DRUGS AND J. H. CHRISTIE, DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES OILS, Paints Varnishes, Glass, Putty. Soa.w, Dye Stuffs, Fancy and Toilet Articles. PURE WINES LIQUORS ! SELECTED EXPRESSLY FOR MEDICAL PURPOSE?. N. B. Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours. io. 13 Washlii-rtoii-st.. Petroleum Centre, Pa. fltve mo a call before purchasing elsewhere. fMylBtf.) J, II. CJIItlVl'lE. the ciiEii'ixr mmus IXTIIECOLVTY! ARE SOLD AT B AUDI'S Donlcr in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Hems' Fumisiiixg Go'ids, "WASIIINOTOX-ST, PETRO LEUM CENTRE, IA. f'ome one, enmo nil nnd go to Baitm'a, Most ekcptic.il i hey there n ay Ictrn . That nil their wauta cmi b auppliod At lower rates llriu e'er were ir cl. No other store with mo compete. My stork on hand Is now complete; 'Tla nut lor paltry irnin I clou I But lor my put. una that I furl. Of Dry flood I've a choice etipplv, Comprising nil you'd wish to buy; OeLninos and Silk" mill HhiIi.s too, Ul uiory style butli rlcb aud new. With Miialina, ;in.'linin, Printsand Laoe. Hoop ekirts ot every elyle nild tasta), And Hosiery nod (iloves I keep, ' Wi h Corsets Htiln very neat. And HlluV ne.-Fan. and Parasols, Willi lllaper nnd Fancy Shawls, And (.niler Boots and Slipper, too. Of latest aiyles, both ueut and new. With Pln and Hcedlca, Tape and Twist, And Cuff-" ehue flltlng to the wrist, Kln-tlc-. Ilmtaii. Hook and Kves. Kerchief aud Collars and Nock-Tics. We simply ny to nun and all. At Damn's .biro 1m? sure to call. To ;jn supplies, where'er you ju; Call first on J. BAi .ir. fcF" Having' determined to confine ourselves to the Dry .iods business alone, I offer my entire stock of LADIES' AND CI1IL- DIIEN'S SHOES! at first cost. Call and judge for .yonrselves. J. ll'AUM. Pctiolonm Centra, Pi., Dec. 7, lsr u New Boot Shop. J. A. PLANTE, FASHIONABLE BOOT MAKEK, Wuelilngtou Street, THREE DOORS WEST OK A. D. MIL LER CO.'S DRUG STORE, PETItOIiEU.U CEAITRE, Pa., Respectfully nvils bii friends nnd the pub lic geuerully to a trial ot bis supe rior made BOOTS. The nnaltty of the material he naea la not to he expelled, the style of workmanship la linexieptlnn t e, the latest natterns or 1 naia being used, while jue pricee charged are moat reasonable, quality be liig the lest of cheapnoaa Having had long experi ence, himeoll, and employ!.,-, none but iliu best voikincu. ho liattera himself lie will Iw able lo ami 1 J.2Hr,'!l;,u wl" lvu ""llalaciion to all. OW Hh will execute all orders entrusted jo Him promptly, and with the eroatcst care ; and 'ia great oiulldence that Ike arl.lclee he mukua will V. .'Vl"""""1 themselves, after a lair trial. REPAIRING, NEATLY EXECUTED. Petroleum Centra, Pa., Jiii?V i!i!,'AtW rE" pNOI.ISH and SWISS WATCHES of the fineat iln!?","1 Hl'il'ltnilWi lasoa, at I?UAM '-0 a, l cIrra Ijmwu Uulldlr.s MEDICINES. NEW CLOTHING ev nothing ! We have just rerolved and are now opening to tha admiring gaze uf the citizens of PETKOLEUJI CE.TItE aud vliinlty.tho moat complete atock, and llic very latett aijlca of Wiutcr coccccc c L L L I. L L I. L 0 O () O o o o o T T T T T T T T H H II II II H II H 1 I I I I I I I N X N N N N N N G U ; tt G G G G 0(1 Cni'k. which wo arc9clling at the lowuut ,wa. III I t.H. (lot III S made to Order! at the shortest notice. Hats and Caps OF EVERY STYLE. IN GENTS FURN '.SUING GOODS ! our atnek Is complete. One price, and all goedi! wnrrantiHl as represented. Tliankini; our friend for their liberal p-tr.nnue heretofore, wj hopf lor a continuance of tun s:inie. ' ' LAIIIIticRS ,k AI.DKN. Pitlroleum Centru Dec. XV, mm if. NEW STORE' Flour, Feed and General Groceries ! Kuxuixsmnrs, & to., Having loratiil in retrolemu Centre, wilh a laryc Stuck of GEXEItAL (SICEKIE! TCNiETIIEH WITH FLOUR Sc FEED of rnrloua brimls. inite the a'lention or the cltl KeiH in m:d alHxit lVrnlei.in i enliv to call nnd ex amine their slock. Thev have on hmid mid vt'll contiuuc to keep a lurj;e and choice lot of AtTLES ! and wil makea speciality of H.nfl! aud FEK1, their rucllitliw be ug ancii that thev tan compete eUJOensfilily with nnj- !loUf-e.ii U,e Creek KEME.MDElt TllKtlt STAND. ol'I'OglTE TI1K MoULlKTOCK UOL'SE. W. II. Kl.ITs'uIVSMTTrr, 11. Kl.IXiilNSMnil, N. B. lllll-l'Oltl) novSS-tf GROCERIES! GROCERIES I Crocks ry ! Crockery ! Crockery ! Mass Were, Stone Ware, CHINA WARE, ol all kin. Is and descriptions. Alo, PROVISIONS I ot a'l kinds. COFFER of the best quality. TEAS which cannot lw smiMwed VUll'lt, BI T TKlt. I'lIKESH, APPLES LhMONH and OIIA.S'U K, and In fact cvervtliing per taiulu' to a well coudHcted BKDCFiRY & PROVISION ST3R2. GERMAN SILVER WARE, KNIVES, FOURS, SPOONS, c Me frlenda nnd the citiena of Pitinlenni Outre and vicinity, w iil always and nuy and everytbiuz iu my line nt the GROCERY STORE ON M AIN-ST.. OP. I (KSITE THE BANK JSl'ILUING. w. h 1'i'i.i.rn v son. , retroleuin reutre. Mr.y 111, 1m. tf. IMIlA.ltt A CO., ATI iJJI 1KE1SS & .lEWELFsas, IN Ol'Kt: V HOUSE BUILDING, WASH INGTON STREET, PKTKOI.Er.U TEXTHE, PA., Keep constnntly on liand a largo assortment of WATCHES, JEWELRY, PISTOLS. KEVOI.VFHS. PIS) I've. TATkLE, CarlHciiea, i-e, nnd will sell at enaieru prices. All watch work wa ranted to jjive sntisfaction. DIAMOND PIN? and I!1M!S. it li?IIAH ft CO'S. TELEGRAPH ' KEPOUTED fort THE IAILT TtKCOnT), Afternoon Dispatches Ilarrfelmrgb. Jnn. 6. The Senate R-pn'tilcati cuicus yetirda ftflernoon nnininuit'il fur Speaker, Wiltn-r WorthinRlon ol Cliei;r; Chief Clerk. G W. Ilatmneraley of I'hila-ielphia; Assistant Clerk, Lticna Rugcr of KcKeiin, and F. II. Htains of Mercer; rirrjjeant-iit-Arma, wtu. A-Rupert ol Crawford: Tratisorjhini; Clerks. lilK-nezer Williama of 1'ilisliitrgli; H, C. Hosier of Montjonierv; Charles Williama "f I'tilladelphia.and J. Anderson of Beavor. No other onicern were nnminated, as there wns a diRicuity in caucus, and they were noslponed, and o committee on tbe slule uppointed. E. II. Ronch and T. B. Cocbran, of Lan caster bad Hiilmiitted a proposition to tlo lie punting of the Senate at $2,506 and the House at $5,000, both at $7,800, which was rejected in both caucuses. They state that the prenont expenses of pasting and folding in the House alone is $37,000. The House Republican caucus yesterday evening nominated the following gentlemen: Speaker John Claris, ofl'liiladelpliiniClilel Clerk General James Selfr-idge, of North ampton j Resident Clerk, John A. Small, of Harrisburgb; Assistant Clerk. E. G. Lee, of Philadelphia; Transcribing Clerks, F. A. Mapnu. of Pittsburgh; Uurritt, W. li. Irvin, J. 1). Miller, It. Uernhnrd, Chas. Nibbs. George N. Iiakeoren; Sergeant-U-Arms, J as. XL Cornell, of Philadelphia. Postmas ter, A. G. Henry, of Armstrong; Assistant, A W. Kimmell, of Indiana; Messenger, James McCallcy, of Philadelphia' Door keeper of the Rotunda, James .MeOermult. of Washington :Chirf of Folding department, Wm. XlcLatighliti; Assistant, John Darrati. Augusta. Me., Jan. 6 Tl;e Leg'slatme of Maire convened tt-!ay. The tiieslioii of the United Stntes Senutor ship is attracting grenl attention. The can didates are Hon. L. M. Xtorrell and Hon. Hannibal Hamlin. Tbe contest prom Ses to be a bard one, but present indications point to tbe nomination of .Mr. Hamlin. Concord, N. H., Jan. 5. The Republican State Convention meets here Thursday. There will be no contest over the nominee for Governor, as it is con ceded to Mr. Steams. London. Jan. 6. The Intest news received bore from Africa conlirms the recent report relative to the safety of tbe (treat African traveler, Dr. Livingstone. It Is said he Is somewhere in tbe vicinity of Lake Zanzibar. Owing, it is thought, to the wars between the native tribes, his progress has been impeded, and consequently be has been unable to reach tbe sea coast. Albany, Jan. 6. The Legislature convened yesterday, utid Gov. HnlVmnn delivered his message. The State deut at the end of the liscal vear was ?S.SC4.4IS, ttbrch the sinking funds, If not ilimiaished, will at present rate ol appliea tiou extinguish within nine years. Judge a man bv his actions a nlet nv his eye an idler by bis fingers a lawyer by his leer a player by bis strut a boxer by his sinews m Irishman by his swagger nn Englisliinin by his rotundity justice by his frown a great man by bis modestr an editor by his coat a tailor by his agili t.V a fiddler by his elbow a woman by her ueatuvss a belle by her tone. Generals Babcock and Porter, of General Grant's stair, are in New Origins. NEW HARDWAHE STORE , nKATIXG AXB COOKING STOVES! In largo variety. TABLE AND POCKET C ut 1 o r y ! SHELF HARDWARE. HOUSE FURNISHING GTODS, TSMWiLRSS, LAMPS, LANTERNS. AND FANCY ARTICLES. nails mo IRON Wood i'ii Ware, &r. XV Tor Mile CHEAP 1 At the store formerly cccuplcl by llnrcbfie'd and Cnstoiliue, OIL I'lTY, PA. JAJIEt 15. ur.uutf. (HI CI Iv, .lan. 4, IStti tr ... v. mii;JjMa:v, T A. I L O K ! AND CLOTHES CLEANER! At Ijcgsctt'soid IJj ni H Iiop, iUtiiii Sta-tct, PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. PYKINil done to order. Mo.-k done wi-1! and atnractUiu ir inin:ecd tilve tie s -1 1 1 1 . VV. PlfSLVAX Prc:-tr Ti.T! Oil, IU A UK 1ST. Ofmgb or Tim Pkt'm Cbntrk Daii. t.r Rkcord., , Jan. C. V Pethui.kum Centhk Tbe market continues strong and active with a further advance in price. 600 bbls. for tbo local market sold at $5.00; 500 bkls. on cars at $4.85. Shies at Titusvill wcrt effected earlier in the day, at $4.75. Shipment from this point, Jan. 5, were: 617 barrel tryde. PIC I ICOl.UU.K itl A U K a-: U V 'i'EL special Dlapatcbee to I he Dully Kccorl. l'l i rsuuuKU. ;n. C. Rpot 14 for 45 graviiy. Kir?t water t . I!. O. Hist six tnontbi-i-15 S. O. 11 rut six months. 14. Buyers' option all next year, nnm. 17,' Sellers' option all next year, 13J.j. Sabs None. Market Dull; nothing doing. Philadelphia, J.tn 6. Spot, 31" ,'. Jan'y 3IL". Feb'y-32. March 32,'. Jan'y to June April lo Jnne March to July . Crude Bbls.' 23. Crude bulk, 1 7 1 a Market Inactive. Nbw York. Jao 6. Receipts Refined. 2.12a barrels. Crude. 1,415 bbls.' Nnptha. bbls. Crude. 1818';. Refined. 32. XIarket Steady. London, Jan. C 2. pra. Rellned, 19d. Spirits, 7d. Autweip, Jan. C.-J p.m. 53 francs. LivKitrooL, Jan. G, 2 p. nr. Refined 19 d. Spirits, 7 d. A.VTWKiip, Jan. 6.-5 p. m. Crudo 53 francs. Wcetcrn Union Line Market Roperl. New Y'ork. Jan. 6. Crude, bulk IK'. Refined P. L. S. to W., 31 ; S. W. eo ' Sjxiatket Firm. ' - Philadelphia, Jan.G. Crude 22c. Reflued-P. L. S. to W., 30 ; S. W. 31 ',. ' Market Firm Pittsburgh, Jan 6. Market -Spot 14c; R. O. first 6 months 15c; Market dull, nothing doing. ;OI,l ISi NKVV lllUK. New York, Jan. C. Gold 135. ADVICE TO YOUNG XI EN AHOl'T TO .MAItHY Fssats for 1'ouKii Vzx, on the Errors, Abuses and Disea-es, wliich create impediment- t Mar. kiaob. with tbo humane view ol' trcatnetit and cure, sent by nnil In Batted letter envelomis. f.-ee of cbap.'e. Address IIUWAHU ASSOCIATION Box 1'., l'hil:d. !ibia. Pa. i-"pt23.!m. A. Wry Inrje tmioritT of thnao vhet riuiro ProTii- ifnn, 1'iimr, reou, u.iu, corn, liny , uvnni, &;c.t ul way go to a MAN Who act nail y ban tha chuiret v.irictj of Honda, wh lull ho in Mtllin" nt the verv lovmr nric- tlmt can be anopdeii. o tlmt he ran hardly kmp uut uf the u:inua oi uig snenn ibttrerora i nave FOUND It best to simply Invite evervhedv to cnll at d exam iuu my stuck and nrices before pu'rchn.in.: elsewhere aim a.iy but Utile In reuard In my aliiliiv and de ter, iiiuatlou to make it advantageous tu thosu who aie iLIVE To tlieir own lntcrct-, to huv Iholr Provisions. Flour, Focd or all kluUs, and indeed cvcrylhlinj et-, to hi liiUs, and in IN ur c. n. i -, Wasbingi The Provision lino, or C. I. WINCH, opposite llic Hochester Home, Washington street, Petroleum Centre, Pa. Scinl ir Botam's Oil M Pipe Works CHAS. KOIISQN V CO., Corner of Seneca and Centre Sis, east sido of Oil Creek, Oil City, Pa. Ifuvliie ariditl a nowGrful Steatn Kuslne and tlii-ii, laiKe L TH K.S, to oiji-alreaily c-rleii'-ive Mannfac ninti'.' i.si:iiOMiiiieni, nr. now prep;ireu lo iloall Ibo utciry vyik, iu tiding up, and repairing engine:-:. BO ILEUS. IiiO.N TANKS. REFINING M ACHINERY, COPPER WORMS AND STILLS, OIL WELL TOOLS AND FITTINGS. In fact do'ull M ichlnorv.Iob Work ontniMlH to us with ncntiio and dispntcn aut "Iiiicb """" A'OTIck'. Ill XV K tl N il-iy disposed of mv ent're i' tei-t In the oalon'i under the ('iem lloiise, to .Lie h It'Miner 1 ni'l settle all claLna nyiilhi-t the Stlliion tip III flu tl.. tt'. Piiro'riiui ceniie, Her J:th, is.w ulSi. I 'UN ULEOIMI.T A. Dk MILLER ft CO.TS COLUMN. A. D, MILLER & CO, Wholaeale and Ketali Dealers in DRUGS, MEDICINES, &C, Washington St re t, PETROL tin CKNTHi:, PA. Their Slack consists of everything In the llpe of Drugs & Medicines ! PURE X-IQTXOHS, FOR MEDICINAL PURPOSE?, Wliolcaalo and Retail Age lit lor JOHN ROOT'S BITTERS, CONSTITUTION BITTERS. ALI3XIA FOR TnE HAIR. SEWARD 4 BENTLEY'S COUGH SYRUP MAGIC MACEDONIAN OIL, DUPOXCO'S GOLDEN PILLS, WALKER ft RAZES CIGARS, JAYXES' MEDICINES. ANDERSON'S DERMADOR, SPENCER'S MIXTURE, SPENCER'S OINTMENT, c. PILLS. Ayer's, Mawden's, Seller's. " Brnndeth's, Mcllne's, Wilson's, Cephalic, .Mortal's, Wlahnrta's, llornck'a, Mott'a, WriRli'M, Hooier'a, Katiway' 11. R. Jayne't. Poback's, .lud.'or.'N, S-lienck's, Cbu-k's Female. 'heeseman'a Daponco'a, du, Velpait's, do, Ac, o Perfumery, Toilet Ar ticles, Soaps, Brushes, &c. COUGHS, COIiDS, &C Ayer'R Cherry Pectoral, Jayne'a Expectorant, Marsden'B Balm, Schenck's Syriip, Universal Syrup, Excelsior Syrup, Ransom's Hive Syrup, Sel lei's Syrup, Coe'i Syrup, Hall's Balsam. Denton's Balaam, Bryan's Wafer. Olive Tar. Brown's Troches, Wisbart's Tine Tree Tar, Seward's Cough Cure, Halcmnn's Syrup, , Cough Candy, Ac Cigars and Tobaccos ! Tbe I3est Ever Brought to Jlio Oil Itcffion. IIAIK ItESTOUATIVi:. AL1SMA, MRS. J. A. ALLEN'S, KINGS. CHEVALIER'S. HALL'S. MARTHA WASHINGTON. BARRETT'S, . ROSSETTERS, LYON'S, STERLING'S, BARRY'S, Ac, &Q. UITTEK8. hoot'. roNSTirt'TioN, rtortArK'., DltAKK'S. MAOAHA STAIt, M'DLKY'S MISlll.EKf. HOSTETTKH'S, HPEEIPS. HOOt'LAN'D'S, t'ALIlt'OItNIA, ATTXVOOD'S, PHOTOXIDE IKON, &V- PAPERS, C'lii'taiiis and Itiiatic Sbwilr.n. PAIXTS, OIL?, VAIt.MsiIIES, PUTT V, CJIjASS, Turpentine, Sponscw. ' Oy.t stuffs, Di jeri, i.EiiFJiy siiiiji;s, SiUrd Ol), Kerosene Oil, &c LAMPS, LAMP FIXTURES, io. Scotch Ale, KriJ-n a Ale, CjjTess Water. PRESCRIPTION COM POUNDED AT ALL HOURS OF THIu NIGHT AND SUNDAYS. STATIONERY, EBVEICPIS, U. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. TRUSf--S. feme aloi'jr. ctime orie, rcco' ail. it dna't ctntt fln--tin' i; to look at uiiod, ar.d wc will tiv to trc.tt ivj til well. A TV HH .I.Kit ff. I OtloVil'il ft i '!.. f- I IM-