- • SATURDAY, JANUARY. 6, 1868 . . 2 118VELERS' a U ME. — I,:tiall and veparturo of Trains. • ?tinierlrani" Central Railroad. reportmes. ~.., E.,,p,,,...... s. . Sena m;illall, ... A . . r . .... idle m E. ,,, t rw,Avaa tao a • Fact 1un1e..•..... 32:40 ADI 4 1311Diaill:SP . i tla , o aso tat Wall Manz. s:ti am Nan ..........—.11310 a m sat Penn anion. 755 am I Po, /sown. 855 p m to Wall Aavan— 953 a a ct - va it , ape Atli 4.15 pm tlniatick ateti..rm aam ii att , tiuii.....--.7.050 p i , •Itti Erie MaiLt WS pm i al Vi In, i AD44,143. antis .n sattLmontExp's IZi P m lid , te 5O - , .., a i* lans am al Wail Again"— 157,1 i m 0:05 p a Phila. Exp resa.. tO5 p m • dal rano Acto , c.lo.lo p a LI Penn IlaWn. 6533 p m lid.. 4 4 moo p in; illwana ammo. IN. Emig: St a tion • 11 a dittrett train leaver Wane Station o va Aim Inv in P 335 a. na; rttiora=g, loaves Phiratut,so at 1.3:5 , 1p. ,;;;;. 1' Ittaburgh, Coll:lath= and Cincinnati. r &vent. Irnoes. Fast I um.. - .. ... 553 a m • Rau Line --- PM am 11411 653 a mistall . . a l 3 p m isi ref5 ....:.._.„ Slap miExpresa.....— 7.. P.2:.45 a a IBlrlitanwille Am?' ateriDenvilleAo• sommonaSion. trop al comomist.toa:lo:lo am Ylitstrurgti, Fort Yr aline and Chicago. &Na Eat fm........... 314 a an,txproza Arttam, taii , ac.,....—. I:sspia't.'npocc.. ' k 1.4 r• • s ..... —... :map m Express .sia 1.. .. -- 7:taa n, Ilan-- VI 1 acting Lap's. List , 0 P., , sr. rairmen Aartwan.datlol lear. Allegelly depot Aki 0; a. M., la'te'r a. M., 1.10 p. a., Pail 15:la r. .a. I Roamer Xl5 p. m.;; flew Iliovit, 3.50 Ip. th. 1.4.040417, ;0:33 p. i n.; WeilarinO,3-3) y m, . I brirgn, Cleveland and *Vacating. Elli 5a a).. "..... — 4 : . 2.23 a co, rapr05a:..4.m....".%53 pm hill as ... .. . ...•2330 p a it Exprea5......... 1.:13 p al i. 613'1 6:M a aotprea. ..2 , 1 as Millei:mina Accommodauoa Cana Pittsburgh and C , nnellsvllle. Art,r. Dr all., 1:16 ant; dill .- .:...36 p rui... 46 3 01 P e t1:01 era ........10ere a el 11. larclf.ereportl MO a 1r pit Alegor;wt GM a ea •II o .;.. 6:r6 aet Ni ' •••• 1.04; Die AllegboniV Liu Railroad. • Departs. 43TPCs• Well 6:15 a re , preta ........ 11.01 a ea ksi sta. &Ilk', 111 5 13.1 ..... ••....... 6:10 a :o I. o...otornalclon 110 p CU tc,Ammodytl o. 9, a a I litsburgli and Erie liailraad, to 011 City and Pr okilu. Arriszt. 1 - - Departs. F lO . tO E/Freri- .4 / 4 1 D 1ai.." 0 . S L'apn.ia. 6:s 3• aa . 'Yin 1 . /rtaburge. Fort Warne & Cherage and Beaver Valley. . It r iotrnatlllo Boat— Cra t and Wat,rl6' a rriiii. I Departs. la . ( a. m...—... 4.00 p. r11:1811 . 1 ain 6:86 p. a l Mannerly Stage—Red. Lion Ilotel,.S . Clair , istreet. ------ Arrrres. Depot*. ' IE6 1 &Ike a. La. - (totter btu , 80. 6 ISt. Clair Etreet. -Arriral."----t.... Departe. kis r. 1 2. f -------....46..1. Ea. WV aaLington Stage —liare , a .... - .:11..L Arrirra.Dpi2% r• in• I D ix,* s. at, EICELSIV la OMNIBUS BD LIVER!. !HAIM, 410 Pozaza. T3er.cu.t. :JAIIIES VAIN .5. SON, Proprleturs, IGINISIISSES AND CARRIAGES truenshee (er , atlir.lsa. sum, Carriages for rename, Wed lugs .ad Partin, at arson netun wan reasonable aim .STABLE OPEN DAY ANU PIIrIHt . ' award - - CITY AND SUBURBAN - S. eialtre Has.; Meetly:4ot .11aaoale 11% I I Pursuant to 120l1Ce a mass meetin g of ration ed sellers was 1 eld at Masotic hell, oa F, I - 'ile'y inning, the object being to talc., some ac.. • - thititoerenia eecarlag preferebeat of so'dkri la dikes. ece. 'I he at: et:ng WAS cialia largs ea I a brani band In attendance. ' . o . At about half past seven o'Cl:mk Ca 3. Hely. Pollcck called the meeting to order, and, morel that'fiku. J. Bowmen SWGI ter take -the•c tame. The motion 'pavallea natuteutoaelv, and Inc Genus' ascended the platform. Hon. W. C. M'Catthy. Mayor eieet, Hun. J..th I Mo-rs ea. Mayoral tellrgleeny. James M'Aaley, Th miss _ .heel, Captain J. Heron Fosses, Captain J. H. . ~...13tewart,`,Hoe, H: A. Weaver. Hon. R them '3l'M:debt, and General Georre S. Gaillip! Wen] - amen I" ce Past& rite. C. I'. 11'1C•00a, Cart:. Bas. W. Morgan, Captabs Louts Hog- rand Co.. - ' ' Joseph Brown were &fleeted as Secretariat. • Gen. dwelt zer tam be kit ti.:Oly hoot/rod at telt g cal: d upon t , ?reticle over the meeting, ectmosed as it was on men who had foncht for -- - -- .. - Iht•yrrt - TVetiott ot ine Union and tne c JP, iy. Ito expalted the oh) ct of me eueceirg la arta' terms. The auldln-a wet for.olug a Inn en., or Union, helinvlng 1.044 in ardour., by 0 350:14..0; thew abler' together, more could be dusts In :ha Imeherence of .hon. latetes e. than to etny other way. In the ors,an z.t•,p_t of the 1,..37,ne to , I- Ile, were [gamete ed—all all e weren aoforably discharged :tom tho- au v:eo, eat were loyal,tru • ' to Itc'r tom try, and and, an wlline at ad ' % Cam tyiLltad lt, co.dd beets :re on_ re. _ - ~ . ..,,c. t. Polk ch offered the feta triag preamble satici to . - WILIMMILI, IL ILe r rgau'ution of the . •W 'St r irn L'enneylvatin do 4-e u L.atti•-e' Ib, we.. ' brie tbiree,f have io'...y to raw, lot, to oti, e ,a for Ion: tab:) , ducts gra soi.:Loa era, ' pose_. .. ItnEkitllt lttal`6eel.l4l.ll the prefer,* mof em • plet3met t in all situations in Me gkt On lisaiia', Mate or blenielpel Govan in Lae, St, to obi, e 4 Mploymet t to tae beueral parttults attire ittr ‘ entexecce who any a en t r A ce-e a ecti a ry en . .3d, to erotica tor to Ate who may by awl:at, or " - afro-fortune he provemed from 'items. leg-to tuner ,:...,.; Utorattof e.; to prm crly CA n f. r tee widows Atd i,';' . 'l , ,' orphans of *Motets w o have lent thetr,ilve . 10 .', thin may c tot Ito lr roe,. try. Atd Minuet., We believe thole w'te foe ht - ' for the .Untor, and preveis to! 1.6 cossoin I to. i - should at. W, Whet" peace hal Lot/I won, arm. 'four years of (Ilia ITOUI war, oblate p :ferment .. in clvii pursuits. the] e.oi e 13., It , '' ite,o.mo, Toot the td.Jetint• hen , My approve . 1 of nun eedorae the e bjeca of the Weettern Ptah. ay's - mole &Mien,' .1., ague. , . Altnotatl, That we Ige ore the doctrine. Chet . e,R.., - .. - ,i iw ~.., pocretaors,' a, cl tberefore re 'Cl criternead to the eath r Liao r f.tittrriti:ga and .Alleabgay, a d surrounding b;uutte, to the tt' . apyol.tMente id ordite to tbet eft, to 14.. fur bat niably distliva.o geld. , .......:'.!-- ....Geit. Frederick /I Collier, a the an hate., ..--:' : VII clad epee for a spec de, wee at lie aptear -. - • led on st.e platt,rm wee received with kreniihod planer.: The nosh:alone were truly loyal and ... ttlevallTictenUy empfiatic, but he thought It Was • . f art rctly iceman' they should be.passed- He •• urea tot tblek that in this loyal, patriotic lam. a nelty thee et nld be any oolmoton. to glrlfg , - vat:taco la all thins to me retaraed deicing , meet the conntry.—drat to those who have keen - . '4llSebled and maimed, and next them who had •,' . tett hountably niche:lei: Be: did not laiow bps adial/op:I! illeharyged soldier atteuld los preferred In dof a copperhead ~ 'The 601... IO __US did sot 44 charity, did to: plead as pa .- ;.. -7, - pera i lett askestlor troth, ouch as they co a:•1 - ppalotm. T yell boys who rya shoat. tea strs,ts •1 . ' *ft/IMM a M Ilhd pea' leg, eh molt nut ge 413 . . ,nlamra.sms nanstaosbe so looked up, , s. - rase '' .'- eainsd cru. elderation at the . haade or the props:, andshendd receire it wallow. stint. lie .. - believed oar, citizens all right oe toe (Friends a valets the merlins bad been called to csin,liet. , .. . Ile conionnialty only needed to [ant' the miter • . Ylldaeed before them - in prover shops. I o tor -.•-, great loyal city of Phtiburgh. Watt a rem• I '.. dtigider than mit other in the Linton,. coals I. '..be tbat the sails t's claims for plate eel employ. . anent .110 . threcarded. XO,he did uot t h' lll6 '''so• ...J .: ;He approved of alto purpose of tba meet's's ; ant -*aid it wend result in coed. -Ito the Leanne ~- , - .there was no polities, tie religion, and the "old : .. - flag". Wee the ra01.(04 -Tha members of It had .tut Wench t.ytthee to acne:4l4m their eats. 43ser. a. made 6 very saleable apecch,outl spoke • In Lid mut COlcltslo eilyle. Ile was Melly and r pea:ally atipltaded: Alshn M.. Eidgpatfmk, Esq., wee ‘t se next eye . kev. He laid Fe was present by force, bat -- ctt. by IsCilttatinn; Me mod st friend; •Claptala is ain't*, tail !rotated open blot catalog to I' 'alike nlettleg.' He wits 00: a Soldier. bat had tortall that he er.ahl for the ~ r bAy a In blue,. ~:..•azh&woaid dto more.. Like Gee. Csillet, be dil Mot Lessee: there was any teal ore unity to ups 1 ---- ,,tecremcnt. : - The 'mole:lora, were strand to • ''the care: lie , believed e that the man who - Awl s. , fon,zbt for his country, battled to ~. Wiles:mitt& dellyine of the 'lterry thz," had r . lortacd a character for all ante. A male meet :,lnk to ask employment' for the soldier who bad • ,-lbetn. howorelly dlitc'aarded I God forbid that s, ''''.theiralsould be Inch tectlity. ii. thosght ho ..s. Luta the community bePer—the pcople were 'S. :l 4, oo .fals ettol he :believed bad not b 74- &tele:A pf ~, , ,- _ .Y.;,.Alets tislng. ' If ft Ives hmuala into a prac.Seal, ',tt -s ft'i". , tangible shape therAwould be a IVO rITPJIIII7. ;::,it'.F"-Irf.,Kitkp.ssict.Thinle an creel Ugly happy ef. was follovut r.' P. Ones, Eul who tn:dea?l, elottotot ape.eh.' •11. heedful the anci In,f=tiCte' F•Mcglieklrs without sitirte s and moat heartily, . -Pororatt of th ,t or. gariratiOn of the.fteldlant'- Ha hopal its aoldtae tratdd. as a MAO, te.N.ALL what VIM iheir due. aid ttu ont of pla:e ana all. •-- Gvn.j. sen, nee% hat ic •lcbned making.any ftll:4-10. f'•-Gag:-lanai 8. I t fref , y, 7 infrolneell by ~;,...slltiaattleit as-the tol-lke' of two wart. v... ELM irartall,gratel,'exaraade a bad' address. ~HoafproreloT obJeeta of the Leagn,, aid ' wild Uralic under otortr minaglulent, vault in:arritt gand to ooldilra atnetelly, respondad to Idea calla. 41.1itaittegOf the League, be urged the aoldlent tojobi it at Zynde.'-.7 They had at `vet only a akte• Watt liro. encl.-they. !ranted to term a ilea of battle.te, debt the ollitleiaro. Tee meeting , ' wee tnea&limpets ho expectrdi verb ate had It been *called before the latue!ectlon it noted iseCe teaa much larger. Bc seolte of ;the anapoymeat of ilanprerbettda atL the:Alleahlat Arseeksi, and sag.- - sted that the Secretary of War to pet!turnod • 'fa hare them reinored., . .Cap[ , See. W.',lforgan made a few. felicitous .• mocks. -BONO ebe - ceirmittee seem had made lageltlett4 tithe meeting, add:timed notes el invitation to the Mayors of the two eit;te a,d alto nil of the councilmen. He raw t,u, a few of them Prittent. 11.: nee, hitvercr, co- v-r inn I vrith he twenty ar snore of the con - elimm, end all bad veered ;elm they viers right on LI - 33 eoldler quettion. • Fevers! number; of the city Cooccits who were I observed .0 the audience. were limte I no the etand., Mr. nerd, from the Ninth Ward, made few eltquont rtmailm, Jt sympathies ware with the oindhr. As a reemicer at Connell he nonld vote fcr env soldier wmpe:ea; (or the piece be ornght• AB Inez as be had a..alai, atd a soldier In need cern, to him, he :nook' have heir of it. Q. n. Kiddy° Enid Le bad en ocearrance to de tail. When, hooker's arty er.rme I tie Rspinhannock, the }Vas eorps c,verel the re itreat, the fai ard ;be loot the heat br.,ta te, t manuals J. Bowman Sweitz :I. (cheers ) art, K. thin moved that I.,en. 8, address the audience. Gen. B. vald that he was present rece,l.enring the Sald!tre L antis, ant 4,5 daty 'rte %1121,ptY to Milan. the object of the m-eting. Toil he i hal et tor In the ceorse of his remsrlt/ hn feelingly of the lamettso Col. Samuel W. BineW, than whom a braver and mere ga:laut toldier neva-lived, (Applause., Ile (Gen. 8.) Lad been with the army far three lArz Yoe", ode with and the Filth corps, third division, thhd bri,js gallant 62c0l reglesiest. (CYcers.) The teletory ot the curps, to, brigade out ragt. mud on had beeb u - rliten. could lord nothing a ceriairly valid nrA out sot anytatag.. Ai tucieg ens.o -to the Le ,DC said his heat woe 1n 3,, and as far a. in Lis power he want/ a - 565. br0.:1,-5r Irticre 1n le. iurthr ranee Of the e e , lees, aimed aL Set - era! ineinUers of tho probe we:cesl:o3 Apo fur run arke , tat ell el.e.ineJ save Th rem, T. E tts et., rag., of the Commercial, who m ale really en, chaining tha often t .1 Or tt, sae I,t and eliciting n tteds of apineu e. lie earezed 1.1. e groatd iv/vivo:l to the gas:lion at vault, and lip , t.S,Cd atb entire I:Toro/m:1:m rf the Wove bent. Ile referral t, Conner Clawren ea en Luanne/3ot the propriety of Bev I tang aolditta or bakes. Ete was a earent, ptuaeot man, end faithruly aetendel h s do tits. more fauhfully then a v of tile ro - arrors Ol'New Yerit, who reellzsd fro XI 17 003 :o $lO, 000 annualy. We regret that tee hrt .eese of the boar at which we warn t.r.veuts us an / utl ne ul Air. rumu - La. O. mr lion df Gen. Cherie., heroes e van of thel l woe tells.-d the afe Otos. Un mo::on of Cop.. felt.rgas a lots thanks 1.1.11 I. ladeflA tie tue,Uern n: C .sot it p, ra ..t. for ettir pate to the C-Ulintl.ter:t matt-Ike ..... 9.4 pm ..•. ta p • the ITlffilrjr then nej venal. '413 L ',ran itt 111 , et to Er evnbg of n Went, In ihe iconn of the F.O meti'n Ataciefetinti, lu the Minket to en,: 4611 in,. Amust memo Tatar - en—The an reuxteemsnt ttat a mint lads" would stile.. Is the character of "Fran cet ea" !n the play of "llts list" at Madinat C. I tste's helmet last evei.lng placed ..ter theatre. nom err a the tip toe of expertatioa s. and nst., wi.hstaeding the fact that the wea•har was bit -iv-ilreetil,--44.slame Am well Blled , V. aro ar able to mats(' (be curiosity of the paella as to aim tte 'ads is. but that the did her part re markably wall h r a dtbatanta we can my. Ttcre were several facets In her acting, which however will weer off with time. At first her voice was low and Indistinct, bat as eke gal:t end outage frotn the applause of the audience, the became more natural, and uttered every I word distinctly; We do not ramie:66er ever having at ea a debutante more telt pomesmd than the was during the trying ordeal of a drat apputrance. To-tight is the ls:t al pumice of Mediate Celrete, upon which teCalOale the g eat millutry aroma ot the Fro: ch Spy will he preseetel. to be fo:lowed by C . :tdertlle, or the Glass B!ippe; the l erformanco to conclude with the Lish arms of No:att Crthaa. Oran etentrg Is noil'lvely the last.aPPearafice of Mr. Goo. C. haven larorue Irish Comedian. The performa per, nce c limes es ith Shakret °arc's five act tragedy of Meet - eat, King of 13ectlard, atd eraelcde salts the bet talful lying drama of Ireland as at N. s. On Monday Mr; Frank Drew will appear. MATILDA Brano:l.-0o Monday night tllda Herron erzetnences an engagement at the Pattahurgh Taeattr, opening with Camille. Al thoech a play of doubtful morality, it has tacit:t ea be connected with 1• that makes It draw. Matilda Herron etarde eetnowledgel as the beet lit itg rrfuetentatlon of the charne.er of Cauttile os the Ann rime stage. G2taND 8.171.1% . 3tLica.— Val+ afte - nnea at n lf past twee o'clbtE Po2ll ezel i g sp t t wit ccpae uff at tte C etre! Pork. Two pores will be gre: n to the beat CO. Alger. on the Pat it, the i rizes be eg teD I dutiful pairs of ekot a. Tat entrance lee td the Pub up .o this lazeas.on wnl to boy mute Lash fur unotlemen, .04 la. dlildualteJ fern. To uhrbt these wtll be a g and cartsval. at w. I 11 tin e the Great Vir,stern d,ud be in atteeeance. Ccort Poetry Aller lie verdict In the linghes hogth Ide c n., end tic teln•il of the motion for ■ z e uia in 11.0 cone of Potritt Williams, cootie.. d of p, dory. strer2sy, a dlscotunlata cogarel ttni r rote: e E log *an do no ortong, Toe Ktog no Wrong ous do, W•.. thrtu am at the oo g V. bon this old hat WAS pew ; rut eo.w lb g It I. old. And we n of 111 Its fru. lb< Jugs saga ha canto% gm Is the I sw-ol the tang Vaj s Una Jotter Stowe. IlhOrtt•-;-itru.! Wter Woe! Which baying beta banded to the Court, 11. s Rotor fiber reatlini, replied— Let wee the chores tie Who, trials r, w are ranted, ffip t.leat has I•iat his he, Loa shwa "Feet he or•.ite . . 'Tl.ue overruliod the prrctical point put by the •`:ea:n,d taus' el" 115 Trectically as his leatal points bad been net aside by the lu - y and the Third U. P. Church, Allegheny. Ttta church, locared or. Ridge street. an.l an - der the pastoral care of Rev. Joseph R. Kerr, aIU re-ofe I for Di•ine worship on Sanwa!' nrxr, the 7th test. The.braUdlng has been en larged at d otberelee Improved daring the put few months. and tbei re-opennig will be made an occasion of interelt sot only to the members of the erytegregattoi. bat the public In general. fkrvlces will be enedteted to the morning by the parer, Mr. Kerr, In the afternoow. by Rev. C. A. Deekey, sad In Ike evening by Rev. W. J. Reed. CDs kartallty. Dr. (image L Met:clot, pelcian to the Boar.] et Health . .. reports it 2,!1 Otritle deaths Is the tity, (rem December 24.0, to December 31st. 12t5.: Frees sto 10; ens, b F. 0 . 2 SO to Gtv Te•ars, I "15 11, 30 to SU" 4 "401050 '• 4 Melee, 7 1 Females, 0 LlYhlre, 33 I Tr•tal, 13 Of the above samber acre were Typbss; reeersoble,..l ; Pell•esitle, Le busses( --nod I; onotle dlarrhees.'l; trpbcld ferer, 2; bre, berk..l; cbrcelb tbenctatis,l; yn stator Is, 1; tsbnculests, I; tylltold fe.rer, 1; ciLup. 1; tame, 1. Malicious bilschief.—Three Germans nam ed Georre Parra, 'Jaime Queen aad fleece Hemphill, were smiled yesterday mominz, by ollef E kin end cillemjtiamybell of tee Abegun. y Pence. for maileises mischief and disorder• ly cal:duet. co oa.b Of Beare ,Earterick. Oa filitbdae Met tba defesdat is came to Barierick's Tannery in McClure 'T.Seruship. and while there cat four tudea to ply erased aie• acted In an in threat and very diaorderly manner. Bar:crick states that be bin freq , eatly been annoyed by them men; but he did rot wish to prosmnite tided!, Alta hterircytatcrtlay atternoon. May— or :IL:11146D Lined than each tire dollars and meta. sad held them la two hawked bail each to keep the reset, . dtantlay Saloon to Young Slete.—T... nuumer ceetitf, !mina the drst /baba% eveziag In the month. RUT. Ltr. Salyer. rallfor of It. Andetweehatb,llatl street, voill deliver-Ma regular mcnthlyserama to loan mm. These sermors are looked fermata to with a good dual of Interest by the youth, and we are pleased to 'state, are well attended: Ihejoang tam are a 3 theuuolY mew who I4olntertet Ip Om, for we nntlaar- 12 ThunaJhave been e gaatv.Danzt.vai la their alendente, std &emus of hectic: Mr. Solvay arcs thole OC:WIC111, Irlned. A man bythe name of Gtnree, bail. tag from the r are ollatrlets, 19,39 arratcd yester day affcrnoon, by Milner Seort or the Allegheny polfee.ler driving tar ireroo over the parem mt. On Eialrftraet. tbaebyr morb inc the c or, mono. Moen' tearing before the Masor t (ia.rgo was Gelid five dol ate and csto for his rt eftlelsn•sa. Hutchinson Posolly:—Too lost concerts of the Hutchinson Fscitly will be oisue la our city this alitlaPeal and cretins!. at Lafayotre Du rthntheir std), their old fashioned concerts nave been well% largrlyisttended by both el and neaw terb to , ed aud ' encts. and.no runner where they not they will alerOyi'do the some thing. o.Catholte. Charen In ttharpebtlYg..flestroy. rd —o,.llhuudaY night; about , riglit (*lock. tba Catholicet.nrcb at: klasrrebutr cenZhs are and wes totally deetmied:: ?be fire - oriztnated In the (MI, ta the tear of the b6lltline. aid le enprond to bare I:tin:tamed by a &fix ity° flee. . lgo Cock st.—lloa. Johri,Pforrito4, Ham: of A I leght ay, tartar o ,cFpvt. tltor, 11'1104i ciac +Mate fur m;yor. —re...o- ___________.--- __________—__ _-------_ The- Clem laud and Pittsburgh Railroad I End et the Gutty Rio; Case. Allegheny County Agricultural Society. Na 'Art r2—.col. E.F. Prat;, t h,.. t i m , or: ai e r n , .ta . en ,,, , ~e ; et . lined to _nate stet speech on t umpanv. I The famous Unify riot case, which was trim! —Election of Oilmen. , tor en - tee Ur 2fireg-t to Councils, con:rar; to bla The arruel meeting of the statkhoidera cf ,In the Greensburg BelteOtte. In the tall of 16614 The anettal meeting of the Allegheny casmiey the Clear nand end Pittsburgh Railroad Company hae j cat been (Melly dleposed of by the way of Agricultural friociety wa.s held on Thursday. or , ,h „ ~,,, b .,..'!„.. re : e L e "%°;. 1 8 2 . 1- , -21 :' . e .. 7 . : was held at Cleretend on Thuniday. From the two civil actions 'far traalleicms prosaccolon, rice Prevenient G. G. Negley in the chair, and gre-ne on a bee; !'' We err faro} , Riot the uvo teso: t a the Dllec'ori we Otain the following tried during Wednesday, Thureday and Friday Jo ': S. Neid.--r, Seera"Y. eebulem -,,a •• , t`e co'cifht oo ft`,., ..1 y, but le form ation in Ph tiptoes. to the business of tho of the p went week, before Jades Sterrett, In „21 is a ter rte oo e l tt c pe - formanc, of his in , '-' , ra Young, Cb(63 and Park we - , -- , n; }ii a- , ties It l '" D '''' - a“%l 1 . . , tdin ' g-ry sup rPc- Road daring tee Tact fear: the Conn or comma" Picas. The cases al- GA to nommate officers for the melt I r year. . ..e t ille !ea. lie is cot only the tedeat, rot id , ~,,,, Receipt siiona ssee-meeet XI .. 29 ,06i re • . .-. The moonlit et reported the following Lon!ne- . falthmi .yrublie funcli <eery" la tee coy, 01.1 0 ~,,,...,4 ci 1 InCett 10 were ttuee of babe N. Contain vs- Juba Receipts I r,m fr. lent time who were dee- ed by activate-Im, sue. I Model for three In h-gher p.eltinns. tee.andite trim Pbeatmegh Ft. Warne i ' Gany, one Celt S. W. If r ,an vs s -me de- ' I ____.._„.„................______ b. cheeegre Railway uni t our yarding the rule requiring Inc eiectlea to be I awe sorplo• caratenl 148,123 4 1 f r dee, I ROB INSO.N, bIeCL.SAI. el - CO told by beat : Etch opts ,or runs and ettmeinteletilia . the , ircamestancev nil of c-bi r h th,,,,,, . , anttrCest 11 .1 .727 to nose, oar readers will remember, as foil ewa , Tresffrat —John E. Park. te,tts,l3, U 3 Bankers find Broken . ------- I Some time In Otto'er, 1883, a lJnio e.mma mee .. V.ce Prreidcer --John Murdock, Jr. I .. log wen twin at Gelentowo, to width • driers- Secretary and Librarian — Gregg M. Gael. N .. Ts hearth, Street Pittsburglr. Von of te-me t•o tint:nand Ur lutists from • Corresponding Secretivy—J.l.s. S. Nexley. ne.sbnrab eterted no a sp. rial train. When the . Tmow e r— J"mes itr'll- II hdada of Goy. rontpot Sr.-he -Al, tam a: opted at I, illy, 's Dint on. et tbi Nal leneo Xabauers- Vvllllema Espy, W. 9 Haven. Wm. 1 tif.7ll ' , :l' il th rer a , Unit,. Lt bank Note., 1.,,," . ,,,; .„,,, 3 . i f Mr. JI n Gulp, a log pOlditehn ripo I the (Miner, John F. Jeuniacs, JaMieti Mcl(rly, , seoe,,,,n ee Ece h a tee , ad., tic. train lor re realte eentealey with Wr e i t hy, tie Jared M. Brush. John iloigeon, J. B. Hill, Jdien ' ~_litanote, lIICCIV C A, tc. r•-4.4. FUNDri so hr relit brother of John Gude, vele:, h resale, , r , k , yoag. Jr. Jernea Yornex, Ge wee Barns, Wm. i -- .4 ..., . 443 / .. ' Indic' rat at for rir , l, Peel , rr• don i frmet a of Grey—Mows Chess, George G. Neel( 0. Albert ' '''' ..r .t . ,•liorrrd r , a 9. 0 .,,d , 7.. 11 .- cote...attests . Mode lit all poets of the LP/ALGA beat. eu Inc. John Golly. N , re cf ir e perileibenta la the Bee nett, Randall Mortar,. , imp:awe terms. doster, hat, e war_ ltdirtel or nor -anti, the tear- Geteral Negley propneed the following molt, Dice. executed with &fainter ler eceritse n tl s up. na, iron lfr. Gaffe <relent, hatis wreaked Us le, whil , rt wee pee-bed or ledilleelaellel 'ln ehe e e •ohne.• ae eta. 13 , .t0k, New York, P II malice be tog Sou lir Stewart, ble.ra. C3111',11 W ItEltale, /Icl Jamin Kelp , Esq.. late Pres,- I , '", W . . '2 l _ Pi" r bur g' ikc ' ken ' L ''''''''" "ct 4 and Mu ear, and a few others , whim Mr, elect of the society, has been a ff licted by a se- 'O5 roan Cr. elated tele fertgroeu das ".,—.ll Abolti o n bell- I et re aid enl , eollta illness. the POCIe y deems It , Donner." Up n Lite tied! at U e , ortn, : r, there so net ‘-f irletl , oto Mr. Kvll.r, a , well ee e Pet 133'cie to hi re LI 1,1 Belle fore victim to aprale I , 0: or e lle - cm/Ulm , of Li' l ' . .< and fdt hrul S'-,_r at pary Just 1 , ,,L.t, be el, (time m-ah i r a t t il a lime, to ittecVC him from fdither dem. et Lae Loileg ttate•plerd—Stelif S e•art was (nand some time, teal telt g him a "Me ea tuber" of co , ty, the to net a...mine fo r rltrue of h a the rte c- mb y ... the of tte toetry nete ror , ~,,, 1-,- a Ic e of fire do , Nr s t M -. are with toter& to Ms. l{ Kellir personal e regard! Cortillit .rd More an were aetirlatt ht, awe I (-r, and fyleayahkeh tr outibt tier r e .„-, i mutts for inalltloni•prn‘ e e tt - The chatrman in a brief oddreP3 .11.104 tithe Von. Oalpie L'l 11, o ,,, eerce of ma'erlal er f. tree, map, ei priPperla of tae corb-iy , it oily veer,,ne a for Oleo tide, woo were cog tgrd is tae (.inure an ae,ty- co-ono - alto< of the womb -re ,irr or Ire country, (we beliene Onae of tee it, inhere proaf erlt) n.“l 0 CP d :Lehi, exhibition te'ciadar.i's utter/Set we, OPO et gaged) the ,e , , - n! tee e nae.l , te all neon. CD could not be teed before ti e veiny& t tor 0 . m'''ina inn edjutit in d. - Nearly ilarre days were coneumrd ler the trio 11E271 art or rue New n,,itte, tablet, tesfinted la a verdict for $1:20 for each 'lll.. /1,. IV 11, Ord Be a d of lining-re CJa - ewe. ~ retied, nod 6,1,1, by a ?Irish l&oas Cote, !rine.. The cane no the part of the pheirtiffa - ducted by Bi l linc - e G. Childs, Es ' a , - w W b .l' o evrLnet- Chore • Irm a,, " 'LL 8"'"1. ''d Alb ' ''. 13''. golden opinions by the able and careful manner '''' '''' "'"' '.'""--..• , , 0.. CI, .. ZI , ..i i _l7 , .. 011, a C•vt • olt tlmilke in which he diacharged b.o duties. Messrs S. A. ?lenience and John li Bally aofreared (or ''''' I ` r" ' "" ''' .". 4 ' r'''' t " h.' dil"'""r. - Ye s at ter 'am be, the defendants. Sic frail glories Qtyrjl.s. A no. let,.' wee leased, noth,rtzirte al, Cl1:112/130 t.. G. !Violet a •.,eh asst, 0 meeting of !L e ,li, ty. eta. e in. 1014, A ~1 (lee Illsr,ll o n o , L. Illte. c o r. I n ...pair. to Ito- Liti•eLv i tuse agelentl• I t...c, lost O'O.M e sin: Illerber ir.l ten,rshlrearitila, "eat et a't Min .epie - lt to el far .1 lereaey. Reran, Est y. Ilan' on, .1 ri. N 5 , ,,. Atk t hits or cf, I, en cr-t r th the tact We Ineeddy of Janine y. _ Yeld fcr expense of motive poliar and raid for tuelutalnacce of Cr/71 llld 714,70 52 [true , uro. Pala (or frazttrOrtation ua etcrlai eri seta 01 , 5 of eh's balance has hero paid : 02,314 40D as Isereest on mortgege bocd, and other ledebtedOete 3 Disband Of hcbrost7/1, b 365 2 El 2C4 79 03 The retnaltdex, excepting the htlancel no hand, bus been expended la the buret Ise of sew equipment and the pay Merit of raise of the Ie2SU from the Pittsburgh. Part Wayne and Chit:age follow 10: SLe balance .1 the fact earcloes s• ap lean veeto th frs, Os the the ; oft of as: cesi as 5318,141,91 iDaw, tram 0 ear'. tals.Les. (I, Coot int.e:tot Paid 255,79 $1,213, :3,50 duet hoot to rtit•bur:lo, ft, 14 n• and Utooono 0 oil way Comp.:lY f n 00 0 du. t DIVI.:0“1 ;dd .....„ n 1309302 D•Out t now 34 t 0 0i 41 • - • what:) , as the balaaee of net renal ag rhztamat. The it, Ipts tear the year, totaistlog tee amount r rtlitd troro shargh. F at Wa3lll it.ego !tall was COGGlfsily. are 'treater by tIS4, Lti then t Le risco pm of the Icor tedang 1E64. a la; el vary grataftl.4 to the three ,. "i t a.t,.a tenet la eat rell (rim the Lowe y-emit. at peelengers. (or wade the a .1.101,11 l of tr ight rertird Ia ht cater; y t early two ml Ito • t ore !ha. , won ca: Ord se tLe p calL.e. t c stet UAL f 111.0 y .e:rl,/ 4 fa: ear. s 13A 11/15 or I - CO.od atis SILL f 1 leas Lion WAS e,rt in he pt tat, ye lee. We quote es (dame 'rem ILo reonn : ••1 la, VI ri:ave, 4.1) roua to &tam ne past ti ve y what the life:T. of °prom.; the Farabartdle Will t c 14•011 our I n tease. It Las elves, 111.11 a na 'tiered by is a m tt.tr of doaht whe 11. r the t oe tt; ES &aired f Oil ;he Steeds an vi.le and ',Attains Road has paid fir tha aetthl 'oat ar t-arse comert , d wan lG hlvath.r opeoln a r of Owl Inn 0100-, ttto Pan-hlndla to Pataher,;ll, a. d the sottennem At t-drawal of th Is tram from our mad, the Imo 1,1 a of our raver division has beta larger iun ever, it fonsaiteura of the lumeased lomat Lthlema,.which teems Lady to aot linue. !Oa "Ina Inman is lb• espenns of nperaine the toad is lam, t, samouotthy td 5t 5 3,240,07. Tlils ix Crrase. CO for IRS rallitS3 to motive aid care, the mainte. eone of toy nail sant, tur.a. la Dalt g to put La the licteauht.coot of materials and labor. and In per. to the Illare en ltlietra rape Ire which Mare bee] mode upod the tr•SAL" Trio following la a full ataiement of tl lo• cosh el i eziencharea the Company, from nll EOWCI9 and for all purposis, including what has airtaq in en ex hinacd La the provisos latent. imam meg sta. aooncts Voa 102 rata /NO !WV RRRRR m . 1563. Net proceed. at late/, WACO starer. of es,ttal stuck 1550,050 00 issues of stook way on Sal• a o. real estate W. Steubenville an oo lainuunt on snow ities toured0„:10 tern a entskteits as ptovinatly atste4 1,615134 04 A. 4 AM's tuA bend at commeantusat at jest as stated la hat report • ea n 4 Dlenirni.ma NT$ on ♦ Lc Accornis rag rtsggg • ago got. MI, Ova:atone expea.ea, already stated $ 1.E.3.6.% is 13 , eleat. //twits , * ka Mar/Nada Bond laq • WOW 60 se do do mean 60 4.k lo do 66,176 OD adyldead Bead Interest 4.114 63 Elver ivao is do ISO Co General Interest aea.trs.a; 16,637 Lt Lease of P. n. W. IL. K. cm lc, 66,4110 00 Dlradendrabraary, 5ta,729 INDESTZ:OI99/11 0.909G1199 1111:4 payable eat retlwiloall.Si,ass,l.l D.l,ead sad Scrip 8083,6(/ Fonith Plottgaze aed Strip en-ea 9111,211 Sock r•cilp V2d Subserip. two I tcel, 99 97 Olt MAW Ga D.ozeyea 9011:1119'49 9.91 1:41 111 , dtgag 11•10. roselfil. 431 Into tnjutalnroth It 4,4.4404 e “4.11. cases It . 4 taw • , ep.tßl 01044 145 050,00---,201,134,45 CO.TarC,OIII ADD egUIPMADT. Rl4/10 01 Dag • 5..741.1 72 1 , 344 okbeblbety and par. v00.,4 pr• p 11,4 14 478 71 ew in. Balls 234 974 15 7' , Jrlenn Near knagincs 1110,U1 It 1 7 .ve new illonelies 30,579 10 meal • state Ili 214 71— 4 4175 .68.1 111 1 nib STArreTeRIDS ARO I ...... le.T, We . •...e. ...• a •a,.p, ,4•017,1 butt.. It lon h. In tad I sum. is 13... , • . I• /,4,4, 141 .1 lune/ building st. eibrolond 51033 1141 •Ilebteny b ldge ex cation 2.5711 i 7 7p/ict • nun D. he lot . ttaelt 51.064 CI re cordtut ge. onmplA leg SAKS 64 424114 situ/lune . 1.141 73 Pencnal At CO , late Cf eel le rcd umcodec tiolc all abazien eff .11!ISTFI OS SMel,. Baatuce la Trtaw4nes Easaai, 11174,2 II 2t Lawrenc e R. EL & Trots. Co. Woof, 111.0C1 00 11:1. iekoor•iolP. 11,110 V %bop_ state:ism, lat t .rD an l . .art oa aLce of personal accounts erg ir.1.91•4 i wild to sera :Wattle c.7ll:lpa3y reserved fr l4, om the rale of torch Alitaorlzei a: the last trattllg the sum 01 0000 000. and that the o has bee* raped d in cogsbuction. equitmect sod new strcetorcs, the sum of $11713,317,64 Tale es peadlture hes been for objects of vital Interest t Oda Cospany, and tau advamtaga wit/ be I sad 's the future iccrutited earnings, and re duced expenios of the conspany. The Onnects of the CoMtntity a-e le a light, sabers:tory condition, and tno Ruud. alter (Ag ri:lg their exhibit. say: "It will be seen by ectularing this financial statement with the statement of loot year, that the mortgage in detitedlests his bein reduced $18111.61.0 CO, arid the unseeate4 ledeltednens 1811.141 GS. The Mortgege tudelatednet a la n0w0u1y113.560.623,55, and the ensecared bedettradaesa is so smell tact it toad be paid at ecy time. No debts are un paid wtith ere doe, and ad" the engsgeusosta of the Chmtaay continue to be promptly met." In coaclesion the Illreetars speak of the fidel ity and lace. In of the general dhows and Imo. ctatr.ale ea iloyets cf the Compsoe. Voo z tte wanner in watch tht it duties are out:agal toe to. earful utoorgemett of the said la a great measure del enc.. After the r. a tit g of Its Report au election for fitrec.ors was lied, ethic t r:salted ae J. N..l.Vetillenzb. Tfelliwille; P. F. Gime, Wentiviltetjamei P. Clit-k, Clewelantl; T. P. Handy. Cleveland; D. C. Lit.CVneeling; S. Dia- Pithburnb, D. b. Jones, Pittsburgh; K. C. Kinzie/. New Haven; 81inith C/ItY. Now York; d. F. b. Laufer. New Irc.ck; F. 7. Ptaii &Ann. New To - k; W. W. Delloway, Bridge. pet t.. At enbseeent meeting' of the Dirrekno tke foltowieg calms were ekcien for tee ec rem} Start Presklant--J. N. McCutlotttb. Vice Prelidibt—W . W. Holloway. Rupellarealecat—J H. Davi rsanx. all< 781 .27th I H. —F. IL Myer. Alealitor-11. F Boaltb. Attertlowy—Oco. AL. 'agars - IL The Plttlburgb Leader. be second seater of tbe third volume of the Leader Is ready tt Is moralay far dellvery.and ego tie obtalled at the t owner of John W. P.ttoek's book store. Its cot tests are Tarte,' scd leatruz.. t s rooriellhe! of 14tU7, sdec t d ta'et,te Ns ead lit., my !fetal. loc.] mat er. ealrortal4 epee dif. !trot' &flints. lad a great deal of other mat ter. The omett samba t• a ray !hien:Ming False Prrtcon.—A ma■ nswd J•so • Crtsty xas unite, last costing by oCdxra Ma!btr 67,4 Scott, ot itto Allegheny pAlc•. on • cbcrie of ettedolig Scud sts.der false prsterst, fr( co Mtg, iorlicsa. to Ma axone:• of eltyb!ytbree dollar..' Cnnly was held to aasstor the etaige It! Coon. • Nrarly ileli,-10denMen Joces, 71110 VAS kr edit() rtosl3. ow) itverely !Oared by the VTilect 11.,:re carriage leg fneadey olelt II cable from hie Itjerlee, and It wetly cable TO Ic:urse Lie bce'nese. Long may he nein. Conzictlon of linens and Craig —le the Criminal G,sts t, yeetteeny. Creamily. Burns and JZ10 , 11C•illy Weft) trled ■td convicted 03 ea Indic mint f or esesuit end tistttny with Intent to reerh hire. / I,lo tYr.. to the Tend iraid. They wit, be nen:enced today. In the City.—D.mid, Bare&T o Bws., of Iti:- teerleQ. AmatoLt: Conoty, Is in the cite on baslntas. Mr. Barclay le one of the leading umnbers cf the Bar in the °aunty In which ho melee!. The" iTrallea.—Tbe New Turk TT'rekly Magazine. New Yerk Wahtv Ifera4l. Ponce Ge :aft, B(reet 4.1 e 9mhb's New York ireektg. and Harreei Wohly ore 'or !alt. by J. P. b oat et: GO. The Fesblen&We have rerefred from the rublleber the Jenuery nurriNe of Frank 1...1hes Lady's Mateza-c and .(laz,Ve of Fachions. Uoptee can ballad at itp pancipalll.l7.l depoto. From Yesterday's Evening Gazette I ) rgaiiinallon of the New Cen•cils—Ellen floe of Officers The Mai or Elect hworo In. Tie Select Cotter:ll ensemble! at ire o'clock, and wa,. relied In order br Lb,/ clerk E S. ilcrrow, lsQ. Toe tolliortrx irt . cnters ••oold- Ind reel" answired to the r 111111194 gmUCICey. S r utri ward; I . N. (' gym - L . ; (. W. Coors. First weed; $ Normleei No. h word: Wu, Ptildr, Sem,. nerd, and IT. E. Whir, Einhth ward. J•ina. It /dame •f tea 11/1 d et d Alec. If IX:1Mo k of to Fifth ward, see it, cut. The (1/eik then read the rettio of Timmins's by whi-b it eppeered .1 ei the fellow leg •ero the members of tha Select Cottocll errs: Virri Ward.- Janus Rees. i'.r.rd Ward.-4Jear t re n. Ward.-8 gleamed L- 1,. Fon•th Wnet —W. R. Brown. Filth Ward—Richard Towel son. rim h ward—J. T. hi'Leeroin. Serer Lb ward—T. IL an. Fact In wised—enamel Mori ow. Ninth ward—C. EL demur. rig. Tenth ward—T. J. GaLedtter and John Shiite'. The Cies k ainitiacleg that the neat heal -nest In eider on. the aleution of President, U. eel Marlow umainated Je-aea M'Auley, Or motion of Mr. Samuel Barclay, Mr, M'An. Icy was elect, d by acclamation. The clerk dialer wed Mr. W. It. Searrs, es the oldest member of Ceunel, to elitrtilater tia• stab Of race Is the President, wh1.33 h :aces d ratty dia Is due form Mr. McAuley briefly returned thanks for the honor confured, tad told ha Solid Drive he (*charge the duties of President. le eteconinace ebb the each ce bad taken. The newly edetted menehtre (all befog pres ect,) ye/et test nworn In ny the President, Mr. Wm. Philips •aminatecl E 8 II teener Fag . for Ch rk, and cat modem of Mr. John Ship. too he was elected by acclamatlen. Eta was sworn In by the Pin Client. Col. E. F. Pratt crar nn•nimeitily re elected Merger:3r. On u 3,1100 of J. 3. Narrate.. the rah. of tie tut Cranej wise seep-ed. The Chet waa then directed to noire tie moron (.:4 , 114C1! of the org tr.atc.n, Uwe which the mh niters of Brice% yeti tots J %Wait, WILII tint brooch. CoUNelt The C. or c:I w.a railed to order by the Clerk. Ile gr hiclteettr, Eco.. oho, in accordascr rith then pilot one, proceede3 to open vu coterie and conquer, tie result of tn. ticcticu fur methB r. or tie Common Cotic.f•l, The following urn lid names of tLegcuilemen Heated from the acTera/ want, Fret Ward—W. R. Balraa. A. 11 A.L.Quewart. nod Ware—Thos. 3 eel, D. O'Nelti, Wes. N. Ogden. 'Third Ward—J. J. Tetley, J. CI Weldon, Fututh Watd -Jam cr. Vernet, W. A Tomb+, sot. John Et Eve. Fr th Wor F. Aria. y. f. , : D. ik• ate. R. J. McGowan, P.Ol della rt, Sixth Wai d- Donut Fiona, tr. C. it tee! tad. J. M. Drub, Joan Renmen, W. F. Lac:. &until try d—James Pa the I, J. M. Me- Ewen. &shill Ward—J. Maarlainney,Julim M. Kiliea, Retread I. Witittn. Mine Ward--11.crid licL:teliattd, W. R. Ford, T. W. Welsh. Tenth %I ant—Weliim Bicorhms. Jacob Diehl. All he it. re ;tamed sentlirmen were present. The rail: ancrourcd that the next 1 730,301 i In Oiler yenta to the electlnt of Presdeat. Sea rat gentlemen nominated the late red. ding t Meer, Themes 3tt el, Esq. "there being co other candidate. Mr. 8.. rel w a n or •• 1a00..17 chaittll Pre td. it. lbe clerk de, igusted Mr. John M. Killen as the to-ream who Sboled administer 1.21 a Oath, whit It to did la due firm. Yr.* eel, on tak ex the chat dee:bled to make 41j add, at d atlamintxd trail. be ...raid now rocted to tote - niiter the oat% of ..01 ro to rte [Waiters. The mtmb 11 ware all airdla by the l'es West- On it °Von of Ur. O'Nt ILL U McMaster, Rao., wee, unanimously I..elevel vlerk , end C.d. L. F. P. sit was onloslxonaly ch:ten Messenger. Tr e Common Coare I band Diu , or.raa.zed. - the Clef k was r. quested to a tiny Stiret Corm ell that they were sow ready to meet them In John &Witt. (or the pun oat Or receiving sad c. nmeruting the rota (or Mayor, ContrJlier and Treasurer Tt e Select Coannil was LOW conducted to lb: 00E11101 o Council ettatcour, and the Joint hea aloe to lated remiy for boeincas. Mr. McAuley. Pralleht of Select. announeel the rOWno cf the electio tor 111mor. Controller tad Treasurer. front which It appeansd that tlns. C. McCarthy, frr Mayor, had 2.0M1 'atm, and hie cypocent. Mr. Blaciwore, Lai 2 tiS3 vote:b— ale/on Mr. McCaw kratoolothy of BS rotes. Mr. McCargo, for Coritraller, had 2,4:2) vote., aid Mr. Etchibrutr, IQ:Treasurer. had 2,036 e.rtoe— %bete being no opposition for the fetter salute. Iha Preetelent ansownced that Menure. Mc- Crrthy, McCergathill Eichbanew hat ham dui/ elect. d la Sd the rep weeded ofticea to which they had ospirel. Mr, McGowan leaved the appolutment of a Codonaltico of Sri to wait t. pool the Mayor elect, and cotr , lact Mia to the C,uncil Chamber. The mottos wina adopted, and the folio 'view Limed fertitatto were appointed no the Con:L -=IM ot Ater Fro. McGowan. Hare and Eiden. of Cs•tumon Cocoa% sod Manta Brown and Id.Chlilleo. of Select Cowell. The Comostitee, , aftcr a abort Oscars, re turned la commas" wilt. fir. McCarthy, who an' letrauced by the Chairman to tho Pees:. dents of Costetla Mr. McAuley settioatred to the Mayor elect that it was his duty to alattobre, to Ma ma oath of al. e, abr. !b: that gimping the co anal.- tee tad welled opott bias. Too oath was tams atminlaered la Coo forma, after watch Ur. kicAnisy. la cativo blatiao Mr. Matirtly, IX pelted the horse that he would, to the beat of tile at Mts. [airy oat the obitb lan+ of Lila oath which be bad ju t taken. to doing so, he aright make eatalel of those wke ward now ids fast Irk: de, twit vas I'l , llll hot deter Win from a fall and faitifitidlacharceof hi-dot:es. Lot tittle josaw to d toe to ail alfico—crldh and Deer. blob and lox—Omni he natal r. Me from Ito office with the enema) of hie clsizoaa aid with s cal aatootlatas of Lariat! discharged kid falba tri.bout titer, Luir or partici tr. Mt. McCarthy Molted la a fur brio( words, d eclining to oche any promises os to Alm be cold or would not to, a, had bred cult sroary on such tcratintit, pi was sn'y nenbi:latis to dig:barge Lis ditties to a'r ea coal .railty to the ebb : ad - Mc us which tiallia.l jots taken, end to go t ut 'tacit! Val a Vert the p or.loqba of :le beet tutc t!. •The ?moose ems besthity applotist by the art e , st. n, Dad aft.r. AlnCa.thr Fist! re WEI trs rreeird the ratite. e Lawn:talons of a lope ember at his tn,rassnal friends. The Joint Sentra Theo adjournei ottli day event.; sear, et f 13.1 o`al. ehosbln , b arta tow far the ramie o f electi.l viu otA.x I. Fele( t C.t oacil thus retired to thi.or (Aso bar sad adk.tirlitrd. ILI Crombatettlell.)l..o°Ne gave eoti,e of his intention to intot!one ao or. dioaacn. ti the neat meeting. ralillriv Xlay• er to give bond Ia thel sons or $lO.OOO 'am the tearer db.prsit ion of the toads ccini,f ILO his beads as a onlire.tcsr afficer. At re 1 clog stall, the Common Conacli al. Jautooi. Illstlon ror a Note Trfal Fterustd.—Tbs mot on In the caps of Pa track Willlama , convic ied of petjut y et . the r. cent term or the Orlmln4 Cetnt, ea elgued to day. Th, Court retool . the n, and Was remanded roe , sentence. Allrglisny Lott - tip.—'l'hera were b•t two common cotes before 31a3 or Morskon this morn ing, '1 Ley were each discharged upon the pay iced ei the aloof fees. The leader Out.—The Phatb.r.li Lfarter Cr ti le WI ek Les been had npou our table. IL a txelly handeoao cumbtr. 1 Ile ‘l' e 4; ut Pra) er 15,aJora r f the l'uttra Pra.traerian CI rut It•E of Pittsbrr zh barn agretd a: , as the fu.loning p normalste al exereira a - a la k 4•f prryd: taibta.th, Joomnry 7th. e-errs. ea la all tho et ea at aid usual hr ors. Yo, day. &b. let Ci.nrch, Pltubardb. Ser. o:rc to ammo!' cc at 7 ..'circk, r. y . Rev. W. H. Andrew, to urrolde. Sablect—Tho r/dif of retio ont i vo lt U U proop=ing or d....tir.i Tcoado3, Sdt. 2d Cbarch. Pittobargh. 'Bar tle. to cocomeore ac 1 'dock. P. 11., W, .1. Elcld to I reside. Etubjcce—lioto may Jar spir ilval fife tof aranard/ Wtdces4ar. 10th. 34 Cburt. Pattabargii. 8. rotco at 7 o'clock. P 1 , JllllOll Pr-stley, It. D.. to Mold , - 804 .o. 71te Maw Jfission id; . our farrion loosolotlon mod cfrana. &av to as bourdsv. 11th. 4.11 Church Patabarett. &Irmo at o'clock, ft-r. 8 13. Root to incaide. Buhj.ct—Rorrign afiukim; Cho dltg of increased evorcaborro 4t pfooce - uhas Co axle friday, 12!h, sth Church Plltabargh. service at T o'clock, P. al., Rev. J G. Brown, D. IL to pr,side. Soiled, Cottages and Theotalical S crl) Ina'" 4 " an inrrreae of plow Slodente in both, ninnsarp 4 hopply Ms Church, /agA an earnest and minf..tru. flattlidal. 3,11 t Lawrenceville, eercle• at 7 o'cloth P. M.. Ike. Hobert Graeey, D D to pr“ldo. SubfoTt. 11.. Hay Spirit As wadi opera Itl the on:flowers of ',Quinn. The cenaptraliirr, in Vine meet:terry fo Me .ifort of Me Mare% and Ihe membcrr of the above naltrd charchea, d all °there, are earneetly oriel to be present at all thise rxercltes, It le expected t►at the teln.rri, as well ea the clergy, will take part to• e doctlettora and in lettitad vie devotton.l eat - mitts. Come and let le go up to the mon - ta n of the Lord. to the bonne of the Gad ~f Jacob, aid he sin teach es of has was', and we van cult to 1.1, pa:ha." Lty ord.. of the Committee. W. U. AnnexveL See'v. Sudden Death An old lady named Meats, th Sharp. ozeupy- Inc a loom to a court ciflasiorogeon street, an the Sixth Ward; fell dead till. morn leg; between Eve and slr o'clock, soon altar riling Tram . her J Coroner Clawson te:d an lagiteat, when the It ;los lag facts were ascertained. The 01l lady lied glib a little graed - dangSter, aged 'Aston Imra. and rained a Ilvel/hood lor wash ing toots. See antra earore air o . c out, a: d the rule girl was awat.cned by hearing ln r l el hearty clans the II or. Sae .• led , o he , lin :r•inree •• when Alta A.lO (/ r I , lra by h; it-e •0 Lima a heti , . A Ilea wet itualriarl. bill 03 tr. •sl'i I. old lady is wan I, ant taint she was dead. Dr. 31k t_.% oh. gr , made • postmortem , ractra , lot, a,.1 elt•e , vertd that ace hal died ot sty piety at the !hags. Tao 11u1s ha. to tr•andeo I a:T . , int 'noes that she hay SO aunt to 1.....ut5vg1. , , named Me..y, ale, will take care o , hr, OM SLOSS the is Salinas is !is. wits. d On oh a: filly year. at ate, CIS Sae nt h - v tonal h el.a eta reiottt- to a. 4 1110 Si ntening. sla cal 3 tentrof Pa bo..a•lf tad the Iltle air!, .nod bad soaps le a...y dollsesin too-try. Sloe lord; be dec-.11.!y nieoecd, &ha the tia'llicra of hav,elT•ets, plalliS bee 'Unita/ e50n0,....•, all he 'aPa,olw/3• t far Ito hew et of Oz., child, Wan Is that ran ..et omel.••. HI 410/14 0 , the 9ir5.1.111 • • .syelte Hall was &lied to ofel t availed on Lao ocraslon of the maderlad it !hater4 celi b-ated rarnd O. oiorio of the 0- lab. There:fora:mace through was ;etc ugly t, trn &clog . aed Stably creThatil• to all conc.:rm. id in reprodscis i t this mater pieee. Prof Srulient t , modurtor, sod M. C. C. litelLa, Plan's:, I secured theft' Mica% parts of the per foimsn:e alai great sh lltr, and also, with • delicacy that .zhiblted their goes tuts !al:I/291C- Mix alters. It mut have Impressed every one pro rat. as It a/d us, that so much native talent a* was displayed last tight, ought to be =i mams* d aid cultivated, and cud to gesco many aa occaalou that Is rendered laattraotive for the wan of Jut such unisle as wa bad last eight. it a hope the good wart beg= by tacos who Icaugerated this moo:meat will be cooled fo. ward I y them loth wo have Is oar whin as cedatizallos qc liar to, and clad la abLity, lo the Philharmonic, &Welles to the Easier:l ciiies. Wilhaut tubing say Issltloas •dirtscileins on Ihe inglYdaai performance, saf e/to it to Fay earls on. exetsttd their part wall std to geteral Eallifsetica. Uasttucil►e Fire at Titusville. At 3 o'clock Tuesday mornlag a most destnse. tie. Lira brcke out to Smith's Hotel, Titusville, Crawford county, which resulted In ch. dcs•.rcc tioo of the Hotel, aid other property, to tka valeta of over 330,000. The loss and Insorance are summed up as follows: Loss. lanars..ce. SetltN's V0te1....„ —....15,0011 Ili 000 11.112011's Ilitatkil ......... 1,0 , 11 ,00 • Er•Artoolo2llin•k tscualoC—. ILCO4 4,. 00 t 4 OO. h bit:mug:Ws ttakery lAN 2,0,0 Übe... Urfa •s„ as fotr.Lu , s—. 15a0 —. Y. L. Hasabb•tra iltailiovt.-... ',sal 1,0:0 Mc Ii sale's'. Tobaosoaud eii,ar WWI. ••••••1101101.2s —.... LO 3 O Elena nb,•tserety ^ 020 -- IN note lea.. not ageettaiaul, a bat ,„ Lel -- ......... 117.1; Mr. C. C. Dodge, of the firm of Daggett, rompln Leach, was robbed of e gala ebto• m tooter watch. ail • teary WI chile ve'ttad • I $ 5 .11. While foreleg the scartla me the fool of tierehbarg's balld!rm. It le faltPfavi to hay, brim • roaceried plea of a gear of thairm. They. hoverer. fovea to role Inca of fat which he log on bile Person. TLe Hughes lietaltkla Cast—rennet e theJery. - th • C, tart nf Ojar and Tertntatr assen Wed 11, o n'ekek 001 canning, witt.o Jadgo ate:ldn toxin MI cbarge to thtJa7, It wit fair ac.4l iiar atilat and wad Ilatthed tl oitk tha ot. mat •t: enTion • Abant ten wo-c,r. taa fury rt en, aid alter ddlbaraliug et r•olnarttri of an to ur. 44Oarood t, dm Cour: rcOno t so.. ren d. r d a viAallataat aallty or alatslaa . ;b et Oen tenet. tirad.delonred. The Clerks of Ceunetle.—We ore pleased • . aLttenr.thoa of Conseil& In retehung the Itetvlres of UCII/1. McMaster end Morrow t 3 Clerks of their rapererre brar.chee. They ern both careful, comps sot end worthy officers, sot thotrxicentmene re- election is•esmpllment which they Llghly alerted. We may properly, in this cot; nection, mon to rut. thanks to them for many heron and c turtceles extended to as In hates past, to tanklee np onr reports of the tract edtltre of the bodies to which they belong. It etc uld he difficult to tind more affable or crCo me dalleg geutleme ; then they. -Xcw York VI cane John P. ile , I 4: Co., Masonic Belt. Fifth greet, kayo y. yerryl their usual abno lent supply of New Yc.ik WEI Ulee , 14: The Hound Table. Freak slip , s IlinFtraten P4otr. Tte Independent, Tr° Weekly Tritune, Thu Weekly World, cad The o,l=u Corner. Every one wbo purchase& this number (No. 33) of the Chimney Career, terriers gretoltonaly a esp y of ael lendld privy yoltird 'lts only pan, whir: is very hand. eopuzly got up. FiNANCIE AND TRADE 131a)ti ENS RN D filK ftg Hit).lßi (% ZS, tv / 11 r01....•ff Q UM) firelosorcVn rdiwiercou ()Azoisitcs, Irtioar, Jm. 5, 1561. ogerrtt . A •Cd. r. • 15k3 ..... ...... —.103 al U.S. ..... 04 ti. 9T 7, I'. S. I lel tlticeitc3 9 7 5 'Told ._ • 141 10e Eltlabstegh is UO illggheny Co. / 7 , 1 DO F l irt.. F. W. tr. .R. It. atoturi .....19! to tioacie/Imille tile 9.5 ofiimuirehele tiridce Allegheny Valley R. etuch.... ho Cuiu vital:tile R. htnclr_. . 15 I'onnell.4 Ills It. E.hoe-laterd.P., Coital, I - I. The decline to coil woe statated-Co.M.y market close. with a 61.411 advance. Ph rot, iI. shill - dr! 110. 41 iyereciv,4 out hot, mt shoed,. Else :Twenties or. (Wm et h a etctr ...ker. Tee Forlhol belling at S i s4 , lll hi, s scarcely PO . ...I'M, .01 col. ling one.lourth Imes—let erica, 32 5.d3%; 20d n•-• lc. :tilt; 3d scrles, 1 hem et mil interest o,,hAuit. oln• to pot up quotations alio ht 4, ho-.d&, hy turon• v. her , t/ey ohriu '4l 1.4.--ou4si won.. they Oa. Bank olumeo ,an. wilily es isk :Mica 01 Alleotteoy National tO-o.y at SX,4ex-illi hired.) Exchange Nation, is held at &Sq. Tar chant.. at ahoot TTO, (ex.dis Wend ) ClUteairTir 1h aid 53 bid, 614 asked. Sale• Peoples Nations et PA Thie meek le In request at I0 , 431171!4, 7160 thing-doles to oil eharee-2114 bid for Wieuchtd., itt The qu.iterly statements of our Nationa publithed on Friday, are regarded as high ly asttsfactory, and Indicate that they are all I. tit. edition. No Ltsoks, probably, La-th, roust, y are .aadoetea with ttoie ability or. I. tegilly than our Pittsbu,gh /lank,. and, Ye are pure, none are In better trim Illaaaelally. lotylllgence wes received In the city 1.4ay.0f a Tel Ir banderole "strike" having been {12 , 1413 on ( * .ben) ilea, la leblieb two or three of our cal... are Interested. One telegram puts It dews as• a three bandied barrel well, but this Is doubtless ea aslneratlon. We will probably have something more definite In relation to the matter to-trioe. —/t Is again osaisimeed by telegraph that the ' Seen dry of the Treasury will ahortly adrentse far p rposals for a loan, for which tlve-twenty. bonds will to Wetted, the proceeds to be appro. tated to the payment of outlituiding certificate. of toolebiednrsa, and perhaps compoind interest • notes. We d• not know, of course, what founda tion there way be for this report, but we shall hal) with Wetmore anything that looks to a set tleturnt of outstanding obligation. of any kind. —The Mores.. to legal tenden to the amount of 111,2414.76, im elated in the fieW York bank •iate o• tag to the irclurdon under this heed of demo,* house cortilicates. Tne ream increme bow, vet, in legal-tender., La estimated at only four milituas. Ths action of tie books la thin matter Is in awordance with a resolution p Lased try the olenzing house on the 27th December re oiscatlng the hanks to Include United States dear th. bowie ocrti2mtos with lets! tender news In thels w erkiy attar:neut., to order t. secure tornitty. The 'tribune, however, adrlaes that orrowet s cannot be too enteral In :natant sett engagements on this statement. It alto.. that the banks 441 croak, but It does kof follow that •they tie running ah iut the •trcet• for bor .. wt Low Interest. Oa the other band. It is well futon. that this legal tender mama, mewam compound mates With large accsamulathl lutereet, and one year cettincates bought at 'rates which tempt stitcord bankers to use their money In I ha: Unction preference to ordinary loans. The gore, nwent will sous he In the market to chalgo its .tiott loitas luta long bowls, sal reduce the eurrency by ti e toners. The tfelioslta show no eeeee toilti Pet, in preparation far the -•• • • • rucel ul ell I.lr r.Js .nd Interest. the re xi:et - the J ern*: WeJaesttay / l 1.4 aof cos/ the last rote fOM Ihtts. burs A srete uree one Milli Penni • hall bushels With teshlitucent• to port. helots of one Sys cce huslereti thotstinnit bnsheis. Io add:iv/2 to the sole • leer .I•tts •ns Jt soe.os • bushel., we ate• tire the eat of *llO4 do at .3ennoat„ or tti cling bents." V eslaw of the New York Geueeryillarae: r (Isom tfa C'ornmerelal Lid of Jan :Li Cotter—The market for Eleall la weak and somearti•Ouneettleol, but we ha re not warted tor, loon• lust malt.. The only /wed hogs IRO. per t.mlly Agora, on tern.. bat made pubbc. to other lauds we notice ILA bites St. Isumlagorlor meat, If not all, at Ili% cents, curb, o.ld. bond.. Ihe stock ol Rio lb Inc Country loll; 103 Dag . hoe toot in thaithnote; rod 6414114 [few o.leaus—rotal, tal,Vtl bags. sognr—Thme btu beeh • steady, but •rather moderate forme, for ILsar elate our bast, the ea net eholirtes 00 amine In the ye/notions of Cr!.oaw 1.51,,eig., Rale Redoing Cuba 104 cents, good do 1114;and fair to geed grooery, 1.:41.N. 4 mos. at on,y he owed, however, that wlrkstaa u,a of the t one there leas pressure to sell, and her...whet present. • nao.e cheerful and firmer tone than for ammettau• pan. Refined is grater tora , h aonsa 'Sarre.. of bullneal— lied 16+-iiylS+4 cente.b.ft, Whole 1C..*,1t11i.11, sad Yellow L 1 1J Mobs. sea.—The demand continues very moderate ana the me Lo t s for all kinds Is dull. The sales are 23 hhtlaPol to filoo at 43 ecnia,ln b ed;lo3 btds New Orleine. 61.1001.23, esah; and tat hada Enc. I ab Island, on term. nut mettle public. Rice—Thereto notate' of lane eat del.Mttfofbflf Rangoon told. Rem secoadlsads. at 111,...4A, go ld, Ia bond. • Flour aud Grata to Stit,rt, la aileigo. Tho follo*lng to the Manta or rate to otore Saturday, Deeember 30, IMS, composed with the correnrosulleg dote loot year, solbepotted by the different everehouaes to, Jobe F. Met), Secrebety Doan! of Wile taro. •• 1331. •• 131.141 c 03,153 ,•.- 10v,644 WAFT 10,113 5411 i 64411 314,43 :13!..1147 Cora— flet• Barley--. II: Alen.Tort, Jan. I. 18G11. ISGE. Wheat.. 4.11,w 11.14%(*4 107,84 2,)411.14 C0T0.... 4A.,,04.3 3,7211,41i0 4,14,4144 4,140.11 111.t70 27,109 2 12-238 01 , ,te.1 Brley 112,811 684,7011 31:13,114 1 A*3,101 Oafs.— 111.:13 ,4441,828 4,1 , 10,t01 3,141,312 Parity thLs Tsar, 20.611 lottikes. Catads Pee/ Zen. r`...nn Isabela. IMPORTS BY EIAYLSOAD. • rtrriartzaz, FORT W.aTay s Ontoareo 11, Et, Dec. 6-1 car stares, J J Gala; I car malt, Jos Ehodee; '2O Dalai bops; g wainwrf Flit; 1 dreued Po:, .1 Kibler; 2 tale butter, err It Lowry . ; !chest do. 11 21 Lytle: I bbl enrol, d dressed hole, Fetzer a Amerman 1 bd. butter, Wm 'Umlaut& care mete!, Jae Rood a Boa; dental hole, II Has Jr; 3 doz brouzs, Jaha Flttld a eq; ^a do. do, Mae & dot d aeoe lard.a Idols butter, S briefer a Lamar; barge Dante, Wm Mule:re; 6 rare O th ers. Ekvlbam a Loom al de de, J [fall; Jdo do, Jai Woodatelltne ;Ude part barley, W Latham* bble raw tails, Wm Ftaccue; to kegs and, .1 2 1020,1 co; 18 aka rag& Markle & awl bbt • utgar, Outten b thee, a Bra; 1 bz better. de:m.l, Meek a Annetronat r:GO dos shovel handle., Lip. ;daunt • 0 0;10 15. barley, D :L....at ; to dozen palls, Stultuper Ilt-Voiltecap; to do de, Lambert & alklptorn DA elle 641e7. Peter [threat 24 Masud boa, J P Hahne at got 1 ; bbl eggs, Gnat & Ether; I • hbl butter, ohluz dl l c untll w% & PSI chard II llbl C aateur, uiplkar Shepard fe ; 4 dreeled bogs, Juba Graham. CLarrtwe elm PrrreliVief /4.41 V ROAD.— tedbble Sour, lee Comm; I Phi butter, 1 do erza, 110 bllltert 400 trka elorerzeid, Patterson a Km. moat 12 pau •but ter. P. tier, Aiken at Shepard; el doz btootal,Watt a ‘Yllacqui plug a tobatmo, Stilt. ter a Helknilll4; 1 ear metal. Hanlon to; ICU 'amber, Huaton Miller; 0 ells leather, Lapps at %Vette; 14 dq broom handles, Shomaksr a Lute; to Eke elder, 11 W Sarum', eke peartra D Lycra, lot acusante. ; F Usury reenters:toe, °Lenard O. Ot breltreeTti Jan. 6.—ltto Cala floor. tihrtmaker Lead; 2 ears ,tars', Sandi Hersh; 123 ell bbla. W G rtyram; I It;. butter, .7 Andrews; 0 bbl, hominy. 'l' 0 Pa lau. . A LtarritNT STATiey..— January 6.-1. oar Wheat, D Gnaw ref roc I ear leather, Dou;Looir; I.bui teed, dial& Soo k cp; 6 ree•ri match**. A * MAI & en; e 1.201 pepper, 0 do dloren I 02.11 me leiter, .1 eriiablon. o rye, Nom* A.Celi rears a mteLes; J A See 21.7 Jllartepin; 2 ears 1.1 , r10.1Te1, , e e Angell I err aleves...l Elsual & cal ids Ws flour. Simpoon R&D:: )1) do do, Ci ;Nye's; 10 &mph bream., .7 A Seotti 10 Oneonta. Do, d & /Zeroed Id Lidos.) bbl LA;tpe h IN Wei 01 bele ~pee, Pitts Pezet IMPORTS IIY RIVEII. CiscnX&ATi-enris Goths& E&A—P Sellers h co, 100 empty kegs; 11 0 I.comls, ITS lon, iron, Nlmlck .2 co, dodo; ClarJc & 00,1 bx ststlnnoryv bs Wm Seddon, 1 bbl tobnceo; Zlakard & Andrerx; I frr,mrs; p Mann & co, 10 cka illouldcr,; I ISclrcy tr r'on,s box. onttom Miller h. !Ticket. rc..n. 10 dos tnborco; 13 d robovitoch. Son & cO, 10 crri,t,r oil bblr; Wbltiunro. Wolf, DUI" & 00. I bx pure; 3 D Poor, 1 NU rope; Otte& pull, 983 barrel& N.tonvittr—pra tarut Lxott.—.l 11'011013: •t bbls_ whisky; Welt & Wilson, cobs roye,l b b ear. pipe, I Auger; I Illckey, 128 ski pus hlits43olce pc,,chca, 21 Are hpplrs, 4 rks feathers, 13 10h lord ott; Eviret &. co. V..; b., a srldiixyl - nrison, r e. nioore . oo bbl. 1.e4 oil; & tons 0,7 on; bkomaltcr 6. Lou,l OL6ld lit d oil. r•.T V . in: i• r; 07P104 w sae Pirrartreon sa , • FttrastY, January .3, t o, , Tilrre Is na era , feature not •er• 'l.l the ire.. • 1 the prodilee Markrtiti Urn, descant for most of the • inc comrade/ries Cl it • r m•.auca Irto. an: I prices arc wish:nut material change. The tr.oley Leerier is becomingpalej, and there leas difficulty In cfret ttvg loans, there. I. an entire 1 recce et seri:dog Una o n culstve feeling, .sad rens. qt•enty, we haye solgpiundlot•operarroa t Is urged. ills not inobablei that nein will ha any racy/ osenatot In trade for inane time, Ali Our bust hesa men generally era fortify engaged to act tl.ng it; there accounts, and besides, CoMmercial Mt, ter. are dull and unsettleitl to ell Of the Jelling markers, bctb neat and writ. till A IN—Wheat Is in fair demnuil and there la Hills or n• ne offering. 0 Irk may be quoted steady nt Haan en intek,and (Bah from store; sale of •- hush at 4'. Cora Is salting on ire-k at 11541:16/ nod nrJr7t fur small lots from store. Harley ar ae d tit as el er, and there ire do eatahlt.Sed quota tions. re Is quiet and' nominally ciackunlett oi (Hain of air kinds Itgai FLOC(—Thu armed for Flour oonthrier light, . and the market le quiet and doll, bat prices are comreally unchanged. ltinnoto ISICS from are at 19.11X43;O• for Norigg "hen', nad110,11.59 Sin LO foe Wtraer Wheat tommla Eye Floor as ) dull and nomanaltsidggke - kgAo per het, and Huck. wheat Fleow arc:up% pri cwt. PROVIcHUNS—The dmstaod for ;Rama eon tlL taro light, nod priyes are nocalaral/Y on anged. Lard Is alt ttic more actlie, Wan eitea b( prima kettle at tic Lk eased Hogs may'be quo.c all „.1 , 21e, 124 rt rat} tray—Roane. a Intl ag 1.•.0 111, corset:lent In Bleat., and no us maid tor Nees Pork. GAOCHRIE. , --1 he money snot el eo attunes quiet snddull Out [oleos ate:sominalli-nactis24ed. Cubit Silo. stillrinoted at 14 or 14'-1; Pono Rico at 1561114'. l'rust,d Coglre la.: (l lii and ••11" ree at igrin • lee:seri . 61(710; New Orlenns do, 111. g 'grin. coffee le cool eclat 30 to AS for fait to prhert• c u e t ,. hos Rise It stlllos at 1141 . 211.. '1 OTAIIJPJX—Licurand file eel cronet steady with regular. sales Haan letate rt 411,15H1LZ1 per barbel, end 1.40013.50 pan barret. A P01.t.: 4 --r. better deans/id nett pr(mS etc ten dreg upward. We note quote petite go chrism at er KIX • , IJA.Y hCA sDLYS—Atramrs. Sawyer b. Co., 'l4 , re reduced the price of Sittnid lied Dipped Coo due from 20 10 IS rent. per p •1401,; Na ot.ho :tenet , to note Ins 'let Soap lit. - Can:ltem DRILD II: ClT—Apmes Are quotet at Id W:0 per pound, nod ..Per etas at 1.1420. Salo of 4 toll tliaMatt , ttet , t At Prr pound;: halt Eptertterries et Le: and 4 bbla eb , t , rfrs--treda to at—. la. tt - t:ElTS—hale of Ica beat/cid Flanteed,tn .teraile. cc, at r2„?d. Clo•eraenl In goaded at att, Nterhtny, dome to Timothy. let • TTE.I2-19 quiet and unchnagedr prime to el °ler Rol , is held at .114tYi. EtitlS—Qu4t and enchanted et: Si to' 3.i•f.tr Stork packed: salc4 ret.ortt4 of SI. 2.1 ,, tti1 , YEELl—het. ret 2 tone 0)V Sleet .t. He p, r tont cir;rll modes of.'Atiddldnts 12flerrtore-st n rllfig-c:1.M12 Dry Flltit at IS. HA I"—in .tibl q voted or .110 to *to. E10.111.k7 —Etzular sale, 5t.V.443t434- PINTSMIRGII PETROL EIT3I 11.4 MK • Orates es aim PrerasWitult 0 snares. / Fetto.re. Asa. tea'. t CRUDE—The market for I;rnda continues el ceedingly dull and depressed, daiwithatacultag the' urivale are light and I:motet:Mee omy , be• fairly considered a:septette& There' seems to beam de mand at the - figure. now imbed* holden, mut , we douLt s m cult whether Oates could be efr4r tad at a decline. cf eat tent perlgnlion below - the rates realized ow Thursday. The depressietatnay be attributed to the fart that tier* is no dentadl. whatever (or the Refined a: tleie, either *ere or in the Earl, end, as a matter of umrse, the one avmpatbises withsche other. A. there 'Wes but• one sae, and it being on private terms, It-La luspos. gale to give accurate quotateyme, we gam nominal/7 at 454,ZydstA1, bids retursed, and astls , 315 e, lAN include. aßrflt.tils—There la no demand lb, bOtteedoll whatever, Maim here or in Philadelphia There I. co &egoist's: the fact, boweveri %het a eery laroe reduction woa,,d bare to be made to nadaee buy et • to lake hold,.nut the burl are the mtrtor a there are no buy era at arty Prior. Irre 0111 s" dull tad entirel nominal at 1,478.,, hien, in 'Free Oi l hare been remaricabtylight 4 , 1 through Ike present lesion falltnq dir chart . f : Torsions year.. it Is said thavtliereleed Is sap , pilau the entire Westera trait, and we aro in- alined to tuner, the, la 'woe truth ladt., • NAPTIIA AND .ittliiDl7l3ll , —We eat report some small ides of Residuum at Jy: •• pax hal, bat sa. general thing the demand Is light. Reptile be dull and Unchanged. RI:CI:U . 18-0w 'mostly whael.maatee, Palermo@ sepnet• the trattra tirrirela of pare. team at th e ' Allegheny:wharf daring the eleven mouths ceding no December Mat, Iva.% at ave,l7a bbut,an which ha has collected !wharfaget., the amount of 17487,60. The receipts by riscealuce Our last report, were as fellows • Xlsh,r A Jir0....... 2 , 13 1J r Stoekdale 10 PETNOI.LUNI STOEILB IN NEW (Stills. Special Moat& to Retie= Arm, New Yost Jan. e r i3SG. These was tnereased act:myna etroleush storks :today, with a general advance to, prim. .I:Lcane hot:S.llm, wee beefy dealt is at the Mara, eh Alm •h_ d s ttetwards rose to CIO. The else wax based 'upon the rel est that the Injoestosn •Ised Ikea re • 11301 t d. Lotted States. l'Adnet. Ado Ostacddorete • 10 ecfl lye ttesdand. Sales Wade made t the :daow- IR, late,: Re7dlirk.6s; Übe:tr. Kalcdurpack er, ii; Dencedor Run.. 18,40; 8ra.1117. 42; Britnort: co; Palmer, 0,0., Cherry no, 21; Fee Simple, es. Gessnanla, 15; Streams. bei ..P/tholso tir.elc,4kto Lind f arm, 70; Whited awes. 13,25; Webster§ t,to' • NEW TOM( FUTZtOLEI/111 HAMLET. s aettall.l.jratab, to W galena Preis. Mawr Loam, slat. 4 Its:. Petroleum la quiet. tbanaa rataa,7 000 bias of Crude, sordid. :Than, 2,nap Lc, axed In Etna, So'd at :nip Cent.. CHICAGO MARKET - • dispoleb to the Pittsburg* Gstetts• exicaoct, fat:marl 5„ test. LCUPTS—Betttpts-of Hags today, bra aid at dusted, W,531. Eee•lpts this weal; go,sn, e.last noel for a eorrrepaldies lista last year. Sturrnireys-Shioped this u . sek; It ail leaving for Paekers,,49 03;1%4n/in a.g for the meow rah. lain year. Total 3:meths./lilt tar Pasken, elate the tot of uttober, fikettiP,agalist 'Mitt& for a canes ram Clue period lest stases- Ltra ems-Live 10-dap. ,arctic /Owen • •le t et fit 4 5C10,41,. ague!, at 55,5033. z. Vain szn lloes-Zresul Hop lei 1 43 50 0 lower se IC, at te.ttaless, dater at 11 5 , 1 15015,25. • liter saint-Pneliangedi sales a1f3.5e54173i sturdy at esecetylo tar tone grades., Receipts to day, t,073. Statewide. 243. Pseviateze-Depretsed sad losort alc.o Park declined beet," sides of [Be blas. 'allele optical. far Jeeusrp. at SA ell itO elite. as the Opt; -et en! 2,25. Paeos..sltart ti 4 btal'eliellet,l4 I aid; game bastard OM Ile. Grum Riau, ittitt Keats, aseileetell. lesser; saint Ole° Tiercia,st iip , l3t6, , Zeler steam. aid 17q tar tattle. Wierserie-Flriser„ asiss ealeCaP- P t oos 44 sellated• ( liars , -Prgssi,s3,o lows- *aka sf tto. .01,24. Cora, Ilea, at WICK for No, Oat, IN lower males st /feat St fe,Yr-Sgt. Bye salltar• ley. . . t aC3L7-rery (carte.. E xt l Pafe ite3df• CINCINNATI 111 ARIFIr.T. • -Speral dispatch to tko Pittaborth dadetto. CIairMYATT, 6, ISIS. aarratexi—Ussettleitt soon pork )et; Nadi Cla Ohio new at 1:1,100 do at VAN; 363 - bblz ell at L.,(44 closing. dull. Nacos ,aoarce but weaker. Sugar guild hoax. &Kilned to She. 11.1olk maga aocalosd. Groca VOA'S isivar; dalps at shout dila at 0.%., Wes, i23i, and bans tic. Lsrd iplir er;cl:ta of ata tutsa, prime atty at 4,1°44 azai;ke:, tnia, dool—lrirdalar aadolloct114: &atom a% acctlQ t3,:gran . alcalag atttatlO 11310 let, MARKETS BY TtIiTZGRA:PII iPhalle! all Trade Is 'Natl . :Yen. ".• -true Tares, Jammu a—Stallwey 'peculation was assay sad lamed this swoon ~• althpolek Mesa sae arse battens Pees al a amass cka kk kiwi pates se,. mane oa Ma meet, al'W-t ream. lat Itoorap bra Sittalsalgb tel do wiz tael7,ety pro In GIS Beelike areestp fine. ka fal/Ing PC an mars Nauss vuatlas started s oes tail two Want. Elarkilt way lean bath at sesead regu lar tad lastspen boards, sae but hasten. was . Cesltrely in tbseaseendaat Trate ems a.-general &ohne in prices, ago the tail Was snits mused On rt. slayas. Clarstaad and Williams - betas theoW4 .apen lbetaarka I 111 !alp. &MOOD'S, $O4 alevel one and a quarter tower. Iba Sales at. Ms afteraoen beards save:atlas twain tire... Paul nine htld. redstarts, Ile fall la Maginot:Vl Is dna to the fact that the eartdorslet the-Let year have de maimed asatly ter* hund red and alxl7 . Welland . collars . ' Its fellowlts wave Illa staring paces at 413 Veleek p w. • /Caw York Central,. •• arielt Elle. fan; ifildiali "Ivor, le'llir Beadlag, ICY-, a l billeolgan afoul:NM lir; llerola Csatual, 00. . state Bends wese.antst sod IL=. coat 114 txie akelar3opt theme stileithut asy dales!! abaft', (laid show& otel to resat from tha drellna of 'Waldo. e lek, ra sea bastaslay. to m e r ? a b uyfura S ing rikl e Eu r ope aa m y Gran a es, lr w a out pee busdred Nan liteary-rgit thnkelaa4 row hundred dollars la trete.- • • :. . Its Orrera Mat t Llst . ^ ..4 beta lame en ild (-03 toads, salt, ass. reada:at Ito. and ltlel Er - leas ef 'fled Were reedy; aelltax at te*„l9 usla'. saren.lblrty Nora" ratlerefailland lower. I 1b• first saris, geld at 118,taltor Se second antes fil,iates,4, sad the 'AIM woes at•SX9l9;ki. Theta L tower &PIP demand for money on salt' bat leans are read..ll mace at eta Per cast. New Tart Diatket. . • • ters Tsar, Jai. I . — Llerro4—Steady, at about previous prtaesi egad for Middling. . Ytoca.e.That an toirtnengrades, - and aalo calla l•wer r eft,wiss,co fee Extra ft.: It 0., and ex,o3 10 LS for trade brands, the market. a:ollat Scarf lot enemas pad... la nraiT—Wittont deeldsd elmo;e; gals. taints ;_ at snal'OS is • , linanr—Wheat, dell, and norilnalle IfYlet lows; Ilse, quiet. Batley, dull. Vero, tatnar , mare" attires, acel,clterke I deell,l Cluing% r:ilik l ot ~,,,.,,,,,,r, 'pp 94930 for sane,' nix I • %rodeo, oats rather sera seas), at 35.33 he for unsouod IA eaters; 51, for *none do; 0 nnealual , •Carar. dull. Suoar,quiet and tutu:, Cute 1111..e0•1 ‘ 19 . , 11%; tivnllA. 22- i 1" lap, lafP. , Pe", New orkm.-, et.e3g I :24 - . PiTlZOLttsr-11U.1; Crude, 073-a43; talcs of .1.04 Lbls. ' PL9l tee %lnoedt Is- P B O o r nd Ch ear . *M . U In:?er at 518,154 28.86; nem mato closing e t 028;76, renurae 8.10,1401 tan ear Ifa4-5; dose)? at *2.178; ?.?” 1 "? $" 00 ' 21.15 Tor yams, a ral 1121,5C0.23.54.(nr prima massy. 'Po, O.lto Cite sew rimed 10 r January, • ebrearyi blanch, aprll sea :Any, tellsr,s of t4or, at fl' le„, . I& lica tin roodaratej_rttplesi la, n• act , ', Olio , . Bret Sits detil. ' Cot rn.,sre -1111 ~ Ora y . irk/ lc for , ibouidera ..I M.l ,, 'R/ , t.. am Bacot, ocuet;Sairs for Frabrusrf, • opiate, at rk , ie for elt , rt ribbed. tarevaei haav, ion Intess,at , litnarp.3„s . l ( . ..r to titer; ItSSOISs for city. 1.4-71 boa", at 15400:4 litter so o tre,e; .ert.i. 4Z , bbla to Ja r. bro. , y AL, Marrb.as'r iVit7l,la, Buttt a t gterar cr Ch to 64,0' 7 155i, for State. 1 du' 1. 4:1,12153. ' Net: I treSta e*. and sfoolay Hirtle. Row Yens. Jan. 6.. , ;;;405tey easy, trite • lace •117foly at I per Cet L 'V_ . later!ing. be& •y .4 1 .. .. , Gol , , • abide zOrse*oreoict at 141,,i; dialloloi to 142 sad Cosier at,1,43q. °over am st bttesir:ietto rrefebts to LITeIN • ,1 1 ,1, ail sued 111:ooptag. , Strom ...Mt trete . -. Y.tes 4 . ..•.= eoupo4 of eft, 10351: 40 do ef 044;7-Wats% miss, , tyelo aed BIM -', Oeiselestel, n; Nee Yore eel:trot 81 %; - Ao SCii dB 1 4 Madsen ottern, tra4: tilS• t7oo ! 7 3 1 , toil Wert , rd p•er:orid, 6171; Pittabureft. North V*.r e" , II ~ , s - Pqk lerua, 10554; rot% ift syn., mix; 1,.. - e m,i.41, utivacsn, Irs. • i New York Lt't;•i. - Gi t ed o market. Now Toll. Jan. 0.-lkke following' ant Ulm 1111112 limo. • kora the Dry I.l•o‘..ksetattee: Brown ShorttrlLS—Seandards. „Ausrlidk, 'coals It, 34 141613 2 26 1. 21. .0112.•eas 3.1155." Irks—New 1 ark 511114!:%; wito, itt trek, , P 0 26. e 5; Loret o .% 6 1f;;.1 202 , 2 216. • rints-51,S' I 11.r.aek W. 25: 0421111;02;414 Huang* tit Putt.: fa, mu. —Haittito'2,2ll; .n ; t Brawn. Glogbrrazt-&1 .0 6; 1,3 ; m e n,: lord, 2 , Fromm Dr. 11 ,, , --Yee'n'olf, eel Stark j ile at, coisst J ra2m2: nee.: .rzyk. , Can', II Fla tiJ; t; Peso 10, Nashua) Et 'llckeiHrto , Htoa, e2S: Fran 2 llzi TI;11,orod a., 41 , .. , .Fkr—.lo4keter' 10; 11•2.1 +. All; P 'rem ~Deirsks—Torc 6r •ost.e.,• 41.!1; Wide =o,ld, GP. • Hoop Sklrta.o • 14'; I Loa s, el MI to Ohoops, 66•ter! f lei slosh ...too 20 to du 4.4•Opri'l IV • the Lucomoe dz. p.setie4 k••• 6 1245 teecired 61: th 14 - 3. - lined. Ezrkane• sts•_ kordyr - takr Per. 6,44 r desoltd 'for 4 . 00441 ;beerrM. 1.1.11 a. tO.l bri prints, 21026; Oltand, an She, 11,44, 3.1431.1. PaILKI>IitTIJIA, lJe 6 .i-Slur et seillolloo 1051111 Arm. and on an odeana EQ,MOZT, Dee. 6.-120 4.4argo to report. Goole' sold up - straO. PitOIIOI:NCE. DM 4 --I.so t id• Rental; glint IW Cr for kquare prints; eons man:tally e7ce Juni Dal tddaht lot to CIPCINII,II, 114 c. b —30413 uccluttgod; aoik lon dont. 1 2 .2LT111101111 Dee. B ....Harket 'cntot hut RIVEFVPIEW S • • --t.el o bell—Cluctenvti. ! f ..Parkersbury.F. otrairitrais. Flee Grove.. . .... NlSesttlV— soar. LirAT..!ters attar. Tercet City Chides._ .. Parkersburg. jpIL A No. 2......... Coq/sow-1. Zaaesville4Slll The river still cocitJanii to. fall with five feet:' water In the ehannAl 04 the Dlonongattela plerq . marks. ' The Weather lard very cold All day yes.! tealsy, and lee formed tip4ty. la the Allegheny, rivet beery' Ice to. r 1111111246.116 at the ! railroad? Mace „the river Is rorg3rt presrly All the war,: across. We should ict be fitall surprised If it wasl calmed elem. across this ssepvirn. Business at llte? wharf is doll. - • The Ida Nees Ito. t, te ! ././d op with tier her i . eksias broke, at the Awrztron Worts; thirty,: _ Ore m des abere tile eity. 'I • • Thorley grove, Capt. errata. left last night ; for Louisville, loaded to al CND "me. there e e : the river. • The Golden Era, Capt. - Path. Kew , . CM*. Is • yesterday WILLI • good SJ• • met very heavy ice. Capt. Eerrbta at as soon as practinable, he wilt resume .• s fella Porta mouth sad Pittsburgh tsattir, • - The Lent Lead, Capt. ( 7 01verricartre to the wharf yesterday, and IS , Now• ushvtding. Ty e ; provect• for her to ILO up far., the/present are ea.! cellent. • • , The/America. Capt. GoidAy, atlll ?leering. freight lospashville, and le...Jas./as two. • no chippers send down critiQh of . 'freight to load' The Assents, Capt. AlcOliEsith at(11 ,sceirthr titian for St. Louis. and wl It be ready. to alert,' out gamma as the gorge trroas aliSt. Loafs. Wean nadir obiltstions; to the- clef/pot the: Leo! Lawitor a co,opy of 72•1. sulttifearaiready made ow. We would be hWppy to see more of. oar steamboat clerk. follotater anit* more linwevezpreferhaving tbatkintfest Sent ahead hy. that we could publisDa them whesifof the arrival al the boat- COLLISturr AT CAIIIO-allusia'..-Stet.—The! steamer Mimi* had just reitaded Out -yesterday; at Cairo, to came to buipittui Npringse to load for the Alkeneiur, when She collided with* cOCIAJtor,'. receiving suc h lafteries that began.* MI. Ob-, serving her In distress, 'the Loden. ma siongaide and took off her Neaten : gees,. and both noatedeogethes short distance down tb. bead, and the •Ditnnle sunk to he l Oct house. The wrecking or bell boat Cade:abetter raised steam et the Cairo whoa 1, And was count the werssud the private dispatches contrilning the-above to• forroarlon, stated that theAriAare woedibta raised. ; Her cars...received up the Luicanuia.witsaUb on board,utdeoneisled of cuttorr. he. CapLiConacll was 1,, charge, Capt. Shaw hot Nig Pane to Saint ! 41•0111360,11211 ;ley. store. TIM 11LIIII11.0 was 6.13•1. heat, and to nearly eVeryt2lll.4' was pArn A pu the best stern-whemer afloat. aka was. vutued at yMpbe sad orrited by Capt. A.f,;'11.., Shaw,-oae-helf, I and Stephara es Bro., out braf.• She wee moored for $e ..0 itil-4•opco in peorge - • f/Ptieperve t1..5,0L0 la the CoraWalor, at Nor York.. . sad in the au Pfationai,!p/ . Llsitemccrat. e. Golden Erle.., 1.e.1 Lent 1 cit.!. City— E.LECT/CirTg. (isms tlxtesaa• ratimiectiut ItTruo ., t SIXTH ANNUAL AINZENO ur ,ha SmextoGlers of Ul.. ' lStfztasr I t ak.e.tger hallwap V . tiaptsq...l u liztv:of w.ll he I.olst U. A. Stll'athtstrect, cui M1.tr7i.1.17; anasi OK .V 7 .0.010 .% P. It" ear vadct. tim.titua do..Td of.'nreet• ff astral I. elected fur th e emoting 31 . 61 . ., atatittai otLartawatas tratt....tt* Y. gioat coznetetors the .lacetlog. ' (Kin vita -I pitting ' • Settetary. tianca of Tan w uotamtpua Urc LC.:71n134 DiO, 2, IrtiVlonta Way A ., Vierl , lllll2oll4 te.2lth, UL 1 OTLE lan% tui. lifon rztri or the stork -I.2Loidera at-taln Compaayteuilcm aettua of at 2 c the Co.Oeup..r. Jel.fl,‘ 9:2,,11G5, oric„.p. ac- tor Ira PmrPfte elecimg Ltrectors to serve &Wag tataaaautat.4 412.2fitY at. LUNA*. 4 itc2ll,llb2 .sactetarg aad Treasurer. TnE STOCKHOLDEE3j- OF, 'THE '3 +•• lone, Nimlak inannlncrtaing.O.wilsair please the notice that ,the Amend Election tar - /Ilzectera of Una alsoufactielog Lumen) bit 3 . field at the °Eke ef anal tiankipeny. ea memeee street, on saTUED&Y, ute staLdmica Deo.mber, Min o'clock A. at. Vf..S. r.Z.:ZEItEX Treuurer s. - &..tv. arts db. Pittsburg's, Dew . fi, Me. . • ducat Tharniatezza. rfand;oz.aidaviu,=N; Prrrastion, Dacanikan Intnoadd. '&2'l ELECTION -for 8,14 •Directors of . 4J , thisababk, rill be haul at tritualog Mum, eta IL , I.SDA 'January MN, bawds' hours of it and &data. - - dalkaard OEO. T. 7ll Arr-DOSZ.4I Cashier. Mtcolio'rfaTiowat. Baud aztatexii - Z7 — itiSIaIIICIT. PA..l.kat. eth, teeS. ; 7-; A N ANNUAL EL4CTiv.N-1 7 011131W- . .1 Joh Lm DIIIEGrOIEGS, to aerrt.for the easulevii rear, wilt be bale at the Bautog Hoene, on .z TUESDAY, J Millar, Ink 18CS kt.4744:11. the hew* '.# a: tt 41.. at. lied 2r. x. •• • '44 • datioltd ' J.-Zr. DA.9113.30N, Mahler. ,i . Euescle NAssols.s..erAira. t Pittsburgh, Disisriber stbslssss. 5 Alfas •zl . l9ll° lll"lc a ,r l atli-gli:,*°T - Hankies Thum, ea Tb ESDAri UM lith of lasa- o an, IPS Ad , between Oie hours 0c5 ,5 *. is . and SP. X. .61 ICCIS - ' O. B. AP-siss Cashier. ~i t -7 Zrnarosoz. DeztllteM Ont./WO. q HZ . ANNUAL' ELECTION for nine 1 Biro:tors of this Beat vela hel.l at the Bank, o a TUC:MAY, Jafillant lyyi U . beWees 4 at a.,ar. a. 49 r. • • ,/12x4. - /011 N D. vlcttsrx; rnal ,-------, or_aalL SILPICiz gar ' f ii . Araxesitann Ite. „ lete:llth, Mt: t • f.l N ELECTION FOR NINE DIREO- .. - 4 TOILS OF T 111.3 BART ; soqt be lield at the 6 Ittellem Boats, Goa TIILSDAY, .re.noery och Wes, i Oetwern Up heats of to A.. 11 anc.to'slack. P. P. ,;.. e title . J. P. - KRAAL% flashier. 4 ZtzloaasTa. a. Max az4cruaastr_tear, li, art,T , - ,i .. -.- trersamtaw. PeWat.ti, Rs , 9 TEC .3.11NU/O: ELROTIV ., I FORD L. ; . AMU DAIS ar THU 1 3 / 1 1Menall bs Mitt at :q Iha zanktu Haug as TOESDALT, Janet roe. D om ' teat, t etwata th e haws <all .4. acald a roe. -, test i •J t)liZi S6LY£SI4a• thslata• Tim /tor Cm err Ltrerictrtr„ lit us i .y r i m . . . u .Prrilanzar: OW Eh, to. i 7.4 ANIMAL ZDEUTIONIrOIt DI- , I TIECTL,IIi OE T EL ! 8 / 1 4 /rirlri: es !tali! en 1 Ti 19 OAT , runny 'Lb, MO, nit.Vesinine ims IS sacseNgisilt,a, N.. at Um a . Anntin BoninA t 4 . del %ma ' J. 81.11X1Urri1r. Carrara. ii C.? ietxSeessimtiHe Iftr w reftg i. lles ism4 y 1 t 4 A It ELECTION FOR - N/N£ DLitt° r- OBS at tlaa Butt beheld it the 11 3akteg Hattie, am TUENDA Y , tie Scb day of Zaamery, me between the Bean el A. X. 'Milt I. X. taund R. W. HALMS ritteabler. - —_,,________ •_, Ilitr . to Az ic. 1.• ',Az S gut r , Proviso/um. Dociontmo• Oth. lElla. I , TarAII.NUAL BLECI'IO3: tor Direct— ';,, en CT tldoliant wtll Ds hold aft Ms - Ilookfte •ri Ito u se, oat If dettit TriLlALT.Joouloll¢hilßSt. hearse& 4* the hours Oil 0.. x ohd '4 r. x• .• • _ _ -• o. .'1! It. lipiattY:UsgAutr. c: , 1 LU IDT(i, GUS 'and *IMAM FITTIN4. /12DILAMPS. !I.IIYET 1.6 a D. ' "IP,* sus ••x• zi c. - • a • D . • Water f lasets and _ • Wa s tb • St: nINI 'l` s ( 5 1166E550U 70 ADDY- _a Awrkeiita tp. 165 {rood Etreet,thttit, rtralii Gits Firiixo,- PLuliellcri - gate tattLAl - ' Oits sad nrs G L 0 .1101iE SiC#SB LT6IITmt&-• a AM.i t T. W , . (Sueetalor to Mdy h Evera..) No.1051)001) ST PITTS Z11:0,II Pi. 1947.:ag.t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers