bhp Vittihurgit Otsetto SATURDAY, JANUARY 6, Isef GAZETTE TERMS Metri II•d c" ard Ationto - ittoo, par year Warn! • - ....... !$6 oo Xanarsasid Laming Edition, p m AGM.. 1.2 40 I. par. ,eak deliveral. 16 At tbe sonata orbays on rtra auvet, mllta copy • Wicalkly, balaba, par year I 60 to. 110424 40 P , " 44 . 200 — VERTU St RA TlVaaiir °4° (13.4.111. •1 t. •It I C vir 03htime Two' then— '1 a,. —. _ ...., .... 9i 25 t.,, Three liana.. Ila ~.. ...! .... 17a Fear Owe— 210 _ ....1 .. . . 2 10 Viva Omer-- 224 _ _ _ _ 2do .oneereek .... 211 a 1 lii UI 75 Tan "yens— 4 27e • 2 m 1 2 .23 i Thine atehe ; 4as 575 200 , 175 'One sown—. 5a end 2 25 1 2 * o Two menthe. 90 BCI dCO a 15; a M Three months . 1 601 10 50 700 4 ill 625 Six menthe.. 50 11 M 980 460 12 00 Map month; 24 /y 3 17 ye 1,2 au 900 17 o 3 .One Year 40 m .2.5 isei le 00, 10 CO 22 03 Atte17.12151:20155 Lemma one yeer may nem:ens ett thenAlrertleer • pleactur t at a chargalor,2s to I 1963 lunar°, (or = come lf paid at the time out swat be emellnal Li thus immediate bualluum .. the milivertlerr., _ Eldrocamemento enntraotecl for othcirwlee Oaks - daily, ahli be 15.111111455 OD each dare as the °Mee may mica. Trans/mat "Overhang °ASH. Death Notices, *ha litaertioa ........ ......... • - to /11Leniaie notice% 75 liteambeat "Overthehribta, per No t ll 3 00 Itieenterr' or hdmialstrators , me 00 YEARLY •MIirtaITISILISILi 1146argle One equeze,connnee to me srectreiete busmen, •1 the adverneer, and not to include dissolution% .Carinatien of nem firma, ...MIL VA.--sh.grOabie hue a mech. Any exceu to be charged . 0 480 . Want reetter.l Tbre• months... 1 0181.-0 MI 0-0 OCC 0 00 1616 121011t1k11 SO 01 II 00, II 00 10 CO 106 ranuths....l 42-0 o 20 al 22 00 16 00 Chia Veer OC in 001 20 cc 18 00 Air ii Nouees double the above retell, If 10. weed one month or more. For • lots period 2ti Local hake.. at sisals. rates as may Mr agreed GRIM. Sir A Square to be (*caldera as the mom era,. pled by tea lines of the ordinary adyerualug type of the paper. BLACK TESTIMONY Exid (rata* Mallory. of Iflor:da, now an re:- cupaot or Fort Laf4rette, has wrlttem, accor ding to a talthrear—publithed ha oar colamne yesterday, trent , the people of hie stets to ac cept the abrogation of slavery, and to extend to the tlacks the right to testify la the routs. Be well ears that Inbllc opinion has made each atridts in this country. during the last twenty years, in behalf cf 'epicene] freedom, that. Ida. very cannot to re estatilahed. Bet when he says the ccgrees are addicted to lylnz bored other PeePler we take lease with him. -Tens of thousands of Union seinen and ref ugees during Chewer trusted their lives- npou ides wordsof black men, to whoa they . war e entire thrargers, and in not en !attune° was detention practiced. That the birch& hsve bean antrattiftd to their misters is most probable. Instead of blaming Abe blackS therefor It would be much Jester - to lay the blame se..tbat system of oppression by tbo duplicity was engendered. Satkpot tiorgb iseerislre generations to a capricious de's:pasta. tie blacks have doubtless resorted to nOntrahnenta and babterfagea. If they hal not, they ioild hare detnonan %tad the posseadan Al a rarpavaing character, hat It would acares'y Int been hum. Pal.eheod Is t:e blulter to valet &sweat and lurtarans resort agalzut the [creasy and brutality of isrbitrary =Yet Woo is act a vice for which tha blacks Malta esehtatve patent; or if they do their patent Ls sail/ poached o• by the whites. Ma gistrates anti lawyers, eaperianced in the trial rat came) between whites, know that biased witness a and fake witnesses are not as rare as - white blackbirds. tint Houthern men do not agree With the ea .-goatee. The Nast: Mlle laws says : " There - never was a mem tturstuldei and stupid prejudice than that which seism against vett/ming the statement , of oolored persona in coasts of Ittetice. It is it only contrary I. the rules of reason, but Ls in opposition to the dady practice of alarebeldera themselves. An old Ind , ter says - 'Though yon expel noture by vbfencat, Set will ate still mare; and the oluzviatioa Is amply inutrated in the present ems. There Is nut a man or woman In this city who don .tict tally _metre and act .ppen so gro teeth:cony, sa promptly as if angle= of chi testimenpwav -NM only do _people eel venally incept their steoemeeta as aredidei but they accept them without ever thinlam of thh fact that the statements memale by ctegpoes. IL eloillYwitect the question take. the forte of cl3llrlqht, that yajudlce and passion are maul , fest. A 010.11'6 house Li on Are—llls child Is den; tguronaly Last--birglans are !reeking Into hi stom--hla bcrso Is running off--a 1E40 , 0 ceaircis to se shim instantly at a certain yluce—n 1 44 - Way . rag er ls in 'watt for him on each p I raid—all tficee end maltituda of elceller date xectite• teadily behaved ..azd acted nom I w • • .math by accrues ea when made by white • sa. The Idea of the complaint of the In terment &Mil sot find seen a moment's lodgment I coy tulle mind " • I There Is not a cane man or W 023911 In the idled Matta but fads and knows that this mato 'nest Is literally Erns. WE /lad come farrowlap facts In the proprteS of the coacelpsted blacks of deargia end 8 nth snares, In the Soothes cerrespondeive of Tke clrosentent. All este Booth Candies, this race,, horse we aro told, cooing help ttemtelsol, td mist be either slaves er sayests„heve es: blight/ schools. C..w their children. - end &d arty to pay fez then education. la one place tlf repotted thtt-five young persons of color •sei .organized Ns school, without essistsoce, Item VA all inn ere iastracted. Ia Char:es:. • theytrawsts 'normal school wit!. o colored • nett Ottba tfatieraity of Glasgow et its head; :a thisationil alone. then' ere 1,05 e opt's. The tII ark Eland Aid desielatien hove there suoth tarsi ter Colored • children, with 000 pipits.. arta o idlebool Presbyterian/ auottser with . pupie.sib Ln dirennah the colored people. aye orailkapportiag 050peplls. l etado Hide whlob are supporta :by Nerthere culture. But everywhere they derlre to to Improve Mir =dictate. • unser to late resoltatio c or the Minim i t elTtStllial IV% SCUtrall Sewo-d rise submit:tad t that body catala re ranee decce with the oaken Mistster:st Waildn,;toa and the French • tester or rareltorkfratra. weak throes aou derable llgt.t upon the - oh/racier of tbo systole b lt m eneary proposed re be intffaltela yozic. Maldneillian, and also the nature of the op;a . en the subject held by the law officers of ens goveroment. The Minister of the Mexican - Werabric M. Benthre, -expiates that Maxima riAteen provides far the bir.dlair or wo:k le.. meat formals:3 than fire nor more than ten Sears to inastetilo bs known as pumas oil ' feta. really eirkiag the darer, that tail . tnted perpetual sad boleditaer. The daerao hes edratulteproyisions as an artielo azelaery foe , Sith Mares sod th e arsorp:too Or th e publn uneasy of all property-hi each wortingmen as .ite toted-ate. • lir. Seward, en curorneatled on ibis demon to a letter of !wane:lon to Mr. Blingtir.llll the -th• adatliistratleia has els ontoutitS (entire* and decided that be . to•redere (hi Worlibermea let. a oblate-a of ihnahlitactl. This Wel= has betot comment- Vila to the French litaltter.. 1103. FELI:IIO.ICLAZic a rho Comp' r t tneroy the Carmacy. hes dectlad that a pantah cannot be • turrsitt ),r, • rota:null bent, lieratoss,- lir oar ieVik;it Wanda la not univalve to a c:V.zen. 1.4 . 059, lir:. Clark map he ridtt In 'deeding that 'omen Aced Ent Cr coed not ba dire:tam to .matlonal itar,kis Ent Om reason be giros fa his cede= if cattail:di , =Mont, To.* Woolen, by . - tiny miry Ouir taw!, as• - gtarei al dlr. :tett. it tramsce nen , paittonster Is the Akita Water is rrsat;r.d to tx a metzta thereof. - yet Wclalin hare 111:61 thtt pothle.2 repeat4ly .attce the tuhc cruet A.1.1C go:touting of 7 alma of Risa Load, to erected a taloa I.3lattUairy atuldiaz SP 0717 taut, 7 atone , Mon, eapabla at Nun eouoarta4 taco • Gr171:1711,, wilt outobel*. bed Ma. uaw *new mut bathos last. Oprtall el yaw aaartyea 09 plate to [kJ d1a1.11147y, estaOtaa ft to want up AM Dust,. of 7 of Vela per 00;; /Pod Dirall.lug, C.lnikartl. an, loaarail V Sow of lA4 bait grata drawls"' region. ta. State. tvr parstraws. see our fleslitti. bpd!lt IIaLAIII w OM VOA ttALE-1 am Auituartzed to sell My. two acres of land, Whiats4 hi Martian Valley only Lbws" sad • haLl wiles Ben the •Ity, and thzewlourlha•l•nilla tram ths PUtabetrati • Bleu nville Ballerina TU. prosily • wall sulial I*,r garden:any env. Istng all bottom land, sad precasted on Cla aorta by • MD and ham: a couches's exposure. It is w•B adapted for a wwdelry ran/anis, having • lesal ea two fables roads. JI.DISI D. PI ADZ'S, tesiksa• Holt, tract of /slid eOntßlEbig &bent foorte Am. iltaars s al wn slap Ape{lmlay, sn ooty , Pea sssss, b outagr. lades IcOn the city, cm the and Waantngtoo road. The Il t oTements ars • I wonstory Frame item, an lel n forma, a ands hslJ, good 'altar, frame stable an other oat buildings, a spring of areal. trot soft water at the door ; the lot:atlas being dr. stable for • counter neidthoe. For further per. salary, anunlra of G.E. TOWER, Reettuts hen delete Ant , hu. 44 Fourth SL F ort Bens-rote - Brick in complete order, with Lot 24 by 122 feat, lit uated bstweca Eltaallntan street and Koltun, allay, rth wool, Put ahursts Tole property now MIAs Iv/ lieOper month. 01,1 nut STS, and can ho racism% tor toe ter., apply al thu heal Estvo an, to. intents oats, of O. h. DATES, dens Hotter erect, Lawrenceville. Pa, TALvAItLB AU •AC:PURIM; PROPERTY FOS SALE /R FLABL—Sttllakd on entre street, running through to Fraoklin. Daring a trout on ()entre' street .at ire feet; depth no feet; upon wtuch arectr.l TWU ti 7 OILY HEWS/ WILL, Engin° and Roller all con{ lets and In good order. Also, two With Dwelling /[owes. //ittite On the promotes. Os.__/ORR W. DIcKLE h BRO. • AVALUABLE HOUSE AND LOT I OH SALL-34,000 will purchase Mat very neat two story Brien House. with 8 rooms sod ball, neatly papereu and panted, erected on a lot olervlnul, having. • front o. Sue Allegan, river 0111 fen. and extend, Leen lenteet to an Cloy ; abort diairace from the liallroad Whits. Apply dad/ 11, eIaLAZI tt VI), STANDARD 9oillilas)lll4.l.;ol3arisam:ly CLARK & StrIIALT, Wort, an.l (Mll,, OnT,T,IN'S TOWNS.TIP Office la Pittsbur",l, 24 WOOD 1iT11=7.17. There works dare the largest capacity In the ountry. The brand stands the highest In ads •fintry and In Europe, for quality and don teat, .d the olf I. put ix wall seasoned barrels, preparcl prerally for export, Manufacturers of t.O.ILERS, STILLS, T OiI AMILS, td nu'ILOTED MALMO TOOLS for Walla derear DUNRARD OREM PETROLEUM uunia. en Y. Office Corner of Penn and •WaYde S ta TM . ...P....9 *its or:reared on the Ma leu Hader the r.. ..9 l reitte =tangs:ad Alanufeetri rang Law. The territory of the comp of loins the lands of the bonkard Creek Union 011 tlompany, of this city. Capital Moeda ..................... erss.ooa Welsh Ms Fond .—. . .. ....... 23.000 Par Solna of Lae: retteuge .......... 01 00 cnnonns: President—S. A. JOHNSTON. secretary and Treasurer—lL W. IttraillE.l 01120Te1ill S. A. JorrwsTor, ! S. FtlArg sways , I Jastirs Oftataa, F. LL Oster, ! W. U. rase, joedyd EL W. lirronre. SUPERIOR OIL ENGINES. W. are aonstrneting, and Will keep on hand • fliperlut •tyle el CZ/T1• MI NC-WE Either a Common or Tubular Collar we invite parties needing radium for this pur (Ae 43 call and see then., comer of PIES and maze eiTH , INETS, met City Water Works. jest 611.0KINVOSII. 11E.KetilLL fir. COMILERINAL OM WORK& Pure White Burning Oil, ran LOWEST MARKET RATES, B C. & J. a SAWYER. No. CY WOOD MEET I jsimi isrfCuirib. 114110E1111 AIM CRUDE AND REFINED OIL& Bin.. Ittatta. Dagmasa* Way. Plttortaltla Jar Statist attecutoa given to Ws SALE AXED SILIPT OP PETROLEUM sad Us Ossassts• ssis WILDIaOeU itv tollottal. arnor. nOix I BEIM No. 1 St. IMAIS IT. iittstriargia. 11:11WARDINQ 4.7.0 CM1411(121310.5 MZIACIBLIVT, AND DEALEft - IN OU ELLI:IIIIIYATING__ I.I7OIIIOATLYI. PIiTHOLLItIa OII.S, &.., constantly an MITI for We at the loyert maraca prison OCnuNiga• =MX Ana ante. soMtol• lonsin pd.TEINTED O f .:TOBErt 8, J.Sta• DITHSLINII79 . r6?mrr Oval Lamp Gremeeneye, N enamored of XX 1/7bl These Oklamays an latooson titi,Llia ILLS Lay seating all parts ot glaas p ot . lo a llAilmtat az. 11 3 t=tas work, , W Wdzitai •p 1.9 Plltabooth. Peso's wwliViii .... '''' COMMISSION MEISIMIIININ PErI3.OLEIIII AND ITS PRODITCT,S, end defame" In Refining 11•111021 oom-fy hro. O MAZICET. ST. PllBlll2p. B o NORD W LELEHU UtSS Op Phenix Warehousing Company, riKa. of BA.LTIO h WWIISON Su" Madam atonal ay REFINED PETROLEUM. La Taut. sod Barrel. Bea Cllntxlars. 0.56 e, No 63 BEAM UM7CE - ,r3Cw Tea. 01134 y CUT STOCKS.—Tte az*Maigned rive partleular atter:tea to, Oa pentass airg sale et Stocks of ALL EWA= Ccunpaaies I invite Sayan and ellm to saIL, S. 11. 110121.30.15 ITo. 101 FOURTH SIMICCS LUuEtur oth WOIIKB. DUNCAN, DUNLAP & CO., 11111 1 r1TFLOTOiSt3 07 Pure White Refined Carbon Oil . c. 1.1213MTy SEWLNO MACHINES, THERE IS NO INVASTMENT WISIOH PATS A BETTER` INTEREST OR WINOS MORE COMPOST, HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND RELIEF TO THJ3 THAN HOUSEHOLDA WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINE !filthily/ aant• moor• asimptabt• u • HOLIDAY GIFT. wheasea are pangtasins, X31.1.7r tla.e mast ' EaleteaN to loads ;s loadroAs of tamales cow sotto amp. Pittaireash sac vtatatt7. E. P. CMIPENTIXt. Bi cr. ,47 ifirrn MT, raTis swag II AUCTION ILUJI. ptrße AT AUCTION —Oa Saturday 1107115ese, Jitatimy 446. &slink, at Mllleol6llaaes A 4416 • 6 6611ae116 Vatl6traat, yea' be 1.16 a Leap 616664, et Astlo , ale Ittetitit rats, ass SHAW easma impanel Ulan ind Capita, mangy Mb Ueda and Olip4L, 6abla Mara 664 Ouse, Wean Meal KW Caw ant Cllre, Saab Viet:67lw alit ‘16.114, 3111k14.677164 WWI, Koaalsla RUM Vletorati a Ma that, 17•64 ZS was (nears all Wates 1116111 BMA MM. Slut. all 0611471, 61barlaa almitsiel Stall Metes, altleslas 1146177411 Stamp Eleatat the Clautl,ll4 111 a Had Caw sad OM: iegatAseraltt a 16t St litgaltle. THOS. A. IitoOLFILLAND,• jai AB AND 67 P 1 1 ,771 r. 11ORATT'S LEST .11 CLOSING SECS'S 0.11 Y411,17•2114S BOWES AY AUCTION.— Tlflu Elritelleil, at 7 olslark. and following , arming, this week 111 y, aad at private sale tar. Ilse the day, *1 the tiommerelal Estee BOOms ICI Emlibletit Atm% SPDVita the roal-011Ma. , eloetd eat the remainder of thin tail value. ble eculestlea of Books. Many rare and valuable week. yet remains whlah :atm be eland Oat With. out maul to god. Jet A. a tiTLWAINE. Auat , r. CITY ,1111110YED PROPERTY AT TIMSTEIPS BALI * 1111D2,7 TERNOO, /t'pry 12th, as 2 ofirlook, as Um ' AF remiss., will be sold by order of Trortee, TIIREL 12211a16 HOUSES, Nw. 22, and *4, on °lorry alley, beton:ow Second and and t Thud o ktre in detra eptis. Tho Lots re lb fret front sash feet lama, one-third sash, balsas* la one and is yearis dela:staid A 12PILVTAIITY., Auctioneer. FUR IdAL IL ENO LPIE. BO ILZR, • • FLY war.EL. its.. *olinit% cad; for purrin g up, uitabre tor a ar. , Miti nr . py pQrppyp requirin g en hor:o powar. 4.pp1 7 gt g sgett ill ruitiu srau&r. BANKS AND BANKKitS. BANKING HOLISM N. HOLMES & SONS ]90.57 Market Street, PittshOgh. DEPOSITS IL 'FIVER IN PM yuritis AND • (JUKE IRCTIL. Ordlestlonainads no all tie principal pciatt of Vaned Stan= and Can ^•a . STOOSS, BONDS AND OTNEB SEXTUNSTII BOVUEIT AND SOLD ON COMMISSIDN, Partionlor attention pun the ptizatisa as isle Of UNITED STATES SECIJUFUES, rifted Maio Mitt at ISSI; • Do. de. I:11W i •,' Do. DIM lEFlddi DC. ISCSTD-Thlttles; Do. Corttleales of In &eat an es. olumesi AND vouctEms wrnoilT Oh OCLLEOTE DOLLAR bi!.. V LAGS BANK., LIU 69 Perna: Arum. I WinIiTBILIED IP MA. OPar cutay Cram a to !detect. Ala on Welne day sad swam. a,,...u z5 . , t n . v A y tar ~ to Po venner lot, Boa Ito 9 reelect, ind Una IlterreahaV ate Way la from a to a Waleek. Deirorits masa at all ma a ezi liel ea Do/la. and. Orkleed ar U. profits sakeVasa • yea, La June and December. Intbean flatland saralwaanally, la Juts and Dessataa awe the Bank .0 erandx.p. of the 1130.1 alai per sea. a year. ,I _ Interest, /I aet drawn ant, a rated to ladarsati a Use t, /I t as principal, and Yana tap ma lacrest frau the Ara daya of Jane sad macaw.... conapormaing Wee a year without ;resent/ thj dt suscor te eall, er eves to preeent hla p.a. %eon. Ilt - Oda Kato nanny will deabts to Lo t'l.,..ah l i yearn. Barka, seatainial the IRuirtnr, By-iasi Data sad Bessulatiens, furnished grata, QA gyp caw at an oaks. PunnarnEt/BCIEI ALILIME. l' awn rarsinxins l'. i MILE J. Anderann, A.. M. "Pollock, 818., Joie G. liasketen. Boast Bobs, 4 Bea. L. Pahasawk, Jam U. Skeent.. et, Jame lierdsaan, James Shale, I. Juan McAuley, Alexander Spar, I' /saw M. Pannont. Christian Yeagar.f =warm l' Calm Amtrak Banyd. Lycra, ,/ Jela O. Bintley. Paer A. Manstral, P eoriaP Blank. John Alanhall, i Ba, Water P. Marsha.% Manta A.. Carrier, Janus B. D. Mew' . . Charles A. Celtoa, Joha 13. DLaradd ;I Va. Dasalas, Jolla y L. Orr John Br Henr! i. Jobs J. Ate% Wllitaa Z. Williams S. ha Alexander Tadle, Peas H. lAwahra. William Vasiklil,,, Mama lay; Wa. P. NiTel, 111 Jame D. Hip 1.... Irki_Mp l I, rnsro, ' A. iiiihroN. awaraa—JAMlSA IA D. ;amts. 1: Maim 1 ' EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK O f Pittsburgh. Chaltad by thci Capital ortanuea l ;Lnaer 01 P 11.0816.1 $1,011,0004 1861 nal alai has bac ciaarmal • DEPOSITARY Or ram United States Treasdry, and appotated alp= far (tie sale of Um 7-80 La 0 111. DIT . • Every facility Will be Geared to WI:lion 6 r par. ties paretisafte for mute. EL IC blinaLAY, Castile, apmeat FOURTH RATIO/in BIM S. Government Depository SS Jflvill TBR TEE TY PITTSBLIBGH, Capital Paid 83001000 With Privilege of Increase to 6110.012113 Having extensive oorreepandetuie with Bulks sad 13anken throughout the country, we one: 'f not Giallities is Moss doll !matters W 1 ui 7 8-10 ZSCI O T.I39. i And all Gib.= Oars!=eat sessultles, la sums to eta P.rtlieuiers. Deposita suave! aza Ditstest allowed byspestal agreement. Drutorruni H. THOS. DONNIMLY, ckt. . KING. M.D. . salmi. R. J. !HOLEY, I JAS. M . BA/LET, JOHN V. asuits'4 , l THOS. SMITH, IJ. M. Enuceariubs THOS. DONNELLY. Presideit, BUTLER wean, cam:slat. _marring:m.l,r Tas • PEOPLE? NATIONAL BANK • Of Pittsburgh. 3 ' Capital Paid in $1,000,000. with Ptvii Lege of $2,000.000. limning Haan 0011HZE FIRST /111 D WM) trr111:1-Te. Thts Bann. organised ander USs flastanal gayt Ins System u acos prepare/ to transmit burisass at Its ts Banking llowohltornat of Weed and nisi Gollestleas made ea all aentolble points • most favorable terms. &postal Agents tor SA.7 000.1[S, tor Qs isle al to. F. S. 7 8-10 Treasury Kates. 1, • 1, estursz. MCA, Prealtlesft. P. E. CH/ADO7S. Cubism. blePlllolStm Teller. FOUNDRIES. FORT PIN FOUSDIIt ( HAMS IMP NEPRIWA, HEAVY ORDNAN, Crai LIM ALL. IMPS CET 333.313411.11Vir CIGLIESIVIDIr=-10, t rerrettmfegawvßaaA2.aro afrltttltetWriril W A ha Ms Volmnn Mra," FITTBSURGR FOUNDItt. 01111111 r wixtx4riii, .A., CIAREMIT irt. CO' , ipmpactlin comotta. FOUNDERS . AND . •RACCSINETS atiatlaottuare 01 tlat/104 Ronan et an tOt boo, Stool, Ws% ZI•o• .I=erialtlLvotket um btrav it i o k urar 7 lll Pe U r astia ffi go - at all daioriptroaa, Bag , Iftllta, Patera% Doable finial; with a olot• r at other pattem, &lowa oa !toad and =tad to rdet on short amiss and favorable- tarn& Olen IXiire4case US Smithedd street, ft:4MM P. Way •B rut mAcauls 'WORKS . AND JCL W/GZITICIA, BOILDEIi AND m.A.canurri lasarzArnmirr, betwela Fedital uutFital7 _ ALtsoisoov Crrr, Po: Maasiarototar of IV IC) 21 . 1 '21.6,2.1 , 9 PAI=T POZTAltpli Aysomx,,Ararts ST/1421 ; IXf GINES, wanes, Pulleys, .11epstotog or all kinds ottoadti co 4 gm.' Cr tOOKLIfi 13 TOVE8t . tazazuvizirrovElk. _ , E 46 FENDl5%,.ise. Alio, Llsda also/a ' ITAISOAST.LNI3A as • • No. iel Ltbeeoi Strout. ALLEN. MIME . Ir. CO UNDERTAKING. c=lan wARD NImtAng stokaJrn - crAz3zpzimm. , . , cuEcmir te . CorFnr aoossl AT M ANC HESTE R Li VERY.STABLZ corner of Shst9rld and CLutlers stretti. Sir Orders frozsVallegbeir ()Ur az! otiteiltY ..tomysly aiterdedlo.- ceasuirds Pl=; 1 : 1- 4VZ 7 XMLTtemztriti Pourthatielag,otttanorple. COPa /VS of art Ueda. USAF 0 1.41FM, and %veep da. aeription of Funeral Pornlaning floods furntanel, Rooms open dap and Wel& Meal* and Cantagcn foremaL Burin:Jana—Rev. Mavld Kerr, Da'. , lI.F. N. W.Jaaonna„ TWA & fPf10t..34%, .7istrb 11.111illet ' • n-2.274- R.AILROM)e. 180 -IV Llit "attagen • ARRA /51(tr,- EIE,W.—PENNSYLVAITZ6 GRea7.3ll. B. Be. WELD' LAXLY TRALNS. Or: era Ott7l(i.u,uT, riov. 7.tri,ll3:6llsalier tin Icaro the Vntoo Pnisencee i bepot,ownen Tv r, mad: xtq mu) lactEV tollown: fittalr4,ot K gokil6 • . 1 01 j aws at mine:pat Stag/oat. AlTiaaa 0 Aitocaa t 7 1 . • to., lttroao kIT s. at,..Terkk ft. , I p. MID I:.A.IMOe: OR,/ tao N 777 ' Y" , L• !Am p. a., and hew lora, AA .1-pe:oo44oss at CINCINNATI EMI' RP-sS—Lekte PlitablatAk at eao a m., atopmmA at orally all Jaatloaa. Al • tooaat et M 1 m ., HA/Tisk:ton 817 p. L 2 ll 011 V" tag at Poll.elptia at Lau ay TRA I --a-ca7ma Pittabtuelt at CM. ra... 1103:pa-A at /.marly Jul Stallotra wt..* kin pp m , arlsvlng at H artist:ark at Ilan a._ me Philatlelpdla at 7.10 a. m. 71ELPHIA LICPSESST, , Leaves pleas. twat at Lee p. m. , stopping oaf y at vitampal S &- Clot. As noes et Lzkoro &40-P.'O.L, Altoona 0.10 p. Ilartkeargb 2.35 a. at, ask/tbaore• a. m., Now York, eta Alaatowa 1031 am, P9llll. delphla• 7.10 a. mt.,- awl Vey York.-17/1.1 ella L. phut at Moe p. m. Sleeptcy Caro run ttaloo79 I.tLla train loom l'ltraburatt to. I.4ltltoors la I Philadmltl7lß, artt to New York, elk lettleatolea. FAST MN/I.—Leave* rlttalmarga Al Mai p. ' stoPpimg 0017 at pnrielpal btatlook Artlyara at Altoona at 100 a. at. Ilarbabarg• Ole a. tO. , Hat. Urmoret lt,to p. au, New %omit Tla Atimatowa kit p. no., Plalecolphlat 1.10 p. m. , aOC, Naw -Tort 910. .1-I,olaMetpala, at 6.42 p. • Ertatacal t • Stwer II Daily ca altar imam/ Juaday. etstracL /OH N STU Wef AIfULLIIII.OD lON. daft', az etll Sunday. at Lls rit.„ mopping X; rcxxtar Onus lemma .Pittxben Ka and I.lo.thx:etti, sax e.pip ['acting at Palmitin .intersentiou Mtn trains o the Indiana Britten and West Penna.tivams tL i ALTOONA dIitA_LIIIIOLLI.TION, daily except Suxilap, at ra. na., stopple; tir alt regular starlets betireen Pittsburgh and Altoona vs r•aSivs Most, connection with Atalt4 aa.laotsas Brusly West Perlosylemda R. A, .E. , lenaborg astd ilhesson B. 8., and Hollidaysloug Wa,..%en„ Pant noshousoualaou train tot WXIP4 Stall.. leaves dully (except Sonelss) at CM_ m.„ Second discommodation Train for WWI Statism leave dally (ascot Sunday) at OAS.. ni.. Pena derveanselatlon No. t o lcareJ (eXcep Sunday) at am p.m. Tided stisemsrsodatlon Tralu foe WalPs Stabile leaves daily (except Sunday) at 11.05 p m. Penn .6.e•orman ten. 11. limits daily (CC mmt Sunday) at 10.20 p. m.„ stopping a; all =Mons between Putsturgn and Perm Stations. The Church. Than leaves Wallbi Station Sunday at 0.05 in.. and snivel. In-attlitio= 10.04 xn. tteturaux loaves Pittatithih, at a tia P. et. and anises at-Wall's Stallion AV SAO p. a. Returning Trayv arrive iz Pitta2iurga ae Warm: =CM ILSO a. se. kW - atilers but Astommodatlwa... 6.20 a. af. Pam Atscustodatlon— " 7.6445. et. Sewed Shaft. Act,somodatica 440 a. m. Johnstown Assna.mosatton 10.06 S. m. Balthaoro lApcurs 1.40 p. Altoona Amonunalattoo h &magma.: 1030 p... Thtnl teal/ a Station A csommalation.. p. P Plaladelphla Express Pets Aoconunottatlon ro 114.. Att. , pLtahgh and Erie Mall l .p. m A A Agent of the rapist= mam ma pau throu C a to me EWA, t D ake oP = gh sash Sae and aellvbulgaga tO part cd tha P 47. tt . :..e P erm 6lo stun; opus Up ol6kk Wats. all orders/or ttss matameal of possolad bluch,^ll trail malty mania au /ca. BAtamore sari= o h m l active inen Phltatungada aroma at nan p. Motuinyi. NOTIOE.—In mum of Lou, th. ARV held Manzi:lvan reapandblo far llama only, and tar an mot= no. &welt& . IL 13.17.NCW1111 Arta% 111. the Penarpncela W ()antral BatlrcillPsasessig swum on 14Dat, and WILIIIIz4I.Ot, 'Mut& 1865. P/TTBBuintl,mmil -- comnasvp top ciricarmeri ir:62LBOALS Tye Great hot Lae lota via itibictivil% TO COLV/111Fej Lorisv&LLA INDIANAPOLIS, 81 ,WVIIII. •ad as rha prinalpal CILle; WEST AM) Sawa-NV:EIi.. MONDAY. NOVEMBER 000 i. UK Trams Mara sad arrive at tba lErrinOdf. DEMO' as latiaws: • onftinvft Adam& d - Wart Lim. —•-•.•.--LiO ai, ift die a. ft. A1ai)..—.... .--'..--,ftod . . Lido. ft. i S teubenville Acconftedu'a.Ltil . ' 01.11L65,5. ft. Mid a.m. 8. F. BOITLIc, ---...--, Ulla I Ticket .18,,gftft, Stftbenville,lo.. ME. A ZIOTILLILSPAUCiII. odkird Ticket Agent, Brien Dgpti. Elpokurgli. • priarsßußcia AIiD OONNELLSY ILL ELAILIIOLD. WZNTEU AJIRANGEMLENT. On and at ISIONDAY, Oct nth. tgie, the test= will ;cave the L'epot, sorter wf !IDsuIJUI watt& It Lots, sai fellows;' _ harp: &cloaca/ ... . . _ . . Mnltalcurgb. Flttab.gth eol 0. tn. IMP. Sk =silt° and Item Liao:Mon_ ~..oesom. O. Espy= U 4 . . oXiip. O. - . Eli " MciLeaO.ol: AO Otrn.,lloo h tm — diSrl a.. o. Second 4. a aP.24. Soo - ."'• Ftrot Braldomra 4. ___ P• ...,. ... 793 IL 16. SOC , I. al. Scoccod 4. .... asp p . a: Map. m. Sumday Mundt rata to end tram MaKeerpor. 1,1 9 P. CI.- 11:40 I. at. roc ticMccui Apply to .. . J. SRA:IS.IIOSL W. a STUOT. Soto:totem% MEDICAL rs YBPBPSIA. -g-'Dll. SIItIOELAND'S 1,,, 4 • ttif t - TOriltl It a canoe ntrated c..., - 4.. Er .epAration of Hoots sad ,i,-.7.2 ..?,. • i acts, till trantd-aelds sad ......."-- sarsaisuird,. vs to stremat Yen Unlisl ~,,r tlis atonuch amt amen. ~.., :. ',stun. It la a emiata ''4 el' i reintay for Dyspepsia or. ... , , Indlerstloa, t/er►ooaacµ .._,,,,,,,,,,v,.... Lou App tite, AstdltY ".,,,, irki. ' .of eomac Fratuden. es sad Debility. It la not at, Che fn Datum:duly salted for We at, Alert mit sa Iles pearls persona. For sale by all DrUntsta WOW tiers, at SI perbsttls. 1/,..,p. SELLERS alai), - wixozzeuzarkinians 2r..1.2 meows e,;•n.tin; ; COUGH BALSAM 'l.! - •X-fi1,..1 , "11 is osnutaQ to the only Mr' cgtil e .01 *atlas. irlooptns (1414 - Okrulan Conn% Conatunpuninfr e Qroaß Bea tr i ee .. nr z troa tear R i lo l ailarly r ialtalan an Limp. For silo by Diagiasti am? • R. f.. sErzass a • STMOSIANDIS • - ILT. ft • ,• PILE REMEO:Y list Garet tiuminti if am r.z.•F•O-e.--F Worst faits of =no atut . Fe ditf r aw j a l fig:4w Rumaacat Try IC C. "•-•.=4e7e. • reat/y. it la marraated to ouzo -a Riazilits at 6a teats par bottli. • '• • A. E. SELLVILI• If ft.. ottittla _ " VYstructaza data FORTI TZARS Ramitos 4 .:= 1 8318141. L —11 081 8 41.1 pa,..;„ iins las a teowladra 8 saldcua ataalraa fa faaa. lty laza madam, fa. tab=A Art.E azartat of pctiaato treated aaanallr by ,* ad 07Clataasataay 1. ootBBlo=a,arSlial/11,884A2 Lad all d 1...... a:Wag thafeffein, am otter aortas thaathaar - batittafare r ai We VEOZTAIILIS 8.8111XL6.4.. V. 51,. ~ 0 Mr. Si nt& ass Fart arras Balm ../2/ fatten most • Vitt l'.dlttL, ,rt1r9121T11a,D43""zP°141:24;,- s and. AClraii • J.17.11112J18:13* seal, UMW. • Dom en. in t est-m . lo i a pitITATZ DIS.EaBtt. Odin Its3PIZIFX STEXpr. tutEit4 Fir tie sate al 111 alsarsa arc i a i t ir nU i;, Yarn WO ts Lap ds.P SY aa uastment. Was. Seminal Weakness. and & Oman of the news] masa; app Mote .• mil t . s . r . ' Mrs vsnanted or mangy rtrazits4. • • 'Ontes bosn.4 to ts a. ss.Jl4 tO S, =MS yz nth*. tddarult lOW, W. Wilair Viva Mann: .d. STEEL WORKS. r ; ITTOBiIIiGeffiriBELWORISX ANDERSON, COOK & (S•CCE.StOR.S-'7O JONES",. SOTS . • -- lisaarahuren Um l e s tauL.V . isk , spun., nat sad Catalan, at al alias, Nur Xell• Fmk W thin nee r Vest .St*Mr .• Reaping and Rowing liajtkinelk 6411 nor *lxt:), Aztu, atimeari, kik„, • Slut add bums Prongti and fpridg•teit ir --- ozw-LComer of rut aa4 Roam eteartira , 11.101116.11 &DOWN the Mociaarikeis Rota • BLACK DIAMOND STERL Vfc , Bll PATTSELMUILI.A. . 5 PAM BROTHER a a Ilanc**turer* *t _ IlEsr CiIa&LITY Pr-FINED 0.3.M . X. MT , 1 . Egan (kat 0ct%:0n, , 0 gu T ry,7 sarinpesta• cm 5ZA31414 4 011114 . LrWi liar:ol:2larand cra. - euimse, nro. is, rad If , i 7 atd 14 Sumun !MC:L=3, Pia • . • LI t 1t3,. lAINE & PATIVA . .Wh oia• sale Gemn atAComaluton Idershan:l2..cis Ia , IGIODIIGE.FLOUB, BACON; G11 4 ..9r. ILSIL CARBON AND LAND - OM, -11 NM. NAILS, GLASS, carvort TARMISI, and Moo iltaßiAl t elyULllr AM Ut St'44= •