f'S-s-a Petroleum Centre Daily Record. . CRl, 8atnrar 'an. 33. Tin at Cloalua Malls. P. O., Pirnoi.rtK Cnw, P., I ti.i ism. t Hata further aetle tbt walla will arrlr at and oopart from this efSco h follows: a Mum. "oirth aail Fart, via. Irvlaeton, 10. tt A. M. Nnttti and West, h Meadrille, 6. IS P. M. Nrtti ana Kait, Carry, 1 SI " Mr-ill. Hootti and West, 1 41 A. M. ' ISonM t Eaet and Weet, IMP, X, Nortb, Cm and Wset, 10.03 A. M. M. K. W.ACKMO', P.M 1)1 t I in Service. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Pre.ohln7 at 11 o'clock A.M., and 7 o'clock P. Jf. Rev. A. T. Oxtoiit, Pastor. M. E. CHURCH. Services every Ssbhath at It A. M. and 7) P. M. Sabliatb School a twelve a'clock M. 8,fa Five. A soidta! Invitation extended to all. Ret. C. M. Heard. Paator. STS. PETER AND PAUL'S (CATHOLIC) CHURCH. Matt at 10! a. m. Vespers and BooedMatloo of the I! lewd Sacrament at 4 p. m. Catechism at 2 p. m. JAMES DUNN, Paator. THE NF. WT COUNTY PROJR T. The project fr forming a new ennnty out of portion" of Crwforn Warren, and Ve naugo counties, with Titusville as a county seat, has been revived this winter. Senator I.owry has introduced to the Senate a bill for the formation or the new county, and there is strong prolwbllity that it will pass that branch of the legislature. We have filth to believe, however, that the measure will be killed In the House. Hith erto we have regarded this project as hardly "orthy or notice, and have consequently wn s'lent in regard to it. But it is now time to spesk out upon the subject, InaV nch as there is some danger that the scheme nay be carried through the legisla ture. In common with everybody else in this part of Venango county, we are op posed la this measure, regarding it as en tirely a matter or speculation. We don't relieve that outside of Tlttisvilla a hundred men in the three counties approve of the scheme, Tbey do not wish to add to their already heavy burden of tnxatloo merely for the benefit ot Titusville. The people along Oil Creek valley am unalterably op posed to any such project. The people of enango are well sMisllod with their pres ent situation. Tbey desire no change, and will strenuously fitful ngaicst anything ol the kinds Why wouldn't It do as well te make Tittissille a county, then it could be csnnty and county seal all to itself, and have the privilege of paying for the fun. But to speak seriously the people to b affected by this measure, and who are opposed to its consummation, should let their Apposition he known and' felt at Hhrrfsbnrg. These new county .'homers and speculators should be thwart ed. There can be unsound argument adduced in favor ot tbla proposed new county. We shall bare mora- to say upon Ibis subject toon. Tuc production on the Pierson Farm now averages 276 barrels per day. This ts a falling off of nearly one half since Novem ber. There are eleven producing wells on this farm, and Ore new ones going down all In the 3d sand. Leaws on! this farm are eagerly senght after, but tbe owners are aot at present disposed to sell leases. This Is the last-night of the theatre in this place, and the performance promises to be a grand one. The talented Miss Kate Fisher will appear in ten different charac ters, in tbe drama of "The Three Fast Men." There will no doubt be-a crowded bona. Tai Monthly Glee Hive,' and' "Parlor Companion for tbe Flute, Violin and Piano,! for J4uary, bare beeu received. They contain some eery choice pieces of' music Address, J. E. P.ikhs. Miislo Publisher; T. O. Box 6.429, New York. A wbm. ws eiiuek yesterday on the Etat; property, with) the city limits of Franklin. It is producing forty barrels per day of lubricating oil. Tbia sells at the well at f 15 per barrel.. MNCR the rise in tbe oil market, some of out producers, Captain Jones among others, are holding their oil at 8 per barrel. We admire thslr pluck, and believe tbey will jel gat tbe price they are asking. A skw well wis struck yesterday on Wildcat Riiu. It is doing fllteen barrels psrday. It is owned by. Mr. Harry De. reim. . Bread npon (lie Water. New York beggars of all descriptions meet generally with rather nneerlmorrlous receptions inasmuch s the wbnle city td In fested with them, especially the business offices. In on ol these, a lawyer's oflTce, a woman cam not long ago, and bejjged sislsnce in paying br rent. The lawyer in question, contrary to the usual ciislnm. lis tened to ber story, and on its conclusion (are her lire dollars. Ts is proceeding on bis part, as may be surmised, gave rise ie much merriment among those who wit nessed It, and who did not hesitate) to rldi cule tlio credulous genorosily of the lawyer. The laugh was, however, a few weeks later on his side, whon the same woman came into the office, and going up to him. banded bim a check for (500. A fortune in Eng land bad been left her, and this sum she wished to present bim in token of ber grate ful appreciation of bis kindness to ber when in distress for her distress had been real. She had furthermore called unen him to ap point bim her agent in the management of the estate of which she bad so unexpectedly become the fortunate possessor, the perqui sites whereof, we may imagine, are not a few. Ir ts estimated thatthe present sugar crop of Louisiana, now about made, will amount to one hundred thousand hogshead. The season has been unusually favorable so much so, that at one time sirong hopes were entertained that the yield would reach one hundred and twenty-five thousand bogs heads, but the weather has been recently less propitious, and the estimates have been reduced to the first mentioned figures. The plmting interest of that State is mueh more hopeful, the crop tins steadily advanced iroin a little ovnr ten thousand hogsheads in lSC3-'(i4, te about one hundred thousand hogsheads the present rolling, with mub cane reserved for next season's planting. nod already, wltb a tavoruble year, a crop, of two hundred and arty thousand hogsheads for the coming season is talked of as not an improbable event. Late Mexican advices via Acapulco state the Legislature of Griseare is in session, and exhibit anything but barmonlous action. Gn. Aroe's party were jubilant because of Gen. Alvarez being called te the City of Jlexico hy the general Congress to defend himself. Complsints are made that be has not as yet complied. In the Slate or Oaxa ca a fotmldable revolution Is brewing against the government of Juarez. PorBrfo Diaz, Negrete, Rivera, Alatorrn and other gener als are leading the malcontents and aiding in concert with Gnnznles Ortega, and Gar ela farther north. The Mexican Premier. Lerudo Deljadn, is-the object against whom all these attacks are made, being equally detested by all parties. ... Tnts Virginia City Safeguard, in Nevada, tells of a lucky teamster, who made a suc cessful mining experiment. Hearing that a rich deposit was about to be developed in ooeoftbe leading mines, and judging that it he kept dark as lontt as possible, he pro cured employment in the mine, disguising bimseiras a miner. A Tew hours' work cou vincd dim that a big strike was inevitable. Ue-iovestt-d all the money he had or could borrow in the stack oP the mine; in a few days he sold out at an advance or $3,000. He has now csaie east to pay a visit to the old folks at borne, whom be Las net seen for 20 years. . Th Cypress ofSotnma, in Lomhardy, It. aly, is tbe oldest trea on record. It was known to be in existence at the time of Ju lias Ca-r, forty-two yean before Christ, and la therefore 1,901 years aid. It Is 106 feet In height and 20 feet in circumference, one foot tram the ground. Napoleon, when laying down bit plan fur the great roi.d over the Blmplon, diverged from a straight line to avoid injuring this tree. Superior antiquity la claimed for thHmmense tree In Calaveras County, California. This Is snp poaed,from the number of concentrio circles in the trunk to be 2,565 years old. Taa Chicago Tribune says that the real name or Mark Twain is Samuel G. Clemens. Blessed with long legs, bo is tall, reaching five feet ten Inches in bis boots; weight, 167 pounds; body little and muscular; bead round and well set en considerable neck.and (set of vast size. Us smokes tohaeco. The eyes are deep set and twinkle like stars la a dark night, Tha brow overhangs tbe eyes, and -the bead is proteoted from the weather by dark and curling licks. He looks as if he wniild make a good busband sod a jolly father. Tuk lecture of Mrs. Bbepard, at tbe M. E. Church last evening; vas quito largely at tended. She is an interesting and- eloquent lecturer. John C. Breckinridge, ! a letter to a friend at Georgetown,. Ky., sny his engage ments are aucb that be cannot' narae tbe time when he wltlTettirn to -Kentucky.., OS Wednesday night next the celebrated "Arlington Minstrels" wili perform', at- the Jipera House, in this pUce. . . . OIL CITY CORRESPONDENCE. . i' On. Citt, Jan. 23. Trie weather for the last two days has been seasonable and agreeable. On Thursday and Frldav evenings Sher ry's New .York theatrical Company wero greeted withgood bouses at Bascom's Hall. Tbe debate of tbe Library Association on Thursday evening we regret to say was marked by personalities not warranted by parliamentary usage. Tbe subject was tbe Creation as given In tbe Mesalc record. Public dissuasions to bo agreeable and profitable, should be' conducted wltb cool ness and dignity, and all subjects and allu sions avoided which would bsvc a tendency to mar tbe harmony of tbe proceedings. Tbe Library Association caa be a sours Of much entertainment and profit, but only so long as the proceedings are marked by tbe courtesy existing between gentlemen. Tbe Blakoly well No. 2 is doing 50 bar-1 rets. several new wells arc going down on Charley Run, but of course this new strike has no tendency to abate the excitement, The protracted meetings at tbe Methodist church arc still in progress. Col. Snow deserves the best wishes or our community for having established a fine fish, poultry aod gams market bare. lie is located at the west and of the iron bridge and bas always on band alloc assort ment. We saw some excellent batlibut, lloundcrs and eels there yesterday, brought by express from Boston and sold at pries wo have been in the- babit of paying for a very ordinary quality. Tbe Colonel's mar ket has only to be thorougly appreciated, and his enterprise is worthy or success. The oil market was firm yesterday. Sales were made at $7.25. On Tuesday there will be a Masquerade B ill at Bascom's Hill. Tbe Musieat Association is engsged in re hearsing a splendid piece r classical music by a eminent American composer which will be produced this season. Prof. N. E. Skinner, whs bss fully recovered frsni bis indisposition and is in flno voice, was at tbe geuersl rehearsal last evening. Jl'aN. A Washington dispatch aay that several wealthy and revolutionary Cubans have ar rived there, who have made their represen tations to the S"tat Department. They affirm that there, are from 12,000 to 15,000 irooos in tbe Insurgent force, well armed and organized, and 'that any number caa be raised so soon as arms sufficient arc landed nin the Island. They require no men from th.) United States. Tbey bars men enough. All they whut is arms and amuni- tlons or war. ' They seek recognition as belligerents, and many It Congress favor this. Full particulars or the wreck of tue steam ship GuirClty, off the Nertb Carolina coast, show that twenty-one sailors and one passen ger were lost. The suffering among those who were saved was Intense. Eight persons took to rsft, but during forty-eight hours hunger and thirst, five of them fell Into the sea and were drowned, tbe remaining .three being finally picked up and saved.. . A correspondent of the New Yoik Times describes the Mikado or J ipatf as a yontn or sixteen with a sensual and vacanttnunte- nanoe, a hard bead and raise ejs brows paiated half way ifi tha forehead. Ten years ago h'e- was considered a God, and his sxislttnoe doubted by sceptical Japanese; now be appears in public and is to be the real ruler orihe people. The Steamship, Caledonia, from Glasgow, has arrived.' It Is stated that necotletiona pending between sevs-al shin-builders and agents of tha Greek government for the building or a fleet ot war vessels. It is freely stated tbatGreee dee not Intend to abide by tbe decision of tbe Paris Confer, en co. Two young ladies residing at No. 250 Maraisntreet, New Orleans, were burned to death i? lae emission of a nelralenm atnva a few days ago. Their names were Ann Kelly and Mary EMer. Tbe former was replenishing the pipes feeding ton lighted sieve, wben the combustible material ignit ed, bunted, and set fir to her dress Her brave companion rushed to her aid, when bar clothes also took Are, Mrs. Elizabeth P. Biroey. widow of the late Jamoa G. Birney, died at her" residence in Geneva, .rfw York, on Thursday. Her busband wna famous for having been the candidate of'tbe Liberty party in 1844 for the President of the United States. The only son or Mr. Birney died in the military service of bis country during the rebellion, leaving a mils daughter, who is tha only living descendant of Mr. Birney. The three policemen charged wltb he manslaughter of tbe lata Ex-Judire Tavlor. of Chicago, were Thursday discharged be. cause lbs prosecuting attorneys were too busy with paying "Ntsi-i io attend, ts this u upi'oli table oue. Loral Notices. GREAT BARGAINS OFFKRTED TO TI1K Citizens of Petroleum Centre ! In th wafef Blank Books, Stationery, Fancy Gonda, Worat'edff, Bird t'agcry. School Books Ac, te, at ESLER'ft VARIETY Store, 35 SPRING STREET, . TITtYll.LB( A. ti smj ljn. Clocks. A splendid assurttasbt at Inham's. JsniMf. flats, Cape, Boole and sjhoea. A large assortment at HBYNOLDs. BKODI1RAD a UO'S, No. II Csmtr Btrast, oppodia tb Post OSes, Oil mj, ra. Gnltar Sirlnsja. A lane lot of the best Gniiar Strings the markst affords; Just received at . J.nSItf. nara ware A large assortment ef which l llng closed out at reduced mt,-s- at HKYNOLDS, BRODHEAD A CIA-", No. 11 Centro St.. orrxi.li. ins rostumcc. oil City, rs. Ausa. This is a newly dkcotVrrd article to he nsad for a hair dreiulng, which Ir said to be super!. or to anything of tha kind rot ptated Ocfora the pub lie. It renders the hilreort and elonv, and srlll.lt IODK lacked UCh n COV.'ritli' It In Tint nr...u-t. hair dye. and yut It w II mi operate ou tin- reoi of the same when applied as to rnr.ire li io ! orvin al color and luxuriance in a crv hf p W of and will more than fill Die -Toti..n of anv o wno may purrbaae Jt Hj-racii-e I'anir. Try Hew- CO., Wholesale and Retail Drnmiala. nillinnin lit. 1 li he a,t I II HI VI A . v iki, . . DOVJ1-IQI. . ' ' ' --- ; - - Beantiful Slipper Patterns st A. 8. XmttVs Rni.i Bhoe Store. dnclS-tf. J3T FANCY flOODs), sll dwrlptiona. mUt.''' sain and retail, for Holiday Picnto, at A. D. MILI.EK A CO. 9. Cntekery for all kinds-gn to KKTX'ilD"., BRODHKAD CO., No. 11 1'.ntre Mi-mi, cFpo. its thePost Office, Oil City, IV wt .osmis, a large st': at RSYNO'.DH, BltonilGAD A CO S, No. u Centra St. oppostto tn rust otne.. til citv. Pa. I f T.Al!'- I'H: to nvs m n,io r n p-eeent, will Ibi.J ,ev.t f .1 !,ii'i'K.H 1'AT ri ?i at A. S. SMITH'S Ho t A Shit st .m J:el if.' BIRD CtO'f; wnolesa'.! mid retail, ifonr different stjlas to arrite this week, at Thirty- a. n. mim.br co's' I.SOO rolls WAI.I, PATBK ncolved this day at A. S. MIM.BH A CCS. Xow Hour, Feed and Urocurr (tore X 3. S. Pit ATHRII, At the OLD BANK BUILDING, OX H UN tT, opjx-slto the MeCliatock Hons, 1iaa oa band 'a larcoand &:H class stock of Flour, Feed and Groceries, wh'eh b Is sailing st a low Hgiu-a. a Don't foriret the place where A, D. Cotton A Company brok up. JsnMf. vaCall and aiairhis th due Msirtraantof SOIH-BR PATTEKN8 at A. 8. Smith's BJbt'a Shoe Btora. ,f CANARY BIRDS, best O -rmaa importad, whsls ala and retail, at A. B. MIIXUR & CO.'S. A large araortoisnt of Fliffl gulf ED BlOTS at A S, Smith's Boot A Shoo Store. . dsrll tf. DIABIBS for 1800 at A. D. MILLER CCS. Carpeta, of every qnallty and deacription, at RIVNOLD.r, HllCt fllAD CO'S, Ho. 11 Csutr Street, oppoVS th P . O.. OlVCiry, Pa. Excelsior Billiard Parlora. To enjoy a deltehtrhl and qnlet (ram ot Bllllaide, rota A. (). Faraham' Fasnionabls Blllla-d Par lors, on Waabinuton Street, aext dnor to the Roch. tr Hons. The Parlora are wltbtn a short dis tance of most of tbs principal hotola in Petroleuia Cmtn. maytf. PAPER AM O ENVELOPES at A. D. MILLER CO'S. TUB beat place la ton to get a pair of'BtfcU made of. th best Stock, that will wear w.ll, and warranted" to fit, If at J. A.,PUnte'i-Kash- loaabla Boot Shop, Washington Street, Petroleum Centre, Pa. Giv bim a trial. iopltf. CIOAtS AND TOBACCO at A. D.; MILLER' AT CO.'a NBW ADVERTISEMENTS. Wanted. AFIR!(TLAR8 TASTttY COOK Is wanted at the PUruleuia Uouee, Oil City, Pa. Apply iaiml!stlv. Jan-i St. ST A ATS A WHITE. Pnipr's. Wunted. rKVT OR PURDHAHB a-DWellhif Boms tn Patroleum Ceutie. AppW to 'li3 T T. MAPES. Attraction! EXTRAORDINARY. OP5RA HOUSE ! PETROLEUM CENTRE, TA., For One Night Only ! Wednesday Eyp.t Jan. 27.1.; Great Arlington MINSTRELS 1 FROM ARLINGTON HALL, CHICAGO, TJsder th immedlst dlreollon of William Arlington The Western Comet ! ASSISTED 9 SAM. PRICE! Eccentric Comedian, 3D- Ij- MOHHTR . The Great Uulcb Comedian, D. W. COLLINS, Tie Original " Happy Old man," FOSTELLE ! Tlie C h-irmlns Prlmn Donna illld If UliallNr, THE SSALKEIJ) ItTfllS - The Talented Eneliih'Mniicians. L'SSTRANGE I Tho Urcat Tenor, ROSENTHAL, Th IMeaain Vocalist V TORTH) BY FIFTEEN OF TIIK: MOST TALENTED I'EKFohM KRS IN THE PROFESSION tJ .nVcltik! 5.1 c ut. Kevrvei &ru, 75 ctt. nTDtlON n' mi nt T . 1 l-r T. m"Wsl .H S U C.U- K BIRtCS II sAT. Tj,uJ:!-' Bus.,ie,i ..nt. b). Griswold,. Dealer Id COAL S('i'tiTS'',.'y Cor or Ton pron.tlv' F ll'id Alan, Ap-nl U r the tc'clmtiil Ki:il. ItllH.E vow, OF?ICK oa Heci.arl Ptri-et, near ff. j(, j,,, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. Js-jbl 11. A. T. LEG G KIT, Maoa'aeturar and Dealer In HARNESS, Seed Bags, Valve Cups, &c. KxnTUr.eed' woikmeB are inii..i u.. ne i f nil kind kaiil ouaiuutlr 011 liauil and aiaue to order. P. C. Ilblnx'a Pat. Seed -ttht For Bale. Repairing Done at all Times ! Call and exstnln enr stuck and prleu, MalrJI., below 'the BfcCMn-' took IIoue. fetroleaia Centra. Pa., Jan. Tth. IMA tf. IMaaolutlon. trTldn-ordTiatoUdafdiSMWrfVa l' MM. inLwi70fli?,ia, W"' lmm rm and W R KHng , JnsaHtli and li hlinamsmiih oootlnu in th hssl T.esa,and aaaom.all bill, or .y aCTir?st the lai It KLi.NOINHMITU, PetroieUm Centra. Jan. u, te0. T. T MAPE8, Dealrra la Drtlvered or t th Yard by the ear or'loo. J'iijC following- perm will make appllcatloa' n.Wwwf"rd'J'',""Iltv4". Restanraiii. , a V .,!" ""i "iina,.ioti. 1 .' :L t'brlluy. Htholo, Whs eea'e ' ; J"''- J. H. hMIn, Osrlfc , , VI tha it Howard Anvrieaa Watch, th unuv, w, mua s UU ULIUlnld Jtmelrr, LaJ!,l g.u.'tr H.X O rios, elT BiittoaBS-, at lalH AA ar Otr