Petroleum Centr9 Daily Record. Tet. Centre, tVed lion-tar, Jan. 37. rf Cloning Klalliu P. O., Pmoiiira Cwitw. Pi,) Jbli Wst, 1868. j UnlH ntrt)ir not'ce tb mall, will nnin at and drperttroo, IIm ili h follows: a ram i!. tt.ttitb and But, tU. Irvineton, 10 28 A. M. roiiUi nod AVwt, " Menilrille, 5.18 P. M. Nortli and Ewt, " Corrjr. a t . " DEPART. fontli aart Went, 1.45 A. M. fo;itl '( and Wet, SKIT. )l. lio.-ili, fc: aiii Wit, li'.OJ A. M. II. E. lll.ACKMON, P.jM. Eivino Scrrlcee. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, rrenehln? nl 11 o'clock A. M., and 7 o'clock Y. M. Rsv. J. T. Ostoiit, Pastor. M. E. CHURCn. Sorrics every Sabbath nt 11 A. M. nnu 7 P. M. Sabbatli School tit tw elve o'clock 34. Soils Free. - A cordial invitation extended to nil. Rkv. C. M. Heard. Pastor. STS. PETKR AXn PAUL'S (CATHOLIC) CHURCH. Mass at 10'- a. m. Vespers and Bcncdiation of the Eleiscd Sacrament at 4 p. m. Catechism. ut 2 p. in. i AM 113 DUNN. Pastor. Tub champion oarsman, Walter Brown, who has a boat building workshop in Bos ton, has lately built a single scull outrigger hell cf Spanish cednr. 39 Cert 7 incbes long, 12 inches wide, and inches deep amid ships; 4 foot 11 inches wide across the row. locks, 9 inches deep aft, ami 4 1-2 inches for ward, which when completed will weigh only 24 pounds. Sbii is nearly finished now, and weighs only 14 pounds. Ho claims that with fair inagii she will Inst three yeais race and practice boat. Ho. is I uildinz a bnal lor bis own use, of the same size, wbicb will woiyh only uiDeteen ponnda. , The lightest boat heretofore built, of Hie same siz. win that in wh'ch Brown T0"ed a' PittsMirh lat September. This was in nlo of paper, and weighed 27 12 (louudik Saii.oubj ut every nationality, in New York, to I ne uuuiber of twelve er fifteen hundred, have struck fur thirty dollats per nvnth. ' They marched in procession ' to Franklin Square, where speeches wero made by several parties in deminciatien of the . acts of shipmasters in reducing the wages to sixteen dollars, and it ws resolved that no snilor should leave port under lets pay than thirty dellurs. Any doing so were promised rough treatment. The men then matched down South street, cheering one firm who expressed a willingness to give l he advance, moaning fur others who re fused, ond finally dispersed..' Tub siile of peas in the new Preshyte. rinn Church at Franklin took place on Sat urday. About two-thirdB of the seats were sold, and the sum realized amounted to over six thoiisnid dollars. Tho highest price paid for n pew was $325, subject to a yearly rental of sixty dollars. The church edifice Is nearly finished, is very fine and will cost about $35,000. A (inn organ has been purchased and will be placed in the building in a lew weeks. Tux oolehrated Arlington Minstrels will give one of their justly celebrated enter-uinuv-nts at the Opera House this evening. This is decidedly the best minstrel troupe now lr.ivpis,r in the country, and draws crowded houses wherever it goes. Potrolo inn Centre will be no exceplion to the gen - eral rule. The company performs here onlv one night. Thb oew eounty bill comes up in the State Senale to-day. The Titusville Uoruld conce es that its defeat in tint body is not at all Improbable, on secount of tho Illness of Senator Lowi-y, tho great champion or the measure. We sincerely regret thu ill ties of 8enalr Lowry, but shall rejoice in the du'eat nl the new county hill. V,'k are requested to state that it Literary Society lias been organized on tho Eclectic tract The first mvetiag was held lust Sat urday, at which officer were nlncted. The next meeting will be held at the school bouse, on the farm, next Friday evening. Tun Tilim'illo Herald eUiui that Enter prise is to be the scene of a great oil excite- ir.enl during me present ason. it is our opiuion Unit the excitement will bo general throughout the oil regiuu. , This New V.ak Humid tivn tbe millonl nm is close at baud. We don't repaid the Herald ns very good authority upou fiich hi. i UeiS. Thi friend ol U' - C. il. slvnld rein-m'er the Donmion I any uj lie hi hi at ilinC, a ml II mum, lo morrow evening. Colonel Albigcnce Waldo Fulmar) died t Nssuvillo last week. Tbe Republican I5an ner says that Pntmnn was born at Marietta, Ohio, on the lllh of March, 1790, snd was therefore within t few weeks of beinjr seven ty years of sge at tba time ol Ilia decease. lie waft a great grandson of General Israel Putraan, of revolutionary memory. Much of his life, which waa aa eventful one, was spent in Mississippi, principally at Port Gibson, in tba prnetice ol law. About 1S26 he settled in Nuahville, where be has boon a leading citizen, nil literary labors are identified with the history of middle Ten. oesseo. During the past three or feur years be was connected with tba United States Internal revcnue,'collector's office in Nashville. The bark Cftiet.loaded with earthenware, consigned to Wright & Co., of Philadelphia arrived in port on Saturday, after a voyage of three months and eleven days from Liv erpool. Sbo encountered a succession of terrific galrs, which drove her to sea five times. Twice she was driven off Uatteras, and twice blown far to sea niter having reached the mouth el' tbo Cheaspcake. The crew fourteen in number, -were lor cays without provisions, and for weeks half naked and up to their waista to water. They worked the pumps sight and day to keep the bark afloat, and but for the assistance of nassins ress-'ls, on three occasions, all would have starved to dealh. She arrived without tho loss of a man, spar or rope. A letter from Java contains tho following intelligence: A dispatch received from Con stantinopie announces that tbo Turkish em pire is menaced by one of the most danger ous revolutions that hare recurred in that country since the eensplrscy of tbo Janis saries. The whole Mohammedan clergy have rlson is a holy crusade against the Christians, and have unfortunately carried the population with them. At Standout one of the most populur men Sariyerly Ef- fendi, is preaching a war against Greece. and what is worse, against the Sultan him self. He has made an appeal to the people from bis pulpit and argod them to upset the present government,' to unfurl the Moham medan standard and to suve the Koran from the ambushes of its enemios. An-ingenious apparatus for giving an alarm in case ef the presenoe of carbonic oiiileorcoal gas In a room has recently been invented by a mechanic residing in Berlin, Prussia. It consists of a galvanic battery with a hell, and a glass tube tilled with liquid chloride of palladium. This me tallic salt is extremely sensitive to the pres sure of carbonic oxide gas. A small quantity of the gas will at once throw down some ol tho metal from the solution, nnd this precipitate collecting at the bottom of the tube at once establishes a connection in tbo current of olectrioi ty, and the violent ringing of a bell will warn the slecpor ol his dunger. Tub shrill whistle uf the railway engine is soon to li" heard in lYrsin. Tbo Shah bus granted to a company of English capi talists tbel etolusive right to construct rail- Wfiva In thf. nitntrtr fnr ttvnntff vain 1 These capitalists begin operations wilh a abort road extending from the capital te the suburban Tillage of Roy, a famous weekly resort for pious Teheranees. Ground has been broken, and the engineer employed estimates that thu line can be constructed and stocked for less than $500,000, on which the passenger traffic of some forty thousand devotees a week will, ha reckons, yield a very remunerative dividend, ex clusive of an eight per enntum gnaranteo. A French lady, Mile, ilario de Gvntelles. having recently pulilUhrd a book censuring 1 the luxury of women and the extravagance of their dress, hns bono rewarded by a letter from tho Pope highly approving ef tbe work. In his lulter, Pius IX, recalls tbe fact that in October last he full oo in polled to say a fow words on the same subject to the peo ple of Rome. The substance of his present remarks is, that women who spend too much thought on dress bare none left for religion or family duties. In conclusion he says that If wivos wish to gain the esteem and affection of thoir husbands, they do not need costly und splendid, toilets, tut have only to cultivate thoir hearts and minds. Dakota hns gone back on the women. The Woman Suffrage bill pused tbo House nnd whs approved by tho Council will) an amendment snbmitting the question to the people. Tho House refi.ied to accept Ibis condition and thu Council was determined that the husbands and fathers, likewise the old bachelors, should first have their sny on the question, so between the two stools the whole matter fell to tho ground unit the wo men llirt their petticoats ludignautty as they pass tho Dakota legislators on the I ,....' The paihutlu and dramatic story about Misa Reno's nalb of vengeance anainst the Seymour Regulators, aaid to be the in veuiiott o: a highly jut aginative reporter. ; ' THE REWS. ' J The Chicago aldermen have passed A res olution accepting a salary for thei: office The brie Caroline E. Kelley, irora aisi anzas, November 20, is reported missing. General Sherman has been seriously ill with the erysipelas, but is said te be recev ering. II was the Bank ol New Windsor, Carrol county, Md., wliisa was robbed last Friday night. i The bark Cadette, Captain Christian.fram Liverpool, nut one hundred anil six aays, arrived at Philadelphia on Saturday. The English gunboat Gnat was wrecked November 15th. during a severe storm, on the island of Kelabaco, one or the Phllli piiics. No particulars are given. On the 22d Inst., $7,200 were taken from the residence of Mr. King, a cuttle dealer In Dano eighteen miles from Chicago. A re. ward of two thousand dollurs is offered for the capture of the thief and the recovery of the money. A bill was introduced in Hie Montana Legislature on the sixth instant to locale the territorial capital at Gallatin City. It is. likely to pass. The Central Pacific Railroad hns been completed five hundred miles east of Sacra mento nnd witbin twenty-six miles of Hum boldt Wells. The road will probably be fin ished before the fifteenth day of April. Allied C. Bcrnondy has been selected te represent the St. Louis Merchants Protection Freight Union in New York. Some thioe hundred merchants hare joined the union, ami their number is Increasing daily. Fitr.herbert, who jumped through a second story window in Chicago, Monday afternoon to escape imprisonment, died on Monday evening of his injuries. He had arranged to Mope with a mnrried woman in the eve ning. TnE St. Lou's Municipal Reform Aasorin tion held n meeting Mundvy night at which llio report or a totnuiitli-e previously ap- pointed was adopted, setting forth curtain amendment to the city charter, which in their judgment ore iiec.ssary lor the proper administration of city affairs. Saveral Indian chiefs, representing Ktowas and Sac sod Fox tribes, nrrlvel in St. Louis, Monday, en route to Washington. They claim to bo authorized to soek trent i a of peace on bohulf of the Kiowa, Com-anr-bes, and other liibes. and say that if th plan set forth by General narney, of withdrawing the United Slates troops from their hostile altitude, Is aJopted,the Indians will return to peaceful pursuits and accept such terms as the government may deter mine upon. They complain bitterly of the manner in which tbey have been treated by the Indian agents in the distribution ef an nuities, nnd desire' that they shall all be withdrawn. Tho New York Ileruld closes nn editorial on Mexican affairs by saying it anticipates, in some practical shape, tho revival under President Grant nf the grand Idea Involved in the odVr to General feolt. by the Mexi cans, to aecept the government of that Republic In the namo of the United- States, and within the next four year, in all probability, as a territorial delegnto to begin with, we shall havo a man in Con gress from each of the Mexican States. Sooner or later, this substantially w ill be tho solution of the SJcxicau question, and General Grant is the proper man to settle it. Tn it job printers of New York struck on Monday. Their demand is fur an alvance from fifty to fifty-four centa per thousand. A m.iss meeting was held in the afternenn, at which it was reported all of the principal ollices excapt the New York Printing Company had assented to tbo arrangement The printers rRard the success of the strike as all but sertain. A Philadelphia surgeon, who was on his way to perform an operation, on a psttient, had his carriage robbed and lost his surgical instruments while making a temporary stop, "whereby," adds tbe'reporter, Hbo opera tion was promoted, and the patient's life saved. A cranberry patch, in Centre Urnok, Ct., produced last season, by actual measure ment, ene hundred and s'xty barrels of fruit on an acre, or one barrel to each square rod beanies n larje quantity wis ch was not gaiueren ami may bu seen miller the I e The rental of Ibis land is less than 32 per sure. A letter hearing the following superscript ion was lvcelvsd at the Silver City l'rsl Of fice from Iowa: "Augustus Jones, a web-foot srub To whom this watitH to go, Is slioppiiu cord wood for his grub In feilver City. Idaho." Oil, dealcis are discussing tbe propriety ol establishing a IVtreiainu Exchange in Tittisville. i Lor nl XoticcM. r .' . k . I GREAT BARGAINS 1 ' UFJTEKKD TO TflK Citizen's of Petroleum Centre I Id th wny or Blank nooks, Stationer?, Ik... Fancy oid, Worsteds, llird Cngoi, . . '. ' ' School Booki, Ac Ac, at ESLEirS VARIETY Store, 35 SPRING STREET, TITVBTILI.E, PA. Janl lm. Cfocke. A ftpleniliil a-ort!iiont at Wham's. Hale, Cap. B100W mtl Me. A kirgs awonmeiHat ItHYNCl PS, nilUDilKAU ft '0'8, Nn. IT Centre Siroet, opposite Uoj. l'ott Office, Oil City, Pa. '.. ; ; ill tar Siring. .Y ir'aa rtuitar Htriiui iha i:;ikui aSonis, lot of the bet jtit . received at JanNtf- Hardware A Inrpre am..r:mi'ut .f which Is l-eing cl"-e( u.ii ut rf? :i; -cl rii.s at KIiY iLP!?, ltlt'iDttliAK ii C- -,"' U Ci.i:e eppuslte Hi Po-itomre itf IV At.iiMA. Tills is a hewlv diieoven d article .to be used for h hair drcHmn'4, nliich is snM to Ih imparl or to aiivihine: nf th lilni' yot place' rhepuh. l!c. ft rt n'lprs tie hilr rrr nr. Ho-v. Mil, it i-i Blid, ciii t!.-.'. lialr rrni on yc il' liih h ;v t'vx !:,i-!.i''.l "iic r.-'.-' i'tnu It :, i,.,t oionrlv a h:l 1 .I.e. iml i it ivl! 4o , ' iiirr'U' o,i IhotiHil nf t':c ! i.- .i lo-l' i., j-'i. (t .1! cj.ior.Mul i'ixi:;.:i.i! t T It is l.-ror. J ij'liw find iil movu ihnii in! t , i 4, ,rr:T l- II l i.nsu I - u I 1 orl in r. hii l.rit p: of on. .1 v.'i'T'ii til B V i :(;, U.i i f ijf ll'.J 01 v VV:.' '.l-l: l-:iL.-'. T. v Sew. rlrtVp C. i;vll il e ll ii Ii..' l'.:-t. V ll. .ii:.:.r.ll ,v -o.. Wind bi.1'- av:.i l'.e-..i:V lrnls' I'tl.u'e-.Tii 1 n,. P.. . f . , , A;' .r fur vo'. IS lm IV-an'fit S'l.r I'ailuiaiiit A. A Huoc Siorrt. . Smith's Bout decIS t'. ' ltr FANCY HOODS, alt ascription, 'whole aluaivl retuil, for HalitUv t'rowent, at A. I. VILt.Eit & QO.'S. . :rookery .r all Utnd eii'Iii KETSOLDS, rtlt'inilK YD A Or, So. ll Cntro vtrl, op lic (he PimI omct. Oil City. r. Dry,C(liil, a lnro stie't at RiTSOMIS, BKonilKAD ft CO'S, 11 t'eutre St, o?po!iu tim Toft nmco, oil Cllv. I'.i . f LaDIKS nl.hlns; to wiafc1 an 'appropriate p went, will find heatitifnl RLIIM'BH, PA TTEltNS at A. 8. SMITH'-t Bo it ft Shoe Stnrj" ilncIStf. rit! CW.H, wh'ileiile an! retail. Tllirlj- fouriliffarsr.t stjlw to arrive thi wesk, at A. I). MILLEU d: C0.-9 1,500 roll W A LL PAPBK rtcdved tlila day at A. D. JHlLLRK ft CO'S. Sew Flour, Feed and Grocery sitore J. S. PKA.TIIRR, At th OLD BANK BCiLflSO, ON MAtV-RT, eppiiito tbo JrfcClintock lloniie, has on hand a Urge and Arrt'clas stock of lour, feed and Uroeerlo which b Is salllnc at a low figure, tra. Don't foriiet the plasa where A, D. Cotton Company broke up. JnaJ-tf. tMCaM atii examine lh floe asairtmant of SUi'fliU TAlTEUXSat A. 8. Bmltli's Bmt S.'ioi Slot. dclt tf. CANARY EIRDS, hotit German impo1J,wie n'.oan.l roull, at A. D. Itirj.Kll & CO 'S. A Inrge asanrtmont of KIH S. SISW BJJ EDITS at A S. Smllh'jBoot&HhooS'oro. dscl6 t. DtAUIESror iBCDat V D. MtU.ftn A CO'S. '' i . i . I ('arpot, of eTery qna'ity and do:rlptlon, at ItUV.NOI.l)-., Ii:tDI)iIBD CO'S, Nj.AI Cuutr Stroit, uppoitii Iho I' . O., Oil City, I'l. CxcelNior Jtilliard Parlors. To enjov a di-thrhtftil and miiel pam ol nillluid, potx A i). Knrnham'a I'luiiiuimi.i liillia-d Hr lorrt, on Washington Strn't, noxt rtooi- to the. Koch eatnr Hon!,. Tho-e I'artor. arc within n .lioit dis tance of mo.-t of the principal lioiela in IVtrolpiira l.utra. maj 9 tf. I'ArKK AND KNVlXOPKSat A. I). III.L8R a CO 'S. TIIF bent plm e is town to gi t a p-ilr of Boot ramie of tho best Stock, th-it will woar wall, and triu-rnntcd to fit. ia at J. A. Plnntc' Kub I n iblo Root Kbop, Wanii'iigtim Slriait, Vetrnlema iVntre. Pa. tii-n a trial. .nplU-tf. C Vl.IIMHi.M.V. , WHEAT Kll-. LOS AKI STOCK IIAN- CllrH ! I nyo l! .n.lio. ur Farm fui n .1c, thioii-jh lit CAUKtiHM, in tracts of One Hundred Ac uj, i.i Tw.mtj Thi'nrd. MVrn to suit pur chasers. T:n;i land.) will grow Tiiict-llve to Fifty of 'nat te tb Aero, w tb ordinarj fana ir g, r.nd a Volunteer Crop of Tweiity-Ki? bushel per Acre, 3"0o'.-repord.tnso Solicited. AdJrnt HENRY Mi. K K.ST V, Dealer in Real IVii.Ho, CliUcii 301 Mnntaom, ry Street, Frjiut!o, lal. JanM, NEW AUVERTI.-iKMKNTS. Attraction! EXTRAORDINARY. OPERA HOUSE I PETROLEUM CLNTKE. PA., For, One Night Only! Wednesday Eve., .Ian. 27th, Great Arlington FROM ARLINGTON IIALL, CI1ICAGO, t'tiik'r the immediate direction of William Arlington The Western Comet ! ASidtriKD.BU SAM. PRICE! Eccotttric Comedian, 3D. X,. IvdCOHlfllS, Tho Great Dutch Comedian, D. W. COLLINS, The Original Ilnppr Old Man," FOSTELLE ! The ( hn rilling Prima Donna uuu Iillensp, tiik NALKDiA) num.. The Talented English Musicians, L'E ST RANGE ! The (Jreat Tenor, ROSENTHAL, The Pleasing Vocalist, :lrnUTED BY FIFTEEN OF THE MOST TALENTED PEliFOhUHUd IN THE PUOFESalON. ty A linli.ioa 5J coi'j t'is0oom o'ti at 7 u' uc at S u'cVk'Ic Itetenad Slt, 75 cti. :luk. rrfarminc osi. JH II. WAT. Kulua Ant. S. S. Griswolcl, Dealer in . w. - . . ". OiiEs. VST Orders ty Hie Car or Ton promptly rilled Alao, Agrat fnr tbe c.l.nrated EiEIX IIIBUE OmC!: Feccsd Street, ar E. H. Track, FETUOLICCM CENTRE, TA. Jautf, A. T. LEGGEIT, Mann'acttirar and Dwiler In Seed Bags, "Valve Cupss, &c. ExpT'r.el wnrkmsa sra emplnrail. and W.r- rail kind. kpt conatautlj on baud ai.d u to order. ... . P. C. Ilcinx's Pat. Iteed-B' For Sale. Repairing Done at all Times ! ' Call and .limine ear stock and prices, S!nin-Sf., below ihe McCIln ; i v lock IIone. Petrol.vm Centre, I"a Jan. tth, 18t tf. i Dissolution. rHH co prtnrhlt heietorora exlstisr fcstwes 1 W K Klinxli.siniih. II Kliatin.tiilth ml N B Holforil, U tlu day dUwlT.d b mumal gob ,iH N It HnSiird rettrt Imm th Srm and W TtKI'uK Inmnith Anil 11 Konirin.mith conrintl in tb Hiw n., and uatKiruo all bill, -or or atriinet the t.'S drill. ..i . WKIEMNtilNSMll'U, H KLlNOTNSMITil, HI ItOKFOtU). ' TetrolAnm Centre, Jan. li, ibftD.- Sw tare mmm i PaFTrKS dd'trtne lo pnrcba 'Ensrine. Toole. 'IiiUIbk, Cautins, Itucfcer KodH, Hupoe, .. .!""' RIGS, TANK3 AND SHEDS, nd atl araiaratn. nralnln to wlla, can do e ''T callineon Ii .0. HAHt'OCK or F. Jt IIAMMOM" Atkln.nn Farm Officii, Upper Cherry Bnn. . BCV the E. t?owrd Amwtran Watok, h bet mule, of WHAM I'O. SOI.III Hold JmelrT, Udl (. Er rltiia, . Hint. Uiiuon. t . at IllAt " DUMi;N4jUNedltlNOl, at XSHAM CO.