I f M t J u DRUGS AND J. H. .CHRISTIE, DEALER DRUGS, MEDICINES, OILS, paints. Varnishes, G-lass, Putty.1 Soaps Dye Stufls, Fancy and Toilet Articles. PURE WINES LIQUORS ! SELECTED EXPRESSLY FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES. B. Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours. J io. 13 Washington-st., Petroleum Centre, Pa. I fyGltemeftcall Hfere purchasing fllaewhcrfl. Jnew hardware store niATINQ AND COOKING STOVES In largo variety. TABLE AND POCKET ii a n t 1 y v ! If. SHELF HARDWARE. 1 HOUSE FURNISHINS .G'DES, 4 ii ne LANTERNS. AND . f FANCY ARTICLES. NAILS AMD IRON j Wooden W are, &r. For Mia CHEAP 1 ' Attlieitoro fonnorW eeeupled by RiirchQe'd and Caterllue, OIL CITY, I'A. J tnES B. UF.GG1E. Oil City, Jan. 4, 180H If. A. T. LEGGETT, Manu'octurer and Dealer In Seed Bags, Valve Cups, &c. Exper'r.eod wotk-nen are employed, and Her rvn of nil kind kept cotmtantly on hand ai.d made lo order. P. C. Ilcinz's Pat. Seed Rug For 8ulc. Kepairing Done at all Times ! Cdl and examine our eteek and price, M:iiu-St., below iho McClln tock IIoikw. Petroleum Csnlro, l'a., J:in. 7th. 1811) -tf. New Boot Shop. J. A. PLANTE, FASHIONABLE BOOT MAKEH, Wiuhlnston Street, THREE DOORS WEST OF A. D. MIL- UU.'o UHLU STOKE, lETUOIJEir.CFXTIIK,Pa.. ! RMp-ctfuMy !nvits I.in friends and the pub- ! lie generally to it trial ol his Bttpe- ' rior mndo BOOTS. .JIh'q;ln I'yoMheniiiturlill heniios Is not to be i. . I, ' ." "'y'r "' "rliiu:in'hip Is utiexiviitloa th. VI" '"1 ' ""nM nf I .st Mur u-od. while tZ ,i . ,'hl,'T-er ar,i mnnt le uon iblo. qunlitv be ',,,.,! I ' VJ 'eapilOH llnvlii!! loll!.' experl. u'n.L. and employing nnno hut ilia best nlv.? -i',.en:lltBr I'luisoil he will beablu lo tup- J , ' l0 w1'' R'vu U daeiion to all. tF- '"-''Ctito all or.lcra enlinslci him pmtnpn.v, and nlthtlm mejit.Mt cure ; and rmiSr "'"ll J'-nee that Ine nrtlelini he makut will 'hPAlRIXCj NEATLY EXECUTED. Pe..i J. . FLAVTH. - '"Q' entre, ra , July 2 3m. TAKK XOTICI! ! 1. ? '""il'l hi purchase Knuriiin., I "oa. Jt(MiuV,l,lU' tu,',"'f ,kcr! 1 I'ICS, TANKS AND SHEDS, I ui il.ii . A"""oii .,in r.ni,-c, I'pperCheny l.'uu. i,or;:!j MEDICINES. IN MyltttrT.) J. II. CHRISTIE. United States Insurance COMPANY, OF NEW YORK, Established Parcel 5, l$"o. CnpMal Ai Aol, 63,000,000 E. J.ROSS, Agent, Petrolenm Centre, Pa. This C mpanv, Heine one nf tli nHit and mom reliable In ti e fulled -tntee, Afford amp'e ieenr tr, not only by Its iarsre a-eM, wi,ieh on .laa-ian- Nt. weie al ready 5J!i million over in liiliilltloa, but also by llio PERSONAL LIABILITY OK THE STOCKHOLDERS TO MAKE GOOD ANY DEFICIENCY, a ra?uriry not afforded liy t:jr other Caeh Coaipaev. Divhkwh art JX'rlarol Annu ally .'. And mar hp n vd to mit lu pa Inj; Pivni'uirn. to affird 1d4it.onal innrsnc. or to spctire paid p folic after thoy have been In fri!t for n number of yirj, a explained in our pamphlet, or tKy tuny accumulate at cj::i:muu-I Interest to iU'jru;.o the mm injured, rVESY FATHER dhou'd ventre a Polley s early aa preuihlo as nnno but healthy persons cm be insured, mid it ii hm mornl duty, to provide in the snfttst wny for bin rari I'y, which ho cannot do butter, than by a Ufo In surance. Money inrestcd in liusir.eas may brlnir. mom Intereet for a while, but it may all be lost, aud the family is thn loft disunite. Jan7 H. NEW CLOTOSC Aew Clothing ! VV hfiYP JiiF-t riveivM iind ira now npenlm to tlic ndmirirg gnr.c of the ciiizom of PETKOIjEIMI centre and: L O T i1 vieinltv, the most complete tock, and tlio very latt Hi k'8 of Winter 0 c r. c c c c L L L L L L L () O O O ( () O T T T T T T T ir h u n n ii 1 l I i i ( i N N N X N N N c; c (i (t o u g Tl'iit wsi e-T Imfore bromrht to tills place or en Oil On ok, which wo arc st-Ding at tbi lowist jios. sihle riitca. made ti Order! at the tliovUvt notice. Hats and Caps UK JSVESY STYI.U. IX CENTS' FlliN '.SUING GOODS I nor stork is complete. One pi-Ice, and all good wariaoted s r pre.-eiiled. Thanklns our friends for their liberal pur.'r hereluftiiu, wu hope lor a couiitniiiaco of the s:i nane nine. LAhiimehs A AI-DK.X Petroleum Centre Ui. I, liiiM If- J IAMuNK I'lNSand 1,'IMiS. at Itfll M tu n. TELEGRAPH REPORTED FOH THE DAILY RECORD, Afternoon Dispatches St. Louis, Jan. 13. A prizo fight between Allen and Davis took place on Chouteau Island, near tin; ppot where McCoole fought Davis over two yearl ago. There were about 350 persona present. The Unlit commenced about noon j forty-three rounds tvere fought and th fl-jht was won by Allen. Davla was terribly pun ished, but Allen looked comnaralivelv fresh and received but few injuries. At the closa ol the light the pugilist, Gallagher, offered io ngni me winner lor a thousand dollars. Allen accepted the challenge, agreeing to fight him in live weeks. It in understood the articles of agreement will be signed to night aod forfeits put up. San Francisco, Jan. 13. Mexican advices have a rumor that Vega, Governor of Colima. has obtained three month's leave of absence to visit lie inte rior. Yega's endeavors lo raako the State Leg islature mure liberal in regard tT the system of taxation lately introduced were unsuo cessliil. The most influential citizens will probably leave the State. Terrible land slides have occurred In dif ferent parts of the country. New York. Jan. 13. A correspondent of the Herald who had a conversation with Gen. Frank Blair in Washington says: The General still holds to his expressed opinion that Gen. Grant' will mako a Dictator or an Emperor of him self before he leaves the While lleitsn. His modest deportment is simply deep dissimu lation, and always used by nm bilious men since .In. Tub Cit'Sar thrice refused the crow n. The country is always ruled by a minority who emand the aid of bayonets, and it will bo easy for Grant with his military power to make himself supreme. On Saturday evening Dr. Smart wassntn mnneil to attend two drinij women. .Mis. Lo'iisa Cock and Miss Jane V. Reelatid, who rcudn in South Second street, Jersey City, hiving had domestic troubles whics they tiiougbt themselves loo wesk te hear. The wemen had bought morphine and look a heavy dose, resolving to die together. Having been restored to consciousness, they expressed their Indignation that they bail not been permitted to die. One of the most delicntti witticisms, lit tered by Rossini on his dcalh-bed. is the following. which is characteristic of tbo af- lectionato relations prevailing between him and his wife. -What is ' the .difference be tween yon and a cluck!'' said the sick maes tro to his faithful wife and nurse, when she had just told him what time it was, and as Madame Rossini said she was unable to suIyh the riddle, her husband told her the solution: ''The clack indicates the hours to ine, and yon cause mo to forget them." Certainly a mot of which every, tender bridegroom might be proud. Wry id minority of IWo who require Provit inni i-'Umr, Feo-i, Oat, t'orn, 1I:it, liiniu, Jtc, al evnysj o to A Who nrlufiil.T has the rholrpt variety nf CcmU whh'h ht is m-HIni "t the vity lowest prire tt can b.' mlordcij. no thiit lu r;ui lmr.rr kei'p out 1 1 the hf.tid of llio lio: iff TUfi'tfoic i h;tvt) FOTJD Tl h"f tn sifiip'y Invite pvwjbodyto CfilT nrd exam ine my fitck m'd oii'-eo l)i'foVepijrc!m-ini!eimrwliiTO .viii H-xy hnt lltll in n-L'rd to my ability i!o rermiimtiun to make it advtuiifleinte to thoc whv a:e ALIVE To their own interc-it', t huv their I'rovlslnns, Fl'ttir, Toi-U of all kinds nd indeed owrythiim Tt Provision line, of C. I. AVINCIf, opposite tliu l.uctiufter ilie, Wuliiiigum stieot, Petroleum Centre, Pa. Smtl-tf. iiepaksox & sum:, Wholesale aud Retail Dealers in GROCERIES & PROVISIONS CROCKERY. GLASS and srONt; WjltH, AO. SO MAI. SrilKET, DiLi'iri', i-a. nas-tf. soa's Oil fei Pipe ofe c n il. iiouson & Corner nf Seneca and Centre Sis, east side of Oil Creek, Oil City, Pa. Havlt'ir ntMed a powerful Steam Klezlne fled thet lTre I. THi. to o'ir a'.ii-ndv e..'ensie Miinune tuiiin; Kstobll.'li.nent, nr no'V prep.tred to ilo nil tho tioeossiiry wyrk, iu llttiti up, -tod repairing ENGINES. UOILERS, IliO.N TANKS, REFINING MAC II IN ERY, COPPER WORMS AND STILLS, OIL WELL TOOLS AND FITTINGS. J In f,el do'-ill t-t h'nie.TnlM'f ik eutristrd tons with yiitoe-oS .oi l ihspaicu . '. ant; wliut Tim oil markets. 1 OrpicH ar , TnHPtrr'nrCKNTRG Daii. i.t .Ikcord, , Jan. 12. S 1 KTRULEl'M Ce.NTRK. There has been a great dial of figuring to-day between buyer and seller, and tbo transactions have been fow at this point. Sales were made at Titusville of two lots, 1.900 bids, each, at $5 75) at Miller Farm 4 cars, $5.50; at Petroleum Centre 4 cars. $5.50, 100 bbls. r. T. At Oil City sales we're made at $G.10. As we go lo press $5.75 ia being ottered here mid rofused. Shipments from this point, Jan. 12, were: 1,076 barrels crude. t-UTIiOLfcliU MAUHKTSUV tel. i:eHAi'ii. Special Dispatches to the Daily Record. I'lTTSBl'KOH. Jan. 13. Ppot 16 for 45 gravity. 47 gr. 15. First water 1C for 45g. II. O. first six months lC".' for45gr: for 47 gr. S. O. first six months, 15 for 45 gr. ; for 47 gr liuyers' option all this Tear, 18 lor 45 g; for 47 gr. hellers' option all this year, 15 for 45 gr. ; 15 for 47 gr. Sales None. Market firm; tendency up. Philadelphia, Jan13." Spot, 32?'32.:'4'. J an 'y 33 Feb'y 33'jJ. March 34 Jao'y t June April to Jnne 34 ' TiiT Crude Bbls. 24'.j'. """" Crude bulk, 1 !),'" iiciket Strong uud very firm. New York, Jan 13. Receipts Refined. 1,055 barrels. Crude. GoO bbla. Napllin, bbls. Crude, held nt 20. 1!) bid. Refined. 34 bid. S4-a aeked Market Steady. N. Y., 4 r. m. Still advancing. Spot and balanco of Jan. oj cciiifl London. Jan. 13. 2. pm. Refined, 19 1. S Iritfi. 7d. Antwerp, Jan. 13. 3 p. ra. 6l,'j(35S frnncs. Liverpool, Jan. 13, 2 p. m. Refine.1-19 d. Spirits. 7 J. Antwerp, Jan. 12. 5 p. m. Crude 54 ',j 55 francs. Weatorn Uulon Line narkct Itcporl. New York. Jan. 13. Crude, bulk 19. Refined P. L. S. to W., 34 ; S. W. 34. Market firm, with an upwaid tetidenoy. Philadelphia, Jan. 13. Crude 2!e. ' Keliucd-P.,L. S. to W., 32 ; S. W. Market Firm. Pittsburgh. Jan 1". Market Firni and advancing. Sales Spot 15' '. Now held at 1C. Closiii'5 New Yoth TCm krt. New Yorl;. 3:10, p. in., Jan. 13. Demand fur. Prices have advanced to 31ija3. Crude 20cls. litlLU I.M M-AV S9iIlv. New York, Jan. 13. ' Cold 135 s. Petroleum Exchange HOTEL. ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. ALL THE LUXU R1ES OF THE D A I L SEASON! WntUiiitjrton street, Petroleara Centre. Pa., nest door to Inliuui A Co's Jiwulry ftonr KIIV A; SA.l-s, rroer's. Day ltoardcrs aeeohtmodited. Mesls served at all hours. Oystere, and every dcseripliun cl j;ame fiirnilied (.oie-ts. ho puins will bo spared lo aoeommodate thos Nu fuvor titi with tliuir patronxce- h)l)Y & SANDS Petroleum t'entr5, Jan. 0, l.fi. tf. GROCERIES ! GROCERIES! Crock ry ! Crockery ! Crockery ! Whiss Ware, Stone Ware, CHINA WARE, of all kind and description. AIh, PROVisioisrssi of nU kludM. COl' I'HIi nf t?in he.t iiuulfly. TKAS witirlt oitiuoi ! Mirp'T" -'d Ill'T Ti.'t. 1 UKKSi:. Al'ri.KH, LI.MONS aud OI(AN(J!-, hv ) in liu-l everyiliini; pi-r-Utinhi'i tn a wtill coi)dnctud &ZDGZRY & PMYISI3H STORE. (iKiiM AX PILVKK WAKE. KNIVES, FORKS, Hl'OONa, Ac My fifktuln mid tlmeitizena nf IMroIfum Outre and vteinfty. will nlway And any mid everjlliiii In my lino Ht Ihe oi;(mm;uv store on mux-st.. or- U)SITE THE HA NIC KUILIUNU. I rt iv:K'um Ciiti-', M--y I'1, '. -tf FRESH OYSTERS I Received A. D. MILLER ft CO.'S COLUMN. A. D, MILLER 8b CO, Waolewle and Hetail Dialer in DRUGS, MEDICINES, &C, Washington Street, prrrRoitin cent he, pa. Their Stock consists of evorythiiigln the line cf Drugs & Medicines I PURE LIQUOR8, FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSES, tvholcsalo ond Retail Agents for JOHN ROOT'S BITTERS, CONSTITUTION BITTERS. ALISMA FOR THE HAIR, SEWARD & BENTLEY'S COUGn SY'RUP MAGIC MACEDONIAN OIL, DUPONCOS GOLDEN PILLS, WALK Ell ft RAZE'S CIGARS, JAYNKS' MKD10INE8, ANDERSON'S DERMADOR. SPENCER'S MIXTURE. SPENCER'S OINTMENT, Ac. Ayer", Marvdon', MloT'd. "'J r.'iind'th'e, Mfl.iine'n, H'Uvm'. iph:iHr, Ntttlat'a, W Ifihnris'a, Ilirr cl:', Mctt'a. WrIgli'U, lloofrr, Jindway Tl. B. Taynu. Hohat'kV, Jnd'or'ai, f- Itenek'e, Clum's rcmnlc, 'hcusunian's Duponc-o'a, iu. Velpau 8, o, tvu.t to Perfumery, Toilet Ar ticles, Siva ;is, Brushes, &c. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, , Jayne's Expectorant, ilarsden's Balm, Sehenck'g Syrup, Universal Syrup, Excelsior Syrup, , Hansom's Hive Syrup, Seller's Syrup, Coe'B Syrup, Hall's It ii I p m. Denton's Balsam, Bryan's Wafers, Olive Tar, Brown's Troches, Wistarl's Pine Tree Tar, Seward's Cough Cure. Dateman's Syrup. Cough Candy, Ac Cigars and Tobaccos ! The Itcai Kver Ri-ou-vtil to tlio Oil llcgiuiii IIAIK KESTOKATIVES. ALISMA, MPS. J. A. ALLEN'S, RING'S. CUE V A LIF.R'S, HALL'S. MARTHA WASHINGTON, R Alt RETT'S, kOSSETTKR'S, LYON'S, STERLING'S, BARRY'S, &o., ie. I1ITTEIIS. HOOTS, CCNSTITUTION, . ROriACK'S, IlliAKK'S. MAtSAKA SI'AK, UriH.K.fS VISHI.Kll'S, Il'.iSl-Ki TK.H S, RPEEH'S. HUDl'LAND S. i Al.lenHMA. ATTWUOD'S, rKOTOXIDE JltO.S, W-A.T-.T, PAPERS, Curtain aud ItuatiC Slindr. VAIXTSf OILS, VAiS.ISIIEs, GJjASS, PIT1Y, JIilE, Turpentine, Sponges, Oytt 81ii(f, Iryer, I.ar! Oil, Heftwue Oil, Ac. LAMPS, LAMP FIXTURES, Ac. Scotch Ale, liennctt All1, Congress Water f PRESCRIPTIONS COM CXt POUNDED AT ALL yfcf-'y? HOURS OF THE NIGHT AND SUNDAYS. STATiQNSKY, EMVE1SPES A3, SUKGICAL IN.-TRUMESTS, TRUSSES, t'oniH alo i, come rnmi all. it den'l eot e?iy. Hip v to 1'iok at -tirdn, nuci e will tiy to trc.it u ill nell. A J. MIl.I.ER ;m relioieum C MMie, ?ept f. 15t't5 P