Chi Vilfsitvgli •ganetit B. PENNIMAN, 4 Emro jk,„. ' RUPEELL ERRETT, TH. COSTAMAI - aNA, BUEISLAS martkozn ASSOCIATION -3C:zzalziL2saa.eircs. NO. MI _FIFTH GTREET, PITTSBURGH SATIMDAY. JANUARY 6, 1866 Allegheny tit? 11^publican Tleke FOR MAYOR. JOHN 31011RISON. FOR LthEOTORI THE POOR, JOINT 11. BUM, 3 yearn, W3L, IntJIWOCK, 2 years. ELECTION, SEOOND TErEsIDAY JAnt ARY. 11011ce 10 A dverrupers.—Nottee to hereby Cl that Lercitter all 'MA 111 LENT sclvertlie MO ti reordered at Ms °am mist 03p aft for when baud dol 1 / 4 except to the cue of yearly Advert bora, taw! Ms 001 be Tandem' quarterly, as moat. Ada ertheas wW plasso make a note of tn., as the Rae Of Corn payments for airortlsoMents of the chariot. stated wily from thli ray forward, be tulealbly efeforesol. The price of our .110rulug mud Ereuta: Zdttlour la rttBSE GE:a TB at the counter or ham news uoy Samoa b eurier• at 13 cont. per week. THE EXCLUSION 0 THE. REBEL • I.EADEI S. (3017. ANDREW, of Ha SaChIIHOUB, In his valedictory address to the Legislature, de liveied the 3d instant, i opposes the nor gardFsition of the rebel States on the basis °flown voters, white and black, and argues that the effort to keep the rebel leaders out ot cOntrol is unwise. His position is that "if° rear ganitation can be valuable or BC' cure in which the natural and accustomed leaders of the community are not the fore ' most leaden." We have not seen the text of the address, bat presume the telegraph does Notice to the substancl of It. It is creditable to the philosophy and pbilanthropV of the men who have hen a live-long reputation tor Radicalism that they bear no personal hostility to the rebel leaders; are not for Reuel:dimly avenges, nor fur sweeping proscriptions. Hen fcr whose forcible abduction large rewards were of :fired by the leaders of the late rebellion; -men whu would have been hanged to the `earest tree or lamp post had they ventured South of Mason and 1/non's line; men WhO have been excluded from public bon- ore,' subjected to business persecutions and . social ostracism, to the sack and burning of their property by their Conservative neigh. borstal' thirty years, have been the first and Taint persistent In urging moderation end lenity. Harsh measures have so far been de lnaisded moat lustily by men who have . been so stolidly conservative that on sm . king up to the actual progress, of events the suspicion has flashed across their own minds that their reputations, both for toy. ally and cbriattanity. needed reinforcement Hence the display by them of a consuming zeal, and a ferocious vinalctiveness. 'The Radicals have been far leas Intent On-enforcing forfeituree - against the rebels than in securing to loyalists rights which have been unrurritthily dented them, and, withf:eircninstarces of unparalleled aggra vation and cruelty. Bo far ai they have counselled measures of repression, they have been actuated more by a determination • to protect loyalists than by en inclination to punish traitors. :The men who have been most earnest and loud-mouthed in demanding harsh measures are the men, whether civilians or ecelesiastica, who for thirty years have justified or at least excused Slavery; leave applauded the fiercest outbursts. of South: era chivalry in personal violence and ob nankin legislation ; and have heaped nu. measured contumeles on the advocates of , i liberty and humanity, Gov. Andsew,- however, in our jeig. • merit; has gone to an excess. Ito would .carry forgiveness to the perilous point at which It ceases to be a virtue by becoming a weakness. Who are the "natural and accustomed leaders" at the South! Two parties have existed, and now exist, at the South; the same as at the North. True; the democratic party, which is the party of the rebellion, has,.for a succession of years, been in the ascendency in the Southern States; just as the terabit= parry, which is the party of (- . .thaEnton, has been- paramount in the linithern States: Would it not be accents -ted sheer' arrogance to affirm that the re publlean leaders at the North were the only 'natural and 'accustomed .leaders of the COronitmityrt Would sot the deMocrats feel such an - assumption.? At the outbreak .the secessionism were in the minority inevery Southern Steve except Botitheerolina. There were then other lead ers titan the secession leaders; there have been otherleaders all through theqvar.; thole are Other' leaders now_ rue stm?le question is wiietber men elected to Congress upon a poll from which the bulk of the lop al . poPulatloti was excluded, shall be ac counted-the-Only',l!tiatrual and accustomed leaders of. the corn rnunity TT , During the war Which resulted in the la dependence of the fitirtien there were two parties in South Carolina; the vrOlg, alai to ry, parties. The latter number ed in it, rank} most of the men of educe Lion, wealth( refinement:and social finite& - I ,Der were_: Conservatives. Tuey Recomstrut tad the Colony into a State; and they cud their descendants have ruled South CarOlnamtei since.. If the political power -bad nasiedintuthe hands of the wilts and their, descendant/ the rebel!ion would cot ..haie; °cursed; Is it best to repou that ttfier)ineni, and 011.1% Wadi broader scale I ii 111 1 .4 the Bourbons were restored to Fiance, The heneyoleat Charles X promp. tedbytnberent kindness and encouraged 'therein by the allied monarchs, to wham .armies he owed his restoration, continued an power ' , AIM enteral and accustomed lea , . Artaotthe eoininunity," because they were '"foremest."' Ini few months, they sent hial, ilgrOn on his travels, and re-ope,r 'ea ilia' war. History. is fail of each instances. Shall itat nOt profit by the examples it presents -leßiese by a weak forbearance to unite diemstent? -Li it just to promote the enemies of the Union, when it is manifest Jhat. theixsuomoUOuts illailectually exclude iddeigfriende of the Union, not only from ktationa;:butifrolif their indirldhal 'tilts, ;Is it not a-Stay to be lust to loyal ."..76efilieferei wornsli-into boundless gerle. MA1t.1.30 - dltheir4 .Ciaeal' Sorely there are Fase,s,, , 94r4th:fjlerteresity pot Simple, a Ole Dii.... c ll *# °tilt th e proportions of a giganti, crime. We is the point 'IL:r which; we think - the inielditioni, et C o y. A n d re w. tend.' Ts* LontsTllle ,Tournat strongtir co in . lends one U. B. Bom.rso as a candidate for the clerkship of the Conn of Appe a l s Of that Stole. "It appears," -the ittlY l 4-I"fitart what we have generally heard, from men of every political opinion, that he elected nef.t Atrinat almost by "'dtcolaindlion. tie deserves to Le." This .'BeflddrO, - .wa.understand, was the Adjutant _of the imtprionagnortille f Jona s 1d0n04.24, *rail licked *en !Itch at the time Mon. oest"seas t n o . One, appartally, would have Apiaitedhis dealt. Now, ft appears, ho jathiapft - ciraii — paitleii la Kentucky; and being accost as desetvtng a candidate for 1 . .110 bilter as SHPT. Davos, becomes the fit embodleicat of Kentricky . . • . rElaN4YlNratila COMMONIZttpOI.4. ACgoidirrg tglitii t report of the State sd pepatenfent fix the year ending Jame 5, 1805, thoftSfrr'e--1.2,=t-achools t Vocr.sait, 28. Teaches, 15,564 ; decrease, 343. Pu pils, 703,030; decrease, 6000. Average cost of pupils per month, 68 cents; increase 6 cents. Total cost of tulrior, $2.515,528.631 itcrease, $383,460,77. Total cost of fuel aed ronttngencles. $523,f,62,63; increase, $213,535.113. T otal for school houses, f405,08r,C8; Merl am, Q 76,570,06. Total cost of the system. Included taxes layled, amount paid by Phlladelph'a, and State appropriation, $3,614,238,55 ; Increase, $305, 082,76. In AJeghery County there are 314 school looms; items 216; brick 25; stone 2; log 1; tml.t drrine the year 3; whole number of schools 5741; o 1 these 274 are well graded, With 40 schools in boroughs and townships partially graded. There were 39,393 pupils et a cost of G 8 cents each per month. Tha amount of tax levied was $232,130,66. State appropriation, $1 3,670,10. Cost of Instruc tion, $170,038,07. Fuel and contingencies, 06,0178,00. Cost of honors. $30,093,83. Balance on band, $27,776.6 0 . Permanent debt, $6,400. Temporsa debt, $13,830,34. IMPORTANT SCHOOL OCCISIOT s nai l : an / lout Commit has decided that an inhabitant of Pennsylvania, who entered :be military 'Jerrie's during the re bellion. while yet a minor, is entitled, after attaining majority, to as many years or months attendance in the common schools, as he could hare enjoyed had he staid at Lome. There la substantial equity in his view of the case. TOE wax argument of those who urge that the Southern States should at once be re.admittcd Into the Caton le that these States have complied with all the condi tions &mended of them, and it is therefore unfair to keep them waiting. One of thee, condition; as generally understood, was that these States should secure the freed men in the possession of their rights to hold proixrty and maintain themselves by their labor; and we understand M. RAYMOND to have held, In his late speech iu Congress, that this has been done. Yet here we have Mr. RAYMOD'a own Paper, the New York Times, confessing that it has no; been done. It says: "It is reported on goof authority that some of the Legislatures' of the lately in urgent Stelae have passed I .ws to prevent the heed blade tram holding real estate. We can not well conceive a measure more disastrous to the future productive in crests of those States, or more unjust in :soli; All economists agree that the holding of land bas a remultaole moral sad therefore indnatrtal effect on the peasantry of a coun try—especially If the land be not too much subdivided, so that each person can secure slab. livelihood from his Little plot. There was no need on the part of the Timer to eery It is "reported." Tae fact to indisruiaele. Not one of the lately in surgent States hae•repealed the old laws vt huh. In every Southern State, prohibits the free nt gro from holding real estate; and several of them have re-enacted these laws in a more stringent shape. TLe tact being clear that the South ern States have thus all failed to comply with ene of the most important conditions exacted of them, we hope to see Congress apply something more forcible to bring the south to its senses than the feeble editorial remonstrance we have here gaoled. Goy. BROWNLOW went home to Knox ville to keep Thanksgiving with Me family. He availed himself of the opportunity to write all the leading articles f.r one num ber of his newspaper. That he was thank ful to Providence we do not doubt. Bathes feelings towards the rebels were evidently of the other MIL Ocie of his enemies die crites his tifrrts by the epithet "unshirted hell." Tie Parsoa is crnfldent the recond clause of the Constitutional Amendment, empow ers Congress to endow the blacks with the right of suffrage. "One of the amend tcents,"__he says, "connected whit the emancipation, is that Congress shell have authority to enact appropriate legislation, and we understand that Congress Is to be the Judge of what la 'appropriate' on the subject. We further take it that Congreas will teem It appropriate for loyal =grecs to vote In elections and testify In coerte of justice." lie evidently proceeds op the rule that to do equi y it is allowable to strain a provision of law." THE WHOEVER OF NEW TORN, In sea tench.g4kmaho B. KETCHUM, the whole. sale forger, to ‘ lbe penitentiary, will careful to dilate upon'the high respectability the culprit bad enjoyed,not as en aggravatlon of his guilt, but as making the •asic of senten- cing him distressing. Before the felon wat tent to the State prison, Gannon WTTE; Bona= GREELEY and other gentlemen of similar position, were at Albany, soli:Adair Goy. Fgaros to remit the penalty, bat he was inexorable. Thu is well. There is & feeling that jos. tice in this country only caches the paor end insignificant, which the rich and pow_ erful esclue. Tole reeling is not without mute. It IS well Gov. FANTuN resolved to I,t the I,w •else its course. From the Bate Traasorer's report we learn that the railroad capital of this State Isnot! V 25000,000, and that this capital pays a tax to the state of bard/ M,1)(10 The ingestion in thrown out that a proper and no, hurdennome tax opus immense capital would r.liece tie paopte entirely of the prerear state tax upon real citite—e contammatian ditroutly to be Ng:shod. "TATS Tar.romin" Isla as to open our °Minns to a controwrey commenced In the Commercial, and *HI which wo rises had no connection. We decline, It is a rule with na not to "ring in." If the Comma.- Cf4l had minted space for n reply, we ikould have decided differently. Stich, we are informed, is not the fact. IM=! The forowiLE are the retention' adopted I,T the State Contention of the woo:-grower or Obto Wertneas, e-preduction of roll is one of the lesdkg branuhrs of agriculture, gal one which not only affeetacur own loll:rents, but ell, the interest's ofeammunity at large, and le desert , (Rena. Would wet repay the tottering care end protection of the Government" aud to of right entitled to - astistanie equal to that aft gdcd the maoufacturing latereste, and ' WIUSUPIAIS, TZOS present tariff. lu ItuMasl op eration, ti believed to afford drat pmteetles than the duties lanceted by oar direct And indirect texattco, Wm offering a premnien on foreign ja• to; to the dettlmeat of car one. Aid that eire working of the Recimoclty Treaty, bithere admitting - Canada Wool free of dety, bat brat bbfetereblo to the prZucleg of wen), ead. WIIMMA.9,.STo tell:ve that the Eclat ling 'We means to meet the 11:,vernmeit's lice In the direction of the et contatemint of tome Indastsy, And believing sled the sound dactelae tbateher who ete,;leas to orevlde (or bli own hansehold "barb dented etc tett e, and Is verse than an lelldei." therefure, Ravine, Thai we petition Centres' to pus silhlaira se will prohibit the ici:ndaction of wool tree of duly, sad wilfinaposa snob amooot , of nuts on fortiga Wool an shall coluterhat. ani:a ear own direct and indirect taus, and af ford na anetrproi.eflon agalnet foreign wool as will e n t i'tiaes sad develops the bailees of growing domtille star& B. F 13•1 R12,15, a b q lES, than eltibteen yeas cid, bait teen arrested bathe p.rrpetra•or of the attempt to throw • trait on the Lettlsville and New Albany ralirod GT the track. Tee New. Albany anemia's-led E syt Balked pleads VIII. and gives se rte reason ler tto elehelieal act lb at, no the 14th ult., a ranee:tor-ma hini off his Mal] beCaate be we tad not pay bin Le,. amid. rlso ' that be Witi P4ViiStii lathe etnAlii,silan ut ILe act by ono G. We Shay. STATE I (43311. Tad I AI errs FLOOD. — We . itSin W ANT Len—T l /311; O POINT GOOD floodaraid; Brocinehanna,last mmed - It the greater portion of the logs and timber to ''' Y • omen , the W‘e.U3rarteli, It lett:limited that from six- Ay Ais TED—A I , littil* tiLAiYid trto-siT,.ty million ' rent of glee lozs, Valueth rrr n r %. l ';; V :".nrel apply uteri, a mil ion ofd puled W lllamsnott • nlblVacate ha quire et T.-r tit E.'":-9•,-V7cei''AS a Ewen. tea Wood etreet. Jebol tiLtbn twenty-focr lion - a, ea - the end 29:31 date of ITT otter: This ts tut posid t 3 be the lik; ANTED—A good experienced haul a , ea F; tut bbing and heaviest Mae ever enste l n d at ue :hue, It., the Plum qtitlyt A steatty It us • U‘ • loml ermext on the Weal Branch. Us sod best weer sea be had by ~pp:y 165 Fite.—Ear j teat mor .1r g the pre detroat. A pp l ylllmtvoutlal• jes-tf red e.-wear ro . il at Lte- wet 4 ood of th e Iron bride., JO:lemon-0, brio:vet:lg to 11r. A. J. lifetwtv, war drat ow el to bo on the. titana C , old he detinert abed neatly the wh do net •ro eta cot sont cd The lo tree Part of the lading In which were the bolters and rte steam p er v e ity raved.. The hollers ae4 en- Kte e do eat at pear to be much damaged. week four perinea broke pi! in Leeerne COnitty, by digging tbrone,h the eterl. Ore of tto 111 wan char,rad evl,h assault d t atlery. Two under sentence for uite; mud the ea er charged with b• eels golbt - e of Itleylel Co. A filth prboner In the tell colder, charg ed with mrader, was n able to escape on accoant of beteg homded. Tlitdißez o 011 and Lard (l,inraay, at Cen t, lituango county, l'a of write; II 41. Gatos la A, Gc,ier Ic Piteildent. ere ah int COMMIDC og ac. lively the elev. liipment cf prolertv. and edvettlee for propcsala fir pai Ling dome fifty oil Wells. 'Mauro, k a lll be Comm ried at the Cal • Ilea pi &atilt al day Ater the excel,' itece of th , ise propcsala. SALE: or COAL LAND.—WO I,llro that ft t v. ) . MeCluely, 14q., of Mt. Pedant to•nahin, WetLlLgtott Co., sold the righ. to 200 a^r es of co.!, m d. t his farm In the teighh /mood of the Plttehaigh nod S'enbenville Ilsil-ole, for one Lnered eo luster acre. Mr. MeC. still has et rght to tt e eerfare. RoonaLr'.—Leals Zediker, of Smith Strabane lo•nelop, Vt'eshington county, woe rowed a few night& einee, of ai out SSSO Tte money we. In a unikolnd there arc t o suanielung as t) who took IL Ctitorlac ut Lime fur Vermin acme years ago I read in a Fierce teiontind perlediral that chloride lime would rid a bones of ell Tombs. I tee seared up the I ofor motion until an rpporizolty otT-red toe t• slog I. name, and this °centre I f tar some since. I took an old country h .uso, lute is. I wit , ' rat., mice and thra I tetbri every rat hole and mecca bole with the chi ride. I threw to on the stone demo of the dairy and c liars. I kept lunette of it under the crests of drawers, or some oiler cosset:tier% piece of furniture; to Crery unmery, bed, or ti , essu anions. As °roe met tai glass vase held s quant-ty at the foot of mite stelrerseL Cow sheets. stables and pig sties all bad their diem and the result was eh* riors. I thoroughly routtp my enemies; sad If the rats, more Impudent than all the rest. did wake renewed attache upon the dairy, in at, >at ten month, when. pro'sably fore repeated cleansing end • esh'ny, traces of theentnrida had disappeared, • handful of fresh ch'or.dc swain rooted them, and left me master of my owe premiss,. Let bousewirea however, be ware that they pinto not the ehloade le their their chine panttlee. cr In ten clime proximity to bright steel waren, or the smut. will be that their gut ded china *lll be reduced to plain, and their brtgbt steel rendez to rusty iron, to s snort time,— Lcudou Builder. WeAT is ITAIGTZD AT Till Sourtr.—Why should the Southern States be so clamorous far mum:salon Into the G.13n7 17111 the mere fact Of tt elr haring a re:el:imitation lo Congress con duce any to their pr sent temporal weliarct 11, eventual (snow whit they r.quirc above every -111 g else. bathed of henslng shout the halls of Coupon for sdmiitan re, and b, co tang die contained because theicors are not fer.nrelth U11131131011[21 VI them. they :11- aid rather einierii trate ill tttelr astragits ayd lab r upon the teak of ream. tug Its former , r. sptrity to thole sectioa. Long leers. it the ant:uteri, will be required to n• Itn rate-the Marks of di sal stba e left all over the "Bat ny South" be the Iris be 1 of war. Ftnm the Potobth to the Gulf, sad lA, MI .its. slopi to the moat. the "Confederacy" het pre ► d a wild ic- se of ruin tad desolation. Nos% If t r S u.I era oretbren are segsef nu cad tore seeing. they will give themselves wholly to the wink of recuperation, leaving the gyration of M coestromlon to take care of Itself for the present. Focd and raiment are now what are required thrnugb the dotal:l,—N. T. Cartuaircial. PUBLIC LI OTICES. NION CAM:ITT CONVENTION The reion Itephbllcae eaten. of Alleghe2p Coutty request d to assemble .t the mod pitmen lot holding elastic.. to Mann., oa SOTUittlal, JANUA HY lath. 1816, •ed theme delegates to oreet M Collate Coerce,* m. 00 Trinusy. JANUARY likh, 1%1. o. 1 t o . lloao. .t the CUD AT tee the plumose of .cleating drimptes to the State Ono•entioat, be bead to IlAtittISSITUtl. to place la citmates too a inundate for °ara•aor. The electloo of da.egatee shall be b btllot—to the wuda and ooroughe. beta con the bouts of tl and t o'clock, p and In the Loveably* between the home of 3 and • p. en. fly coder ca the County ?secretive tknacalttaa WM. J. (111..3101tE, obatmac. IL W. Taloa as. U..eacetson. I .3 "'" a " . "' tat: fa out RELIGIOUS NOTICES. CliiiiitTLAN Camay's. AL. zierrarr tlttt XXIJELSItIa HALL. comer of Federal tad Lacock stmt. Paster, JOSEPH KING. Services at 1034 A ca. and 7 p. P. Prayer bleetang ea WEDNIDIVAY EVEN ING. Tba pubUo are AtorSlally larltal to anima. be.ite IA L te JO US BEUVIMEA.-4 - Wg FIRST BAPTIST OHM:WU VONORE, teerioN .111 hereafter bohl Lbalr church serram. to MASOICIO BALI, on Fifth greet Preachtss bh tha Pester, Rev. JAMESd. LtIOJLERAOS; every 'LORD'S DAY st 105, wed 751. tivnacy Schools: 2 o'clock 1.... Strehgere and the posh. ass aotdl►llp UMW to attend. SlUal fres 1866 AM; 1861, AA cusimucr- Lb WlTrl THE TALL OF NOKIA the • . mf NI of the Lord, lad rho hedenittion of Eh et. ensonotoso by or . 1.0.N0 Aft 1., of Ohlo, et Stle PAT. at 10,44 a to.. a sad 7 r. m., at WIL. RI NS MALL, seer the Meyer'. ufflos. jaetltme .14)80 B F-9T. AOTlLE.—leare. bi•SttOr •Y 151.11:i. of be,Lniore, soil pre Itbat , AlletOW (Swear) MrdiN IN% at Li restock. in bAVIS. BALL, oa the coma of Water meet and-Pitt alley. near 'Federal eter•L Alloghsey Otryi sad BISOUP etAMPIMLL, et tloteeetphis. at 7 o'clock r„ tr no puerto arelavrte4 to igt.e.d. 0.111.13117, lUSTOMY AND DIG , TINT OF THS MX/ L.- . -Rae. A- ISU-itNithl oti wIL delteer the trot el • SENIGS Dii. C 0 1 .8803 ea the above roma stablest, to the ltletirEittreilLlSTUNt=ll, worrier of LAM as/ Orate streets, ea T0.31C BALM Aboaday) EVE. 515 0, at 7 defect. lettitare 'DIVIDENDS TIIVIDEND.—OFITICE Jle THE SEC A-'ot.l.t NA vat. DJ.NW tfl , A lefet: 04E 1. , re.—at a neming el the Dlteottata of tats ne.d January CA, IVA, a divider,. of LIMIT DOLL/E5 PEI &RARE Was fact.retApaystn• en and after the Last. .faa.ttl•n J. 14. 13 AY tDAIN. ()ashler. noTicE. toter pas ...rori.s's Ilea.. 80. . Pirra2lllll44¢, .farr►rt 01 IS.. he Conti of hike:tors or iMa company has tab e►, denial - en a dlstAtract or FIVE DOLLARS PER suiker, Frye of tee, oat of the preSte of the last .11 laeolba, p.vable ea 004 •ittr the flit jaa2aema 01.0110 EU. IS.srat y. Tit.uostehtoNs , toArto r orAt. Pattettrgh, Jaunty Ll. to..e! The Di roctore of this eank hIIYO 11111 day nsewell a dividerd of are (0) cent., OA the (.7apital.CiLock (tree Ilea 001018111.1 iska) eut 41 the 0. its of (MI //11.t rig lenestil. }chttotd•al¢ at,u,•T. TAN bolter. 0,••12, OS%IUZ ALLL TTTTT Slums l'ttletnerga.Joeuatra I.t, • DPresn'ent - 1 .-11.ausgera aral Getup/ for etextUta • btf•S• Gies Gapuelt a. rlttestirg , s, la the toul,ty GI Allglluy , /tare Ode day trelonui • ditlitS o l Of etglat (0) r4i brct. on the Uarntsl St•ak GI Ike Colopima, paysSla tG 5t:441.014,re or theft Usti repta•gutettres toituertM. jeaat WM ! attartZletlati. area area. IsiCE.4lllbl rIATIOS At E45"/C, PlTTgarr.Ort .11,0113131 C, IS3s. TIES ILA IiAa.DISCLAIIED ADI V IZ/Erni of bibper scs.t. Irma of Goveramat Ts:, pay aolo on and It /mini's' fru lost. SOHN G. dAE CLK, Clashler. Plttaktuils. Jab a, ISM Magus baton -- Yl7Teaßq, NATIO3AL J.I , MULt4, THE DIRECTOR , OF TFIDi BANE" Aare titlede dOeluell a 411.1deliG of PAYE I'ER ()mfr., Pete of Ca. verao-eat tea, out .1 the wefts of the Path tla months, parade to Sieeebolteei iona with ilasaw) 5. VI Oathier _ - - • Manta errs' AISCVACTUDY.6I1 9 nl3,z, 1.121111eV10111, Jaa. ed. 1045. TUB BOARD UP DI It BOTOB6 of thl i s Barth hate MO de i dellars4 a diviita/ of Etuat V. • Oa the Carite I Stasi, into( the p:odto oft ha last am moats. payablis forth anti. Irelol Govero mei t cc.. dJ9 at J. 50. SUOTT,.IIt.. 017k42 OW 7112 PITTSZVUOU, 1 , 02. T *iron/ AID CIICIAGO .h•rt.war UOarAlr ta - rraeonewt, Hoc. fa, itt93. I - VIVID - CND NO. d.—The Board of 'V; - rectors of this Company have cettared the regular dlvldett , of . 1 WO AND UN.E. tlel F (tea) et.B. titai T. no tanOspont Ntoelt, for use grtar ter eyeing Mambo , not lost., pa y•ble fret, of government ter. on and liter Jar. inn/ 16 1866 'rho etanUsennal lltldsnd of TNILeE A NV ONE (441 Paell tIL.Ie T., due April I. late, no the Third Bloratage Bonus, nu also bean tattered raid to entaupatlon. lent geVornment tea. J 2 a .l alcor January 10,.1615. Sltvireheadere and bone holdera vegwared at New York wIII twelve ttiv r etehlehOe at Mourn of Masai, VIP:3IOW, LANIER 2• Olt end thole reglettred at Fattebu , gb. of tea Treas urer, in that On. Tha a ienefer Peobe re 1l close fie•ember 01, Inl L, at 414 o'olo r. end will re- /W 94 Jon t.e.r 17, I FIL llr order Mt I,e hoard. /11. Ft t , B. D. Noutt, Sretetra) WAN TS, LLN T A l'urclriEer for over rvult HrNDui Ell ellio Let , t 1 I.ANo in lowa, or an toroth y property. 'Me land It to county, att,intitta, R amt., thly, it, owe, eau . - ea a 1 the Gl.ZEerb omen,n cycry day, tract 10 a.. N. until 1 r. at. aelttl Av A IN D A GENTS. ) I MEN I t'lsfs liEr Unska) swan Eits AND A IL k truEti.,—Oresa 6,d of Jewelry, Nlltter- Wale, be, Sc The ii...ArlLTolf n Co.'s (lam, Girt Diem tit, Km. Out agents/ire making from Fine to 11 My toiler, per das, and we heed still Mete. ...Ile stolen trout Elllfloe bare swelled our Mock to otter Mee Dol/ark A. splen did sesertu cot of time's., Ring; Lklles' sad Gentlemen's Jewelry of all kind., of title most feel tenable Obtleleb, selling at /I each Sea_ Vicente for certificate, and •ou trill see whet you .re en titled lot on send di for tin e corm dent, a, ur ke for MIMI or send a three cent stamp fur our norm. to oi,etts, teeth are of the id kt iloeral kind. Nov la lout Clint. Write plainly your Name. y, Ci not yt I a d Male to le liatT)e & CO.. lion Mlle, P. u.. New 1 oat. Salesroom; e 9 Liberty strait Nrw Yolk. noiMent FOR SALE t.,1)11 SALE-A ROL ON TIFF; EVENIMI 04ZETrt. Etqiure of E. M. SANI.E.HS jaarnans I.:011 SALT;--e. three story Wick I)tvell • lug House, 111 • 111tN1 no iiiVerovepue, o'er Al dersou 44tet, A Uegt,en. Otty, ad..tsloinf rocs''. JOH... 11. lIA I I.F I•e 11 .1011 LE—Oho I wo story Buick LiOtt3e, with night i owns flut•heo g.. rat and g roJ eel. ittI.ILIO os Middle Ailei, In the Setiond near the market Lot, Alsegheng, V. by I e feet .11 to good rinks. Alen, one mat, lour roamed Prune House in DI •neheaine. The abo.s Rouses and Lots wal be lOW cheap En.toire of ItAM,E,), a. RAIL, Real latate Agent., No. CI Bearer etreelt. ter0:11“111 NEW ADV ERTISNIENETi: OT I ON— 4 now landing from ••• mum cr lio.dert Eta lor sale by jaG /.5.11A11 vTCKEy 3 00. 03. TBE}AND 1.1tE6 WAX {.nett Feather.; 1 task Bee, wax, Now landing Nom •Iwam r Lent Leotl for sale by Do. DIU& LT Oil. _ AND OIL-10 Obi, No. 1 co* lands . g ~ 1 70111 steamer Lent Lent I for as • by Jag IS 41AH Hlllh ET ee A SELECT LVENItili aUHvuL, tekni DIAIM4 wd Flntlal.F3, Xlll commence at t►e thine Ward Setaeai Route, oa WEL tiChildtalf, td mat. liar particulars copmrs of - J. (R)li BLET. BRYAN, IJRUKkIt IN STOOKS, L kuNDS and k EaL BaTA aE. 61 Fourth street, (Burke's IlulhUna,) but• • arta soils oa ens, mutton, BABB, BAILHIJJID, INSUB arelJe. PI1Bt•LCU81 sod otlwor aud Goren meet Beaus that re eteeatea hr telegraph at the New 1 ork sad Ptuladelp fitoot BOWL 1.1 N °TIC& 18 11/111811Y OIVBII 111.1. T a. , that the tart of the lolahar I. arm Mat on the ore.' coda of Little Bearer thtturnolaa• county. Man, lo weltered Mtn acre lot., and to neaten for sale on riaatonaole tense lfttel.a.toa tarn recommend Una an one of the moot favors. Die rotas for toting foe eel. bmot neat 1 . 14 .1 non, owl hit% • j seam to la. a of likaajo or till UOttl pan) , 50rib aid. iharthaocra roe sae 55. land Cl ealllng to M. N. .t Dorragra•• If ..rd if g 11011'.e s. mouth of Waal Non. of .laroollog hie at r eatoftlfe. Derlington iltarer COusly, 1.. J. 4 ,30 ly AR/ RS FOR i 6643. W LIEN. Kt:, DRAT BOOKS I=l4 BANKS AND 131tOEERS, IEIMME EMEMM! ♦si evc ry rule, y of NIERS, MOVER & CO., 30 run . '" ATIMET GLT TUE BEST BRADBURY. HEW YORK. aCOMAOKRn a CO.. taLL'AL., .7 ARAMS a bulls BOARDMAN'. (MAY, and CUMMINGS @ JENNY'S. ff. Y Im3E.ELNC:OIEit. THE Esley & Co.'s (ottage Organ. AND AMERICAN ORGAN. horsonased by WV Lei , jugzes t. M the w.. p.r try. lostrittotot of au. kiwi la th• World. Our 1 . 11001 WM4 itk• /Up Um' a. to pone.. on• etty and "runt; of tt.o, through work Us" nerahtllly ha t•Atattoote Ofitoot . Ir fells Equal to (I. haft afeetused In the tenets'? . The ..t airy a C V 0... ottse• Ix • oev era In sea cottage or Parlor Estrum Ry • psteat te Lgt114.14 us 1410 Koala .120 U1•44101/.0 putt eat g...g gm! tub-bast. a tlvi tea to 9 has es tut •21 pacer no • CIO March Oren.. AA the la , • lotlan• Mato P•tr, It Wet weer:sof tilt diet Koalas ova • tansies...sop 0 mua gad cow yrillora ler poop nag bra, at tow,. Mali wall Oft aao Sliver Inistnirr.•nta, at every draeriptipo, for Masa eel Usual Bawl% •t desalt pr.w. P.atinfsetta. gairaoteal. aleshoal 00041. 01 serer variety, 11011211.1111' Cia alma. at the worst earli Mau. !t Catalogue' 05:1•Ittoila. tarstiatte/ o• oy;tliao 00. WLEEIINE. k BARI, Ns. 12 lit. Clair altrcat, Pittsbargli. Pa 004 14; Ittai N mancsr ANSI .TEI I It I) aro Elam; TWO on loa,s,esed ri.r.1 , 3 a r•at dfaeL witAtTtr. enZZI Nt er. NO t►ro.te ►t I.►w, .41Cira.t Crest 1 . 0 111 E 12 til'o3 OF A I,L Etill f,111 ; AMID vrcirfirr. 0.40Fr..1=0. Fut , . antigen our NEW S rAN. 107 Oble etre. I. glen • new sad well a,g,ak .1 I RI OS, XI rirICI3IE.S. PM:7TeI, tOliti, PEC. FIJAI ER 7, a., era writs lb ass *tab log arUatas ia our Has to .all. I'attltalar attoctloa xlll ha yal:1 to a Mar Phi rtaars , n.tza arttpattlas Frosar.rtla•s, ttoP. It georadynt oh hunt t nura natiar•ttlaa, hanat On eater-two as Ream 13 that braid, beta la kigtstil ala tee Uinta& Statto.„ sAcninc, Cites . let. £I Wnß+•t• apron or raw Udn . rt,Ltllt of ALLndlitsbT thisirrz, F•.. Ferreseitel. Lee. MIL To BA ISERs, ac.—SBA.LBD PRO •L PUWAI.s wit , be retaivet a 5 Vile skits usill Jemmy Mb; - II" 1•4111nelfe, tnt stipples; the Moiety Passe witb. &nag• far els steatite, teem !elliptic:lwo Loaves to whirls ea* sal • half end two panda, reepeetirely, and to be of sp• colkels tQbf tor t e et lie aunt per Hillseadotulh] the W tate will Ye pelt reonitir. Bond will be reqiiirett for feltlital per. formers of Odettdst. ? 117t.:m..0 ulllit ilti ' l let a h irtrtV aty atftettl °patroller liU6lOLi IA rittcß ur Cietrro eta. rmatatory to taktag Dap Annual Itmoa I sad maktak aat_parakales for Spring , w• b oflar for TIMISITY Dal% Liberal Calumnious in Prices on on Choice and Extensive Stock of UARPETS. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, WIND OW g/i2.1, Damask, Rep and Lace Curtains MU NICE. TA SS I L. 4, LUC PS te RANDS, Ficehlln; nur eu.b mire to make tit/LIDA! Pit ESENI et pent araoret value at • very wader. at• rxrditl.4. e or ILLINS. 71 anu 7a Filth strait, drat flout Game to Ow Pent uffire. N I_W MU( IC 11A MINE. Jo oyeratton slime 1016 Commaft labor with One brick-wakes vary requited. Worked by ora me a. makes area per day; by bets., Irma to 1.0 1 :14 by steam, IA 11.N102 , 1 ctrd, For funher particulars. in a t.ambria elvl..q 1,11 Instruction no bd. set. mg burning mitt, certain, enal.aedress send ing lout a , an pa, ruANcu It SMITEI, Arta alma Poe Cibe. Hartlmor•, ED PEACHES-50 t• , Choice Dried Peccbcs—palm. J ~,,ven and to sal d e e ll J. IL tin PIE6O, 141 and 144 toot 411041.3 EW ADVI4RTISEM EN ti'S I - alt reiS, A VAiAllilLE TANSELD OIL FA DTOKI AND LOT, In Pa/ ollogLorn. Tin for cost. App.:7 to .1 W. 3.7.eliElEd BRO., ILrallogbacd, or J. R. jal , .li;al 166.67 Fourth *truth E . :LEsourih. • BJXTH ANNUAL lIIEF.TENO of 4.....t0 c m,r, (ten WO., A 13;1.,X1ht10 A NI ER itAILIOWY Cu. 1.11/ hF ueld art th 7 EL .11-r: P ttoburgh. no ..A Y. .7ro,u7ry 1.7711,i1: F. 6,. at, at o loch no, nut! pl tan 'ec- Lou tOr 7 . lt.c,ta will Do held, otoer ..nrao II amok eted. Jot:zoom W. lc N.N.llol.SeerttoT. FIE .11.1 4 .N1,J1J, IttIiETINO OF' 1.E61• nEn, in Ton. rot Ni 133 UN , • alljtl;AN r•L). fl AFY ANLr S' 11' I 1., tt r lury , nr rrc•l•Ana• •ha 11.3. n a eat rta ol ILr otack,s, as .lectl. otLke,Jor No !flit 3 ••• r. alit be bet at the Roo t. on ti Do 1, the 611 laet. , s:'7 P. I he apra 1t0,,. 1 to P Wrier:it. jhs:lld WM. H. 1 - I) , VAIZDN.SearroParr 6-O.IOOI.4.MAKILit fltlabargh Irhilo Lead Works LLAD LIROCNI) IN OIL FOIL PAIN r INU OIL BARI:LEL& NO. rtl WOOD FIT/lIKR I)Rict.'4, REDUCED. WHIT& ORR & CO., Il=kl Odor for tale a 'ante aaaorrootot of ';LOANS AND SHAWLS cLObINO OLT BELOW COST AT J. G LAUER'S an ti Toy es tc. No. 101 MARK ET STREET, A Int of LeClet.. Nene' end (Iblldren'• CILOVEi AND SI , OKINOS, NILE. LINEN AMU (.11ToN IiDEFS, NEIIKTIIS, READ NETS, SILK vtiscr !ilea INS, fte., tte.,lo quit the business. Jut (zIIEAT BARGAINS TO ISZ OBTkIN kJ ED at 917 ELDLIIAL STREET, to B ()GTE; AND SHOES. ?RIVES MARE KR DOWN. Fring detettolned to te4trott my present stash, I her. marked down the ptlpe, an t wilt eel/ 10 per cet Ina thsn any other Lou.. to the two et .014 41.71 me • mil Sal roe will ba.satimletL W. K. MaCLIBTOCIE ir3 federal *Sleet, Allegbeiry, P. P.—All ow" wltrvanted. MEilliAtr/LE LIBNARY LECTURES. CEO. VANDENHOPF. Celatnatea Dtamatist. and AixtbarJ lii Lafayette h ail, IntEday Lvenicg, Jan. 9th•; 5t17.4.013 rut I—Serree frem Sheet/petered eente,he If the Mt !lb 1 WIY Get LtY itt LflDStitt. Put I.l.—Post tr 3 A fibliT:.l• 2112;NIrP THE 1111,11 PEASANTII T...•. etatit•• ov ett th. en terttmaza .11.111.41 :'L'H .L/Pi Thurtday Evening, January Oth MEM /—Serro • from I. ad sod Ith ado of ••••koptaryt• ...saw, of 1/1110 Par•Jl—,rexv• note r.licridan.• ••••••ly af the VtM Peter aa7 I mei Te•Ve. Part 111—Yrem Dickee.• Old Cortott . y r itop, "DICEI. h Ll.Eft MID t: HD Itkli ESS." ll= Pact I v—Rea Leary . . Hasa) Lady , .Z E R Ic Loon tn.'s at a e'clocat Lecture comateakca at - 19; o'clock. Biagio (tract., We He Heck.. y d bratc. THOMAS HAREWELL., W. Lt. LTJW AIMS, O. AIcULINWUK, JAS. J. DONNELL % O. L. CALDWELL, .L. U. ALLIREE, Lecture Uoatatittee. sUfitClll4E FOII YUCtt PAPERS AND MAGAZINES JOHN P. HUNT & 00'S LIMES Oft ALUANACS JOBS P. WONT &GOA D WELLING HOUSES FUit SAL? E Y S. S. fiIIYAN. BREMER I ti f MINDS. RE♦ I. ESTATE. fib Fourth ht.. (liarkea Bs(Mac.) Ttr'• Very Brick Dwelling Haase, rf e. 01 ease./ lzwee, swethistag 10 roam., besides With reeve at bath mono. • Two Story &lel( floes* sorsa Webster str.t are Wider Alloy. iroratsz of West trossose, legbear Gaetalas IF roomy headts wash ream sae bath rimer, 7 fro br tt bosom Ho 2111 fAsrmk .frost, Allawleay. Coatatem l rooms, lACaltal WAS. Janos.. to Ist, LAO hot sod wool caster. Lamellae ossilsowalst Salsas 0 tams .to, y Swish• •• Wm!, woo? Slit% •troir,, Pitt) lassueltat• pontos - tom forst. Two stash dmtbl.. Oriels Ilwallseg as Lawny St., •Lehlteop. • sloes il•tszs• east or tls stsa: Vora ! COOtttsetim not... L,t awn, 'Met story brisk Swelitre no. Q 6'adults. AtlntarMy. Oostalas II mows. ,Sat Eau Will lit)11119AT1014(11 FOR OF FinuErti , q , Tian FILL'A.:VTLIA kV Air:Si:WA:nor. PLIMITEXT, FLEW. of Lae.tiara • rte., •4111rnra G 1/101i0 E SMALLS It.. Ociortea, •i Law •1•11ZT•ilf RE. B. 1;;DICLIIDS, of i:uboaa s =Amara,. E. S. Slant, 4.:calgar V111:14‘ttooal DlStinkAk JAS. P. F.(191T. oue Palk. I.l . oorgy ► Co.; J►R. 1.101.1b/L1E,41 , y Pittrborgh las. 00.; N.Y. Na. it 1 , 14.0.41 lE /I.llLia !(.LL►.ulfßE or W. C. 841aorto . b. Uo., J EWAN UtAnIN, eiornrier. &I. VITOIO. V. P. IV EYE 6 , Vt'ayosa • Kr. J• 11. .ti. hot.lll,loAr. Witt 81.10 1 lte F. L. 3 A rslitEgiFig, at Fnrwers . 4141 rOVI‘4I`.St [TAR. 11TY11,411,....J. P. P. IiAII.PCITLII. WM. SIDIETErt & La:AI-EMS IN WHILIER & WILSON'S LOCH-STITCH SETTING MACHINE, PRINCIPAL OFFIOES: Na :1 Flak Slrest, rttuburo. ha SP Mato ..9t , eot, Whet.!lag, West. Vlresla. 21.2 napalm' Street, Ulevel24, Ultto.• rud.Opeaa House, tancloosts, OH*. Na 1 lasso:11e 'Temple, Lustlseille, Keocasky. o. 12 Venoms/I:onto Street, lodlsospolln, L 2.1 JAZ A COMFORTABLE. BRICK DWELL 11NO HOUSE rUsi SALE, situate at the tor am of Reed and Ur. wf,rd sir , oh; two atoroa hall, dee noses, hltehen, eviler and nath , housoi looms wall pnyeied and Fainted and In soot order. let Is felt tees to front t y 322 deep; r ion /krill-Ist. for priee std Pram appy to S. DTI{ fiEft Si ROWS, Jan 61 Market titreet. A SSESPIIENT NOTICE—The &nese, went for the Oradlog and Paving of 'amith at tree has been made, and may be leen at my offlie. tl e Mal ket Hutirttrt. until the 10th DAY UP 1 A Is i'AIl Y, stye, niter which day It will be hand.. d over 16 the City Treasurer fot eollection. CtiAlll.l , -.1 REII3IISPA4t, llceuntirg Rego! On, CCinli-200 bush. plum Yellow Ohe ire do do do E‘r;' Fur isle by Jai ETZEIt & Gomm' Mnrket wC rirc its NEW ADVERT.P,EItiPHM!, E a - . lta i htd ;:i 13 4 CD E.i..0..3 . 4 0.? . 0 . 11 a. w z 1:1., r/2 0 : t,! s n: 2, n . .... P V s 2t.' 7 2.° ..- 12 s 04 41 '.-' iA i: 1.74 41 .g,.. , m . g . 3 tai tm E . + •:4crq.. z q . ; ft k 44 X t'g'to.;t A , Pil . H:i (1) g ki w ..7,F. z .E.11. m 0 , 13 Y ' ' s. A. 4 r: :a . aRI 1- " 5. 4 2 , , , ,, h 4, = < -=.3 4 . c 4 44 •• Ao c.4...t • -1 1 4 4 CD 4 'zigO.4VF, 111 n O ...4 m1.....f.•-, e t i I I m 0. 0 CD 6 g.2;?;'..0 m e.t.0...- t.. = = , t .si: i . ba cb `-' mg.2.:1 z * 4 - 3;t. 5 o 124 G - .1;tilf;1 o PO =05. 6 .:.= to Cn - 2,` t 4 E-4 y,' . " .1 2•;Pz o &A 7,.. 0: 1 , U C..) A. i ' ;' ''% 4 SALE OF OUVERN2i ENT PIWPRIITY niTATT QOARTIIIIIBSTII GINZAAL . II °Mal, PirrAliVitat, PA.. tea. IRA, Mi. 17111 b. told 'at Pubs.. Alt(Al•23. to She ['wheat t leder. re IHE tat■ DAT J &NU RT, ten, aS to o'clock, a. to , at the FAIR GROUNDS, Pet.a atrect, the to! owls( Govertmeat Property. as Moles. Is Norms. Male. 1 (limn. Igis. Kola %Wagons. 2 Two Horo) Nang.. 2 Ambulance*. I ()Art s albite late %Whs.) Hans... 11. do d.) Lead do I do ro Cars co / ess—Cart), U. S. IJortaney. . n. r ROSS, Janld I tent. Col. and Ikpoty Q. M. Chn'l pßocLiateflo ear as At. .....T, I.' IN aertodanao with as Let of Amodio., decal klatch lab, teal, I , John lintrizon, Morel of IS. Oily of Allegheny, do lasso au say Prealsastlos, lhal, on the brawl Tutodsy m Jaasary, A. D. 1. tele. the rata day of tti•oth,lae dal( ...Deed vote,* el pea ward of sole o alty will wad 1.0 tam axon] plated of ..hang maltase la tsau rts•atty• walla Ltd pralat• add elect by ath.t. Gear its provislob• of WA &OS of assembly UNA. wean TO grog SO Korn el ••41 coy. Two ;wawa to farts .a boost am of the Poet ace for tr• team al two yt tic. sad on, fez Me In 01 tko• yawe. Oa the mete lay la awwWilass aria Las (dra' provlatotusl sail Alt, the deem. of Ms la, gat., will cleat by ballot two pszso., to sera as no aws of lb. &Lein Gotittny on, for oaten. of tern. nog ens In . the tern .4 ono yen, and lour pee.oas a lo alsaabers of the tie.. oat Canaan sod lw•wersosa t. ha Dire. al Word will eleal by Ballot Two posato to be want... or -Ma &stoat Goa:tell. wite few as tam ear. ad sae for the term of oae Toot steel tour pennon. to bs weaken or the tiamsloil Connell. fad two parsons to Oa Sadel Okra:tots LI 'Ward will atioct lry Ballot Two para.,. U. ate agates@ *I lbw &dent thottrull, dos fr tle tam of threw lests add oda (Sc Me In blahs Teat. nod and Sear pontoons to be member, of th• Dewsaa yeanall and two ywavao. lob. Safari Dtrustors. ate Wu,. will ,bun ey Delon T.• peatot Co bie ed the fieleal Wood/. a• for Rho lora of ti sic ar..4 ore tar th• tors of on• year' a for yenta to be madam, of tie ammo. taco atii and that. rasa. to be Schaal Dweetera, tope for the team of tan. years 054 cot lot It. tam of two years, at tae Nara • to herald u aforesaid. ea T coney. fho alb nay Wisdom. A. D Ism 11..10.101. *fa. l.t Ward 5111 Irsa at a. nu. 11. Bat rd Doused said W AA. MIiMSIIRS=EI . . Tara Macaw. at tha rat Precran al tlia di Wart *Wet le antra all that part of said ward quiz wet at Maria alley sad Middle atnria will rats as Ilia Patna &stool Roan La rata ward. . . , he Llwan artily ta rnataat er t►e 28 Wart. whioh tootaitla al t►at pan •t oda wadi &Flag ant of Okry alley ud 11114dla strait 1A rota at t►• taiga of Oolonal George Ilan& oa t►e • anto2 of Feat Lua ea/ Sotoad streets *4' 2 .. I s!1.) Too tzfotora at tit tot maul of tt,o tti Watt. tail& wellies* all tan part of oald ward Inas Ire' of But via ma at Um fastas twist Looook aal Madonna strooto. The altottuo of tkatd Ptestaat of the 414 Wail, watal lattottoa al/ that pars at oat watt lytaa toot al Slot Lana oral veto at tie 8.15.1 Roan, MOOR al lima easal load !natal moot. (tioaa auto at has. col Um ow. at Ott ast4 VA.6l"l"."7."`Arrititlgitrr,rig...,.B. p .ts MX 40r 00 0.2200. o'7 1:1 , 11%2a 10t.rewt. THE BIG WINDOW, 00 imaaci. 07 J01113:k EStratat. THE BIG ROOM, ES 07 301...fi1ia etx - ocri. Ii 11. Oast Wbrro tke .111 r, .took of Dry Q.oat 461 .fart! CUT; 444. Roo., 111 k• I .at ~,, b abberbribs, C,, 10•••141 r. f. 4.4. /1. •oni pulattib of oualtty falls, kb itapestfolli ealtasCaeo MO 4 01 elletaadVlES• 0.40 HOLIDAY GISTS. Taal Marla will •ppraalate at mc50zEt111.1322. , .s CARPET STORE, .ro. 57 Fourth Street, 'Mosaic and Aimminster Raga. VELVET BUG SI, Embroidered Nato CoTers, StillzocrismiUlzm ii•iwttra, VELVET dsti !lAA etery dezartplon of CARPETS • GOLD' • The elnlseet steak of C 1 D AND SHAER WATWIES, lNANilte AND lletreLßY, ere: brought to Alle brt gheny Cit 6 y, ewe new p aeon et the ni et T. H. KLAGES. No. 83 Wade:wag 182.. Where WATIIIitS of the ores rattan SEW ES. RV of the aewest styles, CILODIDI. aster, Ire criptloa of twit Antertcan and Preach makers. PURE BILVEB AND PLATED DODDS, Sus RS Forks, Spoons and Hallow Wars. Bohemian And t reach China and all is VASES of skutscat patterns and all ankles I elonclag Ss my Style n • luslima ' which RAU be sole at a great It EDI, tr. TiON I Fine Watch end Familyy wart ear Mil; made and repalred. Hatless pm,. ystd for Old Silver. Don't [Prot the place, sr t e.terel stt , et. A Ilevherm. 001101 osostrtrArtztuz..s. QUM PATILIUS..J. L. 0.1.1t. , ; i1 ' V IRR I'AT MCI; .3RO. & CO., (Succes r. to Joseph Elhe ostrisk h aro..) WllO IsF LEA LEW; to °rotaries, .Flour. Grtt Ptovlalove, Fish, (Thera t, Solt, Nails. °hill and (111#. No.. ill ehtl 103 Liberty' street. Pitteht J7SI tt-7L bbla choice Xxtret Fam4 Flour rrectvr.l Rad tole ry •. Ifal•ed.Tlr. ETNA STOVE.. WORKS. A. BRADLEY & CO., AI =gad= every minty of ICOOK, PARLOp. ANA ggA.TiNci S Or 0 V (Anailld WAWA are the celebrated LURINA,TROPIO A TALISMAN Woad Staves,/ YOILLIVA, TETA It AN AND ICONSIDIM, ( Wool Cook Stone.) Also 4.matactara *MATEO, GMATM FRONTS, lta , Ma. Odive .n 4 Warrniute, +burner of Second and Wean Spent., rlltsbnidn. Mamas. oa Second Stzool. Jal:IT m _ FLTZER k ARMSTRONG. corset Dlartet Mat et BA Ns ; 8 TATEjirENTS. QAnillita STATEMENT r OF THR UNION NATIONAL HANS OF Plr BURGH. Inauery ISEtS. ASSETS: Loan. and Diaeonnt, 1 51• an 59 U. S. Sends and premium, 412 995 79 Me DT Banks and Banker. 171-91.6 77 ntIIIIELASKet, &C. 0,9 - rx 96 State and National Bank N4tes andetie L _ '79152 94 Specie and Legal fender Vr9 9-4 As Ckpital Stock Circulation Camino, at Fund an 1 Estoiagl DC, Wenn, n vat/ the to I.epoalt or* • Ducjiankr and it...kert 1111,M1,1144 fA I certify that the above te • tie sttrtreet from 'le re, t to rte Uoitact.ofler or the trueesei jat:UAllit) R. S. SAIL fH, Ouster. 012ARTERLY STATEMENT OF THE If I:IWHA NTISI ANIJ MANUFACTURER'S NATIONAL trAbret, AtbNiter Illocrttro. I.¢. lit, ItIGS, l'apital Stott ''''''''..-........-- 1 3.10,00000 Iti la M. Bank Circulation (.tare Jinni& ) 411,205 CO Nettounl 11..1 , 4 Cliculatioa. MI OW CO I.ue lIE I.u.Oora 41 yr: to I ale otLer Bat,. . 3 . .'l 17 DLYI r to. I pp aid kr..,OC• a4i4 ketrioncc 430,444 GI - - LSSErs Notes and Rolls Iti•eoceted 1 1.11,T5; Basking House and Heal Estate., 21.717 O U.S. Uovernment arllltl .. . 1,11341 :t". 1, —T72:I" Note. boo t s other lianas,. Lion' 51 Tette. and Law ...el 10,828 97 Ina". on liov't SeCurlttes 141,29 $2 e 41,701 64 I certify that the abore la a enarct sasteset Iron Quartet ly maxi t.e Ip , relfar .ht.reeey. hetet J OHN SCOTT, le.. Outdo, TElitD QUARTIERLY STATEMENT OF 111EALLEJIAENY NATIONAL. BANK. Pyrrastiletici, Itesl. 'ASSETS. Loa arm,/ Discount, ILTIPI U U. h. 'Weds. 6(2,000 01 Specie and Legal Tender Notes.... 421V/11 ZS Ilue from flanks wad tlankera 112,P91266 Slate ic Nat Bask Notes 2c I.:lteclu 44,11121 tt Heal Latate Itaptme am Tax Acauunt 'at st,o3l,ens it LI.LBILTITES. 00 elpilti Sto,k .... , - PAM/ Olrecalatil. i 5 Cox 0 eiscaltUcek State Bnek 621,939 CO Due I.* Banks tad bankers 10,110 CS thas to bey...attars 450,117 sa IMlrtdands unpatcl ..... --- 11,805 00 Cocalogren 0 and 0.00 Lartltp.... 192,111 St italt,fre I Xereby really that the above rateakcat iv • hue abattamt flea thik qv.... Cif repine evade Ole Coogan,ller of it. (larcener. 'mau)-let. ( jelled R. W. ILILCIELEST. CIIIARTERLY 11.11 PORT OF 'FRB 011- ' SENS' Stall or 3 . llTalltilLGEL PunLIAM eaaforadty atilt elts till section or the Dfstisond Clarreo6r bat. TOntakar Mnaal'S rea. January 2, ISM IaSS. Vrotna sad EinsDisenaatal...—.—.4l.l27.l39 17. S. Seearilia4 634,4111 N Rail Mr sin 44,9 p 417 me and Zatpwass.....---.--. en 22 Lagsnaader Noted • =3,01 OP Cub 46 Ceti 1453 IR Lamina Sanas and Bankers =XL , PO "WAD at LTLSILI Capital Stock 0119,91111 63 laraa lsil stlcns MAN Ca cana Brat 401,14.1 ea Dsrpaeltala . 1 1 4 T 63 :4 4 14 . 41: 1 4r31atici r Ta 1 4174,1 "... 4,in 46 ,00 The above vtatsared V earrect ank4 Otte trim N tie brit irf knuleage MI bend. J. H. tIELLI) T, Sa, Osslitt., Ssaim sad rabarlbal titters we tlef At day of Smeary, A. D., MIL ).severe IL ■ D if•tsty POOL, N/NTH QUART ILLY ftlitPtlitT N FONT RAT On BANK OT PITTi— NWSOAL. Peravemr.... January 21, Ma ELPNOURIJ I..ets. osill Disa . pronts - - . II 1.2/,'411 12 Ilattod stoles flestas • 653,2:0 N U 3. 2..t0p0 sty Low. esSIOO CI U. 3 front Osaka aed itankato lOst,SlB it Spode sad Leo! Tender Notes.... 211,0.13 COP b mammal Mammy '21,731 COI Notes of Soivent Stole Basks MAN N ONIY Items =I MasiMums 64,62:1 N Noel Rasta 31,000 OS kapeaso .11.scounL . *XII SO p,176,1113 GS Capital Stock • '60C1,044 is Lim Indl•ignas Depoaltora 10174,011 a CC Due Daaka sad Itaakcea. ..-- . . 147411 SO Dye Trraimarar of Las Uni t S t at es 16,941 MI OratiLattaa 311))00 C• Ilestazgrat ft .a 1 Profits . ili,lie 77 et emit • co hereby certify that el. .10•070 WitAssient. is • true wast•aet treat the Quarterly Report *Ade to kleaeptroller of the Out,, (Weber % i flufa ... . O.IIIIM, JON u, SUULLY. SITATICISSNT OF THE SECOND NA. TIOIIA.I. BARK OF AILLF/%IIIINT. .a.zar.sitrarr, MS. ASSISTS: Lame azilD/teausta tari,ist as Vapeaese. and Taxes-- .. 1.1611, Doe trim Bask. Lad Baskets.......MOST 11 Oath .. '13,14 MI si .8,412 ol Depealts . - . 14 2-130.0 captuil Stook . litolee 01 (Areal..tiara ClUtIlL0.110: :Ape II thleaarma sat 1. rarabange 111,s1S 21 D. Saaka a.. 4 Baaket• Lll,OllO QS S 10.21,441 ja341.4 J. N. DAVIDSON. Oaitter. CIDARTIARLY REPORT OP TfIE SZO ueLl NACHO: Vila BA OF ears- MAWR. Aiasry 2, 12,11. lIIIVOYBUS, • • lcotaz and Mils DlasoalOtai . $ 10.10 75 D. S. .11.0nritio. n 7.00 ID Intense' and Eapanaas.- tart 0 Due Mask Dauts and Dautera 13,00 SI Sal• ►na A►Uo►st Du! Notes aa.l °allele Legal revise Metes 351;124 Si . .... . Capital Stook $ MAUI at (11Laalainlaa 2111,01111 Is Daa Deperibua artita La Daa La Maks aa4 pillateiS . 7.4 &II ..I Pipit" Nub !TRW( 'Zia as Trains sat Cantina . COMO It MIMS is The &bays tee thief t shatichet Ikea the the earlialt Itelitrt th Se dereaptsetleethi,tasaey, Intim II 11. =EMI, Clatliter. QIQOND QUARTERLY eTPLTEAIBEIT mor or TEE M2OII.IISII.MZULT/CILIIALBAJIC OF Plr/SEilta IL FICIIIIVItOIf, Sito. 4 tau. IMMO likA lllmuttats. $ SU' ,La Sa Han...l Scales ersuolti," LOVA:10 Of Dewily Banks soil Ranter! :OW SS Sous awl UMW of •Lhor Sask.— 87,M at Lova Mater Meta MIS Opaile... .248,717 "a --a--. it. 518222 Si ac LIASILM/14: 00141 St•ok 0 150,1811 fro ?Mita sod oarataga WU= Q. I,: sof oaal librotilblian 21.11,119111 U Mato Otroalatioro MIMS I* Dos Deglutition it 7,717 Gil "Do. Bala. Ng Ssakaa. likat a Divaicris to . urilL icaa a eb tb• • % tabasset. ebreaetpt• [ me lt as n M my tmew le albe mit beast. .1 - 0111 f lITI, Mter. /mom benere t1t1.2.1 da y . t,S. jaaawees S. n..U.Yre.; of.ary ?U h. T HIS nolisirykruu 6AI B A EUFAGTUSING coMPANY OEM PYRITIES, or, sitrphura ltrOss AT A GOOD PRIOR ! , c'ennerliaals eat: Manufaatiartst Uo's uau. Costar Pitt Street aaa Datyams Way eleztamdsaz LAllitS, SAVE 0171V110.NEY By having year (rid m. MIR" AL FL Mil Hr.-PLAT ED WI H FULMER. aEA SETS, ATATTELs, FCSB ICk caul LE,. KNIVES. sPOulle, . CANE Rib Et.TS,! an, Caa all br raTlated aad Etude t, tong. AA WEAL EQUAL Tu Nr.w A SAULT, tA/S JOHN Tom' . CORNWi3,L, _ Multt? . co. 7 SII,CIaIr strect ONNELLtkVILLE AND SOUTEIERN rtist,srLv A t• la RAILWAY COIIPANy. TreLPWl4.:lO¢. ,J. 'The ne no el eveetle LA yn, the btOtith4tal Pa of thti ectap4o, stll b. held etthe OHO Of tha tlaturs.7, ho. 2O t.oto Thle.l VD ;MONDAY, Seery). guy, Fth;lBtch. at 4 n'eett, P t 4,4,4 parpoS4 of eßetteg 011ict14 to case Itm eetnina Veer, DRY GOODS Mal HOLIDAY SALE Noa, 78 and 80 Market Street. I i5J,000 CKI atoms GIEll•FQ1 6Y641 805 t Embroideries of 11l Hinds Finer Slipper and OttOtaan Patterns. LINEN AND SILK HDKFS FOR LADIES GENTS AND CHILDREN• Woolen Goods or al( Descriptions. Hosiery and Gloro in Endless variety, OMITS FMIIIIBRING DODDS—A Pali MPS, RIBA PINS AND WEIS BUTTONS FANCY GOODS. W.'have mad. this departetiat a SPEC/LA.l.r Tir. WI lir lEt be rem:Snag NEW GOODS Envy Day Darlnvite PoUday Season la to Nu forma • eomg*L_ ssorixoont of Fine Work Boxes. Becticules, Per fume Boxes, Ladles' :Companions, Satchels, Cigar Stanit!, Cigar Ca ses, Watch Staudt, Albums, Jewel Cases, Fagg com bs, etc., - WA emitmcrs ulil Cird our prim LOT= TIAN AMY 0=712 HOUSE= Tat UM. alva vs oww. wr U:11 M=l! Noe. 78 and 80 NE.srliet Street tea MAOIIOII, GLITO ds 00. CHRIBT3IAB AHD l‘irevs- Years (3-ifts, EATOITS, L 7 8 0 113 ,0 T.13 EtriNEILiEIZCIrr. mcr axcEriritip Large and Desirable Stock of eQ-C:PCPICISS Su itabia for Presents COMLNG HOLIDAYS. POINT LACH OOLLADD EULDDISIMMT.I2 , ADD &MDR% VAL LAOIS EL tLLAILS ItAIVDZIMOBIEFS THEH►D, LAOIS AND NALVIaII VOLLADV: ► fall Was of LUNEN HANDIESILOHIEVA Elabraidared, Lame Trimmed, Colored. Berdare Haaatatehed. Fins Ito* of XANOT COKIX7;: of even tuarip ' NOES aoxss, ~ BLOTS BOXES. ..- swim - BOXXS,,,- . • OAED EASszari. • BALMORAL JIGIL no ltna Ledles% Mannaid krltiltews tan, tang ate/Feud aaartst • Gents Furnishin* G oo ds_ Stare, Mee, Ifoollgoo 811zto:thodorolo111ag of nom aasiolption, Gloves, Hog limy rista. oal - I3oviono. Heoistlfobol aN Zak. , ZrlfPflYl GOODS, BELAWLS END 0f.21.2. SUAIL/S AM) NUB ' UOOllB AND flioAT/ lA% Iffl (LAI% l'olf.; worts:oat WA stool GIASTZJitiI Ler Ls owl lotosco. nn LieurtAL SKIRTS. urs'Olesdnit et eta ley. • " m-ifwrizoN. Suossuot to EASON, ELLEIRIIII ikOf "flw atm. GREAT REDITION. ... 70 MITO 11 . 2.01/ Of IN THE PIUCE 4IF HOLIDAY GOODS, 111A/CiMrlia & C4IBtIiISLEJS,4 NC 19 rim atom 4 • Ii ordar ti .5... ..t on sdr -praccrr 1224 OLEO Wins NEW . 175184.13A.T, we to rata • GREAT EDUCTION IN PRIM TIME Rib FAILITh TO NITA uITICINT. YIiPILLESSTS, O OA tit, runal ,1517ZNir UP New Itrears';43Firts, Tilt Will be tliErtiL set Ken:li tltt to, au. MACRUM & cAlAusur, F'reziat ars* I. HOLIDAT Bit.LES. SILKS, SHAWLS,' * CLOAKS ! ; Mtni*Si BATES & BELL, eels, rirts iranEv. NEW GdtlDß NOR TEE ;40LIDAY as NV mc• ORF4P errs si maricei skeet. a Sou will dad a. full aliertraut of FAXOI GO(l)S awl avarytaluirla talk Tp.11113421110 itud 110T/02f /...I.Nr. at 0 Market St6et." w. ve..kto(inur.ewit.3 •ta ll 9,00. wQo,•-• (i •-•. • Look s out! litho manliest this lor tam Celt eO4l '1 ant minting* good French Calf Skim iiloot for the mall sum ermine &Oren. DANItI. RAE& 4 garktt 'Rect. PIGS, & FOE THE ianoi auso aascErs NO. I'Z mirk= STIIICET EEDTIOED.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers