James A. Sherriff, Ha, In Addition (o the large floe It of OIL WELL SUPPLIES! HARDWARE, STOVES, TiNWARE.l&C, That he keeps at his Old Stand in this Place, JUST OPENED A FINE STOCK IN HIS LINE, At the Southwest Cor ner of Woods Farm, WIIERE HE HOPES, By the aid of Ctompgtent Assistants, The use of New and Latest Im proved Machinery and Im plements in the MlCIIAKICAL DEFIRTMEXT, THE PURCHASE OF THE BEST MATERIAL, AND GUODS, SELLING AT FAIR PRICES AND LIBERAL DEALING GEi ERALLY, To merit and receive liberal en conraement from operators in that locality. PLEASE CtlVE ME A CALL. .ItMES A. SlIERRlFF. twtum 0Mtra, Sept 2, 1888 If. Cl. Nleklln. J, Hoover tthauuon. Great Excitement ! AT THE EXCELSIOR STORE, No. 53, Room formerly oc- cupisd by Kemplnsky, Persons TNltlns Put Centre for the pnrpom of pnr cbminir omL will dud It to Uidr advantage u all and examine the elegant Block of FALL AND WfflTffi GOODS ! Whleh la aow being opened dally at tb Excelsior Store ! OF NICKLIN & SHANNON whor t all time mar lw fouuJ Ui Urcmt tu tor Uncut mid UtMt i.-jlw of FANCY DRESS GOODS IN THE COUNTRY. PRICE GOODS PER YARD. MERINOS $ 30 to 1.10 UNPINS CLOTHS, M to 1.10 WATKlt PROOFS. jJu WOOL PkLAINES, B5 FULLICRTONB BARD FLAN. 45 to BO RKD FLANNELS. 45 t (i) ALL WOOL BLANKETS, 10-4 White, PkLAIXE.S, 22c. to 25c. WHITE ' 4;, to 75 per pair. $5,00 to 9.H0 BLGACUED MUSLINS, from 10 to 25c HROW.M " I()to20 HUNTS 10 to 18c LADIES' CMAKIXGS ! AU FUICIH A'D "OViKS. Also, a large lot or L411SJ AV3 HI335?. SHOES ! WUrt'lI WE AKK K?I,U'! AT YKRY LOW p:tu;is Vv nr. tiamkfnl f'wpiitf f . aid In. the Sam,. -M mMI thank ion iiumrnii.. filiida uq cuatoiuur. r.ira omitimtaweof Hie nam.. KicKi.n V Shix!, Two door i kui ,.II i, iV.roltHtm i'Wf.', l a iivJ7-l RECORD OFFICE. DAILY RECORD NEWSPAPER, ASD ' OFFICE, WA8I1IXO TO X 1.9 T R H T.T. opposite tu b;opeua HOUSE, PETROLEUM CENTRE. LOXWELL & PLl'lllIER, Propr'f. IVEW8 BEPAUTJIEXT We recelra telegraphic despatches np to 4 p. m., and present them to our readers every evening, em bracing nawa of great Interest from all section, of the country. We bare made special arrangements, whereby we receive regular Petroleum, Stock and Produce Market reports every evening by telegraph, from New York, Fhlladelphlaand Pittsburgh, which, ogother with Editorial, and Local matter, make It one of tbe most deiimhle newspapers published in vie uegious. as au Advertising Medium, Tb RECORD baa ne .npsrior, a. It circulates whei ever au vil operator or dealer can be found OHBI0 DEPARTMENT. We have a larja and well . selected assortment of now Jobbing material, emnrucing the very Utest styles. Wo are therefore, enabled to execute Job Work of every variety In a satisfactory manner When deslrel, job, will bi neatly printed la CoLoe Shipping Hills. Posters Hand-Bills. I'togrninincs, Rills of Fare. Isabels, AND Business and Visiting Cards LETTER -HEADS, BILL-HEADS, BILLS OF LADING, Etc, Etc usn HALL k-IllNTING, P.am or Fancy Styles, neatly and promptly exec, ted, embracing INVITATION ClROrjLAKS PROGRAMMES CARDS, TICKETS, Etc In (not, every variety ar style or work In i.Uer, prc pi nting. Merchants Lawyers, .lrsfccn. of tho Pea:, Und A:cn:,..ll Km er, nrl AEiiu, Insurance Agents, E-.prew..inn tnl c ther part!) in want, ara informed t'ut we are pnnarel to execute too iter all k'nds of BjiNKH, fisiaiesnr l;.il, recptlrfj in til. ion imin'tv .l..'ilnnj pitroiw; rn-.kfnllv hrt.) 1 UVNGWM.l. (t P1,rMSl. HARDWARE-OIL CITY. 1 ROBSON'S ihh Creek IMpe Works. CHARLES ROHSON A; Co., Corner of Seneca A t'ontro St.., Knal side oil Creek, Oil Cliy, I'u., Dealers In Morris, Tusker t Co's OIL WELL TUBING AND CASING, ALSO, , , wonKio n.MiRm.s and valves, fTUFUNO HOXKS, ul.iMPs. TONna. SUCKER KODS, Ac Machinery far Oil Wells & Refineries BOHIVIl Tddl.S, OIL PI' MI'S, DR1V1NC1 PIPE, COLD WATEKPUllPS Every description of SUPPLIES FOR OIL WELLS AND RE FINERIES, Also, STOVES, TINWARE, BRASS goods, TKAM.1 ASD (IAS F1TTIXGS. 1IKLT1SU, I-ACKIXO, and UOSB ; HARDWARE, HOl'88 TRIMMINGS, Cnrponiprs' Tools, Uope, Oakum. Nulls, Axe", Coffee Mills. Table & Pocket Cutlery; l Fall Assortment of Everything in the HARDWARE LINE. Jme Pnril.hlnic Onods, Lanm. Chimntn.. No. 1 WIbkt Strained Lard Oil, No. 1 Refined oil, Stair Kds Table and Door Mute ; timmpioii Clothes Wringers Nflmifucttinrn of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. KeTmirmKofill kind, done with ncatnei9 aud di?patcb. Especial Httenim given to STEAM AND GAS FITTING. We have endenvorcd to merit the ffitronnc of the public, aud 'tiali use evry exert io a to iu.ure its continuance. Onr Iflcilttlef for fi'rn!:hin2 erythlu In onr line, ha1g been creatly increased, in the erection of our Nw Itttildln?. niov SJUPKKIOK TO ANY OTHEK ESTABLISHMENT autril-3ia. IN THE OIL KKtilON. AUG, simoN, MERCHANT Bissell's Block, Oil City, lias Ju.t received a large naeortmont of KEW FILL k WINTER GOODS. Of the Latest Paris, London, and New York Fash ions, comprirlng in part CLOTHS. BEAVERS. DOESKINS. TRICOTS. VELVETS. CAS.SIMERES, &, and all Article, kept In a First-class Tailoring Estab lishment. Hat, On pas Fine White Shlrta, Paper Collar. Hone, Sunpeuder. Nevlttlen, and Gents' Furnishing Goods, In fftmeral. All description of riothlng made np by experienced workmen, in the latent styles, at reasonable price. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. AUG. SIMON. CllOlty, r.. Sep. 19. ISOS-tf. OR9ISTO, HOSEY & Co., Stationers ! Keep a lull line or STATIONERY. SCHOOL IiOOKS. BLANK BOOKS, AIKEN'S GOLD PENS SHEET MUSIC. TRAVELING BAGS, ic. TOYS, WALL PAPER! -cv and elegant Designs. Paper Hangi'gs As reasonable as can lip purchased nt any place in tlio Oil Region. Bissell's Bank Block. OIL CITY, PA. Oil f'lty. I'a . Oct. B. lSiiS tf v J- Or, OGDEN", mi m FEED STORE, ISO. 3r CEXTRE-ST., OIL CITV, IM. Toi i the li '.t ciab'i.lirii ol .f tlic kin I In the " .'.;"'n rlwi- ihi fvsi iM u whnlMalo nu.l DRY GOODS TITUSVILLE. o o Bweaal o CD Cf) o 4 e, 2 B a P D o' a n 9 o o Nil o c ft 3 P o c o o o o w CO Erie nnd Pittsburgli R. R. OV AND AFTER SPNDAY. NOV. !d, litit trains will rnu on this raid as follows: ICAVS sniK mrjTRWun. 10.25 a.m., l'ittliurrh Kxpre... stops at all .Bi llon, and arrive, at A. it ti. W. R K.Trana fer lit I S", p m.. at New t'a.tlo at 3,16 p ni. and at Pittsburgh at 8 no p. in. 4.30 a, m., Accommodrtilnn from Jame.tnwn. ar rive, nt . 0. W. If. It. Transfer at 5,''6 a. m.. nt New CaMle at Too a m., aud at Pittbtin.rh nt lo.no a m. 5.10 p. m Mixed Train hnves Erie for Sharon stopping nt all intermediate btutlons and ar riving at loi n. m NOHTIIWtRD. 7.1 5 Erie Eipre leavoa New f 'otle nt 9,40 am., A. 4c U W. K. K. Transfer at 11, lo n. m., and arrives at Kile at 2.SH p. ni., makltii; eloe vnn:tian fur llnf, nnd Nimr. Falls. 4.35 p- m. Krie AtomuuHlutlotileHv, N. Cattle at 7,S p m , A O. W. 11. R. Transfer at t.JU p in., .lameatown at 9.40 p. m. 3.30 p, m. Mixed Train l.es Sluiron f.,r Erie, ar riving al II. W) p m. Pittbunrh K.xr.rtMs eoutb connects at Jnmetown at li.m p m. with .1. A K. Expre. for Frank lin nnd Oil ( 'Ity. Coimeet. at Trnnmer at 1,55 p m. with A. & (1. V. Accommodation west, for War ren. Knveuna and Cleveland Erie Express north connects at A. A O. W Tmna fi at 11, lo a in., with Mall east for Mondville, ''raiiklln, and oil f'lty, and at Jantostown with J. Sc F. Kxpri-Hs for Franklin. Tntln eoneeet at lincheiitflr with tralna for Wheeling and all point. In W et Virginia, and at Pittsburgh touiieclloii, for PMindelntiia, Harris-biti-K, Itiiiiiinore and Washington, via Pennsylvania Ceniml Knilroiid. Erie Express North, emneiit. at Glrard wltli lake Mrjro trnirs WeHtw.rd for 'levelnnd. flilrazo nnd all point in tho went; at Erie with Philadelphia A Lrlo Railroad lor I'orrv, Warren, Irvinetnn. Tidlonte, &e., mid with lllltlalo A Erie Pailmml for Miiffalo, Dunkirk, Nlauura Falls and New York City. ' F. N. FINNEY, ASft't Superintendent Bl'Ft'AI.O AND I IIIU IS.llI.iSOAD. On nnd Btler MimUiiv, Nov. fjnl, lUS, Pimacna ir Trains will run on this road as follows: LKAVK KIITI OOINO EA..1T. fli Ilk A. l. NItillT KXPUKSM, stopping at Klpley, Westnold, Dnrklrk an:l fcilver. creek, ari-iv-iti" t Murrain at 4.43 A. M. Ift'iil A.M., NHWTYOttK EXPRESS, stop. ' pins at WemileM. Ilrocton. Dunkirk, Kil- viirarenk, and Aut-ola, arriving in HuflUlo nt S, 10 P. M. VfW P- !.. CINCINNATI EXPRESS, stop- - p,iir at NortheaBt, WesiHeld, Ilrocton, Dniiklrl: mid sllverercek, and arrives at IluSalo at ln,45 P. M. fi'fMa A M MAIL AND ACCOMMODA. TION, slopping at all station, arriving at Ullffnloal l.4o A. M. tt-lZ '' M ' J,AV EXPRESS, stopplnn at Northeast Ripley, Westdeld, Dunkirk, Silvercrpek ami Argola, arrlvit.e at Bui- falo at T.llo P. M. 1.KATIB UttrfALO OOIW1 wr.T. I")!1)1! P- DAV EXPRESS stopping at An ' pola, Silvercreek, Dunkirk, lirocton, WiMtfleld and Nurllie,t, niiviugatEric nt D.-tft P. M. . d'Oft'" M- MATr' ANI ACCOMMODA TION, stopping nt nil stations, arriving at Erie nt n.Sn 1'. M. 'Hi A. M., TOt.KIM) KXPnESS. stopping nt all stations, and arriving at Erie a lo.iio D'tUl M ' STEAMBOAT EXPRESS, stop, ping at Anaoln, t-ilvercreek, Dunkirk, Itrocton, WeiOlieid nnd Northeast, arriv ing nt Erie at 1.2 A. M. !' A. M, MUHT DXPRESS, atopplrf nt ' Mlvereree, Dunkirk and Westlield, ar riving at Erie at 4.4o A. M. Es'.lroad time is li minutes faster thin Etio lime R N BROWN. Oen'l hapt. Cli, 03)'. RAILROADS. 1 Creel & Allentoy Riyer R R WARREN FRANKLIN, FARMERS AND(IL , CKBKK RAILKUAUS CONSOUUATKU. NEW AND MOST IMkECT ROUTE TO ; THE OIL REGION. lias. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 1S6S. TIMK TAI1LB. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOV. SuTH. 1968, trains will run as follows : GOINU NORTH TO OIL CITY PRTROUSUM CENTRE. TI I U8VILLK AND CORKY. 0,111 A. M., Express,nrrlve Ttillmit. at 7 4oa .'' m., Oleopolls at O.lo a. ra , (connecting there with trains for 1'ithole). Oil Cliy 9 4o a m., Petroleum Centre low a. in., Boyd Form lo.iiG a m , MUlor'Farm lo 46 a m., TlHHville 11.(13 a. m., arriving at Corry at 1 4o p. m. 1,Kt V. M.. Mull, nrrrlvesTldloitlo S4o p. m. .tfW Oleopolls s 07 p. m. (qonnisjfs with tra n for Plthole City), Oil City 4.8 p. a,., Po troleuin Cetitrf B.I8 p. tn , lioyd Kami B.iil p. m., Miller Farm 5.43 p m., Tltu. rille KOI, p. u., arriving at Corry at :27 A. M., Accommodation from Oil Cltynr rivwat Petroleum Centre 7.o4 a m.,Dvvd Farral.tKJ a. ni , Tltiwv.llo 7. 49 a m., arriving at (?orrv nt 9 iMI a. m U01NO SOUTH FROM CORRY, TUTSVILI E. PETROLEUM CENTl E A OIL CITY. 6: A. m.. arrives atTltu.vllle Mb a. m. Miller Farm . 45 a m, Boyd Farm 9 o a. m, retroleum Centre 9 o7 a in, Oil City P.4H a. in., Oloopoll. lo 23 a. m , TidT mite 11.53a m , and Irvlneton 12 4o p m P. M., arrive, at Tltusville xtii r. nv. Miller Farm Vlo n m. n,,nl t .,,., 12:20 t.6i pm, Petroleum Centre ilt p m , OH City 8 8U p. m , leave OH Citv S3S . m, artivea Oleiniolis 4.07 n in, (sonnent wllh train for PithnleJ, TUioute 6 117 p. m , snd Irvlneton 6 !! p. m 5i9X P. M , Aeeonimod.tlon from Porr? ss rives 1ltuvllle 7.o7 p , Miller Fe-m 1 Sf-p. i. Hoyd Farm 7 as p m, IVroh. ni Centre 7.58 p ai, arrlviai; at Oil Oity IUdii. CONNECTIONS. Tralna Nortli eonuet at Corry lth Philadoliihla A Erie R. K.. and Allantlo a Great We.tern IUH wav, East and West, and also with Buffalo, Cvrry and Pitt.burgh ra'lroad f r Hnftalo Train, connort nt Oil City with Franklin Brnnrh for Franklin. Meidvllle, and tne West, and at Ir vineloa with Phil. Erie R. K East una West Slnmlard timoTWiMTT ininnles fasier tL.n Frank lin I'ranrh nm A. A ( IV. It. R. time. Paiiger. will find this road a safe, pleasant and the 'iortet route to and from the oil r.-,'lon. All train West from Irvlneton leave after arrival of train, on P. A E. R. R. Be sure and ask for Through Tlekets via Oil Creak A Allegheny Itlvcr Railway, the Ureal Short Koo;e to the Oil Region. U. F. SWEETZKR, Genl Superintendent C. 1. HEPBURN, Ana't Superintendent. nix7. mttsbiircli, Fort Waynu una Chicueo Rnllwny. 1.BAVXI. Oil Ctlv 8,10 p m. 8.55 p. lu. 8.45 a. m. A.35 a. ni. T.iiO a. ni. 8. Ill a. m. S.K5 a. m. 8,45 a. at. 10,00 a. u. 11.80 a. in. 9,51 a. lit. 1,45 a. m I, 40 n. m. II, 05 p. m 3,57 p. m 4,1 H p, m 4,35 p. m A. AO is. m Franklin. Janeatowa, .Yinafivine, Clarksville, New Castle, Ilosnewood, Now Bright, Rochester, Allegheny. I'lttsimrth ar Kttilr-iiiiu !... a m,l......l. -a t jfA 1 r O.UU p. . (va ivauuitfu . u.uv a. in., na p. m. TRAINS Koine West on Plttsbnrgh, Fort W.me andCiilcaJo Hallway pau H'.mewood at 11.00 SCSi,,:i.,,.?f81 m VJ i?'57 P m i ' Mans Held at ,40 a. m. aud 10,14 5,90 and 1O.05 p. 2' i",J(!?'"i'iIle ' 10'10 m., and 10,04. ft, SO and 4,45 p. m., and arrl,e at Chleago at 7,00 and 0,40 p. m . and O.iiO and 1 1,90 a. m . ,F. R- Ml ;EKS, oen'l Ticket Agent. March, ms -tf. I'lit.wiih. Pa A C'AIID TO THE I.ADII S. Dr. nritjxco-s oulden i-eri .dical PILLS for Fvniales. Infillblo In correcting Irregularities, removing ob.trucion. or the moi.th y tnii:a, front uhatever due and always .urc.s-fal as a preventive One pill Is dose Females l. cilllarly situaled, er thow snpp.sin; themselves so, arecnutn ued sains' nslns tli.so Pills, while lu that condition lust ibiy invite aslscarriage. aflar which admonition the pro, rletor assume no re spon.ibllitv. althousii their mildness would p'.v.nt any nit-chief to health: othcrwlsn the Pills are re cimmi nded a. a most invaluab.e rwinedy fur I be al leviation of thoie ufierlng from any irrvgtilarftlve whatever, as well a. to prevent uu ini-resw. of famt lv when health will not nerinit ir: ntiletln.. ,i... nerve, and brincini; hack the 'roay color of health'1 lo the chek of the mot delicate. Full and explicit dir.ctioii. aueonipany each box Price S 1 per box : e boxes. It. Hold In reirolettm Centre, by A !. MILLER A CO., ' So'o Aittnts'' for Petroleum Omrn, I'a. Lndlel By sndln them $1 tntlie Ptrol-um Cen tra P. O. ran have the Pills ent conh.lentitiivl by mail to any ptrt -t ti e cnintry. Ircoof chire' com i3u oy n. v i . I' nm, 'iitu.viiie. Pa. j A. II Hriftltb. Oil City; 1 leiutng Ve Cune. Frank, In; Dr. J L. Acomh. Ttdioun; E. T. Haz-ipon. Warren: and bv "one llriu.l.t" in nr... town in the U ilted Stat..., and t,y Jul n. v. lion E. rrop'r. New Tork. SEYM'S A SniV ;:ml Spca Jy Cure f t Coii-hi,Co!ds. Asthma Bronchitis, HoarscntJi, Croup' Influenza, Whooping Cough, Incipient! Consum'prion, and nil Diseases of the Throat atid Lungs. Don't neglect a icvcre Couoh, or throw away moiu!v on rt'orthless medicine. PRICE FIFTY CECCTS pCR BUTTLE l'reparwl bySKWARD BENTLEY, Druirrlsta, Buffalo, S. Y. Sold by all Dnigilu. A. n. .MILLER .t C(L. Wholesale and Retail Untfijist., A;ent.;for Petroleum Centre and vieluitv. .l.iii.Tvi met For doing a mmilv wnshiur in the b(f end chiMtv et mnnr er. liuiirante ed etpnl to any In tho world '. Has all th- strcn'.oh of old i-osln ,oa with tl.o mild and lntherinc qtialitlM of genuine Ci.tli. Trv this splendid Soair Sold by tho ALDEN I'HEMlCAk WoHKS. 41 Nortli Froat Slreal, PliPadeltihia. sepa-endrtta. I. ASK hHIiil,. Ill I.I.N printed at the h..rte.t iiotio,-, ut the liecord Ofiioe n-nil. Hv'V til' K H.iwn.1 A-lis:iMr. mi.l.;, uf laMAM A: I'll (jHi To 15I1AM t'O'j lor your Cnruldie.. J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers