r ft ft 'J Si 2 i 1 re 3 ?1 Petrolsum Centre Daily Record- Pet. tfclttrr, Snfurclny, Ja: 2. 'J'lino of Closing Mntln. P. 0., FETllnl.FI X CKT1W. TV, JULT S7sT, lafiS. j t'ntH further notice the mails will arrive at and d't'im from this oftico as fnllonra : Anaivs. Month and East, via. Irvlneton, 10.S8 A. M. ' Month an West, Meadvtlle, 5. IS P. M. Msrtli ant But, " C'orry. 54 " DEMIIX. Knnah and Wat, 8.45 A. M. Hnml . East and West, S 80 P. M. North, East and West, 10.03 A. M. H II. R. BLACKMON. P. M. Hlvlne Service. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Proafihina: at 11 o'clock A.M., and o'elock P. M. Rev. J. T. QxTonr, Tastor. M. E. CHURCH. Services every Snlibatli nt 1 1 A. M. ami 7 P. M. Sabbath Pchool at twelve o'clock H. ' Seata Free. A cordial Invitation oxtoniled to all. En v. C. M. lit; Aim. Pastor. STS. PETER AND I'AUTS (CATHOLIC) CHURCH. M iss at I0. a. m. , Vespers nnd. BennJiction of the Elcsed Sacrament nt 4 p. m. Catechism at 2 p. in. JAMES Pl-Xtf. I'nslnr. This importance or giving a good support to a local paper, is not fully understood by many. Some even do not consider th it u newspaper is of any advantage to the com muaity In which it in published. There in quite a number of this clnss ofindividi." i here. There are those doinff business here who never advertise, and some who in not even an much as take our paper. U'e never shall beg patronage, ef such peo ple. We bare got along very well without it thus fur. While they, in common with the real of the community, gain a (treat deal from the fact ot a daily paper being published here, they give us not a cents' worth of patronage. Wo contend that this is not doing the fair thing by us. But we Iiuvo one consolation, and that Is when this ceases to he remunerative tbote are other fields in which w can engage. We never have yet got down to begging for patronage, and never ahull. As Boon as we become convinced of the (act that this community dees net appreciate a dully paper sufficient ly to give it a good healthy support, we ahull seek some locality where they will do better by ns. Nbxt Tuesday evenlug Meters. Carner &. Peterson, proprietors of Hum ply Pumpty and the Broadway Theatre Combination, open up nt the Opera Houra in this place. They have about the best company that ever came inlo the oil region, and have carried everything by sturm wl.eie.ver they have been. At Uonwjvlllu lust night tiny halacrowduJhou.se, and everybody who was there speaks highly of the performance. They biing oiit '-Rip Van Winkle" tod '-Black Eyed Susan," on Tuesday evening . next. Wo bespeak for tbem a crowded llOIISK. If the dramatic muse baa taken flight from the English speaking part of the old world, as is averred by those who periodi cally write jeremiads upon the decline of the dramatic art, and has not taken passage to this side or the Atlantic, as is generally acknowledged, it would seem probable that she has found her way to Australia. There resides in Melbourne a genius named Cap per who caps all dramatists of this or any other age in the fecundity and originality of bis dramatic genius. Yet a young man, he has written twenty-three dramas, mostly in five acts, and bns printed some of them, though none of them appear to have been performed, a circumstance the less surpris ing when it is known that the subjects are tnken from the irly history of Egypt, Assyria, and Greece, and that trades and professions of the present day are introduced in scenes dated a Bcore or two centuries ago. Taking structure, language, and characters altogether, it would seem that Mr. Capper has made bis dramas entirely '-out of his own bend' without the advantage ot ever having seen or rend a play In his lift'. Representative Lynch, of Maine, referring to the charges in the newspapers that bis frank was being used by a publishing house in New York, says that while in the city, recently, the publisher ef the Mercantile Journal informed him that he intended to publish his CLynch's) speech on the finances and inquired if he would not order a certain number of oopies. .Mr Lynch did order a large number of copies, and with thekuowl. edge of the Post Mafier iu New York, he sent the papeis through the country to post masters only, and this accounts for the bays full of 1'tlers in Cincinnati. Congressmen are in the habit of sending away papers con taining their speeches, the only difference in this case being that the mailing was done in New York Instead of Washington. Mr. Lynch is a member of the House Post-office Committee, and has always voted in favor of abolishing the franking privelige, but while it Is the law be does all be can to make It odious. A rather novel marriage ceremony took place in the upper end of Charlotte county. Virginia, last week. The water was high and the bridges all gone; the parson lived on one side and the bride and bridegroom on the other. But "Amor vinclt omnia" they were not to be outdone. So tho parson stood on one bank and tho bridal party on the other all decked out In their finery and in the mud. And thus they were united. But a most amusing scene took place before they wore pronounced man and wile. A difliculty arose hew the parson was to get the license. Tho groom was called upon, but bo net being able io Bwiro, refus-d to take it over. At length, one of his waiters volunteered. There was a log over the stream, but it was covered with water two feet deep. He hesitated a while, but finally concluded to straddle it. We are happy to say he made the trip, and deposited the necessary document with the parson, which enabled hiin to tie the knot as effectually as it was ever done before. To-ijav thu restaurant of II. P. Eddy is opened. Hu has his tltniug room fitted up in a neat and cozy manner. A restaurant of the kind which Mr. Kddy proposes to keen bus lpng been needed hero. Eddy is a man who thoroughly understands the business, aud we feel confident li..t he will give general satisfaction to his patious. Sixck yesteiduy morning considerable snow bus fallen, which in'iures to us good sleighing for huiiih time. 'Now this is good lor all those who have ti lie niul money ut their disposal, but it isn't nt much comie cpience. to us, and other poor fellows like us. who have tieither time .nor money to ppend. EvKitv uue along Washington street should keep the sidewalk in front of his res ideucti or place of but Siuhj, in repair mi l clear of rubbish. At Borne p iinls thu side walks are in a dilapidated condition, but a 8 null outlay of timu and money would put them in thorough repair. Let that outlay by all means be ma le. Til;: Catholic Fair mid Kostiv.il will close this evening. All the articles nut sold out will be sold at Miction. The 11110 lioiiw,ll couiiiii nco kI Id o'clock this even ing. A Iniye number ol iiiticlen mo In lie milled lor. All holding chanceu iliould be in attendance.. Tuh ullije ul' Clio American Heiress Com pany at this place, is now in charge of Mr, ti. li. .lnr411n. Mr. Morgue lsqnitn well Uniivvn In mil' ciliz cos. hi't'liig tecu line be fore. Wiliie we aru a ii ry to lose U chalds wo' ure glad to get M'U'g'in. A writer in the Atlantic Monthly gives some startling evidence to prove that con sumption is inainlv caused by the dnmpnes surrounding the abodes of those attacked by tho disease. IIo says Hint extended and repeated observations In England and Mas. sacbusetls show beyond doubt that, other things being equal, consumption among the people is in direct proportion with the mois ture of the localitios where they live. Maxy of our cili.ens who nro absent spending the bolid ivs, will soon be coming back, and going Into biu-ineas enterprises with renewed energy, and we shall have lively times from this until spring, when wo hope for a continuance of good times through the summer. Of it friend, 1). E. CrucKur, ol the Sher man House, has been mado happy. A daughter has been born in his family. Nine pounds. All doiog well. Dun is as gay and happy as a luik. Big country this for babies. The Missouri Uepublicau is responsible for the statement lh.it the Indian Pencu Commission, recommended, by a vote of six to our, Unit the Indian Bureau bo transferred to tho War Department. According to the New York Commercial Advertiser, Tr;iin says that England shakes with thu pilsy, that Russia and America back Greece, and thut Stephen II. Biauch nin't his brother. JudH Sharkey, ul Mississippi, is in Wash ington, and will be suiunuitifd to lustily be fore the Recitnslruciiiiii Committee. Ho is well pleased with Gen. Gillem's aduiinistia. tiun of nir.iirs in Ih it Stale. SKIS notice ul J'ra! Vr' GmicVi Sii-r . lu ti.e oi '.i.ii a.ie -t. I l'"V'ir. 1'i'ed ii il.iilk blliUll l The French I. n Inlnm ils hare forbid- the ih:i of I'm lit!n Mmllenr lo the new olibiid or.-an in I'aiia. an H Tub tniiu ivas deluyed this af ei noon -uii ' one hour lrv the freight Iniil liir.Siing id'.':';!' ti.iek at :'i liil'er. THE NEWS. George Francis Train is in Omaha. The Atlantic Cable last month netted $3,350 a day. New York has an evening paper, price one cent. Wood is only two dollars a cord in Cana dian towns. The Minnesota Legislature meets on the 5th of Januaiy. (.The Supreme Court of Ohio, wan ad journed until to-day. Exactly $567,642 worth of buildings were erected in Indianapolis this year. Ruth Maiden Ml in Norfolk, Virginia, Monday, and received fatal injuries. K. II. Cox. a policeman, was shot by a negro in Savannah, Georgia, Sunday. Troy, Alabama, has voted to subscribe $75,000 to the Mobile and Gir.ird Railroad. Official vote of Oregon: Seymour. 11,125; Grant, 10,9G1. Seymour's majority, 104. There are six Masonic and seven Odd Fellow lodgos in Rochester, New York. A negress in Hnntsville, Missouri, claims to be 120 years old. Probably she lies. A Philadelphia firm run 75 looms and an nually turn out 3,000,000 yards of ribbon. Vermont Insane Asylum, at Uurlir.gtsn. last year made $910.59 over lis expenditures. Six hundred and (11 ty students have en tered Kentucky University dining the Inst year. Porlfville, Mobile eonnty, Alabama, mod estly claims lo be '-the now Liverpool cf the South.' This year, New York fireman are to wear double breastedjlilue fchiite, and the officers white ons. Several factories in Waterbnry, Connecti cut turn out from 1,000,000 to 3.000,000 eyelets daily. James Loiing kllh'd Samuel Dawson in Charleston on tile 24th Inst. Cause jeal ousy. Both colored. Mrs. James Settle, of Rappahannock coiinty,Virginia,gave birth to three healthy boys recently. General James, W. Armstrong, a promi nent citizen of Ciss county, Georgia, died oa the 21st Inst, i The Presbyterians of Shrlbyvllle. Ken. tucky, have gone to law to decide the out ership of their church. Thirty-one distilleries resumed opera tions in tho Patis (Kentucky) district yesterday. Mifs Long, nf Tiffin, Ohis, has made a fellow pay $2,51)0 for not loving bur long enough to marry her. Soue clocks rfcenly inported into New York contttiiied$308,000 worth of shawls concealed insida The publishen of newspapers in Indiana will hold a contention in Indianapolis on the 5th. ' The Stale Comptroller of Tennessee has perfected arrangements lo pay the iilterest on the State du'jt. Turkey is reported to lie employing Pol isli insurgents to stir up their brethioa in Austrian Poland. PniFsla and Bflgium have lately enne uJ- od a treaty fur the extradition of insr.no persons and infants. A French gelogist baa discovered i" a valley a point there two water courses cioss each other. i Ueecher's san has been tho victim ot ''hezlng sophomores at Yale, who shaved his bead in Benedictine fashion. In Cleveland, the cemetery keepers are said la be in collision with bodysnatrfn-rs,-and considerable cxcireinent exists. The veteran of German artists, the pain ter John Martin von Ruhden, died recently iu Rome at the age of ninety-one. It is reported that Joseph Howard, jr., will shortly teliio from the New York Democrat and tssuiuo thu editorship of the Star. Five Flore!'!, i.es. containing ninUlies.sul- phur and grain, were destroyed on Friday morning near Suppers llrldgo, Canada. A chamelior. r.lligutir is on the way from New Orleans i.s a gift to Prof. Agassi.. The creature is said tu be very raro and very ugly. A sun ofthelntu Diiko of Newcastle, hav ing gone through with n million or so, is now traveling wilh a low English minstrel eompaiiy. The Bililii is now printed in over 200 dillerent languages. Judging from the con duct of must il' the. world, neai ly every body's copy must be in it langu ie not his own. TnK decision of tbo Supreme Conrt on the legal tender act is expected toward th close of January.- Thore are good reasons for believing that It will be declared unton stilutionnl. The Court will probably stand five to three tor constitutionality, and -at the worst four In lour. It is also expected thai the cm jorily will only v defend It as a war Uicasnro; hence a further issue ot cur rency in time of peace would be unconstitutional. Mrs. Abraham Lincoln is said to be lying in a very low tunditinn attbe hotel d'Angle terre. Frnnkfort-nn-ihe Main. Her condition is such ns to give rise to grent apprehension. She was attacked wilh a fainting fit while shopping in Sailer's fancy goods store, and was at once removed to her hotel. James M. Morrison, on of the oldest and wealthiest citizens of Chicago, died ot heart disease Monday evening. lie left $750,000, a wile and one child. Xcw Flcnr, Feed and Grocery More ! .1. S. IMIATIIF.It, At (he OLD DANK BtTILIUNO, ON MAIN' ST, cppo&'.tu tho McClintock IIout, has en lmnd a l.irgeund flist class stork nf Flour, feed uud Ctrocoricm which ho la sctlliin nt a low figure. t3 Don't forget the plnrj where A, I), t-'oit in & Company broke up. junMf. xv. ii. xicnoiiSux & ca., Are closing out their alock of TOYS for half price. New Yenr'a Is coining! Holier fail ttigive us a call 1 Fautr Goods sold at boi-galus I And for a gencrnl assortment of BACK GAMMON UO AIIDS, DIAKIISS VOll ItSflt, CUTLEKY. COLD PF.NS, BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY of all kinds, we Lave a complote stock. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OPERA HOUSE ! PETROLEUM CENTRE, PA. Ii rector, -llnaiiiean Irlannver, final al Director, J. W. darner W. O. Peteroon J. Volemau Return of the Favorites! BROADWAY "THEATRE ! ... AND. HUMPTY DUMPTY! Troupe. Combined. FIVE NIGHTS OXIiY I r . Engagement of MARK BATES 1 ho Vopulnr Young Actor. J". "W. CARNER, Comedian and l'untom'iti'tt. ICarry si. Jjooii, Dun. Morrii, A. G. En os, JB. .1. iVard. Miss IL1TY TILLSTOX ! fouiini-dtcime and Vocalist, Kate At in on, Kitty litmil, Ajc. Tuesday ve,ir..Ean.5tlil Will be itwoi.tt d il e Niuricul Dir. ma, ru two Ac In, of Black-Eyed Susan WILLIAM, .... MARK BATHS TOBACCO & CIUAKS, SCHOOL BOOKS. GRAND PAS. M1.1.K. JOVETTA V1D.VL I o conclude with tho loretd of tlic Catiikill Alo.iu laii.s, entitled, RIP VAN WINKLE ! OK TUB SLEEP OF TWENTY YEARS ! UIP VAN WINKI.U, J, W. CAltNIiU CHANGE OF PROGRAMME NIGHTLY AUo, a Circulating Library, composed of standard tvorkii rind the latest out. Tcnna only 1 3.50 for Lx months. docll-lm. OT Doors opon nt 7 o'clock. 1'crformai co at 8 O ci-'Ck. ty Admission to cts. Eeanvcd Kea'a, 3 cU-JunS-lw. iTT LAUIjSS wleliina to make an appropriate present, will find beautiful SLIPPEll PATTEUX8 at A. W. SMITH'S lior.t Shoo gtoni doclStf. lllllii ( A.UKN. whuleme and retail. Thirty four d-itorent st iLs to arrive till week, nt A. 1). MILLER J6 CO. '8. CAN A K Y III It OS, 1 uat (iirui.in Imported, whole .ale and ruiall, at A. D. illl.l.KIt & CtJ.'S. l,3iii mils WALL PAI'KIt recdved llifc) day al A. 1). MILLER ft CO'S. A'.ipua. This ia a newly discovert d nrticle to Uiii-,1 for a hair dressing, hich ti said to bJ aiiuit or to ni;yl liill "f lh kind yet p'acid betwe the pub lie. ft renders the hair ?ifi nud til"'y, and will. It I.- iM, e.iuno tho Imlr to ip-"W on M dpi whieh lute liiiis linki-d khoIi a envrinte- Ilia not proporly a htur ilvi mid vt it w;ll o opemto on tho roola ot i:io win,'- when applied iw to n-rtture it to Its nrlirln- rein: .Mid luxerliiucu in a very brief period nf nil--, i; I. beyoua iUoTitin, a vi ry H.iierinr intni.', ni win more Ihtm lnl the txpectaMdiw of any ore Aim iimv nin-rliaso .;t. Svnicufo l'aixT. 'I'rv Sev.'- anl f Miirii Cine. It la the bent. A. I). .Mil. I, fc.lt & i' ., Wleili-anle alii Keiall Uriujiata, Amenta lor IVirnloiim Centre, Pa. novia-lm. Ilinntilul Slipper I'attcrna nt A. S. Smith's Boot & Shoe store. decl5-tf. 53T FANCY GOODS, all deacrlptloiia. wholo laleand retail, for Holiday Presents, nt A. D. MILLER Si CO.'S. ti.'aU and examine the flue aasirtmeut of HI.U'I'KR PATTERNS at A. S. Huiith'a Boot til.oc Store. declotf. CIiriKlmi.M Gift ! c:n'd Watc-hue, Finest American Wntcliea. Masl eat In-itruinee'js Albums, Plated Ware, e'unry Cut- kry, Spertarles, and Pocket Bonks. Also all kiuds of I 'iirnrs innaiifactiired. Fancy Hmnklng '! oliarco, tad Meerschaum Pipes. Ail these aud a great deal mni-e eau hu iiiund i.t .T. V.'tJLl''E'S Jewelry Store, Hum uisir u Bliei man llousu. HecTIf A Inrgi uHsiirlment of FINE SEWED inOT8 at A. h. Sn.ith'a Ituot iV Slum Store. ducIM. mm OLOTHSfVJG Xcw Clotliin ! Wo lme ju-at weivt-d nnd nro nmvnpfming io thi ituiuirli g guzu ul in ciiizciiu and -.Utiiity.tlio nifmt couij-letc hN rk, nnd lUv Tt-ry CCCCCC C c Li Ii I, 1. L Ii h 1. 0 ) O O ) O O O T T T T T T T T II II. 11 II II H H II 1 I J 1 I 1 II N N N N N N.N N GGGGGGGG Tliat u-n e.'rtr hefnve hri al.t lo Ihls plaeo or on Oil Cmit ; which wc areselllug at Ih'j lowest pus. sihle rates. DI.llIK'- for I8il ut . 1. MILLr.U & CO'S. . PAPXR AND E.NVLLOl'ESat A. I. IILLEP. Jt CO 'S. C1G.UIS ANI) TOBACCO at A. D. JIILLEIt it CO'S Tl'lS'lmst place iz. town to get a pair of Boots innde of the beat Stool;, that Mill wear well, and wiimintcd to fit, is at J. A. Iluiltc' Kaah Lint hie Boot Shop, VYasliiutou Slrcut, Fetroleuiu cur.tra, Pa. Give him a trial. seplO-tf. Gen. V. CIkM.-i, il the; Pdilutl' lphia I.ed cer. niitv tiavi-liiiL' in Ijiroiie. Iius nresenteil , I tim:e of most of the principal holds iu Pelroie:rm a Ptoue s-atiie (! I' runhliii tu Ihe New 1 ml; ( Mlri3. may V-tf. 1'xceUior Uilliard Pariom. To enjoy a delightful and qiilet eame nl Bl!llitidi, o tu A. o. FurulKun's l'luliiuiiHUic Billhi'd l ur. lois, on Washington srreet, next door tcthe Itoch. eiilnr lloue. 'I he-e IV.-iors nre within a .hint dV at thu shortest notice. ETats and Caps OV EVEUV tSTlLE. VJ GENTd FL'IlN'SniNG GOUliS ! onr BtncU U toinpVt". Ono price, Mid ttll jjkk1h watTiiiiifU mm rt'inMMUt u. Tlnnktii" our fi'lt-nds for tlmlr lH'onil n(irtii huittuloic, k luijio lor a coMimmncu r' tlm i,(ih'j. I,. A. TI 111: IIS : A Is DEN I'.'lrolmim Vntr Due- H, laiJ tf. ON AND APT RU KI'NUAY. NO". M, 1-fcg, triiiuj will ruu nu tbis rood lollo: LKAVB eniE POVfHWABP. 3 0.125 ft- rn., i'lttshua-li Kxpna, ptrw nt nil tfv tion-s nnd tirrid iu A. W. It If. Trail.' lor iu 15) m.( at New (Vhu ut '1,15 p til. riuI ut liitlmrh Ht 6 oo p. m. 43tt tt. in., Accaminutliitifin hum Jutnuf town, iir rivtwnt A. At. W. It. It. Transfer nt.V'ti. tn.. nt Ni-w Cuttle at 7 oo u ni., nud ul WtiMiurLli ni lti.iit) a. m. 5.10 p. in Mixt-d Triin lenvit! Rric for Mutoii rtopHi nt uli hiluiuit U altj U'ioii unci a. rivii.y ut 10 a. m nuitntWMiD. 7.15 Erie T.;,ui- U-.uim Nuw Cn(!f nt 0.1" a m., A. . v u v. u. it. ir.ui-tii r ut ii,it a. in , a:iI atrives ut Liieit i fii p. r.i., nmhiiin cti.M' oniiL"u.pii for Hut, hud Nnu, l-'ulU. 1.35 p ni. lro AcnoiiimotlatWjii leuvci K. n-lto al 7, i in , A I W. It. U. Truubftir at ,JJ p iu., fiunw-town ftl 9. 10 p.m. 330 p. mi. M.xnl I'm iu Ivivud tiliarou ttt Krle, ur rlvfn hi II b0 p m. ritt1.ur'li Jixjiiw conih cnmiocU nt Jixmt()wn nt ltf..Vl pin. with .1. & tf1. Kxpri'i. fur Krnnk- lin it lid Oil City. i'niiu!cU nt Tiuiiitlur iil l,) p m. with A. fc O. W. Acconunodutluu west, for War' run, Krtverjhii and t Icvolimd Krle KxprcfB nurUi (iinuenlH t A. & G. V Tran- ft' t 11, lo ft in,, with Mail tmM tur Mundvllle, Fmnklin, nwi OilCliy. and utJuiaustown wllk J. & l' KxpiTHa for Franklin. Twin connect nt itochostor with train for Wlindinir and ml pnint in eit Vlr."tniA. nnd ul iitKhnrtrli conneciloiw tr ri.iinaeinmx, n irn- C illi ll i'.illc. TI;; iil iiluUe it. ijlisli -i-uli tvt", U.i il- " ' ' THIIAM (' '., havu th l:ir'.wt .-.lork of UEVOI, EKS in Venule,-!' cnniy hui'iz. Bnilininreaud Wnshingtmi, via Ponuayivaiila Cem i ul lUiilroad. Erie Express North, ennnecta at Glrard with IjiK-o Miuro tiatrs Westward for Cle.voland. ( hle:ii." anunll poii.ts In thewiHt; at Erie will, l'hlhK'p!:lii .te Kiio Kallnaul fur ("errv, Vt'arren, Irvliietiin. 'I'Minu'fl, tie, and with rintt'aio Ifiria 1'iiilioa.I lor liiurnl.i. Duukliii, .SiuHiua rails and Nowy.iWCi-i. F N. F'NNEY, Afn't Siiperintnndittkt --''""ri.iri ii