The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, January 30, 1869, Image 1
SCRii PRINT RATHER FAINT DAILY RECORD (CONTIXVAIION OF TUM PITUOLB DAILY BECORD.) VOl II NO. 59. PETROLEUM CENi RE, PA.. SATURDAY EVENING. JANUARY 30, 1669. 2f CIS. WEEKLY THE PETROLEUM CENTRE DAILY JIECORD. PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING, (Sunday excepted. ) LUNGWELL A l'LUMMER, Proprietor!. W, O. PLUirlMEK, Editor. ' TERMS. Per tsar payable la advance, Tit mouth, ta on w PRICE-LIST OF ADVERTISING. (Tea llnce of nonimreil make on square.) No. Inearth,!!. I S', S M. Col. (mi! day, Two diva, Ituee cays, Peer days, rise days. Van week, Two weeks, 'I Urm weeks, Onem-mth, Two months. Three niouitia, M miniths, Muo months, Obe year, $ 7. 1 IK 1 ft i OA 1 ll, tl 14 60 ft SO 6 S(! 7 00 8 mi so 14 IK' 16 OU SO OH 3D OK 40 110 so oo SO IKI lull 110 1 i SI III) 1 00 (HI ft 10 '50 00 V UO 10 on1 11 60 so HO St M 4 i T no . S S5 1 5t 4 5 IN 1 en 10 I" 1 rt SI IK 11 l hS IN 10 00 11 110 15 00 11lJ l.'l 00 n no to no 3 00. 43 IH M 110 toll 00 MpacUtl notice, to mum per llua, each Inwrtloo. Adrartisemeuts payable quid-teny in advance RUSINESS CARDS. J (I. ELLIOTT,) ATTOUXEY-AT-Ii A W, , AND NOTARY PUBLIC, PETltOLEUSI CEXTRK, PA. 11naln9e In the Conrta at Franklin promptly at tended to. Ofi-ICE In B'siell A COM Briek Bank Build in;:, up sialn 1. ashlngion-st. oct Wlf. UO.MIAH Mil a'11, ATTORNEYS COUNSELORS AT LAW, Oiuce niah Street, Franklin, and Pe'rnlonm Or., ire, Pa. SlavH-U V. PIcAEPINE, ' RESIDENT SURGEON DENTIST. OFFICE Berry's now PoHdleR. eorn.r of Wash ington and Second sis., Petroleum Centre, Pa. mavIS tf. T. u. Christie, m. i., PHYSICIAN AND SUHOBONt Oloe opposite theMcKluuey House, Pieasantvlllc, Pa. Persons from a distance will Kenernlly And him at hi Ofllce on Saturday from lo a. m , to a .m. sepU-tf Col. J. U. UUOH'JI it J. J, McCASM.N, D stern ta OIL LANDS, LEASES, ENGINES, 4c-., ' PIEASANTTILLE, TA. ItlM-tf. . ALUEltT M. HAVER, ATTORNEY fc COCNSELOR-AT-LAW, OFFICE1 In the Brick Bnnk Bti'.ldln?, eornei of Washington aud M da Struma, PKTPei.EUM CENTRE, PENN'A. Hay i, isng. tr. a. p. wimton . n a vam vel-oh WILSON V VAN VIX()!I, GAUGERS AND INSPECTORS OF . CRUDE PETROLEUM, OFFICPS.Mffrpintllo BullilinT. Oil City Ta.. and with Oawnn v Bn vera; Petroleum Centre, Pa. July n&tii. It tf. Ii. O. Jarvis. ' , - Denltr In . CABINET FURNITURE ! A LARGE ASSORTMENT ALWAYS ON HANI). tOOKtNO OIASSKS In stcV varlrty. LooUInt! Glaaf Platna ivplaccd n o'd Franiea. Plctilt'e Fr:iin!ii maclo to order Carpets, Oil -Cloths, Wall I'ani'r, Wimbw Musics, A FINE STOCK. LNIERTAKIG, COFFINS of nil eizi-9 on hand and trimmed to order on abort notice. SASH, bL42S AND DOORS. fall atBM. AUo, Pnttv, Varnlnh, fftaln. e. NO. 18 WAMilNUTON-ST. Tetrolenm Uontre Ph., July U. kM-tf. A. JT. (JHHI8TY, f S, DRUG STORE ' Cor. FIrt Si Holmdcn SU., 'rtbois orrr, pa. bti HOTELS. QHASE IIOLSE.I S. DRAPER, Proprietor, PLEASANTVIL1.E, 1)11:15 am. PENA jycCLINaOCK HOLME. PET1IOLEUM CESTKS, PA. Tb!a popnlai Hotel, ItunteJ Corner of iIalii ft Wusltliiton.ejts., Snt the Da 'O, ha bi-cn Minted and furnlshi-d tliroiiLhoiit, and the proprietor will np-ire- no pains to make it a FIRST-CLASS HOUSE, ee'l tf W It. UAHLR. Proprietor. QEMTUAb IIt)LSi:, PKTUOLEOM CSSTKK, PA., Xear Oil Creek a Allegheny Itlver Bailwav Dopot. itajia-tf. . J. CIlOS. Proprietor. jOClifcSI'El UOL'aE, fraahtrgton itrret. rttrolenm Ccntro, Pa. COLE-6 OrilFFn'T, . . . Proprietor. Thl lion." U cntrally loomed, anJ the general bcalqaitrtt-r. wf oil men. Petroleum On-rn Pa.. Mnv 19 Wl tf. olIEU.nAN HOUSE, Washington Street, Petroleum Ccntro. Pa. D. R CROCKKR, .... PSOI'K. Oootl Ricomniointioiis Tor lrn.i',iit -n-tnm,-r-. Day hoiKd ai d oonnl. ltli mum on riMt,oiuV lerme. Tht- p orni.-tor wi l fpnt-e no i'ln. n- nii;a hl house ultritf ft fo .ttt.. in.'l- t a itiEiciuAN not i:s., PRrritni.rcsi ckntp.e, pa. ,T. It. BAKSKl, . . . l'rojirktnr. Th;s llon-f 1? in i pleti.ant locnlitv, nnd lmt a fchort wnlk f:ni e Iii-jhI TlurooniJ hir la t' nncl cninii.rtii le, niKltiie table siipiiliod with to, de'iCHe'i a of tliu eull. JllUO tr- J. R BASNKS.. I I . I 1 1 1.11, II I II. H , . I I.I Olti CITY, IVV. Hnvtnz recent'y ta'.eu u .?e-s'.iin r.f ih. ii -ii , .iii. .i . Itotiai-, we wna'd mo.. ie:tet .illy In'.rui tl: tin'-- Sugpobltetnu wep-wposet.i !;e-p.i Hoi.:.- and to convince thorn of the fat-t, wo Incite all viio wi.h the comforts o: a ho.uia, to call ttiHia u. It wf!l Lo fomiol The Hoti'l of the Mil Kf;io:!. Our t?ftD'p'e Itrio'iu is aupplli.-d with the i ho'eft Wltiop, l,kpuir.4 and Cih'aiv, and our tiiMe vtii ha fa"d ladei with the wry liet the n aiket ft id.,. There la uounccud with ilia lloii.-a four first c'um Btlllaid Tali'e. A'a", B'rh r Shop and Bit" ('0 ins 11 o u-a c-dl, iiP'l ennvinca yourseives of the truth i la i s of niu asBonli.u. imu.jr-K w. sir a ats, JiA Hi.S Wllt't',.. oc;0 tf JKAMil.lN ilUlM:. SUI-U'Il FA KM tT.VriO.7, On Oil Cre.-k I'ailrnad.l TIIE HOUSE AND FURNITURE NEW. f. w twi r. Juni--if. Pmpiietor. NTi:il.itTIii.Mll. lit. II 1., TdlLI.UIt FA KM, PA. JOHN K liHWK, . . . Propr. flood amoo odntlonn for tr-rsim t eu-tuinor.-i Tiny Ilo-lid and Hoard wilii looms on io.o.oiial.le terin.i. The propvieuir ill spare no jiulus lo make Ilia House ailr iciia o to cuea. juiie2 tf b MO.S HOT lit.. ri.CASANTVJLLB, PA Thl riontc havfnu rcctmtty bon nlnrp'tl nnd rfi-fnriii-ttiMl, 1 am utvi p iroij to ncoainiuudatu two luiM(lrii "uffii emiruriiibly. ttnfr' li'Bv! tliU liuisi ilu-M limes n tiny forTi tttnviii(i Thbi'e Ii alun a linn nl' hrnffw to I'ttlui'e. Jn8-tf TllOS. WcKlNNKV, l'r.p'r. O. l HCHOVHIiOUa rioprfotor of the Buffalo Bakery. Dealer III choice Flour, Butter, Pgjpi aud Cheese. Also, choice Crowrin, Petrolcntn Centre, Pa. Onlem left will he promptly atterded lo. an Good delivered. Posiolllee Box ; X I S ti.vd- GKOKCI .fc BOW., MANUFACTURERS OF FIRST-CLASS PIANO FORTES, JAMESTOWN, N. Y. Wareroome 4 1 Jlaln Bo est. Faetory Brooklvn Sleek, foofol Maiu-Dt. lanjvT-Vf. PeVoleum Centre Daily Record. I'M. IT litre, ttaturJny, Jan. 30. SKcttRTABr SfK Aiti is the only man who hits lii-l.l I he ofiice ol Sforetary of State throiieh two aucconaivo PrHatdi-nital terma for sixty years, or lince Mr. Madiaon lelt the Siatf Di'partment. in 1800; for though Mr. John Q. rtdom wae th only Secretary of Stt in Mr. Moorof's Preaiilency, ho did not IhKii chiirca of the btnte Uepurtmont till aix mnnllia after Mr. Monroe's inannuralinn He wa Miniater in Enpland when appoint cd. Mr. MiUlison and Mr. Seward are t!ie only fully-termed Secretary of Statu men tioned In our History, mere nnve neen twenty-two r'ecretariea of Stale in eighty yi.sis iiHmely. Tlimnna Jelfi-repn, Edinui-.d iMliil.'lih. Tiinnlhy Pkkyrlns, John Murah nll, J.imi-a .Mudiaon. Ro'iert Smith, Jumea Monroe, J. (J Adam. Henry Clay. Martin Van Iiinen. fid ward Livlnton, Lonia Mn Lane, John l-'niaylh. Daiiiel Wehir. A. P. llpalinr. John C. Calhoun. Jane Buchanan, Jc.lui M. CI ivlnn. Edward Everet t, Wm. L. Maicy. Lewia Cae. ami Win. II. Sowatd, the Ititter beintf now in office. The aunnralna used In New York for nnulyzin the air inhaled and exhaled by public nMembliigea, la simply a silk bag of lai'Ke dimenaioiis. which Is suspended from the roof. A'lir It h inflated, it is closed like a balloon. It is s.iid that the exact propoi tiuns of the atmosphere can be ascer- tnined When the tiitnres aro exhiliited, showing Ihe impurities the air at p!nce of public report, it will prolwhly have the el'.ct of bringing ahont some improvement in the meat's of ventilating such p!aces.'j The oi ine crop ill Florida 'as entirely d. l ' y a s-veiv Irns' whhh swept ovei tin, rn'tiie ,Sitr- o:i Chiisttn 'S ilijSht. liioouli toe tie-a me reported utiii:rd. Snco in . re we ituer w never ii or i thai section. Tlie St. .Toti'i' river was fin7.-n over for a disinncn ot feveniy feel Hum tlio stuiie. this bein the llrnt litua that Ice lias h. ea seen ill river. The I'ii-sidenl Li.s sent lo the Senate t'e.t'.t with i'ern for the si ttlemont ol claim hieh hare arisen since 1 So.'!. H i; sai l that cutoroil mi'tis ilme leath er so't ami 'pl uble and unite inijerviotis to i water. ,. , i'a mt.f; we', Rl.ii-'t? the tviv,ner.t of his i ' - , income tax i termed n revenue cutter." 1 mi MiA Oil (M Pipe f orb CHAS. liOIlVON & CO., Corner of Peneen and Centra SK ea't side of Oil Creek, Oil City, Pa. ni'Viiirn-ldM a powernil Steam Knclne aid threi lnr(jH I. .Til KM, lo nur a'ready exn-nlve Nannfftr luiiiej Rutat.llshment. nr. no'w prenared ti do alt tlio uact-si-nry wyrk, in Qitiii;; up, aud repairing. ENGIN'ES. UOILERR. IRON' TANK?. REFINING MACHINERY, COPPER WORMS AND STILLS, . OIL WELL TOOLS AND FITTING?; In fn ilo'nll Machinery Job Work entrusted to n a-Ph neatness ar.d dmpatr.ii atii: ilmos t'FEAEO, CORRV & PITrSICERU RAILROAD TIME TAflf,, Take effect Moudti", Ni)VMn' er'.'-'dt13ti3. NOIITIJiVAItll. AceommodMloti leavn. Cony 8.8 1 p. s; Clymer 4. 6 ; Pun mi" -t. IS.- Hlierman 4.'iri ; Summit l. y ; Mavvllle fi.oo arriving at llmcinu 7.oo p. tn Vxpn-i-s train leaves Corry ti tle A. M. : Clymei 0 55 Puna" il lo lo : Sherman 10 3".; Sum ou ld,oO;Muy villnli.lo, and arrives nl llincinn VI, 0 . Mail leaves furry 1.15 P. , snipping at all sta Hons, arriving at lirocton 1.5" r. a poi-TinvAi:D. Mnll Iraln leaves Itrodon at S.oo a v., stopping at ll stations. arriv.-H at Corrv at IMS r. M. Kxpins loaves llio too at S..1 p. M. ; Mnyvllle 5. .'5 ; MuMinit 3 IS: HI erumn t Panama 4,ti5i Clymer 4.3K, nnd arrivlmr at Corry "t 5."S p. M Aecom"iodatiiili K'flves Bnictor 7.oo p. a., May vllk-s 10. SuMiintt H.4o, elii'ini iii ..V. Panama tl.SO; C'lj nior tt.tS, anivli.K at Corry at lo.lo p. x. CONNFCnoNS Passe'-urrs leave Puff.ilo on Ihfl Toledo Eip-ess orliav, conn ciltiKut Br'a-ton with trains for Mav ilo. Sherman, Panama. Clymer and Corrv; eoiuiectlnc at Corrv with trains on the Oil Creek It. II. for I Ituivliie, airier, I'loncorand let. Centre. dl City nnd Plttsbnish. Also, eoimectio at I'orrv with trains nn the Phil-Bdi-lphla A Kilo l.i.rtil, Tor Phlladrlohin and llnrrls. hurv't and on the Atlantic, and (ire it Wostcirn Kelt wv for Tnlou, Miadvilin, Gr'envtlie, Pa., and Warren. Ohio, and 'emestoivn nd Kandi Ipli.N.V. Trains leaving oil Ciiy Ht d 15 a. m., (Joitv at 9,3o am., eonneerir. at tlrm-ton with tra-.u on B & E. It K., arrivim: In Buffalo at l.lo p m Trains lc.ivinic "(Ml City at d.:Wa in will eonneet with Mail Train Irnvintr Corry at 1,16 p. m., eon uectlutrwPh Kxiu-f-i.s East on 1). ,t E It It., arriy hip in Bnnnlo at 0.50 p. m. Living Butfalo at 4,oo p. ni , arrMmr at Corry at lo,lii p. m. Also, connect at alavville wllh Steamhoats en Chautaiuiaa Ijike dunr season of navigalionj, for Jamestown and ltaiidolil n. i. B TKFW. nrt.. Marville, N. T. Jaul. T. M'Donald, LIVERY, FEED & SALE STABLES ! At the Depot, opposite the Central House, PETROLEUM CENTRE PA. rpOR best Stock of DBIVIXil AM) SADDLE X . UOltSKS on the Creek, are to be found at M'Doifiild'a Livery. CARRIAGES & GUTTERS TO U LET AT ALL TIMES. HORSES FED fc BOARDED an Reasonable Terms. . Teaming: of nil ki nils at tended to Promptly. FSTOlve me a call. T. M'DONAl. Petroleum Ccn'ro, Nov. If, 1869. iEW (OODS ! XEW GOODS ! J'l'ST KECE1VED at the Store of Kcnneriay & Sage. a choice stock of selected GROCERIES, Confuting of Tea. Cofftv. SpUp. plain acd Fan cy roa,i9, Lunauu rrunt. OYSTER?, BUTTER. EGGS, CHEESE. Also, dcii'crs in Confei-ttoniry, Fruits, snd choice hranils of TOllACCO nnd CHIAUS. Call and ex amine our stock at tho Store lately occnplcd by J. Mil ler'a aTewcly Store, KEMEDAV & Stf.E. Petroleum Centre, fept. , itwiS -tt. I ISill.R & AOKRIS GENERAL MACHINISTS, and Scalers la all kinds of WELLTOOIsSsfc FIXTURES Voeessarv for pnttltis; down end operating Oil H ells, in connection with our MACHINE SHOP, we hive a large and convenient BLACKSMITH SHOP. Onr facilities for MANUFACTURING are not ox eelk-d by any Shop in the Oil Itegious. Shop .Wtin-s(,ojiposi8 McVlintoi-lc House. m37 tf FISilElt & NOKHIi?. ESTABLISHED, A. D., O'ir.VT COMBINED TAI.KNI Dr. K. J. UKV NOI.DH, proprietor. V. r. Lt-lJEJAhl). M. D., Conntltint: Plnsicinn nnd biirireuu Itochi'sier, N. Y I'bls is Ihe on'v utQco in (4( m mm the cpy where n periaaiieut iacO.-,'LV3. aS-fSsfei:-.- orrbnna. Olort. Kvuhilis Inipotencv. Noe'tininl EmHions. or Belt Atu.-a, in ttinnl r.m'ssinns, Fcmnle Complaints, In short, eve ry possible form and variety of Sexual Disease Dr. lteynolds' Patent French Safe is warranted n safe and sure preventive against disease. Price $1, or three fdi-J'i Dr. Remolds' r-cnt work. "TI1H PKIVAT1S M KDlC.Vl, ;CIDK.M benntlfully illustrated, with nenrly .oti pases. Price So cents. Dr. K. can lie succesid'ollv consulted on ail dls enses wi:U which .he human f.ooily is afllictod, with cures warranted in all ourable ensea- No letters will he answered unless, they cents In a remlttnnc of one dollar. conuiUatlon foe. Consul, "tion at the ofllce free of ote , I'onsulthiET Ulrica and Oper ffltooms. eomerol Mill and Market streeta. up iirs. Parsons calling will see no one but the doctor. The above concen tration of medical talent ensures the sick a scion, tific and improved cnuiso of treatment aud a rapid aud n'-rinanent cure. All letters ad.lros-ed to Dr. 15. .1. REYNOLDS, Rnohealcr. N. Y.. will lu-et with prompt nltentior. Ail enrea warranted. Ofllce hours from 7 A. M. to 1 p. M. mct.14 lv. I'lenao stnto VI here yon saw my ad veriloemeui. GEO. II. BISSEIilj Si CO., B -A. N K E RS, PETKOI.E17I CEXTttE, PA. f!eorie IT. lllssell, James A. Williamson JauoM II -shop, M. C. .Martin. We offer our erviei for the traiisnctioa ef a OKNK1IAI. HANKING, KXCHANCE ano CoL LIXTION Bl.elNKSS. Any business enlrustod to our raro wHl reeelr prompt attention. ju!7if. rllIP, DAILY RKCOKD, la H' ht art'atrtslrf 1. uiedinia In tei eit rwriei.- ".-p. euro oi private uieaHts can : J&'mi he bad without Iho n0 or S?.'l5Mt- '''' -ffl 'i toercury or chance of diet U -!"'v WVS w e eaujiir.iee ro core unn- MISCELLANEOUS OIL CITY. 1 t-s-t rL'jrtiitr-x-T "Hfsw Agent for Grorgl Brown, Jamestown, N- T- j . E . S K I X X E B , BMler in PIANOS, ORGANS, MELOIEONSv AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of every description. PI AXO STOOLS, fPRtAM' Ac., 4c. Cetitrc-St., OIL CTTT, f. Oil City, Sept. 14. ItjtlS.-U. CHASE &, TIIACKER, 13-1 sralden I,unc, . V., (0PII0 1IEI!('II!TS, firn now prepared to rnce''n on Cormnllon Md muko Mtmil AdvAn.e tr Ttcflnurs nud Dealers lit bulb Crude nnd Ken nod Oil. OIL "V I T DS, O X. CRA VE, TIIACKER fc Co., rKTKOLTXM CFNTKE, PA , Koon nn hand OIL VITRIOL. ULL'E & WHITB PAINT,' C AU.M lu, MiDA ana ULUb. Aro Dirprtrod to miko llboml tlUeouut to Rflntm lor CAHlI. nnd n ill not bt uudirfcM in any of tU above uniclcfl. j-iuelS ti CRANK. TUACKEU ft CO- f. .i. ii iw v m, co., tor.uly H.tntm & Murphy ) MACHINE &B0ILER SHOP WASHISGTO.Y ST.,- PEf TOLKl3ICE.TE, Po. DOti-KRS AND ENGINES REPAIRED' Af SHORT NOTICE. All kinds of Machine Work' d'jne promptly cad' warranted lo i;Ko saiistfletion. aoc-'O tf F. .1. lTANSA a C. ' New Boot Shop. J. A. PLAWTE, FASHIONABLE BOOT MSB,. Watliinston Street, THREE DOORS WEST OF A. D. iltt,' LEU CO.'S DRUG STORE, PETKOIjECH CENTRE, Poi, Ro.poctfiilly invites his friends and the puV" lie generally to a trial ol bis supe rior mado BOOTS.- fs not to his" evrcllod, the style of woit.-mnnship Is nnexeeptloa shlo, the latest nattorns of I asts being used, whil. lite prices ctiarped are must reasouabiei (inallty he iiiK tlio te-t of th'-apiies. Having had long expert enco himsolf, nnd cmploviic none but Una bast wot Itinen. ho flatters himself he will be able to sup. ply an article that will ive satislacllou to all. S3 Ho will exi'coto all ordors (intrusted to him promptly, and wiilithe ereattt care; and has ureat conildenct that ihe article he makea will rccororiend tlnnnaolves, after a fair trial. REPAIRING NEATLY EXECUTED. I. A. I'EANTK. retroleucn Centre, Pa., July 2 2m. O. Ctiy sVritliole Branch R B T I M K T A B f. B On and aner Mondav, Julv STlli, antll further unit en, i rains w 111 solve aud ocpoi I from Pithole as ' follows . DK.PART 8.00 n m, Connectine at Oleonolls with trains on the Oil Creek A Bil?hrny Blvor Bailway for Irvine'iih. THiimte, Ou City, Corry, and points IviM anil Vi'c-t. 'i.SO p i.i, fvnnectlni at with !tass fmm P'eisantvide, PhumbnrB and Miller Farm, and ai O'enpolis with trail a on ths oil Creek to Alleenenv River Kallway, fot OH City, Irvisa. ton, Corrv, and points Ks-u nd West AlfHIVK 10.40 a ni, connectint! at Oleooolls with Tratne on tbe Oil Creek k Allegheny If iver Kadwar from P'-lni. Kastaud est. and at Pliho'e with stvo for l'lenanttlla, Shnnilmur mi'l Miller l-'aim. 4.40 pin, conneciln? at (pn'la with T.s'es oi the Oil Creelt ic AUegba-iy Kivsr Bailway from nil t ity, C.iiry, livtiiotoo. Tidioute, and points Best and W on VV. W. KP.ONSOV. Sunererendei. 'PHK P.. Ho'Td Co, P a. Bsrtle't. Tiemont X vT.iteb l o's. and v.ilonal Watcb Co'a WetettW is, can b hnd si Ihii AM CO. srsaer9SMvsinrMaspMBsNMSBaasaaasssBasMSsarMaaasaaf' jiji.i, niMih g- p Ji MM RKDW'II ClfFKa. tort l.tfjt