fittsbur,gh .&mat, 2111 DAT, JANUARY• 5, 1866 G A7IITTE TERMS 360tnIr.g and .Etening EdMon, per year, 68 00 Morning and Evening Edition, leer month.. 16 do do per week, dellverol. 16 At the counter or bop an the s treet, tingle Weekly,clubs, per year... do, single copies do. .. RATES OF ADVERTISING CriE 11Q13.11111-.STAAMISO ItATTAII Period.' losily ia i t tai to .Wkly - Thies times. •;Fora:Uxtes.: _, -,:- .Zititrealt:::. . 2 14i . t j - 7,i, I 73 Two meet; .. 4 75, 275 2 00 ,1 1 . 5 I 2.5 Ilarcisvae .. ' 8 to. 425 1 . 75 -. 2 a. its Ote pen :.'. al5l 6te 4 2 23 Ito • -...Tioa 11 -12 00f Bof a fe. a 28 , 415 ..'''. ;Thfee,moutha 10 00. to 50 770 4 5[ 025 '1 ; 131x Mentaut.: = ee l It 28 oto fool 12 oo , '2llhe Meath; U 00i 17 la 12 00 8 to, ET 00 --:: 1 , ,.070171 , 2153.. -- -. ' 0 oar 25 to is oo to 00l 23 oo 1a7111172;77775ii marred c 75 1 .21 Easy De enl74 -. . 13the iviveribor • pleas a t a huge 01 , 121 5.0 2 tar usreire, or .32 mita , I tDM 11 th e tl.oe 0125 , must be to the 11212 btalne2o .. the . " aorortises, 1 ' ' , , aldrentsemects auareated - fl othe7rlse shalt - daily, will pe Lcutorted on 4 ell - days as the place may select. 1. — ltatatent adrertlstag 0 'Oa:WA ttottoes, each Miertfoo .., a tO •,%. .28adltaa natter, , 73 '' . i z : lega b o l lit lunertturnenti , 5 t l / 2 ...... 300 , . . Cslllllon , Of AdtpiclUtrixlca N0t1ce5....... aCo , ' .2,S.F.A.Riar ADVAR.TI 15447.1L&TE14 ,- .•:l3o.lquaie—ebarhue to to teursettode nos:mesa ~, , ..or Um solve:111er, 5105 not to shade dissettoions, ....-:4l2nattlom of hew firma, ts • e—emoo.grespie -...'..'. wave ' m meek. Any amass be charged pettish. !,. alont.matter.l • pi n ..eal2 Unesia. tans Daily.l. 91 ;,..',.. Tlate..tnoaths...l . $lB 2_912 _s9 00 •d 00 ~...-. 191x8908128 90 00 • 19 00 ,18 00 in E 0 . ..1099'inantlis..:. 4300 . %CC _2300 ~,.16 00 ' - . - 1298YL1i.. ...... Mao 'lsm 28 00 lEr 00 . , . Able"Elat.Nottees double the above tatei,llte. leetled..eo-bstetthi or more. 'FOr a teripertod -Seat, a Una- • LOAM 'notices at inch rates as my be agreed 11q bibs sonstderee as the space tyke .i,.reeet tiy tea r. 2LIMI of theroretanty severtssing tyke oa ;BOARDOFCIVU. SERVICE :MN Jencks, of Rbode Una& eons day 3 ago, jiatidpcollitto.this -House of epresiztatiies . . • 4 % bill torcrelate the Civil Service of the Trial tea States?' Ili first section provides :bet hertilersti appolatmenur in the Civil ,Bervi6e, .e.ieept of each -odictre as are twitted to Le nomtnettd by the President and cendresert by. the Penate shun be =tile from those yieindne 4ies tom !mind beatoilitled,,ln an pen and competitive examination, wtach !shim have power to preffsnbe the qualifications requi- Site:forlan appoliitraiint into wilt branch ehd grade ofltherVisti Service, to prescriba for "cite , examication of ail applicants; to ~establfth rubes :foyer/gag an the incidents/of such aranitnatioris, If*tier:eked bY tEtweives or by parsons 418. .eially designated, and that appointments shall , be Snide front the Hat of 'lose Who bliTo Plue4 , eraminatrod. • Spos Ulu thabluderites,thls bill to a gooii one. Its adoption would mud to secure the appoint. Idea of eoldpetent persons to public service, 1112 d It would toe eartatu auent lladt the geese': tine ;strotege, which has become the soureo of frightal political corruption. :Ifisduritus presentesstem of billing appoint. ' , rennin on iolitleal ftriorltistn, a large portion of the incumbents:fah below, the standard of at tainments and Integrity which la insisted on for corresponding poiltiOns In corporate or hull. - tidos! enterprfsei. Membens of Congress and Heide of . Departm rots are pressed with the po liticed settees are Incompetent or worthlese ap plicents haverendered, and treqamatly consider• :ations of policy prevail against the claim of icrofir:ety. The WI trojposed Would work a glut relief to- Cougressmen aad departmental Chid). • • When the Constitution was adopted the pat , roam of the fiovemora of the States was a fair offset to their &Mirage .a the President, Pat ronage balanced patronage, and the equipoise of oar political uystrin was preserved. As an 11 instratirro, it may be stated, that at that time the Goat:roar of Pennsylvania appointed all the Jadgro, Prothonarle% Clerks of Count', Sheriffs. Erghters.•Setordere, Justices of the Peace, and other keel plectra. Consequently ha was e row . er in the natlon, as well as the comma:medal, In every county, „borough, end township, all ambillona and not canacientiOns politicians trltruntd Utak setts to catch the hienth "of phew zatcrlar:hroar. The Govan= was corniced at tbe palatal capital, became Ina teas toyed. The tains entialtion of tans•• et . :bitleti In all the -otherlitateit. ,Ittbreti or four governors united In idebthig particular policy, the Prealdeut wan conftrall4dl.6 hater, and to heed. Binaiiien the Governors have been stripped of ncaily 41 :patronage. All the. offices ma :stunted abase are'bow filled tuaderelegtions by the people tit: die -respective localities. Goren. vats have became less than consteta to gtegame natthitid polltim Meantime the patronage of the Preoltlent has . . .gone on expaidieg whit ze incresse of territory poprdailon and wealth. The war, and the aye tan of internal , msvenneconserpient on the wee hatre*Mide* hlroader.ed and ittgabme.a kto colossal propmtions: IL oval studows and over rides at Othiernatertal ittluentes. - . • Main Is disclosed the source of that Central ,- um ! soy Our system has been thoeghticealy dislocated. The counterpoise of • Biala Bovrellay to National Unity has been discarded. ,Whilotha - doracratic tendency has strippaithe Genre:pore ,h are to impotency, the aristocrat° tendency, re maining intact, has arm tomer, Otleta and =de The patronage of the) President caormour„ A -renadyagalnatltis evil fial'beemaleg anla dlepensahia seceisity. - STBirrolils'OF A SMASH. In November. ,186 A. Shure were • entered in Vera YOik drYgOOdatarthe Tattle of $12,657,947 against waver for the tame month lastyear. To-the close of November the imports of dry goods atlfcw York dude January, 1865. were 181;380,000. agaiiit '570,031,000 dtiring the ume period last year. These figares show one 'of two things dither Mitt our people are index ing to rockleas extravagance. or that foreign migtalfsts,straultaneously with a renewed cry foal:pi:l.o4e, hare commenced a formidable raid on our manufacturers. In either case, as there lonUtWASorrespending indiums of exports the !Wus must be a financial crash. • . .h.riensucimerutrtal the late contest, there waeona statesman in the &rub, now to grave, who stood alone to the Confederacy, and Ira majralmortisay thecontluent, In hie opinion of the probability of Englush Intervention. This *SI the late John B. Floyd. Rd maintained, with •distmktnets and emphasis that It was not seemly thodlarandlon or the Union that Eng - land sought, but the mutual ruin of the two •helliteerestte; in order that she might rellsva Der ad: o'4o to:armada! eiTalry of the =nand be Independent of chi eovton of the other; compel'. • Intl the 'raid to look to herself for not only the nutzhfaeture hat the prOdueslon of bee own ate ple•-an Werke }lid, It is true, but stilt the beet (Southern condi out of the way) they- eould • get.—likfizaand Repttatts. Mr. Frorn did sot etand alone in thistllscrim• Itathm. Ale judgment shared by hundreds and thousands. While the middle classes of Enalerid ire Wanted by noble and gangtollll the English government has estab • ' Salted a reputation for- itemized selrishnees and heattletatests.. A 211p[taatrpi• paper - Is complaining that a grotWUMber Of , Jars, are running to waste. Idoie dean ttne.ltalf of Stem Is orer-nan with brcom•iedgc gratis, "and them to no prospect of Improverneet iultes tb6 friedmen can be lade 'aid to go to 'wo:k.” Let the white men who Inelt this land go to work, and the whole dim .culty will be obviated. and U they will not do ihat, let thorn fell it to the freedmen, and Ito latter will have some inducement to. go to w.fir. Oar Clams on. England A leading Eng'Leh Joan slist, who sauna! tut the Confederate title during the war, _but now zprefeista to be well initialled with the triumph of the Union, has lately disettMed the chancet of war between Enghtud nu d the Hutted Staten, con. eluding with the staking .cozife..abtit: "Eat - land wasctuylera f if tot culpable, in allowing the Alabama and the other-thretrand twenty rebel mutters, which so Much Injured American %con maw,. to lean ter posts l and ao Inj adorn to her interests would a war with , the United States - be; that It would be wise and. economic to pay the American demands twice Dyer than rush Into a mutat which in lie Inevitably de structive course. must bo Injurious to both coun tries, Eigland; which hap- PAA ;9-00 t r. 4 naprtptutsl k:14". c.L.NE-AL FALII2II' BAMC or Vincimui..,r-At a meeting of the board of directors of the Farmers' Bank of Virginia, held at their office in Richmond, on Nettriber 2.9r1, it MSS resolved that notice ho given to the public that they will redeem the notes of the Fanner,' flesh at the recce of thir ty cents in role, or the equivalent In currency, or atTerce tvarafy ,I2rta per dollar Ia coin, nr the equivalent in cortency W such lioldera; the parch a to stelae lu adt: tine a retea',ie propor tion of each atronzt as may be realized and made available from the agsets of the bank for Olsts 'button schen i.s adalre eau be trought 0 a claim Toe Boston Journal retains of a Pertuguese soldier, recently retm ned nom the war, that when he went Into service, he could not coder. stand even the military orders in English, bet made a good soldier. Coming to this city, he got Mar debt to his beard with cue of his own conei 'lmes, and Said that, when he enlisted, ho received flee hundred &liars In brinatv, which to bid in &crevice el his barracks on go. kg to war. His landlord and others took tam to the several military camps In tIM hope that a recollection of the place world enable him to recover the seemed stoney; and' it was not un lit afri,nd had provided him with the Means of going to New Bedford ta ahip, and his missing the way and return, and that thence led him to New Hampshire, where It proved that he en listed, and, on going to the barraesa at e'on cord, he found his five hundred dollars, which Mad remained safe for two and-e-haif years. Tim questions connected with the Jamaica creepier are nectar g great Interest In England. It kerns that by an article of war, 'the life of one of ter Majesty's subjects airy not, under any ci. hemstitches, be taken by virtue of the jedgmett of a rearm martial without the reac tion of the snereme civil functionary holding the 'delegated authority of the crown: Under theldatiny Act, which (a or force and effect,not only to thd United Kingdom, bat In all the de pendencies and colonial possesmons of the mown throughout the 'meld, express/7 enumerated therein, no military trionnat, whether generator stetoreinate, in garrison Cr la camp, can be law fully roestltuted or can lawfully act, nave In se. cordancerwil h the artlcie of war. Any deviation In m, rr Infringement of, these - articles vitiates the validity of the sentence, and exposes all con cerned to a terrible responsibility. Bow etrarge Is the character of a mere prectl. reel Here we have the entire Democratic press alter den ring itself for weeks to prophecies that the colored of the Bomb would break into a bloody insurrection at an early moment, (we believe the New Tori. World fixed Christmas or New Year's,) not or ly refining to pubilah the fact that no suck tragedy took place, bit pre. set rleg a stolid silence overlho yroot that thine who ton-pined to bring - t about were white men alone, and that the black. men to whom they appes:lectinhely and unenitneasly resisted chili machinations. At no peeled donne oral:ice the retell on, have the colored race more entitled ;turner:lves to respect and admiration that by the dignity atd deeorrim which marked their bear. login the midst of these infernal plota.-;-.PAra. Preis. Jr is a pity that some of the provialene of the code pa, sed by the Louisiana' Legislature fat the government of freedmen, were not sp o il. cable to the. whites. Thus we floe-that '.imps. deuce, swearing or intltt eet ,t l atigo . go to or is the Prefencesd , tes employer, his family or agent, or ;Oar:ening with tee smother, shall be deemed disa - bt thence," and the disobedience Is punished by a fine, lf these offenses when committed by the whites to Louisiana were fineable, the reve nues of Would be Ina thrifty Condition. The fines on the swearing la New -s aln 2o would go far towards ptying the aadoest debt? Let the Louisiana legislators think of the a at ter.—Prreidenee Tan PEMIDSIMI IN SLLSTLAND.—The seperiti• Lenient of the government farms la Ben.bern Merylatd, In writing to Gen. Howard, tinder date of December p). says that he has been em y ent cceetol In obtaining lands for the freniman. In regat.l to the crops to Informs Gen. Howard that they have In the core house about tartlet hundrod bushels of corn in the ear, and in addi• tion to the pmducta of the tarot, they have an banes full of tobacco. The government, it Is stated, proposes to discontinue the eultivatlon of these farms. and efforts are being made by the superintendent to procure homes and em ployment for the c tiored people engog4 upon them. . COTTON.—It le asserted by the English' Jour nals,lhat the i respect of a great cotton crop fm the next year, to Egypt and India, are more flattering than ever before. Extensive ImUrove • menet have been introduced la the raising of the staple, ens the mt ate of transporting It from those count. les have been largety Increased and mai cud, This will re:lona very veleame lettillgence to our Southern piauters, Tte only put hcable way to affect the ludia-Evyot trade is for the &tub to bead Its energies to the =fi ve eon of the article armee. Is accordance kith the reeemeceniaMos of the lecilan human, through the Secretary of the Interior, the ?retiree!. Mil Ogee.] an orcer for the curtailment o the Indian reservation on the coast of Oregon. Tbo reduction In question le made at the request of Messrs. Nesmith' h WO ens and Henclersou, the congreagirmal defers-. Von from the above State, end Is meant to Secure to the inthahltanta of Willtamettevalicy espied emcees to Acquit:ins bay, watch writ atmely become an Important port of entry. Tux Worm Cnotro Chief MP that a very dis agreeable scats of afters, exists at Neararta CPy. Murders and robberies are not of rare occurrence. Duriegthe past summer and, tell the Con} erhead paper of that city,' jrfiterlirg Maitre, invited the clitifrandhlaell , retela and buslawhatk,n of Mlesouri •Nebras ha. Mop accepted the invitation, earned the election in Netra•ka City, and have eaceteded la ostablishmg a cordllezt of societv'eqatl to the palmleet ears c f bushwtacking in Masa& GEN. Bazaars...a has proposed to the lleMPhia and Little Rork Itillroad Company that they should employ adored soldiers to completetheir read, paying them In lend at tha rate of lifty cents a day. As tbe, would aelli remain ; sq. diens, the i r pay and rations from the Govern ment wailln be cnattnned to them, and Cher labor upon the railroad would be merely no much extra wort done by them In addiaeti to their military duties. GAB:MAIDS has offend Ills services to the au thorities of Naples - to Mesa the cholera patients its the ballads, but the Sydule of the city Would not permit him thus to expose himself to-ona ger. No act of Gatinaltifs to the height of tile military fame is nobler than this. Garibaldi Offering .to nurse the Melt or Naples • is grander than Garibaldi entering the city la triumph by . the tide of Vidor Emanuel the king. • Gun. SminwaS has a blunt, soldierly way of expressing .lu.mself, but he gives pretty good advice notwithstanding. He told the Circuit Court. end the members of the bar at Helena, the other day, that they had better not be In a hurry to begin governing the Union again; but would do well to tarn their attention to repair• inn their flaCce and ad hating their punts- Gone. A ESPOEIT is current at Ch'eago that a promi , neat railroad °facer, understood to be Hna. B. Ogden President of the Northweatern nal!. road, who had !wrested large 15112113 to tho NEVA de sliver mines, has receirel tas tiraV dividend In iheistiape of a too of silver, la bus, valued at 145.600 to 50000, baud on the praent yalua of Qi e, übeeks. Dzera or viz Krno or Mcsqurro.—Ativlcea In m Nicaragua announce that tho King of him- Quito Elul at Blitegeld recently. The people be longing to that 'action of the country appear to r, go et hie death verymach. Through hi. khod nein he bad become very popular with them. Be will be auCceeded by Ilia nephew. Mlle Erne, sifter of tho Governor of Jamai ca, complains 02 being threatened. through anonymous letters, in contemn-nee of her broth er's conauct. One of these letters nays '•pa emu 03 your dastard of a brother =Mere] poor Mr. Gordon ,ho shall swing for It at the Old Batley." • Ora N.LTIONLI. Darer.—Tbe Secretary of the Treasury has received one thousand dullarS two ten-forty bonds, with seventy az coupons attached to each; to aid in the payment of our national financial obligation. Tbe donation was willed to the United States for that pu.peas. Sec. McCVLLOC2I bus completed tile financial bill, and will transmit It to Congress an soon as it convenes. He provosts to fluid the seven-think • and compound interest notes .3 rapidly as possible. The latter, after they ma, tore, will not be a lersl tender. Amowd the New Year's gifts presented to General Grant, was a library selected with great 'care, and purchased at a cost of five thodsand dollars by a fa w of the eminent citizens of Bos ton, It was presented on behalf of the donors by Representative Hooks Sinner SWIM Bays , "Power will Intoxicate the best hearts,.as wine the strongest heads. Nu man la good enough or wise enough to be trus ted with despotic power, for when psrseesaal of it, others can no longer answer for bins, because he can no longer answer for himself. Comer LIVING.—Go to Japan. You cos buy a hest-cease house there for 530, and llescomfor ssbly in it for Imo caste a day. Servants charge fifty nen , s a month, and a horse and groom may to tied for the EMIe elms for ono dollar sail fifty cents. Tan South Carotin/ens [reclaims that for the black Ultra le no inicrmccilato condition. "lie unlit bellacr a elate or a aacege.•' The pres ent legletatlon of South Carolina can bar/ no• other direct than to make him the latter. ]savor; produced In 1805 ono bundred end Belem) , ;even mllilona of trachea Of corn, twen ty-five millions of Last:lds of wheat, one million of barley, and twenty-ely,ht million bushels of nate. A RECENT Fortson bon mot, attributed to M. Drotryn de L'hoya, to the de :trillion of a savant as "a mon who knows all the world doesn't kr.ow, sad who ducat% MI - ow what ell the world knows." Tito hundred thousand garde of French Ircedelath. Width was found la the rebel rata stonewall, La to be destroyed to Waddagtoa. It a euppposcd that It Ls Infected with the yellow ;Mr.. I SPUOI AL NOTIr,'ES AND• NEN? YEA {4I7P/ IE, EP , TS.—An useful, valuable an delightfully acceptable present for ChristMasi would hen bottle of that fragrant vizir Tonic sad Heauttner. Ocfromery's Turkish Beadotentow What can Es moth ocsoptable than etestalmt lint mil beentlfll that will rs.tore nature'. decay by atoppu.g the heir tree, patting on ,, anti, tel It to grow In luxuriance nod beauty, esslst In putting up nccordtne to 000 Present style and lash .ou and keep It to placed obis, Erthrourts's Turnitn Bandotenian Liatf Tonto KW C.O, tl-t1 for proof we Octet so., to any Person who has trio:* it It In ackpoWledeed to be tho bsantlller Of the age, the 0011' Roo' tonic and Restorer Wortoy of the Dome. to Turkey, to France, in England, In AtlnCrles.overywnere to nero e trandolenona Is known, It I. pronounced the 'ow phis &Ire' of Hair Pleparntluns. Remember, It Is free front all ton•td/la pOlsOna, that are con tained In most Ifstr tinter. sod dresalnga. It is the extract 01 annoy flower. sod nerbs, beautifully put up, nu orosMent to Inc allot. For sato by all DruggisLs and Perfumers. Whole. R. E. Sat.con.s et Co., fl 1.. Is.amovroort" Co., Prizelfs! Depot for [tinted Staten and Jesr..s P.u.sres. &Co., No. U 9 Merest street, lladel • 4!elo,3carodkalT tElit•Pt CA.TiletoitTle PILLS &RE he moat perfect' purgative which we are stir to per duce or which we think as. ever ha. been made by anybody. Their effects have abut,. tartly shown to the communay how much they excel the ordloary meditines in use. They are .are and pleasant to tone, but powerful to cur. Theo penetrating propertie. stimulate the vital gat. voles of the buoy, remora the obstruction. of its organ., purity the bl , od, and expel dime., They purge out the foul humor. whicu breed and grow distemper, stimulate sluggish or diaordered organs Into their natural notion, sad (apart a healthy tone with strength to the whole system. Not only do they cnre tbJ every day complaints of everybody, put also formidable arm dangerous diseases. Whim they produce powerful effocta, they are at the same time, in ditainbehad doses the wriest and belt physic that can be employed! for children. Being 'omit-coated they are plea. ant to take; and, being purely vegetable, are free from soy rule of harm. °urea have Deco made which turps.. ballet, acre they not •übstantratep by wee of stitch exalted position and eh...teeter. no to sorb ul the ausotelou of untruth. &oar eminent clergymen and physician. have lent their name. to certity to the public the reliability of our rem• edict, while others have sent ns the meurance of their conviet.On that, our Preparation. errotrib ute le.mensely to the relief of our afflicted, anther fag fellow men. . •• • . The Agent below named is pleased to (Urals grail. magic:term= Almanac, containing dir e lions for thy use and certificates of their cures, o the following complaints: flostiveness, Bilious trompleints, Rheurestlem Dropsy heartburn. headache ermine from foul Neutiee. indlgesh.n, Aorta.' Lorutive 01 .Le Bowels and pain uric sins therefrom, Flat• tiler cy, Loiliof Appetite, eh Dummies wriiela are require an casette. medicine. They silo, part. fyihg the blood and etimulating the system lump, lawny eorephstnte whigh It Would not be supposed they could reach, suet% 1,13 Deafness, Pattie! DLitt& nen, Ni orals!• and Nervous Irritability, Derange ment. of the Liver and [Miami, Gout, and other kindred complaints arising from a low state of the body, or obstruction of its functions. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with ocher preparations which they mate more profit 0. Demand Avert's, end tate no dttlttil. will want the best aid there Is for there, and they 'Lucid have it. , FPrtpur4;oll., L oaml.l, Niue. Sold it A. FArYNESTOCK, SO Y & CU br d by all Dratiglata. noldrlrdood:tzko ekiarals — aiirzuwie , Copper Mill and Smelting Wort, prrronviont. PARK, McCURDY Er. CO Mannfneturara of SHEATHING. BRAZIESS , & BOLT OOPPEB, PRESSED COPPER 13CT; TOMS. RAISED S TLLL BOTTALTEB SOLDDM,_ Also, Imparter' and dealer: MET. ALS, TIN PLATE, SHEET IRON WIRE, ha. Oonstantly on hand, TINKERS , MACHINES and W TOOLS. arenorae, No. l 4OPIIIST and I SEI3. vNL ,sTEEETS, In:taboret. Spatial ardor" Si ()appal. cut to any detl.rad palf4dm. myosaydnarT urP/7/1913011101 SAW ROBILs HUBBARD, SRO& CO PATENT GROUND CIRCULARS, Warranted OAST STEEL SAWS, of arm its senptlon. Mtll Malay, Cross Oat, Gang, and all other varieties. All kinds of N - IVES and SPRINGS made from Sheet Cast Steel Extra Refined REAPER AND MOWING ENTIMS, tee. Air Warehouse and Work,, earner WATER and SHORT STREETS, Pittsburgh. Particular attention given to Hotootartg, Gout =inn sad Straightening circular Saws; also, is pairs of all kinds, Punching and Drilling don. at easonablorates. - -- W. musrain., .. Vt,., Boiler Makers & Sheet Iron Workers. Nos. 20, .12., is and 28 PENN STREET. i(110114 scoured a Large fart!, one RlElia•nda with the mart Improved machinery,. we are re ed to manufacture every description of Stf In the best manger, and warranted equal to Any madota the country. tiIIIZINRY_S, BRICHT.N, FIRE BEDS, .STRAIII Locommvs sumakts, CONDENSERS, SALT PA TANKS, OIL STILLS,. AO/TATORS. S TLING PANS, BOILER OWN, BRIDOR STIOAR PANS, and sate stunintactiners of BARN RILL'S PATENT BOILERS. Repotting don on the shortest notice. ELABIIOOD 1 MOW LOST, /lOW Ek.STOUED I—Just Publihed. in seat- en Envelope. Price atx - *onto. A DEUTUDE ON ME NATURE, YREATILLITT, And liodlosi *are of Spormatorrhan, or nominal Wasknow, loom. • notary Emissions, Sointal Debility And !moult. otenta to Marriage gettotally j Nervonanes, Con mina,-tion, Epilepsy and FICto Mental And Pby soI itioolwitir, Manillas from SAIL Abuse. An., by 120/ST. J. etz.vonarxr.r., author of the Grzen Gook Sc, "A Boos TO Twormastis or Sul/11.LE.. Sent 4.1.1 e, sea!, in plain enrol op., to any noil4zesz, post paid, on rece.lpt. of six bents, or two powtegt Mimi'', by Dr- Sol. KW"; IID Downy, Now York. Post &MS LOA nelitattwarT res NEXTOIIIS SUPWISILCIELB MYTH SEXES,A reverend iretalearute hew tea beerstratored to health to e few days, After en. l ea=Ol j t th' • tt:llout e ea, ern:alders Itt7i . : tails.d duty to comettunteete to Ws afflicted fellow. creatures the antenatal rum /fence, on the receipt of en Addressed =sex, ha will eeadaree. atop, of the yresarlptlon Direct to Dr. JOll2l DAGINIALI, MO Felten street, N. Y. oardlnylaesT AO. maxim w. v. erwsza .7 1. 1104VLPAI BELLE STEEL WORMS. BEM & CO., dluanractantra of OAST STEEL; SPRING, FLOC.' sad BLISTER STEEL, SPRECOS, LS, CROWBARS, is 4 se- mace, No. to WA LER STREET (up utalrs) PITTSBUBOIL PA.". Ira BOISIBRONIL gk' CO.. (supostiot to Roarazoa, Ltlrria & blu.szlobb Washington Worts, FOUNDERS AND MAORI:MISTS, Pr:lemma:: soolucturers of BOAT-AND STATIONARY STEAM ENGIN BLAST MYOINIFA DULL; riwanzrzEty,am.unca r sueFrtNo, OAST. IWO S or all description& OIL TANKS & STILLS, BOILER AND SKEET IRON WORK. stream for (HEELED'S PATENT INJEUN OR, lot ta-dlai balm& rir.loll2ll &Denali& & 8110., otantuaa ttuwra of IRON VAULTS AND VAULT DOORS, IRON RAILING WINDOW SHUT. TERS E WINDOW GUAR) 11,L; Nos. In SEG. UND and THIRD STS between Wood and blarket, taro on band s misty of new patterns, fancy and plain, imitable for all purposes. My. Particular attention paid to encloaDic Grace bats. jobbing bona at abort notice. • eta ITTIE IItUDAL.CITAIIITIRU, AN EN SAY OY WAHN/NG AND INSTRUC- T UN YOU YOUNG =N. Ale°, near and nate bi trestment.ef the UHautry and Sexual Syetem. A dare.' J. SRILLIRY HOUGHTON, Uo or old essoelatten. ilasdelebia. Pa. ap1:11 PdFIROHANT TAILORS HMIBY G. BALE.. Merchant Tailor, 608M1T6E7 008N68 OF Ms • St, CUM OM PITTSIIIMICHI, Takes great pleasure In announeLag to hit sumer one customers and the poplin generally, that tam Fgel:eau and ar rangements for th e VALK. SEA. SON are now completed, having byes personally imitated Wpm the first-elan cloth houses to the Eastern eitiet i. %tioh a elms of noodles can elk . any be recto will be centro4 white' em. b s the newest most approved mstariels styles, the entire stock being very large, varied select. Afr. lisle has much confidence 111 intl. 4. g an early thapeetton. ~. SUPEEFterE MAZE, COLORED &LOTUS, , IVD DOE SILINS,II tuntaJ, warranted last Is • colors, /MI rand texture. MELTON MOTHS and Other new coatings, newstylefor entire nuts. - A great variety of FINE OASSOIELIES for Pasts and Vesta, for Morning and Evening wear. mine B° DRESS AND SCHOOL SUITS. a new lot of choice goods Weria- JUST EEC:EITEL ➢Y GRAY & LOGAN, NO. 11 ST. LAIR STREET AUCTION SALES. PBATT'S LAST d; CLOSING SALES 01/ YALEA.BLE LIOUSS A[' Atli/ rLos.— Tills EVEN/NO, lit 7 Welork. and following evenings thla vreoli only, and st private sale dot• ins the day, at the (306111111Mitli t`eklea Rooms, 10a Smithfield street, appOstte lbo PoN-olDoe,•wttl be closed cut the remainder of this large and value• ble collection of Booka. hinny rare sod f stumble works yet ZrZC/111311VtliCal tunas ba eloecd out with. out regard to colt, jag A. PACILMAINE Auct,r. CITY ,IMPROVED PROPERTY AT TRUSTEE'S SALE. Oa TEIDAI AYTEIINOON, January :12th. at 2 o'clock, oa the ,romlsee, will be sold b r order of Trustee, TUBES 131310 s 110E1SES, Woo. 20, 22 and 21, ou Worry alley, between doomed and Tbud btreele. The Lola Ere 16 fret front each and 10 feet Is depth. Teton, one-third oath, balance la one and tw yens. delearaid . Aucllonter, Ivy, I . 1s Iv; NVS ,T11 .1 1:L;I;GE-1 A Uwe, cad .Hancip.r. 31. ENDEILSOSI Fa•clve , !r - rrft srttste, WA A .11.: t.ELEN wh•eh nee p0p.0.0...1 NI. a. pe...t.oi at .1.. at lie . Ant np• ponrut ce ni y tte o:••ine the e•olr Actir c.I it.l r,,t; dtugattr of aJeAusa Mother. I (Urlday) EVE% I NO, at la be animated On owe, 10.... In -6.1. dtaion, t-e ‘9011A.11 Ui LiC.D. Fludifra. the Woman la Re) Ma.tnam (tele ste. F, amuse, Daughter • f the Jew).). NI Utter, ny g Tor rig Lady, her that napnranda aorta ea) auks& 'I he 1041 comasuy la ant. 151,,11....D.1 I.IEN lioN viiLl a: Oftd kit .USH Farewell Banetit acid teat appearance but ono of the ell:anent young actor, MIL LIE.O. 0. DAVENPORT, Who will appear In four characters, lotroluelog too conga ecd three dantaa, together ',rah im itations of emlneut au out. TII/S (Friday) E • LatlN t. the perforaisece wllt commence with the roaring cornalette of PADDY TILED PIPED.. Favuthe into Lizzie. After which the highly amusing comr-detta of NEAUD STILIPLIM. BARBER. itom• Ipe neater Eddy. She wh. , le to conclude with the highly con acing Is teal onriecr OF IN► EIIINT. 1413.1a1M. AND ZOO. LuOIUAL UALlbtfi,GlFtlth Street. run A 'SW DAYS ONLY, THIELIVItiti MUM% 16 Tenn Old and Wei;la Nit 7 Pond; ENGAGE U AT AN lIDIDENSIS EIPENSB. The LETA Dr} WILD ANIMALS and 10.000 CUD luS all (Jr Ana prl, aduisrloa. STANDARD • PETROLEUM REFINERY. CLARK & SUMER. Worts, sad 03c0. COLLINS TOWNSHLP 01Ilse In Plttsbarsh, 24 WOOD STISEET. Theca works base the lamest eapasoty In ttui eocußry. The brand crude the highest In Ms rnuntry and ID Europe, for quality and tiro tan, and the oil la pot In weal seasoned barrels, prepared eapestally for export. Illanatasturera of BOILERS, STILLS, TANK .. and I CdPRO v HO E /210 11 ) ULS for 1/11 Wells. c dela:ly IWNHARD CREEK PETROLEUM COMPANY. Office Corner of Penn and Wayne Ste This company wee orgentte4 on the nth lun and. the Penney'Yenta Mining end fibinufsetu ring Lawn The territory of the eompeny .4 fouls tie Lanes of the Drinkard Creek Union 011 Oomnany, of tine city. Capital Stoca eees.ooe Workbag Pend 91,090 Par Value of Eacb Share al 90 OXIMASJI Presthmt—S. A. „warcavit . BeMt= '_ - .Autirer—H. t 9. lIITOHIE.I num:mewl; S. Rumens, Ja=s Owax.ta. W. U. Krim, &warm. Et. A. JOHNSTON, - - FAANA Barns; F. U. Oir.orr. jr.sard AL W SUPERIOR OIL ENGINES. Wo are constructing, aa4 will asap pa hazel a superior still n 1 Either a Common or Tubular Boiler, we Invite puttee maths entoes for this pot ppwoae to cell act see them. comer of PIKE ant U'lleitA or/it:EIS, near Wry Water Wart. Jeff DIAOKINTOSK ItKNe•siLLI. a UM Oi(ALE:ROAM, OIL WOR& Pure White Burning Oil, Constualr on hand, nod for "DI at TUE LOWEST MARBLY RATES, B C. & I. & BAWIEJ3, Je3csB'WlLl th , AND CRUDE AND REFINED 0113 Blocti. Duquesne., Way, Pltteet'olt ar Spacial attenttoo Oven to the SALX AND 811.1P.MaIT PET/OLECreI foul to pretloato. ikerVAluoWiraitl.' _ - J 31 - 14Z -T -4 • NO. 1 RC. CLAIM err.. rittstruzitt. FORIEAILDINCI IND COMMISSIOA geRCILAYT. AND DEALER IR OILS ILLUMIRIATIRO 4 LUURRIATILIO, eauDa PETROLEUM OILS, scn. e cout.antly on lisa.l an/ for tat. at the loped market prism Oneutigis meats and nide= solicited. PATENTED OCTOBER 8, 1881• DFEEMIDOE'S PATENT OraB Lamp Chfmnews. M annfactured of Pint Glass These Ohbabiryl ars tutenguta for Ma Oat gams, audios as parts of ths tiara squally, dues not es. to.. it to cruking. E. D. Dinumxte, Fort Pitt Glats Work", lilastdmitoit Wrist, apt'? Pittsburgh. Plum's wwirga ** .... COM2I LSSION BIERCIL& LTD 11101:1123 0 PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS And dealers 112 21.1211.11811. 04147 No. a 3 EL&EKET ST. Plttibungll._ BONDEDREM) Phenix Warehousing Company, root of DALTIO A tuilaitsox S y,, atixdura. I==l RIMISED PETROLIMIL Da ranks aid Barrels. Sae Omlark &B oßoa, .Tao. DE GTIIEET, Saw York. ty CM STOCIC*—Thei undersigned will ‘-' gin partleulat attontloo to the poratozo and sale of Stocks of ALL &LIABLE Companies I tattle buyers and ellen to tall. J. H. ZOILAROZ MI. 107 FOURTH NTREE7 1 UCE.NI OLI;VVORKB. DIINCAR, DtairLAP et CO., I‘lll7/LOPMP3 OP Pare White Refined Carbon Oils, No. tin LIBERTY STREET UNDERTAKING BICLIAILDSOWASO . ZOLAZO H W LILO it WHITE, I:7M 4 TriiiCIFILTES.7333 RB. COFTIIII ROOMS AT MANCHESTER LIVERY STABLE, COrner of ElMBrld 'ad Martini 'treaty, air WWl' trots Alleghsay City and Tiototty ptcooptly attended to. 4esoll rd. ALEX. LIKE.II . 1, 7 1 733.7333a . V 4 irEDEts No. GO Fcnuth strold,Plttetinzglyro. 00111N9 of all kinds. °RAPP'S. GLOVES. had gnat ho , serlption of 7 smeasl Purnistuns Goods funsishol noomf opw da and Runs amid Ossrlaf !000 ohaf. Rahhashoss—Rev. David Kerr, DX. Ray. hL W. :limbos, D.L., Thom teasing, Esq Yasoo if. &Misr Lo. VA:tei•tos4l,3464wioq: DRUM & BLACK, hive on band a large anortentot of MOWING MACHINES, 3E3OXLEUZI ISLALECEIS. Straw Callers, Scythes and flay Bakes, So. 29 and 30 OHIO STRYEZ klr.r..ElfflEAT J . BCIIOONMAKEIS, & BON, Pittsburgh While Lead Works. ram; IVIIITZ LEAD. BLUE LEAD °BMW IN OIL FOR PAIN!' U 4() OIL 13,1.1311EL5. NO. OS WOOD NTRICOT MOLASSEd-50 bbls, borghum klolassaa to store sod for sale by FETZLR & A REST/JONG, ' Jai NMI *Eke% ao4 EWA ste. FOR SALE' F _ _ ort reLE A PATIN of 44 acres met, 2Ci ro hr., .1' unto In rhrekbeth tom - 46/1i IN A eti aity, Pa. the lect ti tants • t • I ,e. ha,. h•t. 1r hod. .4,1 dytna.; a tdc1.30.: d• •0 0 ... • ne twat variety, 'lle as ana' , "• • , 1141 I:R „ lr . re oi ti.e tart qua ; • id. 1,,, r y, 01 a !Nu I quarit , ••,, Oar ul •••us• to n e yr, y , nangahela river at l'a,tra err) .ica•ii farm 1 ant authorizer (ts sell mt very la, Cadre.. Mao. A ft.. f,./ _ acre., situate is, ()harry lid, rOWL•LII, 11 ana county, Pa-, near the value of Ur, nvi.le. The Improvements are a I.lau-story frame nat.., tho'larittat and brat bate In the caunlyt tenet. rt•nd SSO aeres °feared; tiro redisiadsr Fell limbered. Ilia laud t• good, larrd,. armada,. Which produce. nun crop. of nay• It ts very eon • cement to churches, manuals. Wills, stores, Se., A., This Property will be eau very abeay sad on ea.) tenon. {mar OP nOrldlll also • Farm of shout 101) acrea, situ at.d to West Wbeetta• id Township, lonians Co., Penn, Tat Iripievemente too rt good comfort...ole 1.4 , 0 story Frame cease, With 6 rooms, a large (Mae barn, carriage house, ge.od corn mut, wash house, bane • van and a two story stone spring house; about lhO se ow Waren sod to timothy and clover; a good orchard of apple, p. scli..l ear and quince trees. Toe ham& goneralty goof. The land vi • geed ouslity, abundance of limeatone, and but a short distance from coal. Tole property a he Fold very comm. Also, a Farm 01 about 240 acre• adjoining the above. She impro.ments are • largo two story Log Ronne and a large trams bare, In acres clear ed and tamer a good state of ellittiratiOni a snail al 7 Phlerehartl; meg+ aw story Intik boos.. These tot, hazes united. would mane a tlret-rate Stock Yearn, or will be sold smtarntaly. Also, a barn, of 170 sore., Malted In Esat Wheattleil town•hip, latliatm county, Ps Ton ttmpr.vemenis are a large Frame House with I rooms, log loan wl.ll a g 0.41 shed all around: aat•-• aalledialTO tenem ent log morello:trot spa o rchard; seep convent.i. to church, sohuol stores, fee. A pot ilon of the purchine money will be tyken in well local. II lane in Also, a }arm of 112 acres In Winatteto township, Allego.y county. I tie land a.l the best go• 1117 a very mite orcnald of the best v +Het of [-ult.. This tam wilt be sold at • Possession given on th I del ofApll.l,, /8111. Also, the lost 1. ant in raixaw gOVasalp, Westmorciat.d county. P. 40 • . el; about 6 alma south of the Pa. . TAI tat- IWO, elnent• are own large tetrad tug 1100 , • 50 •df the august ant east lemma bob no in the .• WWI I a: two 51,01 orchards. The whole tarot I. . Mgr a high stat• ol cWtivsuoa. ho remota( I. Lef • I. The land is of the very 00.1 It mese., e. 610111 200 mum cleared Ole balance In good Una ron Pml• session on the first day Of April 1,66. Tots rid, arty will be sole at a great bargain. Too owanr irlattcs to engage to other business. Also. several MAO Fars. ranging from $l6 to 1200 per acre. A moja Farm of 160 sales, situate to Aleuandle” townablp, Allegheny county, Pa. ILONA I Mlles front ton M. y. The emproverea:es are a Lug Home, a good bar I , a )01114 Oren lad apps peach and tear. 1 arid sell the valuable property Tel cheap and on easy term. hot moons: parlieuisrs, mguire of O. B. rowrai, Heal hatato agent, Na, 164 Faun] street. DUAL, COAL, AN) LAND FOE BALE The vary valeablo-rAltll b raiZ4betb, tow. gap, Allrgheny county, Pa. ountatulug 113 sem of 81:11FACE AND Ct1..11., ttck4 nn the bloaungstetz River fre more thee half • In Peon lie . -.• . . In Btu tract Ware are 135 insect of good men. ihantable Otehb hvottng on the neer, with deep water 4,1 along the pro,erty, The wale; le lees wan from !4 to le i net deep, o; - en toe elver la at Its lomat nag e. Iha Land hot 'Le ewy bestgnu My of river b° " ° Of 1- . good sever, and under goad ganging, wlta a large well damned two •Lutf 11111.38 DWELLII4.ILU; fSE, large frame Barn, Wan. Stable BO feet long; Corn Orib, Wagon llouee and two Tenant Dwelltnga The Oreezabarg end Wastangtott Turepeke runs temp tne farm; and mans tt altogether for coneewlenee of location and Uttrlnale seam, b tertalnll sae 0/ the 'Cry heat InTeatenemen now offered In thda county. Paymenta will be made to salt the yardmen. For pertembrs. enquire 0. H. ruvrzet, 1144121tat4 .14tat, Ha 1114 Fourth Mee. no 1441 FUR BALE. I Well Milked Frame Twa•Stery Dwelliar. Halt lIIX III:H)XLI, nearly Paperod ana Palbtxd, raVE levpltd.ZlT aal bucgite Lor Mb House. rem to inett Lent ap RATE bOvel l A o P ot E ont, y On/eH RUun b.a. Pow-Won grill be given on We I el A 4411 nonL CORIvEIV.STORE-ROOM,WITH ONA .Dw MsE Comedian mil beE L LIN G wen on ebe OU ol . next. The brown:M. 0111 mete: ae/1, ar exenenv 100 country Probesty. Team my. inquire et Li. H. TOWER, No. Foam meet. .1. T. Sti.dl"/..g, ISM Lou &ale, and linnunnee Anent, atm be tat t RICZILI Meet, Allegheny. FOR LE. —ONE ENOLNE, 15 Inches Ont.eter. a feet 0 loch Wrote. 8 feet [wavy hrel, with hot and cold writer force pumps, blow on ...ire. patetil. p.welnil. Me ea glne la nears) new sail wCI esp. - tor wilrsawa entp the ...tiny. , elcg heavy. Alto, kin /I 23 , 1tc/le 1:4 toe% ciliate', II loth evoke, vutabLe for oil 111,14. Oat le new Mal the othl r. hare been lithe 0.04. Font 0...11:1P1,,,E,E SECT'S DERRIUK 1:1111%0, btul eau band bona( eastr..g... ropes. ho. Alto I,tue hat at VA lath tubing, brace Jaime, pomp barrel., rob, ha. Thirty tercels nut. UnsroosL About tee tons 01 &ray Stoop About tee tote el Scrap thwt bon. Enshlees W...0.c0n Vaults VI feet diameter, Is fact atacca, eararme I,w nacres. &VAIL STAI(DeLttII 11E0.111E1r, Is Waal street, dealt er et Itetr.cry. sera blaarpeourt Unto. BALE-111{ 1 0 ' INERY .—TLI ‘11.1)116 t/1/.. tt ors Ks, IN PUTT rt./IV:, Mil P.— W• otter these Won*• for aal• at a ay, y of 1011, pa We; fOr thy purpoo• Cl Ctoatryy Lnirtatay Lby concern. Tve, tare o eigoaltir, artttatzt forcing, for turning out between MP and KO bor. rel. helloed 1:11 'weekly The Real Vets. a nor, earaptlatoi (Oa rotat on e sivaore of tittoloaft lots, lutts Doti/ con Lfollodst7 o sod fronton the Alio. heoy talay S. IL. The Werke are to tortece ordrof ksre TOnk-lcg °V.. - 07 tar NOW Oorreln thuds Oil, and Irarilatataltirt statics 1,,,t0 barrels Ifenned Cottrolo. l • t proton even LAM tOtO, or Jaatutry tat, Ar ly, for fore.ner port] to MIX Of at, 13 UR ICE A OM, poonecon Way, Corner of 11,,neock Meet, coltnnerod FOR BAIX, SLIOSE TWO ILAIMSOXLE THREE STORY BRICK HOUSES, Roe. 30 and W. ea the asst Oda et WEST 0031. OWN, ease the corner of ualo meet, built sad T3d 3 boe 1 3.31411100 t In allpenor manast—amat-ed With era, modeta aosvesueuee wad 1303 , 303a113e31, wal at lureaeat to perfect orates ens of Ma °asc ot sad meet deaaratae• west - 100a to Allashatti. Peamaaloo ea the tat at April. Me. E. QUI r• 01 MIE. T. e AMPLE% Etal Etat* Ezok JA ee malt lasuraskae Agent, eaMEtl N... 53 Fedetzl et.. 41/100.4. FOR 811.1..5. • VAIAIABLE COAL LAND Milt* tote TO-DAY at textured prima. This trait 1 situate la Weatutarelanfersituity, Penna., tlis re NortLlVestero Penneyleaula LsWoad. about twO mike east of Apollo, Pa., 004 cattalos two ewe Duey r do. of OOAL, I.loll.slllNh tad FLU I axle vele oemplete WATF.II PO WEIL ' For further particulars, Iniolra at the Law and Clain Were of A. /. L HALL rerrEnsom, dela Lo. 144 Folulo SL. Pittabureo, Pa. - --- VALUABLE COUNTRY lICIdE Foil s SALE, situated on the Pennsylvania Hail. mad. clue-half mile from Wllkineb drab. and only tire. minima Paul from the newly amnia] Sta. Urn on weld toad, ontled EUCIE WOOD eT.i.TfuN a LOT of grunt d cantina og 11 aurae ISO perches three urea Oak Format) large ?ramp J cum. with 10 rooms , and cellar und.rneetc; bearing Print 'Trees; Water an- ether coored tenets. These granule Will dlrlie handsomely. For further infoi matii a eel! on JAMES S. IELNO, n 07.11 No. 101 Fifth Most. Ult PALF.—A BEAUTIFUL 00UN• Tit Y f7l= 1L I.IIrJE, situated to UolUn town • frosting on the Ustisens. Sill road about TWO feet, sabre width on tr+sA{igghaaBMyer, containing about VII acres AtilUldrWith a Ana Itriea Rouse, With eleven wetVitstisArelgooras, a largo haute stable, earrlagirANHOgartri - house; cos) house and otbor •ulleiltri4det itflat/Of frail trees. Thin property 0111 hafoißop vary reasons able terms. • Posseeslea glean-that heat day of April, tWi. For further Luforinettort esquire of G. TOWER, Real Estate Agent, tin tun attest. VALUABLE riturzwrY FOB &ILK • Lugo n l si st i il g i o 7 f %klo o l M e byast te toot , eoek lush. sag/Anent bass converisd um° • tirlit wukestentlye hog peas, ostr vagina sod bailors lirgifilprinfrof wager 'Amami al , PIM to distillery ',hick inmates It to work up ISO bath. ell el grain get day, good Dwelling. ()reliant. In. /stated in one if the bell Frans Crowing rag c in th e Etats. /tor asrlisalars, sellout Iteglinl a i i . *Pegg to eel ItIsLAIN k I,'oll biILX-1 am authorized to mildly + teroaeres of land, situated in Chatters Valley 0017 !byte and a hall mules Dom the city, and thren,tourtha of a mile from the Pittsburgh& lien Denville liallumui Thls properly la well salted f,r gardening Pilo . Dusts, being all bottom land, and protected on the north by aMU and having a southern exposure. It is well adapted fora country residence, naving a Rant on two ' , obits roads. JOHN D. BAILEY, Wilkens Hall. addso7i SALs~e fret of lona "iiii 1: about fourteen acre. situate la Stott town shlTi Allegheny, county, ' Penetylvanla, about flee nine. from the city, on the o 4 Waatiingloa The Improvemmito aro. two-story Frame Rouse, with seven coon, a wide hall,`rood Cilia, Rama 'table azd other out bundler., a epilog of excel lent loft wale: at the door i the location Wesel..- .treble for a military wilder:Me. Fur further par neuters, ecruhe of to. H. To Wlt ft, dearbil hell retina Agt , No, 41 Fourth St. VOR BALL:-Four Brick Dwellings, al A. In complete order, wan Lot 24 by 120 toot, sit natrd totwred Smallman arect and Mulamp gth ward, Pluaburch. Tale property now rani. tut (GO her month, veld rant for VS. and oan he purchased trainee/b. 00011 Investment. or tams, ao., apply at the Real Potato and In. office of a S. HATES, deka Butler street, Laverencerillo. Pa. TAL UA /3 U Fi.( U KIN° I PROPERTY FOR BALE 11q HIRCLINi I. Mtn—Situated on Centre street, medal; through to Franklin, ttavthg a front on Centro street of Ile teed depth too fret; upon watch Is erected TWO OBY 11510 K MILL. Emlintl cud collet all complete and In good order. Mad, tWO tiara Dwse JO elling noun I s.- nq HN W uire on CMoKEho pen D man,. ri VALUABLE HOUSE AND, LOT A FOR SALF.-61,000 will nneeltaaa that nal neat two story Bildt Honey. watt B rooms and neatly Pagrrect and peinteO, elected on st lot elgraund, hatrieg a front oa he Allegheny slyer 0149 feet. and entends beer rem feet to an alley; a inert daunts front the Ballrolul arldre. 'Aunty dal • 11, 8UL.114 s Uth • FOR 11:::17T SEWING DIA C TILE.Ii:F. N T N WRIER PAYS A HETI r. R INTEHEST lIG moRE OtPfdf , JFlr, HEALTH, Hi Pl'l•4ENy ASH HELILE TU THE HOUSEHOLD I'HAN A WHEELER & WILSON S BIACHINE. Notting could more 11 .cae0t.ble all a HOLIDAY GIFT, .131.1. w tb.e. lEteist. Reference Is med. to hundreds of families now using Lhasa In Pittsburgh and vicinity. 110. 07 Firma BT. Glievit SEWING MACHINES Have beta *warded 'the FIRST PREISTONeI the following Fairs for the year First Premium for bast Baahtna or at Psalm Wats Fats. • 116!=1 . Vint or beat Fasfly Machine at Ohto State Flux, . First Premium far best Zgaractfaetztrlas Masking at Ohio State Fair. Pramluta for test N.asataattrtas Kukla. Lt Ittletogau State Fair. Pint Freedom for best blaardsatortsa °SaabSU at Wiser=ls State Fab. ant Praia= for boa Pr avatar =lnk Maeda at I 'wawa Co., fair, Pa. Pint ?MOMS for hat Mahar for gears' per poses, as Lavoranso Co. Farr, Pa Pint Premium tar best Yaallr iloofAas at Boas Co. Voir, Pa. Fir; Yreka= for hest klaantiattrirky Marian at. Lacks CO. Irak, Pa, 7Mackitiaa,First Parana tar bat Zdainotastortillt IL 4 Fut' 1.1 SprloallekiOkla. Fira P . :taloa for bat klanaserkaltg Mina ily Diaohloaali Palmyra ratr,N. Y. Fir; Preatara for 6M klautfastirlag and ran , fi l l =l..."l:bt°Lra=rifii s ram. 1 17 relachlos at &boyar 00. Feb.r N. Y. Flat Prealtua for bat Maki= for al mina at k rali . homy 00. 0.. Fair, Pa. West Ofano laturing maellas at Anatomy ca. Fair, Ps.. Fiat Premium kw bat _Kuala work at ,Alba 'Lamy Co. Fain. Pa. And wherever catiblteLl • A. F:CIIATONEY, =3:ln S' CLAIM '8 $26 and $33 SEWING MACHINES. Wllll TABLES oompLzrz. Tbsy Hem. Fa% Stltsb, Mad, Embrob :and alit. Toey do VINT. priltratoorr AN HARING ANL tLI.L, HINDS OF F A M I LY ob.Wl/44* ON THE SAME =WHINE. AND LE St WINO W24t. LAST L.UNCIEE THAN i bE °AILMENT. Es ENT HAIM= IS waaanntrzo POE IVE TEARS. AL binds of (sadly smirlog promptly doss. B. EL LONG. 119 Ciraski .trees. Kumar FUth, MEE= BOOTS AND SHOES LOON Our FOR BARGILIRS LI% BOOTN AND SHOES, Just recelya4 a TREMENDOUS STOCK IF:ILL if frIXTED GOODB, Ls J, A. ROBINSON A. CO., si MARKET STREET, Kest door to BdILKIGIL'S dry Goods Stars, tiod LOOK RRRR. WENS' BAND SEWED, 13C, CM' SI, raw TABLE DOLLARS AND A UAW' .1 P 4113, Cost 85.25 to Make. For isle ONLY at McC LEL LIND'S EMPORIUM, ROS. 55 & 57 FIFTH STREET. PITTSBURGH, PA. Gum thou at New York Prices. aan FOR NSW rEeiSti. CENT'S, LADIES', MISSES', OttILDREW, HOY'S AND YOUTIM Boots, Balmorale, Polish Boots, carman AND 4311111% Just received awl will be soldht lower rotes than • .• they tan be bought elsewhere. Call imi.l:2 AT 11011EIA11 'S, 98 Market Street. Socoad don, from AIM. NOTICZ. COOKING BTOWI9, PARLOR AND NEATDitt STOFO, OWED, FRONTS. • FENDERS, 8, 1. - - Also, a Ueda etEOLLOW WARELIAS'4INCtS at W. 301 Liberty Street. ALLEN, MOKEE 68 MARKET STREET, I Puna f• Boots and Shoes HOLIDAY GIFTS, THE MOST USETTIL, MOST DURABLE, MORE NEEDED THAN ANYTHING ELSE. KEEP TOUR FEET WARM AND DRY. GO TO CA ENAILILIA d COAI Boor & SHOE STORE, or nor of Morkot Street and the DOnotol, de 13 pkr-r3BOBULL As i lEl3; lr i o 3FTS', itIIBE3E3' Boots, Mors apt' Galles's, ui every Sty* tut and FOrro at •• • CoyLres. Monter Filth and Wylie streets. fa- Fria toes salt evarobody., iota ITTLD; .BAIRD k PATTON, Inuit. sale Grocers and Uonualealms Merabluits, dee). Cr, ritonuo FLOUR., BACON, WILMA FISH. , CARBON g, a AND LARD O, IRON, NAILNI.ILANN, COTTON TAIitND, end bur g *. m nu l Actual gerleualDll.l:2Dul na scoona street Mllabllrgh• • • ACM} ' onersursare GULP 4 . SHEPARD, • COMmission 'barite nod dealers In F1.01 , 8;(41t4 IN , AND PRODUCE, No., act !Abort" strata, Pittsburgh. Cholee bnode of. Flour for Bakers and Demlly axe constantly an hand. Particular attention paid to Mar orders for literchandlle etacolly. - • °foal,/ and when you are pvretsaing, E. P. CARPENTER, CII7..NEHAL AGENT, Mo. 18 Flitb at. Plttsbargln PrPr3EITTE6H, PA. OAK TWINED, Eu LEA.THEE Jona nxclurreon A. GARRISON Et CA. 'Summar. toltollinan, a urban, I — r. - 11.,) FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS Iron, Steel, Blanutaeturers et D G Ronal ter an dzes. to? Braze, Zino, (kipper. Weer, Qat Straw Boards,_X'itper aM letha Rubb er w o w atm, Bolling nttll Castings of all deseriptlons, Bark Milts, Patent Double Grinder, with a: Sane. 7 of other patterns, alwayeon band and dated to rder on abort Erotica and favorable tame! Oltles nd Warehouse ate Sailthflold street, Pittsburgh. telly a, IP: A. Lac wortateat of ALL STYLES 0? BOUTS & ROBB, j. LIFE IN Tin-. (DIKTER OAK Lt 1 ,13 INSC6.OI,E CO. of HAIL - FF(111D, CO:6 THE FE I N,VRL:CC4 C.ll PI.NI IN d: , IE! WA. tn., nor .asa at .an Part a. aa nua. CASH DI ntl.t;:t 'L., 0,1 :to riot sal en4.l suhseyoent pap . ..6:a of procutl . M., its (.7. 0 , CAr17.16 and as nta.unstion 81000,000 I. a.6l.actr in.c6f , c.l . pu6.6116, 66,..TX.61 nit 6 .011.4 6 .,e06 of 16(.e.A./. E.St.t TE. It Is non, in sty feta year of tOlallless, and has pa.d W the Af.1344:15 AHD on. PILL.I 6 B el Its asemarrs the Imo of ONE aim to,LLAfrts. To tat. date not* single etre 011ft:ration, a as, occurred, an e .I.lonre [bat LI bars allay and fair nealina. Is a apestallty with this Company. The policies of this ilotapsep are ;coot rorreltvi by reason of ~.on paysnent of N 1111616602 after Los atto¢63 yeas. No payments, required after to year., but pollees nonttnue rood thrtinfo pre. 071h011int 3. C. WALK'. President. a. S. PALISER, Vlee President. . Et WHITE, Secretary. Branch (lace for tVastera Peonsi utter, Circulars and Hlmir ApplleNstion grill be farnisa. ed, Wood Street. Pittsburg', • Agents smote/ throughout the Seat*. ApOi7 to 0eh6.17d F. E. GOUDELL.Scate CHARTER 18'29. PERPETU A MUNIZMI FIRE INSURANCE CorkEPANY PHILADELPHIA. "J....r. I. 1334.. 93353.919 93 Capital ...d 406,001 Accrued Premiums P 71,000 Instated Premium.' 1,091M9 Unsettled Claims ....................... I.* 8 1 4 /. Income for 1564. .... ... ................ ~.. 10000 S lipase. Paid since P 3231 ........... . .......... 8,000, , 000 Felt acts! and temporary Pollan ;on liners dross: • . . Charles N. Banc!Ler, __ - lima. Loa, , Tobias Wagner, • Edward Cl.:Dvol, Samuel eriu C="rales. . Jacob R. S FIRM, George W. Rle Frm. W. ree r =lL D' s. CHARLES N. A.NOKER, EDWARD C. DALE, Vim Preadeel JAS. W. gIeALLIST J. I..B a See. pen.lemi. . GO ER: (' , _ Agion, satin aorner Wood and Third street. FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Co. of North paerioa PE/LAD=U. Hartford Fire Insurance Company, assets 41,1545.000. .DT➢lDteettme tan be swam! to the shorans= am] reneLle companies. A. L. JONES, !mar, St water wren. !au stairs.) WEBTILIiaI 11 , 18triLl.NOR COMPANY OF PITTSBURG . %lam, flstirera, WM. P. ILETVORBT, Siterdary. Office, No. is Wean. Mal, Span it Co.'s Watt house, up stafxn, Eltaiburgh. WWI (=um artiqa id s& of Firs :bud Mains Mag. a How lassiturics mitutagul by Directors sobs ei scat kaams lc gue coutsreaity, and sew madden mined bi Prooptoen and Attooattly. to dalutatu G 4 dwructly was (bey Wm armed, as ofrittaio tlto but potation to am trAo dotty to 6. Cusure4: DEILLOTOZS : R. he et, Jr., 4 "." Ommaler. Alexandt zad" ' S , Nathaniel Nola" David AL S o Alex. Nimick, Item J. TAMA; Onocan Dania,' Ohm. J. Clara, Campbe fill 11. Noma; on, John B. McCain'. O. W. i mean W. P. BERT. Secretary g'ITIZENti IIiBURANGES COMPAN CR PITTSBURGH.-0171m, corner Mark an/Water streets, word floor. SHEPARD, Sm BA e WM. GA.LET, trestanh4 MIL A. ary. Lamm Steamboats Lad Cargoes. Lamm against lose and damage In the nertga. on of the Southern and Weritern Rivers, Datum and Bayous, and the nwrigetton of the Seim. Insures against loss and damage by are. rosnamons Wm. S. M. Elm • Sainn E e i l l ; ". John SWAM, Jas. Park, r., Jamesld. 001 par, W. G. Johnston, S. Borough B. P. Jolts, J. eefl, Jr., Hon. T.lll. Howe, John B. ISlWurra, Darnley Preston, Wm. A. Rodgers. George Bingham. detOdyd pßorLEs' INBURANCE Mice, N. E. corner of Wood and Blab Bta ELIO AIM 21.2J111i13 Effinhuircz D/BZOTOES Wat. Phillips, -- — Tlapt. John L. Moans John Watt, Samuel P. Shlrrsr, Jahn E. Parke. 0. WiSIJOII Lace, Charles S. Masa (Haan ATlStstle, Wm. Van Kirk, Jahn P. Ktapatliak, James D. Venter, John Gly.laTt Wlll. PHILLIPS, Prroktrat. _.11101,1N WA rT, Rot Prsidesit WM. F. GARDNER Secretary. ltaili A LLEURENY INSURANCE gozara NY OF PITTSBUBOI3.-01t04,N0. ri Flab mat, Bank Block. M ax, Imams kW= all kiwis of Fire one Flartil• 3BAAO JONES, Preside:Ai. JOHN D. SeCtIRD, Firri " n Y TS. BOOS, Searrirry. IL. Go il rh./. C. Grey, John L. Vah Irorin neetoe, Jr h }3. Joao D. Elf.eoard Cot. Ad= J Oat ai dittre:l Robert H. Dant. FOUNDRIES Tai • FORT PITT 'FOUNDRY. • CHARLES KNAP NEPHEWS , ILLAtnrAt7i4ll:l3 OS HEAVY ORDNAN9E ATM ALL BIFD9 OT I • Mlll.9.Nrlr 40 83WX1 , 67!Cii•EX Spacial lineation pald to OOLLINGI NUJ. 170811.. BLASTALLUBIN.IOI% AND .15.NTOLCTS. urreaus attended to promptly. A. heretofore, the beat austerlals will al6ays be used at this TounneT not-tyd - . - Lm " wilmiimwa PENNNDRY. WORKS 411/1 FOU mraurnuar' • !mourn Byname min miclunnsT, Luny* starer, between Falafel and Seaway ALLBOUNNT Um; PA. blumfbeteree of WIG UT In A N PATENT PORTABLE CLSOELLATENG STEAM EN GlNES,Rbelttng, Pullen les. Repairing elan Waal et ea to -Wei! ca ()TAD ! I The ehoteeal 'task of i . 0 LU A.IVD SILVER warotErs, cLueas &Nu JEWELRY, ever brought In eq.- the ayTO Olty, eau now be Hen at the bRE of T. H. ELAGES. ea Imoc%oral at" • Were WATORES of the ben Wan* JEW6I, RY or u amen Myles, °LOOKS of tom des mottos or beet American and French maketa FORE SILVER' AND PLATED GOODS, dint as Pants, Spoons gaud. Hollow Wank. Roheniatt And Freackehlua and Olin VASES at shOlatal pattersuu and all articles Delonen4 1 0 wZbtria of business, which will be sold at • great nHOIIO. T/ON I Me Watch and JeweirY wash cat 21117 Mace andrepaired. .Hishesb luuult.Pata ICI 014 Rarer. Don't. losget Um Nate, 1 0 *actual street, I Allegheny. osis!lyd • By ea FITZFATRIC FIRST Pi:Mt/ E, GOLD . 113 N, 'MANUFACTU RER. FIiIo Egli, tot. 'Third and Market lis - , gesond Ettory, entrantiOn Third mean. Gold Peas and " ()old 'and Silver Pariell:Cisir whoteuie aad retalL; Pens repaired. Parsons -Wittig-Pins to Sepals can stsad-vuon by =MI, And they %dap, yroindtlY sato:cad. - ' - oirlayd NB-3 c; 1 " inark 13 Z Virikor for ralem , .- • • at OAT&R PME Trjk RAIL _ROAJIS. 1,865. — A 4.1::NT11..11, WE;LVI) DAILY ?RAINS. 6e and star :SUNDAY,. Nap Via, 13e..),tia101f leave the Unica PasecrigM• Depict, cornet 01 ttimairvion and Liberty at:et:A r an follow.: 11.11 BS PRE.SS—Lcareo Pict - baro at r.'n` m., at, ppli„, so “Icie,pel .a.rrit ea ag Alto...ta• L 7 ns a. a. Trictio a. m, pease. Loch linter , t_ _2•13 list' " - "ortii p. p. nu, Nair I.ri •ta i&e p.. cL, Newloss, vlia , Dhllade I , ll'illlN NATI EXPRESS—/.4avea Pittsbut at h.ea a a., stoPrirk at bawl, 14! Stations. #.l* teens. at Los p, m., kismomorsj p a, UM at Puibtaciptas at La.., • ' Ida IL THAI s— at Putviurgh mt. 11.011. en., .topping at easily ail Stailerva. Altonalit 401 p. re., 'diving et idorriablies Inns sn, an! nbiladelpdta at 1.10 a. a. EXPRlZgl—Leavra put". btrel, at Lae p. m., stopping °elfin prtossp s is .a . Boss. Arrives at Letrotael ate p. a., aliemaa e,lo p. a. , Fiarelaburgh 2.15 S. m.. nalanonos ii, aim.., New Yerk, 515 Allentown jtine a. a, MLR. CAlphis• 7.10 s. m., , and Nov YOMk, rio I Wahl. Wile at 12.04 p. re. Sleeping Gars run thews" in this train from Pittahurgn t 0 lialtisors and Intlacielpbso, and to New York, till ailentouna. , FAST LIN L—Leas es Pittsburgh at 10.03 p. a. stopping only at yenactpal Staten. Antra. at Altoona at a. m.. Dartia:ml •ato a m, Bois UM °Lei 11t= p. to. Now t urkt Allentown Philadelphia} I.lo'p. M., AidNSW Torn Vla Palsdriphis at nal p. m. • L'eacansa *Dinar,. • ISupper. T.Pany et/ atter trairu annetaverminses JOHN ST 0 AN .eft Sunday, at 1.10 p. el.,atoppingat rogalatinsi tlemi between Pit:oll4U and CCwomagn, and era neetirg at inetesritle Intersectobp. mite Mies thO Indians Mance and West l'Ontanilmmin ALTOONA ACGODIMODATIeIf. daily =cap t Suoday, at 7.10 a. a., Wapping' at all reviler stations between Pittahlrah anti Altoona making claw watnectian with think on Italian% Briocu, St'est Pennsylvania IL Llanabligg sot Cresson ki. IL, and tiollidayabetra &sack. first neoenimodation a xcep Tr ya)i n a t mA.iY. # A V alPa Stalls*le S r onaeonunod S li u o d Train foot a rara Station lean*. Carly (except Sunday) at 1021~a a. ird Penn Accommodation No. t, issea daily (eltap Sunday) at LOC P. 113. n ' Third Azeommodatio ferwa testes daily (except Sunday ) a in t p. a. statism Ppm Am.otointulation No. X. tiara - daily NC: cept Sunday) at 10.0 p. no., stopplOyilt all staling between Tittatnern and Penn Station.. The Murals Train leaves tiralll Stamm we, Sunday at kO6 ft. a., and arrive, fn Plttsbtttgh at 10 .00 a. te. lieturamist leaves Pittsburgh at ties P. and arrives at Wall's Statlcki at ROI p. ta. lietanuog,Traints arrive Pittabargh alienate= Past Moo.. t....a. la. Putt Well'. Station doecannuidatean.— " La ' Pain Acearamealation. 7.M am. Sward V/ alPa Station Aecomotoddita 040 L e. 7ohnstoula eetant , oo•tlon ... . 10.1er a. a. Beithnore .Epresa lAD p. ra. Altoona AtemillandsUza a Emigreint.. tote p. e. Thlia Wall ■ Station nocconosolatn.. LSO p. Philadelphia Expo= . ... . COS p. a Pasta Accommodation No. a. EU p.lll Pittatough sod Eris via Anal 01 the Excear.4 eaiitZurtiolopaallt win yarn throogli etch,re menses ea. Begot take up sneak. sad deliver tonere to anlY part o the city. Office No. 410 Pram street, Open dIP nod night. where ell Chloe to+the nerarasal of pantalets and bumf vllt MAT.Prftript [mutton. oreßaltdoa express will &nips Plillseepb,is Elven Lp, oo zonal's. cailo of looo".t.Okin hold INN 07, responsiblo tar p. W. ntos:nrNica mo s, 07, asst for sea arrant not snt, Spa. Alltho Perm slimta Ventral Idariread Station. on v anal Weettbiaton.streen. 51,730,000. 1866. PITT BB Ultati,j,agignimi CoLUXIStrs AND CritiOnilift% mummer. in Gran Short Lute bate riz Steettrills; TO' COLVIEBVS, CINCINNAIII, Lad an the prtaelpett2iees, WEST AND SOUTH-WEST MONDAY. ROVEMBER abth. lB66 l Trot°. leave aa4 antra at Itia.MOl ..zweur follow.: g NU —.... ip or 'sag p. Epress szo*Ler-13.64.5. stAnbezmille iczoistmoda'a.4.l* s IlLta 14 IL iv (ha 1 digemi4 B. Ster.• ew 18. D. 51 0111.81$PAUGH. Ticket ',sent, Union DePogalt tlni ec" codrard 131118 BURGH nxD OONNELLEIV/LL : • • WINTER ARneNcEspaerr. • jead alter BIONDAY, Oct 7ei6, Ml,ttte tratai win lanve , the De PA earner of - Km and WM'S Meets, as tallowy . • . Lorena Antral al It PittontrXll. Pittilolik; MA to and (rum Uniontown. 7:t6assn.. coo P. goi Erma " " . coo ik.; au 1090 a. MI Mut alanee.port Ac00m'5t...11,23 11. ID: 410 a. Na. Boxaid " - u ... Cad p 5 nu no p. nu Flint ileaUtok'ss " ... 7.1.0 n. ni. kW aa. Beeoad " . u 140 15. 4 an GAO p , a. s=diy Ohara Train to and Itoont McKeesport WO gi;in.rem ii. za: rozlialtota apply to . A. J. sawar„siesit. oeslav W. B. LiTIJUT. annorlateltal. MEDICLU A • . .. TAYBP.BPSIA. ' ~,- 1 ,- - -„,,• -s-- , DB. STIIICILLAND'S .14111-111,lf‘‘ TOMO ir a cancan-hated c,__ preparatten of Boots saul i ,. - 0 - .7.;', i Hee" ulna anteacids azul ____, a:::::). eartinstlve to strengthen t--. 1 .10‘ .. N......„.________", the stomach and nervatia .' -.•• • a yatain. I; Is a unfair, ;:•::' ,e_"l remedy for Dyspepsia or -, ..: 10 11a , , , Indigstion, bervonsneu, „e% , fl a Ib. Lou of Appetite, Acidity . AII,ii illi . of the Stomach, Fistalen• Co and Debility. It Ls not alebobelfe. lIIIIRCOf paattenlarly matted for We at, Nervosa. - and De. pone peraons. For ante by all- Dputits !mull where, at it per bottlo. R4 - E. szt.LE*:*. CO. Wicasseitie Aerserret _ •L= l - iplw.ifitrous COVGH BALSAM I. viixented to be the only m=3l,t.-.rsireL74 Asthma. Wboopinu Clough, , ___,__ . __ ____. Mounts Osman 011ormusaption.,A,0241rWiud Croup. Bang prepared tronaß I. beeline. aollsolng, ar.4 1 .•e 3 2 Mor a' • mad var. tleulatly suitable far All annetionst a Unlit and Lunge. For sale by Dybegistircramt l m . , : t B. is. - szmitz-ikto"., etlt:tyd Wtronettnirilintir flit BtRICKLANIVEI:SWaman' _ PILE REMEDY Is.)-',:,1 74 .113. E Has exited thorteeads of the IA . ;-Fib . F i - ,' worst cues of 131.1na ar4 '. -- 1 , "1. .. mediate relict and gi emeta ve tiro.. perreet(ent sure. Tzy It EU- ' l t ' , " .1...i_-_ - ... 1 1 :1, '1 , 1L E L .' realty... It to warranted to aura. et ~y a L flrizzeilta at ISO cents per bet - 48. . • _: '7 .. /t. E. sELLEn 6' cOa SirBotras,„.3 ilinsva • tTI IPA:. _ is maxim rimiriasica Ira sine a kasaledAn said= aitoAat try Lana. aly lona :voidance la this 4 4 7 - 01 mom% a patient.. ,e treated aanzailei „5114 ralllednit moot army to • " symaogronaa.e.orsExtteu. umbras And al) alma , * witting tbantecen, Ara mod la ninth :Aorta ttam neretatoraltylar NW. VEO MULLS ' lELEMDLE23. Madan sena is any part of Ma Value: :All /Clldnl=JA map ;4 1.25 , :wawa istara. scx.d, m.L.,11:13LD mistreat, mull= ond.. Addrear Jr. unav - stemma s.tnorsa,, pinv,AT,r, DIRK", • RB. - -• • r • - 43Zee25N . PENN STZIEFF ntaz Han - d i For ths cue of an diseases at a pesea from two to lina. dam loy an ya,ow usa; treatment.. Also, Baratnal WC/annum, andallotbal alteascaof the ganttal oritans,and Ours Waaan.. or money ratuadad.. , - °Mot Douro•—ifto 10 a , r3 . i p 4 to % r ig s Sp. 1t izy if,3; pITTSBURGH BTEkI7-WOMk ANDERSON COOK CO _ A (SUOSSTORS TO JOYES, • - . • . • lanoraetnien of Um treat, renal -Haat Staik; Square, Mat and Oc tar, on, of all alum, paw PUlae s Hoe, Fork and 6k.aet Out Steer, Vag, - Sus; foe. Reapitig and Mowjng :7111gepineii: Steel Plw Maze, Sid; is. 2141 itdatt, - - _ Cast az Common Plough String %tot :• 5 1 flfflc—:ecniaer at and Rio itreerts, Ora' tio4as &bine abe Xmongakela,tiounr. se27:ty ! BLAtli DIA11.0111) STEEkiNfOlifid prrrsinnsui;, BROTIIEIIIA I : - - Ilartufactnrety Ot BEST 4VA.LITY Clas3,tliFlSEL;; Squat. e,riat and Clltayo alit r • n, 0 WI alz sad tons Ito way tanyorted on etnnttfanAttld 14 tad, : *yr .01tico and warehouse, Not.ii**l4l. ":' nd 120 sad Sancta' a yaws, ritwywkripAt e r d • • - itazt, ARMtoRsA.,.,-,, n ,,,,: A 8 ' Lug parte', 'l4 falaidebts eleerefkanCt reaped,- With a tarn 'tory genie balt.ll3g, ben. unable 0.4 0 1. orchard •Ihereon. , The place la well watered.. Eltuate4,tu7?eeblea townshla, 3i of ir.1!91111• LaughllOrttatlon. T Appirtc.sl4j . :,, G. ''' .- .l '. '.:-.. 'lf " ' ' - • — IrrOUMILI,Tet. ' Lou/97aw: • unn.averoizep, G Loins. , .71,6 LI! , i ',a-11... L . 4 41i! Tu , - - :. . YI,QIIX-'1