The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1863-1866, December 30, 1865, Image 2

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    aim Vitisbutgh Grauttt.
t E ntrous.
i''o.llco23eilm rISI
SAT,UBD.I.y. DECEMBER 30, 18811
JOlllll AIeCAIIGO, Ann IV ard
11'lLLIAM LIU] ITAU )1, 61.1 i Ward
Not Ice to Advertlaeria—Nottee is hereby
gn cn that hereafter all -masteries r advertisements
tees - lead at this othaf must be pall for when hand
ed It, etrapt in the ease of yearly advertisers,
taloa° bill. will be rendered quarterly, as
d%.tilicts will please make a note of nut, as
the stile of malt payments for advertisements of
the ammeter stated will, from this day forward,
re 1:L1121[01y eeforeed.
3 he prise or our Morning and Ere storElitions
is 3 11.1tEE CENTS at the counter or float news.
1..0v5. Served tor mutter, at 13 cents per week.
In accordance with the Constltntion.the
Legislature, will convene in the capitol" at
Bairlaburg, on Tuesday next.
"tithe Senate the Unionists will certaia-
WAIT a majority of Seven, which may be
Increased by the unseating of. Dascati,
from the Franklin district in favor of Mc.
CONDI:IONY. This would make the Union
majority nine. I 1 15 cascaded that Mr.
.Futaturso, of Dauphin county, will he cho
sen Speaker, and that lIAMERSLEY wilt re
tain his pos'ition as Clerk.
;Maven new Senators will take their seats.
CM these seven have been members of the
Senate before. CONNELL, GRAEAE, RIDO.
wait; and-Wer.nscur. have been reelected
to fill vacancies occasioned by the expire
lion of their respective terms. Of these
•Wrentaczni . -the only democrat. GLATB,
LANDON and Warts have served in the
body heretofore, but not last 3 ear. 01
these GLATZ Is the only .damocrat. Leer.
Dori has been * out three years, TEnnua.., of
Susquehanna county, late Speaker, having
bOld the . seat. LANDON* on the whole,
gduch the ablest man in the Bradford the.
telpt. WRITE has been out two years,
"laving been captured by the rebels, and
xetained as a prisoner of war. Dr. ST.-
CLAlRfilled the vacancy. GLATZ has been
out:one year." Snotastsasm, COWLES, Duer
VAN and Biotic& have never been In leftis
latiVesersice before. Snosmaxes was the
- competitor. of young WOODWARD, in the
Lucerne district, ani made an unexpected
success. Ile is a man of sterling qulities,
and will add to the intellectual strength of
'Milan side.
In the Bowe there will certainly Abe a
Union majority of thirty•two. The dents
loreof four contested sesta may increase
theSe titans. Of the whole one hundred
=embers flfty-six served in the last Lees.
'attire, and three others in former Legisla
tures- Davis, who now comes from Phil
adelphia, formerly represented Venango
is quite unusual to find so many old
members returned to the popular branch.
Ibis an indication of increasing wisdom
on tee part of the people.
For the Speakerahip there will be an am
icable contest.
.It now looks as though
ttid choice will settle on Mr. KELLEY, of
'Washingtontounty. Probably Mr. Beek•
INCT will retain the position of elem.
. Ville the new bodies have some advan
tage over former ones in experience, in
point of general ability there has not been
a considerable accession. Still, in this lat
ter, particular, the two Houses are folly up
to the termer average.
' Ihe cession bids fair to be one of e ocite.
recut, particularly In respect to rallioad
- The Governor Is not expected to be at
'7 bonne at the - opening of the session. A
few daysof .he session will probably elapse
Cy before his return. But It Is supposed his
, annual message Is prepared, and will be
inks( nted in his name Lathe usual time by
the Secretary of State.
Newspapers from the South are filled
st ill rumors to the effect that the blacks are
coirepiring an insurrection, more or less
general, against the white population. Up
on these reports we do not place much re.
lance. / All through the war the blacks ex.
bibited a marvellous doeihty. This was
not because they were ignorant of the na
ture of the struggle, or of the stake they
had in it. Wherever our Carets penetrated
fire negroes were (mind lo be comparatively •
inielllgent on these points. Whatever
,wignenessrested on their minds touching
collateral matters, they were universally
impresied with the conviction that their
fate was bound up with the final issue of
rho war. Yet there was no turbulence
.among them. They wrought on rebel for
tifications; raised provisions to supply the
rebel armies, and waited trustingly for the
great delivereace to come
What caused horrible massacre of
the whites In St. Domingo fifty odd yes s
ago ? An attempt On the part ol the white s
after the blacks/tad been liberated, to re
duce them again to slavery. The instance
affords an impressive warning to the Shuth.
tern people. The blacks of the South are
tree bY due process of law. What the swo:d
achieved for them as &military necesity has
been ratified by the action of Congress
and the Slates. No !plea of illegality or
trrt gularity can be raised.
A disposition is manifested at the South,
sot, indeed, again crush the bl.cka i n t o
absolute Slavery; but tx force then to ac
firept.SpOsition whtch involves all its dis
advantages of servitude with none of Its I
compergations. With the indulgence or
this disposition a consciousness of impend.
,tag diriger Is begotten ; and well it may be
feguanot unreasonable that this eulps.
Lie scheme cannot be consummatel with
tat scenes at which humanity must revolt.
!the blacks are human beings. They have
WI the Instincts end passions that pertain to
any other race. They have tasted of Lib
erty, and will not tamely submit to have It
wrenched from their grasp.
What produced the recent outbreak in
Jamaica? The utter misery and wretched
ness to which the blacks were reduced.
Iheinla a point beyond which human na
tore will not endure. The whites in that
Island attempted by unfair legislation to ag
grandise themselves at the expense of the
blacks. For a long time the oppression
was submitted to, but at last the explosion
• The blacks number four million 801111.
.They know, perhaps Imperfectly, what
rights they have. Doubtless they have re•
solved to maintain them. What, then, is
the path of wisdom and safety for the
whites. Barely to treat the frepmeu lion
Italy; neither to devise nor to permit any
tinjustlegislatitm imperil' ng their welfare;
to extend to them encouragement to be in-
VJustr i lousand thrifty; attd to aid them in
scsuftingitimwiedge and self.reso2cL Such
it Cadge will plant friendship between the
IWO rues productive dtincelculable bate.
to Loth;
General SCERMAN recently made a speech
to a State Conventidb in Arkansas, replete
with good sense and sound advise, but con
taining come very unpalatable truths As
for Ins'ance: You think you have nit all
the rights you are entitled to, yet y.ra non
have more rights and privileges under ex
istingcircumstances than you wauld harp
in any civilzed country except America.
-Had yuu done as you did this land, un
der the I loody flag of (treat Britain or the
tri- color of France, many of you would
not be here, and you would not nave been
permitted to assemble as you arc now as
:eh:bled, and talk over political questions
and rights." It was unkind in the General
to remind these men that they deserved
the halter and aou'd hale got it under soy
other government. This Is the era of good
feelings. It Is politically fashionable now
to say "let bygone. be bygones," and
EnE3I.3IAN will find himself set down as a
fanatic and radical if ho persists In these
unpleasant reminders to our South rn
TILE POlllsnill Adrertwr, like most cop
perhead organs, is miserable. It would n - s t
know irsef If it should fall into a c3aaf.rrt
able condition. Its present misery is caul.
ed by the fact that pe,vie still talk abut
the black Man. In COng,ress, in the news
papers, in the straeta—everywhere, the
talk is kept up. It thought that when Sla.
very was abolished thits.. talk would subside.
Its 'continuance is intolerable. Well; let
as make a suggestion Let Our contempo
rary set an example of th: reticence it pro
fesses to admire.. Something will then be
done to slop the offence of which tt cam
plains. So Tong as It will not obese from
discussing the negro, It cannot expect oth
er parties, equally loquacious to suspend.
THE necessity of some change In the basis of
represontation in Congress Is shown by the fol
lowing facts: If the whites only are to vote
the North moat insist upciu It that the whites
only shatl be counted in the btals of represen
tation. Under the preient ratio of appirtlm
meat New Hampshire has three R.:presentative
in Congress, her white population being $3:15,•
000 ; while Louisiana, with a whale population
of 357.000, should have five Representatives.
Georgia, with ,501,000 white people, sill' have
seven Representatives ; while Maine, with 025,-
003, has only five. Alabama, : with .5241,(100
white ieople. has eta Representatives ; the same
number as Wisconsin. whose white pcpulmin
la 779,00; and Michigan, whose white popula
tion la 742,000. Illssisaippi, with 253 : 000 white
people, will have Hve Representatives ; the same
as New dreary, with 896,000.
TIM following examination of a deft:met bank
ertn Cir.einnatl shows to what extent the bank
leg busintas can be
... carried on on "borrowed
capital," or. is mien Words, on the dep , sits of
those who take no pains to ascertain the stabili
ty of a concern with which they trust their
toads. The banker, In the coarse of his MIMI
nation, said :
' , l have been in the banklec bolnear since
Ders . mber, 1654; 1 first entered the !rosiness
with between ten a•d t wenty thousand donn a
'borrowed capital ;' 1 nod no money of my own
Invested in the busincea ; the *borrowed capital'
was in the nature of depos'ts by several pa-ties;
do not knew what amount of capital 1 bad In•
venter/ in the business In 1660, or from tha:Ums
to 1865; I do not know whether my assets were
treater than my liabilities at any time between
1660 and 1865; I never balanced my own books,
the bookkeeper did It; I never examined my
own books, except in a general way; I never
asked lot a s'atement from my bookkeeper of the
eoneit/on of my Lorene,/ ; I learrred oh. , condi
tion of my affairs to September, 1965, by the ex
cersire losses I bad made in the parchare, of
god and etc. ks, the amenot of my /oases in dry
gold and work op:est:was was between three
and four hundred Wooster/I dollars; In my ope
rations 1 used the m cloy of others' as well as
my own ; I co net know bow narten of my own
money 1 loud in these operations."
SENATOR SAE , LSOCItk or n,i.wa-e, tti a recent
ep,ech, intimated that the President had .2:001)
Et,' to the Dethocralte parse. The New Yore
Tor id It iuks this ecarter n( stallah the mater
Is;at,d • !cut J,JI-1•4,1N,
of do the Democratic remnant 110 goof. I
may In "tte wish is father to the thoii4ht."
T.hc follcu.lng extract of a letter front lather&
Etionaz has a ditirent
•'lt le erat Vying to know—and I can state ibis
1, good antbority---that 'by 111 fordr
t f a very important ameridmer.i cn th e co n atitn_
lion. which to already he the tw If 'lane or
ecnn-rins. It le the amend= it making the
onmr er 01 . Trltel. the na.•is ur mores SuL•'.ll..lo. It
onglat to be tali, n np are• the till.
Ida,., Pit c,cl and subni led to thediffrrent Leg
oilaiurea for ratincation. Wit aiever may be
thoug.b.t of the tru,y upnn which thin araned
me ni rFrts, preClical H ltet npin the
of the mint cllticnt problem before tit can
hardly be pinetioned, and in the course of lime
It may be lonnd that Oil* baste many dlf
ferer.cen of opinion an nag thonn who ought to
go together can lie reconciled."
love the late reply of the Secretary of War to
a resolution of Co: geese it appears that (i rem:-
cur 11 , ,Iden, of N. C., Jot:hews, of Gxs.,
and tier. Per: y, of S, C., neither of whom could
tame the tout oath, have been peid out of the
Contingent Fund of the War Dspersment, at
the rate of 10,000 a sear. contrary to the pro
visions of the act of dais 2, 1562., which says
"Tint hercalter every person elected or ap
pointed to dbe Akre of honor or profit under the
Government of the ['tilted States, either In the
cir.l, military or naval department of the pub
lic service, excepting the President of the Uni
ted States, shall, before enterina upon the du
ties of Ma tffice, and before belcg entitled to
soy of the salary or other emolumeute thereof,
take and rube tribe the) following oath or afar
a anon."
The oath here ref rrrd to is the celebrated
"test oath," and WS thither of the gentlement
turned c• old take It, they hare been paid in kl
olatien cf the Is w.
TWO C ASES.—Provialonal uhvernor Sharkey,
ofsliisabsippl, is In Washington, w,th a large
following of reconstructed rebels, alt, of whom
are lionized rod made much o'. On the other
hand. one of the Richmond Going men, who
reacted Col. Dablgreo's body from the II •nts
nho had derecrattd and mutilated I:. and who
hut - Ind It in hid garden until our forces cap tired
Richmond, is also in Washington, dutitute•
w.thcnt money to buy a meal or pay fora brig,
ng. redseccted at home by rebels, he is thr,vn
into the shade at tto Carital of the US:11011 by
these who did their best to overthrow it.
TEE President Is reported, by a correspond . '"
of the Chicago Tribune, to bare orders] certain
finds of DEWILY 110116 "to make no further
appointments to the recommendations of Niem•
hers of Congress at present." The New York
ilorfd sass this Is construed to mean that the
wingort of tho Executive policy of reconstruc
tion's to be hereafter the mice of patronage.
Nisliva.u.—Adyleea from Nashville say that
there has t•en a marked diminution ht the
amount al crita. committed in this elly and vi
cinity. Teta Is o.og, donbtlesa, to the more
police aje•Ova which hap been organ.
fired. ard the delortainaton to visit the heavitot
Penalties of the law aeon tenders.
AN Incorporated company hut Just been or
ganized at Cheater, In this State, fa the mono
facture of Iron and steel by the Besse - um,. pro
cess. The aubacribens to the etock of the new
maunfacturtag organization ere all .proatheet
and wealthy citizens of Pensaylvanla.
the Opern House in Chicago at a cost of
$500,000, and failed, appears to have been
dabbling lu other speculations as welL The
Republican Bays he lost one or two hundred
thousands in wool and wheat.
Wz am Indebted to the publishers of the
Family Treasure for copy of the January
number. It Isla very commendable publi
cation. Published in this oity by Ray. Dr.
hiantiNE . T, at $2 per annum.
mina Is talk of a new Reptiblinsa daily news
paper In Ilarrishurg, and Col. A. li. McCtrne's
tisane is car nectsd with the editorship of
possesses pare talents and altainmeota
for sditorial service.
C.O..DIEE Ai. 1G Ews
"Tug. FINA TiTz Ernors —Ti
Ttrn Wl' 1:0 It CO WOO of
1, .s
at :Ida 1201Stett 0 pot itts:le.t..nit. Wi h
,c Tao I lecept:,,, every net, .p a , c
pc. Irc
II oil,' r• - • , y r alooa I boy
d a r Pt, 11
lam •,o mp.ett pahOt ta , a". Th bor.
TWO era, pentlatrlng the p they h ,e not
a want ed, keep up toe rate or ietere.t.
ciao. tI: )' trad,:, retard the pro -rib
tit ea aid ,I.treette th eon 'itieta of the
The .metal w h.elt would have been
tevoted produrti le end tie Improve
!Pert of 'he prate r I the Ind., rte.. cletite is
V. c.7r as C.1.,,t - aNic.—Tne foilowinz 14 gl ~-
ae a f d epiclmen of riestwo elo.idenc, OLd
is Elre,7e cram; aaei to Araariea 1
N , wl err. Tntv cell Foelwd tan cal/wenn of
the tea. But what mhkea the ton The 1.1
t i mak, a .1. and al. we've co . - d Is to
the Lore tte Slntamoth Cave.
and the Englls,h navy girt be (laundering la the
PI We learn from an entirely well informed source
at Washirgion, that all the banks and does•
menu lett Canada by Jamb Thompson. the
[licit active and &besed of all the retool en:Lissa-
I fee In that prostate, contain"..g his rorre.pon
dente, documents and account , a, showing the
dui or t 0 n the , el,l lands In his hinds, have
been actor, d, at d a: e now to the ouescs-ion of
the Gen- lieu: nt eott.o nie.s . at Si ashington.—
heiront TroWsple. -
riZCONCILIATION of for F omeror of the F:ene h
and his ,nroin, tic rt lure Napoli-in, II one of
the catty pr: bar ii tiel ; -The prince has rit - .en
a very filindly. I tier td M. Reuher about gene
ral polities, apdaayin‘• nothing of Chat unhappy
speech at ..!.)See4OQ all
, Jorstea, which caused a
tutlr.utlie; sod all erchsoge of affectionate
°CU ra ha. taken place between thwEraprtas and
he Fri: etre CI, tide .
THE )•arty In Spain tot at favorable to the war
against Chill Is that of attsf.utist end clerical
prlnelpics. The tonapatmet of thts party ( or
ectdmg to the /mono! cle, Daset,) against the
temablics of South America are much the same
as Lamm t e's against the LTnited States. The
Chiliana ate “proad,• brutal, oemagogle, and,
0t.r,0 than all, unatatcfal to Spain, who bas
aught them to iiIiIOW the true God, sod the hen
fits of risilluation."
Tot beet inga• mantfactory at Chatsworth.
I illtois, is in toll blast, and promises to be sue-
Tne company is called "The Germania
Beet Company." They own five o- six sections
of lane, and intend going into the manufacture
of engur nert season on a gigantic scale. They
have scut to Germany for torso hundred mo
cha:tics and laborers, and Intend t, operate
next season vebh eighty teams of mule..
IN 1851 there were In London. 1097 churches,
with sittings for 698 549 persens. le 1805 there
are 1816 chart hes with !sittings for 917 895 per
sons, an or, etwe of 219 churches ■nd 210,340
Flttlnce In 1661 the copulation - of London way
2,162,236, In 1 605 It Is t stimated by the ICeg.
Icier 'General to be 3,015,494, an itcr:asc of.
653,5a9 p:rsen..
ALI Bar wassmong the guest. at Curopeigne,
and chile In conversation with the Empress,
tr. entioni d as among the inttrmting romances
he bed of fate been reading, the letter written
by the Emperor on tte atfalrs of A.gerla. Na
161. or, who stood by, laughed heartily at the
1-attn. acl Ii .Quo[.
Is Gei many, when a man ia onspeeted of tiring
bin pripeity, and no evidence t bound agaltet
him he Is paid, but his name is Orem to all
other InEnratee companies, and from that time
be can never have his propert r insared again—
he la a Cain to the insurance compahies tire. y•
body suspects bun.
Is the action of the Union National Bank en.
Morin Ketchum & CO., at New 1 urk, for Ult.
recut, 1 - 1 of two hundred and fifty thonsaud
(10115... on a ch. cif hisnyd by the gem of firs
ham i Co., the Jury, by the dirivilan of Judgi
butt,. e laud. brolaaht in a verdict we plaintiff for
t,6,720 47.
A v*' wh, Led recovered the remrrat of bit
I rotb, from a battle-lteld ore , l'etersbar;b,
tit Mug i hat calla. Ka/ transporta . taa
gate If pos, the DoLea if. nL Calllert.dA
at O to tutlo. them Dome-
A non wind which merAlled In Qrterm's
mulatAt 4 llclanC, a short time since, be • the
the. No the cottage of one Patrick Idurobv,
to him a horn tilled with 4 000
Ref.:tees-that reverM Spantsh dollars.
A trrnz five-tear old boy who wm missed
from • email tows In Moots:el, last °motor. IL
sow at pears, was carried otf by sn eagle.
Ilia boats have been toned on an island In
liaer node first-. Jlllll the river fur each a story.
A Cotorcrictrr man Is wishing tittonitt ch•
pa eel (Clare a nor maculae fur tosanflC• uric!
tar coffer: be.ry odt of et•tur, so that the 014
plan '-buy your coffee and grind It you ter•es,"
wth nc t sesure Its pipits hens? ter.
AT a public ball la Vienna as offbar ba:aaie
tact:. , Ile the trinnline of hi. paric.r, and
Ihnk, broke one of I, ler.. the la_ty na:
Cr hied In her turn Inn no the utte- It^,t, and
ecanred It tikele Is.
TIM I.llr of congress forbidding the Imp 'ris
n of wale Isom korcyla CollOtricA, psssed ID
rem t the Intrndu , ti" "r the
n't d ty , AM•dtall dealers, OLD of
who e rources (1 prctit la the elly cut off.
Tun CLicaeo prop , a are talc ,tirO. Iwu lin
gel• of a u. bi'f Laud came through a hydrant
,•n Lake stint on Tu sda r, and no .dy allows
tac on Inal cant,
Ficsr-Dmemo' savings banks have bten estab
shed ac it ehmond, Cbsr:rst
13 steno., dava, 12 %11. Mibcic, New tfr lesua,
Vicksburg, kini.tanlle, tiLahva:e, M.cmpt,is and
1.0.11 t
Lie Inauguration as ■ member n' the !ter
cets' Company, the Prism of Wal-e had to
mete oath "not to take or have any rprenlAce"
without the 11.1113c110n of the Warden
A PrcrbSW , mount rela the whole of nine
¢OOO .ulprl,outrieLL at petal. for murdering
a rock. What It toe cook had killed the clout.
Pll T 19611) MG If IIAZITTVEA' eW-
1 t or stockholders war oe held on the FIRST
THl'lletPA reter ~r JANUARY, ItNe, at 10
o'eloo•, m, al the Cala Err E RooM.S.
oelltr.tatodtri S. 150/10Y ER, JO, Clerk.
FIRST 41:111.111WELCS Ale
Laminar Urrr, FKLIELSIO/1 HALL,
corner of Federal and Latock *Meta. Puter,
JuSEPiI KING. Service* at to% a In. and 1
4. ca. Prayer Meetton on WEDNPM' JAY EVKIII.
LNG. The nubile aro cenitelly invited to attend-
CIATION mill hereafter hold their church gamma
fn MASONIU HALL. on FlllO street. Preaching
by the Putor, Bee. JAAIES B. VICKERsON,
every LORD'S DAY at 101* and 7dai. Sunday
School at oo'clock P. r. Stesngert Loti the public
are connalig invited to attend. Seat* Lea.
- -
1111. N.—The Clothe ttepubtleati \ uteri of
the City at Atte:teeny, ate requested to useable
at their uacmi places of boiling to their
W arc. nut rsce,ncts teIIPOOLIV .Iy, oo
I.A December Huth, 1546. between the Smuts of
IkJ nit oho SEY EN o'clock. r r., sod vote hy
taut.[. 50 nominate A MAYOR, 131.111:0 run LW
'IHE piton and WAKE/ UrfIOKUS.
The 'tinter. holuing salt iiieettson are lastrucled
to confine the vottms to the Union liesionnoss
voter The folloarsos treolut the Wu also p Urea:
Restgrrd That each candidate for al vf or sad
City officer* notify the tihatrostin of the Exact,.
lire Committee on or Deform theithd but of their
fettllogners Lo abide be the homlnattah, and those
Minos to comply with Oh resolution, their votes
steal not be counted.
.I{oSlestl FLING, Mein:nen.
San. Haan son. Secretory.
—The lolioartori earoitilatea hector! compiled With
the lellettitliln sou Walt of the Es.eauuve Com
mittee. I therefore notify the °Meer. h0141.X amid
c/ectl te. to be told on //recoil:4"r 30th., drat.. to
taunt the totes polled for said candl /ate. teepret
ety, And to exclude all others, via.: For Mayor—
UHAW. By order of
CD►lr'n Union E►eautiVe Committee
8e Josento s, Seeretety. 48213aLlabc
A vrts ran of the war of 161 . .:, will be • Oscillate
Pitt th . bl .ghl4l, oa, 13•
1e ocloPmifn gt n e e l ection, sal drespect
fully solicits the votes of the Mites. of SO•
dee/9 1131 ARD.
WM bee cendidate for re- , lee , lon to the Mayor.
any of A Detheny City, sohject to the vote of the
9409111L/99 1 011 thectlon, to be Mid to the several
were. of the city. on SATURDAY EXT. the
eGth Inst., between the home of 9 end o'clock.
vErFOU. DiAlrOlt.
LIVc of the 116th P. V. will he CAnd .141.0 for
Plsvor 01 Allegheny Oily. au..joat to the Union
orrus MAYOR
Of the Third herd, A LI.VIIIENY, will he a can
&oat. ier Mayo., aurJeat to a veto 01 the Union
otex. m Aneatteal 1;1 , 4, at tae eq,ntlias primary
eerie. ao9:to
Ihe Union voters uf the Second Ward
wl.l meet at the 11.1.;1iL1t7 tittritrOL USE, on
SA . , kUA y, the girth instant, between the hours
of 46V. It and eight o'clock P. N., f r the 111.1t00ee
of n ....ling candidates for Conceits ace W•ri
t Items.
by order of the Committee. deTa
r''''ivt"i':ißl4l in Err .
gri,44.fhe... ,, ncsens
of the
Ward will bull n Primary Meeting to NOM.
Nal is WALD fir1"0:1.110, at the SOrsOul.
nu I It! Y 1.1., between a ant
.1/ ck. r u, NT ONC! 01
W it NTED— tia LL YT GIRLS--tieveral
• Ballet 011/, wonted to travel tne
ZAN, Enculfewt ST 1 , IN It'
li L. 1.. ern ltd e
WANTED—TIiiE. uR leuk, It liOuD
ARPIERIIu CAHHY TUC xtuttrill•tal
llAr.k. I Apply at 1 111. Y. OFFICE leorowll
- a-r - tf
TED-11111 IiOULM ciAL &BMA. ti
AfeTtl) IN A PHILADET ELIA .1 , ari•
ril ra • ItuLt• Eat Wage raise °ulnae.. I o on.
die char ae n .11 tl Moe lin
13; una., Itade. Aberaetertn• alp] he nal
ph reference, box oNt LI LHOII AN .1
Philndatpaln y 1 dirt& I O."
I% ' A :el La —A Yu rcLnner tor over
Eli Akin G 0 111 LAN ii to
low*, or so richeekge
for cry properly. The 1a...1
ha In liatulltonalkgonty, sojolotag W enter 1:1 . )
loom. Tae owner ono he aeon at the (inZba'r.;
unite• eat" day. al otn 10 A. Y until kr. n.
- - -
Atil E1)—$1400 PER YE&R . —We
act saints every is here to sell our it cit.,-
no Pr , Clawing Pilactilnes. Three new {made, lin•
der a nd tipple feed. Warranted nye year. Shore
aviary or large commiseions paid. 'the oatr
arse sold int:tilted hates for Isis than $4O, which
are fully Urrared by How. Wluelor 4- Wilson. Grosso
4- hoLer , Obeyer 4 . Co. and Buchelder. nil other
cheap machine. are lc/range/accts. i'irmilbra free,
lideaeas, of a// upon Chow b. Clerk, Licklsiond,
Maine, or at No, E 23 proadway, New York; No.
No. 22 d Carter air. et. Philadelphia. Pa No II
Lomterni Block. Chicago, ; Nu, Flo West ate
nnati, u., on No. S i.liculding's Ezra/wage,
banal°, N. Y. esti tteixisrho.
A i Ili: A NTE —A(ItINT'd FUH - TUB
r SEChET ShlltYler.. :LE FIELD, THIS
I/ lirottanDeow, Ne, York. Tribnee Corr...pond
cot. The most Intetesting and caoltiog boob eve?
published, embracMig file. Eicharoso,. unparali
tared experience for four yeah., traveling through
South in the secret service of the Th - sbucs
It toe outbreak 'of the war, with our artnica sod
tests, both not and West, during the ltd t wo
year. of the Rebellion; Los thnlling capture; hi.
0 0. 6 . 1, 1 0 10.01 n for 21 1 010111C1L1111a 110V111 difletent rebel
prisons; his esospe and almost miraculous journey
by mght of nearly 1100 miles. it will abound to
stirring events, and contain mon of the fact, MM.
lent and romange of the war than any other work
yet published.
Teachers, Wren, energetic, young men, and moo
Milli returned one disabled Masers and soldier ,
te want of protttable employment, trill dad tt pe.
r..alarly wanted td their condition. We have
ascots clearing 5110 per month, whieh ere will
prove to any doubting applicant. Send for circa
lara. Address, JONLS. BROS. Is CU., •
N. E. corner hist/ and humor streets,
je2lllindawr Philadelphia Pa.
TV fitE. I 4 I. F& D R — EIk 9 R }: N .N ETA . O — L EL M Eja t A j Zir -
ALL urhEits.--aress. Sale of Jewelry, Silvet
ware, se., eo The 1-1/..111L5011 CO.'S Ones?
Gll7 DlOlllBlO L-1-1011. Our agents are making from
Five to Thirty dultare per oar, and we need .1111
mote. Late invoices from Europe have swelled
our stock to over One Million Dollars. ,k splen
did omortment of bratcLe., Ring., Ladle.' and
Clentlemen's Jewelry of all of rte most fast..
losable patterns, &Milne at El each Seta :Sec et.
/or otruncaus, and you will see what you an en•
titled to; or lend $1 lot bee mrtulleatts, or 55 for
thirty; o: send a three cent stamp for our terms to
agents, whist, are of the co at liberal kind. Now
is your time. Writs plainly your Name, i.. 11 p.
llounty and State to 11•111.LT011 I Co., Boa CMS,
P. U.. New York. nalearoom; la Liberty acre rr
Now York. nogutm
FOB SALE—Una two story Brick Howse.
with eight looms. Inflated gatret and g rod eel.
tsLlltule on huddle Alt. • In the fiesood War.l,
neat the olarket Lot, Al:egheny, go try 1.0 feel,
all In good order. Also, one small four roomed
state Bonne to idaneheslar. The above nooses
and Lots out Os sold cheap Engulf , . of
tuft SALE.—Io consegoence of Mat lobed
11l bert_th and of sloes application to [ for
rt. : tents] cf over thirty )ears, I now offer for 6.2
the MA .11 WILL, AND Fl'll7llE9 of
my DRUG EtUel h ESN. In Um town of NALEBI,
Lolumblecte “tunt,i, Uhto. Competent Druselets
are In attendance, whose services may he stewed.
Tbts bootee., has been constantay on the loom..
ter upwards of twenty yeah—groll/Ing with the
glow in of the place; nes protect Itself res.onahly
utltabLe t sod who ea e5...W.411d custom Is eer
teinly a destraole opportunity rot exty person
shawls to r agate in bust L.C141.
de:Bastille ALFRED wiLionr._.
ATI LIMY Bre - rhos. The lintel Sterol et
outlet feud!. Last of Yttuaburgh, on Palatines-
Ala Central Kaltroul. Alt Melva% ureic men out
eon memo .top tor maul. the nonea Inrge
p•trouttee. Health ot the prOrnielet Will mot
permit ettendeuce to banshee. Apply or aeldrose
NV 31. Fttlal, U., e rttf.t. , c'n.d
county, Pa. del:tics
taliT —Office to rent up-e are.
et 3t, u.mlAkl Will EY iOO.
tK sen,semoctated vetch bard is wtleCnacy
Gl•y, wits e Wet sieve oeom 4, atilt of ryomm.
ha. eve,. e5...J:14,Q Address, Os-
~.1.E.A.51 Akr 111). Vr f Ital
.,' ed. • ,IEASI F.,(115 , 1. AND t1,1,E1t., of
Loro lour e g..t power. Mart. Le to good
ordt r. Appl, t
0 . 7 lA. L. A 7 ,, 14.1,0 N,
ti ... TTZ :Ste 131 J..e1,m:..
E LECII,): ,
rITTROCIA , II GT it 1171 C IS{U'I 1710 1
./ i•• l
•4100, On bat .rea, ,410.‘
Win • -
bloc 4
d." 91.1
NOTIi.)E.—Too Eta
nr toe 11, osy brrord • partne..-
Orly in ord. r Entry rlrr , .re of
WOUIA 13,11...5. Per I isategherre mutd
tr.o• Streets Nlor. Ward rittsbnegh solicit oh:
cal". traye ol 1./re it Iris ILIA seer pt•lle.
AI.F M. Pl•AhA.rti
'FAA -dellAtu•
THE - LA ES 1" . VARLET 1'
New Year's Presents.
WATIJEI TAN 01".1111A URN 1. 111 r
c. h at,
Ii LAC/Alla,
N 3 Int Market at re:,
toe,lt v or i as tJarrriottert t , e
A LI-Sat.:l T Counyt,
-Plttaaro Co n. Uec 1i.,,. I not
TIO 13A li ERB, do. &c.-ISt A. 14 I'llo
be.resilyed at this ethic, uncil
January 13441, 76b6, tocitalre, tor atrOiliyuiS the
°mitt, Prison with timid for els mouth., from
lath locale:1A Loaves to weigh cos and a half
and two poooda, lespectlyely, anti to be of alc
prot•l quallty. !Ads to be macce at so n uin per
pound_ Bills endorsed by live W Alden will Is paid
monthly. Hood will be ...lotted for faithful per
formatre of eouusct.
Bynn (.. direction of laipeelcur ol Allegheny ()clout at.,
di29:ard tloatroller
I/Hit:Erb RED lit: ED.
lifer for sate tissir mitre stock of
UNITED S 1 ATI, ..e &ME II ••
WaottOe Insvaster or Pea ea.
- FIBREAb, A Libel luie boen tiled in
the Dlatrlat Gtgrt of the United States for
the Wester, District of Pennsylvania, on the ltdth
nay of Derember,J , d , . by IL Oeinebini.
Vetted IStaus Use:stet attoreey for the esti Ilte
tsit, alleging and inforestos, to übatance:that
no the nth day of December, A. U.. tee , , at the
cll.) , or Eels, the ttebOollel it. A. Ittcastosy het
cargo, tackle, apparel shad turniture, was seised
by the ltel.ertn of the port at Leto. as forfeited to
tl.ts Voiced Stater; that Samuel Thornton was
eatef at the LIM. GI Sold eldest.* and et the Irma
N.Leo the courts al lo”tuture were committed;
hal raid schooner ire i.e.venal meted by el loess of
the United .states, and that on the day or
P 365, was enyayad to commerce on Lake Cr e and
Mae; lakes, and on the ricers and wetore and
charnels aonnecting sald lake.' that too the arid
schooner, to wit: on the day of 18C1,
there IMO conveyed to tee port of Eric certain
articles and prop cry In toe *aid libel luny Co
-1 seethed, end that on the &nivel of Metall '<aeon
r st Este. the aald Samuel rho/Sten felled to re
port said amtees and property SA Part the cargo
of said vend to tee collector of tbe,port of Erle,
cull riming lei the reseed" and caused est forth
at leogth In cad libel, condo rhattien of said
'chopper, bet tackle, apparel turniture and other
I artletes mentioned tnerele, and due proeete of
sold your t.
Now, therefore, in pursuance of !the monition
tinder the settled sada court le me directed and de.
peeled,/ do hereby etre public notice to all ',cr
eeps claiming the caul schooper, Icer tackle, ap
panel, furniture and the articles ol property men.
tinned In said libel or In any manner laterested
therein. that they be and appear before the said
District Court. to be he'd at the 111 ry OF FlTTS
utracth 99 the memo. (9th) DAY OF J &NU
RY. A. D., ISIS, at 11 o'clock to the il3/11120013 or
said day, then and there to Interimse their claims
and to make their allegations ln that behalf.
A. Intsit I UCH, U. S. Marshal.
U. S. Pei anestaxh's Oregon. /
Prrrsaolon, treostriber 22d, teed. ded9,1411
At Prices Below Cost
Book, St allot:tete nod New. Emporium
if Fll7ll ST., 111ASONIC I: ALL
, ILVER :SP(R , N t:UPs.
In r ea . atlr!.y Rod best quail:s . tot sale by
.1 to J. H. A£ED h Fl., N Fifth sited..
RI.H Ea—Thousands eta realize COO weekly
No utemia required except theta round in ere ,
hotiaenasn. 1-tuttte 1%. et cent, A veto uset , i.l
iv, very Full tisit.c..l.t. te ou ;eceL/it of ~ n e
'lt nap I,r ro•,ott 1.1/ tare A„ , ./res. It IL AU
1 kit, it No. Ilur.otd ay ecue, htallimote, 114.
re P:sto ,
I he cheep's!. Boar 'tog In
the ray, ts at Nu. 7 W 1 r, oTti rde.T.
Ops , era Steamed, Roaater., Stewed and Stone t
ter., ID gents per dozen, enmaen. "ea'., P sst.
Peet, I ripe and SUerl/1 Tongues. Id cent.: op],
Pie sea Id I b le cents; ogee, ICA and nit e der
trim col p. b eat• nod swear • 1
N , 2 Nllt,l wee', the Is 11.1 i d •sliP ./T • s ekt
de. d
In operclon alone 184tattrition a to - with
one to icli•maner unit. requited. Worked by One
MILiO makes pet de): by brine, LW. to 10,08%
It) 1 . 1086. tg , uo re ftte, ior further particular.
to rt yanitihlet stet.ig lull testi union on brink ti
tug and bunco g wick 00011ot co•l. ec dram. lead
ing four &Limps, Era? ttl , II SMITH.
desObten Ron didid i HaltirliOre, Old.
-.. ace
is hereby given that Letts" of Ad , [11111g•
trate hate then granted upon the estate of Rob
ert I.tittyhres. late of the city of Plt,bursti
pe trios indent, d to the said estate are requested
to make twantthitte payment, and those [mite,
clams or (trainees agent..t the estate of the plaid
di cedent make known the tenth, wohout
delay, to lint I.tti Mitt V. Addr, m No ithil Wood steed.
Orem a or h heutte., W [went. Ps ,
No el eentut • Pituthueoh.
December 22i, 1863.
Coutr hotoro to the Non.° of Rettig* will be
ht Id el, the eft, of the lettaltutlon, No b - 1 Fourth
meet. 1 - Ittot tire, on 1311/NI/AY, the lot day 01
Jahuatty. teen, between the hours ctf 11 nod 13
o'clud/a, to :M. the Report tit he Boattl at :haunt
gets, and to elect 121. se lot the 1313.10 year.
el of
dratetiodnat .1 N. D. NELDA. Secretary.
-a. C/ .49-X=1.13
Baring ovens,' our NEW STAND, 107 0/211
wlth s new and well selectod •soct o
we invite those wishing sells's/
In •ut uns iu csu.
Iranianler Atte/A.lon v. sal 0e paid ton lung Phy
/Iciansr Aug and pitting up I'rearrAptiO". fealf-
It g COLlldr IA 01 (tring entire at Llarscl.l,o. !Mu-tot
hod rsten.ivees parlance In that brantir, both to
Erisltind sou the United states.
det'Std Chan/lota nod Litiorgtets.
1.01107 - To■ P . 1,1160114,1k1, roar Wares
ABU ClllCsoir hallway Outran
Prrritucoran, Dee. Su, 1606.
TiIYIDEND NO. El —The Board of
reciott of this Company hove declared tae
resin sr rilvldi :sr of 7 WO ATB II tINE.IIIII,F (11.0
PLR Emil% on the Capital Stock, for the quar
t. r coring IV:aerobe/ list lost., parsble lose of
government tar on anal alter Jacioary 16; 1881
The semis/in:rot dividand of TaltEE ANL/ ONE
11 ALF (Sl4) Pt ft °ENT., Ono April 1.1068. 0 0 the
Third Mortgage Bonus. DIM also been ordered raid
In a ot•opollna. Im. ir.:Tarmaent trii, on and after
' STU ' '
tn indboni holders reglstered at New
Yolk wlrl re else the r dividend. In the. H otkiag
Poore of Messrs. WINSLOW, L.A.11 lEE & 00,
rd trice* registered atPitt/it/inch, of the TN...-
user, to 10.1 city.
TI.• Tiarader Books wlll alone Deoemlner 30,
list , at 1.14 o'cio r and will mopes Jan.
uy 31, ifao fly order of the Board,
o,to ittoi Y. M. RUTOK.N.StJN, Secretary.
- The Company for ErecrlllB • Bridge over the
Allesb•ey Klee, otratte Pllisnurgti, la the
Uot•tt of A ilernhrny, • eatioa bars boon onorasrir
and stand an the taros. ant jest to the provisions
rf the Art of A• semblv, wh eb (Nears the petite..-
.lon 01 el•idends of inoorp r "es somp• with.
o he tosaronoweatta, that hale oat been tailed
ler twithini three years pinerrione to the date of said
Arles. Erdidencrt. NO. Dir. dm:. reirw
in/ s. Cattsilly, Ileeenr• No 71 est July 1,1.69
hems. en No. is s4O lark S. 1061
41ame. Sr No. 14 II 60 Jot, 2,1860
Same. r do „no. 10 ti Ito. 1,18111
do Ne. 16 II • 1.1811
s. tun. do No 7" 1/ lan. I, MO
Same, do No. 711 it 1 Dry; zeal
ABLE iitivy reiveit./
Corr or I 127• ooze..
. •
Persocurffe ace. area before so, a Notary Pub
lie. In and lot aald eoualy .14 city, West. Base.
bus, she 7 tessunst of the (3cospacy aforesaid,
oh., betas duly overt says, that the shot• eta te
meurts correct and true to the best of his It nowt
ease Loa tulle!. VIAL. Itl/SEBY cO,l ryas.
:sworn sod sot:scribed before ma. December
Ilaf, H. b XI f 14.„ Notary Pelt r.
' -
W ok': LIBRE.
1111. N HAT , I) • P.W
3B C)(Coirri ..,
.1 rat s
&6...271 to Bank*
Oum !hoes at New York Prices.
110111/AI tilr1":-
ILT .0 Czeal-tx-xxL'Es
Xo. ti 7 l'o:irth Street
Nosaic and Aixmlnster Rugs.
V t.l GN
Eant,roidereil Placo Covers,
ZSI la. O 3 31-11 i. 212 a to
rod rsrrJ sta on of tIA PEI Y.
la eccordance with the watts:ow of en Let of
the Uetnoti Aeertmbly of the Commaarrealth of
Penney 105515, trovlding for the incorporetloa of
the city of !queen egb, and of the Talton. supple
ment. to sale not, 1, JohlYS LOS BY, d v,, Mop.
es of sand city, do lieu. thismy pro...impetigo
that on the k 11U-1' 1U k.SUAY 11. NUMVII,
A. D. MI, being the ri tIIOND 11 AY LW 111 E
1,010111, the freemen of each went of maid city,
quailfled to vote tor membem of the House of Bet.
telentetlre. of MI. Comte, oweslth, Will meet at
the several places of how...a. elstralons le Meer Ir.
el ectits weidm eau preen:ma, and elem.. by ballot,
audit the preview°. 01 ea Act 01 Assembly, peas.
ad the lit h say of May, a. U.. teal,
ure person to serge as Mayor of said city;
One in•iin to serve. Contn.ll•l .1 said city
(tile person to [erre as T tel.: et of Imid city,
Les!, 41 whom a•all boil that; slesLloo /x t. o
yeas B.
Co the lame day, fa oonforauty to the abo
gated. authorities, sad also to the Oldwases of
IN, =sells districting sold city, the citizens of the
Mat IN aril. .111 allot by ballet. ooe porous to
be a member of the MOO.tI ,uocll of said any for
to o yeas sod Lao petsoos tb be members of WO
Common Council.
Stetted We'd—One yetoon to be a member of the
select and three Isetecos to be member• of the
Uoutaon Vorcell.
Third Ward--Ccre person to lee • member of the
Select, sal two Y uan to be members or the
common Council.
Fourth Ward—lire person tube a member of the
Yeast, and three p .5005 to be members of the
Common lleuncil.
Filth Wara—tme 1 melon to be a member el the
Sell, et, nee floe peewee Wee eneterbee • of the Corn.
moo Connell.
Sixth Ward—One potion to e a member 01 the
!aka, and lire persons to ha member of the t!Oak
soon Conoco..
Sera enth Watd—Une person to member of
the (cleat, and two pesetas to be mon:there of the
Common Council.
Eighth W•rd—Onepereon to be a Member of the •
Select, and three persons to be member, of the
COrtenco Council.
Ninth Wern--Ons person e• be a member of th
Sell et, and three persons to Do members of the
Common Council.
Tenth Word—Two persona to be a members of
the Select Council, one ft r the term of one year
and one for thelerm et two years, and two persons
le to mcw.btm of the Common Council.
Each of whom shrill be qualified to serve as a
member of the House of iteprezentltivea of thle
At the election to be held as Mot egaid, on Tues.
day, the second day of Jaeuary, A.D. land.
I be electors of the rust want will vote at the
Public School House In said ward.
The elector. of the Second ward will vote et the
Public School 110050 In said ward.
The electors of the Third ward will vote st the
henna of Alta CL 5. Kennedy, at the corner of
Wylie and Tunnel streets.
The eirefors of the Fourth want will vote at the
Public School limiest:l said ward.
The electors of 5o mush of the Filth ward as
Cc. north a! d east of Adams street, betog ran,.
chid. No I of said Ward, will vote at the Patella
School Home in said ward.
The dealers of so Much of the Fifth ward as lies
south and west of Adams street, Ming Pneeinct
No. 2 of said ward, will vote at the Public School
Renee In said ward.
The electors of the b ixth s ere will vote at the
penile School If 011•411 to said %axe.
The deems of the Seventh ward will vote at
the public School House in eaid ward.
. The electors of the Eighth ward will vote at the
public School House th said ward.
The electors of the Ninth ward will vote at the
puhlte :thee' 'louse in said ward.
The elettnr• of the Tenth want will vote at the
house of John Kerr, at the cor,_er o I 010011 and
be:LAO/et:ld it rect..
Olt en under mrhend nod ars! of the sell.olly
of Plttsburele, trite the twentieth day el Li mem.
bee. A If. 1662.
in. 0.1 JAM F'S LO Wiry, .711.,
I , ALL Alth 'IRIS I.A.DIS Alin
rivE itt.LSIURAL E
f,t'U: st 111 ttreet.
J. W. iurtN.l.llA.N.
C) .00 la 7CI Ft .0...,10•151
The shore. wtth other choice ooda. are of my
own SeICGLIM and isnportstwo.
D 43, .43. T.
I ck rise} Smithfield itod Forirth if
A, HLTTOI 6.. CO.,
Wain Street,
Dave at w oa hand a large and carefully cleated
stook of
GE.lfir/1.5...L MI RID WAR E,
Whirh they have ocirehased for CASH 1.• the
~.rr-bri MA A KETIS,
-yak dispose of
On t 1015,12 ra;eou tarrlt}.
1 hell stock cooslata ha part of
NuittAge TRIM NOS, •
t.,(. Its ELL CAS,
I ts
Vw Ipi MOW bi...1,11•„W
AO M ilitYLTIrT6r.• IMPI.Eht rs,
01)1iT Ft ut.' TTERs.
Itt.U.Sl rmatisfliNG
Me the Solo :al to New Castle for the
do•R1 tl4tlier
a O 4 . 9 i' Fj V- 9 Z
E- 4 !,. S. .=:;-:: In'
VI UY .3,11 , , pi ..;.
Li.z.a ....,
g pl i'::. ,, r. 4 2 4
-A 4
r-+i 2.4 i . . 1.;..- p, .'
, - 2_7-...E: . !,..
. w
.t :2, :t. - -: n N
.... 1
—4 p , 15..i• - •;. j • r.
2 1 4=l e n fi t ? k g b
4 . x....
C, k.... vA -0
.." - ..2zr!
I. et
F. Pf.r%..."
E = 7.'1.'1
0 ' ; 'l' •
0 4 1 . :', • p,
:4 = 7 - !'ir•G
c.. CCI r.:iV.
E-. C 1 % . m -
-K 1—• :.4.1a-it _i
•—, c 3.4 -n.:.7..
400 Erica,
84?mkt ENGINES
Steam _U. , na-Aine,
Frt of 4 10151) liorse ro —.et Eogittl 10 00
prece—olwoleat po•tlble constrUctloo—oo 01101
Or mallonry to .ettlag—bars any tiol of fo.f__.
tran4po :led r Any stout wagono--adapted to all
pur.osee wbooe cheap, durable sad edle!ras
power is wonted -WO the people's EUguma.
The most popultr and succssalul In the world—
are °west] sun operated all over I he world—strict
ly portable- ne Dila or muenry in setting—
traturported en situp waaeon—WARDAN ZED
FEET PER DAT—judged by their otpacity to
make mons) the cneapesr thing in the world—
pey to, themaelves aad exp inside of • year.
Id 111. bane been in operation ten year. and still
a10e.% as good as new, tine Mill and Engine
toad• reeds,.
Fr.r Illustrated ("treater., with descripuens,
prices end reo , ta n 1 0r01.10114
•deret. the Illanufaettirete,
& F. BLAND!,
Glaudys Stem Engine
Blandys Portable Engine Works,
‘ N
Pat tanatrtua, Deo, at, t3t4.
The •01,101.1 mettle( of the SteakhAders of this
UCI111)1103 , tett i ho bean et the orate of the tlompany,
flo. tan booth Third greet, on BIG:11)A7, Jana
e ry, tth,181.6. at 4 Wench, r , for the purpota
of clecting othrets to ease
th the
U. enauf
BAR CLAY na year.
fie:CIE/UT PTO tem.
°TICE —The Subserthers to the capl
-1.1 &OOP( OP the l'E' ROLEC3P S&VIN(I.4
PAD K are nollll.l to attend a meeting at IV,. 2
Ladueme W.Y. 00 JAINUAIIY 211 105)1. at 2
o'clock. ler a:mica:Loa era elf crirm o((t➢:era
Prep Wear. We tem.
• - -
SALT.-By i•tus of E. 4.
• : , .314:31a. :a A:4 1,3 of - to- in-
A earn to conoty, Penoay:cauo, a
'll ^ llff. • f ou,ty dlreel• the, suit beet.
nos. dtu Pub. c s at the Con. t Haute I , the
Coy . f .A-mLarel..l.. cot tio M- Not)",
I}l • ~ A .; A PACY 33i'• L. ..11
Itoe A 11.1 s A. .I._ r I .110...10; dra
t-J.1••" to WV(' lo
All the tel. 1, tn.., Intefeet and elm.n of the de
.. E. 0. InLen. It. Llsorr. and Elm st. An Moore.
• a :le I. and to, all [hat eettou me de : .od
t-e1.01.1p,0:3113 . ): 01 .•1 ',I.
11l CI /1.111 1C6,1.
• 1 11
10. 1 11 P 1 . 1 I cctuLl ,, l•:. n{:(:•
te tly Au,- sad L.. Olen C.,: ea weal twell
ty tile, aca•teetts 1 1 :1 ICht, 1 Cht, 111 ft 11:4 11 , 11 1 301
It.CLCe COW: !herts- .sea and on•- , ; terser doge..
••t mu ate bun.l.e.ll - • pero:tea :0 fa
b.,: oat. , I.e to nouh, tseuty .greea • alt
ro•one I - eleht)-I.ur I uedred I't-rt•a-to
a . 1-ko - 1 tneuce n. 11.11 etglo),11 e xlOl :11,3:0-
qurttrr a Par 111,Cco 1111(14-41,b1.113•
1 olchca to the l4e uf a p.ena of ground
asto to M. M. trove and Others. by deed record -d in
the p...-nrieos Moe. is goal book rotate
ot•e 331: south ihattL-cute and one tool
rig •aal 013.14 -atgat sod nlitetY - /out
141. • perches; these, 30 0 r 0 Mello two degree.
Tifst Of ;-f Lir and t went yesi Yen httodred. he
peddles toe pod at 1.1. e. Line of a pulsate toad mo
oing to the cemetery road. which private Mad
helm gt to 1 him property, sad le Included Ita this
tote.Tacce; thy. of 000,31,1 te aubject to' pa 9
100 10 Itr 0.1301301 to Mn. Sarah Budaup. for nor
It le. Being purport des. 6, la partiouu of Itielo..l
Bishop . . es , eM., at No. e 3, March fem. Ile , . Or
pLar..• LOUIE. except their p Liu coo -e t el t o
I. Moo. - e, Sr., by deed red 0 - deal to iced tseak.
II Ob. Legele
hort 3.10. ruse ant other, by
cm druccreed ill velum° 102, page 114.
s,oo I me taken to execution. •• the propertv
of WlLlam IL Mom c add :Siasort. Itta
all.. 5110. ul 1.15:14 W. boll, I tr L.att of A.
All the r:n.SI, tlt7e. lettreat asklelal7l4,4 the le-
Irk anal., V. 1111.111 W. Ot. sad La, ail
that cep Lain piece of ettrood, 1111.0•1.G.1 to soe etty
of Yltt•Uurc:., bean.: Lana of pOWI fau'ennt and 223,
Woo`r Woo ol too aaial 13e,tneing at Loa
•oalbY• Curakr of IL at Ileacid S coand
MCC, ILento extending In front or erhltn on
Mn, kat .tteet aceurtnerl7 tbirt3 -lout leat. and In
length or dellt
au r a sea &nog Second
lo t
et enty.tee feet, aura ur leas, co corner of lot No.
Alf All that otter piece of ground situated In
Preble• tow, ship' liegloning at • setuteoak, and
then, e south eeventy-eight and three-o router de
gree, wen seveLtren satchel awl one link, to •
stone In ILA I U tlatime . l.•utti loweati-NVen and
ogee-quart< r degrees emit twenty-eight perches and
tea links. to a peat; then ee eighty-gee degrees
rasa lorty-ejs. 'perches and twelve sod one-quarter
lin. to • tone; theme north flee degrees east
thief , Sod • had Ilake, toe post
thence rorth invents:Aweend not queerer degrees
welt twenty-eight leiwhe• and elslaen andone
foulth link.; thence south fifty-. 11 and one half
degrees west twenty-two pereheeand five links to
the plate o. beglnning.
Iv zed and talera In eitecutton mi the property
of Ne item W. Wilson, at the suit of If. Etredg
s, survls ins executor of Jame, Roil, .1
fire earn
t. re, a: claim of the ,lefend
tat, '1 h., Toner, of la, and to sit Lloost cur
m mcasu•a• or piece Lot aro ,, nd alma, in the
Borough of Elizabeth, la the County of A Iles he.
ny .011 Commonweal , h cf Poonsylvanla, bounded
nod deem iced as 1, Howe: Beginning at the earner
of Ferry .rid Sixth streets and running thence by
eixth • tree% rice tunlred and twenty feet; thence
ty the Public square one hundred wad twenty
feet to Seventh; [hems by b.tentb street
one hundred and twenty feet to Ferry street; thence
by Fatty street use hundred and twenty feet to the
pines of be/inning. comprising lqts Nos. 237 and
.13, lot No. 131 being the same ratan Abraham
Bank. and wile, by their deed, bearing date the
Seth day 01 Tday. iBVI, conveyed to Francis C.
Elannegin, and lot No. 235 being the same which
Frunkiln Wail, by deed beanng date the 13th day
of Octhber, le3o. conveyed to the said Francis C.
I. tenure In; end both which lots with the improve
ment. thrman, rte.. ware amongst o her things as•
signs d ry said Francis O. Flanneria to Hcryla Fei
gn. Ai:l,4lll2Pd, Brink toy his certain deed o' assign
ment brazier date the ifith day of April. 1%0, re
corded In the nine for the nrcerding of deeds. in
tre County of Allegheny, to deed bank L 3rd.
vol. 60, page 113, ta., On artitcluttare Is erecter
two story Mick dwelling home, a suable and small
fault ins..
Seined and token In one:l:Monne the property
of Theodore S. Tower. at the loft of Jo..n Scorer
for use of tle Leal EsteLe Sartnse Inerltutton.
All the right, title. irtiereat and Malin of the de
fendant, John b arr,noer In t he hands of Ann Karr,
widow aid Adminlbtrairlx of cold Jobs Kett. of,
In, and to all'ilaat lot Or piton of ground altuvrel
in Aston Hattie plan of lora cal,cd Ocoee HUI.
tormerly Pitt townstini new In the city nf
buten. t clog masked pod numbered "Six" in a
subeislaion plane h; Kramera Haihm, of lots
numbered thr e, f .ur aryl nee In said plan, awl
Is tiounerd end [ascribed s• fJiloae, to wit Br•
ginning at' he corner of,Tannestall lane or street
en the lire of Wylie stleet. 13013,100v] ~.nder the
ate oily Vete ct plan aeon die In the Clark , . onitce
to All, ebony county) thence Atone Tanneyhill lane
• distance of seventy teat southerly, to • tea feet
alley• theace westerly' aloe} said alley twenty
two lee' etx Incnee to the south-eastern cornet of
let nvmherod - five' of said subalvtlion now, or
late the prop, rtylof Petrick Whelan, thence along
the line .1 said t. t No. I seventy feet to the line
of Wylie street, as eforecatd; taenut eas 'arty A
distaste of twenty-lb/0 feet six Itches to the
pb,e, of rwgiooing—hedug the same lot conveyed
y Allen Kramer ri or, and E 1 wari Rshm et ur ,
by deed 1 eertog seen date with. the naortgag• On
welch !bre vitt Is brought
S., If 11 sod taken In eXerll , lol3 as the property
of I .Tho Karr. new in the hand. of Ann Karr,
wigow and Adminlatietzlit of John Karr, deed.,
at the snit of Kramer a Rabat.
All the right. lete:ert and dal= or the
deft! ontta, Jobe A1e31:3 len nod Arf!Oen
ten Li, in end to, that piece of property • love
et , l e Ilrft weed, of the joy nr A.tlegnettlY t
a, AB i011, , V11, to lel. Degt, wog at the south east
certte , c.rt littttica sad , otrowts. then,.
atlOcg onfa•ffn wee: .30 thlrty lerr ch•nep
ut roe f It. t; hence .sat. Ist.lj
lee, cc ur, • .. for 1.,.., tt I•et t
,e:ant and token a ertecatloa eal the property
m,. 51 using nod w s 14.0 NlcAllilep, cue
t d 7ha Coccmonwtn•th of gannet: c ^al.. Or
ule of Alai or. 4.l.ltraaTZ sod Cal,tna of 311 e.
AU the flrht, title, tate rot and clan of 'he dta.
lexoteist, Llty4/1 heath; with notice to .IW. Heath
arid Hewitt. Hearn, terra tenant@ of, la and to,
all that cro tat 4 lot or pore of land Il d ,ed tr Ire
13117 bf i.leaheoy, boomed .14 doseroe4 a. 101-
Joire Bram:ton at tne '0 an sr. at nurser of Fay
et, and £llO Well el erste; thence la treat or er.dth
on I oldie atreal, wcatecly ta, fret, and in depth
rout Leo recsare/ng the came "fulfil of el lent
aloe; liteseellitleet, 123 lead C, lathes to a no :pot
t rem le created a t‘ro ar.4 a hall dory
dent,. bitch Orel.lmg , nod other lal,rore
hem d and taken la execution. as the property
01 It 1).11 r.eatn, with nott:e to Juba Hath watt
Bent salts Beath. to./ ra .tonale,at toe suit of John
IS. Page.
Al. the malt, title, Interest und claim of the
lendnor., Jobe. Linen and Catherine Dix sa, his
a if, of .n and to, 01115.1 re: tato lac r•r piece of
it , or.d, rot oared to its Hot oust. of I.ts - reze-val.e,
marked to the plan of 5.111 11.00.411 as le.ta
Aos sod i <6..
nt, and <6.thine la trout on Pike
street it. fee , and eatending in de, th its fret,
mt re or less, to Foster'. Ally, being pa, of the
!Be m• properly e , nveyeef to the President, lame
tore, or. of the Hank of the Vulte I State. by deed
own Wm. Locker, :sheriff or Allegheny County, loth day 1.. d May. 192.3, and recorded
In It...Mee for rea..orling needy, Le, In rail °Lam.
ty. in Seed book 11, Vol 2. Page LS, and being two
I I Ii Into, wore yei by earl Preeldent, Directors.
as . of the flank of the United States to Rufus L..
Baku and Ell., tile wife, by deed bearing date
the I.llt. day of November, 1034, sad recorded in
the alike &Jeremiah l to deed bedt,Vol e 6, Pate VD,
be., end the some which the sold Buten
L. Baker, and 211th. his wife, by their
need bearing date the Itch day of law
rose,. 1852. and reaorred do :Mee oloreesi I .in
deed took, Vol. M. Page 1ee,00., granted and con
veyed onto lletherine s hlary, Joh.. James, je, and
Dianentet Anderson, children of James And run,
of rho Borough aloieutd, and O. of the pa:tles
of the tint part in me rtgase,and that the improve
ments on the &novo deacribai premises are • one?
'tory double brick. hoes. and basement, a lager
abed. et able owl gt•t evitlea.
retied and taken In exeritain as the property of
John Mara. aod Ilatherine Dixon. hie wile, at the
raw of John Ward. !Jr the use Wile Real Estate
• - .
Ail the tliti,l,ll . - ligerest and claim of &leveed
Met,/ Loud of, In *AM to cm , Ain lob of gm, od
Tee. And 1:56 In Oirtn. Itithineon'e extemil ea of
the e.t, of Allegheny nod titian of l i enneylva•-ine
cal rd Buena Vista, aliusted on tho north side co
Tc) I or sevens, eV tee distance of testy !moire.] and
feel nest of the west line or the Orpnensi
Asylum lot; thence iofthwetilly qt felt Wen al,ept
teiee went...madly ali ng the said alley 40 feet;
thence southorsidiy BD feet to raptor iirecatici
thence eelMt weirdly alone to, said areas. en feet to
the place or be gineloe—oontailolng tine tyro lots
Above mentioned.
Ate°. al that other lot of piece of
eround, Ma 194 one 196, in Wm. Robinson,
Or.•• extension of the city of Allegheny, in
the state of I'etins.,lYuila, called,•l3uan• Vats..
situated on the will at Buena Visrantreet, at the
distance of Mt feet Sorel, of the North Comment;
theism westwardly 110 feet to Unions:ley; t/ et=
nolikiwardly along weld alley so hut; thence east.
wanly 114 feet to Buena Vxste. *exec.; 111C2w
southwa-dly slang sold 'street 40 feet its the piste
of beitiontag..
Ateo, all the right, title. interest anti
claim of, to and to those two. certain lots at
ground aambered Vdo and 201 in ftotilation4 extes
elan of the city of Allegheny, called Bans Vista,
situated en the west side of huena Vista street,
at the distance or 4Se • feet north of the North
Commons; thence westwardly feet to to 10.7
19 ler 1 wide; thenee narawadly along said *Reg
40 feet; thence eastwardly lidfeet 10 Buena 'alto
street; thence eouthsfaeVy Oen sushi street SO
teeh to the place of beginning.
Seised and takes to iessentlon ria the prey:arty
of If.dwa,d Mtge aid, at the anti of NMoolas
All the richt, title, Interest and claim of rke de
fendant. loan facLetx of In and te, all Met car..
tats than of land attested In 311121 n townetup,
bounded by lands of the hole, of Thongs Soon.
grams. dammed. hereof. Emma. Koran. deceit**
Ur. Lyle, and by the blonoagehela 11.2 t. content.
tot 2jg sores more of len, whereon are =encl.&
Inge three #tory atone tavern, hewn and frame
stable; &leo, two.tero story frame dwelling belles,
being the seine piece of lied conveyed to aaW
Jelin biaLree by Tinthafilel McLane, be dead de..
ted October pl, lob, recorded to rO4. 120 . Ptge
ax il tenet' and tatten In execution as the p‘operty
of Jibe IdeLeefe at the tort of Cnorge VZ..S.mtth
net James M. Leicobeedmtntetrator.
All the tight, title ittitereat sadolalra of the de.
feed/tot George Schrift!, of, 10 aad to, >J that cer
tain tosuausge. pleat . or parcel of. laud &kaate la
the tow twhip of Itlcosodieu, bounded snd descri
bed ae follows, to wit': WO taint at s NW; Meows
by I.d of It lillands, north. ono depee weal
tweolysone perchu end atoteenthe or &lurch to a
pool It M.., by land of which this us part north
40 degree. and 43 minutes. west 6.opereliel kad torta
tenths of • perch Ws post; thesee worth oze de.
grey. east cercnty-fotir pas thee end one one hOrl
dredths rf a perch LP s post; thence by 1 . 04401
Slicareo Keeton, north 6a deities oast 46 Derghte
nod-24400 of a teach to the breitusloc — scentalto.
tog 13 acre. s
ed 61.3 la perch's& Wag the
same lend copse by the eoll JA M.. Seetee tO
the e•al4 liteeko sheltsi. by_ 4 .o htlatall even
date with mortgage. lo ,'• 4 . 3 1 , 1319.
St lied and token to exteution es the roperty
of li t ore. *Cti , rll etthe welt of J amen Sarver, for
nee ol 11ev. J. V. Iltilettee,
A 4.51.1.
an the tight. Otto interest sod chic* o! the dn.
fer.dant, edeearel Elan.. a, In and to <IF out of all
that certsta trso , ofpicce of !sod situate in It lls
tewooniP. A lietcheni county, Penns. !Innis, hound
ed se.4l deakilbad so fullows, Via. Pounded by
NEW ADvi4iiriS•:9.IENETS..
f 111. am 14.3.1e , ,i uri, by Lauda of
tJa.. L lirralertiOD, by landgfrs 0.r.“ ,tc,r63,"
• lti by lanai of ricome and Oloitetan Hetzet,eVa•
4traOlg 40 Ikrre• more Or less, Car vrtllch ere ere.' -
`-0 . . two aro , y frame dwelfiet tirtrtire. • fr•me bank
"t" mad ether necessary , outblAirttaga
of'il^dN's,ll4"araintß*.vX"on3T.:::ll;:or Cr3;Trftoc
nee r Suctoci. for
use trl Davut Bem,
ALSO, i" ~
. ,
All tte right. tale;tomyest t `—'A cl‘aat of the Co-
fend. La, Y. I.,aux A... flu t s!,_fss!...sat to, all th a 4 ..
. 4 ...,. 101 .r Pre cis al Laud eaaito la the St ven . ..I
ws 1 ol the chy of Attebeagttp.Actog lot No. (1 la
„„ err--
Cu.:toy'e plan. an ettotded - tet ;slat. Hook, vol. t •
Ps. o . 3 , d..ribe. sefolitm,Y*l3egtantay . this
sv ast ud. of Din sylddle aty•ft.6l/. at e dketsoce of
SO 1,41 to the ly trom UaLhatll
artist thence t"
L out ou blairicale sheet oariktrly tO look. ..s 4 - 4 ...'
depth v
11.1 waidly preler vary.= scan of '.: • •
tart .
e ms... tact t‘,,„l ....lvf e elt .u st i t u, est I feat. tr t i.
rt, of
It Illtlitil . A Ent , sk txte slut •i & Petc o r P fkAlsr, r for
we of Wargo Albree.. _ _ ../:
.:ALSO,. '
I the tight, title, Interest itdd claim or the de.
feodont. W,111.1 Darson * ;9f, to and te, lota
le os. 106, 101,1116, Itl , Ito and 114 . , so • pzea of lets
to Ito en, of Aluslaeny, loll i 4.0 eytee 3.14y0r,
Akerm.en and citizens of the Atee . ', of e11e{.32.),
xceordecl in Nan Hoes, .oi. t , ' ate &11. Sala lo,s
ere subject to au &zonal /Joao,/ teat of vas, Oar.
able semi-eanusUy. Un lot 1 , 4 and tO7 ttit.-,
u ejected a wc.l.Ory of let ,i 1.1.1110...
Seized and taken to eseautipz se the proper y
of It n. DL Lerwsee. a: the 1145 of 4tl/10 cutricel
All ritht. tit Ir. Jolene ,andettirn of the defend
ant, J ohn Aiken. of, In, and tp,, eatyat ot an that
ce1121113 106 00 piece if arotouijoiltut dln the Ulty
of :tut; nen) , r vies) . fronts, aita w.rined as fop
towe mutt g at .ne corna='.. of 'Allegheny Ay
sad Jalapa . root; th :Incr./analog Moog 3
tap ue s at rte.. 43 lest 6 lncht I; trO 7 nce at right a rigle•
non Jalt pa stiett Inr sett wepro ern ,hors; th ence
along itsf won street. Sites: .nahc• to Al a ,44
AVeutleli and Wen.* .1 - .ng g: any ATJudd
feet to I. place of begien*. Being tots Non.
49 sod 10. In the pima of 106,514 ~ut y lames
Sprout, deceased.
A too. AU 60., c , math otbeelot of ground alto.
att 11n thlt Math Ite tort 01 the 31t)) of l'Atanurgh.
tool thacribed as follows „Begin:dog on Vine
attest, at the distance of 41 rtt-et [tom the north
east comer of VOA. as/ tioltrial streets,. In Bets.
rifle; throes north along V1,.1 street' 15t feet T
Leah.. to Lacy att. et. them Os southeast along
Lacy street 117 loot 1 loch TO a ten foot Alley,
to, net south along said Aley;so feet; tn... our .
Ito beet to Vino street, tttn;:plaee of beginning. .
Bring lots N... 17, LS, It, 20 and 21 In Geo. as L.
hes' plan al lots, recorded in boos Li li, Vol.
67, l'age 431 and 435.
A Leo, alt that certain othei_lflot MR:toted in Pee.
tilt a toe nal4p, and Cetcribed , as f.nlowa Begin
ning at ant
st; thence byi.. .da now or lots of
1 tomes Sal ter thence • north 71 degree. west
41 0-141 patches to a post; thet73 north 154 degrees
east 171.10 perches to &post; thence by Lamle( Jelin
Butler 4011th 15 degrees, east b 4 5 10 pennies to toe
Steam bllll road; tttenee along sold road tooth 6.
ae reesonest 5-1.0 perches the place of beat a
ulna, containing ten et res,ottAnhich Is erected a two
atm y freed. dwelling housonhcl stable. Being the
same o. Loch William .firuntooT by Coed recorded I
de,d book, Vol. 53, page 452, e.:3nreeyed to John A
a. 0, nod inn Came SebiA 30116 Aiken
set., t. 7 dera dated tan tall Vay o tBs.l., n
bectl LOOM,. 2* ..... W1537C a eye
: I hebe t. A . . - 4,the a life es
fete, ae,
A.i.en, those four lots of gri. , !tuni to the manor r
Pittsburgh, being lots Not 4-50, 164, lei and 1& 11.
the plan to lots had out by Sleph•u Colwell on
April of lots Nos. 11 and 16, Veed.s plait; being the
Name which Peter kgraff, by esed recanted in deed
book, vol. 09, page 49, conveyed tc toe said Jotui
A Leo All those seien cei4in lede,Nos. 119, logo,
121,1=,19.,124and 125, let the glances! lull, !shim:a by ir
the Executors of Marian PI CIE, Cesfd, and record•
ed In Allegtteby county, In. Sol. 19, page 295, /aid
lots befog enlisted In ne Eta war+, of the ditty of
Plitsburgb,on which is excited • two story brick
d w ell Ing house., Ali that certain tther let or piece of
groutd situate to the 8.. h vsed, of the .014 arty of
k•lttsbuh Unarming at tho south-east corner of
110000 cy and running Lltence with eeld alley
aestirard y 102 feet to • leas; thence with soul
lone eouthwaraly 271 feet 41 ground now, or late
of Freeman Miller; theaaes;weetwardly, parallel
with Begat alley 114 fectl:and thence palette! ir
with acrd Ist. to the plane O t beg/Doing, reserYlaylr
out of sold last damned WCi two lots .old by the
sold John Auten to John tlarslger, on which LE
egret ell one slaughter houser4tut Stable.
helmd and takeallin caeca:on as the property of
Jabs, Aiken, at the suit orTltoas s Woods, for
use Cl 1.4133. A Messy.
eu tee rl.cht, tale, tot ree* , and claim of the de. ,
fer dant, Ldtmanf MrQonhl, PO, lO and to, those two
eel ta le lots c f grouch Einintrl two lauulrad and
too hundred and one, to kt Jason', extol:talon of
the cuy Allegheny. ealtedgiumm Vista, emote
on the West .IdoofJolnena Flits street, at the din
t rie oe vas reel north 01.4. he no, th commons;
Ihetee Westardly 110 feet nisei alley 10 feet wide;
toecce north mardlyesid allay 40 feet; -
throes asetwafdl3, 110 feet 0 Buena Flats street;
thence southerard.l.y along strld saw: 40 feat to the -.
place 4.f ber mune. .4-
A LSo--.11102e other two itteato lot. of grOnnd
numbered In the tame plag as Nos. 194 and ilia
situate on the west aide of (hens Vista street, at
the distance of ltd feet no4ii of he north com
mons, Montag thence crestairtrilly Ito feet to Union
alley; then.° hortlatearaly lams sold alley 40 lest;
thence ermimardly 110 feet fn . , liun.a Vista street;
the se s i uthicardly along:said street 41 feet
to the place of Da &icing
5,12. d and taken in eiteension as tha property of
Edward 310.1natd, at the snit of the :amen
and Dien ulactnr , l e B.Anu.k
Al , the right, t Me. Interest and glalm of the de.
Jam, apt, Peter Dean, of, le„ataa,•11 teat rertato
lot or pros of ground allu.*tArd Ito the ad ward, of
the oily of Pittsburgh. botahrged anti deaf:M.o,l as
folios.: Ire:lonise on the: west aloe of high
West, ai the almusace of At 2 ty feet four -(ache.
WU,: es Webster streetfiltheace sontrabrly
Illjb • tI et twenty-font fete, - eleven more
Or ICAS, to or, new, or 1M0...4 AL Collins'; thence
t.tetly , riong lote%t right &ogres with
High sr. eo, luny-eve feet Vs lot, now,a.r hate of
no las tloo tr.a rs wlto Illgh street.
alot t I.sr4 to euteeu feet six sad one-fourth
ches to s la v Oct poet; theno atrlght angle. east
erly tovrartle higle runt, tietanty.nine feet. thence
araliel at h weh street, ollorrly seven feet tour
an, trine 4,LLI :US Inches to tr, , pla ; Locate westerly
st right magi. towards Hal t sneer, ILLI•PRII feet,
to the place of Ontontagi ttis which Is erected a
three story brick au riling, glltg the game convey
ea to .std Dean. Or Artily c.busaegsra, by deed
toted :rept. 7. 18,0, and recort' 2 ll.vo l tal, page, 218.
Auto, All that remota 4iiter 1 4 cr pie=s of
I sad, artuaied in toe Th tall/ L ard of zeta Ott, be.
violas On west:tile OI 111t*treet (8
7.0110 melee
... o t—tr or• Osr: thence7soratherly along High
st t eat 21feet Olathe to thit.lot auove eleaertbeth
..... tine tf ytilal lot, sad at r 1
anai, s with kligla s rt.t tc. lee[; t. mod by the
SM. sottberly parallel trk..k y Ills - 0 street 7 feet
4% toeless; thenear westerly , same parallel tvttb
V. et sire r• tett feet, to 10enoar or late of Sohn
Ale/tont throes northerly parallel with WO street
20 met; 11l ore easterly ahrststrt. •ngirs toward•
high eta eet re feet; thence Partherly parallel with
gla street 8 let t it l- inehtlfs one thence at right
acele• easterly ile lest to pl? 101 of beginning. On
which is eree al • three &hefty tate* dwelling, ba.
Ltg the gam le: which -tooaret.loltum et uz by
d dated Sept. 16. 1500 laOtaled Vol. 14:. Page
tfl, cow eyed to eafd Dram',"
irtred and takeo 2a excel:Mon ea the property
nt Peter Dean. at the lull otdamtea K. Blorange,
ter axe of Dollar SeeLop' Hiss—
Joaci li..ATEWART, Sheriff.
SOLIII/11 . P frrtaa, Prr-riatliota.
December WTI, A. D:
ltiTM G DESK F,/
Albums at Cost,
Diaries f 1866,
Pocket 3300k5,
F yrkey Init-'Stands,
&mat 1,41, etrrm sTRNMT
-- - S , .-
. ...
a ' A fine assorc%ent of
EOY'3 nu) 16,013TEPS
Boots, Balmorals4Polish.Boots,
GAITE4S A? 4) (ions.
autt reeeirad =A will be Alit at lower rates eats
they esti be boy4t eleselbere
Cnal aunct t)
1101111A1 n 901arket Street.
dimrStom Ft tb.
m - • rt. 'xiee.4l , c.
:;;' •
',Ants Da j i 1/BOHE
FOE 5At. Y