Outut. T:tuftEDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1885. GAZETTE TERMS le= d iand Evening Edition, per year, to on Dionllng and Evening Edition, Der month.. 16 40 do per week, delivered :6 1114 he 000060 r or boys on the wee, , iingle • 60 14 ....... Weekly, elites, per year single coo. do. 6 tie RATES OF ADVERTISING Osl •QUAYs.---BTANDINGI XATTRIL Datly.ltewltawitawWkly Ko t.le: Thefts time • . . Five times.— 1 9 ...., ....1 210 One week 2 $ 1 26 761 76 Two week... 415 760 200 1 261 28 Throe weeks.. s 601 251 175 2NI 1 176 Una month 025 , 60 400 2 251 210 Two months! 12 003 00 600 375 4 2.9 Three morithso 76 00 I 60. 7 001 4 0 626 DonlIIA.. 23 50, 17 D{ 50. bo 12 00 II Nine month. 00. r? IN 12 no 6 CO, 17 00 One,lf Year 40 CO, 95 50, 16 00. 10 04 , 20 CO Aslvertmemants Inserted one year may no chaos at the advertiser • pleasure, at s charge of 26 a . per square, (or WI cents it paid at the time .1111 mud be waned to the liameAlete 0160100.3 ,the advertiser. Solvertniensents contrasted for otherwise than dant, will he inverted on such day. ae the olloe may select._ Tlfanment advertising GASH. Death Notioes, each insertion t 60 tdartiage notice., 76 Steamboat advertleementa, pertrip 3 00 Easoutors , or Administrators' Notice. 3 00 YEARLY ADVERTISING RATES One square—conlined to toe tnamattioie busmen of =advertiser, and not to Include dissolutions, for on of new firms, wants, 4.e.—eltangeable once a week. Any execs. to be charged as Mam .lent matter.] I ttmea'f tlmce_Ml time U►lly. 's venk.i week. week Thno6 months.— 118 60, $l2 00 $ 9 001 • 600 Six 'Months >b 00' 19 OCII 16 OD, 10 80 01100 snoiath,....., 42 00 26 00 , 22 co , 16 00 Me: Year 62 no , U 00; 26 00 , 18 00 al Fist Notices double the Above rates, It la. earted clue mouth or more. For a lea. Pet. , 20 eau. a flue. Local notloes at such rater, u may be agreed upon. - Air d. square Co be considered ea the specr Deer, pledDY ten lines of the ordinary advertising type et the paper. LETTER FROM PHILADELPHIA. Vortamondenee el the rittaburgh qaaette. PII.A.DELPIILL, Dec. 22, 1'65. 'EDITORS G.u.srrrit :—The thronged 813 - .0 of on: :beautiful etty, proclaim the near approach of the Chrlstrnoe holidays. limlling;eontetited: pedestrians, who seem to have left dull card behd.d them, form cdrcles anon I the don ating show windows, knotting their tree upon the demptinu display of holiday attractions. de if Ili consonance with the memory of Rim, who., when He walked the muth eighteen hundred and more yearn ago, (in the language of Eng gland'n greatest author;) "never raised his be nignant hand, save to bless and heal, except in the: rose of one unconscious tree'—alf wear bcatalw, happy erOrinherartheert, an ante to be moved by feelings of love and kindness to their fellow men. Chestnut street, Eighth street and other great eYentree have put on the regalia of "kris kingle," and their pavements are trodden by a jostling crowd, in greater part composed of "Loving women with their children young," the latter all aglow with pleasurable anticipa tions; their little voices at the same time render inglthe air musical. Christmas In peculiarly the festival of childhood, which, with its simple faith and treating innocence is most worthy to do honor to the nativity of that great Being, wbo recognized the presence of "little children" at a thee when kings and potentates were as nothing in His eyes. There is scarcely a street car that traverses our numerous city thoroughfares of an afternoon that Is not tilled with happy mothers, burdened with purchases designed to carry a Jevons light to many an expectant nursery—and whose sparkling eyes seem to anticipate the noisy quietude with which their beneficence gib be rewarded. While contemplating seems like these, my thoughts would, in Spite of rue, wander to a dis tant section of our laud, where nearly four mil linos of human beings are now rejoicing in freedom, gained after a long dreary night of bondage,—beings, whose elaßlaVellncer% canard out notion to tinier into a dread controversy with the Heavenly powers, and whose iloera tioh was so marvelously the work of Omnipo tence, that Its contemplation strikes the world with the profoundest awe. On the shores of the Chesapeake—along the great valley of the bile,- ktssipyl—and on the tar distant coast of the Gull of Mexico—in the vianity of a thousand battle fields, consecrated by the blood of tone of thousands of beraea, a race is this day rejoicing in its emancipation from a servitude, the intone Bet of which, history in Be darkest and dreariest records, can present no Parallel—a servitude which denied its human victims every right and every privilege which pertained to Manhood, -and reduced them to the condition of the beasts ofd the boreal. 1 could not help thinking that of all people, these emancipated skives were at this time most entl tliM to forbearance and consideration, and to that charity in judgments which the Christmas festival suggest. How patient we should be with their 'shortcomings and their weaknesses, now that their first and greatest trial is upon diem! When we remember that under the de basing Influences of Egyptian bondage, the once chosen people of the Great. Jehovah become id,olaturs, in the very presence of their prophets and law-givers, we should not expect the col ored race to instantaneously rid themselves of the Inn oences of the worse than Egyptian bond age to which for two weary centuries they were stibjected. The anniversary of the Advent of the Prince of Peace is therefore the occasion for the exercise of Faith and Mope as well an Char ity. The first entrance Into the realms of free dom ,will have severe trials and sore trib ulations for the freedmen. but the same Great Power that pointed out the path by which they escaped tram slavery, will oe to them, es Be was of old, to another race, in whose behalf Be interposed, a "cloud by any and a pillar of lire b.jr algid.," until the "Promised Land" Is achieved. 'There are great tenths which should le re- Membered with thankfulness at every Christmas fireside this blthsed year of grace. These are: That no slays from this lime forth will be allow ed to tread our soil. and by the voice of the sov sedge people of the United Staten which In this id/stance in the voice of God, that Constitution which was once the bulwark of Slavery, has pi , kinded property in man fordver. and consign ed tne whip and, the section block to their Pis , cth among the horrors of the ruder and darker ages. In the presence of thee, great events, we can to all sincerity, and not in hollow mock sty about, on this festive occasion, "On Earth Prune,—Goat radii toned men." . kiessns. EfiITORK Gszirrrs,--i have your pa per of to-day.' It has the right ring. It has point, a force, an honesty and an Independence Which to my mind, is much wanting in tome e: the city papers. Thgae might be improved by !dimply not attempting to catrr to all t.tes—ln homely words, by not carrying water on both shoulders. They call thermelves"conexrvative." I: do not know the Webster definition of the word, but the modern definition, in politics, ainould be, In my. Judgment, serving the devil itist ap far as public opinion will at all allow. They will not acknowledge the manhood of Cite black man, although they know it was the issue of the war, and tout It was secured by forte of &mai and yet, that great fact they would now -ignore, and still - keep him under the heel of Me Ince master. They would give the ballot tp unrepenteril rebtln and murdtaern, - ond deny IR to the loyal black man, the only good, faith - ftil and true friend we have in the South. 4 ,1 They would admit red handed rebels Into Con- Onas and leave the black man unprotected to the tertder mercies of those who have been the viholeanle murderers of loyal men not for four years only but for f : They would admit Men that have never learned even the alphabet in republicanism; men who are deapota In prin eiple sad practice; meu totally unfitted even to to live under a republican government, mach lase maim its laws. Why; for their 9w ll goo& the good of the poor whites as well as the blacks, and the permanent good of the country, should not even entertain the thought of ad- Mittinic them. No ! their fine poaltinn hi out the cold—under a military government until they learn that other people have rights an well themseiven—untll they learn that God is no riaPeeter of persons,. Tea! keep them be the itoldnatil the black man has been taught by the 'lran tee school muter how to cast an intelligent H. Viceroy of Egvpt by &en to the Amer 4, an *Lotion h t 9alra cbloct of houses worth . 410012 Mtn% Lug Important trial Is mow o.olog no at 5.,. nen, sortie peirticniars of 6hl c b we give in ou correspundenre from ttnt c.iy. There exlei,l 0 Savannah in 186.4 a batallion of sold!• In the rebel army COallos.C. to Onionprif,o, ere who bad enlisted In the rebel rank, to keep from star wing. These men took every opportunity to de Bert to Our beer, and on one or m,:on borne Of them were caught, tried for desertion and shot. This occurred while li,ot ral M, rver was. rout. . . .• . mend, and he hati been placed on L•l3t for their murder. Evidence lor the proem:oli° ditheu i t to beCll., and the trial ha been dekyel. Geri • ma! Myr..., pc! In Lie peril. 1!.. fence claiming United Stotte utt!tr the J ohnston-Sherman azreemet t. A OORXEIPDXI3ENT at St. wet. to the [deaf.° /Cepa/man thus:- •`l.,ee. Fremont ar rived her.- a few days ago, nod a; en t a • o f days in Jefferson city. where he tea, ecu , y the Governor, and 00r,nadee. The obi' this strut ,a h et on foot negotiations fur pa:- chasing the boutttw mt itratch 01 the Pattic Railroad of this State. S: 0,00,, '0 .ct el cola ate opposed to thoeq of Daniel IS. k.neon's com pany in New Yerk. The itatlrose t 00111050 wish to retain the property—thus 4 antvlar tight, which will probably remit victory for the Railroad Codtpane. Fremont's proposition le to take the road at a fixed value [lon, pay the State ibtercat due on the bonds, and complete the road to the southwest corner of the State." Tut committee appointed by the Tete perarea Convention at Saratoga Springs lam summer considered therosdees authorized to go forward and take the general superintendence of eh , cane. issainta monthly paper, and onabibdung a publication depdt,'etc. The excel:dive com mittee of the fouerican Temperance Union, formed in 1536 , illetenfwm considered themselves to be virtually +UPertaded, and have them/ore trensierred their journik, at the close of Its 21 , t1, yearly volume, to the net onunittet, with all thew estock of tree% books etc. the latter committee agree to I"‘fl•be boating deb. amounting to three or four eta.," d 01 1, ,, supposed to be less than the fait„,,,,ue of Ito• property transferred to them. A Sign Peer.—Whili n cemp1e‘..)).•4t.50,,t married In Preston Cblltch. •th , ,the , • a . "'h'r l ' to r e " tn .' e Y t ? ;.:u " ren "2ll,l I orb the wedding.. ' r l:l;:ginister at once slopped the service, and, though the bridegroom Mut just Proeoanced the words: "With this ring I thee wed,' declared that no lee's' marriage bad taken place. Omer then, however, the matter ha,. been discussed a meeting .4 the clergy, and tl.l unatkitnou, dp. anion they melted at was that tee couple be been pmptrly and lawfully marred accord ios The point is is •.1 to the rites of the church ticklish one, and will probable have to tat seutei In the law courte. AT Columbar, Ohlo, on the evening of tla 731, while Mr. Charles liardy, rash., of thr National Exchange and JAIB, A. %Man, ProVOSt Mareitial liateral amt chlt: musteringofcer of Obio, were skating on tht &lots finer, they were attacked by four ruffian., one of whom 1, be:ieved to be a de6erter Iron. the army. Mr: Hardy was tererely ben Lro *1 a hludetem. and the vdmins attempted to rt , owr Col. Wilcox through a be,e an tat tto. flo however, managed to 1.50,,. The 11,4111.1 L, were afterwards arrested. Tar onty ground for the attack was the entp.sed anger of the de- bitter. who had been turd through Col. Wlleoft getrumentality. AN actor in a Westerr theatre had iluarrelloc with and separated trtiin his wile, who was en- gaged at the same theatrL. /le Was playing the hero in a piece le winch she pemn natal a page, and bed occasion to fall dying It. her arms. She let him down gently two legit of the stage, and then dropped kite. his head striting the boards with e, Lend the,: showed that the blow was a hard Ott. Bain!, ,lead, he could nut resent the indignity. AT Mound City, 111., on the night of thu the safe of the Naval rityrnaster, Major bpauld ii it, was opened by burglars, and fiNO,OOO Wier. therefrom. No clue has as vet been obtained to the robbers , but IL to conaidervel cousin tha: they art In some way connected with the Nov i Department, and had some knowledge of Inc intenor of the building lu wlllett the safe wa• kept. Is an informal insestleation of the affair by Commodore Sehenik, Major Spaulding au: ezonerated hum all Ce 06111,.. Ins Senatorial party of Fenian iem have pro malgated certain d 'curneula nearluK u; , un tbe prevent Fenian troubles. A letter from Jame_ Stcpbene, obtained at tte Dubl.n tried. denc,m.- nau.a o'll.abouy et dreg chain and sturnulinc block. There is considerable excitement re. glinting ttr matte:. rat movement for coin proccise is 4otoir or, and tar reittka^d rite Lr 01 to laved - the retirerntnit of both ti'Matitiay the Senate. k.--, by the ineaslon ul uryriAds of ~ ~ the water pipes. Tuns of them urc coilect.e , about the inlet, and .1.,00t be driven away. A I.l.lxem they ar.: drawn by the ramie" ... manses against the screens that the supply wat ris stopped. when mouses necessary t. hoist the 'greens, std the minnows rush in bi barrel fail. SECRETARY STASCroIe has teams] en order. netting apart all the ground upon which th• massacre of Fort Pillow occurred, for the pur puce of erecting a monument thereon, to th• memory of the soldiers who fell, and those wt.. were butchered there. Ibis order was obtainer by )pre. Booth, the widow of the i Meer wt. comtnaaded the colored troops their. St.e :• now engaged In raising foods Lo bul'A it, mono pent. Trot eight paper collar manufartorie., in Ma. huott.t.ts, made io the month of Nlnv les , 16 500,000 collars, worth $2.74,000. Tl, vain. stock used was $175,000; capital ,inploved *310,- 000, the numb, of operatives 16.1. The num ber of factories has Incr , :ased • very largely dur ing the last nine 0:10131.11.6, J. W, flagw.s, keeping a etore MemplitL, was I.t week shot by a 6101 r of DC,rti A.; ii • 1 - 21 Re had written a letter a abort time ago to so, relatives living in }lolly Syringe, attiring that he had been compelled to shoot a negro f..r,,oni, cause not butt.l, and it iv believed that the a, woes :etaliated upon him. A max in Fall River, Massachusetts, last week devoured a nine pound turkey, wire the usual M.I. lit bound that companion/1 at table had each uile ,140:1 a Figurot and being nusappoinuvi et not getting one him eelt lie grabbed the turkey end ate it all, raying '•every man bin own bird." Geneve IV., in the Lauer scare of lan, life, se 1.121, habit of quoting the Ibh Duke as a WI LTA L., hie !statement that Hie MaJtoity hod le n person the theist,: charge ai Waterloo. She , ington'a anew, on each inearnitil as, .•1 have often heard your Majesty apkwl, but before." ' A KILL ben been introJueect in,u the Tenn, ,CC I,OSI3LUfG, foVilf Ing for a okartplc FL FLU' of Andrew J ackson, To Inc ola,ed In She °spat of Lbe State of Tenneseoe. and upon whl shall be inectibed. "The Federal l Lion, ;t ma and bbali be prolervLd." upon Tutu°, In the United litateE , Court K toxvtlie. Tenn., can der idtal that the pa,d, elfin t.y ((rant and Snet Ulan reta-1 mien an. 110 10114rf nindiog, e, tb.- war tie, t. ded, en • that cacti parole WI, ur. tr111:61110U. to pardon. A N11.,,,,r , •orrygpond.7nt of the Now YlOl Neaa writes that that State la filling up wi , rudgraola who altno,t to a man Itepoh.i..an and that the prospect of deleatiell Le Radc grows worse and wont. Tat Farmers' Bank of Z.,ntucriy, having ioet $60,000 try the Moran raid in. June, 1364, surf! J. W. Witherspoon, a ...mei Morgan Once - , attached Ma land. and got Jnrigarent from a err cult court ior Lbr w Lon+ rule. lit. appeals the Tun work on the recouatructlon of the Savan nah, Albany and Gulf Itailnied is progressing rapidly, and by the first of February their care will be running from Savannah to Thom/Neville. a distance of two hundred mike. Tun Rector of St. Lazarus' Church, at Mont phis, Tenn.; acknowledges the receipt of over seven thousand dollars to build a cathedral In honor of Bishops Polk and Otey, and others of the Confederate dead, Tim Irish papers are making cceeidorable fuss over what they cell the "cattle melon," w irk le coneldered quite 3}: ar.ininitiqn to the awl culture resourcts ol li.eets. It If nothing m, re than the Yankte pit:apt:AL A NEw YOUR clergyman sap, there are not in that city morn then 200,000 church goers, of whom one-half are Roman Catholics. At any one time not more than 20,000 can he found at. tending public worship. ANT One ran now send to the public printer, at Washington, and order a set of documents, and get them nt cost. Englieh Parliamentary documents have long been sold to the public at colt. Ton railroad tetween Washington and mood Is so frequently obstrucled by the fly. it, of ims on the track, teurmg up of rails, &• tint the night trains have bete discontinued. Tut following was recently 'fared to the door of a camel. The church wardens will hold their quarterly meeting every lie weeks instead of half.yearly no formerly." A rotroo New Yorker who called himself "the infant Blundin." and had performed many wonderful feats on the tight rope, wan drowned while skating a few days ago. A PAYEE in the interest of one of our pohti tietans boasts that he - can stand upon his In tellectual capital," We rains:am It meant that he can stand on his head.—Lou. Jour. EIOUTAND 13 re po rted to hare made $53,- 000 in his -^ Llfe of Abraham Lincoln." flood enough for him.—YesslntryPerri Herald. Tun Eric railway has just negotiated &loan of four million gee hundred thousand dollars, in Znlanad, for the nampletton of its double traoh.. SPECIAL NOTICES AINIUSEBINIITS. it lAA+ Ni:i% VEAL!. pITTBBLRGH TEILLTRIG. 1.1.! •IN IN —A. . a ~ .•4.;e aul Lmee atirl Mane.ger 1.7 I , • 1:111[.. 4.• •Lczav Tab, e.ant fur mu. =MEE timr rot..tc .11.1 tv•,.•A liande.rwts, 021111 NE ca. 14‘Lon, “cp:nto.e nri)ll,,ag Osist ‘ , ll. ilisture'L .less :.y Sae 1.L.1.r I mom 14::Ing I:: :ent, 111 =ffl aud t,auty. neelal to puttlng necor.ling tLe .cut e•}'o 1ae1.•,.a and keel , it in I Tur,"n tier.lui.ramt* llate ‘,1,1 proof lye refer you tu sot. ,ozoon to Lot Leo t. Ie J It. 1: I: acknowledge,: to ba 13!Iliel!E!!!!!! 4 , 11. f y , I i.re name. lu trance, In England, la A merien,e‘ ery Where wnere xmloleu•stt Is kel own, P as pronon..,e,l ne •- pint ultra” of Ilnir Preparations. Ilemerntier, :s free me..., Is poisons, that nre -on rained In most Hs, I Noss and dressings IL IA • tr ralraet nl many Hower, and herbs. lieautifutl Orna'nent to ti.. f:A}C by all Drueg,e, ,ca Ptfuners. %Choi E i'o., It L. F•uo.l - .., h. Co , Prime4,4l Depot for nited SL st, , l Psnisttea. .T•mr, PA. woo &CO , No. 4,l•lMattel.treet, Egr LA.ILE NUPERIOB Copper Kill and Smelting Work& =II PARK, McCURDY & CO notifsaiddrers of SIJEATH/ Nai BEAZi an.' h It~'l.l ()OPFER, ESS IJOPPEE. 11 , AIS, E A I SM) STILL Rurrems. SPAI.TER n' Also, Importcre nud dralere lu ET• AI,S, TIN YLATK, StlllE7 IRON, WIRE, &a. 'on•ranlly on ants!, TI NICER,' MACHINES and TOOLS. 14'nrobou•o, No. I ronEsa nod bAd irEc. CND STII REES, Pittsburgh. Sprat& nrolnrs ul out tti nuy desired pattern. sw-Shlydas'T ar rITICNB Vitt/ H MAW WOK FA S. HUBBARD. BRO & CO -.-.......1,16101.8 OV PATENT GROUND CIEDIUT ARM w arrn.t. unsr STEEL. SAWS, 01 eery de scription. NIUE Finley, (trees Out., v 0101 ell ' , her ertrietiee. :`• Ittrele of KNI V E.s end tr-I'HI NUN, made 1 row yU , 110,1 Steel • Extra 111001 REAPER AND ES two. 0101/se 'lntl Worts, corner WATER a/AJ •i NETS, l'lLtaburuh. iag • .. t " ,, Klention 1.119 Lo ketterterug, 0 zn nud of o litroUiet Sftwai o all LitAtt. ' , ruching wad lett:log elm. et eertnnt,e • *tee. ' ---- • - • t e e. W 511. LiAALVIIIs4 BCO. +=hiller Makers & Sheet iron Workers N.A. VW, 71, 14 n:,,: .to PF-1 , 429 n rtt !Li socurra nue.. yard, an, Itiehteheo th,..ree.4 treprot et! uoterilorry, ,trevr,, to nutoulture every .leacrl ptiou of lithlLdha.. U beet ne oteniter, end N r,ll NW!I ale in the country. CH LIINEYS, N, iii. , qSTEAM PIPES, 1,01;4 'NOT' t l' ialN ‘ CONDENSES S, sAi.T PAN'-, VHS, ITATtNiS T rani PAES, 1301 LEE 'St /PI, , t ft PA Ns, nod role manufacturers of PIA UN 'S PATENT POLLENS. SoPnitioß o9t , nn 4 1111OrtC112 notice. dels3l iWIMI II IOOIO 110 W LONT„ HUN rk.STOHEIJ i—Just Publ.!abed. iu nsea. Pries six mint.. A Ith:CTl'hk. Uri .11E, ritEATNIENTa&I Medical cart of S P O storthith, Or Seminar Wesknem, favor; uut.th rmisalons, Sexual trobllity helped, Marriage generally ; Servo Con.. ioa n.P U 'Elillenay and rite: Mental nail Physi c./ “ o. lttyr, resulttng from Self Abuse, &c.. M.D., author of lb. fan; '',l 800, TV or Sent under coal, In a plain curie, oFs'i address, pair paid, on recellit of six 07 o ,poatage stamps, by Dr J. C. H riac, 117 How . r7ow York Pont liftlee nog 5.1.0. SIFFIrk:RER.M . __3E.X.12 , .-A reverend gentleman hey rrss m [lief [o Aesith In a few days. alter un rot:tine mud Irregular es per.. ulthout success, eonalacrs It Lo, ISItIIIICAte to Us stniet..l of cure. Ilene*, no the recut!, w tVelove. Le will send, Pee, • eon, Dtre ' st to De „ et.v. y. t. A• I r`t ;ILL. l• alter. - - - - • Until I ylLssr "'• •rxe • BSYLK6 .. . .11-,11 i4r.L.A. It M.L w . oichk.V , Asa a co us.:: to • era ur iV:„„, , r L IN(I, S 1 EEI.4 A. I :Nit ~. I ts I st st, _ `. r4- -- rit?:l 3 , l ZZ,"ol..Eli $5: t atm.-as° r akii/ to h. A2Lte. F , .)1.71P - D E kND bLZi W arks , MAP Itinct Uren of ittililSTS, Ja I}A4ULAN sTATION kcitINEHIMEIditIN EN,IINES, MII.I N tic c 1 011 d.crirlleas. 1),41A I ,JILL.I( A NI) 611:k.7 /12‘miU.N 0 STILL. CZ= Inc, j hotter,. TEiNT j t t re i zZul . tl, l, !N;Zl . .00.ftS, IRON rigilLlNt.i, NVI,od Elth, .Wslll'T- Nil aui a . Oct. - cold SEC '...aritet, hare ou 10 art of ave.d hod adcy and Ilultalrle for ptirootetcrha, Itar P,rtictdar au-count, paid to enchisti Lots. I obblha dorm at ahort notice. Ave TUE MiLDAL SAY ItF WAlitilHO AND INSTIL r ,o,Nt YOH TI IC'NII MEIN. hew !tea Is Oii aesCh.ent el the l'rthau end Sexual Systo hattres• la. J. SH_ILLEN 111/UtiHT()N, attl eemaciattort.Plalselelphia, rl. spl:l9 FREE--A rA.4IIPII LET u S Ittmenso Import....at:o to the 0,1 nu t poioto ambled and mingto of both seam a 11l be sent fr. tol.lreeacl the &gem A. KEN UP.tOK At OIL, bon 11, Roston P. .tico oo:10:11 - claw I. AUCTION SALES A RUE SALE Blacks s Spreads, Sheets Comforts, Lades' Furs, Shawls, Houle Cov ers, Past :tuffs, &c, at Auction. YN I OA) all NI 411, Ilrc. tOc! - .. at 10 o'clock recta.; y, wlil he • Is at rtla•nolo Ball Auetloo Root., Ylitt rtteet, n large riiinutlcy ri t . 0 . 1.4 1 •r LIII I I,IIIf, 11 ot , da, 6.e.. aroup•lalag SO pale 1.-• al; wool 160.1 Managua, 15 pairs 11 I on., so ; airs E.Illt• 'lllll .4-4 lo ; alr• Preosingo I 2.4 I. TS p• Brow, Arm) ao•ortn.l e;eoa, so pales ;In. ant ti , et 11•,,9a ',ova., it, AK, sallies Ilea $1.1‘ , O•; , to, 50 thesis; P•ut ulle, I.• ties' no lal me. L.nug o, I ;aquas. 00 , 1 the balarloo n 1 I. to:11 of Ladles Vora. 4.11 T. A. aIe.II.E.I.LANIS. H ourlicil()Li) FUItNITURE 15r-t3T I tiLli r n F It [DAY MI r It2l Nil, lite. din, et le 'c;o A. will nt toe itnitdes,a 01 Al re I rake F'neee, Kest Liberty. I en key Ito. fit. Svell.2 bet wren I,ne , ircen•.• bur . •02• ge,crsln•Bortturlit of LOU•eLt.4.I oil ben turntturii, Including enika, Lel - ern:. ei •Ins, tire.ering burro, tiedsteene, cAri eta, in', na.. For, eta. Aka, tme Lorst , c!. crlw. tarils!ng implere•nts; ko ileg; 1. Me .1. A INF., uctioueet, cal IMPROVED Plt4 RTY AT li= On iftlllAlTr:Mil/UN, January 12th. at ,'clock, on the et - en:dries, will be sold by order of Trustee, TIIILY.r.. 1211111 K HOUSES, No.. in, 21 and 11, an °berry alley, between Second and Third Street.. The Lot. re 16 lett front ench and 60 feet In deplii. 1 ern., one-thlrd cart', balance In OPe and two deitirintd A frI'ILIVAINE, Auctioneer. PREtiENTb AT AUCTION • —ritni , /HEAT ANNI I A,L SALE ol tine Book., viurn•lni Pbotograpn Alburtis, Verrill) end Pocket and Prayer Books, lu•eulle Hooka, Letter I••per, Uoll - Pecs, bro., he_ Will commune°tole eevaing, at the I . ..rental SAlek [looms, opposite the Poet V Woe, mu, rienallnua every eVehing during the week, and at Private Sala every day at auction prices A. E Auctioneer. Pk OTT Boon. I.alesrnen. dell OFFICE FURNITURE, IRUN SAKE, AY mutuviN.), Dee. :Atli, at 10 o'clock, will be .•11 Al tne liOVOI,IM.I Were boo., N.. 291 Pennptreet, corner 01 Gareigon alley. is quantity 01 ( linet :log lean hale I.rshi, Pv: , er 1 1 a•ea, he. A Ala I A.r. A Ilk E, A tretODCCA DISbuLUTIONS I)ls.thOLLii lON UP PARTNERSIIII% Tyc heretofbre lieteid, H. HAY, end JIIHN (ILY HS, In the Po: h Panning . and Provision Hvainen, under the awl e nod style of W ht. H. HAYS h. 00., has been Its. 4 solved tit the death of tiLY DE. on it e .7th o d. All those listing cletrns against, the loie ... • .. . . al, , lit pleme ;•1. ostol [lulu for settionsitatt, 6:0 nll trotebtant will plea,. settle up at their earth at aon vas. lance. 8ue11... to ha settled up at Ihl ,r I , kits-elle taLii Lilo It) Street l / 4 4ty the .drViv Ii g partner, PittedUtigh, lieu. iid, iiiid.—aleEloal% U. RAYS D ISSOLUTION ON CO-PARTNE R. SiilP.—The g'etreuership heretofore exigent" ~ettrtieu the nadersigoed, under the eirni n.me it CR I MPTUN bit)o., for the aumulacture of Slit et P. other Bonin, has this day beta dissoina by tuntnai consent. SAXIIEL J4i)iN U. ClithiPTOOl .101-1 S "STICH. atsburzit, Sept. OM, teat KENNEDY & CO.. 0411,1-sort hl CRUMP:to?. & C 0.,) •61016oT08zn OW Sii ver Pearl and Superior Rosin Soars LIDNATI STEDET, PITTSDORGh i1e2:11% Contluuell •uc.eaa ol It, greet xttLiite MADAME CELESTE, Who a - 111 appear i. origin, chez - se:etc of Earnteti be Ls lief. sad ZenaDar° Thuredsy K VEN 'Nil, atl. i.e priscL . e, the great Orem*. totaled the HORSE Ofl TkIE !DICID44I. OF' SOTELL D•./1 K. Lernlah be La aside,a youog officer, Bledecec Z 11.19 halo, LIM Gipiley eelrete origtueily pia/.d tip bet To cossind• with to. Botneetle Dram. of ua• kit AeIAC LOVER Irks), Benefit uf Mediu:le Celtic Y ea.t . • Afternoon, Peciormance at z o'clock -- • ("VERA fit .11:SE Lessee h lianalerrss. NI Anvil, EBERLE MIS kJ EA I'. DA F PORT, the tw.cnteel roang actor, whi ape,. at . nd du , tee the remelnaor of , a the Weed the LOW Pl)et I MAN Tills t Wednesday , EVENINIi, December will bc presented,aftee weeks of preparation, du- Clog which time all the mechanical and art latical et the establishment has beer: Leone.. lain. req , ...!torl. the last new sensational drama en titled the - • Dramatised from the celebrate] novel el A EL RAH NA Pt hIRE, with new not, lieautlful scenery by Mr. Arlitir. Palmer, new and tiatehanical el. lecta by Turn Perkin, new iitopertlea by Robert Whitton. I)ITTSBUILGEI MUtiEUM AND ZOO LOUWAL IJAILLENt ., ,GI Fit th Street Fc,lt A FEW DA Yd TUELIVIAII ESWIBLETO 16 Iran Old and WeighA hot 7 Poupdi. ENO AOL .I AT AN 1 [lll[ 1- The I.IVIN I } WILL' ANIMA ettl.l [O,OOO 111 2 . 1.T11'. , , .11 [Ol one jolee of Adrelasloa. 1, , 813E E. kl ta/TiON Tha Firi . :T ANNUAL ESNIftITUIN of the PlUtb.t.th School of IMetirn fur Women, will he held i./ , 61 School Rooms, N 0.24 Fifth street from 10 to 1 o'cleme, on the 27th, :nth and 29th of Dr member. de . M MI hl Tr LECTURES VoU.NII MEIICANTILit, LI EWAItY I. Ell r Fit:h DUBS ANNA E. DICKINSON I Anothy RI Xbnr•dny Evening, De•eintier Vfl Moon open Al 7 &clock; Lecture commences al 7., o'clock. clmcle tlckek, :ccurr.l Ca ate ',o extra Seats for ti wetter even ter may he &deur e. I.ltvt.ry Rennes, Wetlueedny. c•mmeocte, Al ta gielOcopsesi,.zA , ':4:;L . 114Ezats, ♦ELPET lEUL'I3BOOKB, And nY. , 7 dndPellMil al oeir.rE - rs. de2l u MUERTE Cliarl;rients. , Preparatory to iskirtg 9 , :ir Annual Lwanto raakin! our Joirelkases for Sprillg. ron ay for TWENTY Y :15; Liberal Concessions 7in Pricea on of Choice and Etztei t aive Stock of CARPETS. FLOOR OIL CLOTH; DOWNEtA.DES, Damask, Rep and; Lace -Curtains COBNIUE, TASSELS; LOOPS 81141)5, Enabling our curiamars •• No make IlLiLtDd rftESENTO of pornianent , ralue at Tarp 2F,04 to capon... bIoFAHLCIL • COLLIN& n ts de Ptah stmt._ n Next wraps co tba.Post km= EZII=LE!