ght tilitsburgh enzMt. F. B. PENNIMAN / wrwrganq RUSSELL BERET+, TH. COSTAMAGNA. avusps3 MAzunza. it GAZETTE AssoclA!noN, 1. z=ta-baushores.- - . NO . so FIFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH. F, . . . . 4 • FAIDAY...TILIMAIty 5. 1865. ':. Allegheny City Ilzpnblican Ticket. P . FOR MAYOR, ~ .7 - , • - .• 'ZORN MORRISON. '-• 4in iligeotOßS oF THE POOR, JOUR U. DARR, 3 years, WK. !!•q;11.130Cli, 2 years. re • FLECTION, SECOND TUESDAY OF liNtr• 4ILY. ~..., •iSetlee to advereer.-NottsssbLcfyiirex tbst r eafter at.,...dvertuezt.. received at tills offl_c must be paid foe when hand . 'din, except in the case. of swirly ;adratt teem, taste bills will be readerad ilderferMail usual. _ Advertisers will please make a note of . .thie, as the Tufted cash paymente :for advertisements of the !Sweeter tested wilt from RAJA/ forward, be ifiesthly enforced. '.. , Thep:ice-of our Morning sad Eveatni - Editions ! Is THREE GENTS at the counter =Lion news boys.. Served be carriers at 15 cents vet week. . ~ • ~...-----. ~.BEVistiEmilLt '6 ON CONGRESS. . Liter the halide ~recess the, two houses . , of Congress will r assemble to-day. Most ' Of the members e been home, and have mingled to some etett, at least, with their , • constituents. Th e have have had some opPo tenities for aseerte ' es the public =lnd, end, especially , of I riming what Impression was ,. produced b y tbe ev ent end able ~ dik uss ioj a w ith w llO 3 the session opened. Melly eludes of opinion are represented • In the two Houses. In the Smogs there are 4 Uniotiocrats and Con -110 rimtiree. rn the: Rowe there' , see 145 Ustoeista -and 40 Ijemocrate. - Combining tho - ;two .lEionseelhere tie 185 Unionists .' and 111„oeissti. - . ..These classifications, . , „ . ...Atiref e e r r ~ `llse • ., •sfecesevil . yo• exceedingly Affew gentlenien; occupying Kahl in and „orother : of:tbe Houses, may be open to this. • larprititiort of having repudiated since their eloition the principles they professed oe fore, and were selected to represent Bat c , l tlidife'areexcepttonal Instances, and cannot t 4 'ltiltertheaggregiite t resnit. The".knierican .roploare not of one mind tow :tang the ' wave lineations upon which Congress must newsuarily act; and the diversiq of opinion existing among the people finds ap propriate expression in the chambers of the representation. This is not only inevita ,bl6;-thiEism4orts exactly with the genius of outlealitistiom What, then shall be done T Shall these , differences be Imppeessed ? By no means? Discussion is the atmosphere in which free dom lived Suppress discussion and free dom will expire as necessarily as animal , life becomes extinct, fn an apartment filled with antpEttle lapor. Let there be a full . and mind!: interchange of ideas and argu manta. Let no man be condmned simply ,_, Items r use ha sinks into air extreme by lag 4i4ferflichind; nor another, because he goshteien:opposite:extreme by running as far ahead. As in the natural world the : oppugnant forces of attraction Mid reptal 'ion keep their planets iil 'their' orb's, and wheel them along their east projections, so "in onnexditichl affairs the forces of radica c I leisi and conservatism -by their 'action and inter-action, preserve the balance and harmony, and orderly succession of eynete But when discussion has been exhausted, or has done needful work, what then? Nothing is plainer than that when 236 men; or a clear majority of that ntimbar,arecharg ,.,, ed with the duty of agreeing upon a certain ~,,, . policy, large 'concessions must bait:nada by some to the others, orimell concessions from each to all. An unanimous conclas'on. eXiseßt nider - extraordinad circiunstances conspiring to produce concurrence,i cannot . • 1 1. en tlidPnted. The more natural and ' healthy, process Is for each to concede tn. lifi„ . ,Wriaisais insists that the rebels iiiiiill not be reosdaiittedqual.participa s tbirciii tiiegovermuent without guarantys. -litr. itartrosro consents to this proposition: - Kr. tug ism and Mr. Cowan are at agree meat Kilns— The difference is sato the ex tent of the guarantys and the form in which thei Shill be giden. There is ono, and bat ow republican method for reconciling each • - Illto*Rfinefißionid that is by voting. When ;-: the requisite votes shell be takan raise ''''two Iforit,it will doubtless ho found, however - the reinir may differ from the Wishes of any person or class ' of persons, i tilt lesecid•da with ilia wfshes of :the ma- 1 -:;j6ritt °Mei people. . Tile meat:bathe common rula, ' The ex ceptionthareto would arise from an attempt by the President, through the enormous • patronagi in hlshands, either. to; overawe or corrupt 'tkuivess. • The - President is charged with. such an;intentibm He is said to have declared his 'purpose tolreak up existing parties end to for= new ones. inditiiiiner baste these charges have than suspicion, we do, not know. • While we ,hp.vo - en some pOinta from the Pres denhoittlatill differ froaidir44o )save seen - "niiihisicliihis ccindact tojustify these dam. sging imputations. Men who are interest , .elif to have the President take that' coarse, freely assert that his resolution in that re gard isabsolutely made up, and that he will .iorrOsetite it with all the vigor and fndepen• ' •tilaticef forwhichhe has ever been conspicu - 0t1e.0.4,6 3 think "the wish is Cantr to the . hte!thlti they . attribute to the:. Presh dept riSiil,rts. they desire him to indulge, andlrorposentay,desiro him to execute. _ • NIL I.P.Wenoss MISSION, It appearktft Q. certain that Mr. Seward him gone to Vera Cruz to consult with MattelUlan. or whomsoever he' may do. pate, on the affairs of Mexico. There are Intimations, not altogether authentic, that he will atop, on the way, at the Inland of St. Themes. and hold a consalttatiort with General Banta Anna, who is domicil. , there, The prediction is, hazarded 'that' this — mitution will result neither in the re-eltablishment of the the republic mac in the_ospulalon of Maxamilliai, but inaaagnexatlon of anumber of the nOrth ekn inevinceis to the United States. These conjectures reeeiye seine confir- Mallots fremithe fate zavasage of Governor to the Legislature of Ohio.: From his known rehab:mato the President * his utter ances, on thishead, are thought to have ape weight, aa.thay certainly have - much good sense. 110 Ma the Keziana have nokreached;that degree of mantas and mor al developmentitt which they "l c cap ,bi o of maintaining reputably republica n tnsti tationst that they never have had newels :llon government that acted fairly towards othernatieue.orthat prevented domestic di& 41164 tiloadahed and anarchy; and are not likely to have; that the Mormon doctrine, . as poptdatly understood, is not only im practicable; but a delualon and stare; and that Ohio will not consent to havo her Tor unteers kept on the Rio Grande to watch ideirsurxxix. Goiernor has ex - bib:End a - good • 'deal of boldness in these emphatic Gunnel adores ; and he has proclaimed truths it is well'for oar peoliTe to hear and ponder. If 'tbetteptlerancee were inspired from Men. . INGTON, or if these ideas are entertained by Preildent oitssoN, there stay„pe an ale mentof truth In the predictions Uoncornlng Ca Breirgtris .. ,minio4.• - r- . r -.• ';o• r , ) INCREASE OF TOWNS An extraordinary demand for houses in. mnst, if not all, the cities and large towns of the Northern States Is attracting atten ' tion-and eliciting comment. '(ensue solu tions have been suggeeted for this itLecuom enon ; neither of which, nor all combined, fully explain tk.e.,cansea in operation to pro duce this special demand. Some insist that it proceeds from a large actual Increase of population. Others, that tens orthousands of men, recently mastered out of the mili tary service, having become habituated to the excl ements of camps, are discontented with the quiet and monotony of their form• er rural homes, and have hence removed into towns. Still others allege that a re dundant currency, stimulating speculation by unusual facilities, and the' prospect of inordinate gains, is drawing multitudes from productive industry to tempt the has aids of precarious traffic. But the same phenomenon is disclosed In other and distant nations where ius reno ta ne ace o , ! these causes are in operation. the last census of France shows that during the period intervening netweeP that enu meration of inkabluots and the next pre (seeding, there had been an average increase of population In Use cities and the exteneorOve per eentum, and an equal diminution In Ihe rural population. ra all these cases two general causes will be found; on Careful ticratlny, Co-operating to priaduce the result. 1. lhe diversification of productive in dustry, The primal employment of men is husbandry. But husbandinea cannot become rich and proaperona by exchanging commodities with each other. With the Introduction of mechanic and manufactu. ring arts, men are drawn from agriculture, take on gregarious habits, and cities and towns are founded or expand. That adjustment of Impost duties which was made inevitable by, the exigencies of the national Treasury, conseqUent on the prosecution of the war for the suppression of the rebellion, has quickened domestic •• aaufactur and this quickening has ne t liaddity un v eiled an impetuL to mutant. catemplb'ssenta In -meal:l2lam, mane• factures, miniagand oil producing, im mense demands WO' arisen fcir additional laborers, and the supply bp hien met, so far is it has been met at all, by absorption from agriculture and immigriiiiopy. mainly the former, So far as the fresh demand for labor is mines, work-shops and factories has either drawn upon the farming population, or di verted-immigrants arriving from Europe or Asia from seeking subsistence and compe tency In agriculture, It has, doubtless, les sen. d the demand for farming lands, 'and en hindered the relative appreciation of that sore of property., But by increasing the numberuof other classes ad compared with tue population engaged in agriculture, the tillage of the soil }tad the raising of animals Dave been made more remunerative than ever before. And this is in accordance with an uni form ride. dam impost system has ap— proachetia simple revenue basis, the sale of farming latalabaa been increased, and as a protective syatem has been approrimated the demand has fallen off. 2. The SWastitntion of cream for other forms of locomotive and stationary Tower has tended to congregate population. Railroads by cheapeatrig intercommunication and furnishing facilities for traffic;; while open. log new regions to profitable :agriculture, have powerfully tended mangment myna see= is .apidly superceding . water in the propulsion of machinery, by -reason of vars. ous economic considerations, The segrega tion of manufacturing establishments en tails inconveniences and expenditures that are avoided by congregating them. If fac tories are dispersed as water-powers ran be found, costs are commonly incurred in the transportation of materials, supplies and products, and in the erection of tenements for workmen: while inconvenience is expe rienced in regulating the supplies of labor, In repairing damaged machinery, and In replacing that which is worn out. The last three years have been years of unprecedented prosperity. This prosperity has been real It has been owing not, SO mush to the war, as that wine policy line war has constrained the government to adopt. hs a nation, ratably to the -.whole consumption, we am buying lees abroad and making more at home.. We are en gaged in a larger degree In these manufae tares which pied the highest rates of pro fits. Manufacturers In foreign countries are feeling the measurable exclusion of their wares from our markets. Some of them have already moved their establish ments hither. More will fellow. Some foreign manufacturers willii;parience as active competition from this untry In the general maraet of the world. The greatest strength of &nation is neith er In Ile upper not its lower classe& In these, 'whatever may be the external dis similarity, there is little intents! difference. Whitefield, In one- of his grand flights of oratory, describes two converging streams, one of nobles and the other of ragamuffins, meeting at the month of the bottomless pit, and tumbling In together. The excellence of a nation is in its middle elitism By doubling the population we diminish by one half, the stare of burden each indi vidual now carries of the public debt; add to the offensive and defensive power of the nation, and hasten the time when It may successfully stand forth as the cham pion of popnlarinatit.tions or of oppressed nationalities against any possible combina tion of despotism& TUB PUBLIC DEBT The following is a statement of the pub 11c debt, Dec. 31st, 1803, as compared with the floTember statement : Nov. Dace. - Debt bearing eon:panne int emit .. . ....01,167,140,911 .1,167,1/7,291 Leto bearing entreaty frainert 1,178,531,110 1,1711.470 21 5 Nat t b ured a. .• • 5.1 5 7.4 8 0 1,166. 8 1 , Debeaming no Interett 465,047,043 180010 ell P.5 r 5. 463 , 60 8 2 ,8D31 6 .201 91,3133,201 00,T28,5Z1 DIET 112t81110 NO DITLIMIT B=. 3. W. S. Votes 4426 221.216 13 Frattional Currency 21,003,4y111 62 Gold CarlaAeatel utDeposfr r.. 73E8,147,00 t 651,1119,969 •nuant In Tlealmr7, Cola 0113.660 61 Curieney 44,893;971' II TILE STROISO DivOIICE CASS, With I sickening - revelaUons of the moral patholo gy of high life in New York, has started tho inquiry whether anything Is gained by allowing publicity, or juilclal bearing; to complaints of this sort: No doubt the shock to public morals is not compeusated by any relief or punishment it Is possible to mete out to such parties. In some of the countries of continental Ettropf, where Jo rleivare dispensed with, scandalous cases er e nosed by the' judges with closed doors. . The nubile end newspaper reporters are alike eicl udld. Only the judgment is an nounced. Thiel* certainly an improve ment on the Amerk,kn method : • tric),lna direata costumes ha ravages at tideriltbert, Prussia. Several persoas who had partially rr covered bare had'a stipte, and hays died suddenly of Pulmonary pakilyms. d e ith s from this Mame at fladeribbe a and its vuvirocs now amount to 65. IC *be wochmw s barracks. out of 27, Dracula, 24 died. Pays'eisai hive arrived from all quarters to study this new Aliotaaper. Tales on:Blanufacturea and. JErraancfcr By thalami of the 83d ste.ion Of the raven , ne Law, the taxes on meeufectures ana teocineta are to be paid - within ten dare from the 93th day of each rommh, or on or before a day to la, prescribed by the Commissioner, and for .fall te eto pay within the prweribed time the ten payer SO liaLle to a peualty of tan per eentant ea the amount of the lax. The Commissioner has deeitied that this penalty must be collected in ell cat es wton a tea payer has become liable thereto, an the collector hoe no disoution In the matter; but, in order to ovoid ail occasion for dissatisfaction, colleetors ern led,ilCi to iurre notices to persona esaweica, immediately Upon receipt of the hot, interning 11 = -131 of their 1111- Willy under the low, and form 17 has boon pre pared or this purpose. It Innit dila/nay be understood, however, that as thifl notice la not required by the terme of the law, but Is entirely g . rotoi , oro , or , th e part of the revenue offle.-re, no person can claim an exemption from the penally by virtue of the 000-recent Of the no tice.. If the duties are not paid within the prescribed time,: the collector will I sae a de e,,,,ed (form 2), in the manner prescribed by section 28, and proceed to collect the amount , with the penally and costs, by distraint, For the service of the demand in' this case the col lector hs not entitled to the tea of twenty cents, as that Is held to apply only to taxes assessed On the annual list. Drbt of NnUons Tho hallowing table, which represent.* the debt and population of all the prominent nations In the world (our own cre..ptee.) will, doubtless. be Mien-sting to many of our regulars. The debt la given In pounds !staling. Colman's. ffaitortal Orb!. Populetisa. United Kingdom...._.... .Cl9O 000,003 y9,000,0n0 Netherlands_._..........if me . I 00e,,00 EEN=REiEBIEE P0rtuga1...........___.20.000,00e 4,0C0,003 101,00.1,100 19.000,000 A orris; .............. ntOoll Oull 15,000,900 . it7,000,c00 . t5,C00,003 4,1500.U00 Etrunzsriok DeumDeom k ..._.._ eck_......... MfflflMßMal Oldenberg--... ESMIN PUBLIC A OTICBS rirONION COUNTY CONVENTION The Union Republican Voters of Allegheny County are request' d to usemblo et the usual plows for holding elections Was sareral Marlins, on SATURDAY, JANUARY 13th, ' MG, and choose delegates to meet to county Cloriventi sn, 6.1 TUESDAY, JANUARY lath, 186 a, at 11 o'clock. a. m., et the COURT HUUSE, lot the purpose at 'electing delegates to the Mete Convantion to he held in HARRISBURG, to plats to nonslas' tea a candidate for Governor. The election of de:elates shall be b I ballot—to the wards and boroughs, bctweim the hours of 4 end 7 o'clock, p. m ; audio the townships between the house of 3 and 6 &desk, p.m. By outer of the Vomit, Executive Oommittoo. WW. J. GILEILOBX, Oho Luau. It, W. TuomAP. Bearetsstos. isoyarup DIVIDENDS. DIVIDILND oanamoi , TI tuorfars Disunion 00., Psynnonon, Dioyary 81. MSC The Hoard of ..11tiostors of this Company hies Chit day deolartd a dividend of FIVE DOLLARS PER SHADE, Frei of tax, oat of the profits of tlis last sin nontlis, payable on and att,y the eta Ina. Pitsodioe to rd. r OkloDir ER, Secretary. at.T..renzwe. rfaTlexAc PAZi. I,2resroote Jet:vary 2d, 1586( r2BOARD OF inagoroxs a Utile k alive tkts derdee.ared • Oftldsodlof Ida or. aeot. Oa lof Um prop.. ate te• itam •,0 ruorato, p•t•oa• to the o•oekttoidemen and After re.e Ma Inc., free of GOVV2I3II2IMIt Tax, jezeol It W. fit•CLET Cadtlet r 4 ATI OM L B a n , t Pitteeurgb, ittru.ry w. 1166! '[be Dixelom of dda flank have ads day • declared • dletdend at Bee (el par ceett. on [lke C.pltal Stock (free teen Oor.raeea: t. 1..) out (11 the poets Ot the bet eel =mita letawdata GE.U.T. VAN Doll£4l. Caner lathrmazar Samos Oa Plttabarig...Jaemary NM. I DIVIDEND MICE. —The Pm:Went Managers and Comp..] for meeting a orFigo arm tho Ailegherty Moor, °opal's., ritiehttrgh, to the noway os Allegheny. bare this 4ay deelarai • clatiand of mai (II) per seat on Um thatotal Sock at the Company. payable to Stackholdars co then legal repessentittrea forthwith. jaaat WM. EceSEHLIRG, treats:tree, Maclean - ma fearionat. lint, — Prrresaransi. Jean/047 r, Ma. I TH/B lIRS HAD DECLARED A DIV . Whig LI of hir per coot tree of (lateral:Ma Tax, pulsate as and after Jancutry IS 1011. JOHN G. da.arol. °ashler. Pal/Wrath...Tao. a, rob. jal.awara IhrrOarlta?loom. Prat, Prtiattaroa, Saslow), Id, 1664 THE DLR.EUTOR ' OF THId BAYS .a. lure thda day a ,,, etrrod • divrthend of FAY!: far FEEL OEN Fre/ROG Tema:tent tar, out or the proCts of th• past •Ls months, payable to S'ootholder. forth. with ijalltd) B. S. SMITH. Cashier blEr.cll.llTa• s XI •INVPAZTIIZZAW Lc? BANK. ferressanau., J.n. VI, VIAL THE BOARD OF DIRECTOR of cht, u Sauk bat tali All daslaral • arta-sad of Et" lit rtat (1x.5 r. On It. Capital Stook, oat of the profits or t ho last all amatts,..psysla• feat. alth. 11.aierl ()oven. mat t La, JIIO. Ma" Ja., OP TRU YITTBSViIini, LOST WATICII( AND 011CIAGO ./I L AILwAr tloaraar Yrs - ranosou, Des. Si, 1306 DTVIDEND NO. a—The Board of pl rectors of this Company kayo tactual the regular dlrldese of TWO aND ONMEIALF 1 2 40 LOJI VENT. on the Ospital Sleet, for the quar ter eating A- astabieralat last., parable Tree ibll 1011111111.1 •Ir Janusrela ISO Tha sea:dean au al al ThlOad te id ?BB lE ANU ONE VALI' (134) PCB 01:11r, eta /I pill LllB4. ou stes Thlrd Mortgage Bolan, tax also been oratml raid aahoryatloa, lass gaseartiatai tax, ea sad sitar January 16, Oat Sbasboldats sad boa, holders teats:end at New York wld re - alma the r dividends al the 13 adsltg Howe of Messrs, WINSLOW, LANIBILds CO , sad thaw raglstatad at Plttlburgh, at tag Trsas cr se, la that silty. The inmate' Nooks W Y dew Deccosbet lan, at 334.**e10 ea, and wall neopals Jon Usly IT, lilt 8y order Of tbe Board. deSlNltsta F. ht. NINON sriDON, Secretary. 15i4A6 , v(a.5 . 1:1 Ormas Un mV Ealattaild'UT. Pint Mita kfta,nlU. PIESIXTH ANNUAL MEETING OF • Stoelaiolfints of Cho iLlalseae , Piacenza hallway Uccepeoyof the UM* of PlNebttlkh. tr•ll be held et M. EltOlNlctrY'd, No. 111 flush meat. cm 1110NbaY, Jaaoatf 1000. lOW. at 7 o'clock, tir., at which time aml place * cloard of Med. on wl.ll be eleatoll for the elmeNts year, cad lamb -other budges, trammeted as may come before the meeting. L. P. Cull NAB, jet:Lutz Secretary,_ Orsich op Tag Woommtpaz OIL KKLelarxY( 13oxrarsv NO. 2....m.rjnean• Way. • Pitrirtolmo, Dec. 2.5 th. lee& THE ANNUAL DINISTING of the Stock . bohlers at halo Uoespany .dl be hell at cue oftko of the Company, on TUESDAY. 2ehomy 9:L,DCO, at 2 o'crook,,p. for the pup 'so oi aleatlng Musters to serve during the caws: par. DENBY ht. !AMU, d52A3114 • Secretary And Treasurer. 'IIIB STOCK HOLDERS OF THE. Jour, h filmfalt DLuattacturlak Company gnu place tits cake that the Annual Electlon for Dlrettor• of this biluatfactarlia U0011)&14 Will be held at the *Oleo of said Oompany. out Diamond street, on Slatillph.Y, the sect 4 day of Dee'mber, itt 10 o'clock A. it. W. W. rAtnitnc, Tressurer k Dl'tg Ckb Plttsblugh, Dec. le, 1515. VlA•Diall/Dra . NATION.LLIoC, Pirrasonon, December 19tn, A N ELECTION for Nine Directors of thapanii, will tw held at the fisnklOg Houle, an TULLDA Sammy betwean too boar. of II and 3 o'cloalg. dell/awn OEO. T.' VAN DOELL. Ossalar. SZCOZID HAVIO2IALLZAZIC OP ALLFAIIISIf, I - • a BULL MlS__ .1' PA, DE. Eh, 1563. AgUAL ELELITIUN'FOrt BBV- Eaton% to Sam, tar MA aaatit.S T, Will Do lIIIIS at the liaaatni Eon" as at TUESDAY, Isanasyttb, betiroan tour' a. w. Naar. z. 415 =t 4 7. N. bevanort. maw. Eizealrh Ne.nomet Bear, I A Plttebough. Doestoes 9th 1563. N ELECTION SOH NINE DIRECT 4. OHS CA? THIS AVM will If Lehi et. their Banking House, 411TILIUDAT, the 9th of Jew, ers 4l l l B: 4 , bet gees ti4,411,1a. Perre M ca T N N lO e A dm' EhM M , S. j A EN ANNUAL E L EOTION for nine e Directors of this Oink wtlf bo held at the Dank, on TUESDAY, January lith, lefle, between II a. I. qQ a t. at. del2Ad JO IS D. strciLLT. Cashier. =IEI niirr duTionu.r. BANC oF ALICOMINT, Au-augury, t'n, Dm Mt 1565. AN ELECTION FOR NINE DIREC TUBS Ur Tian DAN& will be held at the Banning House. on TUESDAY, Jnouery etn Me, between the hours of 10 4. It spa 2 o'alook, P. at. detund J. P. IffIAMEII, Osehter. KI33I.CIiAnT3 , A f1AT.8..414,1 iTratirnori, Deo. titll__, - 1en. , 114 THE ANNUAL ELECTION' FOIVD RED It RS OF T 111.9 DANK will-i3O hew at the Denning Houck on TUE6DAY,leinie try 9th, 110, between the hours of it A. r 4 And n 0. 111. dellAd 'JOHN tiooll, Jfl, Cathler. TUB 141311 CRT 011 - 3 NATTnIAh DANKOI3 orrillBllll.3ll, Deo. eth, less, I TEE ..ANNUAL ELEUTION FOlt DI RECTOR3.OY 11113 BANK 10111 DO hole on T. .1; DAY, Jennary lith, late, between tho hoar. al 3 o'clock, r. u., the 13 (nlcing flour.. drl and J. hIAGOFFirf. ((sinter. liLLZOIIIIIT N*TlOrf AL HAIM, i Deco tube , Sth, &C na A s. N ELECTION FOR NINE DIIiI ORS of UM Bud' milt Do held at tho Banking nonie_, on TUESDA a', the'dtt, day of Jaattary, lEdi bad - co:Mte hour. of 11 A. ac. add IV' U.. dtffaHd R. W. 51ACKNY,13t,tdor. • EXCILAIII3II Neciontaz BASIK. . Prrrenunau t ilecember gth, 190.5. TilE ANNUAL ELECTION for Direct— ors ofilubellank will ha held et the Banking Houle, On 11.1ZSDATiJsettary Oa!, 168 s, between the hotas or ti M 11- A essageo 5[ VIIBAY, theldet. - tv ANTED—THREE OR FOUR GOOD T GA BRIERS TO CARRY THE MORNING OAZEITE. Apply at THIS OFFICE TED—A. F I ItbT CLASS' GAS Nil STFAM FITIEft. Note aeal apply but Mt: late bajada Good wage. aad etaule eal • Payina.e. Ergalre at T. T. LWEN a', nazcataar 3 Euaaa, tee Woad acme. tf . 4iNTED=A good experienced nazi at .Plumbing and um+, Frt tug budua a Plane Wed *pp!: unless well qualified. A steady llitTO tloo and beat NVIKII4I ens be had by applymg at ICS Via 4 strain. Apply immediately. ja.141 AV A NYE D.—A ParchsEer for over T FOUR iII , NDB ED AM Latio le lows, or an exchange for elty propert_ y. The lead is In Ha milton county, 44:Akins Webster ()fey, ;owe. The owner eon be wen at the G &ZEIT& every del, from 10 A. it until IVIAISTNI)—SISOO PER YEAR!—Wo want agents everywhere to sellout' 11111.11.07. 1D $2O sewing Machinec. Three new..kinds, Us. der sod upper feed W•811131e0 bee yeah. Above salary or Large COMIDI6IIOD. paid. The ooze ma. delve sold to United State. for lees tti•n kW, which la fully /imam! by Flow. {neck, t Wilson. Groot> P Baker, Singer 6. Co. end Barkelder. ell other cheap machine. are Wever:ware. Circulars free, Address, or call upon Shaw tr. Clark, Biddeford. Blaine, or at No, 622 Broadway, New York; No. No. 231 Carter lan Cl, Philadelphia, Pa 4 N 0.14 Bond ard's 1315ak. Chicago, Ill; No, 170 Weal tth St., Cassino/4i, 0.; or No. 5 SplUidtnee Eximange, Buffalo, N. Y. des deodatawF WANT 11 D—AUENTS.—,ERPLUY 7 7 IRENT FOR RETURNED SOLDIERS AND ALL OTRERS.—Groat Sale of Jewelry, Sliver— ware, so., de The Itewit6ort t Co.'s Gams. OITT DISTRIDITTION. Our agents are matins from Five to Thirty dollars per ally, and we need still more. Late thealees from Europa hare swelled our stock to over One Million Dollars. A splen did assortment of Watches, Rings, Ladle,' and Gentlemen'. Jewelry of all kinds, et the moat Cash ionsble pattern!, scillns at gl each Sum 25 cents for certificate, and eon WSJ see what you are en. titled to; or send 41 for five certificates, or fie for thirty; or send a three centatomp for our terms to agents, which are of the avid liberal kind. Now Is your time. Write plainly your Nemo. OP sr, County and State to ILAtuvran le Co., Bon 6676, P. 0.. Pie. York. Salearoom; DI Liberty street New York. uotrunt 1000.003 2,100,0.0 15;40,000 ;MOW 4 000,00) 1010 ouo •- • - A.IITED.—AWSNTB FOR "THE SECRET SED.YIUE, THE FIELD, TR ttIINGEON AND THE ESCAPE." Ed Atria, D. if iintaimeon, New York Tribtom Correspond s // or'The moot intetestleg nod exciting book ever published, embreolog Riciverdaonts 'apparel! Wed eaperlenze for four yenta traveling through the South in the wore. serriee of the Tritium the outbriek of the war, VIM Om . mice and Coots, both East and West'during the drst two lean of the liebeillont his thrilling capture; Ids eonlinefeent for 2O months M seven different mbel prisons; his enespe and almost pawn oanjoumei Cy night 01 nearly No miles. it will abound in diningevents, end contain more of the fact, toot Lent and romance of the won than any other work rat publishoL Teschsrittsdies, energetic young men, nod wrpa tially returned and dlsnbled oMcers and soldier', ui want Of profitable employment, will had it pt . onierly sumpted to Mum condition. We have agents *Mitring Ufa per month, which we will prove to any cluabttnig applisent Send for Mina tat. Address, ONES, BROS. & CO., N. E. corner Sloth and Miner octets, Jeattgaidora Philadewhia P Z 111,000,000 75,0.3,000 15,110J,0011 7 • 'llO 000 .. 1,580,0011 I' 400 00) EiMM LUR BALE--A ROUTE ON THE EVENING oezisTrr. Mayas of E. AI. SANNERS. iglatme VOR BiLE--A. three story Back Dwell • Inn House, 'Must 61 on Rivart,nvesup, our Ar deztOn litter, Alleghsar eltyoortalnincaloo rooms. JUJU, 11. 11E614E164 Wil dna H. U.11 F ox sALE, Pa Federal - street, Allegheay. ;Icy the Diamond. Teta Is a g. od ortiorttitaty for any one wishing to swags to ask bushiest, as the bonne is well legat ed, doing a good business, and will be Atoll on easy totals: For farther pergaolars, I.r.quire et the eclEVAwa 0 Z LIME oe7/13E.. Toki tiALE—Oce tyro gory Brick Mau. with eight room. Warms garret and good of situate on Middle All. , In ins Second 6 . 1.4. sear the Market Lot, Alleylens, M by ltO feet dl In good order. Also, oriessosli lour roomed trams Harms to Alsnebeater. Trio sbo e. nooses mot Lots ww Os seta clasp. Eagatra or it AZInEt a BMA. Rea! Estate tigela, Na N Beare: stmt. ee:oo KdY NEW A.DVERTISMENETS. A. BELEM' EVENING eCLIOOL, FOR MLLES met FEMALES, ert tt eormenem a the Thtt.l Want bchool Roust, as WELNESDAV, id met. • For rut Union &mire of josaft:rio CIOURLLY BRulilSlt IN Brocfcs, Buraus ESTAIID, 61 Tow/A 8801, IthuleslBll6.llll6,Boucs And acla oo cola. kascloo, HANK, RAILROAD IRSIIRANOR. P67II.B.LIOLVA and c4bar 8 Itp:ICS, cut Govern tactit Bead. Ctrutre eaccuto4 or ccleirraph aL ttc New York sad ..1181A4aIrsbla Stock Hoards. /14 VoTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TfirkT IA that Do rAn of Oa Intim a,ta Iva{ os the otaal wit of LIM* Dater 0,.i, Uolutnal sae itottoty. coveted WO uro sad offered for sale on reasot %hi* terms The toetilost mill recommend Melt to roe et the most favora ble steel' for tortes Car oil, tart , " . litLan , / atts, and le tog alseest to lents of tVareow thrthem. pane. north We. Porebvera ran see tha tand trauma. co M. M. 01A.DQ.111.n,. Darr... n ..rd. log liousa at mouth of Kan. or •ttlealtitg tam at react:Qat Dar ,:t llngtott, Bute, manly, Pa. Jsaltatnt SECOND AND LAST CONCERT - Hi TIM ftUTCLl.fiaQ.fiF.Ld MILT; AT ZICELNIOU HALL. ALLAGIIITIT. WI }TWAT ZPEN/VH, JAIL 6 . 1 A, ArD AT LAVATHiTEI HALL. errilinvaan, OP bA TIIHDAY ETHOS° JAN. ACuttsdon 6!) teat.. Madras to celiac ATo • Iltrd DYOoer at relerred seat., :Scants, tar sate •t YAWL:Pen Male mte,.. :54.Tr1D41( iTER/WON CONO Lae POI: TIIE YutSO FT ILLS. at LAIPATErTI. BALI. at Thi p. m. Admlastoa ItlcauS. each for scholars, T 6 cents for warts ^ad staardtaas. J Kith a• DIARIES FOR ISO Ws/TING DESKS, lIEUELPT HAMM DIUMIIOOICS, • PAILS' EXPRESS RIOZIPT 13008.84 And *very variety of STATIONERY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION pa 2:1 FOR RENT, c r; MARKET AND TRIED STREETS; TWO OFFIUV, Second Floor, 98 Grant street. Ecgoit• of ID THE CITIZENS OF ALLEOHEN Y AND VICINITY. 11:044.-rit.rd. 'Marina dinned 4l. Out NEW STAND. 107 Obto Street. wan • new and Well selected Ma of 1 , 61300, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILN, PEE. FUN EMI, to Invite thole wlablog attain in gega t fatteotton wI l b pald to Oiling Pby sieliLns , Mall and pilule!' op Prelaitotions, feel tag eooddant os giving tattoo sattatactlan. having bad extendve exharltnta In that ['mph, both to England and the Muted Stata mos moor( BAcrusa, der ltd Cbamlita mut DruggigUt. (mince ow gas ()Ogg °chart Or ILLLltollswir COvistr,P.l.. Leo. 79t1s, 18111. TO BAKERS, &a.. &c.—tiRALBD PRO will be retelved at thhi salsa until January Oth, ISSII, Inclusive, tor supplying the IJounty.Prwon with Bread for aim wOutiw. from 1115 proximo. Loaves to weigh ono and a half and two pounds, respectively, and to be of 40- protal quality. Iltds sobs made et so mush per pound. 1311 Is endorsed by the Warden will II Paid monthly. fiend will be required for faithful per formance of Conduct. 115 di:talon of '•impootor of AllogheaY OntititY Ptlion." LAIVILIF;fa t (I,PIEgtO ll Altlr9 FUlt J. L. READ.S, 7S Fourth Street. TIMED VFAOHES—tO elicits choke Dried Pearl es—helves. Just rro•lred sod to COT I ON--5 I a;CS to arrive on steamier salver Lake for role by Jae Isamu DUMMY It OCY. Sli‘hT WILLOWa-32 bandies to ar B /Ira for gale by Jt6 JSLIALI DICE= a 00. WANTS.I A.IN NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS 2. litigir.a. I DRY GOODS, TRIMMINGS, et. NOAL .MEKTING of l LIJBLIVS GREdT FOR SALE. A GOOD rAvam wean, OLD ADD YOUNG FOL.I.z. PORTFOLIOS and [MEM M=l TM!. DOORS, CAECIP BOOKS ON ALL THE DAY IS MID OROffEIIS, LEDGEBS, 10tIIIN&LS, DAT DOWD EMI= LILANIC BOOBS .FEES, MOYER & 'PIET!" STREET.. 61011 ES AND BOOMS M , MAStEI3, 0 Azz Lm k CO , 1.08E3, I. B. CIANFtELD6 111 and 143 Firsts:rept. THE. 61X.TH AirtiClAL .IiEKTING of the st►cat alders WO. OITT: 4 EITIR:I4 . I AND DIRAILIVIA PASSE:C(IE4 itAILW,LY 1:0 will!e held at th► Dl.l SE, Pittsburgh, OD ItIoNS , AY. J•cu•rr tath, Wes,►t II, a. c.. at whtcO ttmu And place an Klee -1.10... tot DIA CCU... IflU be DAIS, and 01,,