The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, January 11, 1869, Image 4
James A. Sherriff, Rtf, In addition to the lerge stock ot OIL WELL SUPPLIES! HARDWARE, 5Tnvcc TiNUinriftn v i i bV in it niiUiwwij Tliat lie keeps at his Old Stand In this Place, JUST OPENED A FINK STOCK IN HIS LIN'H. At the Southwest Cor ner of "Woods Farm, WHERE HE HOPES, Bj the aid of Compstent Assistants, Th use of New and Latest Im proved Machinery and Im plements in the JlEciiAxicAL Department. THE PURCHASE OF THE BEST MATERIAL, SELLING AT FAIR PRICES AND- L1BERAL DEALING GEN ERALLY, To merit and receive liberal en oonrasfement from operators in that locality. fLSAU SIVII MS A CALL. James A. Sherritt. WMMtmu m, Sept i, ism r. WANT B D Five GiioOourneymcn , Carpenters ! OWING to the Increase of mr biialneaa I am rwnpe led 10 111 ra mure help to keep ip with Ilia deuiuod fur 01 labor. STEADY EMPLOYMENT WILL EB GIVEN TO THE ABOVE NUMBER OF FIRST-CLASS WORKMEN. A larjc quantity of FIRST-CLASS LUMBER 1 Or all kiivl constantly sn hrfhd at s Yard, and will be told at tTSEASONABLE RATES JH M. SOIVTAG. Ptrolum Centra, Oct. Sith, tf. I.. W. DIESLMAN, T A. I Xl O H 1 AND CLOTHE3 CLEANER ! At Leggctt'soltl Ilarncii Shop, Slain Street, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. DYRIxOdonn tn nrdor. Work dona wall and anii.racuoa guaranteed. One dip a call. 1.. W. DIESLMAH pMl-tf. JOHN M. DAVIES & CO , DRUGGISTS ! BISSELL'S BLOCK. CENTRE-ST., oil. ocrv, pa. WIi.1m.Io Atpint for Dr. 1-cr.n'a Elaetrle Tf.. Rawworaud Dr. Lrou'a Infant Kcm.dy, art If. Sewing Machines. CltOVEH U SEW. ISO MACHINES ! of both Btltr-hen, Singer's w Family Sowing Machines ! And ilia American Over-Seuming and UnttuiiIIole Machines I FOR SALE AT NO. Ins MAIN ST.. 1-vHHOLECM CENTRB, P , h ' ''"' " HA KICK, A ip. RECORD OFFICE. DAILY RECORD NEWSPAPER. AND OFFICE, W1IHIXOTOX J.3 T R E LT, OPPOSITB TUB OPBKA TIOCSI, PETROLEUM CENTRE. LOKfiWELL PLrMHIEH, Prwpr'e. NEW 9 I E P A RTJIEST Wa receive telegraphic daepatche np to 4 p. m., and praaant tham to oar reader avrry arming, am- bracing aawi af treat Intereat from all ectlonof In conntry. Wa hare mada. anaclnl arrangement, whereby wa reeelTa regular Petroleum, Stock and Prodnca Markat report every evening by telegraph. ftoin Now York, Pluladelphlaand Pittsburgh, which. ogeth.r with Editorial, and Local matter, maka II on of tha mnet dailrabl newppr pohllthed Id vii ncgiuaa. ai bu Advertising Medinm, Tha RECORD fiaa na nparlor, a It circulate wnar Tr an M operator ar dealer can he foaad COBBING DEPARTMENT. Wa hive a large, and well elctd aisortraent ol now Jobbing material, emomdng th wry latest itylc. W ar therefor, enah'ed to execute Joe Work of every variety la a aatlafactory manner Wuen dcatrad, J obi will b atly prlatal la Colo Shipping Bills. Potter Hand-Bill. ' PiOfrrammct, Bills of Fare, f- ' Labels. AMD Business aad Milling Cards LBTTKK-nfiADS, BILL- IIBAD8, BILLS OF LADING, Etc , Btt BALI. PRINTING, PiUB ar lany Htyla. aeatly and promptly aiaca ted, embracing INVITATION CntCCLAKS VKOORAMMK9 CARDS, TICKETS, Btc la hot, every variety a or. etvle of work la, praaa arming. Manjhtnt, Lawyer, J attic of the Pear. Land Aii.nit, Cll Pea er.i and Agent, Inaranca Agenta, Exproaiman lad ethar partlo in want, are Informed ura ar prapftrel to exaoow to o lr all koida of BLANKS, tnuian or lagal, required laM.laa manitv. Jo'rtms patron raameMhlly mHtiid WWfJWBIAi PWTJ1VBR HARDWARE OIL CITY. ROBSON'S Oil Creek Pipe Works. CHARLES ROBSOKT Ac Co., Corner of genera t'entre Mta., Uaat aide Oil Creek, Oil VMft Dealer in Morrla, Taaknr Co' OIL WILL TURING AND CASING, AUO, WORKING BAltTTET.fl AVD VALVH8, STUFWSe WtXRM, oiaMPS, ronos, ttCCKKK RODS, Ac machinery for Oil Wells & Refineries BORINO TOOL, DRIVING PIPR, OIL PDMP8, COLD WATER PUMPS Krary deacriptloa Of SUPPLIES FOR OIL WELLS AND RE FINERIES, Alio, STOVES, TINWARE, BRASS GOODS, TSAMS A!tD OAS FITTItfQS, BKLTIXO. tACKlXO, and IIOSS i HARDWARE, UOFSS TBlillllS'GB, Carpentora' Tooli, Uope, Oakum. Nulla, Axfs, Coffi- Miltn. TablDFocln'tCiillcrj; A Full Araortmeat of Everything In tha HARDWARE LINE. lne Far il.hlnc flood, Laupo, t'blinnity. .No. 1 Wiatcr Strained Lard tdl, No. 1 Refined (Ml, 8taL- Knd. Tabi. a:id Door Mfrs : tliaiii)iun Clothes Wringers Mannfctren of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Wars. HcpntriDc of all kind dona with i,anp and difipatcb. bpucal attcnUii glfeii to , STEAM AND GAS FITTING. We have endpflvored to merit the pMroR.10 nr tli" public, and thaU una uvry exertion to in-iir ill continuance. Owr fHcilltfra far fi'-nUbim; oryihlng In fur line, havlsaf; hn p'eatljr Increased, tu tu'e treetion of our New Building, arc now UPKKIOK TO ANY OTHKR KSTABLISI1MKNT antr31Sm. IN THR OIL K KG ION. AUG, SIMON, MERCHANT TAILOR, DisselPs Clock, Oil City, ni Jnit rar.ll a large assortment or NEW FALL & WINTER GOGDN, Of tha LatMt Pari, London, and Kcw T.rli Fnali toui, camprlriug in pnrt CLOTHS. BEAVERS. DOESKINS. TRICOTS. VELVETS. CASSIMERES, 4c, and all artlrif1. kept in a First-Class 'railwriiig Estab lishment. Hat, Capa, rine White Khtrta, Paper Collur. Hoe. Suapoiidora, Nccktlea, anA Gents' Furnishins (.nods, In general. All description of t 'lothlnx made nil by exueriencrd workmen, in tha laiem atyle, ai ra'Mnahltf price. SATISFACTION GUARANTEKT). AUG. 81MON. Cll City, Pa.. Sep. 19. lWVS-tf. t)R51ST0, I10SEV & Co., Stationers ! Keep a full lis of STATIONERY. SCHOOL BOOKS. BLANK. BOOKS, AIKEN'S GOLD PENS, SHEET MUSIC, TOYS. TRAVELING BAGS, Ac. WALL PAPER! 10.000 ROLLS ! New and elegant Designs. Paper Hangi'gs As raatoaaljls ai can be pnrchaW at an; placa la the Oil Region. Bissell's Bank Block. OIL) CITY, PA. Oil City. Ph., Oct. 5. lWta-tf T. Gr. OGDEN, FLO I II IAD FEED STORE, no. ar CENTRE-ST., on. CITV, PA. thie t tha . eM.hK.hmant of Hie kind in the Mail i "W n Wn5J i"" T. B. McNair & Co, Z WSIILGTO-ST., Would renpeclfully announce that they ara are now opening a lull ateortratnt of DRUGS ! PATENT MEDICINES 1 Faints, Oils, Soaps, Brushes, &c. In- the room formerly occupied by Mr. Uotxluiau. Particular attention will lie jtai.l to the jn-eparation of Pivsi-rifitioiis, and no pains spar ed o make, this Department as complete ivs any in the country. TV i lies, and FOR MEOIGiNAL TdRPOSES E".Our i trices will comnare tavorahlv, ami we do not doubt being able to suit all who may favor us with their patronage. t. n NcNtiH at to. rro1.nm Ontre, a.. Oct r; '0.-if Erie and Pittabnrgli R. R. ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, NOV. SsU, lm train will run on tbi road a followa: 10 2 a iuLKA,: ,n,r- ""I' riiwAan. ' ' Mou' ttnWanMFil,r " frr nl I p m at Nnw Ca.tla at 7IA"WH and at ltrt.buryh nt 0i p. in. 4.30 a. m.. AiTommodaiinn from Jamfitown ar rirra at A. A 0. W. It. K. Tranrf.r hi 5.' 0 a. in., at Now r'le at 7oo a iu., and ai I'iit'hiirjh at a. m. 5.10 p. m., Mixed Train leave. Erie Tor Rharon ttpplnx at all internifdiaiu nta'lon and at. riringatl u a. m SOUTHWARD. T.lo) Bria Kxpr. Inavea New Oatle at 9,4K a m., A. A tl W. It. It. Trnn-fur at 11, lo a. in., and arrive at fiiia at p. m., ninkiny cluiiec.iiiiiectlitn for Knf, and Kinn. Pall. 4.3a p- m. Kria Accommodation IvavfaN. ('a.tle at 7,2.1 p m , A A O. W. K. It. Trannfvr at e.Jti p m., ,TameTnwn at 9.40 p. m. . 3. 3D p, in. Slixrd Train leavca Sbnrun fir Krle, ar riving at 11.60 in. Pitt'liuryh Expruaa .outh connert at Jamtown at I2..K) m. Willi J. A K. Kxprmw. for Prank- lin and Oil City. Connect, at Tran.rer at 1,55 p m with A. A O V7. Arcommodation waat, for War mi, Itavenna aad I ' Erie Expmaa north connwt at A. 4 It. W Tran orat II, lo n in., with Mall aaal for Meadvllle, Franklin, and Oil ('It v. and atJaiaeatowa with 1 ft K. Kxpreaa for Fraiiklln. Train cotmact at liocheater with tralna for Wheeling and all point in Weat Virginia, and at nttaburirh connection, fur Itlladalphla. Ilartia bnrir, Haltimora and VYaaliingtoii, via Ianaylvanla Central Railroad. Erie Kxprewa North, cnanerta at Ulrard will. lAke Mioro trail Ve.tvird for tlevelaad fhicien and all point in the wot; at Eri wiik m.llAA..Il.ta b I.' . ; - i j .. 1 1 .. .1 r . . , . - ii,nu-.,,.n uiiv itmilunu lin . wit, ,.ir.n. Irvineton. Tidionie. Ar... and with Rtifritlo A Urit Hallnm.l for Hnffalo, Dunkirk, Niagara Pall an' New York City. As't StitMM'Intniident BCt'FALO AND Fit IE KAIMIOAD. On and after alonday. Nov. 3rd, IKtiS, PunMfnger Train, will run on thl. road aafollowa: lbat ante ooino bast. 1. If. A. ,M. NIHIIT KXPUEH, atopplng at Hipley, Westtleld, Dunkirk and Silver creek, arriving at Rilffnln at 4 4S A. M. lO'a: A.M., NEW YORK KXPUKSH, atop ,u'"'' Hug at WclflcU, Brocton. Dunkirk. Kfl vercreek, and Augola, arrivlox in Buffalo atS.IOP. M. 7'Vi M, CINCINNATI EXPKESS, rton a p,l, at Northeaat, Wastfteld, Brocton. Dunkirk and rtilverercek, aud arrive at Buffalo at lo,46 P. V. A01lA.M- MA,t ASD ACCOMMODA. t,MU TION. atopptng at all .tatton. arriving at I'.i'.mtlu at ls.4,i A. M. Sj4i1 t l Uji.Y EXPHRStt. atoiiplng at .-t'f Konheaat, Kipley, Weitflcld, itniiklrk. Silvercreek and Acgala, arriving at Hot- falo at 7,(lo P, M. I.EAVI riTFAlO OOItlO WKBT. I .". V- M., DAY KXPKESS atopplrgat An ,la, Silvercreek, Dunkirk. Brocton, w jwlJeJId and Northeaat, artrv Ing at Brie 4aflil M, MAIL AND ACCOMMODA 1,wu TION, atopplng at all elation, arriving at Erie at 8.50 P.M. .;A A. M.. TOLKDO KXPRE8R. atopplng at "aw all atation, and arriving at Erie a lo, O'Oll p M- STEAMBOAT KXPRESH, atop. Ping at AtiRola, Nlvercre.k, Dunkirk, Brocton, WoHtnrid and Northeaat, arriv ing at Erie at l,2o A. M. 1..a A. M.. NIGHT EXPRESS, atopplng at ww Silvercreek, Dunkirk and Weatdcld, ar riving at Erie at 4,4o A. M. Railroad time i lo minute, fatter thtn Bile time H N. BROWN, Uen'l Supt. B I.ANK HMlf'PlNU BIL.1JI nrlnteri .1 Ui ehntaai norica, at the Raoord OIBc Q Td l,.l,"M fOT I" S- RAILROADS. Oil Ui Altecheny Eiver R i NEW AND MOST DlKECT ROUTE Tn THE OIL REGION. 0 1SS. WINTER AHBANOEMENT. Hl. T1MB TABLB. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, JTOV awn 1M. Iralna will run a. ,ll '. T' "TD, UOINO NOHTIl TO OIL CITY PBTP.OJ inu A:50 Al RPfeaa,rrlvea Tfdlouta alt io. ra , Oleopoll. at 9 lo a. .. (eonnc! there with train for Mihole). "liTu,! 9 4o a m., PrtroUum Centre lo W a ' rViyd Farm lo jt a ra , Millar Farm'S ' 46 .. m.. Tltnavlil. li.os . ' . at Corry at lll.4o p. m. ' rrUui 1:50 J!i !" "mlveaTldlotite 14o p B 0:27 A nu'tlon from Cll Cltva.. W.MC live. at P.truleuia Centre 7., a m B. F.rm7.ll a. m.. Tllnav.ll, ?? GOING SdPTII FlUtM VoltuV. TITIWlLl PETKOI.Et M CKNTI F. A OIL CITY. ' ."T ' arrive, at l llu.v I e 8 I& a m. Mi-I,r r.?rn, . 45 a . Boyd Faffn t,,,'.. m. Peimlcuui IViitre 9 o7 a ra, Oil du O'eupnllaloSI a. m. TlJ wa " HI'M irYIlflOf JJ ao f faa 12:20 P- S i, "LT1 Tlloavllle ??" -"IVM,'lrr.r""" pu. Boyd Fart tX.'JZ' ru'mm t'wtre .:s a m. Oil City It 1 1 p. ,., Mva Oil C ltv 5s a in, artlvre Oleopoll, 4 u7 n M, iianai!' with train for Pithol.j, TlSjiat, Tl "j" m a. , and Irviaato. 9.9A p. m""' ' 1 p. ai. Ifc.j.1 Farm 7 .. p ai, P.trrl Mom ' M " w m , CONXKTIONS. TMt.. Wte.W .. . ,, ... ..... A Bri. . j . ' uo "inaaalnkVi w. . aL; il. ArMtitie Oroat Watera Kail. and Pltuburgh ra'lroad f r Ilnoala ,,"": tty nttii rrankl a Braatk for Franklin. Meadvllle, and tne Weal, and all i.. 5 . .. ' '' " " " Baal an Weal Stnhdrd tlmTWSTvininnl f,Mer than lin llranch and A. A u vr. It. I. tlmr nil! nnd ihl. r,w a Ve pieaian ,.i th horte.t mute to at .) f,.., the oil feuion. rf .JairsiY-.T k." n. I,ei,",on ua,"riK "ki Be j.ure end nk fur Thro-ic'i Tic', na via oil Cr..k C j"nppSvn r!i' ' "riut.nd,mt "trBURN, A..-I anperluli-iid.ut. mf!. Plttsburgli, Fori WayiiH and ..:nni. laiiiiiariaa. XI. W TaBLk. LB.vaa. m: citv, P. 10 p m. S.4.5 p. u. t.4i a. m. A, S i a. mi. 7.30 a. m. B, III a. ra. .as, m. a,4 a. m. 10,00 a. a. Franklin. Ja naitowa. Maadvlilc, Clark.vllln, New Caatle, lloaiewood, New Ilrighlaa, ItucbOAter, Aileiheiiy, .tO a. m. U.SI a. m I.4S 1.40 p aa 3.0S p. m 8,T p . 4, IS p. in 4,35 p. A.AO. iiitriaign ar o,vu p. 4,!l6 p. w. .unign .i u,uw a. in., aad Tir 4 IV ...liu uru ,,... . . .i I .1 S " ' """"rg". eon n ave. 1.1, m i'j"? i,;i'w, I"- -n'wood at 11.01 o.r. ' .T.'" ot p ra : ra Mini- field at U, 10 a. in. aad 1 0, 1 4 4,4M and 1 o,OA a. a iX B-'!li" t 10,10 a m., and 10,oJ, S.J! ""5 m llcl "rr,, at Chicago l 7,W aad VIO p. in., and 0.20 aad 1 1,30 a. m Wl. M1 '".a I Ticket March. ISW-tf. Wttahnrph. Pa. 1 PILLS for Female.. InMibte In corfJflnA irrcgularltlee, rrrau Inir obtmc!ln of th month y lorn, frwiu wh.'itrviT cmu.o and al.vuy. aui cp.rul aa a preventive Onapiltla a oi F.mnle. p. cullaily altimtnl, or tiioMi .iipiHdiiifthfni.elva, arc CMtiti- nl airainat them I'illa, wh.l. ia that eiinditlon le-t thev invite niiirarrlvi. aPw which adinonllliin the pro rietnr a..nniM no r poiKibilitv. allliiniirii thalr niililno.. wi.nld p .VMH any inl-chl.f tohcallh: nthiwlaa the f'll'a ar r comm. nded aaa nnt invuinili owned v t,r Hi. ai levlatlon of tbcx. lUtT.riiig Inun any irregalarli i whatever, a. wall .. to pren! nu lncreum of fami ly when health will not peruili Ir; quieting tic nervr and brin-lir,' hack the 'rmy color of haallli'' to the check vf tha miMt delicate. Full and explicit illnctlun. accontpnny rark b x Price $ I ir box: a luxca. Is. Sold in I'otrolc-tlm Criitr. hv A. D. Mil. I.BR A CO., Sole Alton!." fur Petrnlruin ( entre, pa. Ladle! Ity aendimt Ihein Si to the 1'uiroli-ou.tVr.-tre P. O. can have Hi Pill e"i by mall to any part ti country, trea of chirae Bold al.o bv K. C ,. C atk. Timavlll, Pa. i A. K. firinith. Oil Cliy: Fleming 'a Cune, Frank; In; Dr. J L. Acouh, 'I idinn'; P.. 1 Hax.'lton. Warren : and by "one hriiKul.i" in evt bwn la th D litid Suta. and by Ju4 S. D. IIOWB, I'rnp'r, N.w York SEWARD'S! A Sitft and Speady Curefor 0ghColda, Aithma Bronchitii, lbarne;i, Croup, Influenza, Whoopinjr Coigh, Incipient, Coruunfption, and all iieaie of the Throat and Lungs. Don't negUct a severe Cough, or thro' away money o vroithleit rtdicine. PRICK FIFTY CUTS PER BOTTtl Prrparad by SBWABD. BBNTLBT, Draxaw BsBala,a.T. St4 bya Drglwl A. D. MILLER AC0.. Wbelaaale aaH Retail DranUti, AgantaOr I' Cntr aai vicinity. JuIIly... For doing a famllv miking In th hvt and hrl; eat titiarantcd equal to any in tbe worl" Baa all the itranjrth onM rni aoap with )e mHd aud lathering quallUa of genuine C..UI. Try thia inUndld Snap Holdbvihe ALDEN CHKMlCab WoHKS. 4 Vonh roa Mtraot, PbUadelpkia. MpS'MdCm. ENOI.ISH and STfllS WATCH BS ef the (lne make, us Gold aul Htlvor Oaaaa, at ISUAM ft OP'S. In Opora Hraie Building. . I SHAM A C'i , hav.tha l.rgeat ati'.k uf REVt.iV VF.BI In Teaw eouaty. -A