The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, January 19, 1869, Image 2

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    Petroleum Centre Daily Record
Pat. Centre, Taenia)-, Jan. IS.
Time of Clonlna Mnlln.
P. 0., Pbtrolbi ('m;, Pa ,
Jour irj.t. KM.
VdUI further notice tha mails U1 in! to at mid
dapitrt from Uila office at follows :
Weiilb aid East, via. Irvlneton, 10. SS A. M.
South and Wat, ' Meadtllle, 5.13 P. M.
Nertb ami But. Cotry, 1S
Sooth and West, MS A. M.
!mt1 , Bunt ntid West, SO P. M.
North, liwt anl Vt, 10.09 A. M.
. !Mvln" Services.
Prewhlnt nl 11 o'clock A.M., and 7
'clock P. M.
Ev. J. T. OxTonr, Pastor.
m. e. cnuRcn.
iemcs every sabbatb at 11 A. M. nnu
7i P. M. Sabbath School at twelve o'clock
M. Seats Free. ' A oordlal invitation
extended to all.
Rkv. C. M. IIkaru. Pastor.
Mass at 10' a. m.
Vesper and Benedittion of the Blessed
Saorauient at 4 p. m.
Cateehism at 2 p. m.
Kkoion. lir. . S. Nettleton, Topograpbi
cal Engineer, ig now engaged, under tbe
auspices of a committee ot leading oil pro
ducers, in making a topograpliicul survey
of the oil region, by taking a series of levels
of the principal wells in olldora. This
data, in connection with the record of the
wells, will lurnlsli the necessary Informa
tion to determine the exact relation ol the
oil bearing rocks to each other. It will
also show tbe difference of elevation of any
places included in Ibe survey. Tbe whole
thing is to be published in the form of a re
port as soon as the survey is completed.
This enterprise If fully carried out will be
if great benefit to the oil mining interest,
and the oil men should do all In their pow
er to render assistance to Mr. Nettleton, ty
looking up and furnishing bitn with a reo
ord of their wells. Ha is now at SttainUirg.
but will be this way in a few day?.
, To-NIOHT is the last but on of the ap
pearance of Sherry's New York Theatre in
town. -'Ten Nights in a Bar Room," will
be broiisht out te-uight, with the "Irish
Lion as the ufter piece. Sherry has had a
very Successful season here, and ho has
well deserved bis success. He will always
be a welcome visitor to this community.
To-raorrew night will be pcrlormeed tbe
great drama of '-East Lynae," on which
occaaioa there will no doubt be a crowded
Eveby Mormon (or 'Saiut")m Salt Lake
city who keeps a siore is required, by order
of 3rigbam Young, to have a sijjn which
other Mormons may recognize. This sign is
an areb over an ''all-seeing'' eye, with the
words '-Holiness to the Lord." All Mormons
are cotnmunded to trade at suck stores only,
bnt many of them preler to save money by
trading with outsiders. These stores are
known among- Ibe irreverent BGealilrs as
"bull's ere shops."
On Monday two wella were completed on
the East Foster Farm, and were being tea'
ed .vealerdar. One is owned by Messrs
Lutliin & F.-llier. and the other by Harris
llros., ofTitusvillu. At the latter occurred
the filial auuideut to til a late Jcwc Harris,
OfTitiiBville. - :
Tub W'astiintju correspondent of tbe
Baltimore G.izelte mentions a report that
President Jobuson baa agreed to nominale
tor Commissioner of Internal Revenue
either Hon. Columbus Delano or Mr. Parsons
of Cleveland, a may bj desired by the Rad
ical element of Cunnress.
Katb Fishkr. This wonderful actress
will be hereon Thursday evening, and ap
penr in her favorite ouuracter of "Muzeppa,"
at Hie Opera House. We had a call to-day
from her ngent. Mr. John O. Mngte.
The last sale ot coul made by the Scran
ton Coal Company, show a further decline
in prices, of from seveoly-livv cunts to ono
dollar per Ion. ,
The Ciuigretioul Onnniliee of invest!
gatiua into the alleged fraudulent voting in
New York, concluded t licit session Thurs
day, and returned to Washington.
Rev. Mr. l'rotherve. of the Episcnpul
Ciiurcli at Curry, was the leoiplent of Christ
mas presents from his pariihioVrs to the
YttiUtt ol $25(1.
In one Uiy last week, A. D. Miller ,fc Co,
sold sixteen canaries
The slaamsliip Virginiu.lrom Liverpoooi,
arrived iu New Vork, yesterday.
Washington, Jan, 18.
A memorial was presented praying that
political disabilities be removed from all
superintendents of insane institutions at the
South. Referred.
Mr. Morrill, or Vt, presented a petition
from merchants of Xew York, Philadelphia,
Boston and Chicago for the eiactment of a
law reading. "That hereafter all purchases
or sales f tbe loans and bonds of the United
States on account ofaba United States shall
he made by inviting public competition and
thoroughly advertising for the pro
posals, and ail sales of gold for
account of the United States shall be made
at. public auction by an authorized official
of tbe Treasury Department, at a time and
place duly advertised." Referred to the
Committee on finance.
By Mr. Bingham, to admit the State of
Mississippi le representation in Uungres).
Referred to Committee ou Reconstruction.
It providi for the admission of Mississippi
whenever Us Legislature shall ratified the
Amendment to tbe Constitution or tbe
United States, and declares nutl and void
tbe disability imposed by tbe 3d section of
article 7 of the Constitution or .Mississippi.
By Mr. Arnell, to provide f..r the repre
sentation of the District of Columbia in Con
gress Referred to the Judiciary Com
mittee. By Mr. Lawrence, of Ohio, providing
that after March 4. 18G!i. no Senator or Re
presentative in Congress shall lie entitled
to trnnsmit any letter or mil matter true ot
postnge. Ueternd to Post Office Com
Mr. Hoi man offered the following:
Resolved, That In the present condition
of national finances no further subsides
ought to bo given by Congress, either in
bonds or money, to r.ulrosd or other corpo
rations, or to promote local enterprises, but
the whole resources of the country ouclit to
iir at'iilied to the pressing necessities of pnl
llc service in such a maimer in v.-ill relieve
the people ol' taxation.
Resolved That the grants of public
lands to corporations ought to be discoun
tenanced, and tbe whole of such landsonght
to be held as a sacred trust to secure
homesteads to actual settlers, and tor no
other purpose whatever.
Ho moved the previous question ol tbe
adoption of tbe resolution. Tbe motion
was seconded.
Mr. Windom moved to lay the resolution
on the table. Negatived.
Mr. Scntield demanded u separate vote ou
the resolutions.
First resolution adopted 00 to 67.
The question recurred on tbe second reso
lution. Mr, Washburn, of Ind., moved to lay the
res diition on the table, because it would In
terfere with the soldiers' bounty bill. The
resolution was laid on the table.
The only ever-lasting people on earth are
the shoemakers.
A Round of Pleasure sometimes renders
it difficult to make things square.
Ex-Queen Isabel of Spain sleeps sixteen
hours a day.
Bell Boyd Is doing newspaper work in
Protestant missionaries ire not allowed to
oneite in Russia.
A lost city like Pompeii has been discov
ered U"ar Cbalco, Mexico.
Tne suits against the Paciflo Mail Compa
ny lor violation of Ibe California passenger
act have been settled.
Baron James de Rothsnhild, of Paris, left
his widow tUo handsome doner of $') 10.000
a year.
Grant's son is to be prepared for college
at Phillips Acadeuiy,utEe.vter, New Hump
sbire. Mr. Barney Williams and his wife are
said to have made a forture of three-quarters
of a million on the stage.
King John of Saxony, author of the best
edition of Dante ever published, b s just
completed tha sixty-seventh year of his age.
Four widows, all ever sixty, are living
happily together in one small house in Bar
ton, Vermont.
A Maine man has sued the husband of
bis daughter lor tea, cake and eandiea con
sumed during tbe courtship.
A woman has recently been sentenced by
a Pittsburgh Police Court as a "common
scold." V
One million of our pretty postage stamps
are daily used, pasted on and cancelled in
these United States.
The days are lengthening the sun is
strengthening sure symptoms of spriug
time splendor.
There is mild to be some disappointment
among railioud niea at the defects found in
Ibe sleel rails.
Rev. Dr. T. H. Payne will succeed Par
s.m Brownlnw as editor-in-chief of the
Kooxville Whig,
A new cow disease in Massachusetts loos
ens the hide from the animal und inllaU-s it
like a bladder.
Real estate sales In San Francisco, since
tbe earthquake, show a falling off In num
bers and amount one-third.
The average hanging dono in the city of
Laramie, on the Pucillo railway, is said to
be one man per week. It is added: "The
J.lucc promise a steady and seeu:e growth.
'And he burled him In a valley in tbe
land of Mciab, over against Itethpeor. hut no
tnnn kneweth of bis sepulchre unto this
day." Detif. xxxiv., 6.
Bv Nebo's lonely mountnln
On this side J or dun s wave.
In a vale in the land of Mono,
There lies a lonely gruve.
And no man dug that, sepulchre,
And no man saw it e'er
For tbe angels of God upturned thesod
And laid the dead man there.
That was tbe grandest Inneral
That ever passed on earth;
But no man beard tr.e trampling '
Or saw the train go forth,
Noiselessly as the daylight
Comes when tbe night is done.
And the crimson streak on ocean's cheek
Grows into tbe great sun.
Noiselessly as the spring time '
Her crown of verdure weaves.
And all ibe trees on all tbe bills
Opea their thousand leaves.
So without sound of music,
Or voice of them that wept,
Silently down from the mountain crown
The great procession swept.
Perchance the bald old eagle
On gray Bdttipeor's l.e ght,
Out of his rocky eyrio
Looked on tbe wondrous sight.
Perchance the lion stalking
Still shuns that hallowed spot,
For beast and bird have seen and beard
That which man knoweth not.
But when the warrior dietb '
His comrades in the war,
With arms reversed and muffled drum.
Follow tho I u u era 1 car.
They show tbe banners taken,
Tbey tell bis battles won,
And after him lend his masterlets steed,
While peals the minuie gun.
Amid the noblest of the land
Men lay the sago to rest.
And gave the bail un honored place.
With costly marble drest;
In the great minister transept,
Where lights like glories fall.
And the choir sings and the organ rings
Along tbu emblazoned wall.
This was (he bravest warr'rr
That ever buckled sword;
This the most, gifted poet
That, ever brea'lied a word;
And never earth's philosopher
Traced wlih bis gulden pen
On the death less page truths half so sage
As he wrote down for men.
And had he not Iiiph honor!
the hilU ile for l.i pall;
To lie in state while ungels wait,
With stars for tapers tall;
And the dark rock pines, like tossing
O'er his bier to wave;
And God's own hand, in that lonely land
To luy him in the grave.
In that deep grave without a name,
Whence his uncoffined clay
Shall break again most wondrous tbo't,
Before the judgment day.
And stand with Glory wrapped around,
On the hill)) he never trod.
And speak of the Btrife that wan our
With tbe Incarnate Son of God.
O, lonely tomb in Meab's land,
I', daik Ilethpeor's hill.
Speak to these curious hearts of ours.
And texch them to be still.
God bath bis mysteries of grace
Ways tholwe cannot tell;
He hides them deep. like the secret sleep
Of him ho loved so well.
A Trial ok Faith. The best joke of the
seannn was perpetrated a lew diiys ago by
John Uempie'y, who keeps saloon down
town, -on a countryman. A dispute on the
subject of religious faith arising between tbe
parties, the country mm asserted that Cath
olics bad no faith. John bcin? of the lat
ter persuasion, denied tho assertion in a
most decided manner, aud proposed that a
kettle f hot water be brought, and five
dollars on a side l.e put up to deeidH as to
whose tnith could longest cadurn the pain
of thrusting a foot into it. The water was
brought and the stakes put up. Denipsey,
who, mirk yon. has a wooden leg for bis
dowry fur faithful service against tbe late
rebellion, thrust in bis wooden foot and
held it there for some considerable lime
without showing any more symptoms of
pain than prudence dictated, the country
man then took bis turn, but his foot hud
not reacheil the bottom of the vessel before
be shrieked with agony and hopped across
tbe room, declaring that he was scalded
terribly and so he was. Dempsey, ef
course, pocketed the stakes and the country
man went home none tbe wiser, Iwt doubt
less enlightened on the subject of Catholic
faith. l'iltston Gazette.
The departure of ocean steamers has been
seriously interfered with by the stormy
weather. Old navigators have never before
encountered such a period of severe and
unremitting storms.
John Cnsin, tbe mdlkncwu lithographer
of Philadelphia, and one of the foremost
ornithologists in the couu'ry, died on Sun
day. A Mrs. llartlelt teaches a class ot seven
hundred pupils in the Sunday School con
nected with Mr. Spurgeon's ehuicb in Lon
don. A Boston Ueucin acknowledge that he
abstracted over J'l.nilU from the church
A naval officer, named Moor, hariug
presented his afflanee with a golden anchor,
a wng remarked tba he had bueu moored.
Local jVotices.
Ham, Cap. Hon la aud hoea. A largo
nwortaiint at REYNOLDS, BRODHEAD a CO'8,
Nn. II Ontr atreot, opposite th. Post. Offlce, Oil
I'tty, J'a.
Hardwnro A large assortment of which is
being closed out at roducrd rates at RRYNOLDS,
BKil)llKAD .)', No. 11 Centra St., upposlte
tha Post Offlce. Oil City, Pa.
Ai.isma. This is a newly dlscovertd article to be
nsrd for a hair dressing, which Is said to be sapor!
or to anything of ths kind yet placed before the pub
lic, t renders the hair svfl and glossy, and will, it
is said, cause the hair to grow on strdps which huvs
loin lacked sach a covering. It is nut properly a
hair dve, and vet It will so opernteon the roots of
the same when applh-d ns to it to lis origin
Al color and luxiinancH in a very brief period of
time. It is beyond question, a very superior Him?,
and will more than till the cipectunon of any one
who mav pnrelmse ft. Hvracuso Paper. Try stew
ard's Co'iltcli ('mo. It Is the best. A. D. MIlJ.BIt
CO., Wholesale and Ketail Druggists, Agents for
Petroleum t'eulre. Pa. oovlS-lm.
Beautiful Slipper Patterns at A. 9. Smith's Boot
A Shoe Store. declo-tf.
tV" FANCY GOODS, nil descriptions, wbele
taleand retail, for Holiday Presents, at
A. D. MIM.EU A CO. '3.
'rnoltore Vnr all Lliuls -n to UKVNOI.DS.
BltODHGAD CO'S, No. 11 Centre cinmt, oppo
site the Post Offlee. Oil City. Pa.
Dry Oonda. a large t-c- oi lU'YNOt.D'S,
BKODIIEAP CO S. So. 11 Ceetr.: opposite
the Post (Mine, Oil Cltv, Pa.
ffjs- LADIES wishit),; to make an n;ipro;iri.V
p esent, will dud beiutifal SLIpp'.ilt PATTERNS
at A. 8. SMITH'S Ito.t Shoe Store . dcelMf.
BIRD t'AOKS, wnulesa'e and r.iait Thirty-
four different stjlei to arrive this week, at
A. 1). MILLER CO.'S.
1,500 rol l WALL i'At'li.t received Ibis day at
Xew II our, Feed und fJrocery
Mori; !
opposite thi AtcClintock House, has on hand a
large and class stock of (lour, fend and
Urocerlea, wb'ch ho Is selling at a low figure.
Don't forirut the place where A, D. Cotton
A Compauy broke up. jn2 tf.
wOiill and examine tho Hue assortment of
SLIPPER PAlTEliNSat A. S. Smith's Boot 4
Shoe Store. decI5 tf
A larje s-s'.rttuent of FINE SEWED B13TS at
A. S. Smith's Boot A Shoo Store. UeclS If
DIARIES for StiTi at . D. MILLER ft CO'S.
Cnrpetn, of every quality and description, at
REYNOLDS, KItODHRAD ft CO'S, No, 11 Centre
Street, opposite the P . O.. Oil City, Pa.
CANARY BtttDS, best O rman imported, whole
ale and retail, at A. D MILLER CO 'S.
ExcelHior ISilliard Parlors.
To enjoy a delightful and nti'er paino ot Bllliiuds,
f:o t A. O. Kamhiuu's Kashionauie Hillla-d Par
ors, on Washington Street, next eVor to tho Hocli
ester House. Tiie-e are within a shoit dis
tance of most of the principal hotels, in Petm'eum
Centre. may o-tf.
& co 's.
Til E best place ii town to got a pair of Boots
tufidc of the best Stock, thai will wear well, and
warranted to At, is at J. A. flailte'a Fash
Inntiblc Boot Shop, Washington Street, Petroleum
Centre, Pa C-tve him a trial. eeplO-tr.
CI i.'S.
IHsMoliition A'otice.
rilllF ro-parlnershfp lurotofore existing between
1 H. .Matmering & Pratt Abl, at itut nmiitti of
Henn .ngholt Run, 1 this day dissolved by iiiiitun:
Mr. Altell reil'-es from ihe firm, and the hns;ne,s
will be cariied on by II. Mamicrintf. uud Hit delua
if the into fiilu will b aottltd bv Mm.
Bated ,Isn 3.1, 1MB. St
rn,ilo utif my HKKOA, of wlifch I mnkb
inow i ban a
For everv man. woman ami oi.!M to l..v e a bt!!u or
this ercillon prepaiKtiuu tur llio Hair and Skin.
5i)rttn f. Loo ptr bottle. Uo. T'iiCOM Ii('li,
uisi.ouper b .itui. HAT MUM at T cts to si..mi
rr buttle. HAIR Oil, ut 15 cts to f l,oo per bot
Ths Best Workmen employed for
&c Ac.
DER. Petroleum Centre, Pa, Jan 13 1w.
V tha E. ITowBrd AmwicRn Wath. thu bi
nruiw, i ichaji sx
Opera House,
John ii. Magic, Manaitcr.
For Three Nights Only I
AliY 2IST, 1SC9. J
The Management takes rp-e
pleasure in announcing to
the Public of this city
the engagement
of Miss 1
Siate Fisher, i
In her great character of f
Mazeppa !
.1(1 CENTS
75 CESTs
Proprlrior tV ''(aii.iKcr, J. r sii erry j
liil( r fir Hull it. frf. tl. Henri
ltauer oi Orli ., Prof !!iiilrriJiuii
Last Night but One cf tho Great
At tin' rriiier nf iiun.aru cilix(Mi f ilti.4 t
will he pnvrir.'d tl OKUAT SO'.iAh 1 1 KAMA '
i!ht-Tnni of Him inrriblc! vtf v of th drcitt Moral
N'..ur.r lit fii (MmiK' nnu for muuv war lm '
bfi'M t.iftl witu Mie niiit iliiil.iii;iitif(i tucct'. i
liMiit.-iizvil fiom T S Attlxii'si ic 'bniitd worki'f V
Ts,1i.y Kve., .Inn. U),
The )PifH'mniiC will wimmrnci ith tie ('reit
m mm in a bar room
To conclude with tho ltuaring Puree ot
The Irish Lion !
TT Ai!m'slnn W esnts. ltuserTcd Sent, 76 ct-
P. r. shi:ruy.
' Jsnt t-JIt liusineas Aftnt
Henlcrs In
Dellvernl or st Hie Yard by the tar or ton.
J.mlf. If