The Petroleum Centre daily record. (Petroleum Center, Pa.) 1868-1873, January 07, 1869, Image 2

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Petroleum Centre Daily Record-
Po. ftohtre, Thit radar, Jan. 7.
Ttana wl rUelng Malta.
0., Fnaotiva Cannes, Fa, I
JVLT kt, taw.
Vut heftier sell th. mailt will arrlvt at and
depart from tkla aOlM h follow:
a Bait a.
4 KmU via. IrviaebM, 10. ( A.
. M.
d t'HI, Meadrllle, 8 18 P.
Harlb ao last, - Corry, ,
. ., ; '
Aonth end West, I i6 A. M.
Bnnt', EnM and Wut, Mfl P. M. ',
North. BM anil West, lu.M A. at, I
,-,.. IHvlu Servlcea. ........
Prawebini at 11 o'clock A. M., and
oUeklS M.--
r; , ItsT. J. T. Oitobt, Pastor.
Service every Sabbath at 1 1 A. M. and
TU r. M. Sabbath School at twelve o'clock
il. float! Free. A cordial Invitation
extended to all.
-. Rut. C. II. Us inn. Patter.
. . Mas at a. m.
. Vespers and Bcaedlatien of the Blessed
8erament at 4 p. m.
,,, Cataehiia at 2 p. m.
L - JAMES DUNK, Pastor.
Tm Legislatures of Pennylveola, Mew
York, Maine, Indiana, and several atbar
Statea ara the scenes of animated tonteiti
"tor the Senatorial vacancies to be filled en
Tuesday nest, and it it not probable that
any other public btieineei of Importance will
be transacted uotll these caara ara disposed
of. . It is claimed at nrrlbtirg that the
' rates! ioilicatiena favor tbe election of John
Scott, of JIunilngton. Tbia ia probably
owing to combination which have been
effected ainee the meotlnj of the Legislature.
In (be multiplicity of ewulijnua, it wna
inferred that the Cameron Influence, which
bad not been IdeuUi.-d witb any particular
tnleret. would nltlinetely n"ect tbe rhotee.
Alleghene must divided her preference
upon two candidates, a circumitanca foal
to bulb. Itut In loting tbe .Seuatonhip.
Allegheny wnii'd seem tn have obtnlned
Instate Treasurer. It Wwine intimated that
John Mockey of Pittsburgh, will succeed
t.Vn. Ii in In that position.
Titr TnRATeK Last evnlu there
quit" a large midioiire at III.' (I pel a Hunec.
"J)..n Ca-e.rde Buzan" wns rendered better
llian we have ever witnessed It bnlbro In
thii part of ibo country. The leading char
acter in thin play wa token by tbe young
and ftthnfe-1 Mnr'i E: a, who. during
lit liirt slay hnro. baa become (pilie a fa
vorile wild our tlicnlre goers. Ju him
Messrs. Cm nor Sr Petersen have n trump
card. Mr. Garner himself posi'i'H RrenU'r
reraatillty or tnler.t than any actnr wn ever
iw. lie displayed tliiii In a remarkable
degree last evoninj;. first na King of Spain
in Don Ciesar do, and then a
"'Solon Sliiii(tlo" in tbe after piece. Tbee
cbarnctera arc as dissimilar a any two that
eat) be brought upon Ibo Maae, and Carner
iistalue.d both in a manner that we bare
seldom eeeu equalled.
'Humpty Dumpty" I ob for to-night.
We learn tlmt tbu Cieveluud market I
abort of oil, and that refiner there are
writing urgent letter to their agent in tbe
oil region to eupply lliem Immediately.
Cleveland baa becomo one of the great oil
market of tbe country, I an urgent do
in and for oil there will have a stimulating
effect upan tbe price of crude hero. There
i certainly a scarcity nl the crude article
nil around, and ell ber the production baa
been greatly over-estimated, or tne demand
for petroleum lin liugele increaved wltbin
tbe pant year. Oil producer have gond
reaaon to feel euconraped at tbe preaent
and prospective high price of tbe great
staple of hl regi'm.
We are enjoying remarkably One weather
.. far the aeamin of I he year,, and it lia an
exbileratinx effect upon, every one. lint in
ta midst of prevent minahioe we must not
farget that lb ere are many oeld. Hlormy.
lillislU day in sre for us Ik'Ioi the
, coming of spring. T.m tar tbe present
winter has bin-n much milder Mian last, for
wbleh the poor have an especial reason to
Im thankful.
' Wu are Indeljbut to Colonel A. I. ' ln--ean
fur a eupy of Governor (ieury'a me
gfTUK pioipi runs coMuKimi of me tV re
W'H.thit winter, in a luiaiitesapiiiiaofvlew,
ia ihe wiuji e nl eeiierul r-iOMk. ;
Vralik lvdiltm, ageai win years, la plavlns?
Meiidelaaoki umeie i t a- r a m Ka
Cnrtaite V
tln t. il u.
Hi :
Wo lllo.ilhi'
siliei ill-1,
UlUr. st'fia
A Child Taken Off by on Eagle aii.l
jarriea -a wo xniic
The Nashville Press, of tbe'1i Inst., ton-
tains tbe following: A gentleman named
Bowers, frem JHelgsville. Jacksoa county,
now in town, Inierrn u that, on Chriitmas
Eve, abont three o'clock In tbe afternoon,
lb farm ol a Mr. Whiteside, abont fve
miles from Meigivllle, wi tbe seen of a
moat exciting and nearly ratsi event, it is
brief! this: Mr. Wbiteiid was In tba town
doing soma business; his wife was away at
a neighbor's. wDsre a sick cnua wss sirug-
f;llng with cholera Infantum; and tbe osly
ndoor servant they had wss out in tbe barn
looking after some cattle.when tbelr child
a bright liUle boy just learning to toddle
around en hia little feet, and prattle tbe
name of "pa' tumbled or crawled ontaf
his cradle, where bo was left asleep by tbe
servant a few minutes before, and managed
somehow to get to the doer, which was un
fortunately open at tbe lime, allhough tbe
girl left In charge of the place avers that
be closed It on going out. Tbe child tum
bled into Ibo front yar, it is supposea, anu
was crying and sprawling around, when a
great grayaagle, ee by tba girl u she
was leaving the barn, rame swooping down,
and. fastening its Immense and cruel talons
ia the clothing of tbe little boy, rose up.ap
parently with much difficulty, as high as it
could, wbicb was not very bigb, and sailed
off across the adjacent woods, just skimmiog
tbe lops of tbe trees.
. When the servant saw the eagle coming
down, aa she wss leaving tbe barn,
abe had a 'presentiment of tbe strangest
kind, and said she felt tbat tbe child wss
out doors, and tbat tbe fierce bird of prey
was pouncing down upon it: but when, In
a moment after, she beheld the groat tyrsnt
of tbe air rise above tbe house top witb the
littler child In its claws, she grew dizzy and
fell to the graund. Her weakness. hewever.
did Dot continue long; the cold air blowing
across ber face revived her quickly, and
jumping on ber feet and gazing round wild
ly, sue saw tne esgie aDappearing over ine
wood in the direction of the Cumberland
river. Sba wa Ql'ed with one impulse to
rescue tba tittle boy. She became as one
franilo, for she bad a remarkable aOVclian
far tbe ebilc". She rusbed forward, bounded
over tbe fence as If she were endowed with
Ihe lightness and agility of a deer; dashed
Into the wood, dark and tangled a il was.
not taking lime la bunt out foot-paths or
cow tracks. Sbe Instinctively felt that tbe
thieving bird would keep in a straight line,
and sbe kept In a straight line also. Witb
the strensrth and unthinking courage of a
strong man who Jia become suddenly do
ranged, she dashed the undergrowth aside,
crossed ravine as if she were on the level
plain, spurned tbe fallen trees and Jagged
mcks as if tbey were the smoothest and toft-
The patch of wood w is fully a mile and a
half throiiith, lut ihe girl made the run to
the oijie'r eJu of it 'Without feeling in the
iest tangoed, lleyond the wood, and be
tween It and the river, lay- n pnleti of clear
ed ground, partly matsby and partly corn,
field, full of old Bin mps. When she lef: thu
wood, and bad a clear view, she saw the
eagle aa if be wore Inclined to uliitbt with
bU bi id n soniewheie in the neighborhood,
of the river. This gkre her new courage
and fresh bope. and she ran forward with
Increased speed. It luckily happened ai
that time tbat there was a man hunting in
tbe neighboring marshes, snd just at the
particular moment, when the enl reach d
thu ground willi l.i;r .. ,v. ill
an dangerously and rl'tiininoly nenr him
(.for liio hunter was behind a clump of tunni
es, nliout twenty yards off, and bad his hack
Inward the spot where the eaglo and the
child were), that be mounted into the air
attain, but this time without, his burden.
The pursuing girl wns filled with joy, when
she liebeld tbe bird rise without tbe child.
Hut tearing be would return, as be seemed
inclined to do, she sat up a vigorous shout
Ine as she ran. which attracted the hunter's
attention in tbat direction, who, seeing tbe
eagle quite near him, and a lady malting
down the slope witb streaming hair and var
ments, and wildly sbouting, concluded at
once Ibat tbere was something strange and,
perhaps, dreadful In his immediate vicinity,
and be also set tip a vigorous hallooing, and
proceeded to reload his gun with much pre
cipitation, forgetting to go niter tbe game
which he bad just shot.
rne eagie soon became aware ol Ihe lor
midable opposition he would meet If lie at
tempted to rconpline bis prey, and thinking
better of It, be wheeled rumwl and swung
himself In one gmnil sweep across the liver
and Iwhiml the shelving rock
which form tbe opposite bank at tbat point
before a shot from the hunter gun wa readv
. i I...H.L... Li.t.u z .... - '
in ppeeii us uigni in nm oomi nearr. u nen
the girl came down to the hunter, she fell
stiff,, and was not able even to indicate
what wa the matter. Wbile the rough gal
lant wa endeavoring to restore her to con
sciousness. h heard Ihe scream of a child,
and leaving the slowly recovering girl, be
went Inward the spot where the screaming
came from, and beheld a line, healthy, rosy
liny, with torn tloibes, lint otherwise unin
jured, endeavoring tn rise upon bis little
feet. He took the hahv in hia arms and
as riled it tn the glil.who was now sufficient
ly recovered to comprehend that her beicved
charge was safe. In the meantime the moth
er and father of the child had retained home
and finding it empty witb no sign to it rtl
cafe where the InnuiUs had gone, save a
bucket of soil led milk near the barn, where
lb girl hnd' dropped it In her flight, they
oerame exe-edintfly anxious and uneasy;
but the return of the servant, tbe hunter
and Ihe wonderful little voyager, who had
tt.e most thrilling adventure' that was ever
heurd of, t'estored tbem in tianiiiility.
There was a truly merry and jnyou Christ
mas rn tbat household. .......
. 15 y lefurenee to our advertising columns
It will be seen that Mr. K. J. liesa. (f Ibis
otace. I agent for the Uulted Stati
Insurance Companv .it New York City.
Financially 1 Ills is one of the unde.M cum-
pmles In tbe country, am) .thorn intending
' to lake ant polioie will do well lo full upon
! tle.'-Rese..- . ... . .
OHOr.tJOJtAIl. .
t i
' ' BRNATB. 1
Washington. Jan. (I.
Mr. ltarrcj presented the petition ef W.
V. Hazlett. and live hundred cltiwna of
Missouri, favoring general suffrage without
diatinction of race or color. Referred to the
Judiciary Committee.
Mr William offered a resolution directing
the Committee on Agriculture lo Inquire In
to tba expediency of reorganising the De
partment of Agriculture so a to provide
tor the election ol one person from each
Slate familiar with agricultural want and
Interest of sneh State, to occupy a semi
official position In the Department. Adopt
ed. Mr. Shermsn presented a petition from
citizens of Ohio, Biking Conpes to psss
laws to guard against fraudulent natnrall
ratine. Kifrelto the Committee on t' e
Mr. Edmund, from the Judiciary Com
mittee, reported the following ubtilufe for
the bill Introduced by biro on tbe lilts or
To prevent the holding of civil office by
military officers, and to prevent tbe holding
of more than one office at tbe me time.
Pe It enacted, Ac., Tbat no person shall
hold nor shall be receive a salary or com
liensation for performing tbe duties of more
than one office nr place of I nut or profit un
der the Convolution nr laws of tbe United
Stttes at tbe ssnie time.whether such office,
be civil, military or naval, and any penen
holding any sucn office or place, who thall
accept or bold any other office nr place cf
trust er prenr under the cnnntlintion or law
or tbe United Slates, shall be deemed to
have vacated the office or place wbicb he
held at tbe lime of taking (ucb place.
A bill removing two disabltitiet of Jobn
S. Stoke of Alabama wa passed.
On motion of Mr. Ashley, the Secretary
of Wsr was directed to communicate Gen.
('rain' report relative to a ship canal thro'
Ihe shoal water ol Msumee Bay to deep
water in Lake Erie.
On motion of Mr Haines, the Secretary
War was instructed tn communicate the
number of enlisted men "f the army now in
Texas, Mississippi, and Virginia, who were
citizens or residents af the late rebel State
during the rebellion, and bow many were
soldiers in the late rebel armv.
Mr. Washburne. of III., from the Cenr-
mitlee nn Appropriation, reported the
Naval Appropriation bill for Hie vear en'- I
ing June 30, 1870. Ordered printed and re
commit led.
The bill appropriates 915.273.672. Helns
$2,091,578 leu than appropriated for Ibis
The House went Into Committee of Ihe
Whole nn Ihe Pension Approprlntinn bill,
Mr. Allison in the chair, and Mr. Wash
burne. of III., addressed it. The pension
Id II. which appropriates $1.1250.000. was
ordered to be reported lo tbe House and wa
(uiisequently reported and passed.
The Consular and Diplomatic bill was
then taken np.
Mr.Broika moved an nmendment'to
Insert an appropriation for the mission to
Home. Alter debate If waj rejected.
Mr. Bu'lej offered an nmeadmenl provid
ing for ho n Minster "to Nieariuga, San
Salvador. Honduras anil Cost Rica, snd
hut one Minister to New Grenada. V. nez
nel and Keuador, which was agreed to.
TV. ! 1 Jlh nfi'l Toll ! i.ii.a v.m..i el....L.
iTi nut n-i v.oinu of order as containing new
The ('nmmittc roe and reported the lull
tn the House and its further consideration
wn postponed to Mondiy next.
Adjourned. "' .
A new well was struck a week nr more
ago on wust is Know as ine ueeo irnci, on
the nthne sbln tt Pl.avrv Trita and a.1t,-tn.
w J ..... j-...-
Inx the W, I'loraon Farm. The suroeedeil
yesterday In exhausting the water, nml the
well is to-dayloing Iwenly hurrels.
Tiik a'.tention of our readers ia called to
the advertisement of A. T. Leggetf. dealer
In harnesses, seed bag, etc Those in want
nf anything in bis line should not full to
osil on him at bis place of business, nn
Main Hreet. bel w the McCllntock nous .
rut: mewn.
North Carolina want a Slate agricultur
al fair.
Eight orations were, pronounced over Bur-
ryer a grave. ,
Blind Tom is performing to lull bouses in
Alexandria, Vu.
A hull less rqulirek has been killed near
Natchez. Misn.
The Sun has appeared aa a morning paper
In Louisville, Ky.
The dog tax add sixty thousand thali-rs
a year lo tbe Berlin treasury.
. Disraeli's lust official act wa Ui give
ii te
private secretary a fnl office.
Wendell Phillip wanted In U'conu- sv
chemist, hut bis mother Interfered. " '
From 8i!l tn 1S6S. inclusive, the Com
tuck silver mine yielded ?ti t.OOd.Otia. '
The Ohio Penilenliary cleared &7.00IV last
year by ihe labor ol the convicts.
Tbe pews in Rev. Dr. Ellis's new church,
tn-Boaton, are veined at $150,000. .
A Virginia statute Impose a line of eighty-throe
eon Is for every oath uttered;'"'"
Alaska contains S7'o.IOO,nW acre for
which we paid less than two cents an sore--The
President of the Texas Constitution
nl Convention ie pitid sixlwu . oiler per
A Missi uri Uilel was meuanouglt to stt-nl
a lliniliatorie from a iiillnutd station,
Tho ol.leil m in In Minnesota die.) the oth
lerdiy. Jlo ;i 'rcne!nmn and I'M.
liocnl Not lean.
Rata, Car. Wool urn Bkoea.A large
assortment at REYNOLlt, nROMIKAD A t!t ,
N., II Centre Street, opposite lbs I'ost Oflce, Oil
Hiv. IV ? ,
yew Flour, Ke4 uht Grocery
stthore !
opposite the McCHutock llonse, has on band a
large and list class stock of t'lnur, fee and
flrocerlce, whirh h I selling at a low figure.
Don' forget the l-c where A, 1. t'olton
Company broke tip.
Can he found a complete stock of lllniit Books,
full and hair hound, from lUr. to 11,10 .pilr,
Hlauk Nx.ei, Draft aud Heceinu Ituoks.
t i.ihi KSvix-irKa.
With nil t'yl.-t ,.f Nui Mid Oap Paper. ' '
HOI.P piiNS,
KNIYKS A Sl'IISOUH, warfantid
Conipl.-te -tock of DIARIES for 1C!.
Fiaest bramls of Smoking and Chrwini; libaos
Comix, Hub mid I lolh.-t llfu)tts of all sl.hra.ith
a coniplefo iis-oriuieiit tf Fency Ugotl4-
Ale, a Cirrulatinit1'lhrr.v, enniposnl of standard
works ami the lim out. 'lVrini only $M rr di
months. . .teell 1m.
Dry (iunste, a larice st.k nl ItKITNOLDS,
nitODIIRAU CK J. .No. II Ceutru Si, oioei1e
the I'o-I Office. Oil Citv, Pa.
fe I.AIlivM l-hii.t to make n appropriate
p cei-iit. will HiiiI licaniifiil HI.IPI'EK I'ATTKHNt
at A. t. SMfTtl'M thiol A ShiH) gtnrn declMf.
Witt) CAHKS. wholesale and retail. Thirty
four l ft'eri'iit -t. Ins lo arrive this week, ul
A P. MIl.l.KIt CO-H
CANAItY lUltliS. uostCrrmnniuiuorteJ.wlmle
sah au.1 reiail, at A. D. MII.I.RIl & I'o.'S.
l,.tOO rol.s WAlLTaI'EK reuelvul ikie 4y al
A. 1). MIl.l.KIt res.
Hard wnro A larice aasortuienl of which Is
Mug closed out at reduced rates at HEY-VOLtf,
UtMMllKAIt A CO'!', So. 11 Ceutw St.
th. r..-i(m.-e Oil fuel !.
Ai.i.-ma This le a newly discover! d .irii.le to lie
usi .t For a linir uVcs'lnu. wlih is said tn lie snpeil
or lo liint; f the kind jrut placed n. fvrs the pub.
lie. It readers the hilr efl and i;losy. and will. It
is sal.l. eause the Imlr lo ttrow on sc dfM which ta.tve
li;ii- lueked ueli a covering, tils not pn.ierl a
hair ilye. mid vet It w II su operate ou the routs nf
the siiiiu when applied as to resrurv it to itmrii;lii
nl color mid laiunance In a verr brief period of
tltno. It w lH..voud .iiiestion. a v.ry .,iHrior ilnn,
unit will mure limn fill the eziMs-Ullon of any o .
v. ho tutiv nurenasti 't.Syrac!.. iNuig. Trv Hew-:-ril
i'oiil'Ii Cll e. Il is the bust. . I). MIl.l'.KK ,t
('... W'liol.sfilw and Retail -llriiists, Aenls fur
I'.lruloutu tViitre, Tn. aovj-tm.
I Itiinitifiii Slipper I'ullerns at A. H.
Smith's i
i si.oi. store.
Zm PANCY liOfllW. all lirserlpiioiis, wheiv
wi i'ftii.1 retail, fo.- Ilulidav I'rusrnts, at , 1
A. I). MII.I.KK CO. S.
tJroekery Kor all kinds go to ltKYSOI.OS.
IIIIUIillKAIt & CJ'f. No. 11 Cenlru aireet, oppo
sl:o the l'o-t I'lllcv. till Clly, Pa.
l ull ami I'xsn.iuo. I lie Doe ass .rliiieiil nf
SI.II'PKU PATTBItNH at A. . Hmlth's Hoot
SliiMf Store. declfi It
t'liilalmuH Oifla J,
a 1
j I ! ii Watches, Kluest Anierk'Sti Walches Musi
I cut Instrument', Alliums, Plated Ware, 'Faney Cut
I ler; . SiHs iwIes, aud I'ucket llsiks Also all
1' of Cltrs iiiuiiunicitiri'd. Paucy Hiiiokini; Tolsu-oo,
nd MeiTM-luiuiu I1es. All Ikes., aiui a icrrat deal
i iiion-rtin Iw loinid i.l ,1 WOI.FK S J. welry Storo,
' nsr u.Mir tu Sherman Ileus...
i, Iuc7if
A larue a-sorlment of KINS 8EWKII II HITS al'
j A S. Smltli's rtit & Nhiai Htora. decli if
niAKIKHfor aw at A. t. X CO S.
A CO 'S.
Carpet, uf every quality and description,' at
ll,VXOI.l)-, DKODIIKAP A CO'S. So. U Centre
Street, oppiMltc the P . o Oill'lty,
r.xcclslor Blllinrd Parlor.
To enjoy .xMk'lulul i rt .ilt L'nm. ol Ulllkuds,
Kola A. 0. Kai uluuu's l-'ii:iioiuue Plllliod Par
lors, on Washington Sirvnt, aeil d..r to the Koch.
MUen llous. 'Hiv-. I'lirlors sre w.iIiIh slml. die
Inner of moot of I lie pi iinipal hotels ill Pelmleum
( outni. , may U-tt'.
THU best pliH-c Ik town tu get a puir of Bout,
nuidc of the li, si SKvk, that w ill wear well, and
warraiued lo in. ii al J. As Plume Fasb
k.unble Boot Whop,' Washlnelnn street, Pelroieniu
Centre, Pa. Civo hlai a trial. seplO tr.
CO.'H. , .
1)M(TIES dd'iriiur to pun-hao En vines,
Toole. Tubing, CaalMg, HHCker
Hoda, Hopes,
nifir). TANKS AND l?HEl8,,,f
and ail sponiaisr. j-er'siuitw tn w!s, Ciin do so hv
sUIni? nn II
Ii ami i UK nr r
AikliHon Vii
ia OBh-e. Upper IV
rry linn sc.tU
United States
Established March 5, 1850.
CHpilal etc A sect M, :i,009,04
i ,- T , .
; v ' ' . . e ;
E. J. ROSS, Agent,
Petroleum Centre, Pa.
This Coinpaiiv,
Relng one of the oldest and moat rellahl. la th.
Culled Stales, albrds ample w-nr ty. not only by
It iare. set, which on Jan ary 1st, lfW, were a'
ready wj, lillloa over it liabilities, bat also by
a security uot afforded by any utker Cash Company.
Dividends are lhAared Ann u
ally !
And m it he need tn assist la paying Premiums, lo
alTiird Iddlllnnal msnranee. nr to secure paid up
Polic es sfler tber have been In force lot a. namber
of years, as explained in nnr pamphlet, or they amy
accamiilato at coniiiouad liitarcst to iovreasu lb.
so n insured,' ' -
ehon'd secure a Policy as early as possible, as aire
nt healthy perannscan be and it Is Ms
atiwal duty, to provide in the safest wajr for his far .
I'y, which he ranuot do bcll.r, than by a Ufa In
siwuce. Moaeey Invealeal la hasinee asay ariag
more latenvtfor a while, bet' II may all be lust, and
tbe family Is ihn left deatliale. .
' ' I'etkoLeum centuiOa. ' '
Hnatlleaa Vtenaaer,
itluan al aslrermr.
J. W. rwrner
W. U. e. tenon
I, '. tolemaa
Itrtiirii of tli Ftuuritts
Troupe. 1'onbliit'd.
EiHtoc'-niMit uf
'I he Popillur Youiik Actor.
Come Jinn and IWiuniuiisl.
Ilirrrf . keoa(
llu il. M4rrla, .
" ' A.- CI. Eno. -
E. J. Ward.
Coinuieillciiue and V .enlist.
Rule Vvriiouj . "
KlMy Vnw J, Ac.
TliMnsihiv Eve, .fvni. 7, ',
i nretentel the Orside.1. production af ti e
kill I mat givvn la Amerlnt, eellWed,
Hiimpty Dnmi tv. afterwards Clmr ). W,,Caraer
j, v 9thr chsracter. by tn. aaaky, jl
91lle JuTt tta. l iilil.
IT" loor .pel, at 7 o'elect
I'ertia-iaa co at I
tf AdiuissJu i .10 eta,
JaaSIw: '
bwrd INali, 73 ca-
Bl'Y Ihe K. rt iw.rd Anier1-.'.!. Walrh, th. bast
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