t Oh o C1 Petroleum Centre Daily Record' VrU Ceiif.c, Tticalay, Jan. 5. Tims of Cloning IHallB. P. O., PraoLmm Cronus, Pi., 1 Juli S7st, UW. j UnM farther notice ths mailt will arrive at and depart Irom UiU uflli'e u follows : i naive. Month and East, via. Irvineton, 10. it A. M. Booth and Wast, Mcadvllle, MS P. M. North and Cast, Corry, t ' DEPARf. South and Went, MS A. M. VmS j flaw ami West, 9 SO P. M. Korth, Item and Went, 10 00 A. M: l n. fi. BLACKMOM, P. M. KiTlne Service. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Preachings! 11 o'clock A. M., and 7 o'slock P. M. ' Rbv. J. T. OxTonr, Pastor. M. K. CHURCH. Services every Sabbath at 1 1 A. M. and 14 P. M. Sabbath School at twelve o'clock M. Seats Free. ' A cordial invitation extender! to all. ' Rkv. C. M. Hbakd. raster.' r-T?.. PETER AND ,,AUL'S(CATnOLIC) CHURCH. Maw' at in'4 n. tn. . - Vespers and 'leeniliellon of the Blesod Sacra. nent at 4 p. m. Catechism at 2 p. m. JAMES DUNN, Pahtor. It is assorced that the incoming adruinis (ration Intends to set aside the doctrine that "(o the victors belong the spoil V look ing only to the honi-sty and capacity of the officials, not Interfering with them on ac count of political opinions. That was tbe Style In Jem-pon's days, but sinco the time of Andrew Jackson (be other principle has prevailed and been strictly acted up lo by ail political parties To set it aside will be a herculean task, which . we are Inclined to think the new administration will be hardly equal to. Should General Grant succeed in flanking the pica I army of office-seekers,. It would be one of bis greatest achieve ments. Office m kins has been for years Hie hoH ol American politics, and done luuen to corrupt tbe ballot-box. But the ivil has grown to such enormous propor tions, ffcat t will take a tremendous power to break it up. Nearly every ne who takes a le .ding part in politics in any little c iuiiniiiiily, dK'a so with a view to some substantial reward in the future, In the shape of nn office. And after all it S'Hini" no more thrln right that those who uo the bard work, who are in the van of the battlo, who spend their time and money for the cause, should be in some way re warded. GoKTUg tells tbo following story, which ainuainly illustrates the capacity fur drink i f the Uhinalanders: "The Bishop of .V.iyenco once delivered a sermon against drunkenness, and, after painting in the s! longest colors the evils of1 over-induigooce, concluded as follows: 'But the abuse of wine does not exclude its use, lor It Ih written that wine rejoices the heart ' of man. Probably there is no one iu my congregation who cannot drink four bottles ol wiue without feeling any disturbance of bis senses; hut If any nan at the seventh or eighth bottle so far forgets himself as to abuse and strike his wife and children and treat bis best friends as enemies, let bim look into his conscience, and in future al ways stop at the sixlh bottle. Yet if after drinking eight, or even ten or twelve bottles be can still take his Christlun neighbor lov ingly by the band, and obey the orders of bis spiritual and temporal superiors, let bim thankfully drink his modest draught. He roust be careful however, as tn taking any mote, for it is seldom that Providence gives any one the special grace to drink sixteen IhiHIi at a sitting, as it has enabled me, its unworthy servant, to do, without either liejrlectin.r. my duties or losing my temper. To-niuut Mfisrs Carner &, Peterson open witli their splendid theatrical combination at the Opera House in this place. The programme fur tills evening is a flue i ne. Blaek-Kyed Susan' Mid -Kip Van Wiu'. le" will be brought out. This com pany huvo some of Iho finest scenery ever brought iuti too oil region, The justly celebrated young actor, M irk Bates, ia now with tbo coinpmy. Tlp't'o will no doub bo a crowded house this evenli. K had a call t.'-day Inun Mr. J. A. Wbiluker, at the Venango i-prctutor, who in i-iijiyiii a iilile III), up lint creek. V'o were hp'y to tie el. la i tit . and hope this will u.,1 lie boi Inat riu lo I'eliuleiiin. The SpefM'nr ie nlwave lively and readable, ni l m.ii prin ed. for vhicli the Whitukurs Uiv eOUIieij to liie ceiili. (A Vlr'ji.iuB..i l l.i f '.. ihiit the 11 tt to i; tM h,.-Ir; ! " rt'iro-i't ;i .'n-ir-'te rl-'p-ir'-UH'iit toei-ti it'i i'm nop '"in 'n."tiriil will pio' a I" :n u. r 111 Ho-in xt (.'wmies. to- ilii-r w.i.. ihi- liioiot'i.il iii -. 1 1 t a - OIlj CITY COHl;SE0nE!yCE. Oil Citt, Jan. 6. Yesterday morning Mrs. Joseph Etillwell, residing oa Centre street, died from the effects ot an overdose of laudanam which be had taken. The Arm of Reynolds, Brodhead & Co., In Excelsior Block, Centre street, are doing a very heavy business. They are well known In town for their reasonable prices, and have always a large and varied assort, ment of goods in their line. J. J. Brod head of this Urn is our worthy Burgess, and we have heard bis name spoken of as the most available and popular man tbe Re publicans could run for Assembly next fall. We have been asked If tbe office of clerk to the board of Commissioners was specially created for thebeoelit ef tbe present incum bent. If not, some of our citizens having business with tbe County Commissioners office, are of opinion that it is about time there was a change. Juak, LETTER FIIOM T! I I SVIX1.E. TiTisvii.i.H, Dec. .11. A visit to Pleasantville yesterday and a protracted ramble among the large, small, and Bon-preduciog wells, forced us to the conclusion that tbe Oil-dorado has seen its best and palmiest days. In short, it has now to rely on its own merits as tbe bubble will bear no further intlation. In Tilusvllle things look lively. We never saw a town of its size exhibiting more en terprise, and it is this that insures success and prosperity in any community. Tbe Fair lor the benefit of the Sisters or Charity, is in progress af Corinthian Hall, which is elegantly decorated for the occa sion. The warm appreciation iu which the Sisters are held is manifest from the fact that during the last threo nights the Fair has netted 91.057. The Rev. N. Mignanlt, the pastor of tbe Catholic Church is one of tbe most justly popular gentleman here. Arriving at tbe height of the oil excitement when crime was rampant ho found a base men t, only, of a church and (1,500 debt on it. He has built a fins brick cburcb, beau tifully frescoed and quite finished Inside, a commodious residence and a Convent for tbe Sisters of Charily, having paid $51,000 on the property. The sisters huvo eleven orphans In the bouse, several of whom would otherwise be a charge on the City Tieaiury. , Tbey also have a school with boarders and day schol ars from both Protestant and Catholic families. Their bouse is a picture of neat ness, and tbe bappy faces of tbe little or phans tell the tale that a mothers place is Oiled 8 far as utfection and tender care can do it. Father Mignanlt has a fine chime of bells, two of which are mounted and will bo quite an acquisition to the town. J lax. Chicago celebrated New Year's by the informal opening of tbe Washington street Tunnel, underneath the Chicago river. At eleven o'clock that morning, Mayor Rice the members of the Common Council, M. C. L sbrougU, the engineer; the Board of Pub lic Works, and tbe Kite Conimissioneis pro ceeded through tbe roadway in carriages, followed by two of the steam-fire engines that several times pumped out the water when tbe tunnel was Hooded. Tbe gas in the passenger way is fixed, but tbat in tbo carriage way was only temporarily put np on Sunday night. The contractors will re sume charge until tbey entirely finish tbe tunnel. The work was commenced on July 25th, I8C8 lis cast will bo nearly $3,500,000 it is estimated. Olb neighbors, of llm Titusvillo Ilprald, In uoticiog an artk-lu which e pu'olished tho other day upon properly tuppoi ting a local paper, vory truthliilly remark: "Every huslness man should feel directly interested in sustaining his local new.paper, for its continued publication is tho lest evidence tbat Can lie ofl'eied of the public spirit and enterprise of the community, and its suspension invariuhly ittaicates a do creusing prosperity." Every word ol the above is strictly true. Tub firm of Ujnolj, liroduead it Co., of Oil City, is doing a very heavy business. Their establishment is extensivt, and their aittortinent of goods large. They also lave a gteat variety of goods. ., You can purchase of them anything in the Dry Goods, Han' ware and Crockery line. Any ol our up creek friends going to Oil City to trade wlll'ilo well lo give them a call. Tuk new nstauraut of Eddy & Sands, on Washington street, next door to IshumV, is now open. Tbey huvo I neatly furnished dining room, and are ready to enlertaiu their guests iiliist rate stylo. Give them a call. Wb pubiiHh lu'-ilay an interesting letter from oMrcoituMioiidi'iitJi AX from Tilusvllle, which Hhtiul'l have come to liau l before, but for some teas iu has been delavej. Thk f'atholio V'aif closeil last evening. Vinanciully aij,! in ollirr -en-ets it La--laoii a C"tii'lrtc tuc:es. A. V. PI.-Grand Lodge ol Pcunavl. aula. Tbe officers of the Grand Lodge of Masons of Pennsylvania were installed into their respective positions at the hall In Philadel phia on Monday last. They are as follows: R. W. O. R. A. Lamberton; R, W. S. G. Warden, Samuel C. Perkins; R. W. J. G. Warden, Alfred B. Porter; R. V. G Treaa urer, Teler Williamson; It W. G. Secretary John Thompson. . The Right Worshipful Grand Master then announced bis appointments for the ensuing Masouic year, among which are the follow ing: Grand Ctnplalns Robert M. Wallace. Altootia.Moiriion Byllsby, Meadrille; J. L. Mcllyar. Pittsburgh. Dislticl Drpn'y Grand Masters The fol lowing are the appointments for western counties: Brother t W. Potts, ofAltoona, for the counties of Huntingdon, Blair and Bedford. Brothel G. Melzger, of Emporium, for the c unities of Elk. Cameron,M'Koan and Jeffer. son. Brother John Lawshu, of Osceoln, for the conn lies ol Center, Clearfield and Clinton. Brother G. C Kughler, of Greenville, for the counties of Butler, Lawrence and Mer eer. Brother Richard Coulter, of Greensbmg, for tbe Co.inties of Westmorland and India na. Brother A. M. Polltck, of Pittsburgh, for the counties of Allegany and Beaver. Brother Wm. W. Berr of Clarion, for tbe counties of Clurion, Cambria and Arm strong. Brother J. D. Archeson, of Washington, for the counties of Washington and Greene. Brother C. II. Hoover, of Franklin, for tbe counties of Warren, Venango and For est. Brother Terson Church, of Meadville, for the county of Crawford. Brother Win. Chatlaui, of Brownsville, for the counties of fa vet lo and Somerset. Brother Wm. Ileinrod, jr., of Erie.for tho county of Erie. Tub Herald correspondent has had au in terview with Senator Morgan, and reports bim on tbe sullVage question thus: "Do you favor this proposed legislation In regard to maubood suffrage?'' "Well, I don't see its practicability. Universal suf frage has been voted down in a good many of Iho Northern States, and I suppose it would bo out of orler for the IcgWiaturt s of these States to accept tho proposed endmendment agtlnst the will of the people. A three-lourths uuj irity cannot consequent ly be secured. We must therefore await a change of heart, or keep dinging away till we make ouieelves masters of tho situation. Tho New York Legislature could vote in tbe affirm itive on the amendment, as it is under no Implied pledge given in tbe expressed vote of tbe people on the question. The Legislature of a State like Ohio has heard the verdict of its citizens on negro sulirage, and it might feel bound to act in accorilut-r-tberewilb when this amendment is submit ted to it." A dispatch trum llurrithuig dated Jan. o. -says: Forty five Repnblioan raemlers of the House held a caucus yesterday, and nomi nated John Clark, of I'hiladulphia.for Spea ker. His election is certain. The omens appointed a committee, consisting of Mists. Wilson and Humphrey ot Allegheny, luff man ot Dauphin, Burritt of Susquehanna, and Hong of Philadelphia, to report minor officers to tbe regular caucus to-morrow eve ning. Those minor officers are not to include clerkships or other oflioes. The Senate Republican caucus meets to morrow afternoon. All the old officers will bo re-elected generally. No developments about the United States Senatotship. Everything is in doubt, and nothing certain. There are but few Demo. ciats hero yet. ExtitAiit.K A merchant was accustom ed to demaud on excuse whenever his clerks arrived late. The excuse given, he Invnrir. bly ' added : "Very well; but don't let it happen again.'' One morning a married clerk, being behind time, was promptly In terrogated as to the cause. Slightly embar rassed, beioplied: -The truth is, Sir, I bad an addition to my family this morning, and it was not convenient lo be here sooner." '-Very well," said tho merchant, )n Lin quick, nervosa manner, "very well; but don't let it happen agniii!" Tuk ComtnUiiiouer of Jnternul Revenue has decided .that Farmers have uo right lo have their grtviu manufactured into flour, and then sell the flour in any manner, with out paying a licoiiMj to the ovemnii-nt. And if they do, tht-y aio liable lo tho pen altiis provided hy law. We mention tbe fact fur the benefit of those who may be i: tel'ested in knowing It. Some of lliu railways of Europe have lately a'lnpti'il a system of low fan s, and llu-ir prolila arc inputted to be gt rally 'u cii-u-id. Local IVolc. limn. I'ur-i. Koota and Shoe. A large a-wtm.mt .t I!i- :vil.t)a. WIODIIEAD A X', No. II Cent "r ei-t. opr,o1ie tha Pot tfflce, 04! City. Pa. ' New Flour, Feed and Grocery More 1 J. t. J'll iTIIF.tt, AtthaOLD BANK B0II.HIXO, ON MSIN ST, opposite the JteCtlntock lloase. has oa hand a large and fust elatt stork of r lour, Feed aild Groceries, which ho Is soiling at a low figure. t. Dont forgot the plnce vylioru A, D. Cotton A Company broka np. Janl-tf. VARIETY STORE. AT ' W. II. MCIIOLSO'V & O '.'8 Can bo fonnd a complete stoak of Blank l'miks, full and half bound, froni lflc. to t,10 a qalre, Blank No:m, Draft, and ltecelpta Books. 40,000 ENVELOPES, With all styles of Note and Cap Papers. COI.D PENS, KNIVES & SCISSORS, warrai.t d. .Complete stock of DIARIES for 1809. Finost brands of Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos Combs, nlr and Clothes Brushes of all stylrs.with a complete assortment of Fcncy Quods. Alio, a Circulating Library, composed of standard work- and the latuet oat. Tonus only t S 50 for eix months. docll-lm. Dry fooda, a large stock ut ltKYNOUIS, BtU'DIlETAD 4 CO S, No. 11 Ceutre St, opposite the I'o-t Olllra, Oil City, Pa. ryLAUIIM wMilns; to make an appropriate .'pieaent, will Bud beautiful Sl.lrTKR PATTKKS8 at A. 8. SMITH'S Boot A Shoe Store dociritf. BIRD CAUF.S, wnolesae and retail. Thirty four different utjies to arrive tliii week, at A D. .MIM.IIU 4- CO.'S. " CANARY BIROS. l,u.t li.-rm in i:.iporUi!,hoe. sale and retail, at A 1). Mlt.t.Kli .V CD.'x 1,500 rolls WAwL I'Al A. I). MILLF.:t CO S. K!t rect-iveii tlii (lav at I5arlwaro A targe r.nt r Iselng cloed oui at reduced rui BHODilEAD A CU'S, So. M t;. Hit pontomce. oil aty, r.i. t T whic'i le A Lin MA. Thi is a Ul'wI; ui-h.jv.: .1: "..o'.o to bo nsevi for a liiiir drelnu, which if s.iU to. In; ui:p-il-or to anytb'M" of the Kind jot iiv-d ht-ire Uipjftb lic. It renders the b ir jtWr and a t. .mj v i!l, U lit Hiiid, c itiee the hnit tuui'i.vint -cI;. bisr ti .v long hu Ued iu!: c u w-nuir. 11 i. hair dy1. nnl it H ?o op.;iutf the Hiiine when upp'it'J af t ; ' a! color mid in tnriiMtc in time. It bfv.'it'i -ru'-'iiiti. h -f t ;.ot ') op m ll.' 'j;li I - 1 anu win nun who iiriy m-m ' anJ's uiU!. t t'i '.. V, .! ) i;t: (Teufi. 1 I', ... - I rit". Iwot lYtlwlu A. 1). VIM EK 4 CO.'S. Crocki-ri'Vor all kinds no to KUYNOLDS, BHOMIEAD A CO', No. 11 Centre Hreet, oppo site tho Pun OMue, Oil City, Pa. araCall nod examine the fine aisirtraent of (SLIPPER PATTERNS at A. 8. Smiih'a Boot t Utiou btore. decU-tf. Claristniu Gifts ! HoM Watches, Pln -et American Watchea, Muei eal InstnunvnU, Alliunis, Plated Ware, Fancy Cut lery, Spectacles, and Pocket llooka. Also all klrds of Clpirs manufactured. Fancy Sinntiiug Tobacco, n nd .Mec-racliaum Pipes. All these and a great deal more ran he found t J. WOLFE'S Jewelry Store, nett dour to Bheruian Houso. Docltf A large aortmt'nt of FINE SEWED llDOTSat A S. Smith's Boot A Shoe Sfre. duel!) If. DIAllIKSIcr ,80ilat A. D MILLKIt X CIVS. PAPKR AND ENVELOPES at A. 1) MllXtilt & CO 'S. CarpelN, of every 'I'i'i'lty and ilisiuiptloii, at REVNOLU:, BKODIIKAU CO'S, No. 11 Ceutie Streut, opposite the P . O., till I'lty, P.i. Excelsior Itilliurd Parlnra. To enjoy a dcllhtral and (inlet game ol Uflliaids, f:o tM A. O. Fnriitiuin's FasliioiiuOio ltillia'd Par ors, on Wunhlinrtoii Streut, noxt iinor lo tliu Kik-Ii-ester House. Tlleo Parlors are within a shott dia tnuce of nto.n of tlie pt-iiicipal hotels in Peti-okinm I'eutro- may v-ti. Til E best place 1- town to gnt a pair of Boo' a niadr of the best Stock, tliat ulll wear well, and warranted tn fit. Is at J. A. Plaule'a Fash ionable Boot Shop, Washington Struet, Petroleum Centre, Pa. Give him a trial. loplU-tf. ITOAItS ANU TOBACCO at A. U. WILLEIt CD'S. I 11 AM C .. have the laryeet stock of REVO! -I V EKS in VenauS" county. TIIAVR this day disposed of my entire Interest tn tho Saloon iinili,r the Opera llnnsu, to Jiic. ib Ituabor. I will settle all claims aiialnsl the ;iloon up lo Oil date. IVItoiHIiit Celine, Die. Slth. 1S8H. nl 3t. Ji ill N TIIEODOI.T NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OPERA HOUSE ! PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. Director, -lliialneaa TOannffer, musical Director, J. Coleman Return of the Favorites! broadway" theatre i . AND HUMPTY DTJMPTY! Troupe, Combined. . FIVE IVIOHTS Ox7Y J Engagement of - MARK BATES J 1 he Popular Young Actor. J. W- CARNER. Oomedian and rtnlomtniM. Hurry St. licon, Una. Morris, A. U. Eno, E. J. Ward. Miss KATY TRLSTOV ! Cmnmrdleime and Vocalier, - Kate Vernon, Kilty It on (I, Ac Tupsday Evc'scJan.Sth, Will be preientrd ti n Nautical Drama, in two Acta, of Black-Eyed Susan WILLIAM, - - - MARK BATES GUAM) PAS. M'i.i.k. JOY ETTA V1DAL J o conclude with the leceix) of the Ciitflkll. Mutm tttiui, t-nt tiled, RIP VAN WINKLE! OR THE SLEE? OF TWENTY TEARS! RIP VAN WINKLE, J, V. CARNEll CHANGE OF PROGRAMME NIGHTLY fy Doors open at 7 o'clock. Pcrforina; cu at 8 o il . AdaiUstnn rn ctq. Reserved ca;a. fts. ,lan4 Iw. NEW HARDWARE STORE HKATINli ANU C'tlUKINil STOVES! In liirpo var-rty. TAIJLE AND roCKLT O u t le r y ! SHELF HARDWARE. HOUSE FURNISHIN'5 C!!0IIS LAMr;, LANTERNS, AND FANCY ARTICLES. IV AILS AND IRGft U oixli n Ware. &c For sale , CHEAP 1 ) At the etoro formeilv nrrnplid by Uurclilie'J ai.il C.letcil lie, OIL, CiTV, PA JfflE8 B. Gl.fifill . Oil f'lty, .Inn. 4, 1S6H-U' Sewing Machines. RROVEK At B4KEU EW I.G MACHINE t of both Btitrties. SiitiKcr's Acw Family Sowing Muchiiicsi ! Andihti Aiiioriran Ovcr-SeiunliiK nnd Iliittou-IIole Macliiiiva ! KOI' SALE AT NO. 108 MAIN ST., I l-.TKOLEUM I'UNTKK, P., 1 Jan4Uw. S HAKKSl, A'. I . W. IHE8LM1.V, T A. I Tj O H AND CLOTI1E3 CLEANER I At fiKKcU'told HariM-M fliP Mala St reel, PETROLEUM CEVTBU, PA nwivii to order, A o.'k done ull and iitifiavtioii iiU.ii-u '" L i." UILSLJIAN Uicl-vf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers