DRUGS AND J. H. OHEISTIE, DEALER DRUGS, MEDICINES. OILS, Paints Varnishes, Glass, Putty Soaps, Dye Stuffs, Fancy and Toilet Articles. PURE WINES LIQUORS ! SELECTED EXPRESSLY FOR MEDICAL PURPOSE.-?. fl. B. Prescriptions carefully io. 13 Wusliintot-st., 43 OWm aie a cull tvlere purchasing elsewhere. Tin: ciie:is:st oois IXTIIECOlVrY! ARB SOLD AT B&VM'S uenlcr In FOREIGN AND DOME3TIJ DRY GOODS, vtasiii;gto:v-9t, petuo liEt.n cextke, pa. 'nmH rotuenll ftndpotn Bmim, tot ktatitit-it Tlny then n iiv hm 'I hat nil tnir waui ran ln ntppiicj At lower i-Htiw tlnii o'er wor tr ed. No otlior nVm with me compete, Mv stock on hum) U iiw nmijileitt; 'Tii not for pnitrr imfn I dtl Hut tor my nat.oiui tit I ftii'l. f Dry Onorl I've ft choice tnipplv, 'otMjrl.nic tU you'd wish to buy; IVIjiIih' and Hi Ik mid Until. ttj, Ol ctcry style both rich aud new. With MiMIii. C. Ingham-, IVltHnwid Lue, Hoop i-kii tn of Hve.y myic mid tuntu. And ilonicvv mid filoves I kwp, Wi h UrrMeUt fitting vorvnuit. i .And HI lib vn, Fnnn. nnd Pit munis, Wi'll Oinper and Kunry Shawl, Aud 1 -niton Hoots and Mi;iii'ri, too. OS latest nyleit, bjtli neat uid new. With Pin and Neodlw, Tpe And Twlrt, And Curt'- rlo. Uttlnjc to the wrUfc, Kla.-tic!, Buttcn, HuukAtinri Kves. Ku thief ttnd Cullar unU Neck-Tic. We nlmplv mpv tn one and Alt, .At Hun i if n hit'uo W Kiln tit rati, Tn 't fiippllo, where'er you ;.:. tltst oa J. HAL 31. ZW Having determined to j confine ourselves to the Dry Gods business alone. I offer mv t entire stock of ,j LADIES' AND CHIL DREN'S SHOES! at firat cost, yonrselves. Call and judge for Pctioloam C'entro. Pa.. Hee. 7, 18I1H tf. New Boot Shop. J. A. PLATTE, FASHIONABLE BOOT MAHH, AVukliliigloii Street, THREE DOORS WEST OF A. D. MTL LER CO.'S DUL'G STuRK, I'ETllOIitL Jl CK.T13, 1n.. Resppctl'ully lnvits his friends and tbe pub lic generally to a trial ol bis supe rior ruado BOOTS. The quality of the material he nw l nnt In he oxfulloil, ttip ulyle of workmiitirihiti Is unex-fiptiiin nine, lliv latent i.attorus r I iihim heing nwl, wliils the (iricna climiwil am most remunnlili), quality be Inn tho tet of chuapiiuu llavlnii hail lon exnerl im:u IiiiuhuII'. ami utiiplovlu untie hut die bent wmknien. hu flattura lilmnelt' Im will ho alile lo sup ply an nrtlelu Hint will Kive wiiulacliuii to nil. U11 will execute all orders entrusted to him promptly, and with the erealeet oirej and liiu ttivat eiuill Jein:n that lhB urtlcles he makes will reeiinim'nt ttienipulveii, atier a fan- trial. REPAIRING KKATLY KXKCUTED. n . , , J. A. PLA, ru. Petroleum Centre, I'a., July 2 Sm. IJVni.ISH and PWISS WATOIIKS of the finest J innki, in Hold and Hllwr tinw, at ISUA.M Uu'S, iu dpjra Hoiito Building MEDICINES. P' IN compoundwl at all hours. Petroleum Centre, Ia. (MylOtfl j. ii. cii-i iktie. T. B. McNair & Co, ai WASIIITOX-ST. Would respectfully announce that they are are now opening a. lull assortment of BEUGS ! PATENT MEDICINES ! Faints, Oils, Soaps, Brushes, &o. In the room formerly occupied by Mr. Goodman. S-gT Particular attention will be paid to the preparation of Prescriptions, and no pains spar ea to make tins iJepartment as complete as any in the country. Wines, and Liquors ! t3T",Our prices will compare favorably, and we do not doubt being able to suit all who may favor us with their patronage. B ltlcHAIlt & CO. a.. Oct iii tlc-if Paro'im Oenrre, ISIIA9I A CO., Watciimakeks & .1 j li:i:s, IN OPERA HOUSE BUILDING, WASH INGTON STREET, PETllOLEUJt t'ENTBE, PA., Keep constantly on hand a lato anaortrai at of WATCHES. JEWJiLRY, I'iSTOl.S. MEVOLVFlIC, FISIf! TACKLE Cartrbl jei", tVC. nnd will ll t eaureru price. All watch work wit ranted lo give ail.ar.iioti. DIAMOND 1'lNSaad KIMiH. at nAM A fiO'S. Mssi Oil Crt Pips Worls t ii.". uonsox & co., Corner of Seneca ami Centre. Sts, east nido ol Oil Creek, Oil Oily, Pa. navlne tdded a powerful Sleoin EtiBine nnd tiiren larne L iTH EH, ui our already cxteiihive Manalae turiiiK Estalillehinnnl, are now prepared to do all Ibu uecouary wyrk, iu titling up, and ruimirlui;, ENGINES, DOILER3, IRON TANKS. REFINING MACHINERY, COPPER WORMS AND STILLS, OIL WELL TOOLS AND FITTINGS. In fact doU Mahlnerv .Iol Work entrusted tn nr hh uean;ys and dirpHien aiiv '.'lines TELEGRAPH i:birtbd foii the nAii.v record, Afternoon Dispatches. Washington, .1 ii ii . !. Treasurer Spinner wan taken quite r'ck yesterday ovtninir 'inil fiirceil to retire Irom his desk at the department, lie li.jn liei-u exeriinir himsell nine i lately Iu tin-exercise Ol riffle duties. Geo. Grunt will rotura In U us'.nnli.n this evening. Tho public debt I.Ueni'nt will bo issued about Friday, hut it 011111)111 tm delinilely atateil what reduction w ill lip shown. Dur ing December $5.7(10,00". was issued to the PaoiUc Railroad Companies. $4.R10.0W le intt to tho Union and 1 1,0 IiJhii'.t lull"' OiiThI Pucilic. 1 A cluim Bjeiit n nned IV V. Rulfe bus been arreted in tliis city by . Ui crs ot tlie Seeiet Service Division of the Treasury Deput menl cbariteil with nltemptinu to coin ui it fraud upon ih Government by prewntiiu cluinift to Hie (J.iaiiermiiKl-,- General'M Olliiv; !iieh have b n ulrrady jinld. Memphis. .Tan. fi. X'.iwrotia iiii'r.;,.rs Vv miliiia hnvein born r I o ted h-f (thi. G' a 'eer sent (.'. t I write y;;ii i;it 'nut'itrv to ihvetti ite Hiem. rep be " is nujuie to trce tbvtu to liny ri lot He 81,111 ce. A iiieptiiiK oi reiujeci irom Aikansnn was held here yesterday, and Gnl. I). C. Cross presided. Afier considerable discussion it w is resolved to bold a meeli' (J to-morrow at Mminrl Cily.anil Gen. .rancer and other L'nileil Stales officers wefi ruijiiested to attend. 1 Geo. R. Cutter, ol Tennessee. wna brought before Jii'Ik Hunter yesterday afternoon. Tue trial beaaii but was not conclnjed. Ball, however, wuh reduced to $3,1100. Thfc trial will be concluded probivbly this orcn n'. Trenton, Jan. 5. The joint rnilrnad companies have acce 1! ed the terms laid down by commissioner tor the purchase of Harsemus at Jersey City and bare paid $a00,800, the sum demanded by the State. I lie warrant lor ttie exeetitton of vrnoley at Freehold 011 the Tib in?t.,bu8 been Hignrd by (be Ooveriior. Iilnchaniptnn, X. Y Jan. 5. Tbe crnnrt rpenins cif the Aibany and .Stirqiiehanna liailroad w ill take place on the llti inst..at winch will lie present tjov. Hiifl'm n. the Legislature, the Erie Rnilwar officials and ntriers. A h innitet and other ceremonies will lane place. Elizibetb. N. J.. Jan. 5. Commodoni V'. D. Salter, I'. S. navy diod after 11 lintrei'iiijt illness ol rheumatism of the heart, on the 3 1, aued seven ty-four. Port Cbetor. N. Y.. Jan. 4. C. Wheed. of R.ist Port Chester, a mem ber ol the Connecticut Legislature, from Greenwich, mysteriously disappeared on Saturday night last. Cincinnati, Jan. 5. A solicitor will go to Columbus to-morrnw to press upon the Legislature a bill to in create I ho city limits. NEW CLOTHING Xew I'lofhtnj; ! W hare jiiHt rpcoived nnd nr now opt'nini; to the ml mi ring tH2t' ul tiio ciluuiis ui iETitriEr.i ci:.tke and vicinity, tl.e moil rnmplc'e teeV.'cud the very lati-M fc.jits ol unur C C C C 0 C O c L L L I. I- I. L L (I () O (I tl O () O T T T T T T T T II 11 II II II II 11 II I I I I I 1 I 1 N N N N N N N N ti UGUGUGG Tlat wa evor lert"e brouht lo iln jilni e or on Oil i'rtttk which we nrci-cliiiis ul ihs iot-t p si bit intca. Clothing iii.iifi t.t Oiift'i ! at the 8lmr!(?Pt nnti. ECats and Caps CP EVERY KT LK. IN GENTS' FURN!?lliNG GOODS ! our vt'ii-k 1e complete. One price, and all goods warranted ay represented. Thanking our friend for ihelr liheiat patronage hutetorotti, we liupe lor a coniinuanee oi t tie ettuiu. Ann Fits & tt.EiiN. Pnh-oleuni Centre Ui-e "1, lww if NEW S TORE ' riuur, lVVd iwA Caeumil (iroci'iit's ! KLLGSS3iITi! 'S, & CO., HaviiiK located In reiroleum Ceutre, with a large bieck of GEXDKAIj CKOCEUIES! TOtiKTHEll WITH I-OXJPl. cSc of varioin br iniU. Invite tlai nltiutlon nf the cltl-.en- in and ahum Petroleum i elitre to cull at 4 ev uiiiliiu their took. Ttiey Imro mi bund unu will continue to ke.-p a lara nnd uholec lot of APPLES 1 and w!l ni"i!;c special It ' Fl.nrH and KKKD, their t'aeililli Imi Hit snrli that th-.-v eim conqi'.-te euc-erurnb) Willi any huiieeou liiu Creek 0 UKME.MUIilt Til EI It STAND. OIM'OSITE TUE McCl.lNTlH'K HorsK. W. II KMX !IN'M!Tlt, II. KMViilNSMI I'll. i, ,,r, .r n. n 11 i-r 1 ito THE Oil. MARKETS. Opmce or Thk Pet'm Ckntrb Daii.t Record, Petroleum Cextiik, Jan. a. The market lias not been so firm for some time as it Is to-day. Tbo snles are 1,000 I hbk at $4.75; 600 hbls . sellers option all Febi-oury, Sf5.05; 1.000 bbls. on cats above r.nvd Fiirm.SU.70: 1,000 bbls. on eats above l;i'd Farm. ?4.7.. S'lipments from this point, Jan. 2, were: P.) barrels ciU'le. vi.itioixi.ii ti 'ti-. r.---iiv tki,. i-:.:!'A5:j. Kier,inl l!..(ti;ehen U tue Dully Kecurd I'l'iT-mfitiiH. Jan. Spot 10.j rir J.I :rn iiy. Fir-t wit er l. t). Krai nit niiintl.s 15 O. litTt ix mi.nth. U). 6. )! v-rs" option nil m il year, abnnt S-llera' option all next jear, '-tll- Noll". Mai !;t liet hut firm. I'liiLADti.riitA, Jan 5. Spot. M'.. .1 it.--, -:ji '.; Keb-y lu Mareh .12'.,'. Jan. to March Jati'y te .lutu ni'.j. April to Jnm March to Jnlv .'14. Crude Dbk' 2:1. Crude bulk, 17.'g. Market firm. Suvr Vorr, Jan S. 104 barrels. Receipts Refined. Crude, S50 bbk Naptha, bblj. Crude. 18al8',;. Refined. H2(3M2).(. Market Steady but quiet. London, Jan. 2.-2. Refined and Spirits not quoted. pm. Antwerp, Jan. 5.-3 p. tn. 53 francs. LiVKitPooi., Jan. 5,2 p.m. R( fined 18'd. Spirits. 7 Antwkrp, Deo 30. 0 p. m. Crude 54'. francs. Wcmeru I'lilon Lino Jllarhet lleport, New York. Jan. S. Crude, bulk. lS.t.19. Refined P. L. S. to W., SI S2. Market Firm. 3. W. Philadelphia, Jan. 5. , to W., 30 ; S. W. Crude 21c. Refined -P. L. 31 Mniket Firm Pittsburgh, Jan 5. -Very firm; sales at 13J. Market UIII.UIN 1SF.W YORK. New Viihk, Jan. Gold 13-1V. ADVICE TO YOUNG MEN Alton' TO MAItltY FmiaTi roll Yoi'Mi Vex. entlie Erriirs, Abuse arid Dise-i-ef, wtiiell create bnpeilimeuts t" AIar ItlAOB. witli the hninane view of treatment and cure. ient bv ni itl in aeal-'d ietrr envelo'ie., free nf dial.-.-. ' Aiiilren HOWARD ASSOCIATION Bok I"., I'hilndetphia. I'a. sepl-JS. in. A. Very Inrje nin'or'tT of t1! who require Provi imi Flour. l et"! Oais, c'uin, ll:y, tjimu, Ac, ul way iu a M A.1ST Who nrtu:i'!y hue Ih) ehoiepr vav'ety of llooih which he in M'lliuj nt the very Iowch' pi-eeii that can be Rdiude.l. no tint he can h'li'd'y Ueen out of tlm hands of the . lic in' Tl.eicfui-c 1 have FOUND It b;t In sHin'v hivi'o evrn-li-iOv to vn ar.A r.xnm inu my blocl; mm1 nrl-.-eB ln'ftinrjuirchjilmrelinjwht're ariiViy but Htilt; in rt?L'trd to my ahiilty and d leniiinnt'.on lu in:.ke it mlvimttii;cuufl to thotu who a"0 ALIVE To thfir own hitur-t-, t huv ihplv Prnvteioaa Fltar, Te- d of ml Kind, nnd in-Uxzd overythtng IN" The Provision line, of C. I. WINCH, opposite the Ho lii eiur II eKe, Wnsliingu u street, Petroleum Centre, Pa. Seutlif W L M T E B Five ti'Mil .Enurneymen Csrpeiilers ! OWIO tn the lucre .iin of in ' hnsine-is I am roir.p : led to hifH more help to keep up wiih lliedenmnd for my latior. STEADY EMPLOYMENT WILL DE GIVEN TO THE A HOVE NUMliEU OF KIRoT-CLASS WORKMEN. A lupe quantity nf FIRST-CLASS LUMBER! Of nil kinds constantly on band at v Vnnl. and w ill be sold at Jff- I! K S O N A RLE R A T F. S 3 I'ltrolci in I'eiilre. O. t. 'JHh, 'i;?.-tf. A. D. MILLER A CO.'S COLUMN. A. D, MILLER & CO, Wholesale and KeUII Dealers in DRUGS, MEDICINES 9 t Washington Stre rt, rcTROLi i n t tvi Ki:, pa. -Ba. Their Slock consists of everything in tbe line of Drugs & Medicines ! PUBE ZLIGiTTORS, FOR MEDICINAL rCRPOSS?. Wholesale and Retail Agcnta for john root's bitters, constitution bitters, alisma for the hair, seward 4 bentley s cough syrup magic macedonian oil, duponco's gulden pills, walker a- razes cigars, jayxks medicines, anderson's dermador. SPENCER'S MIXTURE, SPENCER'S OINTMENT, c. FILLS. Mnrsden's, MeUtnc's, Woflal's, Mntt'a, Kndwa;' R. K. Jlld-uc'M. (Iiewenian'a A yer's, Bfaiideth's, Seller's. Witwm's, Wialmrte's, Wrigh'ts, Jayne's, H-'tieltek's, Daponcu's, do, Opha'ic, iierricK-s, llooper'9, ItoliackV. . Clark' Female. Velpuu's, do, &c, Ao Pertumery, Toilet Ar ticles, Soaps, Brushes, &c. COI GIIS, COI.WS, Arc. Aver's Cherry Pectoral, Jayne's Evpectornnt, Marsden's Ealra, Kchenck'a Syrup, Universal Syrup, Excelsior Syrup, Ransom's'lllve Syn:p, Seller's Syrup, Coe's Syrup, Hail's Balsam, Denton's Balsam, Bryan's Wafers, Olive Tar, Brown's Troches, Wisharfs Tine Tree Tar, Seward's Cough Cure, Bateman's Syrup. Cough Cuudy, &t Cigars and Tobaccos ! The Best F.vor lBronglit to tho Oil llcclon. IIAIIt KESTOUATIVE!, ALISMA, VI5!?. J. A. ALLEN'S. RING'S. CHEVALIER'S. HALL'S. MARTHA WASHINGTON, BARRETT'S, ROSSETTER'S, LYON'S, STERLING'S, BARRY'S, c, Ac. BITTEUS. rOSPTITrTIO!T, MARAKA tr.K, HOOTS, UUAKK'S K nACK', tjl'IH.KY'S KCKKIt'S. llllLEH,,, nOhTETTK'l'S, UOOFLANn'X. rAMWiKNIA, ATTWOOD', lUtOTOXIDK 1U0X, SjC WALL PAPERS, Cnrtaini and II in tic Slil'. IMEVTS. OILS, VAltMstHES, GLASS, Pl'TTY, (ililK, Turpentine, 9poitci, Iiy $lutf, Ilrycri, LnnI lil, Kerosene Oil, tic LAMPS, LAMP FIXTURES, &. Scotch Ale, Kemielt Ale, COujiress Water. PRESCRIPTIONS COM PUUNDEl) AT ALL HOURS OF THE NIGHT ANU SUNDAYS. STATIQNEUY, ENVELOPES, U. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS. TSUSSHS. I'oine Ui'". emneone. rome all. H don't to.t !! mi. ' to leek at ood, and wc will try 10 treat yi ,!IW0"' i n W.M.Kit I'el-ulmiii C'i 1 lie, r.l s, tk'. ;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers