DRUGS AND J. H. -CHRISTIE, DEALER IN DRUGS, IVIEDZCXITS3S OIIiS, Paint s,Vtirnishc?3, Glass, Putty. Soaps, Dye Stuffs. Fancy and Toilet Articles. PURE WINES LIQUORS ! SELECTED EXPRESSLY FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES. N. B. Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hoars. No. 13 Washington-st, Petroleum Centre, Pa. y Q1t me a cull before purchaalng elsewhere, Mylttf.) jr. H. CHRISTIE. United States LIFE Insurance COMPANY, OK NEW YORK, Established March 5, 1850. Capital 1c Assets, 08,000,000 E. J.ROSS, Agent, Petrolenm Centre, Pa. This Companv, Bring ore or lh. oldeat and meet reliable la th. Uulted States, affird. amfe secur ty, nut only ey Jts large aweta, which on Jan trj 1st, 1808, were al ready ss par cent uer lie MabllitlM, but also by the PERSONAL LIABILITY OK TUB STOCKHOLDERS TO MAKE GOOD ANY DEFICIENCY, B etctu-ity not afford.d by any other Cash Company. Dividend are Declared Annu ally ! . And may be nsed to unlit In pa . lug Premium!, to afford ldltllunal laaurane . or to srenre paid np Voile e. after they have Leon in force foi a nuniber of yean, aa explained la our pamphlet, or thi'y may accumulate at conipouud iutoreet to Increase 111. tutu lanured, rYERY F ATI EH Shou'd secure a Policy ae early aa poa.ihle. a none iett healthy persona can be Injured, aud It l bis moral duty, to pr vlda In the ant war for hi. fam I y. whidi he cannot do better, thau by a Life In sitranc. Money iufceted In bualnewa may brine more Interest for a while, but It may all be lost, and the family la thus l.ft dveiiinte. J .Hi if. NEW HARDWARE STORE BIATINU AND C'floKtlfQ STOVES ! In large varlely. . TABLE AND POCKET O ut le r y ! SHELF HARDWARE. BOUSE rDBNISHINIf O'DDSr lamps, lanterns. and fancy articles. NAILS AND IRON Wooden Ware, &c. 'or sals CHEAP 1 t the store formerl. occupied by rturehno'd aud Caslerline, UIL ClTi", PA. ""City, Jsn.4, IVM-if. . MEDICINES. i 9 NEW CLOTHING Sew Clothing ! n'ehaTeJu.t received and are anw opening to the - admiring gaze uf tbe cuiscue uf PETIIOLElIil CE.MTRE and vicinity, the moat complete rtietc, aud the very latitat .lylea of Winter CCCCCCCC L I. L L L L L I, 0 O O ) () O O O T T T T T T T T H M JI II II H H u 1 I I I I I I I N N N X X X N N G G G U G U G G That wa .Tir before brmr:M to th'. jjaeo or n til Unk. wliii?li Ma. ar a,.l!iii.r .11 ,1... I. .-. Ible ratee. ' i lotliinjf made to Ortor! at th hortrnt nut!;. Hats and Ciips OP EVERY 8TYLK. IN GBNTS' FUKNtSIIiNG GOODS ! our tok 1eomptc. 0 pr'.to, and ail guodi . & .... -.. .v. wicn iinimi fyL H'(it nurvlufur, we hu,n fur ft fimiuiia'v o " the ;my. lam nrifti x TililtlL'tl itrir rVi..uef.a l..e ill .I. .. 1911 A .tl v CO., W atchmakers & '.Ikweleks, IN OPERA noi'SE BUILDING. WAP n. IXGT0N STREET, rETaoLEi .ii t t:rnr, pa.. Keep ciuMtaatly oa band a larj;. a.wrlm ut of WATcnns. JKrt KI.UV, i-irot.!, KKVOI.VRim. FIsilINd TAfKI.R. warlrldin). c . ami will !! at .oaiuni prints. All Catch work wa rmtwi to give Miirruciiim. LIVERY & FEED WuIiingiit SlrocI, iiattt Ibo Operu llwuiv, PETROLLU.il CENTRE, PEX.VA. 1 liev put In n a'd uc'; or Kiilind und Diivinif Itnret'S. which I will li t ou ri'usiiuablc lorms. Alto, Cutler. Wiiffuiia, Ppj-Siig Wilsons, ACt;. 1IOUSKS boai-ded aud fed and bst of caio eiiar anlewl. , J"tf A. 5MA1VI EV. NEW STORE t Flour, Feed and Onrrui diroceries! ivM(;ii5n si's & tu, Having loeatnllu P.trntonm Outre, with a hr-o Stuck of CEXElt.ilj GROCERIES! TOQBTIIEK WITH FLOUR Sc FEED of TnrloitK hnud. invttct thit nMriillon of the cltl seiiii in ai:d ahwul Ivtroleitm t ontri tn call and ex. amine thrir stock. Thoy hava on hand and will continue to kujp a lare nn-i choice lot of APPLES I and wll. make a .iociality of Fltrit and FKi' l). tlmlr fitcllitlv. Im.nii micii that th.ty an couipute eucoo.F.fiiily with any house on (htt Oreck RKMKMBBK THKIK STAMt. OPrOSITB TUK slcCLINToi.'K liOL'SE. W. H KMN'ilNSMITH, novSS tf II. Kl.lNi.lXSMI I H, T. T. MAPES, De.lfTi in A. 1 . jgl PcMvnred or at the Yi-d hy th" enr cr t inl5 tr TELEGRAPH PEI'ORTIin FOR TUB MAILT UKCOHD, tULlO'Lr?- .11 i i ii - AltrriKMHi lMsjiitc!u's. N'w York, Jan. 2.1. A Rio & J.muiro lotlor Da. 23 coiiliims tli. nccotmt of tltt roitt of I.nprz ntnl his army at Villettn. Tito llrszilliaa lnt is I'lxccd at 2.OU0 lint it is untli-iatnoil tho Kiiiit'ior admits it, to ! much heavier. AmuMirn kail not yt den nttucked, Lul adiyisitin nmrcliins against II. Minister McMahon is tepofieil to hare ooti.e tu an untlrrstantlinK wila Lnnrz anil Ibesa-auier Wasp bns leliiiaej to Bueuai A y res. Australian letters full' confirm (be report tl tnas-aere at poverty Hay. New Zealand, by natives. Thirty-three whites and about twenty friendly natives were killed and the prosperous settlement was entirely destroy od. Tbe Herald states that last year it paid telegraph company four Iboiisand dollar more thau ull the rest of tbe New lork city papers. The Rogers murder stil! remains a mys tery, and Tom has not yet appeared. The romaatio stories acceded to a WalerktiiT, Conn., paper, are not leliared by tbe prominent authorities. Tbe argument in the habeas corpus pro ceeding for the discharge ol James Logan was postponed Friday fur Ihree weeks. Tim Herald's WashiOKton dispatch s.ys: Wells. Kergo Inre.ligaing committee had a number of witnesses liel'cre theui Friday. Among thoae examined was J. C. Casement, of the Union I'acitic Rtilrnud. He testified that the accumulation of mail matter along the route took place, when the old contract with Wells. Fargo Co., had expired and before tho new one rns made. Mr. Spaide. the mil of the man w ho was the lowest bid der lor the comiHCl. tesliGcd that himself and h! futhroiited to cany the mails for j700,0i:i eps tuiin Wells & Co., but they could ti(i get arty satiidactory answer to their letter. Wm. Tillon. u hanker of New York who it seeaia has been the hanker of Mr i'!ia, cerroborratftl his statements. T'n- il iej :n toil ov! It y. eon to be generally iindersiuKl thiit Menard, tho colored Con- gr stiun frnni Luiiisiana, will not get his Mt in the Home, A lair caw is ieirrted wtientn a deeislon "! Jul e liitll s overruled by the Court of Common Pliias whieh afflttna that a gilt of i.vnii'V Hi- other valuable things to Secure or reward the le-turt-nient of ofliee, conveys a U1)l' good in law. "flaiii Shlrta" and Planchette. A gentleman residing in ft suburban tewn, ins tsllid to his door, the other evening, by an euervtlo pull of tho bell, and found tlie Irish servant of a nfJiglibur, who deliver, vd hertell as folluws: 'iryo plu7.. Mr. Coaker. maeter would like tbe loan or your plain shirt." My plain shirt!" said the mzxled Cook er, '-what His ditcv dues he wunt a shirt for?" Faith I ilu'nt know sur,"' caM the rlonses tic. "Only I hetir the inittv..i say she thought she could iiisUm the plain shirt uove il she put her hand on it. " What:" sereauied Mrs. Conker, who had bweti listening to the- rnnrerFatian Ihnmgh titv crack of the parior dor, "put hi r hsnds mi votir plain sliirt? I wen Id liko to see her about it; tbe buz,.) !" Cooker gtinnxl, and then exploded inn shout of laughter. As sunn a he could re cover, he tinned to his excited .;.'ii.;;e. and eni.l: Duti'l se! i ;.i.ilel, tu.f deir, lu:t l and iJiddj Urn l'liihClii'lte fiiiiti the puil.u-j 1 lliinli tliitt is what situ warts." Yos, eur," s.iid UiiiUy, "the bit of I nurd und lite pencil, ivid the divil in 'em,' whieb provvd lo be the case. The Lomlon Shipping Gnzstto of t!:e ftih tnm. shjs tho brig Ilnnuibal, Capl. (Jyles, arrived ut Liverpoul Irom U' in a. Sue spoke the link AmotiCK, fur Xmv York, on the .'i.ith i.f December, in IntiltuJc 42 degrees i3 miniiics iiiutli, lungitude JO degrees 25 n.inii.'iM went, wlllr thit ly-eii;ht o( the ship wreck crew and passenger of tho si en met llilicrnin on board. The uccounl of Cnpt. Gyles is circumstantial, and there seems no doubt that another of the boats that lot the ill-t iled frlcutuer has been fallen in with, and the sufferers rescued. The New York Herald, in copying the above, expresses tbe belief that not withstanding the recent statement per cable le the conlrary, all tbe passengers and crew of tbe lliborola am ule. The America, which left Bremen No vember 21ht, bus not yet readied New Yutk. The Central 1'uuillo Kailrund is cumpleled to twenty-one miles beyond Klin, fi.ur hundred and eighly-otie nitletl east of.Saer.i ttionto, und within one hundred and eight miles of Monument Point, at tlitt bad of Salt Lake. Tho track is Icing laid ut tho rate of two miles per day. Catrie C:aike, aged f.it.i-em, was droit li ed while skiTn 011 Fux- liver, two miles a'jove Elj-iu, Iilinois, Tfcurslay nlsht. The budy was recovered. lill'il SlARRlA.ir. GIFTS. Tus IVc -e'i C. rr i Ub Vieii'g Man ran pre. .em to i.i Hii-le, it a Aiiuiii cnl If iitiouanda purn henrt. Ksny i 0:1 llieM: Mit je iili tliu leimaue view, of lienevl 'u: riiy.lc'iun-. rit in phIc1 let ter eiive'.fruM, fn-fl nf eleir;-e. 'Jlre Ih'WAKD A-: 0''.'.l l"N, lint P-. I'liilt i-'llin, Cii ,a TUB OIL, PIARKRTS. Tbk Pet'm Ckxtiim Dailt Rkuoud, :ono, V 15. S 1 uthui.wl'm Cbntrk. Jan The market Is In u quiet uml unsettled eunditiou, witb considerable sparring be tween sotoe of tho buyers and sel lers. No transactions to report. Buyers, ohVring $0.&a to $6.C0; lellcrt, holding at fi.7i. .Slilimeti:s of oil from this point, Jan. 23. I't rO. C. A A. K. Railroad. l.f.U bunels! 'fc'l.Ll,IJH IJAtHI:i iti -S-..I,. l ;il l ph. Special biapaicims u. i lie Hily l:rv..nl. riTTSBiKtin. Jan. 25. Spot for 45 gravity. 47 gr. lGi. First water fur 45g. 47 gr. IGJ. B. O. first six months 18 for 45 cr: Tor 47 gr. b ' 8. O. first six months. 16',; for 45 gr.: for 47 gr - s Buyers' option all this year, 20 fur 45 gr. for 47 gr. Seller' option all this year, 1C4' for45gr. Sales N'ine. Market Quiet bjit firm. Philadklpuia, Jan 25. Spot, -J4tf35. J an' y do FeW'y 35. March 35J(S 36. April 38. Jan'v tv June ,1 Apt!', lo Jnm March to .1 ine 3". April to Dec . Crude Bills. Not niioled. Crude bulk. 2234. Market Buyers asking concession which sellers refuse. Xkw Yuan. Jan 2. Receipts Refined, 02 barrels. Crude. bb's. Naithn, bbls. . Crude, 23. Steady. Refined. .Market Steady and quiet. London. Jan. 25.-2. pm. Reflned. 21d. Spirits. 9d. Antwerp, Jan. 15. 3 p. m. 58'(5Si Livexroot.. Jan. 25, 2 p. m. Reflned 2ld. Sptribi. 9J. AsTtvenr, Jan. 25.-5 p. m. Crude 659vg'. tVeelcrn I'nloii I.lne n arkei ncpnrt. New York. Jan. 25. Crude, bulk. 23. . Refined P. L. t. to W., 35 : S. W. Matket Quiet; nothing doing. Philadelphia, Jan. 25. Crude 22 1,. Hefit.ed-l'. L. S. tu W., J4 : S. W. 34 1-2. Market Quiet; nothing doirJgl rituburgh, Jan 25. Market Nothing doing: Noininul; No transactions; can't quote prices. Clewing Ketr Vorfc Klarket. New York, 3:10, p. m.. Jan. 2."i. Qu'ej but atendy. Reflmd, :!li'e('j7. C'rtiat.'. 2.'i. SPIMiti VUltK. New Yobk, Jan. 25. C.cild l.T J.. Petroleum' Exchange HOTEL. ON TIE EUROPEAN PLAN. FRESH ALL THE 'YSTERS ! .V'fll LUXURIES! Rpceived OF THE 0YST1 DAILY! S E A SO X ! Wis ill i tig-ton Street, Petroleum Centre. Pa., next door to l.tmm dt Co s J jwclrv Stori! MDIIY A 8AXIH, liir'i. P.ty Hoarder aeeommnijiiieil, 'enl served at a'l hours. (Jv.lera, and overv deaeiiption of gam. fiirulftiied guests. No pain, will be .pared to accommodate lho?e who faror ua with their patronage. KDDY 1 SA'NOft' Petroleum Centra, Jan. C, lNoe. tf. GROCERIES! GROCERIES! Crctk ry ! Crockery ! Crockery ! CsJiiss ediv. Kninn ituiv.t CHINA WARE, ol all kind, aud dcteriptlnn. Al.e, .PKOVISIOlTb 1 of a'l Uimln, Of)lFKR of bf qimMty. TKAt wliit'h rnn'til In- fintnt-rM Kl.tTK. H!.. ' EU. CUlil&E, Af'l'I.l', t.KMONS nr.ii 1HA.(K-, ini in filet Hvuryiliinc pvr- 6&032HT A PVISIOJi STORE. GERMAN SILVER WAKE, KNIVES, I'DKKH. HI'OONS, Ae V,V fi'lrilil. and the e'lizen. lit p. tmieiini Centre ami vtelnity. will alwuys ami any and everyihin - in my line til th. GROCERY STORE ON MAIN-ST.. OV I OSIl'K TIIIC HANK BUILDING. V. K" ri'l.I.RU A aje,.,., r riil"uin '".etir Mug I', ti. A. D. MILLER t CO.'S COLUMN. A, I), MILLER & Ca. Wholasale and Kctall Dealer. In DRUGS, MEDICINES, Washington Street PHTHOI.f.rni CE!TK, PA. Tboir Stock consist of evrrythiagjln the line of Drugs & Medicines ! FXJJAE LIQUORS, FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSE", trisoloMl an el Befall Atcnu lr JOHN ROOT S BITTERS, CONSTITUTION BITTERS. AI.ISMA FOll TITR HAITL SEWARD A BENTLEY'S COUGH SYRC MAIC MACEDONIAN OIL, DUPONCO S GOLDEN PILLS, WALKER & RAZES CIGARS, JAYNES' MEDICINES. ANDERSON'S DERMADOR. SPENCERS MIXTURE. . SPENCER S OINTMENT, Ac.- IMLIiS. Aver', Htsrsilen's, Brsndeth's, Me' snn's, Cplialie, Miiltar., llerfck'., Mutt'.. Hooper'., Kailwny' H A. Hobaek'., .Tndo'.. Clark's Female; rheccman'a Vclpnu'i, do, Ac, Ae P.lli'.. T Vt'lLon's, Wl.harts'e, Wrlgh'taj Jayne's, SW"lienck's, Dnponco's, du. Perftimery, Toilet Ar ticles, Sun us Brashes, &e. . COI CJIISI, COI1D8, . Ayer's Cherry Pecleral', Javne's Expectorant, Marsden'a Balm, Itehvnck'a Syrup, Universal Syrup, Exeelrior'Pynip, Ransom's Hive SyrnR Boiler's Syrup, Coe's Syrup, .Ilall's Balsam. Denton'i Balsam, Bryan's Wafers, Olive Tar, Brown's TroohoS; Wisharl's Pine Tree Tsr, Seward's Cough Cure, Batentan's Syrup, Cough Candy, it' Cigars frud Tobaccos ! The Best Fvrr Dronght to the Oil lte'iion. IJAIIl RESTORATIVES. ALISMA, RING'S. MR!. J". A. ALLEN'S, ; i t r, v ai.i r;n. HALL'S. MARTHA WASHINGTON,' BARRETT'S, ROSPETTIlR'S, LYON'S, STERLING'S, BARRY'S, d-d., ic UITTEUS. ItOOTf. rONTITrilON, RORArK'f,- DltAKK'ft. MAOARA8TAK. l)nI.H;'lf MIKIII.KIt'f. HUH l'ETTK'1'8, KPKKK'A. HOOt'LASP'S. I'Al.lfdltNIA, ATTWOOD'ff. ritOTOXIDK IKON, &C WALL PAPERS, Curtulai una Rustic Shades. PAINTS, OIliS, VAlt l!IIES, OfiASS, PUTTY, GLl'Ef Turpentine, pouger Ij-n Stuffd, 1ryrf ItEHXEKV SlPL3ESr Lard (HI, Eierosene Oil LAMPS, LAMP FIXTURES, de. liennett Ah Congress VII atcr" PRESCRIPTIONS COM'- fSSSH POUNDED AT ALL 3Z f HOUIW OK THE Pjjsi NIGHT ANli filt SUNDAYS. STATIflNEHY, ENVELOPES SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. TROSES" ( nine alone, cnie en", erme all. it ditn't enrt n,r' tni .' t look at goiidf, tind uo will in to trial ill well , n M1M.EU & 3V rlto:saiu Cel. II.. F. i 5. iei ji;