'-I - Petroleum Centre Daily Record, Pet. Centre, Tuesday Jan. 12. Time of Closing ITJalle. P. O., rmOLBCI CllKTBl, fV, I JULI IBsf. 1808. ( Until farther nolle the nails will arrive at and depart ton (kit oflroe as illowi : asoiivx. South M Bast, via. Irvlaetou, 10 M A. M. Sonth ud Wnl, Headline, 5.18 P. M. Berth and bVut, " Corry, J n . cbvam. Sooth xl Went, 1,46 A. X. ' tVmd Hum and Wert, SO P. M. Nortoj East aad Wt, 10.00 A.M. 1 -t. .A H- B. iILAC1O.0N, P. M. . .. Ulvtno Service. .. , ..PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Preschlntat It o'clock A. M., and 7 o'iif r. m. " - r . Kit. J. T. Oxtobt, Pastor. M. E. CHURCH. Pervioc every Sabbath at 11 A. II. and t P. M. .'Sabbath School at twelve o'clock M. Beat Free. A sordini Invitation atontled to all. ' Risv. C. M. Hbakd. Paitor. . 8T8. PETER AXP PAUL'S (CATHOLIC) - . CHCRCn. i Mas at 10 a. in. Yeaeer and Benodiotloa of tbe Blessed Baerament at 4 p. in. Cateshlsrn at 2 p. rn. ' JAMES DUNN", Pastor. Tub Maine Scnatorhhip. A Washing ton dispatch says: "Mr. Pet, of Maine, - arrived here to-day frnin Aiiguata. He soys tbat but for the fact that between Mr. Ham lin and Mr. Morrill, Mr. Fessenden preferred the latter, Mr. Morrill would have been at leaat ten roles stronger. '. Mr. Fessenden ' had a very bllter personal quarrel with Mr. - Hamlin In tbe Inst Senatorial fight In which ha was elected over Mr. Hamlin by aid of Mr. Lincoln's patronage. . A I though Mr. Morrill baa no sympathy with Mr. Frssen den' conservative notion; yet 'so bitter Is tbe hostility 1o Mr. Fessenden, since bis voto on impeachment, that men vote fix Hamlin to get the nearest approach they can Jo ft blow at Fessenden. Mr. Peters thinks tbat ant a single member of the Leg islature Is friendly to Mr.Fesaenden. Tel egrams tliit evening say tbat tbe friends or Mr. Morrill do not concede tbat the caucus nominated Mr. Hnmlin, but adjourned sine die without declaring any one nominated, and that they will probably elect Mr. Mor- ' rilt In joint assembly of the Legislature." It seems that IUmlln is determined oot to retire from po l icr. He was iu public life.and bsfore the reop'o In nne way and anoller, for about thirty years. In bin younger days be was a member of the Democratic pnrty, and fought bis way to a position in the front rank or that organization while nearly nil the leaders of tie purty were ar rayed against him, and they commanded ".Wealth Bud talent, but ha successfully bat tled with tiiem. He had a Hrm hold upon slje mass uf the party, and with tho yeoman ry at bis back he feared not the leaders. . In convention he could always depend upen and control tho country delegates, and . snap bis Bugers at the smart lawyers from town who might think to bead him off. He worked bis way into the lower bouse of Congress, and previous to the year 1650, be was elected to till out an unexpired term in the U S. Senate, occasion! d by tbe death of Senator John FairOeld. In the summer ef the latter named year he was nominated by the Democratic legislative caucus, for the full Senatorial term succeeding tbe one he was then serving out. This nomination was bolted by a certain number of Demo cratic imm'iers, ostensibly on account of Hamlin's free soil proclivities, but really tho bolt was got up by lending politicians to ' crush Hamlin. The light lusted all summer. ' but Anally be was elected, the free roil memtiers going in for him at tbe eleventh hour, "At tho time a prominent Democratic politician of that day, but who has not made a very prominent figure lien Wig gin, was bis name made tbis remark: -.-mx yams win soon rou round, l am worth forty lliouannd dollars, nnd I IJ spend every cent ot it, before that d J Hamlin shall bo elected Senator again." Alar, for human calculation. Six years did soon loll round. lu 1G, Hnmlin went ho urn to It .line, severed his conuectitin wilti lli Democracy, tin.) wenl into the Republican rsinp with twenty-five thousand follower. lfe was elected tiovemor of lh Stale ly a majority . o' twenty thousand 1 be LegiMUluio wa overwhelmingly Re. publican, uml Ilunliir was returned to the Si nu'o with scarcely u show if opposition lien Wiguiit'j forty iiiousund do I Inn-couiitN'l liavo done muck towaid stinimln such a eurovit of popular opinion; Willi Jlr. lUml'u.'a siilii-efi'ient career every one is ..f.iniiiijr.. tn the HiSlitof subsequent events, no doubt a !ar.e mnjntily ut ller.nlilicai.s iiiioii'-.nMit the country regret exceedii g'y thai he was not re-nini:uated with Mr Lin coln in 1864. We say nothing aa to Mr. Hamlin's political belief. There are many characteristics of the man tbat we admire. Ho la a true friend, and a bitter enemy; be never forgets a fa?or, aad la slow to forget injuries. By force of energy and native talent, be worked his way up to the second bighest position within tbe gift of tbe peo ple of this country, and to those who are familiar with his early political struggles, bis success seems to be somewhat remarka ble. He has a national reputation, while the wkole pack of political tykes who growled and snarled at bis heels twenty or thirty years ago, have lank into obscuri ty. We hope that Mr.. Ham'in will auccayd in this Senatorial contest, purely out of per sonal regard lor the mau. Tib BcitKtxa Well. A correspondent of tho Clarion Banner says: -'The burn ing well on Sandy Creek, Ashland town ship, is certainly a curiosity worth visiting. As the light of this well is seen by most people in Clarion and Venango counties, n short description of it may not be entirely uninteresting to tbem. Before this well caught fire it continued to throw water to a great height. It was then called tho "flow ing well." Two years ago, this winter, aa tbe water fail , all around, it froze nod formed a huge mass of ice with a hollow In tbe centre. This tnass of ice was very beau tiful to behold. Many persona cauio from far and near to sea it, and all persons visit ing it at tbat time, 'were certainly well paid for their trip. But shortly eftor, some one changed the scene by lighting the gas. which burned above tbe falling water and anon melted tbe mats of ice. The flowing well was changed to the burning well. Thus it burned and permitted darkmsa o come "so far and no farther," until' abi lit. five weeks ago a company of men came oil and undertook to control tbe gns and take out the eld tools, which remained in the well. . Tbey have not been able to get out all the tools as yet, but they have tuned tie well, and intend putting down another well near'lt, by using a part ol tho gas of this well as fuel, and tbe balance ut the gaa tbey have conducted by tubing to tbe top of the. derrick ' where it burns constantly and causes tho bright light seen, by all within a range of twenty-live or thir ty miles of the well. ": Some evenings it seisms muoh brighter than on others. This is owing to the darkness of the night, and more especial y to the clouds which may be on-r or on the opposite side of tbe well, which H brightens up with a bright quivering light. Alreiry there is a great deal of land .taken up by leufe on this stream, and we look upon llii. territory as very valuable for oil mining purposes." J.N- the cenire of the largest valley in the great Horse Shoo(Basin of the Rocky Moun tain, in tbe Territory of Montana, there stands a remarkable land mark.caltcd '-Hea ver Head Rock." It overhangs a river ol that name, measures 150 feet in ceijht.a'id la visible for fifty miles tip and down the stream. The traveler, trapper, or emigrant who has safely escaped through Dakota and reached this apot, although at the base of the Rocky Mountains, may gaze upon nav igable waters that reach to the Gulf or Mex ico. Tdim morning at about three o'clock, a serious accident occurred on the Allegheny V alley Railroad, about eighteen miles be low Franklin. Tbe engine on tbe passen ger train, bound np, ran out of Bteam, and the train was run into by a freight train coming up. The sleeping car in the rear was anaahed up. A lady passenger was severely injured. 8be is said tu bo the only person injured. We are unable to leant any fur ther particulars in regard to the accident. Tub three orphan children of tbe late Augustus Dickens have been placed by the probate court of Chicago under the guar- d a ishlp of .!, L'nton JWaterf, Kso,., an old and at ttehed friend ot the family. Mr. W. was formerly from Salem, Mau. He will undertake the charge of the children until their friends in England shall indicuto what their future is to be. Ox Thursday evening Sherry's Jiew York Theatre opens at the Opera House. This company will draw well. Shorry is very popular In tills community. We do not know how-long the company will remain hen. Tiik telegraph informal! si hat the oil inai ket in firm and advancing, all around. Xw in lh time lor producers to organize an association for the ptirpoan uf prtteeling themselves against excessive low prices in the Inline. Wk nro iLt'ormod that tie 1. & E. Rail road bridge at Warn-n, ws-i carried away by a liesio t on Saturday.' In MiiiM-iitieuce uf tbis ilm En pie Line citiii.it transport ii I to hv York that way. Tiikkh was a henry snow Monti iu- tb s r :ion "ajt night. THE MEWS. Som illiterate fellow writing from New- York to Mr. O'Byrne, TwicbelM counsel, Philadelphia, states that bef ktl'ed Mrs. Hill, and tbat Twicbell is inno&nt ofthe MINT. - ' ' Columbia borough, at the ether end of tbe Heading and Columbia Railroad, held a municipal election last Monday. Last winter the town was carried by the Demo crats. This year the Republicans have made a clear sweep, of Chief Burgess and nearly all tita candidates at majorities ranging from 73 to 100. , ' " . A very large deposit ot iron ore bag just been discovered on tbe farm of Tysber Slllzel, Esq.; In Meiden creek township, Berks county. It Is first rato hematite, and I found within a few feet or the surface, and extend over a range of at least thirty acres. The deposit Is said to be equal In richness and abundance to tbe Moselem ore banks. Alvln Congdon, a resident ol Evansburg, Crawford county, tell from the platform cf a car nt the Lebanon Valley Railroad Depot, Harritburg, 6n Friday, 'aad was run over by a shifting engino and instantly killed. Deceased, who was about forty-lire years ot age, was traveling for bis health. Maria Bromley, living with bcr cousin Wilder Haseu, in Homo township, Crawford county, committed suicide on Tuesday last, by taking morphine. Cause refussl of ber cousin to marry ber. C. S. A. McAran, a prominent young journalist of 1'biiadelphl, died in that city on Friday of consumption. Ho was a Well known war Correspondent. Governor Geary I eld a reception at the ecmire Mauslor, Ilatrislutrg. on Thur?- duy tvcniiij!. wbicli Was largely attended. - W. E. Rmiclc, a respectable citizen of Enrt tovn'h!i, Lancaster county, commit ted imHti'iii on VJ uelay by banging hiin s If from an apple tree. No cause is assign ed lor the act. Louis B. Davis, who is under sentence of death at Cleveland, for the murder uf David P. Slnner last September, formerly lived in Shaffer on Oil Creek. The Clearfield Journal says: "The pros p ect for a large quantity of square timber being run down Ihe river, in tbe spring, is rather problematical; We have no definite data us to the supply likely to be on hand, but. if we nro portnitted to jude "from the meugre information now before no, . we be lieve the quantity will be quite limited. ; Between eight and nine o'clock Thursday nluht, two separate, attempts at incendiar ism were perpetrated. iu F.riei The batu of the Tremont llonse, on Peach stieet. u tired. The flume '.verw discovered instant ly and extlnu'iixbed. A few minutes after ward a store in the vielnity was found on lire by a clerk, nn l likewiie extinguished. In both casus kerosene nil was used. The. ftji'c: is not known. The iuceudiaries have not been apprehended nenry R. Pierson, President nrthe Brook lyn City Railroad, bss sccopted the office ot financial manager of the Chicago and North- western Railroad, and will make the city of ' vntcngo nis iHture home. The New York fribtiae supports Marshall O. Roberts for United States Senator. The ."Uui understands there is a movement on fot to bring fotward Hon. Ransom Balcnm, J ud go ot I Be Sttpieme Court in the sixth district, as a fourth or Of tb competitor. A fire in Illinois, on Friday, destroyed the clothing and furnishing bouse of Stein, hoinier & Marks and three saloons. Total los.i $10,000. Insurance $20,000. At S.in Franclsso, Saturday, John Dixon, a recent arrival from Australia, and former ly clerk In the Oriental Bank of Melbourne, was arrested for forgery. Ho bad on his person at tho timu of his arrest. . letters uf credit, and bills of exchange amounting to over 583.000. A Harvard College student, named Alger, while passing through Havoihill street, Boston, Saturday, engaged in on al tercation with an old man named Maxwell, and after talking to him in ad Insulting manner, slapped him In Ihe face.- The old man resented by drawing a large jack-knilo and plunging it once or twice into the stu dent's bowls, causing wounds which are likely to rovo Utah Maxwell was urreal ed. Tuk Chineio and Japanese passes voices of low power, feeble compass, whining iu tone, and having a metallic twang. I i In dia and Burmali, the voice is not powerful, but thrill, soft and feminine; that of tiin In habitant ot the hills is more robust than that of the inhabitants uf tie plains. The European unions posse i-rong, power! ul, sonoioun, clear voices. T'm Germans p r es the most pnweitul voices in Kuropw.luit not as owo.ful in d ose of llio Tortus. -Sir Duncan Gibb, Vice President of the London Anihiopoloji-al Society, has niado thete oli'ervuiion. Goon Auvii k. Aii ruse in the ltKi-nttp CON GREMUONAI ' - SENATE f! Washington, Jan, 12. Senator Chandler presented a joint resolu tion or the Legislature of Michigan urging the pressage of the copper tariff bill, now pending in the Senate. Laid on tho table and ordered primed. Mr. Fre'inghnvsen presented a petition of citizens uf Georgia sotting forth that it is Impossible lr avowed Union men tn live in the rural districts of tho State; that it is impossible to bring le justice l!io murderers of Union men; that intimidation and force has been used to make a certain class of Citizens vote contrary to their Interest; that palpable violations of tie J-'otirtoentB Amendmont are constantly, occurring, that legislation of some kind is absolutely neces say to remedy tbis state of things. Referred to the Judiciary Committee. 11 II. V. Millor presumed the credentials ol the Senator elect from Georgia, whio'.i was referred to the Committee on Credential. . Mr. Ilendrick's presented a remonstrance against Increasing ihu duties on iron nnd steel. Referred to tbo Committee on Com merce. The Senate then took up the bill for tbe relief ol Sao Murphy. ttot'SE. . . yj Under call of States a large number of bills and resolutions were introduced for reference only, including the following: By Mr. Lincoln, to amend tho act of Jul; 20, 1808, regaluting pension to widows and minor children ut'ileeoaaed soldiers. Refer red to the Committee on Pensions. - - By Mr. Schotield. to release troui liability the sureties ut disitlleis of petroleum when the principals have failed iu consequence of removal of tsx on oil nt the last teaaion. Referred to lti Committee en Way and Menus.. By Mr. Kelly, to authorize gold contracts on the basts efthu relative varne of gold and United State nole. Referred to the sane Committee. By Mr. Butler u bill to aid in the adminis tration of justice in tho . JStnte or Virginia. ReleireQ to the Committee on Reconstruc tion. The bill recites that a largo majority ol tje Judges of the r'lale Uol.ns ate disquali fied under the ruiirlveiuli Article ot Ihe amendment to Ihe C'o'isiuutiou; t'ini tte l liited States Courts in that Stale aredi--cliurgiug Inm punishment criminal con victed ol murder because of Ihe (lisnuiiliuYa- tion of such Judges: that m ich eourusion is butug caused tl.nvoy iu tL.f administration j ut justice and in Ihu title to real talnf. 1; ; therefore provides lor the suspension uf judg- i menu and decivis until the questluu ol tbe I validity of the Courts urisltig from such die qiialillcatiuns be determined In tho supreme Court of the United Status, all cause l. f.ne which Courts tu be continued, but no lurth or proceedings bud until such decisions is made. By Mr. Robison, for the acknowledgement of the independence uf Cu!'a nr securinif Its annexation to tbe United States wilhoi.t purchase. Referred to Committee ot. For-1 eign Affairs. - - " - - ' ' ! Tho morning hour havlne expired, ' Mr. WasULurn, uf Ind., lntroiined a bill repeal ing the act regulating tho tenure i( certain civil efJkvrs, pased Maich .21, 13G7... end moved the previous question on its patsage. The previous question w-as seconded. The bill pushed yeas. 121. nays, 47. . LETT I n FltttM lUltKlmilTtt:. n.vtii-.isui'Hil, Jan. 8. The Senate organized on Tuesday at 3 o'clock, W. Worthington. uf Chester, being elected Speaker, and George W. Iiuin merly. Clerk. The House orgmizml at 12 o'clock, Col. John Clark bring elected Speaker, and James L. .-V.fiiilge, Clerk. The hours uf meeting have bun. fixed at elevea to one o'clock, so that our Salons will have ahuti'lanl lime to attend to com mittee duties, and tnltlclent leisure for so" cial enjoy men t during the urduoua session. The pasting and folding applets to be quite a "big I'ling," usthere.is considera ble of a Hplit over H. A resolution author ising the Final ce Committee lo receive pro posals fi r the wuil;. was loa'. The Senatorial question is settled. John Si-ott, ol' Huntington, is Ihe man, as you will ptubably bear before getting this letter. The weather is mom like unpleasant spring thnn uiid-n Inter. Tbo snow hasal- lnost entirely disappeared and the Struct are muddy and disagreeable. - - ViMiKX. A gentleman who bus lately explored Ihe inlands of Pyramid Lake, in Utah, which are avoided from some superstitious fear by tbe Indians, says it is impossible in the incuba iug season to walk en the island without stepping on tbo egg' of gulls, duck'-, pell cans, and other aquatic fowl. Two small rocky islands are alive with rattlesnakes, which bask In the shade of almost evtry stone; so that mi intruder Is often treated to a serenade by a lz n or moro rattles or various decrees f power and shades of lone. Co-incidiinly with the Oct. eartbqnnk in California, tiieru wero shocks in many nan (of Mexico, some of; which were severe enough ut the capital. if not at other plauea, to materially injitio house and -alarm the people. . Juhn, H. tiiirrutt U said to.bewritinga History ut ins uventiiit lite tor tuo last lour years. M All It IK D. l;tM.ifltMi:-J!cO iltMK. K. In ibis place J.n. 11. I-.'-:', lijr l;m. .ni-. I u in, Mr. Miilmui Iiln2i',sn and Mm, lii ig -t Met riuh.t:, all ,- I'c o.- nw I'liur,-. Local Notlcai. Rat, Care. Boota and Ihoea-A larr assortment at REYNOLDS, BROOHBAD A CQ'g, No. It Centre Stress, opposite. th Tost Office, oil City, Pa. Hardware-A large assortment of which Is twin closed out at reduced rates at KKYNOMIS, BRoDflEAD A.CO'a, No. 11 Centre Bt, oSpotits ths Past Offlca, Oil Citv , Ps. Alisha. This Is a newly discovered artlels to be used for a hair dressing, which Is said te be snparl. or to anything of th kind yet placed before tut pub. lie. . ft renders tbe hilr srt and glnsr, and will, It Is said, eauso the hair to irrow en sculpe whirs hnv lout lacked sasb a eaverlng. It Is not properly a hnlr dye, and fe It will mi nnsrate on the reots or the same when applies) as to restore. It to its origin, al color an loxurmnrV In a very hrlsf pvrlod of time. It ts beyond question, a very superior thine and will more than till Ihe expectations of any ui.e who may nnrrhnse 't-SyracnSe Paper. Try Hcw ard s t'ottsli Cu e. It is the best. A. D. MILI.KIt Jfc CO., Whnleaala and Retail Drugglats, Agents for 1'etrolouin Centre, Pa. no13 lni. '' - - v Beautiful Slipper Patterns at A. S. Smith's Boot 4 Shoe Store. - . necjs.tf. ' EjrfrAN'CT GOODS, al descriptions, whale saleand rotail, to.- Holiday lrwenti. at A. D. MILLER A CO.'S. Crockery For ill kinds to to REYNOLDS, nitODHKAD A CO'., No. 11 CeDtro otmt, oppo site tho Post Office, Oil City, I'a. Dry.Gooda, a largo staci at REYNOLDS, BRODI1EAD A CO S, No, 11 Centra St, opposite the Post Offlce, Oil City, I'a. . . t3T LABIK withiog to make aa appraprlslo pieeent, .will find beaattrul SLIHl'KR PATTERNS at A. 8. SMI ril'S Boot A Shoe Store doolStf. BIRD CAOKS, wholesale and retail.- Thirty four different st) las to arrive thii week, nt A. ). MILLER A CO.'S. 1,501) rol'e WALL PAPER received this day A. II. Mil. I. Kit A errs. !Vew 1-lour, Feed nnd Cirocery More ! .1. . f:: atjifii, . At the OLD DANK ni'.LMNci. n; M.tlN T. eppus'te tbe ycClintuek Houn,- haa ua hand m Urseand tl.st ciaM stuck i.f i'lour, I'vcdl and Grorrt-lca, w'.i cli he Is i.lllrgt at a lo'.v flgaro. w Don't forget (ho pli'.e.- where A, 1. t'otlon A Company lii.,l:enii. . .inui-tf. M.f'll and examine tlw n-ni aes-irtinent rf SJMITK3 I'AlTEIrNS nf .. S. SnlUh'a B .t SlioeStwv. deciaif. A iavgo a.e Mlne nt of PINK rEWED B )3TS st A 9. Smith's Runt A Shoe N'ur-j. i!:15 :L l)IAXlKSfor'-.t9af . T Mlt.t.KFl A OlfS. j Carut'i, uf erery qtnilly snd d sc rlpllon, .it ltEYNy,l-iHUOI'lIAD -k Vtl'S,. N'3. It Ceulra Street, oppiw.t ' tliu I' . t).. t)H City, I'.l. CANAKY B1UDS, l.e.t tiimma Imported, nhole a'.cauil reiall, at A. I). MM. I.Kit A CJ-'S. Excclaioi, llilliurtl ltii lors. To sdJiiv a aVil'.'litnil and nu'et i-aine ol ItiHlntds, ?: tw A. O. , K-tni'-nuu's KtMhluiinl:c Itillia'd I'ar ors. on U'Hhiri-:t.m Street, aexl d.-is- ti the Hnrli eete'r llin-o. 'fhe-e l'ari..rt are wlihlti s .hott tiiif tanci of tooit of Hie priticiii.il hotele in Petroleum Ceutrit mar a tr. PAPErl A.NO K.tVliL'll'KSaJ A. D"jnLLEK A CO 'S. TIIK plaro I- luwn to grt a pair of Boot made of the heat stock, that will wear woll, snd warranter tn nt, l st,JT.'.. (laarr'sr Fn-li. losnb'e Prot Slp, Wahtiu;tou Sti cei, Polroltinm Centre, Pa. ;ivc Mm a tilal. ee;I0 tr. CIGAItS AND 1XIBACCO nt A. 1. MILLBIt A CO.'S. new ADVEirnsiMjy r. ri'HK ftillowleg rerions will msio ip i'li attain I f.,r l.irllM Mt tlta .l..tt..-1-tf f.H M. .1. . .t .n-. ol Quarter Peielonit A. .1. chrlatev Vlthole. Whe'esa'e. Hanuel Hleo, Plorrer. VI-nIjitilv. J It. V.cl ou, t'oiajilaalei- tp., it.taura t janK-a. . J. II. SlIITil, Cim'Jc. LIVERY- FEED .STABLS3, IVsuIiinton Sircot, oppaaito iliu Opora lluusce PETROLEUM CENTIlKj PEN N'A. - i e i - t . I have put In a good stnc't of Tiiditis ant? Driving Horses, whielt I will let on- ' reasonable terms. Alto, Cuttora, WugoiiN. prills WUfoIM, A.V.. HOUSES boaided aud fud and best of cure gn.ir aotenl. , . JauO tf ! . '4. SMA0Lt. NEW S TORE ' ij;...; Hour, Feed a n 'I dlcntr.il Kui;iiiTirs, & tiie, llexim; located In rtrainro OcBtre, ..with a large--, . . toc.kof OEXEKAL) GKOCEItIE7 . . ' TOGETHER WITH I FLOUR &c FEED of varlmis brands. Invite Ihe mtrnllon of the eltt sens Iu ar.d alMnit I'utroleuni It-litre to rail and rx ainfaie ihclr stock. Ttiev have on hand and will coiitiiiiio to koy a large nnd cholic lot of APPLES ! atdwll makeespecialitf of HOT snd PKKD, their fsrlliilus licnu sneli that thuv can compete suR.-essfuily with auy iuniseou ihu (Wk. KEMKMBEK THEIR tflMND. OPPOSITE TUB McCLlM'OCK HOUSE. tt. KLiN -iivsvprrr, M. KI.IVittVSMI I'll. iir n. b. iioiitinu ! .