DRUGS AND S. H. CHRISTIE, DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES. OILS, Paints, Varnishes, Glass, Putty. Soaps Dye Stuils Fancy and Toilet Articles. PURE WINES LIQUORS ! SELECTED EXPRESSLY FOR MEDICAL PURPOSE. N. B. Prescriptions carefully No. 1U Washington-st, Olve m cull b'lotr purchasing eleehera. United States LIFE Insurance COMPANY, OF NSW YORK, Established March 5,' 1850. Capital V Assets, 03, 000,000 E. J. ROSS, Agent, Petroleum Centre, Pa. This Company, Being one or lbi oldest and most .rstlabio la tt Uulled 8MtM,!i(r.rd ample sscurty, .not only by It iaree wet, which on Jo 'ary 1st. 1848, were al ready t)li par cent over lu liabilities, but also by the PERSONAL LIABILITY OK TIIB STOCKHOLDERS TO MAKE GOOD ANY DEFICIENCY, a security not afforded by any other Cash Coeipany. Dividend are Declared Anna- alhj hi !: And may be naed to assist In paying Pramlnraa. to afford ldilltional insurane a. or to srsnre paid np Polio es alter thay have bacn In force foi a number of year", aa explained In nnr pamphlet, ir they may eccamnlateat esnipouud Interest to iueraaae the am ineured, rVEBY FATHER Shoa'd secure a Policy as early aa possible, aa n-irie but healthy person tin be ln-nrad. and It Is hie moriil duty, to provide In the safest wtiy fur bis ram. l'y, which he cannot do belter, than by a Lire lo snraues. Money Invested In business may bring mora Interet far a while, but It may all be lent, and the family la thna la ft destitute. Jan7-tf. NEW HARDWARE STORE H8ATIN0 AND COOKING STOVES ! In large variety. " TABLE AND POCKET Cutlery! SHELF HARDWARE. HOUSE FURNISHING BrODS, TIWWARB, LAMPS. LANTERNS, AND FANCY ARTICLES. NAILS AND IRON Wooden Ware, &e. For tal. At the More formerly occupied by BitrchatM and CasttrUue, OIL, CITJf, FA. . AME B. OBCSIE, Oil City, Jan 4. Jisu-tf. - MEDICINES. compounded at all L iours. Petroleum Centre, Pa. Mvi tr.j J. II. CHRISTIE. NEW CLOTHING Xew ClotSiins ! We hare Jnt received and are now opening to the admlrii.g gaze of the citla.-iis of I'GTROIiECJl CE.TRE and vicinity, the most complete fry, and the very Utiut to lea of Winter CCCCCC C C L L I. L L I. L L O () O f) i o o ) T T T T T T T T II H If H H II It II II I I I I II N N N N N N N N GGGGGGGG That war ir before hrcnjlit lo this place or on Oil Creek, which we arctelliug at the loetcst pja. ible ratee. Clothing made to Order! I lh tbnrUat notice. Hats and Caps OF EVERT STYLE 12 GENTS' FURNISHING G0OD3 I our stock In commute. On price, aud all goods nets louini ma I y vrjl wu Thanlrina nnr fi,.m..i -.. t .l. 111. ...1 nrtofor, w kojifi tor om immncn of thn pniae. . A H 'I at' U U A A mj rB.a.iaiii.i av AUifEi.ie 1SIIA3I 4c CO., Watciimakeus & Jewelers, IN OPERA HOUSE BUILDING, WASH INGTON STREET, PKTROL.ECTI CENTRE, PA., Keep constantly en hand a large assortment of WATCH KB. JKA tl.RT. J'lror.!. , KEYOLYCTIS. FISIIIN-G TACKLR, wartrldees. e., and will sell at engiern prices. All Catch work w rnoied lo give satisfaction LIVERY FEED STABLES, Washington Street, opposite iiioupera Mouse, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PENN'A. I have put In tt good Btnp't of Riding and vriving iiorseB, wnico 1 will let on reasonable term. Also, Cutter. Wagons, Spring Wagons, Ac. nOKKES hrainlfft and f. ri ,,ml 1,. or .... ....... Anteinl. jantf A. BMAWI.KV. NEW STORE i Flour, Feed and General Groceries ! KLIXGLYSMITII'S, & CO., Raving loeated in Petroleum Centre, with a larce Stock of GEXEKAL GROCERIES! Toorr-HEit wiTn FXjOXJH Sc feed of varloua branda, Invite the attention of the cltj ana In and ahvut Petroleum Centra to call and amine heir atock. They have on hand and will continue to koup a large and choice lot vf APPLES I aid wti: make a apeclalitv of FLOTJR and FRRT), their facilities beng auen that tbey ran compete tuceasf u'ly with any bouse on the Creek. HEMEMDEB THK1K STAND. OPPOSITE THB MoCUNTOCK UOl.KE. . W. R. KMNUIN9MTTH, novtf 11. KLI.N..INBMHI1, T. T. JKAPES, Dealers la &r c O -A. Tii . Delivered or at the Yard by the car or tap. Jmlltf. TELEGRAPH RtPORTia FOK THE DA1LT RKCOItD, Afternoon Disjuitelies Mudrid, Jan. 30. It ie alalvd tbat tbe .meml'ers of the Pro visional Guvernrant are unanimously in tavnr of Duke Moutpemier fur tbe pauisb throne. , London, Jan. 30. An invilaticn has. been extended to Rev- enlv Johnson to dine with th cerporatioti autborities of Glasgow in February. He bas accepted Iba invitation. United Slates Minister Tnckerman, in a spsech delivered tt public dinner in Athene Thursday, expressed the kindliest feelinps of tbe American nation for Greece, pledged the cordial sympathy orbit Govern ment fur tbe Greeks in tboir anticipated trouble with tbe Turks. Athens, Jan. 30. Tbe aotion ef tbe King of Grc-ce ripen, tbe terms siintnited by the recent Conlerrtice is considered uncertain, and nothing de finite as te bis intention relative to Ibe mat ter is at yet kaewn. Torosto, Jun. 30. A dispatch from Ottawa says Mr. Howe and Sir John McDonald have settled the V ( 1 V Q SftHt. nilii.linn mix . - n h.!n.it..l.. are concerned, a ten details only remaining to uv arrangeu. Dellows Falls, VI., Jn. 30. M'esten and suite havo nrriveil at this plnee. He is a few hours bi-hlnd timo in consequence f the bad condition of the Mads. II" has averaged 9 Wilis a day sinco be left Ilm gor. Montreal. Jan. 3!). The billiard match was won by Dion, he scoring 1,201) lo Foster's 1,116. Average 362. Wohk are the centre ef bomes,and love and reirtcl. Tbey are modest, tbey are graceful from nature's bands, they use little ornauieut, they bavo tcOnement Ihttt shrinks from publiciiy.they have courteous demean or, they have the balo ef motherhood, the siuntsliip of life's duties nebly performed, lliey have a doep religious faith that guides them, they bave aa nntelfiali regard for tbe rights of others, tbey Lave a conscience that shrinks frem tbe faintest breath that would sully the true glory and power or wo manhood. It is easy to sssume tbe garb of the sex, but it is difficult te attain tbe spir it of it. if hy nature or education an individ ual belongs to a coarser mould; but it is worth tbe striving far. There can be no higher honor tban is contained In ibe words 'A aoble woman." . If w.omeii would only lay aeido this anxiety about variety Tor their bodies, and study as earnestly lo ololhe their mind with firm pur; ten, with noble aspirations, with culture, with tinsel fish thoughts or aspirations, tbey would find that tbe true sruret of life wns at last with in tbeir grasp, and lb.it all before, bad been but tbe enter sanctuary oir a temple filled with beauty and hnlinets. Money is so tig;ht in France tbat the Em pcror refused on New Yeat's Day to pay off tbe debt of bis p;)cr relations, according lo c istonv In Vavnria. a priest, in an sfter-dinuer speech, spoke disrespectfully ef the Prime Minister, and was punished by being sent to prison. A private soldier of tbe United Stales ar my, named Francis Gasson, at present siu lioned at Marion, Va., bat Just fallen, beir to $18,000 in gold. Minneapolis refuses to allow a traek through Second street to unite the main line of the St. Paul and Pacific Railroad with tbe Mil waukee and St. Paul. A farmer's convention, to lust four days, began at AnguBta.Maine, on Tuesday morn ing. Tbey discussed potato culture and ex bibitrd sixty varieties. Abel W. Erskise't barn, in Soinerville, Maine, was burnod with nineteen he id of cattle, on Mouday morning. Loss, nearly rour thousand dollars. A n um bet of negroes and a few whites In Petersburg, Va., bave formed an atsociutiou for tbe impartial relief of tbe- Bufforirg puor ef tbat city. An entarnriainor ironlna In c.n iTr.n..i.M.. bas invented an infernal machine, which he slyly tested by placing it on tbe track of h street railroad, lie blew up a carload uf people, but tbey didn't mind it. They biivuk". . Mw ouum vii, j nu rri tnquaae. I ue muehiae resembles an old-rush ioued wale,, being about two inches in diameter and gve-eighlbsof an inch in thickness. It was composed ot Russia sheet iron, with two strong olasps of lead, by which it was si tu red to tbe railroad track. Fixed in tbe interior cf Ibe torpedo, and nearly reaching in upper surface, were three gun-nipples, soldered to the lower plate. Tbey were armed with ordinarv oercii&ainn un un.i were exploded by tne ear wheels passing over them. Tbe machine was filled, of course wiln tome powerlul explosive mix ture. RICH MARRIAGE GIFTS. Tut Uichbst Gift which t Young Man can pre sent to Ills ISrlde,' is a souud constliutiou aud a nuru heart, l-j.-ujn on thtw suj"ets, with the humane tvicw of benevolent fhysi, iana, sent lo sealed le ter envelopes, free of charge. Adurens HOW AB.D ASSOCIATION, Box r., rblladalpbta. Pa. rJS-lm. THE Oik HIABKETI. Omcs of ' Tne Prr'u Ckxtric Dailt Racnit Petrols Ckntkk, Jan. 30, The market is in a flat condition to-day. Nothing doinc. Latt evening 600 hbbls, were sold at $6.80. We quote at $6 CO to $6 85. Shipments of oil from this point, Jan. 23, per O. C. A. R. Railroad, 1,780 barrels. I'DTNOLKlin .TIAKKI"rllY XEL i:;itti'l. Bpeclal Dispatcher to the Dally Rerurd. PiTTsnraua. Jan. 30. f pot 17 for i5 gravity. 47 gr. . First water 17 for 45 g. 47 gr. . 13. (). first six nienths 18 for 45 gr; for 47 gr. S. O. first six months, 16I17 for 45 gr. ; for 47 gr Kuyers' option all this year, 20 for 45 gr. for 47 gr. Sellers' option all this year, 16(916' for 45 gr. Snles None. Market Dull and weaker. 1'mi.iDiLruu, Ju 30. Spot, 3.r.,.'(338. Feh'y 3. March 36). April April lo June . Mnrch to J ine . April to Dec Crude pi, a., 2J!. Cr.idel,iik, 23. ' Market Nothing doing; nicbangcd in ttne. New Turk, Jan 30. Receipta Tfegned, 61 barrels. Crude. 860 bb'a. Napths. 299 Milt. Crude, 2222'f Refined. 3737l. Market Crude dull; Refined steady. Loxonx. Jan. 30. I. pin. Refined. 23'd. Spirits. 9d. Antwerp, Jan. 30. 3 p. m. 58ti,"(it5! francs. LiVKiu-euL, Jan. 30, 2 p. m. Refined 221. Spirits. 9J. Antwerp, Jan. 3.). 5 p. m. Crude 5S'59. Western Unlou Line Market Itepert. New Toik. Jan. 30. Crude, bulk 23. Refined P. L. 8. to W., 3(1 ; S. W. 17 S. Market Firm. Philadelphia, Jas. 30. Crude Ml. Refined P. L. . v w., at. , g. r. Market Firm. Pittsburgh, Jan 30. Market Easier nnd quiet: Snot. ITets. : Pellors tirst (i months, 17; All yMr. 16fig 1C,'4 ; Buyers all year, 20; Ist'li months, is Closing; New York Maritot. New T&rk. 3:10, p. nt., Jan. S3. Dull and prices lower. ReRntd, 37. Crude. 22. COLO IN NEW YUUK. New Yorc, Jan. 30. Geld lSfi'V. Petroleum Exchange HOTEL. ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. FRESH ALL THE LUXC RIE3 ! OF THE SEASON! OYSTERS I y3. Received DAILY! WiiKliingtoii Street, Petroleum Centre, Pa., next Uivir to Ishaiu & Co s J wlrv Stiut- EDDV Sc SAIDS, Propj-'s. Dny B.iarders s.xominodaied. Moats served at ail h'tu'a. Ousters, and every description ol enran fii'nisl crj ir.est. No ii.iiin ili be spared lo accommodate tliofe who fuvur us with tbeir patrone. , , KDDY A SANDS Petrotciira Conlrs, Jan. 6, 18CD. tf. GROCERIES! GROCERIES! Crock, ry! Crockery f Crockery I Glass Ware, Stone Ware, CHINA WARE, ol all kinds and descriptions. Alee, PROVISIONS I ef all kinds. C0FPKB of the best nnality. TEAS which cunnot be surlia-sed F1.UK, BUT TEK, CHKKSE, APPLES- f.KMO.NS and OKA.NUK -, and in fart everything per tuiuioK to a wcll-conUHcted OHOCERY & PROVISION STORE. GERMAN "SILVER WARE, KNIVES, fours, spoons, &c My friends and the citizens of P.trolniim rntr. aud vicluity. will always nnd uny aud eveiythlUK in my tine at tbe GROCERY STORE ON MAIN'-ST., OI'- rusil'lfi TUIi DANK liUILDING. XV. Its ri'l I'U A- inx. . -A J . Petroleum Centre, Hay 111, Mi if. A. D. MILLER A CO.S COLUMN. A, D, MILLER & CO, Wholesale and lletall Dealers Is DRUGS, MEDICINES, &C, Washington Street, FETlftOI.I r.vt CT.NTBE, PA. Tbeir Stock consists of evtrytblngjin Ute line of Drugs & Medicines ! PURE I-ISiXjbllt3, FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES. e Wholesale anal Retail Ageuta lev' JOHN ROOT'S BITTERS, CONSTITUTION BITTERS, ALISMA FOR THE HAIR, SEWARD & BENTLEY'S COUGn SYRUP MAGIC MACEDONIAN OIL, DUPOXCO'3 GOLDEN PILLS, WALKER ft RAZES CIGARS, JAYNKS' MEDICI NKS. ANDERSON'S DERMADOR. SPENCER'S MIXTURE. SPENCER'S OINTMENT, As:- Avar's. Brandeth's. Marsden'a, Wet Ane's, .Motlat's, Mott's. Kailwav' It X. Jud-ori. Feller's. "T Wilson's, Wleharta's, Wrlgh'Ur, Tayne'a. eVhenek'a, OnpoBce's, do. Ceptiaile, Ilorr'CK'i. nonpar's, nonacK's, Clsra's Female, t'hecsenian's v etnan's, do, Ae Perfumery, Toilet Ar ticles, Soaps, Brashes, t&c. COIOIIS, colds, w Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,. javne s iixpectorant, Marsden's Balm, j Cchenck'a Syrap, Universal Syrup, . Kxcelsior Syrup. Ransom's Hive SyniiL Mllert Bynip, Coe's Syrup, Hall's Balsam. Denten't Balsam, Bryan's Wafers, Olive Tar, Brown's Trosfaea, Wishart's Pine Tree Tar, Seward's Cougb Cure, Batemnn's Syrup, Cougb Candy, Jet Cigars and Tobaccos I The Best Ever II r ought to tbe Oil Iteglon. HAIR IlESTOU ATIVE8. ALISMA, . MRS. J. A. ALLEN'S, RING'S. CHEVALIER'S. H.LI.'S. MARTHA WASHINGTON, BARRETT'S, ROSSETTFR'S: LYON'S, STERLING'S, SAKltT S, AO., te. BITTERS. T0SKMITB STOMACIT DITTIfRS, floors roNsri rrnoN, n'riAPB?,- IIUAKK'8. MAOAHAPTAK, DVOLKV'S MISHI.Kfflt. HOSTKTTKH'Sl SPF.ER'8. UOOFLASD'S (-ALIfnnNtA, ATTWOODt, PHOTOXIDB I HON, 40 WALL PAPERS, t'nrtal.'i and Iinttlc Sbadex. PAIXTS, OILS, VAII.MSHE9, GLASS, PUTTY, LlEf Turpentine, Sponges, I)yt tetufN, Dryers,-' RtFIXEKV NIPPUR, Lanl Oil, lierosenc Off,- &. LAMPS, LAMP FIXTURES, 4c. Scotch Ale, Kcnnctt Ale, Congress W ater, PRESCRIPTIONS' COM POUNDED AT ALL HOURS Of THE NIGHT AND SUNDA YS. STATIONERY, ENVELOPES &C. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, TRUSSE. Come along, come one. ooate all. It dont tost any thing to look at goods, and we will try to treat roe,. , . TV JUU.BR A CtV rlro!Mn Centra, Sept s, lst; it.