r? 2 r1f)'ti!m Cont-e Daily Record. Vr: Cru:e, Tncndar. Jan. 30. Tssau of Closing Mails. P. 0., rnuLn Cmu, Pi., I Juvt ttet, 18M. J 1r r"r nerlec the mails will arrlrs at and iart froi Uil eiBca as follows: i 11 VS. Sooth and East, ta. Irvlitaton, 10.58 A. M. Betua anJ We-t, " Meadfllle, 5.13 P. M. Kurta aod K.WI. ' Carry, S 54 DEPint. fV-t k1 West, IS A. H. fn M , Km ami Wnt, SNP.M. SoiHt, last anU Wl, lu.O A. M. H. B. BtACKtlOW, P.fM. Divine kervlcetu PRESBYTERIAN CHURCU. PrMcbinx at 11 o'clock A. U., and V o'clock P. It. Rit. J. T. Oxtoiir, Pastor. M. E. CHURCH. Perries vnry Sabbath at 11 A. M. sod 1( P. It. Sabbath School at wk o'clock M. Baati Free. A sordini invitation Mlsndtd to al I. Get. C. ii. HiiRD. Paitor. STS. PET BR ANDaUL'S (CATHOLIC) CHURCH. Mast at 10f a. nt. VMpara and Bonadlitioa of the Blessed Bacrame nt at 4 p. m. Catssbism at I p. in, JAMK3 DUNN. Paitor. Alchemy Tbat the European study of Alchemy, bow developed in the soienct ol Chemistry, had III otl.'ln, like ever; thing elie, in China, i proven by many facts adduced by the Rev. William A. P. Martin, before the Oriental Society at its last meeting. The jTOJv-edlnf, of this moeting bavo jttst been rnriiishud. Mr. Msrlala is a resident of Pekin and has given the subject much thought. The study of Alchemy baa been In full vigor in China for at least six cen turies brfore il roade its appearance in Em- r-'pe- Il first appeared in Europe during the fourth century, when intercourse with fi.r Easl had lieceiriesoinevf hot fierjtieut. It appeared first at Iirzantium and AIoxun V, where tbe commerce of the Host chief ly entered, and was suliseqiiently revived in Europe hy Hie Saracens, whose rnoct famous school ef Alchemy was at Bagdad, where there was a conMant intercenriie with East era Aula. The objects of pursuit In both the European asiatlo schools of Alchemy were, Identiciil and two-fold immortality and gold. In Europe tbe former was the less prominent, lieoause Ilia people, being in possession of Christianity, bad a vivid faith in a future life, to satisfy their long .lops on that bead. In each school tliore were two elixirs, the irreater and the less, and tbo properties as bribed to them closely correspond. ' Tbe ; Kielples underlying bath system are idon t;; a'. the composite nature of the metals nrt their vegetation from a seminal germ. The means by which the Eastern and West em alchemists pursued their objects were J na..l.. . ... S ..roi.jr mi-lineal uirroury ana lead being , rwivrly ne conspicuous in the laboratories of the East as mercury and sulphur were in 'those of tbe West. Individuals In both schools bad the doctrine of a cycle of changes, lo the course ol which the precious meti.Ia revert lo their baser elements. Both led to tbo practice or magical arts and char latanism. Both schools deal la extravagant And florid language. Ox Thursday evening next, Jan. 28th, I he friends of Rev. C. M. Heard, pastor ol the M. E. Church of this place, are to make him a donation visit at the Central House. Tbe following gentlemen are ibe committee, with whom contributions may be left H. C. M'acnter, W. R. Fuller. M. E. Hess. A bosrd or managers composed of twelve or Ibe members or tbe society has also been appointed for the purpose of soliciting con tributions, providing refreshments, Ac. Ok Wednesday evening or next week Mr. King, of Erie, who Is higbly spoken of .y the press, no a public reerter. will give readings at the M. E. Church, iu this place.- It it to be hoped that our eitlznns will liberally patronize this entertainment. Tuk Moaday Evening riociubles, at the Oil Exchange, ara well atteuded by our bi st Citizens. Last evening ton second one of the aoasen was held, and the occasion was a very pleasant one. A European pnper nys an I'aliun music publisher has writ'en a wal'z entitled '-Mel ancboly," CJinp.iaud by .ue Sultan of Tnr! key. Tbat win be a suitaule tuna fur him ta waltz out of Turkey to, it bis rebellious subjects are successful. Ooi A. P. JH'ncam will please accept our thanks for copies or tbe Legislative Tlecord. Wk are indebted to II .n. S. NVwton I'i tii, l.i; l'on-ri'ioii.il ducmuriila. OIL CITV COHREM'OJfDElfCE. On. Citt, Jan. 2C Tbe oil market which closed firm at $7 on Saturday evening, manifested a little weakness yesterday, although buyers during the day asked $7. Last evening the Arlington minstrels gave an entertainment at Bascom's Hall. They have very fair co tps of vocal and Instru mental performers. Robson & Co., tbe pioneer hardware firm, are doing a heavy business at present in well fixings. Messrs. Porter, Ross and Gelgle, resident members of the firm, give their personal supervision to all tbe work turned out from their shops. Ormston, Hosey it Co., have nn extensive assortment of music in stock in addition to a large lot of books, stationery and periodi cals. A capitalist is about te erect a large building on tbe north side of Centre street, comprising three stores on tbe ground floor, with commodious publio ball in tbe sec ond story. The land interest on Charley Run are new asking one-half royalty. We regret this, as excessive royalty baa done more to operate against development than many other causes combined. Surely 25 per cent. ol the production of a well is ample royalty, and anything more is a strong Incentive to those disposed to Invest in oil production, tu'seek some more sure method ol making money. On Friday, Mrs. James McGue, ef Venan go City, died from heart disease, leaving a large circle of friends to mourn their loss. Her exemplary Christian character and peacelul end proves their loss to be ber gain. Jiis. Thb Pittsbnrgb Commerciul, of Satnrday. has tbe following: "A man named Wil liam Johnson arrived in tbe city yesterday by (he way of tbe Allegheny Valley Rail road. William has resided at Oil City for sumo months past, and receiving a large sum of money due bim there, he concluded to pay a visit to the City or Smoke, as be termed IL Well be arrived, ns stated, seme time during yesterday forenoon, and for tbe first time strolled along the banks of tbe Allegheny river. An hour or so after wards, he r turned to the depot, when be was accosted by two individuals who in turn grasped him by tbe heal and after warmly shaking it asked kirn what train be bad come down on. He replied on tbe morning train and they told him tbat tbey als had come down on the same train. They talked about matters and things at Oil City, and soon tbo two stran gers became fast friends ol Johnson. They visited saloons, drank tagctbor, and altor en hour or so thus spent, parted, Johnson going towards the depot and the strangers in the direction of Fifth street. . In less than an hour afterwards, Johnson, while seated on Canal street near tbo river, was approached by three persons the two strangers whom he met at tbe depot and a third person whs appeared to have them in custody. One of lb-m took Johnson asldo and pretending to be drunk Informed bim that while iu a store on Fifth Avenue, be bad fallen agoinst an elegant show case, the glass of which had been completely de molished. He bad attempted to "My," but tbe policeman nabbed bim and bis partner and took them to tbe watsh bouse. Tbe proprietor of tbe store where the damage bad been dnno would let them off provided tboy paid fifty dollars to repair tbo ease and the coats. They wanted to return to Oil City to-day, but unless the money was paid to tbe policeman who accompanied them, there was little cbausu of their getting off, and they wonld have to go to jail. If Job n son would pay the amount $55 it would be returned as soon as llioy got hack to Oil City. Jchnson finally consented to release them Irom their trouble, and tbe supposed officer was paid $55. Ho Immed iately de parted, and soon after the two strangers started lo get shaved ureparatory to going back to Oil City. Tbey left Johnaoa sit ting on Canal street, promising to return In half an hour. Johnson saw nothing more of them although he watched eagerly lor tbein, when every train departed. Late last evening be informed a geotlemaa at the depot of tbo tranction, and be was surprised to lettrn that it was a 'put up job,' sud that the supposed policeman was a con federate of the strangers." A French paper relates tiiat, recently, iu the south of Franco, a shepherd's doj;, left in charge ufa flock of sheep, and a little boy tbree years old, wero suddenly surpiieed by a largo wolf. The dog did !! lis bravely but at the time the six pherd cnie to the rescue be was laid prnU'te hy bis ferocious assailant. The poor huaat's life was at first despaired of; but bis maHter, determined lo save him if possible, bud his le amputated, and now, Tambour,' with bis three sound teg and one wooden one, is almost us ac tive ns ever, nnd trots his leu miles w ith out gnnuMing. THE 5EW. Hundreds ofinun nre at work gathering tbe ice etop of the Hudson. Dsnbnry supports forty-five saloons and seventeen billiard tables. Children dressed as cuplds aro a feature ol New Orleans weddings. 'The Hatttord Coarsnt says there are any strictly professional gamblers In that city. A lond papa In New York forked over $8,000 to Delmonlco the expense of a par ty to bring out a daughter. A better way than to wet both sides of a postage stamp is to wst neither. Wet the eorneraof the envelope, and press the stamp on and It will stick. A citizen of Rochester, N. Y., hst a ca nary bird that can whistle Yankee Poodle" more accurately than any news-boy. The Olympic Theatre in Detroit was entirely destroyed ty fire Saturday night. The loss was $2v,000. Several officers of the Cuban insurgent army are in New York for the purpose ol purchasing arms and amunitions of war. A new American club has been establish ed in Rome, with great success. At tbe first opening seventy members were secured. In Chicago, Saturday night, Thomas Stewart, a dissolute bully, shot and killed Henry Herbert. The murderer was arrested and committed for trial. Edward C. Prntow. who committed tbe bold robbery at tbe Park Bank, New York, Saturday morning has been committed for trial without bail. He bails from Albany. John Dewitt, tbe Chicago pedestrian, at eleven o'clock Sa'.urJny morning, accom plished tbe ffht t'f talking one thousand miles in ore llitns ,nd consecutive hours. for a wager of five hundred dollars. Tbe fractional currency issued last week amounted to $742,000; shipments, $470, 833; national bank currency issued $134 470; smniint in circulation, $2!9, 74S, 76S: fractional currency destroyed. $572,42S. Tbo Madrid Cronista lias an article ridj cnling Cnarles Sumner upon tbe gratuitous advice be gave, some time ago, to the pro visional government in reference to tbe in traduction in Spain or a republic. The celebrated Stevenson cotton case was up again Saturday lo tbe United States District Court at New York, the eouni-rl for Mr. Stevenson moving for tbe dismissal nf tbo attachment against bis property. No decision was reached. Foreign letters say that Ibe Bnrlingaaie mission is likely to be more successful in Paris than in any other plsce.fnrthe Freneb arc, of all foreigners trading with China and tbo Asiatic, those against whom native prejudices nre tbe least pronounced. The Unite! States District Attorney or New York has commenced prooeetlinys against Messmora and tbe other defendants in the Kentucky bourbon Case, wbo recent ly forfeited their bonds to the amount ef twenty-five thousand dollars eaeb by flee ing Irom New York. Tbe sureties are made pai tl-.'s to the action. Jay Gould, of the New York nud Eric Railroad, and a parly of railroad managers artived in Louisville Siin!y evening lo look into railway luattets. They left Sey mour, the junction of tbe Ohio and Missis sippi and Jeffersnnville and Iudionapolie Railroads at S v. H., and arrived at Jeffor sonviile at 5:58 I'.u. The distance between Seymour and Jeflersonville is 5(1 miles. It seems the world may ring with an author's Inme nud not a sound or it pene trate bis own borne. In General Wilson's furthcoming life of Fitz Green llalleck is a letter from llalleck to blssister, from which it appears tbat she remained In ipnnrnno of tbe existence of his world famous Marco Buzzaris," over six years, although even periodieal and newspaper had printed It. nearly every pubiio ball and school roo r had rung with it, and it bad been translated into French and modern Greek. Another instanc e of a similar character is narrated in the samo volume by General Wilson. A boy called tbe eldest son ef Sir Walter Scotl tho "Lady or the Lake." Yenng .Scott,who had never heard of hie father's poem, con sidered it an opprobrious epithet, aud at or.ge attempted to tbrasb bis scboolmiite.but was bimself severely tbrssbed, greatly to the amusement of Sir Walter when tbe boy went borne with a blood)' face and black eye lo tell Ibe story. At Danby, III., Thursday evening, Han nah Wademan, a werthy farmer's handsome daughter, aged sixteen, was iustantly killed by tbrewing herseir underneath a moving train on the Northwestern Railroad. Her parent's refusal to let her marry a voting neighbor impelled the suioide. X'.TK'K. -The Managing Coramilteo of the Methodist Donation Party are requested to mevtnt the bousoof n. C. Jarvis, to-morrow afternoon. T. T. Mn-i- Pma't. I I'eirolcum Centre, Jan. 2it. - , . litM-ut .otice. GREAT BARGAINS ! OFF EKED TO THE Citizen of Prfroleuni Centre ! In the way of Blank Hooka, Stationery, ' Funcf tJoocte, Worsteds, llird rnjft', School Iok, Ac, nt I'SLEirS VARIETY Stn, 35 SPRING STREET, TITV9TILL.R, 1A. JanSl ltn. Cfocka. A splendid assortment at Uhaoff. Jn!1-ir. Hnta, Cape, liooie and Mi ore. A tanp. assortment nt REYNOLDS. BKODUKAI) rt'. No. II Centra Stmt, opposite ths fust UUVe, Oil City. I'a. Guitar Slrlllgrt. A tart" lot nf the bast Guitar String thtaiarkat affords, just waived at Uham'a. Jan'.'llf Hardware A large assortment of which la lislnu closed out at reduced rates at REYNOLD, BKODnEAD CCS, No. It Centra St., i.puaite ths PoalOfflee. t)il Citr, Pa. ALisaA This la a newly discovered article) to b nsed for a hair drenslng, which ia said to b9 anpsil or to anything of the kind yot pluced before tbe pub lic. It renders the tviir soft and 2lntT, and will, It i said, CAitse the hair to crow nn pcdp. whirs h',ve Ion Incked -urn a cov.-ring. It I not properly a hair dye. and vet It will so operate on the rant of tho satae when applied as to restore It to ira origin al color and luxuriance In a very brief pvrlod ot time. It fs beyond question, a very Sujiertor thin1, and will morn than till the cxpectn'lon of any one who may purr-iowe ;t Svracne I'api r. Try Sew aril'a I ouli Cti e. It la the let. A. II. MTM'.KU CO., Wholi aale a:,d Hetnil Drtpjists, Apente for 1'etroieum Centre, ra. eov!3-lm. B-Mutifu! Slipper l'atlorns nt 4. It). Kinttli's Boot A Shoe Store. dvcIS-l.'. ITT FANCY (iOODS, all descriptions, nhole sa ennd retail, for HoilJuy Presents, at A. D. MILI-EH A CO. . t!rieltery For all kinds un to REYNOLDS, nitoUHKAD 4 O'l4, No. 11 Centra .'trial, np;iu. she tbo Post Pftlrai, Oil City. Pa. Jtry ,Boii:lt. a lare stnek at MYXOID. BKODHEAD CO S. Ni. It Ceutrj St, ofpo.lte tho Port Office. Oil Cltv, Pa. t""X,A!!E kMiIds to make aa appiopriatt p.eaetit, will nud beautiful HMPI'KIl PA TTK'tNs at A. S. Ml ITU'S Ho ,t k Shoe Stoni daclSif. lllltn CarS, wnolesale aud retail, four d'Oere'it at) lee to arrive this week, nt hlrty. A. P. MI I. LEU & CO.'H l,SOO rolia WALL PAPE-t received this day al A. D. MIU.Ktt A '(& Sew Flour, Feed and Ci-ncarr Stoiv ! 3. S. I'll iTIIt::t, AttheOI.D HANK HU' I.' I.N'?. ON MtfN-ST, oppoaite tbo McClintock !lou. , has n ha--d a larao nnd fl-.st class stock of V 'on Feed nnd Groceries which ha Is e lmic a a fi; iro Don't forget the p'.-ie'- -viierft . i? o t n A Company broke up. .i .'. J. Jf.full and etamlui ihj It n-u imeut "f SI.IrM KU PAm:r.::s at A. B. Smlr.'a A v Snou Siura dot lfi tt CAN'AUY mitD ( ala an I M ill, nt A D t tl nom f-v.o. whfl'e ' .'. i'it . ( ' 4. V In U - a-a rtnietr , A $ Siuiih'14 IVo .v ; 1 r ii s..v ; ' H OTS it DIAUlKfor SlOat V U Mll.l.r.U . Cit. CfteOC'H, of ev-T7 oim ty in1 ti'-i.:ri;:t:en, HI RBY.'fUIJ)-. il !O04li VD CJ'1. N i. 11 l Mrevt, rppO V tin! t' O., '11 City, I'a. I-;xclior Itilli.ird Pui ior. To enjoy a du!lf.''it!'iil and niiWrt came ot niltUids, coti A i) Knrnham's Kasliionati t ltilllu'd I'ar lrr.i. mi Wntfl.ltpftun Hrrrct. next il-n- to tin, t-rwh. ester llone 'l'lie-e Par.,irs am within a ehott die- tmtceof most of tlie principal lioiola in Petroleum Centra, may 0 tf. PAPER AND ENVELOPES at A. D. WJLLER & CO 'S. THE best place Is town to g.it a pair of I!oot made of the best StwU, that will wear wi ll, and warranted tn fit, ia at S, A, I'lantc'a fash ionable Boot Uliop, Wash'nKton Street, Petroleum Centre, Pa. !lva him a trial. . aepio tf. CALIFOHMA. WHEAT FIELDS AND STOCK RAN CID is I have Itancbos or Farms for side, through out CALIFORNIA, In tracts or One Hundred Acres np to Twenty Thousand. Terms to suit pur chasers. These lands will grow Thirty flva to Fifty Bushels of Wheat to the Acre, with ordinary farm ing, aud a Volunteer Crop of Twai.ty.Flvo bushels pur Aero. Jay-Corre:ondcn:c Solicited. Address HENRY McKKNTY, Dcalor iu Real Entitle, Office 304 Montjonifry Slrcct. Han Francisco, Cat. jantlj. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Attraction! EXTRAORDINARY. OPERA HOUSE ! PETROLEUM CENTRE. I'A., For One Night Only ! Wednesday live. .Ian. 27th, Great Arlington FROM ARLINGTON HALL, CHICAGO, t'l diT the immediate direction of William Arlington The Western Comet ! ASSUMED. BY SM. PRICE! Eccentric Comedian, ID. TL.. MORRIS, Tbo Great liiilcb Comedlun, D. W. COLLINS, Tbo Original ''Happy Old Man," FOSTELLE f The Charming Prima Donna ad lanseii, Till. SAUvIXI) IIH0S., The Talented English Mnsiciani, L'ESTRANGE ! The Great Tenor, ROSENTHAL, The Pleating Vocalist, SlTl'ORTED BY FIFTEEN OF T1IK ; MOST TALEXTKB 1'EUFORMKR.S IN THE PROFESalON ttJT A Imiaalon 5J ccnta. licscrt ad Seats, 'i ctl. fgr f)iinre o; en at T bVlae'c. rerfcrnanc soai. Rleuma at S u'eknrfc. t IIAHI.CS U. DAI, JanS3ft. rtusinaea Afttt S. S. Griswold, tVa'.ar In COAL. IW Orders by Ibe Car or Ton prrm'llf Filled Also, Arat -r tba cslrbratea) kkeij niDiii: coal: OrriCK oa Psrxat trcet, near E. H. Track, PETROLEUM CENTRE, FA. .Taa if, ""A; t. leggelt, Maau'acturar and Daalar la HARNESS, Seed Bags, "Valve Cups, &c. Eip-rlet.eod o:kmn ara empliiyad, and Var ii i rail k'.ada kept coasiaullf on liaud and aians to order. I. '. Heinx'e Pat. 9ffed0iig For Sain. Kepjiiring Done at all Times ! Call and examisa anr stock and prices, natu-lt., below 'jhe Mcllin took Ilonac. Pflrolcum Centra. Pa Jao. till. l.-tf. Uiaaoiution. 1'IIH co psrtner.hln hmtor,ira eitatlaa ketwees W H lilin.luiinllh. It Kriairinsmlth and N Bllodurd, ia Otis day dlssa4fed kj mutual con seat N Tl llofford retires Irom Ilia nrro and W R Ktlnf itt'inlih and II Klinainamitk conllou tn the hne ness, and assume all bill r or aeainat tka lata Brm. f R KI.INOINHMri ll, H KJ.lNOtHSMITU, , N B HOCPOKD. ; Potrolattm Centra, Jan. If, ibeo. iw ' Wanted. . A FIRST CI. ASS PASTHT (SHIR Is wanted at tile Petroleum Uoose, ( II City, Pa. Ap'r ltoinelfatelv. Jaii'St, BTAATH WntTR. rmpr'a. AVanted. rpO KENT OR PITROHAMK a Dwallinf IlouW X in Petroleum Cautie. Apply to JauMt. T. T. MA?B. BO the E Howard American Watch, ta ksel made, at ISIIAM tt. (JOLIDOild Jeilr, Ud.aes Hat., kar lls; O Tins. Mam Huttoaa. , at IB II AM CD'S. 1) IAUOMU rlNftead K1NOS, at IKHAH W C.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers