The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, January 11, 1869, Image 3
5 . 5 1 f I DRUGS AND J. H. CHKISTIE, DEALER OBTOSIMEBDICINEIS. 02E.S, paints.Varnishofl, G-lass, Putty. Kaas, Dye , Stuffs, 1 Fancy and Toilet Articles. PURE WANES & LEQUORO ! SELECTED EXPRESSLY FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES. , p. Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours. No. H Washinjton-st., Pt'trolvum Cratr?, 5a. - ;va me a rail bMnre porchuinK elsewhere. Vv'.Otf.l .I". M. IIFtlVi"jr,. I ; NEW HARDWARE STORE iikatinu i;;ni s 2 f Iii liyo variety TA11I.E AND POCKET C u t 1 e v y ! ; SHELF HARDWARE. HQUSG rDRMISEISS Gfl0DS, I. AM IV. lanterns. m fancy articles. Wood-!. Ware, xc. i - Tor .ilo .1 CIIEVl? 1 3 At the ttora formed- wruptnl hy PurchflVd and 5 Cnetrrl nt. KIl. t l l l, i a , ' j m:n b. OEcrai:. S Oil City, .Tun. 4, ISiU-tf A. T. LEG GELT, Mnim'actiirer and Dlcr hi Seed Bags, Valve Cups, &c. RxiHTUr.w! wi'krarn arc 'tnnlTe(l. nnrt H-r- ! mis aud mow 1 i i.cini f all kind- kojii Qunvtiiutly uu imiid ai.d iuuul io oruvr. P. C. HHrrz'ft Pnt. Soi d Hiiffc: Repairing Done at, all Times ! i . i Cll stid txiniiiio our itock and pries, I vnln-st.. blow Ho ilK l lln- IIM'K IlOIIvl!. lmt,.nnl Cmtre. r Jan Ttti, 1WS -If. 3Sew Boot Shop. Wam BOOT MAKER, THREE nofvjs WEST OF A. D. MIL LER CVS DRUG STORE, PJGTUOIi Ej 1 c E.VTU E, Pa. . Rfspectfiilly lnvit, friends aed tha pnb 1 He geoerolly tu nlu ol lis supe. riomade '' BOOTSj he nsns Is not ta h ! .i , f ori,in Mn is iiiM-xMiptiou sins, tin liitmtniitiemsiiilnaisli.-iiin ue.l. whils !'' jirli isi ciwritml are iiiusre'isimshlii. .umllly he .... . nf thmpniMi la'vliin lis I lunir experl t urns i hlin.eir. nnd uinplovij nnn., hut ilm liest i Mil .m'n,.h" """e"1 hllliso, ha will 1m allle to tun i 1 3L'J p,e 'hi'wlll alvaatlstaetioiun all. ; , will execute II orders entrusted " "" nwmnilv, and wlthlia uruatest ears ; and ' Ii.f ' ci'iitl Ishih that iNnlrtHei he malio) will . REPAIRING NE.YTLf EXECUTED. rMrnlmm Centre, Pa., Ji TAKE Xil'ICK! Arrrip:a ui-rHn tn plrn,im0 Em KIGS, TANKS A"D SHEDS, ' "-MiVl "'attts-iwr'alnlai tmv1ls, ran d. so hy "S'wiH. ('. KMlt iit Koi V. k UAMvasail -'uuion fiati-e, u,,p.T chrrj Knu. uorM MEDICINES. or era SI IN NEW CLOTH3NG '.Vn hsvejnet received unit n-w owi!iv t i th-i j ndiuirii g . f ihec. : n i PCTIK! c E.VTl'.i; sndirlciiit'y, the moiit com! I l-Kk V. m il ll e v.r,-' he twmt coin! I l."' f'cV. Ule,-I nf W.l.i. r c C c r. c r, r c l. I. I. I. I. . I. l. 0 o O (1 II I) (I I) T T T T T T T T II IT II II I! il 1 1 !; 1 I I I t 1 I N N N X X N X (j t; ti t; i; t; ; i; TMt pv-r hr-.t-p .-On'l t l. - ; 1 i.r tl Oil Cri-i,;-, wliicu Tt! flvj r: i. In n . t in-. nili mill. I'lOtllMH? Ts-tf' ISi'i'fT 1 Charb-.i Wesfimreland. fearer ortlie elec IHMIl.l I.KU... Ill turil vnt.s oi'Ciilifirnia, died of sinull-poz t tm rhorttvl r.ct. dats and Cajs Vt EVEN" STVLK. , IN' CENTS' FURNISHING GCOD3 ! otir stnot; U nmp''e. r.t's prico, nd nil wnirat.thil us reprc-miitud T'linnklni; our frlH'ls fur itictr lo-nrni eitrnrir iierotuf.uu, we hom Tnr a cotitiiueuicH f the htiKi. tiAnrirtis lui:n. P-trotimm Centra Ucj. H. l.MJI tf. NEW STORE ittti'l.. i n . t ... , . . limine .ocutcii in rVr.iVnm Centns with !-. r-ih-mn t Btujli of GE."VKII AIj !tOCK!SIi:.8: TtMiKTiir.i: with FLOUB c2r JPUUZllD of rsrlous"li. iiirile f'.e n't''t'H'iTl of t'ne rMt T.M In nr.d hIhuiI IvtioV.iih i 'cur re t.cii'l ii' -l i t sinlne their stoi'tt . Thev l.iire on h n il mj cuittliiiie to kiup n lara i tid choi. c lot ut APPLET ! anil wit unfe apeetstitv n' f I.'irK sil m.'A their ftHliilvs be.i e eh ihm ihcv enn toy-.iii ic stin es.-fii;1v with any haiiM-a -ho Ore 'k KEMH.Mni:it tu v.r rt srvNti, ni'i'oMTE tiii; 4kcLi:,"i ot i; ii' it's,;. W. It KI.IV-:ivt'.VITil. II. Kl IN '.ISSMI I'll, novssir n. it. noi'i i:in GROCERIES I GROCERIES 1 Crock ry ! Crockery ! Croikery ! Glass Warp, IXor.r. . Warr, CHINA WARE, if all klnils sud tlftscrl;ili.ini. AWi, PROVISIONS 1 Of a'l kinds. ClllRR or ths bust quality. tCS which cannot hu suri'iss,l Fl.ul'K. nUT TKIt, 'll KCSIC, AI'I'I.US I.KIIONS Slid OKAM1H . and 111 filet evervtliln; per liilnini; to a well conducted BRC3E3Y F207ISI3N STARS. GERMAN SILVER WARE, KNIVES, Vokrs. si'oeiNti, Ac My frti-nds and the cltizer.s of P. tro!em f.Vntre anil vicinity, wiil always Hud uny and evrrriiifng In my line lit ths GROCERY PTORE ON MAIN-ST.. OP l OirlTR THE BANK HUILDING. w. it riTM.Eit x soy... Petmleiira Cmilni, Mny HI, IJ1. if. : lry tionila, a 1aro st'c rt RKVVOLPS, B;t nilKAD Si ro d, No. 11 Ciitra 3t, oppo.i; tho I'oi-t tm, Oil utv, Pa . ' JT" t,AI)ISS a-iahlas to ciaka an approprlaia y csi-nt. will Ouj mful KUPI'Klt PATTKUNi at A. S. SMITH'S A Shoe gtnra d BIltD CAUKS, wiiii1oib ami rorail. Thlry. four dlU'uretit stjlia to uriii'o tltl.i wecii, at A. 0. Mlbl-KU A CO. '8. 1,500 rolls Vul. I'AVUit rscdved thia day at A. D. MI1.LHU A A)'S. TAIAMOKU m'Ssad KINCH, IJ m miAM t co s. TELEGRAPH l.E'.'OHTKD FOR TUB DAILY HECOItD, A 1 ttTHOOIl IiIKitC!l2S Norfolk, Jim. 10. D"l ill of a nrpra emeuto near Kcuin-viili-. in Princess Ann county nro received. Lieut. Furi'iiuiit nml lorce while on niutu to a firm occupied by ncgiii splatters who were, to he ejected, passed mi mined force of evenly-live negroes in I he woods who mule tin il'-uuiiiblniii'iiiK. L poll ncathi! the kj'i a'-t-i'ii quartets a In-sli number variously tirrr ed rciroitlcd to a house, which was siiiriiiiiid- fl. Sergeant Cullen advuticed to tho door ami wui Instantly eliot. which no Infuriated the troops that they returned the lito and rushing into the house, bnynoneted one or lv?o of the octroi's, nml tbiou wer killed outiwht. Tin1 troops wore with drawa af ter Ptfi-climr tho arrest of two of the riug li'ftiii'U A delegation of negroes then wail ed upon the ol)ictr nnd demanded tho anus captured, whic!) were refused. Tim tpokesmati retorted: If iM lis the way Ui'inft were eoinj every while man would tin run out of tho country. The cili zena of Kempsvillo picketed tne village, the woods Ileitis filled with armed negroes. Friday morning they lind dinsiippenrcd, nnd with a viow to a uioro speedy paoificaliou the truopa relumed to the city. Apprehen sions 'ire still entertained of a renewal ot the t'tni'iile, and irreat excitemcntcoiiiiniiia. lialuiy A, Fifth Artillery, ntrired here Friday to reinforce, tlm troops. A negro H.itnel I!oilze, a fotiner member if tlte ( " i. -1 i tu tioinil Convention, ia repotted to I nv m ei-ioncd the to tUe civil .uthcriu.'s liy on itilinmiitory aj,eeeh, in !. ten tie tul. I them to hold en to t .e pro l.i i iv mi. I to I lie limt. R in l'r.incicru .Ihm 11 Td t-nn"r I'luho, with Hotinlulu hJ e i ! D'c. 2litii arrived lu-i!:y. Tli- III- 'lll't lllll'illi'H of t'lH SteillllT 0Kil)l'tl "rn '. "I foiis. Kusitief8 was eurjienji'd un it m t he day. t'. r.H-iiri it Co., and ". L. fiteen were I !:' i n ; t aslnees of 0. II. Lewvia, iusoi- I veil'. l,in!iililie, $14.1.01111. I The sleimer MntiiiinH, from P.iniiina. ar- I rive,! on i!- 8t!i iiift. ul I in.l'Pil. Ilec. il. I The lli itinh .Schooner Alpliia was wreckid i in I, uvl iy Soiitid liirinr t uiile. Tim ves i "i is n tiiuil li s. The Captnin and crew nivveil in the V icloria Jim. 4th. .. Alaska advices y a portion of the (t in isi-.n Iniiiilinn. nt the mouth of tile -!v-1 ii river, were destroy ltd by fire. ("i'.it. Kenny, V. B. artnv, roni'itiltei sni-cii!.- nt Si t Un by tiliooting liiiSill thronglt ti e lio,ni. News from I lie Q:i:'it Charlotte minf ts encieirii jtns. Silkn is nearly depopulated. Same 300 people iert lur M. rclarsbti tg in Urcotuuer. I.imt Axn Fofxn Chiliottha (Ohio) pper piitillshes a notice lo this ifiect The "on that lost a spotted cilf on Wednesday, can Hud the same by eillinir at tiiis oniee."' A glance nt the paper forces in to rtriy t i loo. T! e n iikrts l avini not made Iheir dom 1 ii.. eoiiuoi .nine as usn .i wn 1 leu.ners, ,,,!,., ,i,..f, ,;., i;.,.Iii.m.v i u n.,i;;...,i,..i r...i r.IK n .. !.. but hard on rtiiiimi ritilis. Five a'.' is recti 1 1 v contended fur prizes in a i 'loeipede race in Piri. On" nf ihem were p. tticmla, and it is said that sua took the iirst prixe. A wui!i oa't tree, two liuflrpil end twen-y-flvi! ye.ira old, and measiirins six te, t aerivs the s:uinp at lite Kniund.waa recenily cm down on tie line of the Brandywire and Rending Ra'lioud, IVnrisylvauin. A youth skated from Uuffilo lo Pnver port. I wit, a distance of ten miles, in lorty ininulia.tecetitly. ' Petroleum Exchange HOTEL. ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. OY-STERS ! ! LUXURIES! DAILY! :-; EAT-OX! Vnshias:li3i Street, PoliOtCinn CiMitri1, I'a.. next dfjor '.a Ishtiui & C'o'i J jxvelry Store K2HV A: Piopr's. Iiy noird'Ti iw iOinTnodiiU"J. MeaU urvc I nt nil hour, Oytttrri, und very donenption of nme f t1h iHtiif will bn ipnrcd tn necoauiiodtito thud No fivnr U6 whit tlmir p.itnm if.'c. KI)I) Y k SANDS pAtrolenm Ciilrp, slun. n, 1FC9. tf.' BoW& Oil M Pips Works ( !M, ROOiN & CO., Comer of Seneca and Centra Sta, east sido of Oil Creek, Oil City, Pa. Mnvtii" ailrt'd poworful Sieam Knains and three lars I. ITIIK, le o'lr alrsndy exltnetvt, Manufiii' tuiint; Kstiiiillhtnciit, ar no prepared tn do all the tiMcesstiry wyia, in tlttlu up, and repairing ENGINES. BOILER?, . IRON TANKP. REFINING -MACHINERY, COPPER WORMS AND STILLS, OIL WELL TOOLS AND FITTINGS. In fsnt do'nll Miihhinrv Jnli VVork enhusted tons with nuHtii and dldpsico aiidlnons TIIE oil MAitttr rs. Orncr. op ) TnK Pet'm Ckxthm Daily Rkcord, PlSTROLGCU (JKNTHE, Jan. II. Tho market continues firm, with an ad vance of 15 cents on Sattirdn)' price". Stiles of 12 can, at $5.10; 6 com at $5.1.1. There win also a tale of a small lot on prl. vate terms. RltipnientR from lliia volnt, Jan. 9. were: ,,S7 barrels crude. "" DUpiu l.,.s l; I lift I i i'lf Kivurd PlTrypuMnn. Jan. 11. Spot 1,1 for 4.1 ttravi'y. 47 gr. II. First water i." for 4,'ik II. O. fiislatx tnontbs 10 for 45 cr; 15 for 47 pr. n, O. Iiiit six months, 15 for 45 sr.; 14 fjr -17 Ki" Buyers' option nil this year, 18 lor 45 sr.; 17 (or 47 gr. neiietri notion alt tins year. 17 lor 4i cr. : 1.1 fur 4.i ?r. Sc!es Nor.e. Uatliel Firm. PiiMiAUKLi'iii, Jaa 11. Ppot, ,11(?fSl'. Jan'y 31 J, Feb'y 32i,324'. March 33 4 Jan'y to June April to Jnne Crude Bids. 2V4. Crude bulk, 17?.,'tfl8. Marknt Vut'r liim.' Mare buyers than sellers. Nkw Yiiiik, Jan II. Receipts Refined. 1 Sci) barrels. Critde l,lh5 bb!s. Nnpths, bids. Crttde. held nt 19. Reiined, 3:i on spot: U.'l'i for end of Jan. Market Stead v. Losoii. Jan. 11. 2. pin. Refined, 191. S.ilri's. 7d. Aiitwuiji, Jun. 11. J p. m. 5 1 (7? 55 frnncs. I,ivki;ii)i.i Jun. 1 1, 2 p. to. Rtfi-ied 10 il. Spirits. 7 .). A nt iv Kite, Jin. 1!. 5 p. m. Crude SttQSS franca. " " " Wosicnr I nlon I.I no Mnrkyt Iteporl. New VorkJio. U. Crude, btilk". 1S'3!D. Reline.1 P. L S. In ff., fll'j- ; i. IT. ,12!:i.'I Market 5:roni. Philadelphia. Jan. 11. Crude 22e. lleiliied P. L. 3. to W., 3V1 9. W. 31 Market Stroti,;. Piltsbiiruh, Jan 11, llarkt Firm. Sales April 15; Jan., 14'J. CloHlug Kcw York Iiirl:el. New Ynril. 3:10. p. ut.. Jan. II. Demanj encd. Plie s have advanced. Refined, 3.Vi.(j724c; Crude, lS'j'glOe. (Ul.ll k.'l A t.SV V New Vdkk, Jan. 11. ADVICE TO YOUXO MEN AIKiri'TO MAIi'iV Ks-ats r:ill Voumi eii thu KiTurs, Ahi:s snd IIimivwpj, whim c-t.iitu iiuiH-ilimiinl- t Mah itiAoi-:, witn th.i hum mi vii-v' el' trtnimcnt snd cure, sent by nn'I in ..-ill."! Vt-r ciivloui... froe of clmce. AiWreis HOWARD A'MUCI M"ION But 1., l'hil'iuclphia. Pa. septus- m A. VfTT l:ir?c m'i'"ritT nf V win rTnir Trovii inns V'niir. red. Oat, Ctm, (jtiiin, ol warn tu a MA.TST Who nrfmll.T lm tha cWoicot vnrnv rtf PnM wliirh lip ii c!liim Kt t'.'P vrr lowtft nrlcMtlmt ran bi' nHn.-li I. no th 1 hv ran Imrd-y kcx-p out of tle L inus nf t:ie biiei tit lucroiorc t nave FOUND It lirt tn nitnplv invite rvprvhndyn rfill oni) oi-nn-ino my Kt'rk mid in ic hffinpirrrl.ainrt'.iittwliM'C and amy lint iiii hi rr'iird (t inv nbhliv nnd d ttnulnatioit tn ina'ie it ndviiiHauitus lo ttionc wtiu ALIVE To their ni"n llltere., to bur Iheir Pronsious, Fhinr, l'ecd uf nil Hindi, and indiwd everything (, t' ht ind-3, nnd in iisr -, Waidiingi Prnriiinn line, of C. I. WIVTH, op?nslle the ltuchcslcr Usiut, Wuidiiiigum street, Petroleum Centre, Pa. Sept I if Wholonle and Rttnfl l)uifiv in GROCERIES & PROVISIONS CROCK FRY. ui.axs and iom: ware, AO. m MA1. STIJIOKT, Ol l riTY, I'A. Hid-tf. St)MIXI.M Jmie'rir. Indie Sel, Fsr Kliiu. Pins, Met vg Hultnne, Ac, at 1HU AM It Od'S. t ANAHV KUtOS, boat (ill man imported, wholi. ale .uid retail, it A. I .MII.I.F.U i 10 '.5. A. D. MILLER &, CO. '3 COLUMN. A, D, MILLER & CO, Whulixle nnti He tail Dealers in DRUGS, MEDICINES, &C, Washington Street, petiiolms rmisr, pa. H a? Their Stock consists of evcrytblngia tb line of Drugs & Medicines ! ATTIRE LIQUORS FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSE'S, Wholesale and Retail Agcuts for JOHN ROOT'S B1TTER3, CONSTITUTION BITTERS. ALISMA FOR THE HAIR, SEWARD & PENTLEY'S COUGn SYKPP MAGfC MACEDONIAN OIL, DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PILLS, WALKER .1- RAZES CIGARS, JAYNI'.S' MEDICINES. ANDERSON'S DF.RM ADOR, SPENCER'S MIXTVRiJ. SPENCER S OINTMENT, c. IILIiS. Ajer's. Mnrsdon's. Roller's. "li; Ilfamii'th's, 1tl.niie'9, WIImid'.i, (ihaiic, Vodnt'a, Wlahans's, ITeirck., Moll's. M'righ'ts, lloii;ibr"s, lia-lwiiy' It. U . Jayne's, Hohafk'-. .Ind-or's, Siienck's. Clurn's Female. Chcescman's Duponco's, do. Velpatl'8, do. c, &a Perfumery, Toilet Ar- tlcli's SoapsBrushes, &c. CO IGIIS, COLD5, &. Ayer Cherry Pectornl, Jsyne's Expectorant, Mnrsden's Halm, Sehonck's Syrup, Universal Sjrtip, Excelsior Bynip, Ransom's Hive Symr Seller's Syrup, Coe's Syrup, Hall's Balsa tn. Denton's Balsam, Bryan's Wafers. Ollse Tar. Brown's Troches, Wieharl's Pine Tree 'far, Seward's Cough Cure, Butemuu's Syrup, Cough Candy, it Cigars and Tobaccos ! flap licit Ever Kroualtt I o tho Oil Itegiou. JIAIJ1 UIJSTOUATIVr.S. A L ISM A. MRS. J. A. ALLEN'S, RINGS. rilEVALIKR'S, IIA1.I MARTHA WASHINGTON, B A I:!: '. i T'?, ROSSETT KRVS, LYON'-S STERLING'S, BARRY'S, Ac, &c. HITTERS. nOOT-". CONST! rLTION, ROTJArK', omKK'S. viacm(a si'sk, lirni.KT'S) jiisiu.KifB. in.sruTTKK's, ai'F.uit'i. HOOt'l.AN'P'f. t'AUiMHNlA. ATTWOOll'S, ntOToiinii n:u.', .te WALL iJA.I?BJElSi ( in Stilus isnI Iluilic SiindcM. PAI.TS, OILS, VAIIMSIIES, OLASS, 1'1'TTY, GLIE, Turpentine, poiiKco, ly tiiff, Dryer, UL1 IX Kits' St'PPMES, Lard Oil, fifsuicnc VA, LAMPS, LAMP FIXTURES, Ae. Scotch AI, Kt'iniPtt Ale, . Canjrrcss Water PRESCRIPTIONS CO.VI. POUNDED AT ALL HOt'llS OF THE MKHT AND SUN DA YS. STATIONERY, EKVE1CPIS AC, SURGICAL INSTr.rMENTS. TRUSSES. Come iiloiiK, eomo one. come all, ft don't'cosl any. tliini; to !o.k ut ;ood. and we will tiy to treat .vat III well. ; A T). MILLER 4 0O Ptraliii Cent a. Sept s,l$ - .