The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, January 30, 1869, Image 2
SOMK PRINT RATHfiR FAINT Petroleum Centre Daily Record. aet, Ceatre, aalardav, Jan. 30. . Time roioalnf Malta. P. O nnium Csrrant, Pi , Jni 7w, ISO. r knOter aetlea the asaUs will arrive at and Opart nwm this offlee m follows: . mm. Soafh aad Hm(, via. Irviaefcm, N it A. II. oath aad Wait, MeftdvHIe, 5. It P. M. Marts ana tet, " Corrj.tM Sooth and West, Ida A. M. nntl last and West, M P. H. . Rono, B and Wait, 10.00 A. M. II. B. BLACKatOX, P.j. Divine Service. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Proasblng al II e'clock A. If., and 1 'look P. M. Kit. J. T. Oxtobt, Pastor. XI. B. CHURCH. Perviee verv Sabbath at 11 A. M. aad 1 P. V. Sabbath School at twelve o'clock M. Seat Fraa. A cordial invitation xtrnded to all. Rsv. C. M. Heard. Pastor. STB. PITER AND PAUL'S (CATHOLIC) , CHURCH. Maw at 10 a. n. Vespers aad Benecllntloa of tba Blessed Saoratnont at 4 p. tn. Csteahlam at 1 p. id. JAMES DUNN, Pastor. T PitUburgh Commercial, or a lata data, savt : "Tbo Allegheny Valley, form erly famous for Iti inexhaustible supply or lumber. Is now batter known throughout tba world for tba cheap light it jurnisbp tba million at boons and abroad. Its pe troleum trade alone renders it a household word. The oil trade at tba present day has nearly overtaken Ibe coal trade ia point of importance. The amount of lumber an nually brought dowo the Allegheny aver ages 112,000,000 feet; 30,000,000 are dis posed of annually Id tba Pittsburgh market, representing a value of 1,200,000. The value af tba whole amount ia give at $6,000,000. "The Petroleum trade of Pittsburgh ap proximates tc thirteen millions annually. Hlxty-elght refineries, tone of them monster establishments, are ooostantly In operation. Tba visitor who explore tbesa establish ments will find tbat tba greater portion of tn em possess inn tankage for on hundred thousand barrel. Ten '.thousand barrel tank are s common as barrows. A tank with capacity for thirty thousand barrels, and a surfao largo enough for a skating park, is, however, something seldom seen utslda of Pittsburgh. During the past year, 727,682 barrels of refined oil were hipped to Philadelphia alone. The coal-beds ol th Allegheny Valley bav -scarcely been broaobed as yet. In 1862, '63, '61, when there were but three cailaria la operation, tbo Jtotal amount transported over the Allegheny Railraad during these first three years of (be trade was 4,610,325 bushel, or 180.413 tons. Dnriag lb past four years the trade bas In-) creased nearly eighty per cent. The Alle gheny coal fllds embrace nearly two tbous. and acre. Tb oollerle employ about 600 bands, and support a population of two thousand. GOUBT BECOBO. Franklin-, Jan. 28, 1869. Tee jury in the case of Jaoob Sboppard and Geo. Geiger, two of the Benningboff robbeis came into Court at 10 o'clock, p. in., after belsg out five hours, with a verdict of guilty as to Jacob Sboppard in manner and form as be stands indicted, and not guilty at to George Geiger. The counsel for Jacob Sboppard gave notiee that he should apply for a new trial immediately. No other eases disposed of to-day. Tn Franklin Spectator says: "The big well on the Evans lot bas 'petered' out to a great extant.. The extraordinary yield for the first twenty-lour hours wat the proceeds of what borers call a 'pocket.' The 'pocket' contained soma twenty-two barrels. The prospects are tbat tba well will produce a small qutntity ot oil say two or three bar rels per day and tbat amount of tbat kind ol oil will make it really a vers good invest meat." ' Tn well of Thomas Frotbingbam on tb Pierton Farm, wa torpedoed on Thursday and la doing thirty barrels. The well on the Picrson Farm, which we pok of yesterday, ss doing 15 J barrels the effects of a torpedo is doing nothing tbit afternoon. It is thought tn be Ailed V ; . .A kxw well bas been struck on the flats, io Oil City, snd oonvneneed pumping yes terday, aad is doing 33 barrels. The well b '.ongs ti Jff Ton Hix. (t is causing con siderable oxoil'in nt among 'ill men. A National Billiard Tournament is to be held In New York city in April next. A Star Llihl Night. Per hips a starlight night Is the greatest instrument that Is permitted, otherwise than In revolution, to address maakind. We now know that, Ip contemplating those heavens, wa are looking at an bistorUal scene which makes all other historic trivial and transitory. The speck of light which we call star, is an emanation which proceed ed from It origin thousands of yeara ago perhaps, and may not in y manner repre se nt the state of the star at the present day. Then, again, it Is not as If wa were reading the history ot any one past period ; but we are reading the commingled history of In umerable ages, widely delstant from each other. If men thoroughly entered Into Ibe spirit of this strange weird stene it would be the greatest core for ambition, vanity and avaiiea tbat hat ever vised. The idea It vary difficult to realize or to express. To compare small things with great this illustration may be used. It Is as If a man of tb present day were to tee (not to read about, but to see) Lord George Gordon's riots, Louis the Fourteenth's con quest af Flanders, Charlemagne', (laughter of the Saxons, Hsnnibal's vicory at Caanc, the balldiog of the hundred gated Thebe. and weary Methuselah celebrating hit seven hundredth birthday all at tba ama time, these scenes having reached his eye at the same B)oment,and beiog for bim the story of the persent day. Tun New Terk Herald of Jan 29 bat the following important communication, dited New York City, Jan. 28, and signed "W.": "Seeing the contradictory statements published in the papers regarding the fact, or otherwise el an order having been isaaed from the War Department to Gn. Banks shortly before the full of Vieksburg direct ing bim to relieve Gee. Grant, I beg to state the exact faott i the ease, and thus settle this much controverted question. While Gen. Grant was operating in front of Vieksburg I was employed as clerk . in Sec retary Staatoa 'a office at the War Depart ment at Washington.. Secretary Stautoo wrote two order, directing me to made two eepiea of them, one for telegraphing and one for filing. The first of these order was addressed to General Banks, directing bim to proceed at once to Vieksburg and relieve Gen. Grant. The second order waa ad dressed to Gen. Grant, direeting him to turn over his command to Gen. Banks oa the arrival of the latter, who had been or dered to relieve bim. I do not pretend to give the wording of these orders; I have given, however, their exact eubstance and tbey should be on file now in the War De partment unless tbey have since been re moved. I will state further -that the copies oftbese orders to be transmitted by tele, graph I ssnt by Messeagor to the War De partment telegraph office by order of Sec retary Stanton. These copies shonld be on file in the latter office." Tn German North Pole Expedition, which has been so long talked of, it is now expected will sail early in tbo coming summer, under the direction of Dr. Peter- moon. The letter ot Prinse Napoleon to II. Lambert, of the French North Pole Ex pedition, baa served to re-inapire the Ger mans with spirit towards the carryiog oat of Petermson's plans. The Prince's gilt of tea thousand francs, and hi remark that State aid should not be requested, is a good example to the French people but tha Germans do not need such in citement, for the whole nation feels a very determined pride that success must crown the effort of th bold undertakers of the ex pedition, Rsamkgs. On Wednesday evening next, Mr. Kennedy King, of Erie, will give dram atic and poetical readings at the M. E. Church, in this place. Mr. King Is consid ered a brilliant and eleqiieit reader, and high encomiums have been psased upon bim by the press wherever be baa given read ings. The admission will be only fifty cent. We hep to see a large number in attendance. Wa bad a call the other day from tbat old and reliable tank gauger, J. B. D. Clark, of Tllusville. He understands bit bnalness thoroughly. Those wishing to setnre bis services, will find bim at hit office, Ullman's Block, Titusvllle. Matrimony Is hot buckwheat cakes, warm beds; comfortable slippers, smoking coffee, round arms, red lips, kind words, shirt exulting in bu'tons, redeemed stockings, bootjacks, happiness, 4so Hurrah 1 A brewer commenced business in New- burgh twelve years ago, witb a peek of malt for his sole stock in trade. To-day be is worth $200,000. Oliver Cromwell, Dick Turpi and John Weley all died in tba Michigan Penitentia ry lust year,baving the misfortune to bt con fined there. Atlanta hat tb White Fawn tbit west. THE HW. Galveston, Ttxaa, is having a Gomel opera. Tbo Mobile theatre ha keen dosed for want of patronage. Lands in Mississippi are selling at bettor prices than at any time since the war. Cella Logan 1 starring In lb Engliab Province. Rachel's second ten I a clerk ia French gas office. General Grant I (aid to be opposed to dividing Texas. Tb ''Wickedest Mn" i trying tbe tern peranee lay in New York. Prince Napoleon Is said just now to bo in very bad health. Mr. Ex-Opera Hon Pike, of New York, is now writing poetry. Erastnt Corning is seriously ill at Albsny, and hit life diepaired of. Boise City, Idaho, est tains but one wo man, and she it a doctor. A eitlzen ef New Bedford bss had tbe hiccoughs for a week and i.irrives. Senator Garrett Davis, it is said, never permits eny other person to use his frank. Hartford, ha three month' old baby, weighing oly two pounds. Belle Boyd "drew her dagger" on a stage manager in Texas tbe other day. During tbe present season 6,400 bale ef cotton ha been sold at Pin Bluff. Tbe Indiana Legislature askt Congress for an appropriation to build tbe Michigan City harbor. The old practice of throwing vials filled with vitriol Into tbe fates of persons is being revived in Galveston. A mineral spring of rsre curative p roper ties bas been discovered ia or near Plymouth North Carolina. An incendiary fire in Lynchburg, Ta., en Wednesday night, destroyed properly to the amount ef (501). A line of steamers and sailing vessels is soon to be established between .New York and Apalacbioola, Fla. They have a new lest cause in Columbus, Georgia, the., temperance cause. An at tempt is made to revive it. Queen Issbella passes two-thirds af he. lime inneaontly.1 She sleeps sixteen hours a day. The Bostoa Post thinks Indiana by elect, log Pratt Senator, '-has gone back on Cnm- baek." Miehlgaa City hopes to draw to ilsoll tbe Cinciunati lumber trade, now done at Chi cago. Miss Adelaide Philips bas joined tbe Pa repa troupe in consequence of tbe tsatinued illness of Parepa. Mrs. John Wood is managing the iron aristocratic theatre in London tbe '-Royal St. James." Soventy-five thousand cartes de visits of Mrs. Liicoln have been sold by one dealer at Franlford-on-tbe-Mnln. Mark temon, the editor and leading ingre dient of Punch, intends . to visit this country. A Laly in Maeon. Ga., during the last two years, bss provided for the education of seventy-five orphans. A New Yorker proposes to keep tbe Hud son river free from ice by sinking artesian wells attng ita bankt. A Yankee bas invented a music-stand for trsvel which shuts up into a cane, and weighs but two pounds. Three divorces were granted at Indianola Iowa,' last week. Oae of the women was married the asms dsy. A bill abolishing the office of Superinten dent of Publlo Instruction bss been intro duced io tbe Mitnteota Legislature. Ag'Utlemen named Richard Craze fell into a coal pit it Chesterfield county, Vs.. two hundred feet deep a few nights ago. The Georgia Legislature has passed a joint resolution exteis ing tbe time for the collec tion of State tattt until' tbe first ot March. The tobacco barn of Mr. Abraham Kcaf. le, near Sulphur Springs, Monroe countv, Wert Virginia, was burned a few davs since. ; A little son f Coleman Fields, who lives near Lebanon, , Tennessee, bad hit skull fractured by the kick of a mule a few dayt age. i There is a grocer out West who lealso a justice ot the ptace, and who offers le ma', ry gratis tbe couples who will patraaize bis store. Tbe repair shop at Milwaukee, of tb Chicago and llilwankee Railroad wat de. ttroyed by fire last Tuesday morning; loss 55,000. At Burllngtot, Racine county, Wisconsin girl named Mire Rascbe, U years old has boen Ijlog la a trance for the past nineteen i dtyi. !t Extraordinary rimd Practice. . Captain 'Travis gave an exhibition of pistol shooting at bis gallery, in Chicago a few days since, in which he excelled any of bis previous astoaishing pertormaiiees, by s friet of bsznrd'U fia's requiring th most consummate skill on his purl, and extraor dinary daring In that of tbe gentleman who assisted in them. Mr. John Rover, of Texas, beldja cup on bis head and Travis, fired a pistol bullet ibrongh it from a dis tance of twelve paces. Tb feat Was repeat ed twice, the ball going each time within an Inch of the cranium of tb ventuieanme bolder. Tbe tamo gentleman also held, be tween hi finger a small lemon, and after, wards a business card about an inch and a half square, and through each Capt, Travis pnt a btillet, at tbe same distance, with one of the regular gallery pistol. " Few peopl would car to run such risks as Mr. Rover did and fewer still would successfully imitate Capt. Travis' wonderfull skill. Ak argument for coal freight can be seen in the transportation of wheat from tbe vi cinity or Dubuque. It take tb value of one bushel of wheat to carry another bushel to market, and from points further West or lurlher from water communication tbe cost is ot course proportionately treater. ' This demonstrates two things: First, the Impor tance ef ample transportation facilities ot the cheapest kind; aad second, the vast ad vantage ol manufactures in ereiting a home market. If Iowa dad a diversified .industry, creating a borne demand lor ber agricultu ral products, every bushel uf wheat she raises would bs worth as much as two bush else now. She would also sive the cost of transportation on these mantvtWlnred products which she now imports fium Europe or tbe East. This double saving on trans portation would be equitably divi ed among' tbe various clafes of hnr own producers. Tbe greenback of the New Dominion, is a "provincial note," sold by the govern nent to tbe bankers snd Ismed by litem Instesd of their own bills. The note is tav!la in specie, on demand, at Montreal and T (iron- to, and, having a gieen may t-e call ed tbe Dominion greenback. Tbe note ia a legal tender in any part f the Dominion, and is to be made payable at Halifax and St. John, as well as ia the Cona las. The banks now bold a laro amount of leg.l ten- demotes, instead of gold, ttiis being fnunit a eouveaienoe in settling their niiitunl li- auees. The Kovernmenl !a bylaw, il!ice) to bold gold to redeem its ut.ios to ;.. ex tent ot om-filtli of th- ciicula lun. toe balau- Ces tittlnic covered by Iieoiuri .." The Western Union Te i-rapb C n rnr v has now in operation iiltr t!niiiait:l -'; hundred and fifty ini'os of !:. n ,.i r ,i;..',, three Ihoussad, Ihrtr 1 .isv! m i iv oneofflcrs Tbo ro:,T.r T,t; ,,,., ..., Hab a book islvi c. n r.!. te hiv i.rv rtu organ za ion. Lucv It ,1 niHir. 'i ':'i;''ir'I . f if n y -rJ of a.'C, w instant!.'il l,y th fall of a tree, on Tiu'Hilav l:in. Hlnmt twelve miles from Iiris'ol, Teuiii ssim. . Local JVotice. GREAT BARGAINS ! 07FKRBD TO TUB Citizens of Petroleum Centre In the way of Blank Book, Stationery, Fancy Good, Worsteds, Bird Cagen, School Books, Ac, As, at ESLER'S VARIETY 8Stwe, Si SPRING STREET, Janll lia. Car A, V. MILLER A CO.. iirin7i.t. r agents for the celehraled "W. H. Cigars, " maon- laeturea y tn American Whip Co. Try thsiu. a.Tes best CIOARH la Uie market are Die Buf falo Fsvorltos, manufactured by Walker A Saza Said at the Drag Store of . A D. MILLER A CO. VALENTlNhSI VALENTINES! A lares aaa irtmtnt. lioth rlaln and fancv. Inst . ecivedat A. D. MILLKK A'Co.U Call in and examlae thnn - ' B evolve re. a sp.eudid assortment at sham's Janil-tf. Hats. Caps. Boota and aisnaa A trn assortment at REYNOLDS, BKODUBAD A CO S, No. II Centre Strest, omosite ttas, Post' Osw oil ICitT.Pa. - ... . Bcnntlml SItpr-ar Patterns at A & Bmltht Boot A Hhoe Store. decIB-w. t.'rorkerv for all kinds ro to RBTNOLDa TtH'intlKM) A CD', No. 11 Centre .-Jtnet, eppo' lie the Pint f'fflre. Oil City, Pa. Dry Oooile. a large stock at RnywoiIM DKODUBAD t CO S, No, 11 L'amrs St, opposite tha roxl noioa. Oil f'ltv, Pa. rT'LAUIKHwi'lilDg to make aa appropriate p eeeut. will and beaut'tat HLIPPER HA TTBK at A. 8. KM I ril'A Boot a Shoe Store dectSU 1.60O rolls WAI.I. PAPBn received tkw day at A. D. MII.LBK a nv& New Flour, Feed an tt Grocery . Ktorel J. 9. riCATIIRR, At tit OLD BANK BTJILDtMa, OX tfttN.T opposite tba MeClintock lloase, has ea hand a arzeand a. si class stock or Floor, Feed and fJroeerlea, which he Is eelllo at a low (wre. as. iKin-t rorg-ei inc piaae wners A, D. Cotton A Company brok np. Jn3 tt t.Cnll and exsmlas the A us MS-irtnsnt of HIJPI'KR PATTERNS St A. 8. BmltVs Boot A ISboe Store. decll tt CANARY DIRD9, best German imported, what. ale and retail, at A. D. MILLER A OO 9. A large aMortnient efKlSB'SEWSO BOOTtu A 8. Smith's Boot A Shoe 8'ore. f DIARIES foe ton at V t. MILI.KR A GO'S. Carpel, of every qna'lty and description, st RBVNOLD-., BitODIIXAD A CD'S, Mo. II Centre Strarf, oppoitJ- the P . 0 Oil City, Pa. - Excrlnlor Billiard Parlor. To enjoy a ileltphtftil and qnlot cams ol Bil'isidi. got A l Fitniham's Fashionable lllllia-d Pur lore, on Wsstiiinrinn Street, next door to the Hot h. eaier Hnoya Tlie-e Pariors are within a shoit dia. tance of most of the principal hotels in Petroleum l'ntre- eiay B-tf. PAPER AND KNVtLOI'KSat A. O WLLKS A CO '8. Alib4 This is a newly disc-oven d artiels tn U nwd for a hair dwlni. vhlch Is said to be input:, or to anyihiiig of the klud yst placed orfora tliepnb l!c. It readers the Mir sort and clns-v, and will, It U said, cnim ih hair to ..tow nn wilps xhlcb Ux iinxlauked HiichacovHriiiii. It la not nroperlj t hair dve. and yet It w II operate on the relit, of the nun whi applied aa to melon II to lis orl-is. ill color nn-i lovuriunco In a very hrisf period of time. It Is bntond question, a v,-rv apfriiir lira, and wl.l mow thnn fill the exportation of an; o . who mny iur.-b t Svnicnte Paper. Trv Se. J,"1 " i,nh ru ' ,he bwt. a. I). MIl.l'.KIt A s Whol sale nd Retail Drnccista, Apents fit Pt'iro.auni Contra, Pa notli tin. r:nUae Strlns;. Is res lot of th. bnt f!rltr Siring the market adjrds. Just received st Ivham'- - Jantl ta llsrdwuts-A Urge aie -rtuient or which Is l-e'-iR rlo.rd m r!ii"l ntt-a at KKYNOLPt, B:rrmiEP A Cir, No. It Centre Hu, opposite Hi ivwt ri;i0(. on (.,,, riiRbt ..': is towuto get n pair of Hoots uii." of c .cs: stork, that wilt wnr well, snd warn , fd in f.t. Is at. jr. A. Planted fh. 1. n'hle Ro3t Shop, Wnnll'nqtoff Struct, rntruti-uiu e:-tr. Pa. (fivu 1,1-n a rial. sndutr. C AMFOKMA. ;.T Ffi LUS AND STOCK RAN' I' ' r ""'" or Firms for sale, thranfti. -.!.H ''PVI.s, ia tract of One ntnabtl A c : c ; : iv 1 Hon 'and. Terms to suit or ri; in-n T e la J wilt glow Thlrty-Bv to Fifty B-iilwIs of Wheat to tha Acre, with ordinary fau lt g. aad aJVolumscr Crop of Tweuty-tMve bnh(:s pur As e. 4arCnrrespnndcn Ssilclted. Address RKNIT McKKNTV, Dealer in Real Eetate, Office $04 Mootiom ry Sireot, Man Francisco, Cal. JssP. NEW ADVEltTISEMKNTS. S. 8. Griswold, Dealer In COAL. XW. Orders by the Car or Ton pronptlf 1 ... filled . Also, Ajot for the eelobrated KEEL IUD(sE COAL! OFFICK on Second Street, ncsr R. K. Track, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. I Jau-a if. A. T. LEG GELT , atsnufacturar and Dealer la HARNESS, Seed Bags, Valve Cups, &c- Kxperlet.ced workman are employed, and t nesa of all kinds kept constantly ou hand ao" f to order. f I P. C. Helns' Pat. 8eedBT For Sale. Repairing Done at all Tim I 'w, - Call and esamlas ear stock and prlees, Maln-St., below ibe McCIU lock Honae. j Petrolwn Centre, Pa., Jan. fth. 18f -tf- m lCV IhoE. Howard American Watebi A J mao. of ISIIAH A CO. SOLID (told Jeelry, Lad Is' Kets, J "S&N I'lna, eieeve Buttons. Aa.. at 1HHAM A 4 t i t ! 0 VLsme- TMm sa, a.