The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, January 06, 1866, Image 1

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orrr ITEMS
-, --- Ti r New Toth banker. who recen'ly went to
The ;Terrors Of Ihdlgestfon.
. . ~.......
I ---.
. kr o Europe for the Tresenry Department, It here
• ,
Yeil complain of your etomach, unfortunate Our Special Dispatches. ! '
et nial'ation with the Secretary.
, Alyepeptict but ought net yont stomachte coin.
- * gidattleif yell Paielbly the pear, you coders aro I taro VILITART AGENT'S REPORT.
The anginal report of the Ohio nitre Mil Da y
Shinble the Mt/med.'. /Method if taking "'e.g. FROM WASHINGTON A :mit :ri WeeLlogton, has Just been publ:3hod.
. . Upon yen for neglecting and abusing it. Perhaps •
I; e lacers the collections of bounties and other
101 l have never made an *Mort re Improve t 4 eon 1
talon, but •n the other hand an coati:sexily
ri,inss for the Ohio soldiers to the girt -n! of over
, '
..serenonalnytt with unwholesome and lacongenons 1 EXCLUSION OF COLORADO, oin Ilion del an; an expenditure fun': furn'siv d
• IhOd. 'liars potrerer tried Nostettera atomach I by lb led:es and eodetles for tho soldi r 3, of
hitters, s proper die; sad regular mean I The
mi o•. r leer ty thousand dollars, cad the d.a; rilia-
Ras In a week would put your digestive ap 1 Colfax and the Tennessee Members. Mon of tupplient from the ISMO f Olrre to the
'll l ,Xllitni in Tutees eels, regulate the low of bile ;
~... amount of t ighte-eigtt inon.aud del or
Is accur dance wilt the laws of health, and peoduce i _
', kilt no mash apetient action as teoule he neon...a
'ry for your good; and when yon were once all right
judicious and regular dieting, with • little of the
URIC now 1100 thin, would keep you ao. If you
hare neglected three mean. of Intro, don't b too
your etomack for it, rebeillon. It is merely es•. lures blot that eke want• help. If you neglect :t,
the neat thing may bob:ie.:scan:lotion eir acirrhue
' ainoci, sir other violent and dangetno. 4111.•
*Sae. There Ls Inch a Wog as belay too late in
Macao settees. Dome ter'. Bittets will cure dys
pepsia; bat drapepals may engender disetsee
''Whiall defy 411testorativea.
hostetter's Bitter'
An sold wholesale end retell orrery low race at
• JElemingie Drug Ind Patent Medicine Depot, No.
M Market atieet, corner of the Diamond, near
~,FOUtik Street. .
._ _.. .
-." .." .. .
'-‘ • - ;111htletly 1 •'d Weather,
Bowe of the eldest eitleohs of the eruntry pre
' •.:•... , .Y. - 41let that ire shall bare In : the combs winters
7 aesson intensely cold ,
and, of outlO
Muth attenUon-will here lb be peld to the stoat
Willa we wear, to assure us from the keen
blast* et grim Seek Irma. Ass consoling Isar,
.`;however, thepeople have found out 'hot at J.
.; - lifeklesan Ik. !Ws., No. 111 Murata treat, they can
txfW•tire heavy Boots and Shoes, }kit and Buffalo
Sheep, made expyrssly for wtnter wear as sr.
• ew prlits, and of a very superior qusti.
ty of worlunantiuP. • Rettloson fr. On. are a
length ahead' of all compeller* to their floe to
• - the Mit, end eating upon this num! n twit small
' profits will pay best In [hound, they ask for all
hugegoods bat a nomlaal atleanee over thole eon
faerything Sartre. boa of barium aerobe
; ,-;.„ - frerind .11stenson's; and i 'VIM Will satisfy any
*hathti their prices aril rfeeldedly innah lower
;awe tome of any otter shoe-hones In the city.—
.71Azoember the tiro, el market drat, heat door to
srlieVa dry good atom
For .thr Ladles
queen of Tolima — Witegon Pe Parisian. Pettit
Dreris trePieitth Enanael. Thbreelebrated totter
end enamel In the onjnol preparation well for
the put tea years by the Empress Eugenie and
her Clourt of beauty. It is unnecessary to cont.
-merit upon the transparent complexion of the
Empress and the ladles of Europe generally,. for
all know:they passer. rho Most clear, delicate skin
In the worlit i The secret of their beauty is almost
en!llrel, attributable to the erect produced by the
• ..eppitiauctst of the French Emu:tat
Sold only L Pittebargh at Flemings Druz se
Patent Ofeitslas Depot, No. Si Market. larva.
Joverat Fl.lll[llo, DruZzlet.
, Ito. es ILARket street, earner or the Dlsmead
• , sur . 7dutjb Street. .
Few Coistries
Ater widely eatendcd. and sparsely restletl territory
medicines ready prepared are more employed, and feet, a greater Decesalty than to the aid
• - -..eordarriee. Dr. Ayer., preparations bare item the
"ptiblie glister eoaddence to tad, dam of remedias
akin had aver been felt before. Physicians lartaad
•if discarding them, really
, faver the .4 of such
Mdy at hand antidotes for aware, when they
:Me be dtpefulial on. And are Wen oar readers to
'tie* Oat in publishing - L - 0. Aver ce 00.'. wirer
tteemeah er any other of - like - reliable character
r .we thin* we are farnishitir thent al useful law..
anon ea any with which we c a n MI oar column.
• --LoUlsbillaCourier.
Fall and . Winter floods.
rt to v i ta greatplease& we can the IlitLedtlCUS
rtuusrato tte superb stook at Fall and. Winter
goods:sat resolved by air, John Prefer Merchant
Na Ira.Federat street, Anezheay.
. Stook embresee some sate., rarest and most beau
. Lind Cloths,Chwatereres.Lroerooa4ars aleVestl
ISerbroaant to the western market. Uls assort
of Tan:darn& Gots% comerts.i“.l. g dant;
In n wers , :.E~aattlaa.Ma' alterable
,annot Devergumed east or west.. A large stook
Stendr•mulb‘ Pante, Coati, Fasts and Overcoats
*Maim te fount at his • establluttesear. Persons
wastef an' gLa tnielothing line shoal not
fall le girl Shari evelern sail. •
, , beiirlienCt Of all Horror.
:Nsit•i B Heazelton, s Ind of tau vars,'s
lien of idwiretHesests on, wholesale grazer in the
_Manse nd, went to the °Mice of Dr. SID, ill Penn
'atree4 store tok the Stetsons Outdo Gas, and
:wee; ecli.sod,:,of • -*go took). whale under the
. • ;dement Ste/aseeen of rls)lng with &kite. He fees
pats, cold had se much pleaUttre lie though Cho
„ putaux!ent, so commonly known as one of torture,
Into a kqe, and p:sylag al cha
end of et looeslrtnet In the 'atr. The Doctor has
giten - lids delkehtfal agent dating the hut two
years to user two thousand peribu, with as mach
irathetictlon as the one reLsted above.
. -
.111 U W. Parry do Co.,
• vortical Mato Roofers. and Dealers In tooserinuo
Mite of =dons eolora.. oat«, at .4.lonsader
lositilatrar near the Wet. Works. fittoburitt
Wk. "Baldwin. No. t 9 Me street. Orders
...prompty attended to. an wet snouted Tata
wont: prompt ly
&nu at the stoutest nobs*. No
, tiolorrni Air repairs; prostis4l Ike root to not
boson snot It In vat ort
- Carpenter Jobbing ettop.
.91avtat teemed alto an Obtain of Ckree seen
to t h e army& have nal/ 'boa:or on oOrtil
a:potting hs the corm:how Ma,Rt the old acoa4.
Tinto AZT, between Sailthheat Aimee and Marry
aner. - Unifyt volletead aad . goaptlo attended to
. ze.tga r Rale?.
Cease Beaten
prepar,et tp nil glade at Oaaaid Fruits, a.
olewarol 111.(004 11.11 any louts West of Me
ilioautolos, no. 111 Fotoral street, Anegkeny
_ Imperishable Teeth.
tharsteeth bib rendered Impastihunie t
Issahly their can, &memos; used dully, will
u tell "wand absolutaly pros, 'Ethan essay
harden thu emus sad small from the wails dues
apyanans suer *Tension sad ;lunation' closeout.
- Slcatlng.
- IM /ma bees ferried .a the Parks, sadaso doubt
eth will be storied by the thus 'end restklen of the
Sinless_ Weertuad advise those weettel mulatto/
thathe warof Gold Peal, Albums, Merles, %tett-
Alas. Fells*, Pocket Brake, &11., /0., to sea et Pit
lifrilto.anif 'airmail, at all ',Mea t from tin lowest
.1111rardr, at Ina thaa tin nigulsr attain rives
..Xamariber. tiey are oa tb Marta lan goraar of
Four: t arid lltatket atraeto.—
0 4 HANSON Lova t no
- -. Ladles Mara. -
. he most satellites and beautlfal stalk In the
_414 , , Lat Um aiteastraana popular eatabllshrtient
' arl Vas. heaven, rte. tie tread street.. Also, a
Tarp sleek_ Of (Dente Par caps, Collar' and
:.. 101oyes.
• • Best .13Fauds. -
Dar.estle as ssll .as Portico Dry Good", a?
.16.12, on howl en s , story oa Csa ROE%
4lirto of Fsnrtl.nd3faiket Alma.
O. axsoos Loyola Eno.
Dry Goods,
'oll,rtrikoltials aiiredas retatl, at It,, Mu eta 1.0
lad ' North Etat eta'aer 01 Pe art
aai 010.0
.U..Rairso4 Lots& Elmio
iemedi.sita at Venlig
tte o
r btatacill as Re. 112 Federal street. A11eth., 27 ca tf.
C. Stlt
..4etzetstit tekth withont . puti, sad &censuses 'Yu
&Id orse , lox tea . 4 1aTtscs s set. Cart let 2ut Pena
. If/gads and Plain at len than nitket rates on Rho
_ Baratsat corner of l onuth ant Market vivant
O• Hannon Lora fr. Rao,
l==eas Barbers Snap
I nle•,—ttrit. Only thirty cants a.nattn.
"gm, Hatprds
.Manterer rfatigeti-Th% Weather.
Burrir.o, den. 5 .- - -Cerrlngton, amnia
le4Ter tan mailer ofp dleemen DUI, last Cater.
bg to-day. Lla was but twenty years
7A weather here and cgs: is very cold
Irgit Onzdtt.
N tLe rPI r .chlng lily! of Semmes, Ler cOM
mt C r.
Detailed Rtattnetit of Custom. Ih e •I;3t.
Importation (t Cal:lndian Cattle Allowed
Ste etal blepatch to the Pltttbargh Gazette.
There are indication is the B,uate of c 0051,1-
ernble opposition to the admlsslon of Colorado
on arec not of the anti-neg ru Fuffia4e drum in
her roc litittlioo
Who roatitutcs the thhd er founh elslmant
for Seeatortal honors from Llu!sama, has Just
arrfved. Ho Is a feta an ifY marriage of CUM.
Justice Chase and of the I as Judge licLeau,
but has hese throughout no active and .mu: lat
ent refs 1.
le In town, all was on Le floor of the Scotts
for a lone tine In consalialon with 111 r. &in
A crazy rumor goes the rounds tonieht,
James Watson Webb is t 3 be seat as Minister to
Secretary Bunton having dentinal to deliver
the eulogy on President Lincoln, and Judge
Holt having Ilkevrlne declined, the Committee
are now casting about for an orator.
The Trowel' , dettetivee who for some t'ma
rest have been engaged in inveallga:log the
matter of the connurlelt one hundred dollar
compound lateral notes, are mamba° Ito have
come to the conclusion, that the plate fr.,
which It wee stru"k was abstracte I from tho
note printing bureau in the Treatu - y Depart
Speaker Colfax has test recently oulsrepre
santrd in newspaper paragraphs, attributing to
him a declaration that the rab-o Rep•esen•atlre
would all stop get la. Tao extent of his stave•
meat wee. that the Tennessee msmbrrs wow
EOOll get In, A prominent Southern claimant
for a Feat to-day; claims that Mr. Colfax astar.
ed him ho was to favor of adallttlng the Tea
r eaFeeans, ardirou'd leave the Chair to speak
for It If necessary.
/lie report of the Commissary General is not
yet completed, and the heed of the be - esu says
be will not bauble to famish It to the printer far
e week yet ard the ststbstlza accompanyleir It
cot far four or Lire • elks. The gust terly state
ment of Governmebt ret elpts acd expead:teres
for the eeosiid quarter of the present fiscal year
will be out in a day or two. The Adjataat G te
eral's re; ore Is not yet completed, nor it that of
'the Quartermaster General; the latter le erpect
ed to cut le a weer or ten days.
- .
Speech In the /loose to day closed With as %
castle refcrence to turrent reports stout the
Prefidint'e elltged order that no pa'r maze
sl.ould be men to Convocamea not In favor of
bli relit', which tacited Leneral atruisemenL
Ile saki that In behalf of the President ht r,-
Seth a charge with (coin It would not
pencil the President to re slandered by the lat.
pntatirn that be could by any goal:Nay th - 4
net by hts petrotisge to inflaetce the rites cf
tornibtrs Scott this floor.
CUSTOM R ue Llp'ta,
The receipts ftom customs daring the nu 4th
of December last at the four principal porta of
entry, were as follow!: New York, 8 5 .348,750, 7
31; Boston, 8953 013 85; Phil.sdelphle, 8349 53.-
79; Beillmere, 1 , 100.891,81; total $9,341 331,74.
it la estimated thAt when fedl returns from the
Othtr minor ports are In, the total remilsts In
' gold during the month will be Laud to be up
wards of eleven oilllats of dollars.
Ttfe following Btatere eat exhibits the ;old re
ceipts at the ports of New York, Bolton. Phila
delphia and Baltimore daring the fir,; half of
the Lecal year ending Deeernber 31st: yew
York, 185 073,913.87; Baton, iiB.llll—/83.78;
Philadelphia, 83.394.527 83; Baltimore, 81,883,-
239 95. Total, 877,507,775,0.
7he tote! r.ceip t r from this source of revenue
fo- the hut fiscal year, enelog Jane 80th, 1863,
watt a (teethes orer eighty roar million,. The
tetal receipts when all the ports are heard from.
for the first half of the rreeeet fecal year, will
probably mount to as much, if not more than
the total receipts far the year 1865.
Order the ac: of Angeet 6th, 1881, levying a
direct tax of twenty trililloss of dollars on the
severe! States, the aggr.gde gnats otthe eleven
Sttrhern States then la rebellion, was fixed a.
the awn of slzmailllons , six hundred end ninety
dollars and einely- four cents. Of this atnsant
South Carolina, the fiat State to vs Into rebel
lion; was &seemed as her proportion of the Inc.
1303.570 50, and has already paid late the Tree
sttry 9:34,756 17. Yirginia, whose loot& wan
fixed at 8537.559 68. hse paid In il 71,490 37.
nankin, whose proportion wan $77.5:3 OS.
paid In $43,1008 81. Arkansas, whose a tots
wan $201,88 1 1 OD, paid la toe saki of 838,165 33
Louisiana. heats 1 1 3 8 5 .830,08, paid it 120,000:
Tennessee, gnat& 9669.493, pilaf In 8105272;
North Carolina, quota - 1578,184,00, paid in 835,-
956. The State 0 1, 0enrgia mused at $59.1-
367.33; Alabama at $529,213 33; 6 ttsslssi2pl n:
8413.1384.40; and T.ixas at 1313 ,101.66, aro the
cwly State, which have not paid soaisth'ae on
ACCAUG tOf Iht Us- F Oen this stsietosst It will
be seem that the late rebellions States are indeht •
ed It ills Item alone to the Gsvernosent $5153,.
ISccratary McCulloch to day ordered the tut.
retslaa el so much of the !trete regulates rata.
dee to tie baronet:en of. cattle from tartlet
countries. as refers to CasaMatt horses. malts
and which may be brought hate the Unt
tcd ;States, provided At, animals are not Irepurt•
ea to this oat:tutu from foreign cal:tattles e.a
The meet letrrettler voloott of .be 034 dye
completed, wlll . tcrl, be ready for dla.ribtp I pa La
• •pral w.eke to Come. . The mapapaeerpot la COW
le Ilie Cantle or the Goverameat printer, who
w-ll ere all potrible dl patch In lie c.r•Aetlon
et the no: k.
From IattrtIIIIIPSCLII. are abut 5:T11.3
hundrtd thont•rld dcl'• e.
The folicrirleg. Eton)le.:ng• Sargeoas of Pea-
INC , C ap•olo.ed to-0•r: U. S. 111!CCM,
Wi , Caretli George W. ESILIllan.
Platt, T:11e. s'.: ;5a noel J A WA%
The Vlraitt.lona are onalarg an efrort to peour,
a larce eLderrmtut for Wast,lncton College, to
be lo OWl3ea tte Lce 0r.10,em.. t. Nino:t hoe..
ittr , d'eull,ra hare already been actl crib, d In
Be:Creme alone. Macy tot o &-o. L for
Ge ntralLth'e Ina ltatloo, tLa Aitioul.arA land
greatte for VI giDla.
WIT RI 83ES .1041,,97 SC11,11:9. •
ANIT !him Ilitrty ofilvers of TOM:id c•pinrcii
by the rein] cor,air Akitianin h<ve Leuii bun,
annul] Ecru aswituretcs r ito in
WAsamorixt, J.. 5, Pidii
SCDGE Preta.DlX(3.B
tilt canton of Mr. &bull eid, of Pannovlvos la,
tie Committee un eDlOlinetCet wore lastrit_ted
It noire tie its eip.meney of EtlAtlianZ. an tin-
Dr, priation for the Ing....evelsent at t►e - harbor
or Enc.
Tie Erse rewired itself foto a Caannlttesof
tie Wand.. a the Stn. of the Goloa, Mr.ffavh
bite e. of Ilitems, in tbe chair, end rcsatned the
eta ilittston of the President's antual 1213-
Mr. cp uliFte, of Otto, proceedel t t ex
sol• • Oa 16,1211. tfJ C. Colhenre that'll/ Gov
erotteat to lea comnotittof State.. This my of
the a bllifles toil and lore. tin bad plagued our
roomy for moo then Little yurs, and react.
of in the roost dents atlng.crnel war known to
the blatant r !untie". The lovereiglay of the
Stn es fa ;be let lawge of too tea'adcracr,
net or the contrtlattott of the United States,
t"onas tb. frac are of ibis Instil:mien! conten
t tweet the ores . 1011 of a Nctonai Government,
the oar letueltg In the l ciplc ten not in
ate n nffde•acy of States.
The rdels baring tolled in MO, ....iv:, to
at rtermr the Government, now an!nn•hlagty
ask arils to be received bsch, to order to oni-
Ilcipate In the eift•e of the Government. Ni,,.
ttry may to le the Celan sahiect to lovers
went, but may Inr trdstondott for alt their flat a
asp ran et the noverolhe fwwt r. Re kn•w cot
toot the President meant tho Kano thtn.z. .Lea
be sa..l the Stotes 'which In:coded to ~c ede, Ind
once., thdi viniSty but did on •salelen'ah It;
tit thew' foictiot s swt; eoied bu. no. de
The Preettlemi errs co recictrh•in he tent this
eutni. In time of n .r, when the country was
in danger, the Ptetldont w.a el , then a lin , elct.-
tonal p.. ...r, but I, Ilmo of paler h ^ -en ( Oat:-
fully txerelte re rower unlea, It i eta -en In
tam ty the nowt! ut on cr by Cost r e+.
It if 1 ,, r0 tlao, ih4t :to in oplo thoaLl I: ill
LLat It o in't, of one lon overt) tel,d, •r ti rat In
Co. t.ta.1,,, al 'rim. Ste hat tn4l3 t2c;:osql t,
I , m; c•: tern. eat - 5, hot 155V10,y w 33 , 0 .-- I . 1) a
ft rial 035335 503 tald !ante. and 4.,n brit! ,
13'.0 a laVal eft' Usver) by a t151!; , 131 :pot; altl tt
5 aslar t , n to. W. it 0313 .3C33115e her la Order to
Sr, WI e' bor fq, t.-aura Nrr 50tril
11.. I it ~ ea confidence in the Prcaldont of
the 1.71,1:ect 8 n:, a ant he entered ms '"mite
i molt neldnit 41- am , m,t of any to - n, la or
Li (4 ( ougr• KC to j Innv rho maj 0 ty , (the
It .•.. I.• al. tttittole of 1:ott lily LI Cho Prest
,lt ,/i, b . 1,1 , g 5! Iliti la toO co:. n0 , ,,1 Li u 4 1/ to
XXXiXth (ONGIIE4i-Flva
TO • . ject. 5, 1'545
I icar,r.— VO, inns r, enlaliona nr IminLs w r‘,
pa.-ed. int lueicw (me r Ckr.:l by M 4e soil,
of litho 1 , , ILntruc th, tell ,ary
tr, lorl ulr. wheth, acy fcrt tt 14: •
crary fa, (Liu eupi•rterio, of 10.4 7;amp
Int ft nth a,.1 Mr V. Le, of Veda,. I 11-
, 11411 e oti We), onel woa 1 1
1,1111 fu 110 the I at.:, tr.., 01 0,, dine f r
0, as barite ,I e WI, a re. d , 00 • r nn ! r
ru , rtien in n the 0.11,L , 11Ct ion ,•1 Au,
atija,is i.rd• r 1 , , eta:etc at a to riot Co .-
situcCat oa Itti
Tr eSi a•kct te: urn h et, Co an . ,
t!eitirm Loci the e . ee , r.ery to 4 W., 1 . 1 r 11 , ) to
• rt on tra , nL.lLieg a to„) of tlu to - . , rd
at d tea Imot yut el-tilt tunitlal the .a 4
of Pelf lune G. lie The pate-re W., rt.
frrn d to the Commit ea en Elett 051 sad or.
tend I ; alp° a ft lo , y to a r,,tl;t . .it,tt g;tr-
Itg a itrvemet.t. di Like a( tau°,
tattled ha "tilt State the 11., .1 A . r.l,
1601, slieb w:a re'enad 1. , the I. et c,atuatte
Ire on tie war Mkt ti r le, al aat C.
On motion of 5 ,4'.. Monlll. it wee r na're..l,
that the Yrtaleetn M t c .01171t1.11Ca.:t.:
to thin Bonet if mu 11,0 ap.t: talc With tae
lie O It rem 0 . 1..1n Ps to 110 anther of
minandttleets tow lac ant ~ ; t11.1•
tarr tervig of the United 8 .te•. Rh I, tn
-1.441,1, end the numbs et utile', la tint Cola i
t,tr nod regular act Viet, n enl 2 tap fo. en,
pit yrn.: I wit h , •al aortall ondturz rank., also Lae
a) of the army 4.3 ta.,vr , Igautzei and dlstrilni.
On motion of NI r. Brarvl Urea, of evallef i .at,
it eras fea..lved that the Pr.sidvat b, nit to-tad
to coccOnnieate to this El Jose, if not iheJoi
,pa ab'e site the public It t,esta, taco does
mu hurt Informatiou re,alre w tot, noudttiou of
are States lately in telethon aanln t. the
unitod &at, s, as may be In his podancson, in
t ltialag .S 1 et ladle the riporna Lieut. Gen.
Urea t, Get ry at, Ito:nod sod Carl Snore. and
the Eire. John Covotle, together aKS all docu
ments, exhibits and paprrs aceompaay log said
it porta or refernol to LP.
Mr. Beane, of Ilis,outl. IttrodoceJ the 1. 9
10avIDC, which was agreed to.
Wilmot:as, It Is alleged that many regime:di,
batteries and detach, d bolos of sol ante, tr Nips
have been trammel out of the herr ee plazes
far diatant from tie States in which • thvy orate
MOritereCl 11110 sonic; and
%Cantinas, It is also alleged that thee dd troop.
have teen really pa the milttary re. .tic, n.t I
sett hone and finally pall ad, no: that sa
only Ice., itod pay up to the i e ee of amt. drat
master oat, Inot, 1 of to the slate when th ey
were pall oft and discLarged, wslch Is no:
dorm d lair to tense thus dealt with, there( we,
Ade , d•• That rho Commltt cc to MII tart' 1 ln,
and ltry are lACltalry reqnswted to Inq alto into
ate tacit of such cots, s, and if luaat Lra,. to
Mahe onto provision ea may b• p fo- don;
jos , Ito to 5t.Cl L. - o , la, and r, port by htl . or
On cut Coo o' Mr, Ing,rroll. o'
•It wag
tern. O. that the Judictary. ate hereby !unmet
ad to i. . gatre whether or not any la the- 1e,.1..1rt
t!011 Ia tvr,a..sly for too supproPtioo of Lae
abornicable s 3 Veal of polyiarny which Is DON
tarn pant In the Ttrhlif - ry of Utah, and in Co c
the Committee find that the ex hsting lewd are
ant:Delco% then latqabe what farther leola!alL0a
la weastery fur llosepcedy .enforcsto let of the
lama on the subject, and that they reps, by bill
or ofherra
Mr. Taylor, of New York, InColuce I a
^iylrg to persons In the naval, h • hay,
I at on erut or trot, tun ?Mill • pe, 0100 Lb it it
allowed in tae roilttary act, to tor a sarti , er ua
tall then, whit was rvr,tru: I, Vie C a a 1.1
e Per shun.
Mr. Dona ally- of Minn- axe, brews:fel t .e
metro, ial of the National Normal Sci, I Aa
atlon adOjted at its last meeting, be d a. Mar
nature on the Litt of Anguat lasi, for at riot
Odle lauds to the several States (or tt v p ir
p eof tudabf thing Slate rand tch Net., a
oas c, n cote la Ito Casa of agrteni ti al tot-
I tits. Tie memorial seta f, rte that r h t o o u-e
two mill ou lire brede S thotsaod et! dot, In
t c b. ut t uu Simon. Baal that fire tto•
sat d e.‘ h.ia alit te mete! t contract torus,
and Eat canal Leh. eta are teel,d to ; rep she
tt tae !cart era,
On ano:13o of Mr. C of Wiav-tnaha. it
.12e.c10,d. That the Commi tee on Slllltari
Affsins be, and tarp are hereby dire tot to la
atti. e loth the pe saleability and t zpnalency of
I gis'atirg for tie yeller of mach tillecra of the
Vu.attruterelce as, der-irg the r 'crest C rough
wa,t c f proper blanks, fraircrts• es or Ines
eaastle eel:feet, failed to en ,ke props retarcs
f chance, aednarce twrea, 9u trtotortaate,'s
e'er. a or garrioixo equipage ur Otter patrae
pros tit; for which Inch onl eos tracer., p)" - de,
at d -hat they may report by bill or otlatrwisa
M (dark, of Batas., IttrOlare Jab! ho
reeulato, care eau narteourac wlth the India,
tribes, aLlett was rata red to the Commltt a o at
Ind a•
Mr. Washburn, of int , olneed a bdi
to, tmornre the c trig-Wen of itch rive- a.l Jac
ripper and tower rapids of the Illsstastppl, ankh
was relent do. 11.5 an C. mom, o.
Mr. Vro.boa, of Indiana. p , ese-t-d the
eror etoials of Iboa-rt C. Me - thl,ff f, mentfoe,
hr. m the State of LoniMatia, whoth ware Mfr.,-
„d to the B,llml Us cumitton on 11-nons tuctioo.
Mr. Sorliabe - tier, of Ohio, sake I hare to of
r he following, Out citleetinm was made:
nosolrear a That this /louse tiptoes its coati-
Com, In the fidelity to American Interests as
sm. as in the abldiy, wisdom and moderatioa
which dar'ne lb. tat* war charreterla Sea.
which dletlugnlslies the AdroloOtralOa la
tie coodnet of the allabot of this Governmesti
and this !louse hereby express,. Its determina
tion to *autism.- In all matters at Executive coa
ted, to extend to the Axecutiva In its ad amts.
[ration of these stabs, undiminished sappy tt
and. Ibis la expressed In the coanden ce tia at the
Justice and •iloolerati on of this 'rename /too od
to , nee 'DWI, race lathe pvllaltal affairs of tat
rut r bamliphere wl/1 not sal, preserve the
fricadry relations which this Cloyerameat
arch oeshes In preaerve with all fornlqn gare - 17-
metal, hot mil also epeedily secure la tits fa
t ate. as Stan In the past, irons he governments
of , ath cent Isoutd the system of non-Intarfer
rare and mutual &titillates from -propagandism
winch la the lens paheir of both hemispheres.
Om motion of Mr. Hubbard, of GAO Rect.l.••i.
a , CIO'.IILILD teat adopted IMAJ acting the c
tnioen oe Mlildary dffsira to It gcre tato exPc
allot ey of repoollnd hnw many moo inch:tam:
(Moms, are la Om re crap grist:Ye cerpa at Ibis
j.resest thae, and whether Lary cannot la eas
t tuployed with advantage by the freetancs'a
harsav, or la oth-r deputmests of the minim
ry tervlce, so iota man watt, hare rendered each
rolusbla tery'ee to the constry may so' 11
e the
Lt.. st:ctst- ttts own Just prerogatives ;shut
e (Cr ell, ht carat er, eteltca.e Olin wt:nt,
erconc. E.ttlaern iiitristors, was (sniff, fen ug•
Ito:Wade-as, and while proving Ills boy Ay
kg pt stile hm st•l.
lie tklieved het the President hag fell red
In the feermrpe of his predecessor. Althea
be tbouebt ihst the Prmldent should hare urXed
sullrrg. , 10 11,1 withOst retpeet to color,
the errs mat cen , f4us to the. Southern litst c•,
akolleb slavery and to repudiate the sets d,-ht,
lie frond co erase of c he
rstifiretito Or the ara.. - clarery &mewl tie tt Its
Lie C mtnution I.7altet B . .ates be Soat'a
c Leg.- n ores. if aid neither 400.1 nor ha tn.
t P., 1. amen[ we. s's-s is rs 'tied ey thr
roan) s n htt Sta. re. and noaddithmat sane ion
'asp A. ntt. , l s heznWaCes 01 we a unclog no
rf he . ti. r, [tot' tbe Pres s
rate the aelsyl o' Conner=
belt e tltstut,. 0 l'ro,l•i.ansl Csof,,rnors.
a 1.., r 1 , •• :7'
a, , s6es; is tr.. ”I"
•• -
, CIA luc. el . Ml 2
to ~t, el bet . . ol a ti.
us. 1.•(.1 • I le n,. • , •I' • h
e rm•tt-
Int .1 , ~. 1,1 1• •I 1'r., 0 .:Or .el-Irmo.
MOD :1 , 43 I t t
tithe, to the
state of It, Colon, an.' to .•••co c, oi
reasnres a, .• ut• j ,re e d'
• be pea i•• noel, St-. es, to
mike • n'rs for 111, envmn meal and rev:eta:lln
ot ll•e me it at .! ra• f to
113 . &ate a es( u'iteas form or
p 1.0. "l.• t K Corettre,....
el aged In enn e , ;
It vas 33 d g
tlor Pre.ldes, y
I • v .II
o tarot Cr eke. ra t v of bb•.l 1:t•
par raz. from 6n -It ith rI pri-inta•
1. , souls sot ..• 0. I. 11. Lou'.rue
et. 11.- ; a
, latle. 0!O :FA r he It. • 11,• I. ono- d it
• • • itt./...1.•1/2 43 I - Ce.31. ,• itself.
II- . ly it in. a New .ern pap-r,
• 1 a I.• I.k v 1 i• bhe I, ad. TS- .ti
e. I , a IdeS, , moot eontant w ts ma .h.
I' r to I•tr• 1 . 11,Idin•I eurb t ha e move:. snt
) at. tapt h m to
their vut i•irpotta
e er't•in^ iudicate•i tl e a co of
. t would eat i afy him In the tro kof recoil
sire ; nen., lye ides,, Extend the tof
illt fee to co'seed nln then•et of •. lam
b 3. Sr I (I, A tr. v.O !leo Can•tith lon of tee
Un ten Ste e. In reffleCt to the ap,o lion - rent of
ne statlvra eI d do ect taxes, in inch a num
-00" tm tb. ev.-ple of miorsemal not be counted
with the population except in States wh le they
re permitted I ,xe.,, tn...." Ilan quay.
T r. a prov too to le't , 4..eir noll lici
tes end El et 2.61 II V . • 1..01 b Hoz Ihn
tioa of lb.- sat.m.,l d be and
th ,- p C.. , errs. of the robot
debt. Fl •b, bat who at
any line hos taken up arms Resist t the United
0. I=oll 1 100 llk Wed to a Oral to the
Senate or Hess.. of It sr- eel , ekes.
Let these galrantrea be given to lope Ity, and
be s. try 0•., he roots never for
iv, the le met!, dby t tontiry.
The con m two I one Ia I thc noose a J
Fens:, met at twelve o'clock, ;and wv called
to ore, r I y tics Prt aid , ut tuft tem.. Mr. Fos'etr,
Mr. Shooter presented the petLios o: two
Cit‘r.el, of Boom,. asking for Bide =thy from
the British Goimotetnt for the lots of ■ ehtp .
Domed by the Alabama, which was rderced to
the Committee on F.,reigo A ffilts.
Mr. Sll.lll.ler pre:enter' a pc , att. , from the eel.
r red rllla . t• of Allnidrialppl and Alabama, ostler
for dolt . Judicial rtgets bear, the law, welch
was referred to the &lariat! Cow IJ:LI.Ce on Bet
Mr. liumtter prates ed a pm eel from the cal.
ored citireot of Colorado, almost the re,0401-
than of that dtstr, on s...c.tont of the !mortice
done to their race in the Le sly formed rah:LAE
Mr. Chandler pretett.d the pr,tertt of cm
tit:ret aof Ed , chltran ef , a n-t tt), rwoeveal of
rtclproelty except noun terms thtt sew pr.neet
Illtriee II commerce.
_ .
Mr. 11 , trgact offered the maztprlal el the
Upton I:aitte Clot , of Nen Ycrh, a•klaz that
Cookre • 1,11 r,, to the widow of Lb.,ia a t'resl
dent the awou a Of every for the 101 l Fr , ...ileu•
t.. 1 term, WI war r,'crt,.-i . o the (2,,,e,
Mr. Ittx.4ull elr:reJ a bit, t t Warce the
',otter: of 1.10, iret , lmatz'll Be 'eau A a hid
.0 ,o.rontce too.d..ta to t• o C.> o:ed pert le la
the Stales lately Izt
Mr. Sumner pa' Fecl.te3 3 r3-0:3t:33 C for
itt 10 , oling of out trocOr J c . .0 w a d rotres of
tee 4 , 0 t4e 3 1.11g1...“ 41.0 t al a the
Rl.llllO Or 01! .1:11 lir Ch iris
rt.!• trt a C 10.10: ea 01.1 f.
lee. hauta , r tret.el,c,l a rOO/0:1,1 calif;
rrou Ur l'res.d.n, tw dera , lel iLfor
et cc lei the 41,0i.c.tu 1' o•lalonal ,v
-r Out., toe Wary ear pod. a laati. Aar they
loot. lbe 0434 Of whtelf . *La
kt. Sumner r (Tend a joint re,alatt :n [trap
I. g amtunlc cat to the C - ra I II I to
If 4 S yes, to gcaraa....e the 1 , 171411nt of al,:
tl. nut (eat aid preve,t Ike pr..yelent of alcy
u.I debt. WI reftfro4 13 tau Jal:cl u: •
tuct4 e.
Mr. B,au.arr Care,tl a 111 ar tb,
Valea of !lac Its' atr. of tic Unit.d gat so.
u 1.1,23 wla r. r rlcti to tto rowzd 00 12,1,1•-
Mr. Il't/touti it.t....lnrrtl a .a i
t ittrultslt c tie ant: arttr.e at an am .C.I•
Mt at to (LC e1a1 010 11 . 40, N, po•rtsnot! exist
Coftgrt6s to ploy to p.tytt3l.l e( .10Y
rs . tr. or pent no l r cr La /lay hat Mll 0( the
emtu c totton o• any (.3Va cir Cart, In the
Ut itta Pixie,, tali no appro;. 1.0/OEI o m sue,
elicit! one hro tr.udr tI I st• of hh.o.zrens (.at that t. TI ear..cic WAS rrtv.rel to tat. In.
Yr. 1 tumbh.l Introdurodl too VIA, of which
h.. had 1;11en wet ,totte hotire t n Nit to en'arra
t th. lasae OT the Frreinon'A Ito . ean, and a
blll w guer•tore :rernlvto le Old col trail cit £Ol5l
t f try Slat. n !at, (ia rr• :•,
0., moth n at Mr. It to.nry. Ohl 9 • nate ad
j..nrht d 13:t0. to arts on Ma:day urn..
steptiens, tie renlan Leader.
:Cry Tone, Jae. s.—Tee London eibipplay
Gratte of Dee. 16th, says that a carious tbeary
Is held by some persons respecting' Ikaphems, the
'Fenian tra'er. It Is ateuested thatbe has Leta
• s; y in the enapioy of tb•Gloyarnmemt and tbet
he was 'apprehended by mistake. Ravinr been
taken., however, It was absolutely ilecessarr
kaep up atipearanues by sanding hint
Since he rue welL'lntoma I. have taken part
with the seiltleas pony la dopy by, ;rhea
laprhtened u acumeary facilities were given
Ulm and Chas Le made what (a called tile mys
terious escape. fly Is, of course, only a theory
hat Is to soot* eating sapportell by the fact that
Eke Lord Lieutenant him refused to app‘ilot a
cetatelsatsa to tymettlzata the case. (la the
giber bend, the fact that the Detainer of Rich ,
Maid has been dismissed, tells some,
•Mitt avast this theca, bat l a sappisriers al
leao thin edemas, was :sees et (bate eraem
to memllla vhe &mentor sl the Dead swill. Fey
tLe !stare, It will be lactated ie theaTicersy, is
as CCapara:lo,.
CT ay Between Net Tyler alai Richmond
. .
fllcnuonn, Va., Jan, r..—An laterebasga of
pieta; shots tech piece to-day In the ball of the
C %101 l between Henry Rives Pollard, of the
Faamtner, led Nat Tyler and Wm. D. Coleman,
of the lhquiter. 6ix shame were fired wlchout age, except blacking off half a tame! oa the
c.p of the nimble Maine of Washington.
The B ipts of Delegates wan In ezmiso at Ike
time of the necurrenes, lableh roducei great
at e tAcaent. the p.,•tiea were arrested or tee
E. rgrant-at aims and hr-next before the Bev of
the time e. P 'Meg the Ma wales of ■ inArlou
to refer the aliAlt to • committee, the Mote a I.
Jc u led till to recrics.
The d'ffloalt.ortgloated In an article to ,the
Itzembur oa public priming to whlen the Ea
amine, replied by calling en the former to name
the passim referred to, or stand convicted of
falsehood. The "'remitter made no editorial
Commkilos thr Purpurr•
orrow, Jaa , Supremo JedJetta
Cows of am CARthetWltallb ha" indleced
S. 0. Q. Smith, fcr willfully and Corruptly pm
tarty: ono Carla C. llorthrtr• to coronet the
crime of per Jury, sad hare retuned a resillet of
•coity• but to b• certain of Me lultrualo•• of
the eocrt beL,w, the def.wd•re toot oreepitiont i
1 tie exerptlete wi re 11l y areitext and the ils•
po me In Yet hat now overro:ed there and stlirmi
~d the rieluer ucd virelet glum in the Loner
Si. Pried, at 11liner. clad Lady.
Nair lota, Jae, ti.—Ex.frcirificat
lattemore and laity call to-day in Ltia at:slater
tulips for Brest, int, dint; to ire 1.1 tint mater
le BpaL, on *cunt t of lifts Filinto - ido delicate
hettittr. Pair to dolt - rivet Levey ;
eat.; ci ' , emir • Mr. thp elites fp: the
g sad .Meeitt crape 1: ex t , cditie n Whip] li ea•
Pel eJ !el leave tile pere-n. the 12th of May
GeV.. cad vr. ich th-y heat to sopfeWecro to
lb. Mitre:sat eau.
:Norttent Pae fie RallrOad.
Jan. s.—The roorgani”tlon of the
one, errs of iho Northern Nettle Itettroal Com
raty w • eficcted today. The control and
management of Able great latetela had Passo4
Into the. hands of tepreacutative capltalltts of
New Enctand, who will prepare f_r a vlzorous
pco,ccnt:on or the work,
Bum acid 'Twelve Locomotives
Carsruire, Ohio, Jae. li.—.S. largo engine
Louse of the' Bellafontaloo railway, at Gabon,
was dvstroyed by are last night, with twelve lo
comotives. Thelma is heavy, estimated at from
300.000 to $590,000.
Number of lien Furnished by
the Several States.
V. aim:roma, Jan. S.—The Secrrtery of War, '
• In compliance wiib a resolution of the Ulnae,
bee lircleled a statement of the number of Nate outcasts, Jan. :I.—The Thews' B owns
Volnoteers called for by the Preeldent at vedette CM ' ' - '"”Potdenco of the Mal. Far Gen. If
B p
Mo cilln
,wilh as
Periods. Tee il'st roll nee foreeveaty 6 "
hie l I C :
. 1
divisiono,t C r awfo r d d
b l ' i s rases] e 7
I :s n
thousand ; the sect od la J-ly, IVA, for ere
Hots rrn.y, and am:ma to recruit an Swami
httrared °wand, and the third in December, ❑
• for Oiler hue died thensand,
The k 113 ,, lon ere the figures for the Wester n r. (Bee et Br„ .r
and otne•r places
Al.t. A..i111./.•STZ ILIDOC. .
_ Ing 121 y.
Fenmf tr• al ....
.... 3.11113 r.,1
tope It d.
212 . 091 Local , ' the female Meri:an Illbnlor, le en.
D. PIA.)
a u. 8 " 43 pet la I. h e.g.'l 11614 01 10 , 03. to
Wiiet or:0 7d,VIS
aefreylrg Lle eiri.Otise9 The limperia/1.15 In
tii,o34 Meta no tea are In rune era , le trouble.. Sense
r'' .....luaus es, to.: al M. ra Er nanenced barricading theetreata,
he, :as 20.0,
11.04 ferrins an. attack trout Crawford's American di
-1."64 Chloe et any I ime 11 la tboagbt Crawford wilt
Trial axerecet • o roll the Si etas 2843 630 Joie
g rata s eand Doer on Monterey, establieb.
To al of the Siam. , egg ran. r• doted to in n e i r base at ihat youtt, •
tinesy ore aectling 1n,c41 A sebeenier lacen with time and emulation
Lis 11,16 for to facilitate a,. al, nett Le pm res. ret tie beadquartei of
IL, 1,1 .' 1 .' 4 . of tto 01N 2,41 . Committeu no the the 2: - .tb r era,' asho late. re at llagelnd and area
war art t sod of the urea', Bistro to It bar a roe by Li e
n reh red,
31,jia bas I vied• a loan of one hundrtil tame.
triaitun hr* eon rualred re th a the eat collars on thortinceaets of Matamoros.
heed nu, rie,e rie the Liberal or Nationet e;rcea The Military r•liway tram El7Pr iS has neon
of Mexico ore tlVOnii tvr Icarus front V-re ermpie , al to While
yhe. Tarot from
Cerra. In the astern Slates toe lintorril!•sts Dr o i , g 'ill, : i s B. ja rdUr boors,
on y no. 1111 the miiicary raid Irons Vora C.-rtz Liter newa say,: American fams are leaving
Neciot, and to thc City of Cause°. Malan:loran and comlar the American aide,
feel l ran attack from the Lltarval ferols, ham.
tether abuts teeny two hundred who we neat.
feted airing the rive r.
The ABleulty In New Odense between the
rice, men and airy, dales and ably moaers, hm
run ted In the former carrying their point fur
Menu were,.
The Government engineer sent hire from
liVaentr.soon, her attired and enuitnetoed an ac
etate& ton of the levec i with a Yew to ruparier
and et hulloing them at the expense of the War
Department. Ile bar autkority to call on the
Department cammeride: for the labor nereuary.
J. 0 Ilene who was. &muted some Into aro
at ktempitie std taken to Weehiegtoa on sus
ptt'kn of bring Sweat, idd since detain:4 111361 C
Vase at Vicksburg.. has been reliusad.
A ruiner comes from Texas that Sweatt &mop
ed rat of the country through that Save,
Three la excellent divination In Rai river to
Shreveport. There are about 12,000 bates of cot—
ton stored there and the name qttankty at Jef
It Is rumored. h. re that Gee. Canby fa to go
to V7ashterton as anecsisor to Gen. Thomas,
AdJwant General, resiznel.
The mtiltary expected soon to turn over all
our beeline Institutions to their r rater direct
art, and these In liquidation to the civil leniala •
less, he snits terse' the Rank of New Ot•
Iran, bare all been withdrawn.
Comm; dare, who atrivrd per the
Chelan - 1r a. lueeeedn Admiral Thatcher, in e 017.1.
.maial of the Gull sqoalron.
Count languid; gales 300 bales at GOe; weekls
sales, 15,000, stork 18,000. Coffee; sal s GOO nags,
fair to prime 19(4.21e, geld duty pall; stock
14 WO bare.
Gold docli nlor at 4114'. Sterling, da't and
dra p e.
dr Tort ing at 52'4. New To chocks,!( dis-
L II 3
I L In
ruvrialt (0 1613E8slolca - L KEWS
De bt of the Mexican Empire
supposed Paula:, Arsenal In Jersey Ctcy
uo.. sli,c , .. stso
NEW Yank. Jan. s,—Thu fat'. Washington
epee's! ssysi Tte Jaitt Comaitttes oa Ration
trnettor. VIII meet t 0.0.0. row raoralagjor
ledge Speelding. of Uhlo, is making • radlcal
f peirb In the flange to day, in Committee of the
Mae le, tin the re*, t of reconstructioe.
Aa Important icsolation was offered in the
Honor this morning. providing that - all the
Ile lands In the Southern States be thrown epee
to ectual ..ettlent. Ace- reline to the dent -too of
the Land Commier tint m, th-y are now open to
eetti.meat for black as Well as white ma.
A let t , r hem a commercial house, detail
Mexico City. December 17th, says that
loans pot uhion the market since the of the empire, have barteened the nation
ei ha tees debt of nearly eighty million del.
l: r, of this tom only shoat eight midlion dol
lars Las been teed for pah le service. I, wise
era; tie the flounce commis3lo, In Paris hat at .
ti e cp al4 on of Maximilian only sufficient to
n ei t ix; crises daring the month of January.
1; !ward S. Ketcham, who was sentenced on
ttriterilsy Ir. the coact Or general aces:one to be
et alined In the State Prloon for fear years ask
all menthe, was Laken y.sterdsy from the
trines to Slay Sine n Ilion. The young man was
eity prison by his fathia
nod or e; his brothers.
The Erpreea has a report that a hooso is Gel.
COO epee:. ..I,sty City, is well sxpulteil with
r ries red i.teeked with manitiocs of war, sop
p,od to be Peale 376 t nal. Nen Tien Jan. s—Advice ton Staten
Teener-row meting there will be he'd at the Airee,iedie.te, that the fie,,,, eyen joy ee i oh
Co. tier Insiliute • public rioast.rg of ei.ixess
the Argentine Fleplabig has ended in failure,
1,0“,r1 of the prtiiitioii th , 4 F.oropean piwirs
shell tof ce allow, d to Interearddl sto American j and the Wan of t e campaign of therm area
ts-,,r.1 distinga acd spe.eltara will yen icadeis Is new cm - tilted to the defensive a;
eddrtes the smile, es.
which they hope to he ID-re The
Gen. Sisteny, be inri.ati visited the Fe.
jet Cc:priers to-day, and eat COtbllsl3sl7s., last Paraguayan forces were gone from Argentine
rrrt'cc 1. He ea te e a, to rltery 073 Ott ,bar twenty-teeth, and rs advls
hat he wcold coder-se at y meascre ealcalsted ed by previous reports, It ,y have withdraw. Into
tii 'unite the b - o'h.rbood and Mang, -ate at once i the it tai rot their non mount/One,u and ber
th-et crest movement for Irish trdepr,d. oM .
Atom half peat three o'clock yeaterell;, a fin ern'
cry d•structive lire occurred at the Paint Breese La er eCrTfnondeace from Beatles A errs to
ices works sitnetod near the Se:welt:ill river, Novi robe, lE h, lOrtS Watts t iat the late Iva
ell act nee mile and a half belay Gaye ferry soon re. et ndectol to the nicet brutal style,
bridge. 'An lizettensto penalty of coal was des: die !alien and bleed marking the progreae of
troy! d, and cone:de:stole damage was sea:lined. the Invader.. The bleu of (len - I-rites was only
eared term Icing reckon on its evacuation by
the Paraguayans, by tie re-olnts conduct of Dm
Italian appearaece of an It Clan
man of war in the
neperail ies were Creak" matting for ad
inves on of Paraguay. TO. people Or 110.306
Ade s have istahratied a Slattery Conemissioa,
after the tat to of that of the Val ea States.
a.itra,a imprirvemiebs are going sheen rap
idly. Toe :5 0 1.tbam Rat - old, Lupe filo, O
11.14Pha age, is en opt:tattoo Its Whole longed, of
one I ueered tolled to ChneCtltedis. it. l ”ped
tag up 3 splendid haineol. The AuteUttlexi
oaths a week i;e6.1r00.:
ac ress the hum; • tack at Oen Lou of thee,
dotal fr m Roanampas towards Car-
Di tails cf the passage of the Empress Chat - Tolle
thrcush Vera Cite en route to the City of
Mexico are revived. Tne Empries oreved at
Vera Cree horn Yucatan on De:ember =oth,
One wee at , eland with many demoastratlons of
Jey be the French resident& who illuminated
their houses, the Piers Da Arnica and Palace.
(in the 22d of December the Empreas gave a
g-and ball at the Palace, which wan not a wee
eras. Vtry taw Meilenns were present.. Her
.MaJesi• left for the louder on la a following
flay. Fait trot wee ex; cried to met her at
Vita Cies, ;I at wear detained by important State
In :rote htil Erorranizotion of the Army
ftelating to loporta 100 of Cattle
New Tome, Jan. 5 —The I&rdd's Waekiectou
o porn :telt gram says: in the increase sod rent , .
Len intion of lie Regular army the abollef on of
the pry let artMoqn wtli ho considered. It le
prof coed that Captain. of companies dea•
fords from the COnntailliiari, or quarter master,
net pay their mea monthly; °Misr. to draw
their pay from Ccautaltaary or pay accounts
as me eay.
The Tritnryte'a Washngron telegram says: The
eecretary of War baa ordered United States cal.
lectors on the Rio Grande to admit to entry frre
of cut; such actl scartentics es the subsistent
de: ar giant demand‘
The Tforld's Weshincon apeolei eon: Last
evehlag's üblicas ease In the
h,nell Of •the ßtp
proper sotto Itie h s, s •
signed by env thirty officers ander the command
of • MaJhr Chneral who has dostintretished him
self as a cavalry officer. under Sheridan, to the
effect, that eta nubile rot-ethic In Texas, a
Judge Liashoch, an ex rebel, =Ades treasanable
speech, and that the Major Geseral a'oresald,
Wu drank aud followed end Indorsed all tact
HaLc...ole said. The removal of this General
eamo only demanded.
.The Tax Comaisalonere now Is New fork n
eared upon thLt report tell! Rot be real', so
they laferm ike Secretary of tie Teeatury, to
ashen it to him fur two newise yes. Teta ale :re
tary will have It seder advl.enaent for at kelt
two weeks. It will act by submitted to Can
cress, therefore, before the lost of rehres-y.
will be a volateluotts document, enve - lag several
lottidred pages. The Committee of Ways asd
Mean. are Tare anxious to have this re; •rr•
The Ikratera Washington special ears the
Secretary of the Treasury, in reply tesaapi.eatie
of drovers bnylog ca.tle le Canaria, later as
them that the terms of tie act of Congress pro.
bihitlag the Importation al catt:e are very deci
ded and leave notions to the discretion Sr the
Secretary of tie Treasury. Lie saes, marls ter,
that the ant does not apply to cattle traeeported
from ono port of the Gaited States to another
via Caved..
The nun' Washington special sap There
Ii new depo.ited. la the Gelled Males Treasury,
to the eretlit of the Naval Hospital Iliad, for
the relief of fittatgea eminet, nearly len
dollars. The interest of this gem to almost s
{feint to aerie, the impetus of the hospitals
and hellion already etteLnahed.
Cs,. flank and the Preis—Death of the
Chief Clerk of the Senate.
WASIIIIIOTON, JIB. I.—Goren:or Worth, of
North Carolina, Ulu/repined to the rreSideat. 01
Taesday, that eapressetatioas bad boo Dada
throogh the newspapers, that the latter had or
dered the Bhuldli of Sena Carolina to &estate
from excestlag some of the erdlesacsa of the
Coasts Ulm, raisins a revenue. and &Skink to- a
copy of the orders upon the sabjecti bunks
Prraldest ttlegraphed hi ao order In ref
erence 10 the alcielffi, babe e, lulled by lthet.
Geo. William Dieter, thief clerk of the
Beagle, died at his residence near Wasilegloo,
this IIII)11/117C, Sled 09 years. bawled been la
deleste health Sc, the pest twelve mambo.
Ae was one of es (.Idrst at well as no. of
the is ost CLCICICT tlOllll of the *aliened idle ale,
and be beet for forty-two rem In the sit vices
of the Bettie, Ma experience of Congressional
life woLli Oil rolomr s, and hls knowlrgo of car.
1 1er:center, Frecedeatn and I.w will Cursive to
ehI , SL ten COMILIg RtOeTallooll. idle work on the
Co , atittoion Is a stanelar4 ouLhority, and Is •
mor.nmett of his politico, eILIII and Impanhth
C hese Tournament,
NSW TCRA Jan. 4.-4 ilirits tournament le
tun In pregrere at the Nave Turk Chem Matt
University huildlr .6, E lehicon plarns bare
entered. McKenzie It matched against iiiiindryi
The crier n against Terriduc ; Dr. /Bennett
littlest Worrell. and Johnson aviiust filcher.
hint 3. of a Paysiaster—)hoer Reco•
LiAviliwritra. o.n . 4.—.ll.oacme. who , re:lt
1,, stresell of the wen who r061x4 Payain 'ter
E 1 1 , 51 safe of BEO.OOO she orber day. evero,:k
mle PlAtte COPTIty, Ito. All the money,.=.
ept five lkoasnug dollars, wee recovered. Too
lkia.scrs, ithest overtakes, te,ok to the bah nod
Steamer Due
rOUTLAN D. Midelzht, Jan. s.—There are nil/
eo filers of the Moravian, row fully due rroa
Ileerults for !tie Liberals.
Crael U,oaitatiou• Committed by the .1 Wes
RETURN OF Trir EMPI:F3.9 TO 11FAl4 o
A Vira Croa paper of the 231 e Dec, tuber,
giTe3 aa ocroult of the railway bridee, three
hondreo teen high and nine haudred fret lovr,
over BOIrI/11.0f Melts°. Anu ',her of !corm,_
tiv ea built in England for the rallwav, are ex
ported at Vera Cme to February. ElFirti am
being made In litielimond for eltabilttand 6 Liao
of tleatnahlt 1 between Nnrfolk ard Liverpool.
•b Illian tot that propose la balm* the Virginia
Legit re.
A dispatch Irmo Wathingloa says the detail
of the Carat far the/ MO of Capt. emzimee i ts not
yet prepared. In the iaeabilme aft persona
primal at any of the capture et vessels by Min,
tre temzestut to report Ike 1636, liztt their
tenet a. 41 eddies'. d to John A. Bow`fia, Naval
Judge Advocate of the Goverameat. Washing-
It ltwe:kt lir. Colfax will acwiipt the 101 l
isties to Salyer tie ealogy on Presides
Llcry lw.
Ten t Lessard whits troops with lweles thong
aLd tett. troops will hediseluirged this weak
Popular PaUauleo
That warm air mast be Impute, and that
cos f. rinenU7, it as hunts' to sleep an a cam
peralirely warm ruom. A warm room it as
easily restliated as a coal sae. The warm bit
of a close valeta m leas bajorlotu, be It ever
so fool, from crowding, atom co ride and elt
oWI and ltd otteomfortably cow fee as h mnr.
Tho worst tkat cam happen from a crowded
tonal:meg Is a &Latin. spell ; while , from all
flog iota less than an hoar la a still, chilly at
maapbere, an Induced attacks of pneum sole,
that is. Ittlamettria of the image, which oft:a
moo fatal la two ar three days. It Is always
positively loJarions to sleep la a Mom ream.
where aster freezes, became each a degree or
cold carves the negatively polsow.Als carbonic
acid gas of a sleeping room to sett's near the
loot. 18 breathed mid rokroathed by
the sleeper. gad Is capable of prodnclog typhoid
[emus In a few halm Rater-, them V me ad
vantage, and always danger, especially to weak
ly )♦argots, II tiseplog la an Atmosphere colder
alma the frtaziag polat.—Nalra Journal of
Till' PLANT/NW—AN liirconetT D.CAAND.—
Tbe Else of this evonlag asp that Mr. J.
Sergnonn el Omelettes. 8. C., farmer •wocr ef
the tteamer Plantar width was serreedared to
Admiral Da eclat shortly elver hit attar* sa that
city. boa 'epilog for genets:on of the 'Learner.
Claiming that she Tru stolen ley Regrets and cap
tured from them by ear blockading stioalron,
that he keg taken the &retest, oath end the
steamer should be restored to blue with his
ether properly. Gen. Saxton hallos been call
ea gems to humiliate the MUD, menu that
the ranter was employed by the rebel" I. trans
ecrt (loom mane and amtniattlea daring oar
st ark on Clarleoton. WWI/ in Ibis servi
she was gallattly brought pus the rebel batter. ce
Irv. aid strrerdered •Ufttral Dn Peal. by
elate "amen Robert Small. Thn 'Learner by
since been repaired at • tett of $40.000, and
flmelleseployei by
bravery Quarttratatter'e Department.
Volr (Popeyed stare hi. surrender
of the Planter, has been j.leced in centmaad of
the vestal.
. .
M. JertltT, the Ererch Erep-rori earzeoa,
hatltg tree absent from Paris when attle.ra hi
menage easittioacd him to the assistance of the
:edlea who bad met with a eaccrs seettrat.while
Ravelling with the Emote's to tiwAzariont, one
of Ida cctilragaec, y, Eth'aton, took his p'aca.
On Pio retorn to hie !ionic, Dr. Jobs,' took so
much to heart hi ballot( misted. Data Coup co
01e on ni tint:, of aeremit big In:traria! patients,
art Pin mind titcaine neripail, and the p rsr
itn.n is tow an Inmate of Dr. Dispel' I'd nivitrirs
de mak, itia mania Is to p - rftmm iturFle.lortt
ret r,ne ttatne , •!en. upon the other Inaa'ai of
the ts , lttm. Abutter do‘li , znishod inmate in
the fame ass turn it the coat Antony
ache- has tit c nEn3.l th,r ;e: .tr: (sat inty
LOVIFNITLEf. Jan. i.—Tbe h'_raver Et - en
Curt 11, way lad= silo AL, sooned car+o. for
New Orleans. Intending to lease ses . e - de so
oldentstly toot are Stan morning at iLe 'vrtltrt.
Blke Is almost e total
IfairrLEll-40L.VES--4t tbs resttei,e of
Wm. H. Harker, Eau , le So•te Ilfteha . ta, o•
hloorley eventre. , Jan. Ist, 11,1 , W, by Item 1.11, sins
W. Smith, lar..llA CHEW nAst . TL.Er. of To !,4
011.10. lua4 .721.44 JUSEPH [NH Y. HI.)1.01H•4,1 ft he
former Kase, youngest deuguter of stmts.,. floe.:
KENNEDY-IfILLER-04 'rounds." ereolnff.
J.uary eb, 1.84, by or,. W. J. Haltl . Xr.,111),L.1f
P. KENNEDY and 51124 SOPHIA 311.L.Lk..11, ell
of A/festally City.
t ato; LR(*7-1 , 5 the Martine of Scut 5 •
I o'alock, hia itlff A &NIS, Mk. of •ta,mt
Lour, Jr., 55rd v 3 Ye s f s .
Tea fur eras will leave the reslfleace of ho.. hue
bane', No. 35 Locust Meer, war], o
6th Ler-, at p. m. The frienaa
of the family are respectfully lovlPed to.atteoxL
p %resew! pls. o f
ea th eLl. e
pts ie .le, tittoteottatelp arena at Alleitlert9
CJIT. tea the New tialgtten R.,e4. e , ra
celect HUrIA.I Leta will apt>l.7 et C h o s e
limeadea. ohiee, the vextetory. Tuts Dola..
Permtte end eh other btalnets *lll be etre thleil et ,
the Drug Ve er..tee St the hnilerelened.toreetoe
to•letal •tteete, Allegheny
Seeretery had Treasorir.
, The wther.ap beuetf.rechletlo4 under the
a[al of 8. JON Y-1 & O. t drsaolved ny 13:lethal
conseot. The be.thees of the nem le 11 .ettted
by their ertecei ILA:LES T. Mt f &
1511011.LE1. J.JME,t.
JahlEal r. aneapt.
cheerfully recommea T. BRAD
1..0 to my filen:Ls and patron..
00-PirMERBM.P.—The underalgtied
atsoelatect togethrx under the
nente aod ttlle of JAIIZES T. Baal) T ITJ,
BAlulttl ana W °ker.,
Patter Poart4 and Woad Streets,
nIBBOLUTION.- MO Co Inane:ship
lezetofooe eh - Wins between the =tea,
le the Wbulesal , tilocery Einsteres, underdel-el: the
reihe of HELMS COFFLII. le thla day !Weir
oh by tautegt cement.
?VD:burgh, J. 'l7lll
r O . - PARTNERSIIIP.—The nutersigna
hare !his igy Donned • so -partnership 1.41 the
Wholess'. Grocery Huntnea, at UM old stood, cut
ler al Wood sad Weter strrete, under thy style
and !Dm of MEANS L OtIFFIN, as heretoforA
where they wit, be plessod to see their fraends anol
eisstomers. WI‘LIANE MEAN*
Pittsburgh, lan. ,
1956. , ,
pRETIRING, I most cheerfury roceoe;
ward the sew firm to the patronage of mt
Tr - 43We and the geaerallY.
Plttsburati, January 1, Dire.—,kszaul
nizbuLu TION.—TI4.I Co .psmoerahlo
n-fl existin
hotetolore g under name of
13.:03. has this day expired by the
lusiltatton.l3 4 HD
pereons Indebted to the Late firm will plena mass
Payment as soon es sonventent. Bill. agalsose
gold arm, 11 coy, whit be presentel for paymens
immediately, at tho old stand No 2d/ Liberty
rite. JA kES N. amtp.
Pittsburgh, January ELUOTI BAAL!.
A CARD.—Elaving rasigned the oaks of
Leather Inspector, I have lbw day resamedi
brash:leas at the btore recently incanted ow toy!
soak and will keep cohr.antly on heal • tall ft.!
tortment of Lt ATMEIL and all other artle/se
Matte Of 440,
Ptuehasert ate teepee:fay lzrlted to etaalne my
stork and prices before barer eleewhere.
Pftteborgh, January Ist, 116.3.—js.sawd
O TICE.—The partnership heretofore
extetme between Ino. al. Addy
Thomas . :
T. Ewen., ?hammers and Citas LIU day
deserts. by mutual consent. The ace Junta of the
arm bare been paced bs the taxi. of A. Al..Brogra
Ate John S. losta..7le. Esq., Na 11E1 Filth street,
for adjustment. They are etultorlmed to cone,:
Aad teeelot (or All &Loners due the late dem and to
eProoptate the tame to the aren't Indebtedness.
aIAS F. 0.1. ADDF.Y.
Jac. Ist, MG&
- -.
THOMAS F. E WENS will e7ntlaua the bast
oral at the old stand. No. 16$ Wood Weed, where
be Dopes to suet all h a old friends and that rho
liberal patronage to the late hem arl , ' .
7 .
c .1.
li - lane-e
IVU T . bfr MrPut hi g . 1. 01 t P( r (1 . L e gg% l'hata wets
1 acting and Frovialo• Etralneas. Under tho nal •
aod style oil WEL B. HAYS at 1311., hate been d i
pelted by the death of Dlr. JO 'IN OLTDU Oa tI •
1711.1 It. All tatia, harlazalatuil agatrat the late
arm, will plaal• preaeat Mom for "atilt:uncut, ard
all iodated will pleaut little op at their earltrat
coavertelter. to be milled op at Itu ce
lir /111-crut (r.a) Latest, ISCrect, i 4v_4ll. surrlvice
P:ttabargh, bee.: , ittel.—erstimd
torlymed having Ulla tay foram
Ottp In older to carry on if aranufaer.i:
WOODEN BOXES, earner of Allegheny am!
f .
Etna arreeta. NOW' Ward, Pittsburgh, scalar. Oa
pan. nage of their sod tha_publia.
GEORGE s.sserr.
nth,necemher 1865. --.Lnit W. .130 W
ran ull
Gas and Steam Fitting •
nori £ PR O.IIPTLY
Water, Gas and Steam,
Cas Fixtures (or Salo to the Trade
Sol. A.W . tor ENO WL'S PATENT st akes
No. 167 sizatinead Sbroot.,
P/TTS8178(ill, r•
;A am ME of abaft goods
I'or I_ 4 "tt,ll Wear,
NO. 47 Ml'. LA HI • STREET.
Merchant Tailor,
searr-var COM= or non a maws OM
Takes great ?Imam la annonnelaz to XL molter
on. cute:son sad the pantie outran_ ta a t
purchases and arreagetneats for th e FALL S Dla
ON are now coma/egad, haring D ata se e
l a selected frost the In
cloth bouts la the
Eastern cittes. Only)
• etas. of e as sea
really be veto= WU bib rtr ' e I rtach ear.
Imam the newest and approved taste:Sala
and styles, the metre sto d ge
Wu eery larlaVraristi
Clo g
Went. Mt t o n . s much aceladaact ua el.
Clog an early Inspec
AND DOE se re REIN is nsnaL Ratraatsd L". l to
color/ ape &had rtar,.
RIEXTON OLOTHS and other sew seating,
new .tale for Wale malts.
A great variety et FINE OASSOSTERE3 for
atnie end Vests, tar Morning and Emelt, wear.
ZinsT imEarlerci
• GOLD PEN MAW/101111ER,
Ulna. !Tall, car. Third and Za;kEt:;ls.,
Seeon , l Story, entrance ea Third twat.
,leeale a
el 4 Pens nd aridretell U .' old mat Silver Fogel/ C ue .
Pew repotted. P
Perrone' hack to repair
e eau 0 Mem by mat s , Lad they willsb promptly
Veißo4%, acres of Land, with Log
Renee, Fruit, er.e., w etc rerl wit4S2ringt.
cod situate ith& three mile; Of ellfltoNeetterat
eeonty, will rnld bre.ll -
) or [elm. apply at the yletli-tatatt martial,
.nco cacti of
CY. lit Art
L awrearstale. E ,. 0.
Retail Ent &MAUR BOOM
Minn' Fine Calf Conte, Kik /pet nee
Boys' Bont•
Dote Brry.n.
.11V Fine Buff
Meta' Sllnnts
Routs, Slippers
. . ..
M Yf
walbeal , Pegged
Woiteres Fr. Elo. Sawed kloltemialietiLe4
Obthhens' Po!lab Boot., dw6le 21;40.
1 , ICI ra
Child's (Jofared Shoes
ETeriiiing, is Sold Chedp.
E'veritbing Sold is Warilnied.
Everythieg,Sold is Perrist.
Everiging Is in Mile. E.
Everphing is Nice ant in keepft
With this Model
1.1.4..LV1N LUAUS.
Where these Bartilth thel.obo LLII4
Concert Hall. Shoo Store,
Directly and Ojai the
rrrrsstractic PA
we te•ire to Laionti WI perroa i
e the walt
Tb.t until JANUARY litl, we Ifer*ESEL]ria4
TRULY will roll 4+4 cazsmais_lnem Out
LARGE STOUR (J r argulr
ALOt-uictl qc)iSt.
L GETZ r ;
y otrEsztvrs BALamar&
ly Feu prefer your
kEASU amt O:.171.14.• &via
ILE,w• hare a talltaa
Ana;ouz cm, ITEM Ls MASTER et saitTrads.
Fie the present, we will wsie te.vllardeall
1 1
BELOW ether fl.rnt awn Tilton. x -
wit/ yea not tacos um with 704, yew -"IgAlle. 1
dell! J. R. SMITH &- 00:
United States Ordnance 'Prism' -
. ,
Will be soli at PoJills duties, WI% L. au-
.OI,EhI.aND. ilusitoneer, et AL illgill•
i ARSENAL, Pittsbur Ps4 eomeasri - -,
o'rlocir re
os. , IgtoNDAI, January Intll , , I simaSell
f-olloi , !sn enlace. vls7
6 -
, 4 /roi ‘....:-.4°4_._.,'
62 Upper Casco...2l' Oollt r- idee-S, Slitidfrel. i
• 23 sets Arti ll ery liegnets.
. 0,2&" F6paired 71 21211 Muskets mini Bits; ni si sad re. ;
11,902 U. S. PloOrste sad liider;aski t ita 're. •
' 9_,137 Ford= Muskets and /Wen ' •
11,64; U. S. /llussata and SLIM l • • ,
Lug Breech-Loading and other ChirOlsos. '
tall Con's and Shaw. aria. ' .
isi sporting lines. i
, .
is Stibt Goan
2i~64 Minket and Mae l ßarrel. 7
2A5 Bayonets, trim: vast malotettl.. i
,166 Revolvers. ::
1,871 H a bra and Sword*. • '
4too gets Cavalry Acoolitttaneals. -
WOO. seta Infantry Aeoontresasets... : 1 .- ;
sAre Seders, Cavell:, and AC2l7ltry.
!tags parts alforseEnnipments.taddeS.
hrashim, curry-combs. kn. - • ' 1
spOOSaddle Blankets.
SAO spats of Artillery Harness.,
• ~" - r
fon° p nds ou PowdzA suntan, meslistglitit
6, A:complete sets of wrought fr6a parts ;
- foe Oasemste tiarriagen •',
tinilons &rep Oast lens. _
Pi :tons Scrap Wrought gem
PO . inn
taus Lead and Antimony; La pike, - Tyjla
Alessi. • 1. . .
.t /CO lir o =r e Zni Axles. .
Item ?saran Boxes.
Ml 4. large lot et appendages for sambas;isle/us.-- i
r; ile.
4 large lot of Artillery Implements and tgilli.
ments. •
A large lot id spare parts for Iteiskets,les.
A large let cal ma. and sustaaose.-•,l••••,,
i mp
Pim-haters will be required to remove th , s
C/ it within ten says after the sal&
1 trms—Oun.
1.1;!] - 1.liii.liTtl, OAS AND ST/alrii/T
- - -
I. nit ten branch. carainnT Annaned to birrmpo.
ar.. and praatlarm worluaea. A. Eno anat.
OAS ot
i SHOWER BATtitAl. -';
WATER cmossii, '
O•a+ntty on Irma and wads to order. .....
A . qemir. STREET, Atilitg.henym •
Arum Lurzarr stsiferski
aLlata.di, rarxr. Eit
, JILILLEMS. /;‘' •
, is
e! L 4/, 1W
3 i¢ T ll w ► r4 lid ,14, 1 174 ,
Vananalth Die
8 PrA .I=CiresVitsnistivuolirtiiiai
Rikam•Erwadta Mime
tw OakIIISO rtii•
d maim a o
matt wassoal, caiab;aaat t liV f
cas Yuri UAL - •
16. 37 WOOD STRUT.
nyesfril PITPIAUS'Irt
•413• MIL CA MIL • •
Nos.! 1 and Sd Diattio‘td.
WotirripaittiLulLD Ad{
insl' or email Three Years
att atty,* tt' fall bora? tali ma° f.t
. .,atrky
lem set Tint tl, fall tem ealletztatt alimmor
Fol %WALT= Wert
lett°, tbr rtnlitinl And Phi,
NO. .10 , 1 Fl/711 SE T) t oe done Imlay OA
x. xops xri: 7 M - ---- n , cguutiLy.
M Ulf rr CUCHRA;
49,t%Ccr2a07eN Citletrgnrsit
C i terce—No. 60 OItAIPT STREET.
V. 1.5
Arnrm rr,*. ;rife
;Secs' 0 o Ett Soto Boots. Indus pr00t.....\14 git
lined Ilalatorals
rro. 63 Firth StreA
wo tptyp
irtirirt we tell for
a. Er R. wzrrzarr
Lieut. da. orCitethvame eat
fittig. Chso. 17.
- . _._
-•-.- -,
, . ,
_ . , . ,
• -•„.
.::.. , •