hi Petroleum Centre Daily Record. Pet. Centre, Friday. Jan. as. Tim of Cloning Ma 11a. t. O., PmtoLRtn evirrar. Pi., July S7st, 1S08. j rM farther mMn the mails win arrive at aud Apart troaa tlila efflee u follows: ajouvs. tototi and But, via. Irvineton, 10.5 A. M. tooth and Vfeet, Meadvllle, &.18 P. IL Reita aod Boat, Corry, BSe " cariin. Booth and Wast, MS A. M. Bootl, Boot and West, SO P. St. Morto, ael and Wait, 10.09 A. M. H. . BLACKHO, t.JM. Divine Services. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. fVeethlof al 11 o'clock A.M., and 7 o'slosk P. H. Ret. J. T. Oxtobt, Paster. V. E. CHURCH. Services everv Sabbath at 11 A. M. and 1 P. V. Sabbath School at twelve o'clock If. SmIi Free. A oordlal Invitation ztoodtd to all. Kir. C. M. Uiad. Pastor. - 8T8. PETER AND PAUL'S (CATHOLIC) CHURCH. Mom at 10fc a. n. Vespers aad Benadlatloa of tbe Blessed 8icranitnt at 4 a, d, -Catstblsm at 1 p. m. JAMES DUNN, Paator. THE PETROLEUM TRADE. Tbe Erie Dispatch, of yesterday publishes tbe following article upon the petroleum trade: Various influeates combine to create the new interest tbnt now centres on the petio Iriim trade. It is not possible that such a power In the commercial world as tbe oil market should remaia notoucbed by the vast fluctuations that are now, like the storm-swells of tbe sea, sweeping over linan clal America, tiling up eld business chan nels and drifting out new. It Is something to this northwest nook, and to nil interr ed that these commercial upbeavinga, as in tbe ease of tbe other essential interests, have brought petroleum palpably to the surface; and as 'oil" bos a repugnancy to "mixing" generally, it Is Indicated that kerosene will be king "while the lamp holds out to burn." Three points obtain prominence In this connection: supply, reserve' and demand. The question of supply is simply the ques tion of nature's productiveness; the demand will be satisfied as far as enterprise bits to do In that direction. Tbe fears of exhaus tion st flrsl entertalaed by a very naturally inereduloni public seem, from subsequent developments, not to have been well found ed. Strikes are tbo order of the day as mush now as ever, though they mny not discover themselves in thu shape of Shermans" and "Grants," with their 800 te 1.5U0 barrels per day. Striking ilu" has become a legitimate, staid, old-fashioned and nnn sensntioiiul businesH now, robbed of thai "vaulting ambition which o'erleaps itself," According to the latest and most reliable accounts, the average production of an toe wens in the Venango region Is about ten thousand barrels per day. which, we be lieve, Is fully up to tbo production at the same time In 168 And more tbsn this tbe comparatively high prices which have prevailed tor somo time Unit resuscitated and stimulated development, so that the' nunioer oi weua ooiug put nown, it IS Sam, is almost unprecedented in the history of tbe trsdo. As lor. the stock the reserve on band, it is net so easy a matter to arrive at any definite estimate, nor Is it, per In p. so de sirable. Nevertheless., this consideration has much to do with tbe present condition ul tbe oil market. It has been stated re cently that the stoeks in the warld at tbe beginning of 1869, were one million barre s lets than at the beginning of lSl'.S, while, on tbe ether band it has been ligured up that the stock on hand now is fully up to wbut it was Inst year at this time. Here is a discrepancy of a million barrels, nearly equal to one-third of tbe year'a production, mid bow is it to Iw reconcile IT Tbe great difficulty In gelling at the point in queslior, lies in tbe fact there are no lull, saln.fi.cior ami reliable statistics, by which to deter mine, with any degree of accuracy, the slocks on band; and while we admit that there are some planes where the lecords of receipts and shipments ean have been kept eerreotly, there are others, where they have not, S i that in order to make nut a full state ment, tbe statistician In corai.lilnn hia fitr tires has, in many cases, to estimate or miess at it as best be can. In the long run, bur . ever, tuts question or reserve is nothing as regards tbe two other euds of the trade. The supply must ho the greatest possible, bicautt Tbe demand is immense nml on the in crease. Tbe shipments to foreign markets in lbtitt were unprecedented In the history oi me i r auc, neing nearly uonuie., we bit lleve, what tbey were in IboT, and if the Vrusent can b taken as a criterion of the fulHre, it is probable lout the consumption oi on in ikiu win ne much larger than it whs in IStiS. New markets sr.- being opened up every year, and, in consequence at Its rueaunets, mere is no other article thni can succeeifiilly compete with It. The point of auxiety now only is tbe extent of tbo great subterranean basin Irom which this source of wealth Hows. Petroleum has t'0 me u universal necesiy. There is no danger, therefore, of Its production ever becoming se great as to swamp the demand. Tbo real danz"r Is, if there is any in the muter, that a doerease in lti finply iiisy occur, and thus pUott au tx.ir Jli .ui ptiu tut Hie o oumnd. ty. ' Even aa it if the pri lucem- i'liet, h'gtit but lh.ro i' plenty of mar gin vi, teline any oil joN ean ial,a pUao. The tena.nav at' present is upward, uiui will be nntll spring, wbeo some roodifleatlon will lake place; though no oiatcrial retro grade; for the petroleum trade la es much an Inatlliition of our commerce now a tbe coal or iron trade. OIL. CITI CORRESPONDENCE. Oil Citt, Jan. 29. On Tuesday night between twelve and one o'clock, a tar at ill at a refinery on tbe flata exploded, causing quilo a scare la that neighborhood by tbe report and concussion, but fortunately no one waa injured. Mueh reeling is manifested by tbe prop erty boldera ea Main street, In consequence of the rumors of a projeet te permit tbe Franklin and Jamestown Railroad a rlgbt of way up that street te tbe tnoatn of tbe creek. Tbey ooatend that such a course would depreciate to a great degree tbe value of their real estate. Miss Kate Fisbpr appeared last evening at Bascom'i Hall in the French Spy and Margery In tbe "Rough Diamond," to a full bouse. Tbe oil market contiuuee firm at $7.00 here. Juan. COURT RECORD. FtuNiCLiN, Jan. 27, 1869. Alexander Gordon Indictment, aggra vated assault and battery, en oath of Sam uel Johnson, Defendant plead guilty and sentenced te pay a fine of five dollirsvand costs of prosecution, and undergo imprison ment in county jail for one week. George F. Moody Indictment, larceny, on oath of A. B. Martin. Tried verdict not guilty. E. Hutchinson Indictment. selling liquor without license, on oath of Henry Ueirman. Tried verdict not guilty and prosecutor te pay costs.. George Geiger and Jacob Sheppard In dictment, robbery on trial. This is the case of the great Beauinghoff robbery, and will occupy tbe Court a day or more. Con siderable Interest is felt by tbe public and tbe attendance spectators is quite lurge. Carrtino tub Jukb too Fir. Last evening a young man of this place, who is food of sport, took a hog off a countryman's sled, aod bid it, by way of a joke The Countryman couldn't see tbe juke, got out a warrant, and bad tbo yonng man anested for larceny. He was examined before Jus l!u Denaghy, and held in tbe sum of $200. Aa tbe thing was done only in sport, we would adviso tbe countryman cot to be se vere in the matter, but to withdraw the suit. To tbe young man we would say, be ware of practical joking. Wx notice a communication la the Ve nango Republican, which lakes our Oil City correspondent to task In relation to a letter published in this paper some timo since. We have no doubt that our correspondent can, should he feel, reply satisfactorily to it. But tbe postcript contains an assertion which we cannot endorse. Tbe writer seut us a letter differing la some respects from tbe one published in the Republican. It contained statements and personal allusions not calculated to do credit to tbe writer. For that and other proper reasons wo de clined to publish the letter. Accident Mr. M. Seutag, met with a painful accident Ibis morning, at about 11 o'clock, while engaged in removing an old Sampson post at one of Maj. New Ion's wells on Beuniogboff Hill. Mr. Sontag's foot caught, add he fell, tbe weight of the pod coming down on tbe lower part of bis Isft leg, crushing It badly, and making very painful wound. Fortunately uo bonus wero broken. A OKI HllNUKKO AND FIFTY BARREL Well OK this I'uuson F.utu. A well be. lunging to a Mr. Klinebause.r, and which baa; hue o doing but 4 barrels per day, was torpedoed yesterday morning. To-day, at 1 o'clock, it was producing at the rato oj 150 barrels. TBI demand for the Great Yoieniite Stomach Bitters, manufactured at this place by J. W. Downer it Co., Is constantly in creasing. A large quautily was this day whipped from their manufactory to different I ails of tbe oil region. Mr. Piukering, of New York, bas just finished a velocipede for Mies Carrie A. Uuoiu, who is engaged to 'exhibit ibat mode of locomotion in the West. Tbe wheels are of the ordinary height, but tbe reach con necting them is made somewhat lower, nud ths saddle is differently arranged. The Rev. John A. Sfoott, of West Virgil in, bas invented a camera for taking photo graphs of the earth's surface from any de sired height. U Is sent up by a balloon, with a cloek woik to open and shut at the right elevation, and when it is pulled down the photographic impression is done. It Is tlioi.glil that It will he of great use in war. There have been paid 12.909 of soldiers' bounty rlitluis presented from Michigan, drawing from the United Slates Treasury fl.Wn.bti). THE NEWS. Ex-Governor Pickens died In Idgefield, South Carolina, Monday. Henry Landla committed suicide at Ir viogton, N. 8.. last Monday night, John P. Gotigh leetured to crowded bouses at Detroit on Monday and Tuesday evenings. Tbe premium tor the best vineyard in tbe Slate of Miabigan has been awarded to Pont de Pearoo Jt Co. over six competitors. Die drich & Breisacb, of Detroit, were awarded tbe second premium. General Klapka, who played an impor tant part in the Hungarian insurrection or 1848, has published a letter ln relation lo the Eastern question, in which be ehows himself favorable to Turkey. Withom Block, in Columbia, Tennessee, was destroyed by Bra Monday nigbt. A young lady named McLean, while endeav oring to escape from tbe burning building, jumped into cistern in an adjoining yard and was drowned. Victor Ilago bsi written a letter, ia which be says that tbe cause of Crete is the cause of Greece, and the cause of Greece is tbe cause or Europe. Ho calls diplomacy a ruse or principles against God's logic, "but at given time God is right." Tbe recent convention of railroad presi dents, held at Atlanta, Georgia, resolved to reduce tbe fare of all persons going south to prospect or examine tbe country to two cents a mile, and all immigrants are allowed to travel for one cent par mile. A bar of pure merchantable tin, weighing eighty-five onnds. bas been turned out in San Frnneisco from ore from a tin mine at Temeseal, Sun Diego county, California. A gentleman oi Houston, Texis, was awakened by strange sound the other night and going out to bis garden, fiund three negroes busily engaged, two In digging aud the third in reading aloud from the Bible. They were after the pirate LafUte'n g"M. JSfLorgo stock ot. Gents' Fiirirdrng Goods, just reoe.vo I nt Liimm'Te & Aldeii's Clothing SIom. jiS-2i. A drove of 260 sheep sold In Jefferson county, Iowa, en thu 17th, lor$l a head. . Horace Wilfov., of the RiiIIii K.vprpss has been elected Slain printer ti M'onii. The County Treasurer of Jiine ui county, Wisconsin, loses $1,600 by a lule rubbery. There was received at th Lnnd Office at St. Paul. Minnesota, duiirg 1868, tbe sum of $278,242. Dubuque Is making efforts to secure the con'truclien of a railroad from that place to McGregor. J Tbe gnld business of Denver, in 1863, was $1,301,366, not including sums exported in private hands. Rodoll's mills, on Mill Creek, Riebland county, Wisconsin, were destroyed tiy fire on the 20ib. Loss upwards of $ 1 5,000. A Mis. Loman, of the town of Bloom. Richland county, Wisconsin, gave birth, Isst week, to three children. Tbe mother died. On Sunday evening the grocery store of Allen Marshall, nt Jeffersnnvlllp, Illinois, was destroyed by fire. Causa unknown. Loss $10,000. Tbe Michigan CentraiRnilroad Company is urged to build an air-lln'e from Ydsilunti to Niles, saving twenty miles in distance. Towns along the proposed route are voting aid. The State of Nebraska bas located 2.681. 070 acres o'f land, and ol tbis 7b0,000 acres is to le disposed ol in seme way by tbe present Legislature. The aged parents of a young man who was murdered in Columbus, Mississippi, both died witbin forty-eight hours after they beard of the tragedy. Sunday morning, tbe large steam saw niill of Samuel Bull, at Miiseoda, Wisconsin, was entliely consumed by Ore. Tbe lots ia estimated at $,000. a winona i Minn,) farmer, who "squu- ted there, has l,0O acres under improve. meul, with extensive farm buildings, and will this yearerest a costly residence. V. 11. Talhott, and tbe widow or James Costig.in, presented a claim for woik done on thu northern penitentiary of Indiana, amounting to $526,150, with Interest. 55" Hats and Capo, new styles, at Lain meis it Alden's. , j28 21. A girl up in Greene o i'inty, Iowa, hav ing been jilied by a naughty fellow, didn't aot the fool and lake poiaun, but took a stick or wook aod belted him over the bead. Seven thousand mora military bonds of Mihxonri have been redeemed than could have been issued by authority of law. Au investigation has boon ordered. A. F. 1 ipton, Poftmssier at L'lkador, Inna, inherits $75,000 from a baoltelor uncle who lost hi lib on the ill-ruled steamer I'nilod States, burned near Cin cinnati a short ','mc since. Russia bas fit nsjon a new plan tor as sisting tbe starving Inhabitants of Finland. It assists them out of the country and sends them to colonise the Ameor regions. Each man who emigrates receives two hun dred acres or ground, tools, and stock, all except the land to be paid for in eight years, tbe farm being a gift. They are be sides to be wholly exempt from taxation for twenty-four years, and thereafter taxed but moderately. The offer is sld to be popu lar and satisfactory, both to the Fiuns and to Russia. . Tub Philadelphia Star says: Throughout the couolry the recent rnins and storms have damaged the trees to an extent previously almost unknown. Trunks and limbs two feet in circumference have been completely broken off, and In many places tbe woods look as if tbey had been ridden with shot and shell. The loss of trees by breakage this year is noticeable ss exceeding that of any season for a long time past. A wondering Yankee who bad put up fur tbe night at a hotel In a western border town, on entering the bar room next morn ing, found the landlord sweeping up what he supposed to Vw grapes. He said to him. 'You have pretty large grapes out here." "drapes!" said the landlord, "them's eyes that was gouged out hero last night!" A geatlemnn connected with ono or tbe largest business firms in St. Lents recently called al a newspaper office and left a $1100 advertisement. He said that he had dreamed tbe night before that he had done so, and be felt as though he ought to follow out tbe stlggeBtinrs of his dream. J.y New assortment ol Clothing this day received at Lnmmers A Alden's. j28-2t. B. J. liiiudall, Po'tmuster at Portland, Oregon, has been convicted of fjruhbing the mails, and sentenced to twenty years imprisonment. Randall's cjerk was arrest- ed on the same charge. iT" Overcoats selling remarkably cheap al Lamuiers & Alden's. j2S-2t. A CARD. We desire to express our thanks to eur friends in Petroleum Centre and Pioneer for their generous donation last evening: t' M'. Cross, the gentlemanly proprietor of tVC'ii'rai House, for tbe liee use of bis moms: to Mr. Weaver lor bis kindness in aitisling the managers: to the young ladies who made the tea aod cotfu?: and In all for e ich and every expression of kindness. We i' ere highly delighted with the pleasant ac quaintances we were privileged to form, at d b pe that tbey may all ripen into an exnlb d Christian Iriendf liip, the bonds of which can never be broken. C. M. Ukarii, L. C. He a ill). Petroleum Centre, Jan. 29, 1869. Loal JVollims. GREAT BARGAINS OFFERED TO THE Citizen tf Petroleum Centre In tli way of Blank Book, Stationery, Fancy Goods, Worsteds, Bird Cages, Pcliool Uoeks, Ac, ate, at ESeaEIi'S VAMETI Store, 35 SPRING STREET, TITV8TILI.B, PA. JauSl lm. Revolvers. A aplendid lebam's. aaaortmsnt Janil-tr. lata, C!nr". Boole aud Shoes. A large aortnient at REYNOLDS, BKODI1EAD A CO S, No. II Centre Street, opposite the. Post Ofllco, Oil City, Pa. Riiltar String. A large lot or the bevt Ouitar Strings tbo market affords, Juet recelrel at Irham'a. JnuDI-tf- llardwurc .V large assortment r which Is being cloned out at rodutted rutea at KKVNOLI H, BltOIMIKAD A.CO'S, So. 11 Centra St., oppoelie tbe Poat Office. Oil City, Pa. Ausaa. This la a newly discover d article ,to be need for a hair dri-asinn, which Is aaid to ba superi or to anything of the kind yet placed before the pub He. It rendere the hair soft aud trlosiy, and will, It is said, cause the hnlr lo tirow on sculps which hive Inuz lacked uch a oovrliur. It ia nut nmnerlv a hair dye, and vet It w.ll so operate ou the root of mo saino wtieu appneu as to restore It to its origin al color and luxuriance in u very brief period of time, it ia buvoud question, a very s.ijierior th:ng, and will inoro I Inn till the expectation of any one who mnv purcliaso .ft Syracuse Puptr. Try Pew aid a Co'uirh Cn e. It l the boat. A. I). Mil. I, Eli & t'U., Wholesale and Kotall Lrugcists, Agenm tor Petroleum Centre, Pa. novJS-lm. CIGARS AInD TOBACCO t A. 0. M IM.lt K A C(.)."S. BeaoUfnl Slipper fattens st A. B. Smith's Boot 8bea Store. desIS-tf. CT FANCY GOODS, stl dascriptlons, whole sale ana retail, fee Tlallday Presents, at A. D. MILIEK A GO. "9. Crockery Fur all kinds go to KETMOLD8 BRODHKAD A CO, No. U Centra titrast, oppo' site the Post Office, Oil (Kty, Pa. Dry Good, a large steak at JlITNOtDS OltontlRAD A Com, No. 11 Csatra Bt, oppoiue the Post Office, Oil CUr, Pa . CJr" LADIES wlshlsg te make aa appreprtale present, will find baanliful SLIPPER PATTKKNS at A. 8. S.MITITS Boot A Shoo Stire declStf. BIRD CAUKS, wbolnala and retail. Thirty- fonr different at) las to arrive this week, at A. V. MILLER CO.tL i 1.500 rolls WALL PAPER received tale aa at A. D. MILLER A CD'S. .ew Flour, Feed anal Grocery More t J. S. I'KATHER, AtthsOLD BANK BHlLPlNO, OX MsINIIT. opposite tbo McCUntock How, has oa band a larce and lltit class stock of Flour, Feed stud ftrororlea, which ha Is sailing at a low Igure. S- Don't forgut the rlssa where A, D. Cotton A Company broke up. jaa2-tf. .Call ami atamias the line Mnirtment of SLIPPER PA PTEKN3 at A. 8. Smith's Bsot A Shoe Store declt tf. CANARY BIRDS, boat rman Imporud, whole alaand retail, at A. D. Mil. LRU CO.'M. A larg a-aortment of KINiJ.8tWiii B39T8 at A. 8. Smith's Boot A Hhoe B'ore. itaell-ar. DIARIKM for .801) at A. D. MILLER A (JO'S. Carpet, or every quality and deai-riptlon, at REYNOLD:, BKODIIRAD ft Cll'3, No, It Cautro Street, opposite the P . O.. (Ill City, Pa. F.xcciNior ltilliurd I'urlors. To enjoy a d'-llphtnit and ipilel pamo ol Billlaids. jroto A. O. Kiinilmm's t'tubionabie Itilllu'd Par lor, on Waahiiiclon Street, anrt to the Roch enter IIoum. The-a Parlors are within a ehort dii ttnee of Brf or the principal hotels iu Petroleum Centre .tf. PAPER AND KNVKLOPESat A. & CO 'S. D MILLER THE b.M phien la tovu to get a pair of Boeta made of thu best Stock, that will mr well, and warranted to At, ii nt J. A. Plante's Kl -loDUble Boot Shop, W.uhlngtoa Street, Petroleum Centre, Pa. Give Mm a trial. seplO tf CAIilFOKIVIA. WHEAT FIELDS AND STOCK RAN CIIOS I have Ran'-ho or Faime for site, through oat CALIFORNIA, In tracts nf One Ilnndrel Antes up to Twenty Tlwiwuid. Terms to suit pur chasers. Those lands will grow Thlit) five to Fifty P.tiehels or Wheat to 'be Aere, with ordinary farm ing, and a Volunteer Crop of Twenty-five buehele per A ore. arCorrespondcnae Solicited. Addrcas I1ENRY McKENTY, Dealer In Real EUa.s. Office 304 Montgom' ry Street. San Frarclsen, Cel. jetif . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. S. S. G-riswold, Dealer ia COAL. Iff Oi drs ly the Car or To premptly Mliea Also, Ageat fbr the celebrates. KMX. RIDGE COAL! OFHCB oa Second Btrett, Dear R. H. Tracav PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. Jana if. A. T. LEGGEIT, Manu'acturar uit Dealer la HARNESS, Seed Bags, Valve Cups, &c. RxptiT.c.-'t waikiaea ara einidoyed. and Hor nets nf an Kindi kept constantly on sand and Bade to order P. V. Ileinz's Pat. Seed Bag For Sate. Uepaii-ing Done at all Times ! Call aud eivnlae eur stock and prices, Main-StM below 'the ftfcClin tock IIoue. Petroleam Conue, Pa., Jan Tth, IS. tf. Dissolution. IWK co partnerahlp heretofore eilstlae aetwsas t jy.h Kllnrtlpsmlih. H Kliaglnemlth aad N H Ilofford, ia ibis day dissolved kj mutual eoa- n H lionord relirea Irom the Bras and W RKIIag- tiiemlth aud H Kiinainsmitk conllaue la tbe bast s tbe nasi- neas, and assume all bills 'or or against the lata W H KLINOINSMnU, n KI.INOIXHMITU, . Potro'enm Centre. Jan, II, ts69. w BUY thu K Howard Amariean Watch, aha east mads, of lMHAit a Ct). ULIIIOold J.me'ry, Ladies' He, tar KiwS rios. rioeve nuitoua. e., at it'tia.w m w- DIAMCNUtUaaudRI.Nt48, st isBAM A CO'H.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers