The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, January 22, 1869, Image 2
Tf Centra Daily Record. Pet. Ceulre, rrt.'A), Jhii. 23. Thn of Cloning .Hall. P. O., PiimuLEin rj, Pa., ) 'i Jolt 7, 1808. j I'mtl further auttas the soails will Arrive t and flepart from thta ofllce follow : AiniTS. Snth and East, via. Irvineton, 10.28 A. M. South And WmI, " Moodvillc, B.18 P. M. Kertn and ISist. " Corry, 5 M " bar-ant. . Konth and West, MS A. M. , ' Matt 1 East And Wit, S Sd P. M. K.1,.3, Last and West, 10 0 J A. M. B. K. BLACKMON, P.fM. . Btvlne Services.. v PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Proohint at 11 o'clock A.M., anil 7 o'clock I M. " Kv. J. T. Oxtobt, Pastor. M. E. CHURCH. Services crery Sabbath at 11 A. M. anil 7) 1'. M. Sabbath School at tweWe o'clock M. Reita Freer A oonllal lovitatioo extendeqVto all. Rmv. C. M. Heard. Pastor. STS. PETER AND I'AUTS (CATHOLIC) CHURCH. .Man nt 10J. a. m. . Vesper ami Benediction of (he Blessed fiacrnment at 4 p. to. Catsshistn at 3 p. m. JAMS3.DUNN, Pastor. A skr'OVS acc'ulent recently occurred in nn English Iron mine, caiimi1 by the explo sion ofgns Ignited by (be flume ol an open candle. The tn'ners were provided with safety lump; but, with unthinking rashness withdrew the protecting wire gnwza from nround the light. The gas took fire with a terribio effect," -and ntn employed six hundred yards distant felt the null of t:e air toward the place of the explosion. The men enveloped in the burning tupor were setiously injured. A letter dated at Macon, G.,'says: The eagerness to ''ft to work and make some thing" is universal. Arrangements are be ing made to erect several cotton and paper mil la The coal mines are being worked raoro extensively and mora profitably t!:iu heretofore. Business in the towns and cities baa not bees so. active since the war closed. Every one has money except the lawyers and the editors. ' Railroad enterprise are in every stage of embryo coajtructiqn,' from the, bare project to the advertisement fer pmposals ta build the llrst tweutr miles. Mr. Robert Fux, proprietor of the Amer ican Theatre,' Philadelphia, announced that be .would distribute ono thousand touves or bread to the poor r that city on Wednes day mornliijr, but the chief of police notified Mr. F. that the distribution could not be permitted, alleging as a reason that tbe residents in the neighborhood had com plained of the crowd that would assemble us a nuitanco which they could not endure. At a ddUie in Litobnold, Conn., on the tiM ot woman to tha ballot, the occasion' was graced by the presence of a large num ber ef ladies, wbo were chosen to decide tiie question. Tbe married men all sustained the negative, but the young o, fired with enthusiasm and eloquence by the presence of tbe fair ones, 'went In strongly for wo men'! rights. Te tbeir surprise and mortifi cation, when tbe vote was taken, every lady recorded an empbatio "No!'' Joski-ii Wttun, wbo wasatrejUd a few weeks sincu at Pleasantvillu for laioeny, attempted to break' jrsil at Franklin on . Wednesday night. Ho succeeded in getting ut of his cell into the wash room where be struck a light; the light alarmed the turn key, and the man's plant were frus trated.: .... A Buffalo detective otfljer was in Titus ville yesterday, searching for a fugitive from justice from tbat city, lie was direct ed to Pithole. Titiuville Herald.- He bud b(s overcoat, worth sixty dollars, (Stolen -from him before he had been in f the place two hours. , v -Wit notice that tbe readings ul Mr. Ken- Bedy King, or Erie, are very highly spoken of by our exchanges. Il ls Mi. King's in-.loniion- to give a series of rea lings at this place. Kkbl Ridiih Coai,. This is coal is con sidered the best a;ft cial .in the market. Mr. 8. S. Criswold is the only .dealer In this article at rutroleutn Centre. See bisadrer t'svineot. ' ) Tkupeiiascb Mrs. Saruu .A. Shepurd will Id-lure' upon the subject of temperance. tin M. E. Church, In lU:s place, oil thii. (Frldij ) evening. .. . 1 A'nisw WKt.r. whs stiiiek on' Hill yesteiday. It is new d.'iiuroi) barrels, and U ovviiid by Messrs. Ward it Waiti''. Tln.'io iiavii been ll.i ;i:ll arrests . In St. I.ouiit Our ng the past eleven- years. A Itoniantic History of one of I3cn ton' Daughter. San Frsncleco Correspondence Chicago Tilbune.) Let me tell yon sutnelaing about one of the school teachers ef 811 Francisco, by way of illustrating tbe manner In which fortune frolics with human nature and makes shuttlecocks of poor humanity. Anion the tnuchers is an elderly lady the mother of live interesting children. She was born in one of the Western States, and was the first-born ol one of the most diatinguis!id Senators who ever sat in legislative balls of the United States oae who for mure than thirty years repre sented one of tbe great States of the mighty West, and wbo was the peer or Clay, tal boun and Webster. In ber yonng days she was tbe belle ot Washington city, carrying away the pnlm from tbe dark-eyed daugh ters of tlio South, and the rosy-cheeked damsels of the North. All were anxious to receive a smile from the fair lilly of tbe west. Noble men rep resenting tbeir country at Washington laid their eornels at ber feet in vain. She was a true republican; and gave ber love to a young gentleman then a eleik in one of tho offices at Washington. Her father kucw the youth and recognized bis great abilities, and when he solicited his daugh ter's hand it was cheerfully given. Tho wedding was a brilliant one, 'many of tbe great men of tbe country being present to wish them joy and cheer them at the com mencement of their domestic vnugc. The young husband was shortly after- wards admitted to the bur ol the. Lnlteil States Supreme Court, and was soon recog nized ns one of the most promisinirmember. For a number of years he practiced bis pro fusion with success, and was oil the high road to wealth and fame. Tben came an event In the hia'orv. our country which altered tbe com ho of many. I reler to the discovery ol gold in Cali fornia, aud tbe consequent rush ol emi grants to the new El Dorado. Amoni those who determined upon going to Cali fornia was tl'e young husti.iiid. He con sulted his wife, and sue, like a true woman, declared lor intention to accompany him. He showed ber the hardships that she must necewnrl'y en lure, ant ur ciul ' hi-r to re mit n w.tu her parents until h had a home h.r her, but she, (u the l.uijju.ieo of Ruth, suid : "Kutrnat me not to leavo thee rr t re turn from following uftt-r thee, ,'ur whither thuti loileft I will lodge; thy people shall he my peiile, and tby God my God, where tin. 11 diest I will die, and tin re w'.il I be buried.'' lie urged her no more, but tnj-etlier they eauie to Califernia, where tho hualinnd troll a leuditli: pniilinn at the bar. Tho people he associated with were fi'Mii the h 11 III. anil like many others be began to drink to exres. When the rebellion broke gut ho cast his e j 1 1 1 1 m li : . withflhe Houtb. Ilia brother in law went will the North and was made a Mtjor General. II" had 10 give up his pro fVvinti, hecaiisa he could not t!tk theoAlh required by aur lejtisUture. Out of biiai ness, be drank heavily and soon be-an to mortgage hi property. Six vears parted awny. and he riled, leaving bis widow with live children without a dollar, fur his credi tors foreclosed oven to the homestead. Tho noble woman immediately look sew ing to earn ber living but found that she could hardly keep soul 11 nil body together by Ibis means. Some friends of ber father and bushand offered to assist ber, but she would receive nothing so long as she could support her self. Sbo, however, would be thankful lor assistaace in procuring ber a position as teacher in one of the public schools. Ap plication was made, and would you ' be lieve itt-r-some of tho school directors op. Kosed her appointment heea se- her dead usband had been a secessionist. They cared not -that ber father was the peer of uiay ana v ouster, that tier iirother-in-iaw wore t e straps id a Major General. . They knew ber bushand in his lilelime, and had felt the lah ol hisjliitier tongue, and there fore desired to bar n bis widow. - Tbeir efforts were unavailing, however. Sbe was appointed and is now engaged in the public school department of this city, teaching a primary cleti. A sad change 'ia the fortunes of one wbo started iifo with such brilliant pinsi ecta. Sbe is a -true and noble woman, however, and every ono who reads this paragraph will praise her for her heroism and devotion. - Kit a Fisbbr. Tl is uccomplishVd actress has n oieved merited praise from the press in different parts of the country. In her a pearance last evening at tbe Opera House, In ber great' cbaructer of '-Mazeppa," ibe tully justified tbe expectations of the large audience whieli greeted her first appearance beforo a Petroleum Centre bouse. Sbe can undoubtedly render this character bet ter than any other livingj person, and will draw rousing bouses wherever sbe goes. Tbit eveuing bo will appear in "Jack Sbeppard" and 'Tho French Spy," both plays affording her ample scopo In display her truly wonderlul abilities as one of the moat t-jlented actressess la tho United Stales. Tub wharves of Savannah, according to tbn Savannah Republ can, are crowded with shipping, aud are ajive with business activ ity. There is a forest of masts from tbe Ogeecbe Canal to Willinck's ship yard; for eign and American colors give variety te the ecene; atoamsbips, ships, barges, barks, biis aud schooners lieiu soma places four d ep, side' by side. The work of diticliaig inj and lojiling goes on rapidly: merchants of all kiiidi crowd the wharves. " D irin ' n series tifexueniumiis on the per- ceiitAno of erudo nil per ton io'lirilisli coals, by distillation, it wax found that they aver n.'eil sity callous; ilorhvshiro coal yielding eiglity-two galloua, anil N'cwCJStle fortv-eiglil. , ; SKXATB. Wamiisotos, Jan. 21. The Sciiine resumed consideration of the biii to uriHiutri commerce araeoj tbe States, Ac. t Alt. Williams gave nctlce that Tsfe would ut tiie proper tune oiler the following ns a sulxtltute lor the Constitutional amendment In regard to suin-age, reported by the Judi ciary Committee. - Congress shnlt have power to abolish or abrogate any restrictions upon the right to rote or hold office prescribed by tbe Con stitution or law of any State. Mr. Conkling introduced a bill to prohibit secret sales of gold, Ac, which was ret'oi red to the Committee on Fiosnce. ' Mr. Sherman, from tbe Finance Commit tee, reported a bill to atnond the' national currency act. Adjourned. noi'sn. . A bill was reported from the Reconstruc tion Committee directing the Secretary of the Navy to appoint midshipmen to the Naval Academy by the 4tb of March next from any State in which an election of Con gressmen does not take place beforo Ibe first ot July, on the nomination of members of tbe House of tbe Slates represented in tbe pre sent Congress, provided no such appoint ments be made from any State not entitled to representation the present year. Aft. r some debate it passed. Mr. Conk, from tho Committee en Elec tions, culled up the resolutions heretofore reported, that George W. Anderson is not entitled to a seat n (his House as a repre sentative in the 4lltli Coiutress from tlio 3th Congressional District of Missouri, but (but Wm. G. Swiizcln is entitled to tbe sol. Mr. Conk explained the fActs In the c.ise and in support f tlio re, ort of tlio I. mu ni it ire. - After debate, in which several Southern members look part, a vote on tbe lirxt iv-iu-lion of the 'Join in it tee. namely, that silling member Anileison Is not entitled to 11 seui, was decided ill tho relative 55 uL'aitiat Sit so Anderson i -liTr.-ned iu his soil, was then Ini I mi tho U jle. Adjourned. TIIK Nil W 31. Tie a vera (e sala-y ol school teachers iu I'eimsylviiuia is let limit l.vo hundred a year, Lady Young, wife of the Governor Genenl of Canada, ia a native oi'New South Wales. - There are 1.1U0 lunatics in Cnnudn. Tlio I)' iH'nion Government at-ks for an appro priation to erect an asylum for them. A Chicago paper ht. the cool impudence 10 suggest n full list of Secretaries for the new Cabinet, all reMdeuts ofChiCag ). Richmond add l'elerjburgb pnpeis an nounce the airival of Northern capitalists in Virginia, with a view to purchase lands. One cauao of the expansion of water In freezing is said to be the evolution of air previously dissolved. The London Times asserts that '"every Ind'islrious workman iu England- catries a putiper0n his buck. It is said that part of tho present Pcolcii Crown was made from tbe gold found iu Sutbeiiandshire, the seat of tho present gold sensation, during the sixteenth century. . Tho S.m Francisco Alta California says that California ligs are taking tbe place of imported figs on tbe Pacific const. Many of them are decidedly superior in quality to all from Smyrna, save the very best. According to professor Poey, the temper ature of the sea aiwrys diminishes as we approach land, or shallow water, thus sort ing as a guide to the navigator when other means of information are not at band. Samuel Burrell and bis wife, of Turner, Me., both died 03 Monday night, at tbu ad vanaed age of ei,jhty.eighl,UBd sbe at about sixty. It is remarkablo and hifilting tbat husband and wile shouid depart this lile so nearly at tbe same hour. Meyerbeer's widow has disposed of her only unmarried daughter to an Austrian j Baron, and will rettlo in Vienna. It Is reported in an English paper that the widow of Rossini has lieen offered seven million francs lor tbe postbumiis works of her husband,. Louis Blanc, the French Dolitical exlla In London, bas just completed his history of tbe ''trench Revolution" ia twelve volumes. A double wedding party recently arrived in Dayton, Ohio, consisting of a fattier aud son and tbeir brides, two sistora, of whom tbe father married the younger. Queen Olgn, of Greece, late a Russian Duchess, and aow tho wife of tbe young and rather insignificant King of tbe former country, is credited with being the leader of tbe war party In Athens. Sbo is beautiful, accomplished sad popular, and uses all ber influence to excite the popular enthusiasm against the Turks. This would soetu to be a pracl' esse of woman' rights. ETA story is told .of a Western lawyer, whe latviy attended a religious meeting where be was called upon to tffer a prayer. Not being e.vporionccd in such duty, he rose and attempted tha Lord's prayer, and succeeded very well uutil be came to the passage 'Give 111 this day our daily bread," when, from ll.o force of habit, ho Immediately I added. " A-ttl) custs. "' ' " lioral Votlcc r'v ltr Stlrlnga. A lares lot of the best Cottar Hiring, the market affords, Jnst received at Isham-s. JauSI tf- Cf oeks. A splendid nsaortmsnt at Isham's. Jaa?l-tf. CrBEAT BAIWJAINS ! OFFEHKD TO TDE Citizens of Petroleum Ventre In the woy of ' . , Blank Book, 1 ' 8tatlnery, Fancy (aoodi, Worsteds), Bird t'ngi'tt, Scliool Book, Ac, Jtc, at KSLEEi'A VAKF.TY Store, 33 SPRING STREET, TITlHriLLG, PA. cjun'il lr.l. Huts, C'ai Isouta mii1 late-.- lara a-.irtmi:iil at 11KYNMI US. HHOlMlEAD A CO S, No. II Out. UiJPt, opjiOilie ttia t'orl OOAce, Oil ( Uy. l'a. Hiriwnrd-A lire c .irtiueut uf which Is t.piiiiT i.'t'eed out at rc-.!tr-i?d i-at- a at i.KY.MiL! !-S Ult inilU.M) A CD'S, No. It Centre" ippotita II q PostOtSio CI! City. Pa. Alosia. 'I I i- 's a newly urvovtwd article to be' used fr r li.-iir ilri-H-ln, h!ch is fail to h i aupie;. or to anyitiiiiur the kind yal i'aci-d hi f re Hicpu- t'.e. tt renders lh h-!ir"ft a:td i;tnsv. find wl'l. It Is R-t ut. c-lli-e t'n- Imlr 10 i"o,v oil c d s wttieh t .' Win lael.e i ;-m-h n c.iv.-rin It is r.ol Diopt-rTy a ha'r d.-.e, and wt It w II ao or-enlto 011 lliu toot or t'10 same w!ien appHu't rs to restore It 10 i- re-iu'in-a! eolur mid litxiirt.lnco i-i a it ry tiril' pifi-ied tit time. It is lie"tid ii-'p-oion, a verv v.;r!or tti-n.-, and wi.l more th in ltd the ex;eM-ra:ioti of any o who mnv t.iir.-lia-e t S.vrm-uo Tajn r. 'hi sc v ard's Con.-ii Cn e. Ii i ine l t. I). Mil. I. Kit Ji Ci'., U h d. -in I Retail lrilgglt, Ace-nS for lVtro!clllu r:tire, Pa. n-j;12-lui. Ttenntinil;,r l attcrnsiit .V. S. Sinlt!i"s Boot & She.. Mi. re. . declr,-.lf. EjfKANCY (IDOI)S, sit draertptWuu. whsle saier.u-l rstait. To.-Iljltita,-I're-cnls. al A. P. KlM.KIt CO.". trorlierj K or all kiads eo t.i UKYNOLTJf, niillDUCA!) A C l'-i, No. 11 ('intra Jti-sst, onuo- lie the I'oU IMS 1 City, I'. Dry Coa ls, a lari-j st' at KBYXOMIS, Utt'tnilKAl) A Cd ri. .No. 11 C'ontrj t, opposite tli Port (Jflcfi, Oil Citv, I'll. f7t.Al)IS wlshini to rnaka an annsonriate p est'Bt, will Hud beautiful PATTEKNa at A. S. SMITIPA Ilu-.t A Slini Stnrj d.:clStf. l'lt'n rtr:i-s wh .1.1,1. nn,i r.,iait ki,. 'four U!tforent atjtus to arrive tuU woe!, at - A. Ji. M II, I. Kit & CU.'S. I. jOO rol WALL PAPliU recuivod this say at A. D. MILLUIt k I'O'S. .Vcw I'licur, Feed and roery Store ! J. S. riiATIIKIS, At tha OLD BANK BUILDING, ON MAtN-ST, optMniito the McCltntock House, has od hand a large and Hi st class stock of Clour, Fend and 42roceriea wh!ch hi te selling at a !nv flnre. 1 9, Don't forgat the plsco where A, D. Cott 'U Company bruki np. .'sjiMT. e.Call and examlni the fluo sssirtmeut of SI.IrTEIt PA ITKKNS at A. 8. Smith's Boot A Shoe Store. dwI5 it CANARY B1KDS, -best German Irapoitud, ho! alo and retail, nt A. D. JITLLKU As tM.'S. A largs assortment or FINE, B..Vf Ki b ):TS at A. 9. Smith's Boot & Mhoc S'ore dm'lu t". DIAItlKSfor .81'flat V D Mi 1. 1. in CIW. Carpet's, of every quality aud d'-a'Tlpttim, st RXYXOI.D-, BitOUUKAO ,t CD'S, No. 11 Cent Slro.l. ths P.O., OH City, Pa. ExcRlaior Billiard Parlors. To cojoy a dnliulitrnl and quiet garni ot RMIiaids, f;o tH A. . Farnham's Fashionable HilMa-d Har ora, on Washington Street, net to tnu Itoch eater Huusu. 1 ho-o Parlors ara witldu a short dis tance of uioat of the nriuclpal hotels lu Petroleum Centre. may V-tf. PATER KNVtLOPBSat A. D. MILLER A CO TUB best plara la town to got a pair, of Boats made of the best Stock, that will wear well, and warranted la fit, is at J. A, Plnntc's fash ionable Boot Shop, Waahlnga Street, Petroleum Centre, Pa. Give him a trial. CIGARS AND TOBACCO at A. D. VILLEK & CAVA. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Wanted. A FIRST CLASS PASTRY COOK 1 wsnled st the Petroleum IIorm, Oil City, Pa. Apply JantKlu ' STAATS & WniTE, Propr's. . . AVitlllcl. . rpo HUNT Oil PniiCIUSK a nw.Jllnif Home X in I'eti'olr.iini Cm. tin. Apply ta iansa-ll. T- 1. .ViAl'lif. S. S. Q-riswold, Dealer In t.T:j COAL. Orders by tbe Car or Ton protnptlv Filled 1 ' Also, Agent for the celebrated keel nini-i; coal; OFFICB on Second street, near It. H.' Track, fETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. ' - JanSttf. - United' States Insurance COEYIPAEMY, OF NKW YOISK. C'npWal A- Aaacla, tr:),0M,00 E. J. ROSS, Agent, I'ctrolr uni Centre, la. This Company, Bi it.r it e of the oldest and mint n'lable l'i ti e ruhtdStrttes. sff ud. antp'e lectir.ty. nt by Its ia'ci a-se'.s, whieli on .Ilia tary tt. 1-. w."-o a1 n aJy K,., pw cent mirlli liabilities, t ut also by the PERSONA I. LIABILITY Or TUB STOCKHOLDERS TO MAKE OiOOD : ANY DEFICIENCY, a Mctu-lty not sflordid by any otbir Cash Compat j- DivulentUt are Declared Annu ally h. And may b nd to assist in pa Injj Premiums, to arTord Id'lltinsal lasnraiic. or to secure pa'et u; iolle ta attw they have been In f ree foi a number of years, as explained In oi r pamphlet, ur they may arintnnlnte at couipouud lulcroat to iucreaso tha suiu Insurtal, 5VIR7 FATHS3 hou'd frenre a Policy as early ai ponlblo. as nnim but kialthy persons can be Insured, and It la h'a moral duly, to provide In tha saftut way for bla fam I'y, which lie cannot do hatter, Ihuu by a Life In. sitracoa. Money Invested lu business may brlnit more Interest for a while, but 11 may all be loit, and the family Is thus left destitute. JmTtf. A. T. LEGGETT, Manu'actarsr and Dealer In Seed Bags, Valve Cups, &c.'il wo'kmen are emntovMl. and liar- ne-a t f all kinds kept constantly on liaud and made to order. .... P. C. Ilclnz'e Pat. Seed Bag For Sale. Repairing Done at all Times ! Call and .limine our stock and prlcna, MaiifSt., below ihoMcCliit- tock IlOtlaC. PeUoleuin Ceatro, Pa Jan. 7th, 18::ft. tf. Ilisjaolutiod. . I'HBeo partnershlD heretofore existing bctweer W It Kllterliisnillli, H Kliniinrullh and N B Hi.lTord, Is this day dissolved by mutual con sent . N B HofTurd retiree Irom the firm and W B Klinct iiistnlth and 11 KhiiKinainith continue In the tmsi ness, and assttiui all bills -or or against tho lata nrm. W It KMNOINSMITH, H KLINR1KHMITU. N 11 llOFFOItl). Petroleum Centra, Jan, 1,', it-8. Zm T. Te MAPES, Dialers la t" C Q A: Tii . jaa Delivered or at Uie Yard by the car or too. lanlo tf ri'llK following paraona will make application X (or License at tha January term of tui Court ol Quarter Mentions: J. W Crawford, Pleassntvllle, Keetaurant. David Wiwart, Pioneer, Hotel. A. .1 Chrtatey, lithole, Wlio.eeale. jaull -St. J. U. KMITTT, HerV. BUV the E. Howard Amnriosn WalcU, the buet nilrt. of ISIlAM & CO. OUI.TU Gold Jaaa'rf, L'u' i,' Seta, tar ltlBsal O Pins, sdeeei Bu toa., . , at ISUAM 6 CXa, i