The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, January 01, 1866, Image 4

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    MONDAY, JAl.4l7.triy 1, isol
• -- • ---
rare Well to the OA Tear. 7.•
.c.'"ven efi ' 'At if' -IA th .01 " 1141e1 ti° .)7
'leg sigh; of the old leers f •..1.
seta thenidnight More, art ,
1306, la jest springing ir" the yonng child,
its hopes and feats exhithcee hell
km , o f • ILa bright prospects and
-Ass to some, Its melancholy fore.
.ad dispelling certainties to others. A
40 ago we were enveloped In the smoke of
Civil War and the crimson gore of our brothers
_flinininllied many a battle fled. Now the white
" robe of peace floats over our land, the sword is
turned to a pruning hook, the share turns the
sod which was before oloschhd by the murder.
Vas bullet, mercy and pence have kissed each
Other, pad the tears of the widow and orphan
are being dried. What fate has the new pearl in
store for nal Could we but pierce the womblof
futurity we might even now, with all the bright
pftespenta which seem to be en store for no, ice
Godto make us say fervently to the
•of Nations to stbdue in us our evil
passions, and avert Inina us calamities in which
they may yet plunge u.s. Ben we have renchßo
be thankful for. Again we are a united people,
triumphing over the envy, the hatred, and the
malice of those who would base gloried in Our
dettruenon as a nation. Magni& eat steamira
Ili at teacelully once more upon the surface of
our noble riven., bearing within their capaelaus
bOsoms the products of the farmer and the
'Pab. The sound of the are is once mere heard.
as the planer opens up the forest that the ge
nial warmth of the tun may shine np.tu mother
earth, pad make the newly pirated grain sprleur
up into green, waving fields, that shall ripen,
and gladden the hearts of the people. The sick
ezing scenes of the past will coon he know , °B
ly In I.lstf ry, and if we profit well be the leff"ort
• which has been sod a riy grin ea:upon., Le ins ,
wo shall come out or the fare ace aa•etieti.
t• higher, nobler and more glorloo• than ever be
fore 4
.Before us we see two pictures t ono a lonely
eentry On the ban kit f 4 the PoLcacal. The
night winds blow fiercely around him, conning
him to draw closer around his person the blue
mfiltaryorcrcoat with which he leenvelopeti•
The distant camp files show that ;a wary foe Is
at hand; and the eye must be sleepless and vigi
lant, ready to detect the slightest movecteut w
and guard against surprise. In his Mstaret
home the wife and mother is kneeling among
her housrhold treasure., and her heart is p mred
forth at the foot of the Throne.tif Grace in sup
, plkation for him who is etanding sentinel upon
the banks of the Pc comae, and tor her crushed
and bleeding couutry. Will, her prayers be an
swami 1 We shall see.
A year has rolled round, and that sane sen
tinel Is stabs-before no, But how changed the
picture. Ile enters his home In the garb of a
citizen ; bin children climb Joyously upon hla
knee ; the wife and mother smiles—a scar ago
it one mules were tear.—and on this New Year's
Eve, rut , the 'Citizen the by hie fireside, sur
rounded by his happy family, be recothts the
Leenegs.atui thoughts of the soldier one year
ago, and thinks Go hat things are not now
as then,
Farewell old year I Yon have seen the grave
close over the silent form of many, whose hearts
beat high with hope avd promise While you were
yet in infancy. Yon have seen a dare shadow
pass from our beloved land, and peace aril prof
perity „once inofe sPrerd Itself over our length
and breadth; yon have seen bright hopes blasted,
and despair pat oh the mantle of hope and joy;
you have sews a beloved Chief-Magistrate strick
en downthirthe hand of the cowardly women,
and have rem a paralyzed people, with the help
of Mine Providence, spring forth to meet the
emergency, ;ad triumph In ha darkest hour.
Your chapter will be an eventful one In the his
tory of Nations. Fan weilold y a-; and may--
Twelve o'clock, and.all is well.' Welcome to
- 15C6.'
Important to Oil and Coal Men.
Capt.Batchelor' Surveyor of customs of this
. pert.heard accidentally that the Surveyor at C.n.
1 , Menai bad received Iran:Lc:lons from the 13.1. ,
cretary of the Treasury to commence measuring
and enrolling all coal barges,and require the own
era of them to ray the tonne tax.aud addressed a
If letter to.the Surveyor and made enquiry if each
4 was his inttructioffi. Me following la the letter
he rtceired in reply, Inclosing a copy of the
- Wee from the Secretary of the Treasury which
explains itself. The order will be immodutely
exdorerd of this port:
SURVEYORS Orrice, Dec. 2S, 1825.
Sir:—l am title day In receipt of your farm
, of the 27th inst., asking If iastructioas had
been received for enrolling Deal barges, and In
reply I herewith cm free to you a copy of the Ia•
structions acidr tired lo this office.
Very respectfully your obedient Servant,
Deputy Surveyor.
Cals. BaignELCl, Esq., Pdtsbergh.
Itt Durlewrires - r, Dee. 0, ISIII.
Sen.—To your 'wintry of October nisei
s whether 'coal, call, atone, and other barges
without keel or deck used be the same waters as
keel beiges. and Cleated or towed by steamers
down the river, and towed back, making many
trips each In a aortae, and sometimes lasting
it:Tough two eleasor.a, are to be al:Mimic:l to the
payment.of the same does es keel barites, I
am directed by the 8: cretary to reply that all
such Vessels of not Less than tire tees burden
ate subject to the same regulations in all re.
specie slaked barges of like measurement.—.
Such flatboats that make tut a single trip down
the river and ate then destroyed. although cot
expressly exempted from tic op:salmis of the
coaslir glaws, ought rot perhaps to be sobjeit
ed to emoliment or license, and payment of
tonne tax. In that casehower,r, they
-ready liable to the payment of a
and one pall per =tam -
capes under the Intern,
tray omit cell( c;,:t.
.7 of IWO
Letr grass re-
Tonne Yon
... s ttrtge tax from them mai
ato4 . Lp the Department..
J S. Ilaurt.s.
Stemtare of the Treasury
R. H. Bnraussoa, Ev 4..
Surveyor of Customs, Cluclauati. Ohio.
Dlerited TesUmonlaLl
One °Abe few and truly pleasing ept.7:2-•
which occur in the lifetime of a can, was ce.
silted olk liattltdos? neutral!, '.att. Mx-Chief En
glued It• O. Elliott, with a number of Invited
vette, quietly made a New Year's Eye visit to
Cot, David E. Hall, at the house of the Stewart
Pock and ladder Company, on Hand street;
Idle; Ch ief Elliott bah occasion, in a few brief
and pertlaent remarks, to present Capt. Hall
with a massive' Gold - Hunting Case American
Watch, veined at SIOS4O. The affair was a
perfect. aorprise - - to Captain Hall, so much 60
that he was utterly unable to express his feel
ings In words, and Geo. W. Lrunard, Esq., step.
Tad forward and ceived the magnificent gift Ist
betalfof Captain H. The watch to from Dan.
snob, and beam the following inscription
"Presented to David E. Hall, for his mdesvors
;,getting up the Stewart Hook and Ladder
Compy,,y; January ist. 1800. "
This token of friendship and esteem is well
merited by Capt. Hall, who has need almost au
perhsunaa exertitate. fat a great rens° nal and
Pecuniary , sacrifice. to thing into public nee this
airaoit indiapenaible asyouct, to a well organized
The Hutchinson Family
Household words become household treasures.
Tblugs become endeared to us by association,
and . We leant to love many things that we have
not atex;JOst bY reading or bearing of them. So
It Is witt(the Hutchinson family. Their names
hive tccdme household words and their songs
ire In every family. Who has nollaard the old
-song "Wii have cote from the nometalne of the
al Granite Stater For upwards of twenty-dye
years the Hatchlnson's have been before our
—pie with their peculiar comas, and every
whe the) , Aava pada friends. The new gene
n.llos him now coma tekro no, and today for
the drat-Hula In many years. our citizen wit
have an, 'cpportualty of bearing them. They
•tvd cae So:melts this (New Years) eventng at
celelorld all, Allegheny City. and one to mon
ruw tYCZPDC at la Fa 3 cite Hall In this city. "
' • right
We understand that tiss F a was a fight a t th e
Good Intent Eeglno 1101, y on Wylie street yes
herby, between a &tale of y oueg tee n,, h o t
whethef members of the compas z _ or no t , we
wtre .anible to learn. "I he fact as the fight
taking place there Ls dlsgrarelul cuenz s i teel f ,
aed the inly.way for the members of Canis... met
to p h eee i Te their good name, Is for them to p .
lively forb id lonfteg about their [remises. [ s .
bin been 'a eastern for many years--not so much
now as formerly—for young men to hams
'amoned.the doors of creme houses, acting rude
ly, end making general outsannea of themselves.
Lathe Managing or influential members of the
ecor.panyina theirfoot upon 11, and say that It
shall netbeto!.erat , d. By this means they will
weserfe thclr good name, and free themscleet
.from spy litms of ro wdyltm that may be
brcughtSgainst them by the conduct of others.
Oil Boat Lost.
On Satureay motniag last, an 01l bast, con
' taming lice hundred barrels of oil, belonging
• to Fblier4t Co.) Duquesno Way, Came la eon
, tact with the piers 01 tne Bnargsbarg
sad capsized, lettleg tbe 01l go Cleat. In a
'boa time tto racer was covered • with
-engaged 12 adding the barrel& as they' boated
, by, and came Fables started for Wood's Ran,
•• *,-where the torrent Otte In strongdy, to catch
whatever 'might come to therm - We team that
most of ltwesaaved, bat the sabrage will tn.- a
...'porelderable bole - in tte prom". Neither the
bog or Iticontults worn Dasurpd ? -
Out ra.ttou.s -
Manager Can,
in the 'Rimy
Oa Bahr
day atoning, just ;as our brielaess
sr, Mr. Thomas Cogamagna,
, Ivas about
,mg the office for the week, be received a
message that Me peenence was required in the
aantitufm. Pot asmo time previous we
hart noticed :he compositors hanging around,
as I.bouj b bent upon something hostile, and we
remarked en a quiet manner to islet. that If he
deemed It desirable, we would obtain the assist
ance of a policeman. He refused the proffered
aesietaneb, and went up stairs, where he was
met by Mr. Penniman, one or the eilitors of the
Gard fe, who Immediately assaulted him with a
magnificent goldfliesi• ded cane, bearing the
following Inscription: "Presented to Thomas
Costameigna, Basinese Manager of the Gazette.
by the Employees, Jan. Ist, 1566." flawing
been surprised In this manner, Mr. Costamagna
! could do nothing less than surrender at die.
i erasion, and replied to the assault In a few
words, thanking the donors that no bones were
broken, 'and adding that If they would step
down to Sealer's, where he could hare fair play,
I he would raccoon himself. The challenge was
accepted, but before flaming, another episode
wee to make its appearance upon the carpar
i Mr. Penniman requested Alex. Hunter, asslarsiot
I foreman, to step forward, when he also was
made the resin!, r.t of a tine gold with a
I very handsome setting In it. "ARTY." WOO In
-like manner surptsed by this sank movement
of the norms, but not C O old a BAdier
air. Cosfamat, en. be "eact'il in" right at the
bygicnicg, and, :Ike eieeeral Grant, had nothing
Cn say, troops t o ,xpre.6 his thanks. The party
Corn adjourned to Sealer's "Our liirpso" In.,
Diamond Aiiera where a maralfiecw! repent
was o ,,,,,sfaing upon the tette. It waSisoon
apparent ,oat tone of lb. eon:ominos were dia
as surrender qnletiy. for Colley after tal
ky ',jokes and repartee were kept flying, and
...age, !Teethes, toasts. Oa at the clines and
wit and merriment were tee order of the hour.
Momue reigned erpreme, and the feast was k.lit
up until the chants of the clock warned them
Chet they wri re anoint to encroach upon the Sab
both, when a: re Trod to tbt it own homes.
Thia pi escritatlc.n ie only followtog up the an
rata' custom or tile C.,rette. It has l e arn the ea , e
for many years, tint as the old year to-eta out
and the new year comes in. to make It the Wes'
E . 01:1 of nrcsenting I kens of remembrance, and
the tecipints of these lavere, In tarn, make the
cecasicn the of font lag' urd .y, A peaty
xtensire accenal stance with printing olllcee
giver. ns the to an n.Anion, anti our optui u
In this case is that the (rsi.ittr emnpusitors are
emery the best and meet liberal gentlemen In
the profession. Liberal to a (Ark, their ears and
pars, s are 11:,Sny3 Cp:11 to :he appesls of ch mite.
As printers, they me roll and always at their
posts. Thy lei lities a a cc:ll4' rat aeon Mr. F.ena
nig, the Foremar, and, Mr. Limiter, Assisiaht
Foreman, Mr. Nett ler, Foreman of the Prone
room, the compositors, one and all, and Mr.
Cos:amain , has alwess been of the most friend
ly nature, and the little tokens which pass be
tween times cannot augment, bat nnly terve to
cement this feeling. May all hauls live long to
enjoy many more such happy New Years, and
may no suits for assault and ...tern every grow
cut of the "reships" of this nature, no matter
hew often thla may occur.
Book Noticos
EC. taco snow FMB. tee CLOUDY seas. By
cousin Carrie. New York: D. Appleton a 0o."
We do not like the affectation of tble title, and
we feel sure It must repel rather than attract
sensible readers; nevertheless, the book is a
good one, and will be roptdar with young read
ers, for whom it Is written. It is a story of the
Varied experiences of sundry youngsters, who,
like older people, fled clouds as well as sunshine
over-head; 'and the narrative is so spirited as to
be certain of enlisting the interests of the Juve
For sale by Davie, Clarke & Co., Wood St.
, Tua BELTON ESTATE By Anthony Trollcope
Phlllaticlphis: J. B. Lippincott a, 00.
Trollope grinds Out novels with the iegularlty
and rapidity of a Machine. and they all, flew•
eery, lave about the same quality—no one be
ing better or worse than the others. It would
be better for his reputation If he would make
the quantity less and improve the quality. Yet
this, as Is the case with all he writes. is a rude
ble book—one that any reader may plot up and
enjoy a quiet ovealeg or two over. Trollope
always manatee to throw enough Interest into
his romances to engage the attention of his
readers; and If he does not excite them over
much, he at least, does not disgust them.
For sale by Davis, Clarke & Co.
Etchard Fiothusgbam, Boston: Little, Brown
rit co."
Here la a restantial addition to American
literature. Mr. Frothinzham has not been hith
erto much known as a writer. bat he bas given
ns, in this well writtc, life of one of the heroes
of the American Revolution, a bock that will
keep his name Give. Gen. Warren is well known
to all students of American history, at the com
mander of the American forces at Banker Hal,
where be won a lame that will Dover die wnile
the Republic lives. Hie life presents many at
tractive points, nod his biographer has worked
up the abundant materials In a most creditable
way, illustrative not only of the hero himself,
but of the times in which he lived, and of the
great Revolution in which he took so prominent
a past. Sittdetall of American history will not
fail to air ruse it.
For Bale by Dials, Cluko & CO.
Tom RirozwoN Hu comp. Nom York: ..r.,.
Put LiV contains the portrait - sof Glos. Logan
and Oglesby, and brings-Ile R icord down to
lhotoVio of ISO . .ek(i a complete rep wiltory of
facts aid doorilailds concerning the laws war, It
to PI/
or sale by H. Ilintr. Fifth street.
..LIECT. Chan. lizeour. New York:
roadie ta tlo."
This Is a dime edition of Gen. Grant's Report,
complete. and falnishus that Report 1❑ a very
handy form for reference tad preservation.
For tale by li. Miner
[AdvertisemraL I
Tag,Feeend Ward Nominatton—A Card to
the Pub He.
Siesses.EDFIORS the Leader of Sande,'
morning, In en item referring to the nomine
.11 the &mond Ward on Saturday
evening, the regular Republican ticket Is char
acterised u an Indryeaxtent field. Thin Is tram.
It is true that a notlm was published In the
Gazette and Disputed calling for an assembly of
the Republicans of the - Ward to nominate Ward
officers, to meet and vote between the hours of
seven and eight o'clock on Saturday eves:dog,
bet no 'tames were Signed to the WI, and as a
consequence no attention was paid to It.
The Ward Is a, large, one, polling about ale
hundred votes, and any sensible lad honest man
can see that the selection of a ticket to as short
a time as one tour would not b 3 the voles of tee
people. The polls were opined at theaccuitom
ed hour, three o'clock, retnalnlag open trial
eight o'clock In the evening, whin the weds
polled were counted and the ticket anneneed.
About ell o'okck in the evening a oellber of
gentlemen came to the polls and exprerrad goon:
astonisbmer.t that they were not Informed of
whet had been going or, and inconclasondeelar
e'erVon an outrage—a swindle. Taking another
Ed theportlon of the budding they opened op an
Independent arrangement of their own, w idea
they inn for one Aso, are to morticed the'. the?
badpollt d doe toatdre mud toranty-seoen o
Now,le it possible for any Election lipard to take
in and record such a number of votes In one
hour? The idea Is absurd, as every honest man
in the ward will see.
The following is the regular Republican Ticket
In the Second Ward—.honestly polled, and that
too by goodeltizt -a-3e
. -
The Republican primary mecung for stamina
tion:of Ward:oflicers met at the school house on
Saturday the 30th Inst. and °manias , ' by elect•
it g the following effmers:
JCDOE—Robert Rogers.
Inerzaraas—Alex. Aiken, S M Long.
Curia—Robt. Wilson, 11m. P. F.atd.
The.tollowing were put in nomination as the
candidates of the Republican party for the elec
tion to-morrow:
&moor Diarcreas—Wllllam ,Means, S years;
nab. 3 years; TnomasTvring.l year.
Salim CouNort—George
Common COUNCIL—R.II. Bulger, Alexander
James Murray.
.rems OP ELECTION4—WiIIiam Owens, Jr.
Ixsprcror.s Or EttcnoNs—M. 'Midi; 'rhos
B. Davitt.
A Meeting of the Allegheuy Temperance
Lenge° will be held to-morrow (Tuesisy),
croolrg in the Rev..% B. Clarks chur,b,
AddroEves will Iv delivered by Rev. Henry D.
Moon, Professor B, J. Wilson, and Professor W.
A. Pa!savant. The young men of the city aro
specially Invited. A crowded how° may b: ez.
• 'The American Farmer" has Just been
° L a r e ', t Ly the publishers of the late Gear., Far
"'"ts it teniedto Mks Its place. Published
r s °EttlYi 0 41_,00 a yos , , by John Turner, Roth.
ester, N. Y. .
Flre - Alano; , f . h e aLinn of are st midnight
list Light was occa. 4ol by the expiring spark
life 1806. It Na s extinguished by the
a a
flight of time.
Post Otnee.—Tli
Will be open
to•day frcm halt post often *h a lf past eight
Ibis zcorotett, and from LITU 164 4 o,doek this
mitusements.—The pined of eitat emen t
will all be open to-tlay eakto),lllglit, Shah:ma t
at the Theatre, Opera House antl2artfeetteu.
Hogue ilekete.--Examlne your tickets btr,
fore you vote, and be sure that the name o'
McCarthy to at Ma head of them.
We. gipx b , I,Tir tht: re-r. It or
3d a. Aller,besty City OP caw - .:ay In
A'avar—Morrison, 2101; MeVirker, 130: M.,
Kr ow, 44.
&led Couruil—A. D. Smith, Simon Drum.
Gammon Coaaea—Geo. N. Miller, Alex. Ilan
ae, Ileac A. Reed, Chas. W. Benny.
School Arectors—John B. Ingham, 12)bert
Judge of Election-I—Wm. Robinson.
(a)peeters—James D. Mel; 11. Jobe Marrow.
Rezurn Inspcaors—Wm. T6O MIP4OII, Am
Dyer, Jr.
Aeseseor—B. Raiford.
.Vapor—Morzlhtn, ISt; ieVieker, 267; 3.1 . -
-grew. U.
Selret Council—C. w. Ha; J. B. Smith.
Common conned—Joseph McDonald, John K.
Brown, John cnonmigham, George D. Riddle.
, s w,„ c d Thr,,aor—Robert Lee, S. 11. Nesbit.
John Sterrett.
.Ir,irrod Ammon—Get/me Bothwell, William
i.dge of .rections—George R. Riddle.
insprdors of Ei.tions—Christ. Staght, James
M. Carr. •
constable—James Carat.bell.
Ifarr—James :11'1 7 1cker, 17;
117; D. \V. Mt.e:raw, 21.
rfrirec!ors of the r‘or—John C. 13.1rr,
M u rOcek.
Conan:—C. C. Slth, three pear A. rt
Ergilth, on, )ear.
cumnion Counci!—Frnnri• Torrntve Jamrs. II
Cam, b.:l..laeob decker durn, Meyer.
Jn.,m ,•r Elichow—A. C. AlezenJer.
.aid ~an—ll I. t.lnd•ec.
Sc!., 61 Li rectors Fla' cis Torrarve, Dr.
13r.,In.—tt,ee 3 Car,
/n.rrrd,-13 rr-u•I TV. Y.'(;11:1/1+.
..-itArssor-1t R. Ray.
Corutable—John Willirm..
TI111:1 , memo—SECIND enrctvcr.
.I.ll4l.or—Jamcs 51^V,cker. 145, John Mor
r .o , 213; P. W. MrgTavv. Id.
Dirrc:ora cf the Pour—Doha I. Barr, Wm
stha oouna—C. C. 3 }WI.. A.
Er.,ligh, 1 year.
C.-rnr, op, (. 11,ka , chrn. J.llll
M-yer, J.,n,ts IL Camloal.
,b.dge of Ei,thQue—rhilip SmiLn.
Alderman—it L. 12,nerey.
School Dinctors-I.nue. Tor an cr. Dr. J, mes
/p, ierlor— L. Smith.
Tt Its),
C. nstAtqe—Poter Bottler.
..rq,ol--1.1o.:lioa, 2:23; NV Vlck^.r, 69, M -
ea. 76.
Sti,rt Cotowil—J. C. P.vter,on, WlLlam
t'ornmc, Cdunrit—ilualt M'Nle., John Me
vr,w, E. F, A. Fanlhnuber, L. Wal:er.
Schad Dire:ton— It Franris, It, 11.",locl..
lips. M'CaLre
Con.table-8 P. Been , tt.
A...or—James Ural:Lae,
Judge of Elea:urea —Ben J. K e ty.
buyectore —J. L. [laws, II P. lt , yn
Rata,. buructors—W - o. A. May, Alex. Lieu
lc r.
• Mayor. —llcrrisao,'J2; lieV:okerSlN; 11 r; raw
Meet Council —J. C. Pot arson, J. S. &ogle
Common CounciL-11 McNirl , Jcio. Megrow
E. F. A. Fanlhanber, L. WalterA.
SA.! Directors.— IL B. Francis, IL Kollcch,
Thos. hicCance.
datessor.—James Graham.
Coustabie.—K. Wolterheld.
is•reds•a.—c, NT. Shaft; l d tlphos
Return Judge.—John Kenwo.
RECAP rrtrt.A ToN.—MortiFor ' 1039, Ste Vict es,
613, Megrow, 235; u, nison's majority over Me-
Vlcker, o'er gearaw, 604.
In reoard to the (elite• candidates, we hare
QI e i thote only who had majorities to on h
to collect. '
Second Ward (Pittsburgh,) Republican
I .l olDlaatloEs,
dt the adrertlard ham for the reviler poll,
the Toting commenced at the main catrallCL of
the echool holm. with T. W. Doris as Joecc,
James Vick, J. N. Nicholson and James O'Neill
m Inspectors, with the following remit .
For Select CounciL Georg° Wilson, 2.27.
Common Connell. Thos Seel, 211, Timid
O'Neill, 200; Wm. N. Odden,3:l3; R. R. Bolger,
20; Alexander Wilson, 16; James Moray, 13.
t3cbool Dlrcctora. Wm Means, (3 year.) 223;
J. C. Matted, (3 years) 214; Thomas Rwin, (1
year) 223: RM. nadale yaws; 14.
Jo 'go of Election. We. Owco, 230.
Its:motors of Election. 0 :orga W. Whlt
fle`d, 2 0 4..1, N. Nleholstn, 335; 11. Tlndslo, 13;
J. B. Doriit. 19.
Cotatable. Jas. 11111 or, 213 : hamlet
The Female College.—The Pittsburgh Fe
mn'e College having boon closed during ton hol
iday season, will reopen on Temmay morning,
at stitch time it Is desired that all pupils be in
attendanee. The vacation has given tit Prio
clpal, Dr. Perehing, an opoitenity to posh for;
IP d the Improvements now le programa - VI;
which be hope. to have completed Id • few
units. The college teems to be a long time 'a
coming to its growth." to long as It
Is this w.3' the rketle Principal will
find the mess• t In proper trim. H i
as bad r, to ktep it from getting
' 6 for Its herding.
A Plano • Fort."--Go Saturday eve:slog as
a gentlun en. wheat orcupglun la that of a pi
vot on the river, env red his bottle, upon looking
Into Me parlor, he eeptod sommttiog strange mud
dark longing ea'ely Sliff d away underthe plan°.
coo ciao:tic ado° It tattled out to be the huge
propottlonsuf a negro. Policeman Stcllwalac
was celled In, and the fellow was taken lota cne
tody. Be protruded to be very drank, but man
aged to give his eagle at Janne: Whelk, and
that he was a resident. of Little Wasalcgton. Au
no charge of larceny or t•urglary BJuid ho
brongot ogalnit Elm, be was sent to the Lill for
to ecty-four hums as a vagrant.
From Saturday's Evening Gazette
The Assuan npon Conductors Bolton and
Kemp—Trio P erpetrators sentenced.
In the r _ s . 2.lnlnal Coml.. to-day, Jobn and Jo
seph Ilandlin, Millen Milligan and John Glom,
the persons who perpetrated the Outrageous and
unprovoked assault apex Conductors Bottom and
Kemp, of the rmnsylvattla Railroad, and who
were convicted of aggravated assault and bat
tery, were brought in for sentence. A strong
appeal was made to the Court by their counsel,
Mr. Swarizirelder, with a view to having their
lenience mitigated to imprisonment In the coun
ty Jail—lt being within the power of the Court
to sentence to the penitentiary for this offense.
A number of witeessos were examtned as to the
character of the defendants, and the relations
• bleb they sustained to their respective fami
les. Mrs. lianalin was preterit In court, and
it was stated that thnse boys were her role sup
port., etc being quite aged and • widow. She
lost a eon at the tattle of FaV Oats, and bad a
ditusiver killed Vibe Arsenal explosion. These
and other atrong appeals were made to the
Judge Mellon, In passing sentence, remarked
that the statements of the witnesses, on the ap
t eels of counsel, were nin. witnout effect. The
sentence would be mitigated; but, Although the
innocent might be made to suffer, public Justice
demanded that adequate punishment should fol
low such Await outrages upon the persons of
peaceable citizens. The offense was one of a
highly aggravated character, and It was to be re
gretted that the young men bad not sufficient
consideration or pity for their families and
friends. if Lot for themselves, to deter them from
such deeds of violence. Now their friends, who
arc wholly Innocent, must suffer, In tome de
gr.e, the conelquences of their Me. •
The two Maudlin& and William Milligan, con
victed of aggravated assault and battery upon
Mr. Bolton, were then sentenced to one year
and three months each in the penitentlarY.
John Giant, convicted of a similar offense
111011 Mr. Kemp, wan sentenced to one year and
six months in the penitentiary—be having act
ed as ringleader in the moult, and having bean
before the Court in 11C.3, on a charge of a sim
ilar nature. .
The Morrow Welsh Homicide
In the Court or, Quarter Sessions to-day, the
motion for a new trial In the mute of Morrow,
convicted of the murder of Walsh, was argued
by Mr. gwartzwelder in support of the motion
and ez-Dlatrict AttOlney Kirkpatrick contra.
A somewhat novel point was raised by Mr.
Swartzwelder, to wit, That as Morrow was
co evicted or monsfarruhkr on the first trial, he
wee, by the verdict of the Jury, acquitted or the
higher grades of homicide—murder of the flret
or second degree—and hence the Jury who tried
the care the second time should have confined
their attention only to the qu,stion as In whet!'
er the of:Cease was mansion:JUT or not. In
other words, that the defendant, having been
virtually acquitted of murder in the second de
yree by the drat Jury, could sot be legally con
victed of that offense on the second trial.
Mr. Kirkpatrick replied briefly, taking the
ground ...hat the commonwealth could not
disturb the verdict; that the defendant, not be
ing satisfied with the first finding, took all the
risk of conviction for a higher grade of offen‘o,
and had no right to complain. Ile contended,
also, that if the first verdict acquitted or any
higher grade them manslaughter, the second
trial should have been commenced with that
understanding, and that It was now too late to
mend the matter la the way proposed.'
'rho motion will be decided at a subsequent
Argued.—The motion fora new trial In the
cue of VVllhame. convicted of perjury, whit
argued la the Criminal Court to• day. Dectslon
11 , • at time wlnn tmnAt
rnt:u , t lift, • the'.ow of .1, 3;•1 fII hl.ll, Vt be •lr
zalt. t tidcncL. nf arptuciatinq al Lte
1:1 - 31.t: 41111, and in lAS dump 1•:1
''..l !ii
1 , 1 ii,. ht.,. .1' !;:0.1
I! 1, obat , ll an J leer. cf a . ! ti n i
trw.icl3 urbot..<l by Vm I. 1:.-t..ird4on,
County ter, du - Ing thy month of 1) , cern
brr, art a; follows, „„„,,
weeder.. Extent°, Vent: F.etnre
PAM. ce1ery.........Jam B. :rd.reurJy :t,
.It•e‘ JACKBUO..
:reel 11, neon •
.._ o ^nrrdirY ,
Vern! Ard Doter-dna erws a '
..... _ . .
Andrew Sgwel,ern...rdreer Ara ..... . 5,0
Franz Vuedens .. PIACI Spree, .. 600
..rehe AL Porter . • .1 ea. •r
/ Wen. V. Event
. . _
Ann Croat p . —...... ........ born
i us. ph tilhalch .........Clnlstlans Snalen....
Alas) . A nd . w-... ... We. Is Andrew 1.....
Ed two rd H %ghee... . .Sea Doff 4,..x,
tomb lie ftltan A. IA Elem. 6.330
Esther 31Ind man.— Joh n Rankin. jr.......... 1,00
Wm Speakman ....... W.. P :peak.. l OCO
I p neon h Spahr..... Lemuel Spahr. IS nl,
A... Young -...Andrew Di r 0........... t 0 , ,,,
James 0r ah am.... i j a : Y1; ‘ 0 1.......
Elnhard C. Glide—D. hl tern. 40,000
Dre , derd A a ~ :,,st rol op Egale.
ECinatVal..— Wmliineaart ..—...... I nuo
Col. J. . Liu: 1....Car^11 Je A. Mil/ 300
.11ne. :Nixon Jo.tql, Nixon 1..0
Josti.ll Ni 10.-- Joseph Nixon ..... _... iin
Mo.. ‘ra iol.trion—W . P. Wes limo 50•
Wiineft.itl.i'LLienW. P. W•ymanEno
{ ,tab lii.en ..Emma Llama —...... .. .
Prams' Otbson —. :,II le Weaver .. _... . nt.
Tern. Red Wm. Hen
.lit ho. tong John U 111.112
Wm. Lttil IkII 11. SILI
JoLn Itercrtr......r'nerth Rafferty 61
Ilenry itopprr eareh Imre Hopper—. IV*
rterircrrl Cass._ ..Erletz este —_....—... eu
Het. rt Laut'trap. J. I.a•ryhrey .. (.0 , 0
Elrraterrt Nether 11.rebsel Mather.... :91
laurel Jof.• Lutdrey
tiltatte. CUlgan 331.1 z licsr.ty . 211
S.tnuel ..... John . . vn
AlAry A. Bruce W. Itrut, Lon
Herman Strad.", .m. 5 stta!atan
Adam ritattin , ..... .11ary Pi.ttatts..
Jets. t , lane McCi.trr
- . _ ....
Mary Marsh— .....soe I: :a arreure 1,4
Mary E, Taylor.— thati.ail. Doak
DarmrlLovg—.. lo3a W.ft 1..! 46! rw
Honors Gallagher .M. tl all ..... ial
Nary J. Foraythe _Wm. 1.. Vol . ..liar , cam
Messrs. Editors : IL the ..f ye,
Letday I taw 110, tiatTe at nottoced a+ a cand.
date lot tchool I).reetor en the "sorehead
ticket." in the Eiithla Wa*.l. I was tendered
that nomination by the Itenn , ,:)hanet, which
(having a' reedy served nine rears,) 1 respeet fully
declined. and will not "permit my 1:16120 to be
veep 41: t
opiroattLbo to tie nominees ot.thz party whIO
has malutaienl the wrest p•inMples that ihe
majmitY shall rule. had all men were crewed
tree and equal, Jog,. 1.11.14 i.
I.447.lereed.—The mart Smith, zharzed with
In'te lamhny of a Frt of fr 'in alt. Long,
was sootroced to two werinti, In iha county i all,
It appeal:og that, cot altbstaetttou, are rtrii et of
the Juryl there were some deribts Ai to Whether
Smolt came by she harne.s dislhemestly, or pot.
chased Item trout nn•itniir luny as h. alleges.
The Pittsburgh Pay Distriet.—Tne orde
sbollshlog the sub-pay district of Pittsburgh
hns tees so far amended as :to allow the cost
tillOSlaCe of local payments at tbis post until
further botles. Pei mutts or all C l / 1 1611 liqui
dated by the Pay Daps/trams a ffil, tiacrtfory, be
conthlutd here as usual.
L.l. LA IGNES, rth E TA , I LET SOAP. , ,
11A Lit BUU IS ES, HAT FintLitiLS,
YoULLT coatis ?Ulf 11011:-,5.
b , HAVilco BRUSH &S
riled/WES, olia. i r SETS.
AUITA I,E AI 0:14)1.1 A, Am,
W Would till particular attention to 001 al
lortme.ent 01
Neatly put up In small Duke., elatesel
nifiesent styles, all assorted. .7 a win. w eat
make a
On Syphilis, Gonnorrhaia, Glatt, Seminal Weal
;ices, and all the secret Infirmities of
youth and maturity.
Female complaint. treated with great lacuna.
flint to any 114411V0 on receipt of price.
lire. Amos a. Johnson have for maup years a
elusive ty devoted their attention to the treatment
of thole complaint.. Address
O. 112 Fronts street, Pittsburgh
Penney'verde Balt nannfacturing Cob offtele,
Corner Pitt Street and Duquesne Way
partnerehlp heretofore existing bitterer n
W3l. E. BAYS and JOHN MALIK, in the Poi it
t aching and Provision Brehm., under the nal e
and style of WM. B. BAYS k 1)1)., has been dl..
aolvedby the death of Mr. JOHN CLYDE on U a
rlth d It, AU those having claims against the late
Dem, will pleads present them for eettlement, add
all indebted sr ill please settle up at their Will it
convenient.. Business to be Wiled op at Thr ce
k Ift pone (ill) Litorty threat, by the theory' lig
partner, W hi. IL HATS.
Pittsburgh, Dee. 2d, Igss.—dN!l md
D. SATRIC R.Leili 1) le •••., • •
MELLIFLUOUS 444 4 . 1 n
wm .1
1. warranted to he the only
preparation known to cure -
Coughs, Colds, lioareenets, i ••
Asthma, Whooping Cough, .` j • • •
Chronic Cough.. Coosurnytiorr - Vsinfil Is and
Croup. Being prepaid] from Iterny and Herbs, It
la healing. soltrainr, and par.
Ocularly suitable ur all affections of Orr Throat
and Lungs. Fur sale by IP/acetate everywhere.
titles CM% PEVN STREET. neat Hand,
For the sure of all diseases of • private c attire,
from two to tons days, by an satirely nets and sato
treatment. Also, Seminal Weakness. and all allies
dissasesof the genital organs, and thou previnition.
Ours warranted or money refunded.
Ofgoe,bours-7 to 10 a. m.. 114 to; mibt Ito 8 p, m
Addien lours W...asiN Peat, .treol
late Itic'aertl C. Glsde,
~...•.. c noticed In a recant auto of this
. reesrded, and Is a further ev. -
de nee at the goodn CES of heart and thoughtful
ger.ertisity sehieb characterized the deceased
throughout his life. Although still a you, g
Man, Sir. Giyde bed, by energy, high hrc.accs
tinalitles, and the strict,et probity, acquits,' a
Very considerable fortune, end while yet In health
as good as his delicate eohstituilon ever permit.
ted bits to enjoy, he made the diacositi:•n of his
property whist we and recorded. After making
family and numerous private bequests, the de
ctdent provides as (allots:
I &lie and bow,: rth to the "]tome] of the
Friendless," ae ir.etti intim for frlendlesi children.
In eakd county (A.keihrhy) the gam of one
the mind dollars.
I Give eat: bequeath lo PeEsseant's I afirmary
the tun, or two thoofenul dol:ars.
I pro and legneath the sum of lire thotiAand
do:lars for the !meek of the families Of the sot
rs who Lave been in tee armies of tho United
Ste tea .serving a , on;rprers the :ate rebellion.
I gltt• and bequt ..:11 to 0.1. , Al'oghony Orpban
Alll= the Fun, ol s•ne On, sand dolla-s.
I zive and bequeath to Liircnout rio;pit.d. or
Ar.rultery County, the sum of one thott.and
The health of Me. Glyde was such as to n*,:,..r
-tcr:y t•rt r.ta ti.e 1.1 , 55 y of gratifyi t.: his
%mud iitlice is take up arms in defence of toe
Nstl,nal Governtoknt but Hs cork Ell sytn,thy,
nt d r•ca'..l f tr tho, who perilel mil sac •
role,: the:: ;r1 to: coed work. Sr, any,Ay
Istif , ted t,s• his ichl , 2othraut..• tho,
who wir.• ner , a,,d t , y thc -trok,
Mr. 1;•3 sca, ilk a practie3lChriit:on,
nod tl - 4, , ,!ztkot' ht.§ life, less than lu hi deul„
guy, ehosta• t end abundnut proof of his re.;ard
f,r the: nut,P its precepts of the religion o' Lisa
New T,rtamect.
!.a .7e, and be aaccr
Chl — 1 an poor ha,. , .1'
.th yt.a
Ifr•lnr , g at Ihr Othr,
desAirdats OCOIIIM A. &CELLI'
JIEDICaL dD rpm,
Or, Sulphurct of Iron.
H. 4. SELLERS 1!.. CO.,
Vi'unt.tcAtil MINIM
or, i • an..; • '
Lt. - arr . ., cr•t.oo ,
• ; haza,-;
brooelta recur,' t'Ar. a... ' - '
o+. as no .
EN( .y,
iltettit al.cnr.. r , -.0, ' 0 .3 ^, • • or C . nod oltade
made to all par;. of Inc 2130.1 ,3.r ! : un No Wmter Hod at f.1,T.); 3
!storable term,
I , tOrrt execute,. Alth fot every:l—on • r haan ALLO.Or—ni, eler•tor—at 82,
In the bunter., at th , [Lorton, St +' V. 72, Iln• alt , gust While at 4,,05. 9sta dull
Onlphla and Pate burgn Ih - ozond att/Oli r . 1.10 - 1.,114,-0, sale of I cat—at elevator—softer
on corotoutaloa.
po) n:ac.—at 0.1; alao, mall salts from slam
Urge on A. CLEW . r
12...8E , Yhtlado phi; m ‘. 111. rleady, with sale. In lots of
ta T. 11. PLIIILINh. 130 0.0.1013,t,J 3 , .1.ris 7 3- 1 to 73, No morenteat in
ll.tricy of Rye-
FINANCE AND TRADE. , .3 33 th... 10 Pro-cr, trl-h na
Innate whatever in prier. We continue to du ore
tat; to r'. •, ,- e loatole of Sprtng Wheat Fanolt at
land Wort, Wheat do at 410 , 410.5 at.
loicaut]ent tAu: pet and untmansfed at RS
11:0. 1: ta:t ctr . . There ' , tetra to be uo demand for
l l RS2VisltlNS—ltneen Is quiet and unchanged
U. S. 6 s Int . at 16 , 54 lot cra, tool •thaegt, Cro Sugar
1 , a, folle'a obb• uted lin.r. 1,4,1 1.10 good supply and dul l
U. 22.7420 . a rtnall male, Al It n‘ur e for pd.
Ifogoilre corning In pretty freely,
U. S. CertlAcatez ant pa, acts are payln liond to rents. No
(Rad. ..... !tang , ioind :a 41ent Ir.—no movement la Hulk
Connelleville 6'' . Meats.
Allegheny Valley R. R. 2 . 1 int to YOTATOT'S —Demand ' , dr Intuarket steady
.10 do with' regular sales film store at 61tod , i,gt
Wretern In, . . s ! ;,er arta 3,2.5d83,0 per barrel, ibstordtng to
lfu 'pl 41 Oe .1. 0 ') •
ny I A PI'I.ES - In !.pater ,bonand and s, a 4;, at
ttanit to 12 per 'orb lor go al tpialll ?ea
Et:lmm, NF2
Al.t. Rana a: a , 0, 0. AC , --••-•les of to Inns rommon sod. 1,1, at
y our y,,
....... _ 5 , la.abs, 2, ,all tuna 'Tenn.!' 410 Pc•t ,4 held
.11. a. Al N•ts - sam ..... s , r , tt• boy . tale of • tuns at 12.
Columba, tti , _ iSo 2, -la in lair demand bul unchanged, and cee
alto , to ,in, le at Bin to 220 pc, sun—the lattel
lierry I. r . ...... -r-- e unit tor prime Ttroutbr.
1 a I oa —The demtand In teat act,re, but prices
• remain um', , need—prime to choler. Hod 3t0.66a,
"' LC ' 74" ..... "
Ertl tS—ln good supply. and a Mlle dull but
' r.
' ......... " I ' • t.rliansedt sr anttnun to quote AL :0, in Onkel,
..1 05 . 0 l••trel • ' ••'l , t- and sr , JO5 for Irish ~eked.
111 vest., lay, has 'writ at, 't , is selling at 50 to 5.5 per galL
Pr. ri
st", Intro 1" ".
pe r b 2 ,1
tl,c, asn rat," a• ~• •t, , tot • I I ••• !es at 21 for Hamburg, and • 22 lur
llotols. Net. 5 , J, : ' -..5• If st, re ,rot ;trotted.
I, 0 , I!' 1.1. -` Or
. 5"V2
4'er liana. .
• s s -,:es ta , tore at
The rl 'c PUTT' it' 111.11 PETRI,LEU3I M (ft kr.T
• • . 0 u.. I, it. I,M
Or, sox THE Pl7,olrltoll
O3r,tet.. .11Cre..
r D.
xi ;„,
Iv, • cp Prtt+t,a , SZYTTC,
D.,we, • rq . i: ,1. , 0,. Ar • .11 r. A 4,111 for , L 7 • ,.v Dee a, 14(4.
f,..ure In the
t•,:e wa. •-n..;,,t,ve
he trnortctia.u., tno, were
t..0rd....1.0,1i I tr. w rt or , hum. .r I t ::an for.en eraldn} net
„ ~,,) • • •,, o r, rr, o r, Ilulitert, • t r: r r ow,r tt nilirretionot
t rh t. r• • , 1 It.. Irs• rr.ll tre iron referenoe to
loot tit con: it L. 1.. t e eome ittem rn 001,1.0 real-
I, k 41. r 't r,t ere •• 1.-.,%1:r. to • c• Trlo for etym.; sales wore
r). .r •, 1c...• .• • e crn.• I r •;•• o 1,1-ce, on wt.-W. at Wei Included;
?" leach st.r. n I lin •.;•• SI I Rt. do dr. All 'oo !u do et d 4, L6O do nt urS, Ibis
t:uttor :t , .t ion. rr. rt tr ta Is, ,'.; 1,0 nt Ind 140 It
ru, N . i•o Nit ' for liiquled nil continues
nee...or for IF tut.. Nation., 14,0°11 • ,lull, nrel to effect i, for future deue-ry, con
..rt.—co' enter. Inor, e •?. 1,, .1 • , I, ions have to he male. On the spot, hotyricr,
li.tto try..ry I g0..1 Cretuds troold sell nt to o, free ori botini
01. e tome's of oat !ti rego , d t,, a is nt at! OrSbar dvitvcced In tqw.delphi ,
Ir Alh hen} e. b . . ` t e . " ' tt ' ! ' e r are . e. 't te a r e.- I e
• t r
/7 et r re I 3 '. o ' r inotnarroltriVem's retinues (ca arty
say, true In the oothi•unt st.nti - Is fres:- , is toe( any , Ire attributed El: ce of oil
ly lire that, %ores curront t h o su ri se . • o.ore for .in.rnedinte than fu aus
arm truth small .5100ture de
late Secretary tell the city some days store t
pads unknown. An Offleer of the Constutnny le. NA In
PTLIA AND ISE>II/I'L'lll —There is no loot
tertlay received n letter from hum, post m irks I plot onset to,
r (lent, d for t ut her one of
Erie. conyvyin ; the unwelcome intelligence lad they are both dull With a
tha t I e 1,5.1 eeht!eatle ' t load! ' et the 'ee ‘P sn ru `Pre'.
l ;bra, speculstlon, was un thle to return tr.n - uude t 20 per bbl.
them, and cod not cout•ge to meet the directors or tiECEIPTh !— The rrce,pt. of 'rad. by the Ali,
its tries rc As the first blast. it seernel as r br. Y last report were tot
though the amount lust might SoussiLly turn out y., w b e r i Bro_ 075
Ihrjr, but We .have eseurhoce from chow who
she 11:d by t;.l twat. by fall y . 'n , yare Ott. Illtu•tin Wt ... 153
(La: the comb not ...irtn+t •In •Itly eve,: loge torte 3o
,All Ph) apt 10. OVOI a few 1110 , 11 , 11,01 SLOUid
lain_( ; rrs• ••, Ise seht• Is nvesl,
thr nosy PIA. I.e t... 4 .1 I t.. 1,15) more lhAa the
curtcht olt mon , ' • th; Ittenti t tot cx p errrl Pe:TP(II.I.I:M STOCKS IN NEW YOR K
In itni In 2 az ,sty. I Yintclttl l'itp•teh to We•tatru
tnta let te du.; to ..!•i t snA tett (cut *v.:ea ;t NO7O Yonn, Dec. a 4, 1553.
(.1t en,/! Ithttn,tl ; .l,;, Lou. t Pot. trii STCICE9—Thcre was tone activity
nod che , "ttn • szuee it- tit to Pubole creek. but the balance of the
at ;be lir att•n lb' .t Lorre ties o:: otters
3 . 1, , 3 , LICS gram at th• 'trial' rate's
t: t. t; A. 4';thole Creek. 11 70; Cantu., 175; United Pain,
limfloCull ben.. Ott 1.1 - 0‘..C.10 I. Urn LFarm”, 40; Banoeh•ft. 15,1.5; neydrick, 55;
a.. t.. 1 ;••; , et ": at, .\.!.,,:y : ut ; Patty . or, .7110; Ckesnlo, 40; Empire Olty,tOt Oentral•
Itch, Lot, is, 3 ci,E .:3, t, tNcl atec,holtlet.. • Ht c 1 anon Farm, 77, Lill Creek, 161; Web.
re , quratiLg .;elsy 10. the;.e)recot the county tel 7,
tax,. scerttett !fp I no, I r deel•101,11. CobtAillest
• SuPreme r.. 11 ()FiK PETROLEUM MARKET.
nt L•pretal illaratct. to Well tarn Picas.
so . .Aare. New Toni, Des. SO, IBM
:coevt 41.41 In re•te.ll.l Cattel Stales \lD esole. O.FQ mste
teructles -Jr rucuu :ord. ' s dioSec, and IleOned at 0!.41:6.15.
l roz Statistic,
n ea...totter of A pleulture, tense
+t• , “ pates, to /I 'utter ty s Western farmer, ate ut Decent., 4, fiat *be etstiettts ut
• 41.0 tr • Cu•rirrlio4/1
If.crt not 14 li-1/ ) • t.. I Lee rihit/It ennui.' rut).
tur. neeer•at rbea.,rt trasett so k.tal.,.te And
Europese tunt•ct/o. I corn rapretelty, Almost
an • 134 L,
/g..• :me tern p erect by high tteightl. At
tut prltre at lt• rent:tree the estlte at
11%, &IS bosh,. •0 ocau to the Institut.
n,ut I,nt buseet. In
"I• , t 1,1 h I s rertchutt 1,911,9Y/bush-
-...... •r.l lu. 17.1., at 1 . ..77;.'7,6 bushels.
Kano" i , F1,14, la ytet4-
en buabei. p
Illob and na roda tn
a. a .ne.l to be b.T.V..,:13 boalketa.' -nac eat,.
at gull of the North...rot a ttn indlsoa mud .11.totk
lg.4 i• Inkle.Sa,trYl ousbeto, or aka tignea
[be tame meet 404 1.1 1e.40.. /ie furtner p r ove
that the /ncre•ee of a Lent In the Weal has been
Italy Inentle_ilu.. Great • a h.. Imell 14. .1.1.112
I.oloulallot. the increase AL 11l Whoa. pavltt
Las cat Mora than !XIS pact , arltn hr pro:r
In ilopulartan. In Is 4.1 there Were busbela
tar ti trohal.itant. In 1,0 ten bushels to es:n
W heat rrailuct of the country. an. th 1853, are
and a boll Intehele to each lahsbintat tu the
Writrro State* it was spout tea bushels, Lllturne
rent Irny filth In otter, In I.UL ass whe•twiiining
Olaf r, WILL clay int 1 one tin•liehn stovirmarsti, In
)6.0, with twenty-Chine nolitona Ta e Batton
he. now n surput• at f..rty miutoma nt bushels of
ernest, tool by • subst I utl.ll of Cord, bucarrheot,
dr., In ease a Serge todemand. could spare
11115 or MOLT. In VIM we here the record of only
eri entrright bushels of wheat exported from
;1 ., nri In the )rte A.n . yort I. 1001,:a
wit Pt Bra Lout, muot attest le.trily•
four cslilsone of Lnet.sie i ts erren. Toe at erniie
dosing the wet appears to 'tie Wore Limn twenty
R. y tete Of the New York Greven Market.
[From the Cosonerdel Lilt of Dec. WI
Coffee—Since the arrived of the steamer from
Rio )medq with advice, Ittltd teat, Of large ship
ments to this Country, our market Las bazone
slack. and prices are tinuttlehlotre nisei, not, how•
ever, chnnend one quotations, out consider them
num told. roe only tate, are 1033 bage prima lido,
per Aierte, on speculation (before the arrival of
the steamer) at IS tents, to tomb and tab do per
Emily !agues, :04,, deny paid both gold. Ingather
descriptions there 10 little of moment to stote• Io3j
ceet• gold, in bond, la offered for St. Domingo,
afloat nall begs Laguayra and Mti do Java, soul
an private terms.
Sugar—With some renewal of demand for Raw,
the market presents • steadier appoaruace, an.l a
better feeling prevails, the decline being arrested,
with an laceratedell:Fenton to buy. We quote
as before., 11.4 and It cents for !lair and Good
Refining Cuba; and 0,4 for Fair to Good tiro
. ry. Refined was duel and declining, untie yam
t er Oa j, when the purchase of some ..V3l bbts tiruth
ell, to speculation, at le! cents, Imparted a
little mote Oilstone. We quote, other than
r•tunrt's, lESSIO,.i ran t for Powdered, Granulated
•ad 16p,011;,' for Soft White, and 1430
ar - -", rent. cash for Yellow,
Alclasses—The market Is very cadet, the demand
cow en stir running on cm crop N, w Or leans,
Which Stones U. pretty freely, end is taken up
pretty 'seedily on arrival; gm receipts are .1.5 J) Obis
of r, bleb about oce.half Italy been disposed of. The
s•le• are beds new crop New Orleans at 41.0 big
IMO, taco, 115 1111.1. Porto !Deo, edilai; and fit De.
meters, GV , i, 4 mos. II v saltine, a. bbfa oew crop
cw Orleans sold at bl ,; bl ,;ceot• (01.10, 4 mos; and
to do dn. 85 11(131 cents,
east,. The stock yesterday
was nt out 1130 Nuts port Rico, 3360 do Cubs lac.,
and IWO bbla, New Orleans.
Claclanati Hog Market
t'racraxan, Dec. 99.—The hog and provision
musket, c urine the week past, has been 'tulle en
cited, and material ad•ancea have taken place In
ail articles. 'the receipts of hop have inctosaed
over last week, and the Indications are that they
will continue to Increase for some time to come.
Prices have steadily advanced, closing at 90,73@t0
gross, and 14[00312, net. These advances have
been produced by the growing feeling and belief
in very short crop; but from all tho Information
I eon get, the country is atilt alive with hoga, and
that these advanced prices will bring them to,
If they do not come freely within the next ten
days or two week% prices may bo sustained.
These can hardly be a doubt but that there is
enough to supply all the demand we may have the
Coming year. tVe never yet had a crop so short
that there wag nothing left over. That the mire
bee of Legs that will come to welters markets this
season, win be less than last In not a disputed
question, but if the execaaof weight esntinues,we
can stand 000,000 lore hogs, and still have the same
weight as last year, and consequently as much pro-
duct; and, timugh we bate but, the prospect of
110,000 hogs this year, of eqtanl weight with last,
vr• will have an abundance, without n good ex
poreciemand. Th• receipts of hogs at this point
are short of last year, to this dole, 137,1; J; but this
year to begs are counted to the car, while last
Benison its were counted, which latter count proves
Incorrect in the end, so we may calculatrathat we
arc sot over 100,000 short of I sat year to dote.
Chicago Is Moon short and will never meet her
gap. The Wet for polo', hie cutting but few hogs,
while 'eastern points arc far ahead of last yekr.
The country Is olive with half grown hop and
shoats, which Milli he matured In lime to supply
ad summer demands. Tiros a would appear Uro
ore trending on itoniieroue ground at the present
tco e. G c... W. Pommes, Jr.
Loudon Petroleum Market
Lon nos, Dee. s.—Relined—The eon/atted en.
lost ccers.bined with a few elder. for closing No
vembereat/tract., caused a carp strong market to
the eel If pest or lam week, and n tillo of 21 par
pollou was established. but to - revels are more totn
lore. breams doll. For good Aeumleau on the
clot 3. MI toss frequently paid. Put entail lute now
oiler about Id below. Forward throughout has
born dull nliborgis for first three end four manths
there Iran been more ill/i...M01l to do business,
2r lid referred. 2a 'raked.
u.IG— None nfiering.
Spit I t— cLUtet. '...d(r.'S
To-daVs walks.t quiet. without motet IC
k t Ids icy, 4911 Idols end bit cases refined.
and rri t,bla crude; stock SAllle time last year. 17,211
Able and:o3 cases segued. and 5.12.1 bbls crude.
A in Oen
Den 24:1cp bbl• hour, Sharnaker & Lang; 100 do
do, Knox & McKee, 100 do do, Martin Connallyl
buslasiarate, lobn peel; IS aka barley . . S Scott
7do ,t o, Meanor & Harper PA do do, J Rhales;
bulb do, S
I%' .f;
) • '
01 }o
.specta/ Dispatch to the Plttskursh Gazette.
I" nos trioas— Quiet; meal Pork opened at 11.9,50
b‘.l ceeitte 4 to ses, without buyer. at the ciose
Olsen meats situ y at le(jl3ols;ie for shoulders,
tithe sad hams. Bulk meats dull but not quota
-0,3 Iserer. Bacon erne at ISC far ehouldera, Ile for
11.11, and 2,0 tar clear sides. Sugar eared
her a s , eau y at :Cia. Lard' [echoed %e with sales
of ao Item2l at tea.
lica...—opeovd active at M7_5419.50, but de
clued, and ci.ned without butt r, above $l2.
Flbaure and Trade la atm York
Nsw vest, I/reel:Owe IL—Hallway venom/lot
ten sirreg to-dal at both sessions, And that. was
• fair buslnemtrommeted. Toe dernand we. chiefly
40 ttte, Southern, Hoek Isiam.l and Pittsburgh,
and there eras a ell: be. aelvesee on these sham.
There to also • strong texeler.ei to 'peculation for
a Mae. Nally Itadieg operators predict • lamead
mance be'ore loog. Towant , he drew of thechip
there trim an upward movement, with Increased
demand for stocks. I he following were the cicalae
rotes at su r. ()entre!. 961‘41 Erie, 96!4; on&
aro itekti Reeding, IMIS; alichigantaintrm,
ittlehtean SouiLern.7l,N; Pittsburgh, 1114 X,• North
Westere, Hoek /*IAA, log, Fon Wo,no,
It 6 , 4 E (duo and biltalsalppl tlertlflcates, agti.
Oak, Mu twee down tot bat closed at 14134.
The business at one of thd Leading derramic sad
iobbieg houses will reach neatly BeTeaty muttons
for slate year. The mancy market Closed op very
eery' at 0 per mot, and tome beisama were let at
6 per cent. Cie reroments were S mat the Close
and yrvrol ato be In LOUTS demand. , here were
tome rumen of aOoremnent loan this morning,
but It Is gi nerally believed they were without
Ihe I.Voreerriar says: The Stock market show.
considerable act linty on certain vies tattle., app..
rchtty in antlelpatlon of an act ive , s,ecalatron
next caret for a rise; The market to et present In
um *vett el of a number of magnitte lama,
. 41 ho,
so long Na Ma money muter. Is favorable. will
stesolly push up quotation., Irrespective of the
teedeney of the earnless of the read'. Chose op.
mat lens, boa ever, are little Mett than as exchange
of mocks between themselves, the outside pablio
and slots sonsemtire broken keeping strictly
aloof from the current irpeculs'atios. The chief
activity at the morning's board was In Cleveland
and Pitts mrgh, the transadtione In which were
etteut 10,101 alarm, cleating at 7f, advance.
0 omits samt stocks ainitintle4 Oerif Settee no ler
t . a stem ulcs of yesterdaybi foreign news.
sid..rable foreign orders for old Fave.twantirs
wens executed yecterdsy ono NU mow:tint. For
eligo bankers are buying. Toe improv.d stead!. g
of Flve.T entice resulting from the ratentioa of
the Presiderit's message, het a very perceptible
effect here oven the confidence In tkovornmant see.
entitle , . It being
. .Uppeated that en enlarged de.
naiad gem Frankfort. and London will result At
the moroing board, Sten of 1831 rose 3y, and el l
Cireawcuties 4. , The other Seen Wes. were al.
roost.nts.dy at the Closing Ilgures of yesterday.
Gold is &Warily weak A coesiderab le a ersunt.
has bora held short. and three per neat. interest
pa d for gold t 0 enrol ab/pmeots of Ilse- vrentles
001041, and the payment of $9,736.040 of o , ld (I
tems{ falling due ea the first of January. ..Lantos
to produce the prevnillng te•rish feeling. The
price her avereged 140 Miring the rooming This
moraine 111. /MEMOS took out 1241,900, and the
Have 1PM.400. The sum of $18.604 was shipped for
Rio be Janeiro.
Money conUoues very abundant, and brokers
get all they require ate per cent.. and °Berl 10 a
consideraolo extent until Tuesday evening have
been made at 0 per sent. to *aro balanees from
Oleg Idle for two days. There Is leas prime paper
sold at high 8 percent. being now toe ma s•
Ise um rate, aua 7 per cent, the minimum. rarely;
la.ehanso la cerely nominal
New York Market.
NEW Yong, Dea. al.—Corrals—Quiet In itaaxty
at alla ior a:add/taut.
Ytock.--boil and heary, but without decided
thugs. The total Mock, December 20th. teas. was
Ms,sta bbla, 118,1068 ao lot extra ISt ste, 11.5,55.18,11
fez t xtra 'mid hoop Ohlo, and 53p.11/410,39 for
made brands, the market Mouths{ dull.
WIIIESt—DuII and nominal at $2,23 for welt-
GRAIN—NV heat dull, nominal and lower on coin.
mon grade•; ct oleo rade, •re held very firmly.
Tatat Mock, Docembr Toth. 180., 0,910,161 bushels.
Coro doll and le lower at Kid,la for in:Bound, amt
orasoio for word Mixed %Were; total stock,
December 301h.1616, 4,101.64 bdshela Oda quiet
and lesser at 49602 c for unsound and 643823 for
sound; total stock, December 30111, IDA, 2,910,302
rxTRoLI uM—Du , l; 14311!4; for Crude nod 61%
GM for renocd to Bond.
rnovisloac—Pork lower at a 2 / 1 .313,2.5 far mess,
closing at $2.3 cash ; 13,031 for new meas. OD for
; litre end 104 60 for prune mere; also 1,250 birrels
new owls for .1 atuary, February and allarch at
;tellers a; Lion at $39§.11b, toLal !ROOK, old nod 00 7 ,
January Ist, 1844, 36. M bbls; same date last month
11.351 ; come data la.t, gene, 168059 btors. Btef
quiet; wiles el ato barrels at 1116E1.0 for new plata
mess, 511014 for old to, e 22621 for new extra
wry. nod ;DWI, for old do; total stock, old sad
new, J sous. y Ist, 1866, 31,145 racketeer; same date
led year, 1610 , 0' packages. fleet trams quiet et
cut meats dull Italic for shoulders,
aid 10; 1 416 0 for hams. Ibsen qulet. Dressed
hog. boy 'et tgF,,t,ll3c for city. lard q let and
.seedy at 146j,191ye,
New York Steck - and Honer Starlet.
Is LW T Otlas I eeruntlet all. quite easy at
jut eat. t WWI Exchnoye dull and nominal
nt ILl' Liao quiet and lower, opeolne at
14 5 , 13$i cleeing at, IL'!, Total exports to-day,
1750 Nei, U oval =cot .toeks action and II ten.
Fttighla to L.l,erpool dull and drooping.
Chicago Market.
Cull ADO 20.--FLoca — gulet.
UnAiu— Wheatquiet, at 51,60:y1,10 fat No. I,
act) 114695;
lot N.. 2. Cum Leary and doll 1.).t.
thoo w N.E.—Tatalre.
Pkovmm, , o,-1 ull; Mei Pork co mint], At 5.2112
bo. ace.. Hamad m. Pickled Llama atmidy,
it 10Xc, rd oat, et 1b6 1 , 9, -
Ilooe—Act,te. at MGM; Live 11021 hare ill
; cltacd 2060 Cc; mini at 01,29%t CO: m(4lti to
112cturrs—Floor, 11,91 , 0 bbl.; Wheat. 12,000 trash;
do; Oats. 02A90 ,
puipmErn—Flottr, 2 ; 090 141.7 nog; 4,292 DWI
3: , i
. .
I errs; stoic!, l letnetti •,,
t. cars rnetV, & co; sri ••bit r/f..V.oca.
.'"qgssrell & ming; 119 cora ti Saes rya 7
.1 - • losy &ICI/1) - Res jr; ':0 bag. 11rley,..T
ler. =7 has mall toed, Ceip A Shepard: lo dressed
drr A.:-Irmt,trougil car. metal, J „Moor
head; Ito tibli Carbon oil, C Bellinger, I car corn,
N taurtneyi a pkes butter, El' rkpatrlck A /Irv;
Ix tirestall bola P Hanna h.; d 9 MI. hour,
onaker A hang; 60 tibia 111;W/dues, Lambert,
StaplGn A co; lb tibls lour, 31 Connelly; I 1,14:a
butter, LI Grakara; l 0 palsandriea,Vol,s, co; 00
hides, T liurbett;:: care lumber, L Langhato; 60
bbls crude pettbieuni, White, Bro h N/; 1 car lum
ber, I 13.u1ire;11.
CLIMEL.A.DI3 P1T79.1517X1311 tart 801.13.-.-
Dec. 00-li , tl blborna, John Ilaorhead; I car rail/
feed, K. II b llllehart; I coo lumber. Kelley lc
U alai lob bble hour, T U Jenklua; 11l 011 Ohio W
0. Byrom; 40 1,14. cats, 7 do barley, 4 thy •undrlea,
P , ittereon A Ammon; ll bz. cheese, A A J Kerr;
tiltssekt buts, 3acCullough, Smith A co; 9do do, .1
P Ilan or, & oih: bats Ilaitered, 2 pkgs eggs.
Leo A cor.-1 , bases ekeese, kl keg. lard, T C
3 , nail., 5 bbla 'beans, Arbuck/o h co; I car loll!
KnoxNleKee; 1 laid tobacco, Jo. Murphy;
2 lure butter, Bested], Child. & CO.
A4.l.ltumraY, Saa.traoa, December 22.-1 ear
what, Kennedy & I.lrui 3 <ln lumber, C C Hoyle;
11 I. e l tes, Lapped. We/se; I ear wheat, Sleeps...l b.
h non. 113 3..3 Water pipe, GOO Meyer.; 21 hides,
/'NT. Baker Et 30:4 page butter mud et 224, Wylie
d 11 np,er, Pis 'aka flaxseed, Ewer 41. ;
Aide, JA L Lappe; VOlgt s ce,•:o do
de. A Is:, k n CO; 1 aumlnes, Halm ft d1.111e;
41.4f:0re, tt :114.bant 2.
New leas, Le ;o. —There Is sc little in
y Neotib 1'1„ , rot the husinee oni s
plush, tells I thaDIS sold at 7ndrp3l front
yard, and en ship ot, pr,ste terms. American m
hardly u'. flint 3.13 the leelltie th. D..
103 an rspactsilon prices on the part of
hems. We antler. besteles, 3,1) tons Wrousrat
feri, an ir,volch of 47u rought and C.. do,
romho.,s, (broken machinery of an Eng
le t. s'esMet, on private terms, ar: itu do Trenton
Iron Rol.e, to!, delivered here_ i We have Leant
of no invoice rates of English Bar. From stns..
Mete is only a moderate inquiry 3: pre:slow rate,
Russia Sheet l• loner—we, notice sales at 154118
rent• •• to tatirshers—No. 0 is held Virally 5..0
PARK rrtaorkt)—Pre. BersrUS—W A Reed, 97
bble oa, W W 14str, u) do do;.) Imola a co, IS emp
ty clu I 0) F; A f Wigan, 4011 ngs corn; al .113C1.11.
lough, a co, c b td. whisky; laser. a Armstrong,
37 FIF3 Ftellcd cOtn, Wm p Bock !taco, 4 bats sor
ghum, 7 do boat* Cu* h Shepard. 40 bags osts,
W H Hager, dedbags oat e, 74 do corn. 21eHtne
A nor, !oh 116. earn; A rdoscr Oil Co, 247 01l bat•
Lott-loosen I ill Co, too do do, Guthrie & Slil, 1
store noc.ohmo; Tones h. Latlghlla, 1,7,0 foot tom
dla Olefin, IS balsa hay: Ilrattersonanen fret
103 1r Moor ._...... .ratNeralar-g.
Ic.,rror Ikrrr.grl .....tuna
lrert. NJ r; litres
Julie No 2..... strn
ID re,t F'arirerriburz
Le onau - Urntole.
onora NO, " Dev Is ......
Lciso—... ..... 011 C.:l:y
The river lass keine; last eight, with eisthi feet
renter lo the chit one!. lee still continues to run
quantqtra out of the Allegheny. The
weather yesterday was quite warm la the sun, al
though it was f4ering all day In Ito ahade. Bu
•.uess at the retituf won only tole rabiy good.
The Jose San.! Roman, Capt. Banaedy, left on
Saturday evening for her trade in the Rio Grande
The Leoaora. Pro. 2. Capt., Darla, left on Satur
day evening for iSlncinrual. She had on a consid
erable Quantify di pig iron for Pomeroy.
The Echo. Pe rless and Ida Bees oame In from
011 City yesterday, each one loaded with oil. The
Echo wUI leave 4,n her return trip this morning,
and It la altogether probable that the ot'3.,.ra will
do likewise before long.
The Armenia, rapt. McCallum. is the first boat
leaving for St. !Louts. She is still recelvirig
frclillt, and wVtart out a. coon Al she receive.
th e Joyful halal men that the Ice gorge at Saint
Louts la brokeni,
Jac Wltklo. - 745
J. E Strickler 250
5 Lafferty 317
W. P. Logan ea
Duncan & Dunlap SO
. .
The America, pipt.floldhag. having nearly com
pleted her loading will leave for Nashville at an
early day in the present week.
The untsen, now commanded by Capt. Smith
s• 13, Is 3 epidly ailing up with freight for New Or
leans. and will leave fur that sunny region saloon
ss her load Is roinple3e.
The A rmadullUapt, sweeney, has her shingle
out for New Ur i an.
The Pine Oro Capt. Dan Marstta. will leave
to ut Thursday, for Cincinnati and Louisvi ll e,
taking.freigtit foe all Intermellate ports.
The Nevada, cam. Liana, has her sign oat for
St. Louis. She gore out in turn after the .4..rmeola,
cr a• the gorge Will detain them, they may both
go out totther. it
The Lent Leal and Go:den Era were advertised
to leave Cincinnati tor Pittsburgh on on Surer
day evening.
The Alice Dean srovhed both of Her ah , mueya
while peseta tinder the covingion bridge o Fri
day. The hingeal of one gave way, causing both
to fall. lianiate*looo.
W. E. DOnanaoa left Cincinnati on Fri
day to ao to Nate Albany to take charge of the
- • .
The A.I. treat over the Fells safely last Thurs.
day, lent, n.o.oooboahele of thaL There were It
feet of water on the falls at the time.
POSIT Ltsv.—Nayard, for Pukersburg, Nevada,
for St. Louis, dlrmenta, for St. Lout., Amens
for Netballle, Kate Putnam, for Loulavitte,Pthe
Grove, awaiting turn, Armsdibo, for New Or.
leans, FinaneicrAust in, W anal*, waiting torh,
Rorer, for Nashville . Florence, pals up, Delaware,
laid up, Sec mons, laid up.
The Salta Lords Democrat, of Friday, contains
the following
Furezte• Wkarnan—lce Soon—Neansega
Lam Ur.—The aver rose four inches, and was
yesterday stationary. There was a freeze ail day,
mitering the tee bridge wild, and capable of bear
ing the heavy tette snatch crossed. it is general.
1y believed that ere h.a been no rise in the up.
per hiluisalppi, ; the Missouri, the Illinois, the
Osage. the Gesell:Made or the Sangamon.
The Nclwaalia did well. She got an far up as the
Ilanols Packet Company , . wharf boat, hut was
then laid up in the middle of the river. Mtwara.
Illirphan and Brener concluded that It wee labor
lost to break tholes, when there is no outlet fora.
TLe Cloy of Alters will be prepared shout Satur
day to demolish the tee from Carondelot, and co
operating with the Nebraska will probably quick.
ly open the her Ixls, render It navigable by the fer
ry boats, and gate a vast amottnt of steamboat
property from Depending destruction.
TA, PAAMEEsBURG aryl all la-
Cc mediate porta.
114 altic.articel immense: steamer,
George D. Moore, Master.
very Monday and Thursday, at II o'clock x.
every Monday sad /hursday at 9 o'clock r. i.
every Tuesday and Friday, at 2 e.
every Tuesday and Friday, at A% o'clock r. X.
every Wednesday and Saturday at 2 a.. x.
For Cele% for passage apply on board or to
oen JAMES COLLINS kCO., Agents.
Zah)....SVLLL4S.—Tho tido new aces. POI
OR A.O a EL, Capt. U. E. Eval.L. trio teas Hoe toe
above dad all intermediate porta EVERY TOTel
l i iig h tt i ali b m A i. y. li a lt , arni . r!, team Rai:waving'
J. D. onuoNnironn, Amt.
SVIALE—Tbe light draught pm
.e.naer atcanka PINE DEO VE, Capt. Das, elan
ax ra, V 111 leave as above, on ICIIMISDAIC. Jan.
ath, at 4 p.
In) 3OIIN FLAux. 14" n"
putt .NASHVILLE.—The fine ga z i
light draught packet,
AIIIEBICA —••••••—.—Capt. GCMDISO.
will leave for the &boreal:id all LutenutaHata port
THIS DAY, the al 4 p. C.
For freight or passage apply on board or to
deed 3Cittit rtaus iag"ta
FOR ST. LOUIS.--The tine
light draught paninzer packet,
ARISEN rit. CAPT. L. O. NoOaLbory.
grill leave for the above and all ultermedlate posts
THI.4 DAY, at a o'clock r. X.
For frelAbt ol t r i a i ne L eze j tj or, board or t 0
dale J. coLLIA WOOD.tAgems•
3Bia;. 07 Wirth lEStreet.:
SS azicil 517 N• 121.112. 13troot.
SS gmci. 07 Sifth street.
the risme Where the , hig" ttJelt of Hre Goole
of almost every Clod, Boos., Shot and Gums of
every detcOptton, can atm%) • t e Lou 4. A com.
pampa et quo lay and prices to rcipectfalls so-
Ileum Call and ace
Mc e 11 Elam
Hap Cured thousand. of the tfi,...rro43A.
worst Cirri of BMW and
weedinglt WAS tm- itEsl
mediate renal and erect* a -
pet aliment OWE. Try It dl.•
teal,. ft 11 .artanted to sun. rod 0610 by a
Druggists at 60 cent* per bottle. •
B. E. SELLEEg t to„,
matted lAual.Esat.a hostrra.
RE pßypi3h
Land, thick /maniac %rtth .10 - zoo au 044 Can et
plennictsoll water mad fruit of aR kilobit/a
mianin , walk from Federal street Depot. Me.
lathy. Frovoire of the'subaerioer. ICA.
C Lil NE ANY OIL TOOL. WORSE, 32 and ell Okla
street. Allegheny..
osilakid ,•• • B. IL LEM.
1 , 2.' 4 0141# I{ V. 1. !, LO
e Yui k Iron Market
-I' f 4C, X
110 W TO (CBE IT,
win! i%r!
7= tPro z. tlz; el X...-I.zstcsry
Whil :Laboring. Uhitx that Disease
Alit) twig' als
Thri csz_vciarzalS,4l 1.7..JL..1
N: 1.) rye
t 4 EAT St CCI2...SS E. 71,
progromed graitaillyAnto the last siege
of Pulmonary Conine., Al Myra of
my recovery bolos diastpat;;,l, 1 was advised by
my physician. Lit, Parrtak, remove tato the
cOuntry. DlOM'catown, N. d., about I mtlea dia
tom, boa- my native plege. I was removed
thither, go,..,,yyteg two hid day. In the treasittos
lily father, and sal ha lac: {r had liven sod dud
Vatre—cal died cl Fvlnlonarol...brusvnynots. ern my
arrival at lilorrestowo I aide put to bed, where I
la, for many weeks ton hot was deemed a hops
leas condition. Lir. lhorator.wino lase teen my
lather's foe: kly fityal.ifaft, std ' mad mitten:el Um in
his Mat illuem on. sabod qua me. lie thou; eat
myeane beyond the roach toelletne, an/
decided ILI,/ must die, autv . gave me one week to
arrange my temporal affair* nod eeec my
fetidly . of roistimption,rd therefore CoMllu
.!cil Mot death from the eisigile which hail earned
all my kindred to &neje:man would elm/ take co
hole. In this apparently corolltloa,
lard of the Comedic. mbichl now main and anti
seemed to me that. I could ifsei them, aroth.thelol
their way, aml penetrating 7 .,, .11 , er nervet fibre sod
tivatic ni my etatem.
lily lungs and liver put onrd dew tuts
morbid mottlewhich had dig years nevi:tom/a:od
cod imitated the different of of the bap, was
candied; the inhere/at on r V, ripened sod I
cap, ctorated from my too mil= so a plat of
yellow surmise matter maentrof. do this
expectoration of mattel autaded.thafcTel abating
the pain lett me, the coughikeaked to narrow me,
and the exhausting meld teie p, r were no longer
known, and I hail retnnhfriftkile p, to which had
long been a stranger. Zilptip Me now began La
return, and at times I foundr. illnlcult to restrain
myself from eating too mtiv2i. With this retain
of health. I gained in etre:W.4i, and am now flashy
m now a healthy menorah s large heslee
host= in the middle lobetell that right lung and
he lower lobe kejattisedwilUt Domninte adhesion
of the plume. The /en ' lust Is sound, and the
tipper lobe ni the right one Tyln &tolerable healthy
eosilition.pinon a; test tanutbiras monism to oo an
neumble =Beale, oy every's:ins," pnvinattose as we
as Moss who were cunear t = In inethalne—trce
Melly such eases aa were retVaed to the condi Cho a
I was in. This induced 1110, , y people to bolter
ay recovery only saaapsiarye a nhw prepared and
save the medicine to imussumeklves for some time
and made many wondeam rides, anti the demand
Increased so rapidly rat lv,deternained to Oder
them to the public. aid deco% my undlvidedatten
Lion to hang diseases. to mmen. was neat to
arced to it, for people snail Sandler one tar and
star, to aswrtaM whether =eases Wen nee
mine. Hat log occasion to e, many Cale, Of
lung aliment,/ was promptat - to invent Umlaut tit
;tent tailed "Schemata Ifatpiromertor." which
materiaLty ambits me In Coating the various
stages of lune diseases
red nionyYdridd. entillteiltlen IMAM? pried:
pal office to rnuadelpida, / *eve bees....saing erg
ulcer Mete to New lore, Eoliton. litimor• ant
For several years past 1 bve made as many as
vs haunts, easininatldolls weekl with the "lies
t=tehtoat."n F
co on n r t li siu tt ch n
OD/em o s o n
mivnyed h
a e ri m is
frankly whether hew 1.11 ret , Walt.
tins of the greatest lunch/um /bare ;flail a
ttests abutted with lung Ott - ass, If to convince
them to &veld taking latinsolda. Many think if
they take my medicines they: should aura, no mat
ter how careless they:nay bedil that way. This II
• greet error, for It dye ociD.Lwill,
_resa ore: tea
many Cares which I have t•Ld from time to
time, they will fad that mm.:4 of m ware terra
of portions who wet e etaallighHi to Quiz beds sal
conic! not Saks cold, end by fill ul and/Aare
f gold the lunge were named« Phyttitiniis
heir patients to go out altfil& the nem sir.
but do they cure by so doinel Letthe hundreds '
of ctal u a consumption • in every city answer
the gum .
-1 won rather flak patliskt In a tight, llt9 von.
(hated fOOM, that let thealgo out and tale
slight slid. hlany woo hide be= eared by my
medieineasthen the absticsadOrote. were so elide
site, that one could hudlygtonisin In the toot%
and yet they got weilwithontialjXware tin the Olen
The great reunite why pemslaimis do m ull; n
consumptiim tha t. they Kit =do
th i gh glve . tneett bi l u i
. 4c=lßg a b o y ug s g
derange the whole Cditeemerrsystem,
the sem cocas, eventuatly battens dies.
What I do is to Pim make-Wcarefulemunthatu a
with hay Relpirtila cur, auchal dad hinge ea :it.
left, I direct the patient hoefiiitil use the three
edicts, and thus dire WM. Moose very well Ws
It la um cambia to make navel-Maga or even teen
she poition that is desuoybd. bat I know at ire
ame [lota that e mitts& to the lump cud avocet
lons In the larryx atul bftehtsl tubes can,be
cued, =limn gran eases isaeoroo by the prope r
sa of Schenck.. “Ptilmonlq-d*lrup,” aid fddgazi
rake rids." thee adit - dying daily net
It Ul a great mutate sanciuslit among many Intel.
tient , plirromi, LI at there a. - t , bedlcinerwhich w ill
purify the bloos. When tlldood Is diseased if
amulet to ptiriel,di i. teen - Marne es otkerdi
seine matter In the system a 11l hale to be ear.
tien out of the system by tUe organ& whlrh
=rotated for [bat purpose And pool:teal bv new.
blood, which eau be had by Initsaving the nutritiv
finsetimui and setting the digestive apparatus la
50°""I'j g "der. 'lluizic6'44ll"r4" coneys
once NEM to a healthrikondltion thawilM
abundance - of good. stouni4lag food Will male
new hloodwhlcn willpuanonult ways= t
the place of rani which Is' 41Aasettoutl taw sa p
lv the wait df the bode._ ~it•
The Pomo no. Minor e 0 of the molt eines'
able medicines known. Bla /soda-emit, powertelly
aniciazul hailing in Itself. -V, Isreadily cligesW
and alworbed Into the blooto which Itlmpette
ha healing yrotertles. I knelt no medicine Mat
hes done or cart do as muchto rebuild, wors-uni
and hrokewdocra canditias nt the system. •
Salaam s *wawa= 'I Man is elstllled /tam
seaweed, conNites with of hertonlo ani &natal ire
toot, and ben e. la man Autztneru to taste a.
deeidedly etre met aiedielnel - -!havitre•perwee for
tonic efeat, it Ickes; the teatt-le disastrous milts
analog from s Isabella stimn , in ta." TLe Bestivel
Tante prodnas lasting raid e, thonanghly
Orating the sloassh and dileddre notes/. • od
enabling It ta elindleste ;ow& nuke loin neat- .y
blood, the Sofa Rita may ho need fa' that rm.
you. It. is ;Ay mutate/ ll:V it ro4am ale Ise
glees full wile • hes - . end a =Wick .
it taken bola, gin tow to the
stomach White Saw toedlei•ef . stouett . - Le point of •
dans. -
Tina awnsaits.Prtan maysetaken with coats
gaiety by all ism, and conditlpe, proc uses— g all the
good results .t can be oleained from calomel on
any of the siteurial inedle and without any
of their horn • ma fhel - . carte out ut th e
system of that Ws and erital Yu?. inat Ceti 'Dotson /
and Much es by my Seam eVronis and Polosocti t
glass full Vat Deseen [tut Q 1 curesof sny Medi •
oatsate newer/ In most 313§411.0 COM VOCI4II3p
Lion; and, to feat, my large enerienra enable, ma
to decide any they ante core,. mere CUP of tan:
aisme th.r. that comb/est/MA of mellans knowa
In tW various editions at Pah . irthlete I hare
listed slaty of the moat a tmicrfal mute of etie
a. °nary Consumption on reOrd. Persons, inter
with both lump ablated, someUmes large cavities
In OE@ tang, healed over by ca)...raialleinee. are now
riving and enloyiag excetheariesith. I will sive
• few cues and select ahem lam auiena Cl
the multi IN so that those w h o wish may vout at
write to them for more pent tow laforns:inz.
/Mir. Rawl lilornall, a =Witte of high repute
lathe city of flostom and wgii known over, the
United States as a man of grant ohiuly, maims 4
by. Wane' 'my tarmsfse atter4il ether treatments
out lie has often twee wt king to me with
mord to Umtata. to his esse,,4All,aiways answer sr
"rem the man." A fall staista 4at of hie bus
may be seen in my parophial, hie had prof us
hemorrhage .t( the lung, aft* Was vary mesh: .
emaciated. •
• &ants par, Armen Mint =gear Petnizrq,
Coning manly, 0.4f0. war am shadow q;Poteree up
Cotramintes, t o
was Wird) mai endy sied.ktne.‘
Hs is well bum to Mal rosnalLatry, au ton Rs
meansg Ladaringa creed sum poisons la MUM lob t
aese rudely, .and WM tin - .4stweem. Zits Nate
0.,24 be ec•vms end alter baUla firer., =Chan
Pen enapdgenCadir. Kryser,blo irfod surd, Pigs, bury,'
Yfilliain Alexander. of Tirtsburgh, pa,. l
Mired of a very bad ease of h./specials and tsl4
Complaint by the Seaweed - I - OMo and SLandialre
Mrs. Jam, Barter, of WV i etell My, was
cured of a bat ease of B.Yni tout lame. e•
plated, She tr na aaed law:l,A Leaner oontpit
ceorrety Is ver9 remarkable,:
Ma. /Indents 'Jalisco wt 'of Cast. Johns:to,
now resitting at No. 12 W. Th•Vtli stream. WLWIUMIN
bait, N. Y. was eared of Ftidmoaary . Ooasaml.
f d and Is now as heard liztelillsdrescal be
- Peter Styker Beekman, 21•••Y.,'
was another ream table eure4al ruhadtuult.
somptton. tits en Lb:instal, 4tantad by Idastnt SY
roan and other Well knows
SCIIENGIUS prim:l'o.l_o29o Is at. Bra. •
Zioz La Sixth Surct, cot= sif Oammena, P.stis •
eelphis, whets au cram Mu be e.itlreasad,
min be Munn there. Fn ten4ol- - 1/ 1 7k ENZiI; tt&r.
10, 110 Wood Mao,pusburgb,
'nos. 4rautoorikr eqr.._fct tleaaitiK
I • rNi Killittath