ever existed between
tbe employee and officer, la their name
pretested Mr. George Bonlton, Superinten
dent of tbe Company, with a handsome
gold watah and chain bearing the following
Inscription: "Presented to Mr. George
Bnulton by the employee of Columbia Oil
Co." Mr. Boulton In a few well-timed aad
feeling remark returned hi thank to tbe
employees for tbe handsome present, after
which Mr. Imel, on behalf of the employees,
presented Mr. J. P. Barcroft, Manager of
the farm, with an exact duplicate of tbe
watch and chain presented to Mr. Bonlton,
bearing the following inscription: "Pre
sented to J. P. Barcroft by the employees
of Columbia Oil Co." Mr. B. In a very
feeling and appropriate manner returned hi
thank to the donor with tbe hope that tbe
agreeable relationship now exiating between
himself and the mea might never cease.
Mr. Imel, on behalf of th employees, then
presented the Rev. U. W. Hawkins, Book
keeper of the Company, with an elegant
Bible and Hymn Book, trusting that bis life
might long be spared to carry on the good
work in which he was engaged. After re
ceiving them, Sir. H. replied in a very feel
ing manner, thanking tbe donors for Ibis re
newed evidence of their appreciation nnd
love for himself and the good work wb'.ch
ha was endeavoring to carry forward. The
Bible bete the following inscription: " Pro
tented to Rev. B. W. Hawkins by th em
ployee or Columbia Oil Co." Tbe meeting
then adjourned.
The occasion wa enlivened by tome ci
ceueui mumc wnicn wa exetuted In mus-
terly style by tbe Columbia Cornet Band.
Tbe occasion was one long to be remem
bered, and shows to what an extent kindly
reelings may be cultivated between employ
ers and employed.
The watches were mode by tho well,
known Arm of Dunseatb & Haslett, ritts
burgh, Pa. The Bible wasfurnlshei by At
pleton & Co., N. Y.
Tbe following new ha been received
from Port au Prince: The Haytien ateamer
lalnave seized two French vessel in the
harbor of St. Marie fer running the block
ade. Tbe French Admiral bearing of tbe
affair, compelled tbe government to sur
render tbe vessels. He declared that the
blockade ol the Haytien coast was Ineffec
tive; and that the occasional calling or a
man-of-war at a port was not sufficient to
establish a state or blockade, and that
Haytl bad no right to seize foreign vessel
running into ports, tbe blockade of which
It could not maintain. The report of tbe
capture of Aux Cayee by the forces of Sal
nave 1 not confirmed, but it is believed
that Amz Cayes, Jaemel and Jerenle and
other towns on tbe Southern ooast will toon
oo oDiigeu to surrender. The conditioner
affairs in tho northern district of Haytl it un
changed. Business ia rev ivlug at Port an
Wa are pleased to notice tbe return to
town or Mr. V. W. Marshall, who has been
absent for some time past on a visit to
friends in the State of Kentucky, and for the
benefit ol hi health. Hi many friends will
he glad to know that be returns greatly Ira-
proved in health.
Of all the joys vouchsafed to man there"
"thing like a good smoke, especially wheu
you have one of tbose celebrated "H. H."
Cigar only to be found at A. D. Miller &
Co.' Drug Store. We have tried them and
can testily to their merit. Try thera.
A few week ajo a uiuu died in Qulncy,
Massachusetts, from the use of bad whisk.
and a .liquor seller of tbe place has sent to
i iawmow bard working woman, who
depends upon her own Inhor for her sun.
port-a bill for $18, lor the poison furnish,.
filx the United Slates we have Ave hun
dred and forty-two dallies; four thousand,
four hundred and twenty-four weekly, and
two hundred and twenty seven monthly pa-pert.
Ott. Citt, Fob. 5.
Tbe weather for the last three days hat
"come hack" on the time honored prognos
tication in regard to the ground bog teeing
hissbsdow on the second Inst. Ifbehss
been out of hi hole since Tuesday he ha
experienced a touch of cold weather to
wbicb hibernation would be decidedly pref
erable. On Tuesday evening th tegular meeting
of Eogiie Co. No. 1 was held at their rooms.
Fred. Geigle is tbe Chief Eogineer of the
Company tnd their piece" may be justly
regarded at tbe safe guard to property at
a Are.
The recent strike on tbe Flat hat stimu
lated development in the vicinity and we
ef several new well going down.
Last evening the Library Association
beid tbelr weekly debate. Tbl evening
they have a social party at tbe Duncan
House for the benefit of the Association.
Tbe price of admission for lady and gentle
man is fixed at the moderate sum ol $2.00.
Tbe circulars contain a notice that there
will positively bo no raffling. This it prob
ably in consideration of conscientious scru
ples entertained by torn of our citizen in
relation to this practice so common at Fairs
aad entertainment.
Oil market quiet at $7.00; not much
Franklin, Feb. 3. 1869.
nougbton, Roberts Co. vs. D. G. King,
et. a!. Rule to tbow cause why judgment
should not bo entered fer want or sufficient
affidavit of defense. Rule made absolute.
J'. McHiigh vs. Asa Say -Rule to show
cause why judgment should net be stricken
off. Rule discharged.
R. J. Straight vs. J. A. Content Rule to
show cause wbv judgment should not be en
tered for want or sufficient affidavit of de
fense. Rule mado absolute by consent.
Nelson.geymour vs. Terregenta Oil Co.
Rule to show cause why new trial should
not be granted. Rule discharged
Thomas Lynch vs. Goetlel A Lvncb
Rule to show cause why judgment should
not be opened. Rule made absolute a to
defendant, Philip Got I tel.
C. Drake & Bro. vs. C. D Winch. Rule
to ebow cause why judgment should not be
entered lor want of sufficient affidavit ol de
fense. Rule made absolute.
Common wealth vs. Hull & Dempsey
Rule to show cause why judgment should
not be opened. Rule discharged.
F. Ramsay A Co. vs. F. .McConncll. Rule
t ) show cause why judgment should not be
opentd. Continued by consent.
Jacob abnppert, cnovlcled last wevk of
being one of the parties concerned iu the
Benm-hoff robbery, was sentenced to pay a
tine stone dollar and costs of prosecution, to
rvstote tbo property stolen or pny the full
value thereof to the owner, nnd to undergo
an imprisonment in the Western l'enitun
tiaiy at bard labor, in separate or solitary
confinement for the period of one year and
six month".
Speeiul terms ol the serein I courts were
appointed to be held on the 4th and 5th
Mondays of March next fur tbe trial of civil
Senator Nelson, of Tentwsee, bus made
another movement In the Tmnesee Senate
in favor of woman's rights.
Ex-Governor Brown of Mississippi, Is on
hit way to Washington to represent that
Stale beforo the Reconstruction Committee.
Augusta, Maine, was visited by the sever
est mow storm of tho season, en Wednes
day night.
A fire in tho building No. 177, Randolph
street Chicago, on Wednesdav evening.
occasioned a lost of $50,000.
R. E. Newall and F. Allsop wore arrest
ed in Bt. Louis, Wednesday, for having
about five hundred dollars in counterfeit
greenback in their possession.
TbepeliceofSt. Louis last month made
680 arrest. 293 of which were for drunken
nest. Two thousand and six hundred do.
lara worth of stolen property and $6,300
worth ol estray property were reslored to
ita owners.
Tbe Board of Trade at St. Louis have
indorsed the protest of the Philadelphia
Board of Trade against that clause ofiht
bankrupt act known as tbe fifty per cent
The Detroit Medical College was dedicat
ed on tbe 2d int.
Failures among country mercbaata In
Minnesota are daily reported.
The Detroit city officer appointed De
ceinber 2d. (lod difficulty in gelling tbeir
offices. The eld Incumbent refuse to re
tire. The French oritic pronounce Queen Vic
lorit's s.cond book on Prince Albert dull
and uiiworihv or the. iim.,ii,n,,. i.
I wbicli It ha bn issued.
A National none Fair I to be held in
Detroit, commencing June 22d, at whlob
$14,000 will be given In Premium.
During the month ot January there Wat
106 deatbt In Detroit.
Tbe steamer Lexlngtan wai burned at
New Orleans on Wednesday.
The Minnesota Legislature will visit the
Wisconsin Legislature at Madison.
Tho latest newt from tbe Red River set
tlement represents that the distress among
the settlers has not been exaggerated, and
thatserloni apprehensioas are entertained
that there will be many deaths from starva
tion and distress, caused by intufficleat
food, before the clese of winter.
A man, living near Pittsburg, thought to
enliven a languishing fire ia hit grate by
pouring petroleum on In it from a can eon
taining over two gallons. ' The result waa a
frightful explosion that burned him danger
ously and shattered the walls of tbe house.
A couple of New Haven lawyers went to
the resilience ef sick woman to make out
her will, and narrowly escaped with their
live from tbe hand ot an enraged hus
band with a carving knife, who swore he
would cut then Into steak before hi wife
should will away her money from him.
In Leavenworth, last Thursday niicht, an
old man named Schweitzen blew out bisgas
on rutiiing,and was found dead in the morn
Gerstacker, thn great German traveler.
will shortly retnrn to the Unit-d States,
and probably take up bis abode in one of
the Western cities.
Tbe bee cholera, lately so prevalent In
Oblo, has made Its apparanc in T nuos
see. No remedy is known fur this new mat-,
ady among tlx- honey-mnk-rs.
A gentleman from Florence, Alabama,
was robbed of eight hw. s at
talion, on the N'.shi Hie and I.'ecalur liail
road, last Thursday nig! t.
John Magee.who recently die;l in Schny'.
kill count,, woi th $40,000, rot) or so, owned
a part or the Green Bay A Mississippi can
al, which noccssitiied the recording of Ms
will in sixteen Wisconsin counties.
John II nry, of Prince William county,
Virginia, was found dead near Stevenson,
Alabama, a few days ago. No marks of
violi no were found on tho body.
Loral .otic.
oftereh to tub
Citizens of Petroleum Centre !
In tin wajf ot
U III uk Ifookt,
Fancy Good,
Bird Cage,
School lioekt,
Ac, e, at
JiinJI lm.
rT"A. I). MILLER It CO, BniKRi.ts, are
sgciiti ft.r the celebrated "II. 11. Cigars,! mana
factored by th Amerlcin W hip Co. Try than.
Hardware A Urge aisortiwwt of which !s
being closed out at mlu?ed rates at ItKY.WUiS
BIWDHEAD A CO-st, So. It Csntre fit.,,
the PostOfEce Oil City. Ta.
A large aes irtment, lioth plain and fancy, just re
eoived at A. I. SIILI.KU CO. '8. Call lu and
uxamlsc them.
Revolver. a sp.ei.did assortment at
Ishams. J.oil-lf.
lata, Cap. Route Hitd Kline. A lurae
assurtmeiit at KKY.NOI.D8, l)lD!EAI A CO S,
.-o. ii centra street, opposite the. fust Cglce. Oil
City, I'a.
A CO '8.
Ai.ibma This la a newly diicoTon d article to be
used for a bnlr dreliiS, which Is said to ba supst!-
or to anything uf the kind yot placed hefWe the pub-
lie. It remlers the hair soft and ulosv. and mil, It
Is said, cause the hair to crow on sculps nhii h ti
lonn lacked such n env-rtng. It la not prurly a
hair de, and vol It w ll so operate on th rent ol
the sain when applied as to reaium II to In (yi..iii.
al color and luxuriance In a ery brief period uf
lime. It Is boyond qim-lion. a very superior thiair,
aud win move than All the expectations of any oiT
who miiy pun-haso 't Hynie.u-e I'aper. Try New.
arU s Ciitlvli u e ll U the bc.t . I MILLER &
y-' wholiMle and Retail Uruugbta, Agents for
Htlroiutu Canlre, Pa. novlS-lni.
fiiiltar Hlrlusa. a larsa lot of the beat
Oiir Strings the market affords, Just received at
BeaaUhl Slipper Patterns at a. U. Smith's Boot
M Sbo Store. decIS-lf.
Crockery For all kindauo to KBTNOIM
BRODHEAO CO-K, No, n Centre Utnet, opt
site the Post Office, Oil City, Fa.
Dry Goods, a large stick at RTTOLI)
BKODURAO A CO S, No, 11 Centre Bt, epposiu,'
the Poet Ofllca, Oil Cltr, Ia.
rr LADIES wishing to make ao appreprlate
present, will find ksantiful SLIPPER PATTRKM1
al A. 8. SMITH S Root A Shoe Store declitf.
l.SOO rolls WALL 1'AFBK received tke la
New Flour, Feed and Grocer?
eivre i
At the OLD BANK BTTII.TVTVrx. in u., -
opposite tho MeClintoek lion, has oa haad a
large and list class stock of Floor, Feed and
Groceries, which he Is selling at a low tur
wa. iron i torget toe eiasewhere A. D. Cotloa
A Company bruk up. JanJ tf.
a. Call and axantM ih. . .
SLIPI'BK PATTERNS at A. S. Smith's B..ot A
ShoaStor. Uin
, r" "i wuj
al and retail, at A. D. MILLER A CO. 'A
A lares assortment of KINK sl.wi.-ii inn
A 8. Smith's Boot & Shoe Sroro. dacll r
Carpet), of ery analltv and d
RKVNKM)-, B'tOUIlRAD A CO'S. N II i j...
Street, tho P . )., oil City, Pa.
ftxciilaior Jlilllard Parlor..
To enlov a dfllL'htrill Anil n,.i.l m... i.n,.
lio t A. ". Knmham's Kasldnnaiite liillia-d Car'
lors, on ashinutiin xtreet, next rtor to the lloch.
: : . . v ' "' ,p B,r w,lmn a enoit d -
Jane of most of the principal hotels in ivtnilenm
t entre. mB 0 ,f
....v V ...
Cm-Tee best 1 1(1 A I(S In 111. marl..,. ... ..- r .
illC OHf
fulo favorites, manufactured by Walker A Kan.
oem at in in atar or
A. I. MH.U1R 4 co.
THE best plare is town ta m u.-
msd-of the bwt Stock, that will wmr w.ll, j
"" J. A. Planle'a Path.
b'Diible Root Shop, Waslilnctoo Strmt. pi..
Centre, Pa. ftive him a trial. .in .f
CIIOS I have lUnehos or Farms for aale, throngh-
oat CALIFORNIA, in tracts of One Iltindrt
Acres up to Twenty Thousand. Ttrms to cull r.ur.
chasers. These lands will jrow Tlilrty Bv to Fifty
nusluus of Wheat ta th Acre, with ordinary fsrra-
liig. aud a. oluntecr Cr.)p ef Twenty Five biuhci
per Acre.
arCorrpondence Solicited. Address I1KN11T
MiKBNTY, Dealer la Real Bitat., Offlce 301
Montaoin ry Street, Snn Franciaeo, Cnl.
Pianos ! Pianos !
.Vanufacturers, .TAMFSTDWN. N. T. Alsn, ri
cliis:vuAuifi,rtha ESTEY COTTAGE ORGAN
Sli 't Musif, Strings &r.
Ih r Sl'Bt lilustratei Catalogne and pries
GAOIiOl A) BlttlWK.
Wiulw 74rV!M5 Fry-llr.kl,s
Bis-'k. foot of Main-st. m:7-tf
For Sale.
A ''0VP,'FEt w'-'' "I", of K.
RiWlngneecsMry ferninninirawill. Will lietold
at ornate sa'e on l.m 15, Boanlnflioff fill',
h, "?," f" "' A,- M- P'i'TKIt, Leas 92, llnnnliu
hott Hill, or address Box Hit, iviml.iim t entrs,
febi St.
S. S. Griswold,
Dealer in
XW Ordeis by the Car or Ton promptl
Also, Agsnt for the eolebratat
OKFICK oa Seen ad Street, near It. It. Track,
Manu -acturer sad Dealer in
Seed Bags,
Valve Cups, &c.
RTnerliir.Mwt . . . ..
ne-e of h 1 kinri. if. .... .i .
to order. """""7 on "uo ana u-
I. C. Heine's Pat. SerdBn
For 8al.
Repairing Done at all Times !
Call and amla ear stock and prices,
Maiu-gt., below be HcClin
lock Honae.
Petreleum Cstre, Pa., Jap tth, ll-tf