"a w ijJT Petroleum Centre Daily Record. Pet. Centre Monday, Jau. 11. Tim of Closing nail. P. o.,fmoLitr rsxTHs, Pa , JULT S7sT, MM. 5 CntU farther notice ths malls will arrive at snd d)Mrt frost this office h folio wi: AnmiTi. BonlB and Ft, via. irvlnotoo, 10.2 A. 31. South ud WnI, " Meadvllle, S.1I P. M. North ami Inst, " tony. 1 3 ' Impart. isooth and Wait, S.tt A. M. StmiM loot and West, J. M. - V Kurth, East and West, 10.00 A. M. ' 11. K. BLACKMOT", P. M. ' Dlvliie Servlcee. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Preaehlnt: at 11 o'clock A. M., and o'eleek P. M. Rt. J. T. Oxtot, Pastor. , M. E CHCRCiT. Service, every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and 7V& P. M. ; Sabbath School nt twelve o'clock M. Softs' (Free. A cordial Invitation extended' to all. , Kit. C. M. Hiakii. Pastor. - -.(.. ST8. PETER AND PAUL'S (CATHOLIC) f CUITRCII. Mux at 10V4 a. m. Vespers and Benediction of tbe Blessed Sacrament at 4 p. tn. '' Catechism at J p. m. r ' ' ' JAMES DUNN, Pastor. That In a country like ours there should he any occasfon for dlspnto between capital and labor, la much to lit regretted. The whole land is teaming with plenty. There Is enough for all, and Jt there are casrB re extreme destitution within otir borders, and there are frequent strikes of laborer against what they allege to be the Injustice of their Jcmployere. Fometlmes these strikes are mado upua principles of right, and too frequently there is nothing at issue except what could be amicably adjusted. We bare always, deprecated this system or strikes. , We believe .itt to be iletrlmentnl 1o the very best ; interests ol the working classes. " .The friio principle npoa which labor should resist the encroachments or ex actions of cap! taj, is that f co-operation, and we are glad to notice that co-operative societies in must all branches f businea are sprinting into existence la all our large cities. The cities ol the country are where these institutions can live and flourish best. Jn the rural districts Idem Is iw, especial need for them. These societies have worked wonders for the working people In the large manufacturing towns of England, and the principle works well wherever it lias been applied in this country. ' Tuk people of this community hare rea son to fee) encouiagud at the business pros pects, before thoui. The coming season I bids fair to be far more lively tlian any pre. vioiis "one.'- Stores and residences are' in active demand, and much of this kind uf property is now changing bands, at very Rood prices. ' A large, amount ol iinilevologed,bit. .territory lies. In our in me diate vicinity, whioh during the coming spring and summer will be thoroughly test ed, thus living employment to hundreds of men, who will naturally siend their monoy at this point. ' This will of course tend t make all branches of business good here. It is our opluion thai Petroleum Centro'bas years ol healthy business growth and pros perity before it. TiUltn is among a certain portion of this community . a ' reprehensible carelessness manifested in the carrying nnd use of fire arms. Oo Friday night last several parties were giving . specimens of their skill as good i-hots at the upper end ef the town. 8ncJi exhibitions Of lawlessness should be put a stop to at once, or somebody may get seriously If uot fatally Injured. There is no reason why such rough rowdyism should lie loleruled here, even if it is in the oil re gion. , . , . . Til is UK is disposition manifested in rer lain quarters to brinj an undue influence to liear' ilfiBrf "fbo fnComing administration and tu suggest a line or policy Tor uenersl Grant to pursue.'' Although we do not mix in politics, we venture 'tlie assertion that Grant's administration will lie characterized by good sound stHleaiiutnahip and common ruhsei'. Ills course, wil'l be such as to merit . uud receive llio approval of the candid thinking., conservative men of all parties, both North and South.'. ' riZKtts are very plenty in eur woods, and are daily brought into llia biatket.. Other kinds of game is also quite plentiful, and the hnti'ers too are n 'amorous. We expect every ' day that Brother Convert of the Forest Press, will shoulder his rille, and cooti! through, 'h'" wools,' lo see us, s. toot ing a d.i'-r or l on the way. snd bring us iu sog.'u.vvuisoii,,t'Vle wss heavy on Uie Itiini Hi days g,Msn-b.y..v.lle lins 410 1 di'oij eried, W''. Iin-er ' '' .' . OIL CITV COItUElsrONDEnCE. Oil Cur, Jan. 11. The Sacred Concert given by the Musical Association on Wednesday evening at St. Joseph's church was a grand success. The best talent of the a"tlvo membership was in attendance in the choir, and the singing wss superb. Selections were given from classical composers including the Cbem bini and our own talented Farmer. Seine sf the finest gems of musical compos ition were comprised in the programme. The patient labor of I'rof. N. E. Skinner, the Musical Director, and the careful study of the members have resulted in thor ough efficiency. The strsets and sidewalks are very sloppy and disugreenble. The river and creek are rising from the recent rains. The loundry of Cummings Brothers, on Seneca St., is n home institution, of which Oil City may be proud. Castings are turned out here of very superior workman ship, and at Pittsburgh prices. At the M. E. Church, there is being held a series of protracted meetings whiiii are causing much interest. There is preaching every evening. The pastor, Rev. Mr. Car rutrers, is an earnest zealous man, who is interested in his work. At the Catbolio Church a mission com menced yesterday which will Inst ten day". The A. & G. W. Railway, now run by the Erie, 1ms changed its time-table, and passengers experience some inconvenience in regard to connections with the O. C. & A. II. Railroad. The lattrr road is doing as immens'tiusi ness in passengers nnd Ireighis, mid is a monument to the ability of the uMu Super intendent, II. I'. Swectser, K.-q. . Jl'jkX. Anna Starcy, of Hamilton inwuslilp, V.m Buren connty, Michigan, has a anions his tory. A year ago last spring she entered tie township attired in a man's clothes, bought forty acres of land, with a house partly renstructed, oompleied the house with her own hands, grubljed nut. by hand fourteen acres of benvy oak. and titled the soil lor the plow; chopped tier own weod, split her own rails, and has the best fence in the township. She lias eight acres in wheat, has a ditch in one side of her land regarded ss a superior afl'iiir, made first class lion-sled (she dug up trees, and sawed the runners out by hand), and his managed to supply her neighbors with ax helves nnd splint baskets. After she had put her house to rights she put on women's clothes and called herself 'Ann Starcy. The account adds that she lives alone. He wsuld be a courageous man who could think ol mutch ing that Ok the originally known Joint Brown party who captured Harper's Ferry nnd set up a provisional Government for Vlrginie, but two are now living Owen Brown, who resides in Western Pennsylvania, And Os. borne 1. Anderson, a colored man living in I Canada. Realf, Lnke, Parsons. Gill,' and others associated with it, directiv ami in directly, each won some distinction dining the war, and are now living. Geo. P. Tidd, one of those who escaped, died at tiio tak ing df Roanoke Island. Sergeaat of a New York Rvgioient. Barclay Coppic, then a Lieutenant in a Kansas Regiment, was kill ed at Platte Bridge, Mo., through the de struction of a ra'lrnad train by guerrillas. So says the Worcester Spy. The Charley Una territory is coming into notice rapidly, A new well was strack on this run day or two stnev. wluuh is now doing seventy barrels. The well ia owned by Captain Hssson and others. On the Foster farm, near Oil City, a new well was struck uear the race course, I and is now being tested, with an excellent show. Sixes tne holidays those of our business men, who went away le eujoy them, are re turning, and we notice many old familiar fact's on our streets. Thene meu have en joyed a soason of rest and are now ready for business. We are glad to see them coming back, for It betokens livelier times in ibis community. . ' . 1 Tun weather has undergone semewbat of a change since Saturday. Early this morn ing it began le snow bard, and according lo present indications wo shall have, good sleighing soon, . This will make business lively fir u-jiit MjDmald and S.uawley, Tuk stiffening up in tbe oil market, is, we are inclined lo believe, eutireiy due lo the small amount of petroleum on band, both here and at the outside. . Tlie producers are now in a condition to control tho market efv ' Ir ia repot ted that a 1U0 binel well was struck en the Pierson Farms last Saturday, but we ctnuot tr ice the rumor to any re liable sunrce, " ' . ' - 1 i . . Pkkkoxai.. Ye notice tht" Caplaih H - - , LI lieriut, a I to d iy. rill' of the county is in town t '1IIK NEWS, Sewell's morocco factory, in Cliurlestown Massachusetts, burned last Monday night, with a stock of morocco and machinery. Loss 920,000, partially insured. A dispatch from Princess Ann, Md , states that Rouad, Wilson and Wells, (be Chesa peake parties, have bei n respited until March fith, to await the trial of their com panion, Varley, which will commence this week. . A minority report has been adopiod In the Council of the Montana Legislature In re move the Territorial Capital lrora Virginia City to Deer Lodge City. A resolute strug gle in favor of Helena will be made in the House. ' The Bluff Brewery in Qnlncy, Illlnois.was destroyed by fire last Monday. Loss twelvo thousand, and no insurance. At the railroad depot in Fon du Lac, Wis., Monday afternoon, a young man named Cbapmm, while passing a gate leading into tlm var.l, wos accosted by n stranger. Stop. ping withln'tne gate Chapman wns first struck pnn the head with a slung-shot, then stab bed In the throat with a dirk, after which a slash was made at the pocket of his punts that contained one hundred dollars. The victim was left unconscious, while the mur derer escaped on tie train going north. Severol of the Michigan legis'ntors have arr ved at Laming. The United Stat.-a A-n. ntorlal question is the absorbing topic. ' Chandler s chances lur re-election are good. His rivals nre Congressmen Blair, e.-f!nv. Terry, and Hon. ChaiUs S. Mat. ex-Lieutenant Governor. A caucus was held on Tuesday. The schooner Sny wns wrecked oil' Nurlh lint, near Milwaukee, Tuesday UunrniDg-., She struck a rck and filled .immediately. . No lives were lobt. Tbe destitution in the Red River Territo ry is increasing. Only two pounds or food is granted to each person er week. General Young seized 121 barrels of whis ky at Cincinnati Tucsdsy, for violation n' the law. R. M. Brimmer wns robhed of one thous and dollars, ut noon Tuesday, while stand ing at the door of tbe first National Bank or Cincinnati. The Mbher. named Lewis, was arrusted, and the money recovered. Twa pr'zi fljs hum been awarded In the townships ol Northampton nnd NV.vlou, Pennsylvania, the former giving the largest j Democratic majority In October over that of IStil. and the latter the largest I. Hi,. I ite Presidential, election, ia the vote on the October State ticset. Two deer parks in England are reported to contain twenty-one thousand deer. A man and wife In New York lay c1 aim is the championship on the strength of bar ing thirty-one children. Antelope rlesli from Omaha is selling at six cents per poiiud in Chicago. Send some of inhere. . JostSo The intimation that it is prob able that an effort will be made toabilish the franking privilege; in fact, it has inau gurated a i'ruiK incense among thorn. Jimm Hoffman, of San Francisco, re cently soulenced the first nnd second ollicers or the Americau ship Sanleo to two years imprisonment in tho S'aW prisou for cruelty to three apprentices, mere boys. One of the biys tcstilied that he wss whipped several times during the voyage probably forty times; that the defendant frequently com pelled bitn to drink salt water, and upon one occssiou be forced him to eat a piece of tobacco as long ns a man's lingei ; il made him very sick, causing him to vomit and to strain a great deal; be had to drink silt water a number of limes, and each time that It was lo'.- 4 upon biin the male de clared that it "Would strengthen his lungs and give tlie ship a good name." Another lad lestiiled that he hud been out from New York only a few days when the mate began to multreat him, frequently striking him with a rope's end because be could not re member the names of the ropes. Sometimes be would make him draw a bucket of water from the sea and drink of it until he could bold nv more; on one occasion be made him drink four cupful almost a gallon it puffed out hisstomsch until it looked like a tond's; he was very lick after It but received no pity from either if the mates; he was kept sawing wood for a month, and was struck once with a heavy piece of wood; the stuwiyd said that he had beoti going to sea for thirty seven years aud hud neve; seen anybody so badly treats J as the ac cused treated the boys. The penully upon the broUl officers who biiftVled nnd tortured these poor boys was none loo sovcre. As a goneral rule Ameri can sailors urn not cruel to apprentices. Still tho worst ernes seldom come before the coutls. The autiou of Jude Hoffman Will, produce a trumiuilizing eETeet upon 1 111 "in than onu Amrft iciii vesiel. , THE SNOW. Oh t the snow, the beautiful snow, Filling the sky and earth bolow; Over the house-tops, over the streets, Over the heads If the people you meet,. ' lncing, Flirting, r'kiimning along r Beautirul snow; it ran do no wrong, Firing to kiss a fair lady's cheek. Clinging to lips in n frolicsome freak. Beautiful snow from the Heaven above, Pure as on nngel, gentle ai lovel Oht the snow, the beautiful snow, How the flakes gathei and laugh as they ge Whirling about in the mnddnnlng fun,' v It plays lu its glee with everyone, " -"Chasing, Laughing. . Hurrying by; It lights on the face and it sparkles the eyel And even the do with s bark and a bound Snap at the crysials that eddy around: ' " The town is alive, and its heart in a glow. To welcome the coming ol bountiful snowt .How the wild crowd goes swaying along. Hailing each other with humor and sunn! How thegny sledges, like meteors, flash by, Bright for the moment then lost to the eye; Ringing, Swiuging, Dashing they go, , ; Over the crust of the beautiful snow; Snow so pure when it falls from ttie sky. To be trim pled in Bind by the crowd rush- iiii by. To I"' trampled ami tracked by the Ihou- saoiU of feel. Till it liieiiiN wilu the tilth in tliu horrible streets. linee t wjs pu iti snow ! Fell like tin, siHMV tl ikes IVniu beaveri to . hell; Kelt in lie mm pled as fi'th of the tr.st ; -Fell io lie sciil'.il. to lie i.plt n;l and be.il ; l'ie.ilin. . .Luis IliT. , . .. llleild!:iU '" diV .'ellinj my. suit! i.i w hoover woutd liny, Iv.i!iti;i in (.hanei I'of n morsel of liread, il itillkf III' U itlT anil e'Hliuit llie dfnil: Mere. ImI G.ul! tune i fill.-n In ? And vol 1 w s once like lite beautiful snow. Onee I wns fair ns ihe lien it 1 i Til I snow. With iin eve like li i rytal, a l.e.trt like it? elow : Once 1 was lov.'d Inr tuy iniin,.iit jtrce Fi.ilter d and sofglii lir ihe uluuiii of my l.ice ! Fa i In f. .Mntlier. , Sis: ITS ul. (ind. iwnl nivto.f. I lime liwt by i:iy fli; The veriest wreicll that goes shiverintt by. Will lake a wide sweep lest 1 wander too nigh; For all that is n:i or uWore ill know. Tin ie is nothing us pure us the beautiful mow. Uow sMune it should be that Ibis hi-autiM snow Slinii 1.1 fall on a sinner wit'i nowhere to go! tl'nv strange it should lie, when the night ;'.ihs attain. If tlie an..w aim ..- j,. struck tny di-pei ate tir iin, ' - - Failllillgj, Fieizing, Dying alone. Too wiek-tl fir a prayer, too weak fur a tiioan. To be he.,td in tho streets of tbe crazy town. Gone mud in the joy ol tho snow coming duwn, To lie. uud so die In my terrible woe, With it brd and a shroud ol the beuiilifn snow. SuiiluiY is Cojiixti: Sherry's troupe will oen heie on Thursday evening,' On that i ccAiion will be brought out the great play ontitled the '-Lancashire L'iss." jtftalr I11 Paragnay. A correspondent siys the allies are pre pining for another Hank movement on Lc prz. Marquis Cax'as is only waiting until tbe time tui'ives to follow up Lopi -t with light artillery. There appears to be insur mountable dinicullies In the wy, however. Tho Paraguayans hold a battery In a nar row pass in 1 be river called Angostura, which gives much trouble. It has been se verely bombarded by the Brazilian squadron but has not yet been silenced. 80m Iron. dads have sucoeeded la passing it, snd re- maiu uliove until the division in the dis co arrives. No important move by tbe squadron will be mnde,wiiig to the iocleu -oncy uf Iho weatbor ami the Immense hard ships endured by the troops. There has of late been mucti sickness in the nrmyr and for fully 11 week oholera committed great ravages; but the weaiher having improved and nnnitary measures having been more attended lo, the health ef the army is now reported gnud, uud cholera has completely left the camp. . There. is uot the slightest prospect of a speedy termination to the cam paign, and no one attempis 'to put 'a'llntit to its duration. Ten thousand recruits arc shortly expected from Brazil; but it is im probable that any further' recruits from tbe Argentine or Oriental republics will be or dered, notwithstanding the Very urgent ne cissity that exists Tor .the measure.. 'l'HU following-. pM-soug wgl aaa'ie apnlldatian I fjr Mceuse at tlie Jaaaary leiia of the Uoart ei Q.uarti' eeasisns: Sa-iuiol Uli B. I'ionor. Wholatale. J. It. McCewn, Curnplaoter tn., Krilanrant. J. a. SUI t'H, Clerk. UY tho E. Howard American Watch, the bast X midc, ot inilnM a cu. jTitLEIi X CO 's HirlMV ro-A largo assortment of which It hslng closed out at reduced rates at KKYNOLDS, nttoOIlEAD CO'9, No. 11 Contra St., opposite Hit PostOmca, Oil City, Pa. Alisma. This is a newly dlscovend article to be used for a hair drawing, which Is said to bs superi or to anything af Ills kind yet placed before the pub lic. It renders thn hair ssft and glossy, snd will, It is said, cause the hnlr to urow on scalps which have Ions; lacked such a covering. It Is not properly a hair dye, and vet If will so operate on the rents of me same wuen appueu as in n-sMro u lo lis origin al color and luxuriance In a very brlf iiiriod of time, it Is beyond question, a very superior thing, and will mere titan till the expectations of soy on wlio may nurrhiwe 't Syracuse I'aner. Trv Sew ard's CniU'b u e. It is the beat. A. O. MUXRII A O" , Wholesale and Remit Druggists, Agnnls fur Petroleum Centre, Pa. V oevll-liu. Beautiful Slipper I'altornsnt A. S. Smith's Doot i. Shoo Sloro. . . . . deoU-tf... ., (ST FANCY GOODS, all -Ascriptions, whole sale and retail, for Holiday Presents, at ' A". D. MlI.I.EK A CO.-8 - (Irorkery For all kinds go to REYNOLDS, DKODHKAD A CD'S, No. 11 Centre Utrset, oppo, site the Post Oft! re, Oil City, Pa. .Call and exsndne the flue assirtmeut of SI.UTKIt PATTKKNS at A. 8. Suiitli'a Boot A Shoe Sioro. decl& If- A lame asenrtniout of KISS 8KWU1) BOOTS at A 8. Smith's Hoot A Hhoo S'ore. decli U. DIARIES Tor 8tO at A. D MfM.KR A CO!). Cnrpels, of every quality and dnrrlpiion, at RKYNOI.n-, IIIMHHIRM) A t'O'H, No. II Cant Strtct, oppoit the P . ()., Oil City, Ps. Excrlsior llilliiii'd l'arlore. To enjnv a dHlihtftil and tpilet irams nl nilllaidsr got A Ksrnliaiu's lustiinintliie llllliaid Par lors, on-WaainnL'tDU tfei, next d'Hir to t ties ItocU-" fcsiev Houses Tlu.-s Par mi's nn wlrliln a short dis tance of. uiost of Ilia principal hotuli in Petroleum Cantro. ' may 0 If. j. Til 8 bust place Is town ki get a pair of Boat aiade Of the heat stnrlr. thn will wmr wall, sc. I warranted te fit. ia at J. A. t'laiite'e Kash- I, nnUe Bout Shop. Wu'i'nutoa Strci. Prtrolenm Centre, Pa. Civ 1dm a 'rial seplv If. CK1AKS AND TXU.fC ai A. D. KIl.Llin A Cii.'S.- ...... - NEW ADVKilTI'KM KNTA LIVERY, St FEED STAiBLES, ' ValliiiKtoil Stroi't, tti.iii lilts Opera Mo lite, PETROLEUM CKNTItE, PKN.VA. I have put In a good . s'oe't r Riding and I ) riving llort.'Si, whieli I will let on reasonable li'rnis. .4.lo, C'iitteir Wngitni, Spring Wiigtsn, cVc. UOKSUS boarded aud tWd and Itett at cure guar- sutetst. - - 1 , , jtittf t A. SMAWI.KV.. United States 1 insurance OF NKW YORK, Establish?.! March 5, 1850. t'sipUal & A tact, 8 :,:, ;( E. J. RO.S9, Agent, . . -.s. w. . . lprolf u:n Centre, ' This Compaiiv, Belns one of ths oldfst and most rellatile in 11 Ctiiir.dHtnttSf 'sn'orile ample atctir ry. not only ti' Its isnra anvte, which on 'Jan nary 1st, 1S(W, were al ready my3 million ovsr lis liahlllllos, lut also ly the .. . , -r j i , 1 1 i .. . PERSONAL! 'LIABILITY j OF TUB 5 STOCKHOLDERS TO MKE OOOD ANY DF.FICIEN0Y, a security n.i ollord il by any nthar Cash Comua'iy. "i . . : .' Im.;;i ' , f.i : . . . ,. ; J)iciderul are Declared .Ann u And may bs tisail to assist in palng I'rsm fcTO, ta afford Iddlllonal Insaraus . m tot oeonra paid up Polio s srer thsy have beeh la fsroo foi a number t of years; ss explained hs-onr panipalet, or they may acaninulateat cotnoutiad intwesl to ineriaae the. sent taswiaaY I . . . ! EVERY FATSE1 stliowld secure s Policy ss early as nonible. as non but hsalthy persons can be Inaurad. and it is. his noral duty, to pmytdsjln the safust way for bis fam I'y, which be csnaoi'do betur, than by a Ufo la suranca. Muuey Invested In biwlbess may bring iwiro iatorest for s whle, but It msj all bo lost,' salt the ramily Is thus loft dcailtnls. , ' Jao7 tt , ., . , i V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers